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Bobcaygeon Independent (1870), 15 Jun 1872, p. 4

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RINGWORM REMEDY.â€"â€"Take fine gun-powder, mash“ it very fine with a knife; moisten with water snfiiciently to rub on like thin salve; lapply to the spot af- fected, two or three times a. day, until i; hash . , have been tried, but this is con- sidercd the simplest and best Cotswold wool and some other inferior \\ 001s do not measure 9 spirals to the inch. W 1th this test ex ery farmer has m his pos- session a knowledge which will enable him to form a correct judgment of all this kind of wool. There are some 003.. so wools which experienced wool growers do not rank as wool but:D as hair, on account of the hardness and straightness of the fibre ” EST THE QUALITY; OF H :3 11,â€"4.3 ie'xas ,paper says: - 1? .. kg of Wool from the Show“; :m'cfi and place it upon an im r'zle. If you can count from { -.~. >13 of the spirals or folds in since of an inch, it equals in qual- ity the finest electoral or Saxony wool grown. Of course who: the ,numher of spirals to the inch diminishes; the quality of wool is relatively inferior. Many tests 8* LIVE STOCKâ€"The animals on the farm need; extra care and at- tergtiqi‘if'gfh‘is' mOnth, and yet, ow- ing to' the pressure of other work, thv-v are very apt to be neglected. Recollect that a farmer’s success dvpcmls Very much on thojutlg- ment ,with which he manages his live.“ stpck; gAhnost any farmer. can rziise corn and potatoes, hut not one farmer in ten has the qualities necessary tor manage? horses, cows, sheep and pigs to the 53st: a'diantag‘é. _ It requires g’uod fufigthe‘nt. a kind ,disposi- tion, promptuess, systematic re- gularity, a keen- eye to detect the first symptoms of lameness, in- tl‘igestimi‘, mint of appetite, slug- gishness, want of vigor, etc. When . ,one animal is taken sick, it should {' be taken for granted that, as a general rule. there is some defect or neglect in the food or manage- ment; not only 'of this one. but of! a?! the other's At any rate, the matter should be investigated as pretty a. parlor ornament as we have JOX' :1 long “hile 5- *on. W e do not know whether the idea was original with the ladv but we do know that its successis hcantifnl. __-â€"‘ -‘--"C’ v\. have s: «111 1iothinz that so pleased us \xith its‘beauty and novelty. And thy suret is this s: thm burr was 11) 1nd dried and opened; the1 different circles “ore sprinkled with grass seed, and was placed in a wiiic-"Iass \xith watorin as 311019.111 a few days the moist- nre :md nourishment gave the burr 1153 and health the diilerent c1rci1s (rinsed and buried uithin themselves the grass seed and a few days amore gave to the seed also 111'- sprout and 1111011111, and now a pyramid of‘1111'11r1rr0911 beautifully roliex ed by tho, som- bre 111111 o‘ the burr, s the resultl We saw yesterday. in the par- lor of a friend. a very beautiful conceit. It is,--ot' course. the fancy of n lady,and consists of the hurt of a pine tree placed in a wine glass half full of water, and fer .. butxw-en ‘ the different layers 50f the burr are shooting; forth grevn blades, bright and; bcugtifid. f§Eor a little thing, we; -~â€"~-.v uy‘ 141.. 1L0 eafly staiges ofgrowth.F01 field culture as a feud for cows in the fall 11: can be grown by the farm- er to 9 rent profit “61 V egrew half an acu- of them one year with that special object. and made a good return from the 1'111‘estmenf ~ of our time 11nd labor. The land Selected 1 a portion 01' a side hill dying betwei 11 the .1; 11 1ard' 1‘ '-11d :1 small stream of 11 ater T hisl 11' as ploughed very deeply late in spring, and age. in in July. Thel soil 11:1s natuz ally rich from the; overflow of liquid fr nm the barn; Yard and "0t aha-1111' dressing ofl ashes and plaster pm 1 ions to thel last ploughing. The cabbage, p’ants (Drumhead nd Flat Duch): 11' fire set out three feet apart each 11' a1: Shout the end of Julv. They were 11atered e1'er1' other dav: 11 hen the weather 'as dr1', l'orl the first. month after settinn' out,. ‘ and kept well cultivated with the hoe. At the end 01 the 801-5011 (11' ery cabbage had made a. fine solid head, and the :11 erage weight 01 the crop 11 as 2” lbs. per head, During the. fall, after the heads were well formed and Solid, the lower leaves Were stripped and fwd r11: 1.3 the. 0011's each (1111 and LN» l tlo'sts came the bulk If 12.11 :3; : g1 was- pnlled and buried' 1:1 :1 1 z :or the 11'ir1ter.Tyhe can» out the next spring white, (“rim :1: d sol? d, and sold in the“ marl' t M the “augon load at“ 20c. ‘ 11' head. z ’7. 7v. "1'. ‘1?“ - ' The coiling-e ,is a plant that is a. rank feeder, and to attain per- fection requires a nch soil and abundant moisture during xts .1 - -€ A Pretty Conceit. Growing Cabpagos. _ - v-“vvu VVJLI. ALF}, of Liverpool and London. Capital-:- Two Million Sxerling. The inhabitan'ts ‘of FIRE a; LIFEINSURANQE cogrmxi'; A? Iivnpnnnl __J v quin‘d to be mkcn~no fines to fizzy, and no expenses of renewals. ' Further particulars and fozms of applica- tion may be had of the Secretary, 22 King street, Toronto. , . . term of menty three years; and the amount paid into the sinking fund, with ititercst and compound interest, is then allowed him in settlement. He has the privilege, as he may find it con- venientof paying into the sinking fund, .over and above his regular contributiop, any cvun sum above one hundred dollars in rcdixction of his mortage, and for which he is allowed 6 per ccnt.compmxnd interest; such payments ufconrsc shorten the term consideprly. V No commissions chargedâ€"no Whites re- qzxin‘d to be mkcn-no tines to 154:)“, and no expenses of renewals. 7 ' .Thc _ borrower has always the privilege of liberating his estate from the mortagc at any time, on giving six months’ notice, whilst the Company remains bound to the end of the term of twenty three years; and the amount paid into the sinking fund, with ilitercst and compound interest, is then allowed him in settlement. on suuaenxy, or unexpectedly, to pay of! the debt. . y ' . , The small sum he, pn‘ysgngp thccsinking fund halflyeafly, to which'fli'e Company adds interest and compound interest, cancels the dcbt. on sudderily, or unexpectedly are nrcpurcd to make advfinCcs toLandcd Pro- prietors on the new mortage system. nu Or to VALE)". CIVEN, P. L. 8., Agent (7. L. 5; L'. CGL‘pany ,Haliburton WC irculm‘s 3f:,tps kc. ,can be had at the (Hike of the In: lepend’ent, on application." ‘ 11-:yr2‘ Macon. Mu: 18th, 18]]; For particulars, apply t9 County of Peterboro,’ Lindsay, Nov. 3,‘ 1870. AT CHEAP RATES, Fami- Lats in Dysai‘t, Emigration Company CANADIAN LAND The Canada Landed csEmr COMPANY .1:- will law-p cmxstanth‘ n-n hand a first class sttm‘k uf Light and way Harm-SS, Snddlcs, 'I'runku and Yulixm, (.‘arprst Bugs, Whips, and r-vcrything ulsc conn‘ected withvmc‘ business. gar All ugh-red Work wiHTéceific‘prmnpt attention. and no pains will be spared to give satisfaction to customers. f HE subscriber In-g‘s to inform the public E that h» husjnst opmmd a. Harness Shop in the stand lately (wcupicd by Mia Tully, oppo- sin: the --' Futust House." ImanJ'l-Ifion, when; By JUST . ARRIVED. MW HQRNESS SHQP. 5001's -s‘7‘+mEs A)? EX .t his shop will be equal, as regards eithn' (hm-hihh m finish to any that am 1w oh mim- d at the most nnhd toxux or citv estab- fishm nt. 3:) It: -;:1irs excumd neatlv cheaplv and prmnidh‘. ‘- Bring :1 mm tiLflI hoot-maker of manv you rs oxporiu nee. and empluying none but compu- u- nt m rlami: ”In, . 1nd using: onlv the bust mate- rial he has in» li-rsitntiun in asserting that D\1EL HOPKINS ‘ Bohcaygeon, August 8th 1871. , 23-1}: ever lu'r-ugbt into tile vfihgo, all by the bvst make-rs, which v. ill besold at the Lowest Prices BOOTS, SHOES AND GAITERS ()SEPH GARDEN returns his sinéerc ,1 thanks fur the liln-ml patronagubestcm-cd on him since he comm-need business in Bob- cayguun: and bugs to inform his numerous customers and the public generally that he has mm- in stock liy fur the largest nsxort- Y'Ut'nf of Men‘s, Women’s and Children's {tardy-made " 8:01] Manager. C. L. .5; L (nmpany Pctcrhoro FAR): PRODUCE. tr l’uxiz 1:.- -m~mh«:r the Sign nfthu Dix: Boot nearly musiu- Hm Bunny 4m n I umjlmc-Rmms. lioivx':l._vgvr,rn, May 5th, 1871. Groceries fa; Provisions, Pork Packet7 \ and adjoining Townships, in the William Street, - Lindsay. . QUEEN MONEY T0 1.0135 Lfn<!\1:5,.m 4th 1570 on condition ofscttk-mont VJORK MADE TO ORDER HIGHEST PMCE PAID FOR Wholesale and Retail Dcnler in :OFFERLFOR six Lfi" XTRA STOCK "mas. us. BLODQ‘iELâ€"r, . GRA IN DEALER AND 0f the Big Boot. Or of AND THIS 53'7‘3'513afifi mvvu VVA‘LL 41¢“; , ondon. Capital-:- The inhabitan'ts ‘of JOSEPH GARDEN. S. CORN ELL JOHN AITKEN. Vanua-Y 37-tf. 9-tf. Farm Produce. .. “ WANTED, .44.; .-«. '24:. unwi- GOLDEV‘ SYRUP on hand. Also G0derich--¢Suailt. The highesj. cash price paid for all suitable for spring and summerfiuéh‘fi ‘ rived: A good stock of ‘ ‘ ' on g.._,:. comumlz BOOTS SHOES, Groceries, HE Undersignod has private funds to lend, on good Mortgage Security, in sums of S200,and upwards. Loans negotiated {top} sevezjlcompanigs. ,1; OFFICE next dam to S. k '0‘ Biglows’ stoth Lixidsay. ~ . 25-2111 All the operations connected with Dcntis try skillfully performed. Having had sevcrulycars’ oxpcrwncc in ad- ministering this gas, can-‘wiflx plcamrc and crinfidcncb rvcommcml it. to the public as a. szzf‘ and pleasant Anaesthetic. minis \éhos‘ Mn. NEELANDS, while in New York, having spent some time in the moms of the Cohan Dental Association, studied fully under Dr. Coltonvthepmper mode of manufacturing this gas; also the post manner of administer- ing it t9 patients; Dr. Colton was the first [ii-mo!) who ever used flfis gas fo‘i‘ extracting teeth. He has an establishment m the Cooper Instimtugevoted.solely to cxtmvting teeth, and in 6 years he has succwsfully ad- Buckwheat FlOur, WITHOUT PAIN, HOW to Remitâ€"In remitting by mail, a Past Ufficu Ul‘dt‘l‘ on Phiimlciphia, or a. ijaft on Pfi‘tlxh'lvlphia or New York payabtc to _l‘/lr 0r}/cr'}3/‘I. A. LGorIcy, is pn-fl-l'uMc to bank nun-s. If a. 1.7)rar‘toral’ost ()th'L-c Order (:th not bu pracnrcd, send United States or Nation; :11 Bank notes. Address, â€" 4 N. I-I.Corner9f Sixth and Chestnut fistrc \mlcommnks. ,1 3_ - » ' J. W. DUNSFORD, Lindsay May 2nd,.1870. ‘ - lO-tt. Canada subscribers must send 24 cents mt (litional for evcry subscription t1) the Lady‘« {Rochand llama’azJIangine, and” 12 cents for oithcr‘of tho dthér magazines, to pay the Amcrican postage. Thu mom-3- muSt all be sent at due time for any m‘thc clubs, and additions may bu made to clubsfitt club rates. Coda/‘3 Lady's’lfoolr, Arlhur’x Hume Maga- :inr,and Children’s Hour, will be sent onv year on receipt of $5.00. lone é'opy, one yeér - - - ' S 3 00 Two cupics, one year - - 5 00 Three copies, 0m: yuar - - 3 50 Four copies, one ywr -. 10 00 Five copies, om- ycar, and an extra copy to the person gcmng Up the club, making Six topics - - 14 00 Eight ctwpil-s, one year, and an extra A copy to the 1,:«21‘5011 getting up the club, making nine copius - 21 00 Elem-n copies, one your, and an extra Copy t0 the gettiugu'p the club, muk~ in: twelve copivs - - 27 50 Gorlcy’s Lady's Book and Ilurpe'r's .‘lfuyazine, will lw. sent one year on receipt of $3.50. (to Icy/‘5' [July‘s Boo/c and Arthur's Home May- :zzine, will bu sent mm.- 3' ‘ur (m receipt of $4.50. (Jodey’s Lady‘s Boa}; and The Children’s ”our, will bur 9cm one year on rcccipt of $3.50 HOICE TEAS" HONEYAND ' TEE’FH EXTRACTED ‘ Prbvisions; R0 CK ERY c . I‘. BAKER’S Choice Family Flour ' W W ,V â€"â€"... J vvva.“ afv uLmVILU-’” Some of thc_du.~1gus as m tlns Department are printcd in colors, in a. style unequalled. BY THE USE OF 'NITROUS OXIDE (LAUGHING GAS'.) Tinted Eng-ravings.â€"This is a series of engruyings; this; up one has attempted [mt ou‘r- scl‘x'cs. _‘ They giw: gl‘L-at sutisfilctidn. A u. . Godey’ sInvaluable Receipts Upon every subiu-,t fun the Boudoxr VuPu-rv Kitchen. IIou_,sc undLaundxy. Mode] Cottagesâ€"The nnly magazine in th;.s country thz‘i’z gin-s thcsc designs, is the [adj/s 13601:. Drawing Lessons,â€"In this ‘we are also along. Wy hawugslso a. “ Cbildrc'lg‘s, a. Homi- Iiculfruml and a Health Department”, l'hilmlulphiu. Onginal Music. -Gadey_‘ : is the only man- nzwv; a thigh musi‘c ”waged cxpresfly (of; It appends»; ; I ‘I-" ,, . have a reputation for correctness the world Ln'cr. ,VEmbrofdernyattemâ€"Wc give frcsuont lya’ préécumuéuhshcht towns-patrons con- taining twenty, thirty, and sometimes forty designsin embroidery; , - , -' ‘ ' ccmst‘anfl} bn hand; :A5 lq‘t‘b'f- 1 i the 1«_(¢II/’: Book Contains (canteen and: )car allpCIAUX' (no challenge comparimu) to any Hub” bad ig-shiscsuxmv, wither in book or pedogmxlh DUB COLORED FASHION PLATES hIoney {36â€"149nd I have comfibuzcd, ‘and will continue to furnish articles for the Your 1871‘ SM!) names as ;. Marion Harland," “Ino (‘hurchhill," “ Louise S. Dorr," 4‘ .‘ulcttu. Yiuoria Victo,” ‘- S. Annie Ergst," “311‘55DCIHUSQU,” “Airs. C. A. Hop- }ggnsog,“ g‘nd oLh'Er's,}.-annot be tqfimd on_ the Prwpecmsugang' other mag’azhm. ' - L'L‘Jl'TIl-‘L'I. STEEL 1’L.~17’ES,ofthcsc n, , rogtyJ‘yst Ygt’fll‘ ' GOBEY’SL mi? S’BOOK’Fon 1371 It has always been the care ofthe publisher Loeumbinqin in; page whatch; is useful, whtuti'c‘r is dawning, whatever is pure, dig- uificd. and virtuous in SL-ntiment, with what, ever may afi‘ord rational and innocent amuse- mum. For its Literary Department, in past 33::er, (1:; 6:31 If'rgters in the ligcmry world 1.-- The Cheapest of ladies’ Magazines: fle- -cause it is the Best! . _.-- . .l\\. uuAA. Ladies Ijancy Work Departmentâ€"j .Mti in Terlns for 1871. it, fixforty-fopr:~ thofiséfiipergogg cs gre all registered grip roll.‘ Mr. NEELANDS, POSITIVELY AND dealer in L. A. GODEY, "stoox‘mi: 1871 $300 500 350 10 00 cots, Farmers and others are hereby cautioned against buying Penitentiary made work for mine, as the «new of that. kifld' of goods sometimes represent them to be my make; All mygoods ate-haw 'stunped on 'th‘e bottum with my initials, anamdnvarc genuine that are not stamped. ‘ Be‘ sure to ask for: Wn'gu'a? make, and you will get a good article. . ALFRED WBI_(_}HT, ‘BOBC-AYGEON INDEEEN‘DENTT _--‘J ..... u... vuuaulcu uuywnere ‘8‘ Particular attention paid. tolputtiqg ufi fiAVE-TROUGHS, and all kinds'o: REPAIRING: executed neatly and: promptly. - A lot of Scythes, Rakes, Forks and. H995 to be hurried ofl’ at cost. V flags; Bung: aqgi lilies taken in ethqnge, and the highest market prices allowed. A; ‘1“ <"â€"â€"-'â€"V_‘ . f -:‘ ’ »' O 7 1“ 31: -."d chimneys anfl‘bumers aIWfivys‘on hand; am whi‘ch is' but little dearerlthan shingles, is lighter, and, if painted oecassionally, will last. a hundred years. ”Willis Stock of TINWARE will be found very complete, embracing many émhll articlés not usually found in Village stores; and ashe‘ Wses the best_mat:erials, and, has it. made up under his .own supervisiOn, ,he can cmfidéntljz: r'ebbinmend' it‘to‘ tfifi’fiiibiic. A. - ‘r‘._ â€" Coal OflndCI bifiléifiiio"; n'kimfi A"; .’..u 114.-.... ‘___ of the latest desighs 5nd best qixalftg whiéfi, 1313-23;Jammy;fé‘xggfin’iu;‘es‘dsnsn. ment, will be sold at the LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES FOR CASH. He would also intimate to persons who intend putting up stor . _ . . es or dweflings, that he :3 prepared to take contracts for covermg thexr buxldgngs with the o ‘ ..l' “4 . ‘n snow neal ly 100 BOX‘, PARLQDUR 600111111} 8T4” ES, 0f the latest dési mam: marl hum» m'm an 1.. ...L. The subscnber begs to inform his numerous custoz that. he has moved from his old stand to the 5110}; In next door to the Independent office, where, having far keep (in hand a much larger stock than ever before. I] All orders for Picture Frames. in G'dt RE? The Subscxibcr is also Agent for CA] Fir-st class make. STOVES ‘ . , ._ â€"â€" *~~ A _J... V v c ' The Subscriber having purchased a good HEARSE, and procured a suitable stock of Furniture and Trimmings, in connection with thisl'part of his business, as well as by observing the strictest punctuality, and moderation in charges, trusts to merit a ' ; ‘ . "' LIBERA'L'PATRONAGE. BEASITAQUAQITY‘QE LQMBERTAAKEN I'N'EXCHANGE FUR GOODS Bobcaygeon, April 23th, 1872. END-ERTAKINGZ All p.11 tie: wishing to furnish their houses will do well to giv e the ment 3. call. Good respectable Fuxnitux (3 cannot be bought me émre Wazwrwms ALL TRASHY‘ GO ODS AVOIDED PLEASE CALL AND JUDGE FOR YOURSELYJ which will p05itively be sold lower than Potcrjmrough prices, as l have no as compared with Petal-borough. Ladies Hats, Bonnets, Foathels Flowers, Silks Ribbons; Mantlos , no” NE‘V AMI) BEfiEJ'EiEE’EIEJ EREQ‘EE fifiHPBS, YARNS. ALSO, FINE TE -\8, BIxIGHl‘SLGAIm I And 1* resh (firoceries CANADA MADE BLANKETS, FLANNELS, FULL CLOTH the whole of which will be AND FASHIONKEEENEbODS ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO W}??? C BRADFIELD bees to i‘ Pronounced the best in the Dominion, at $1 00 per lbâ€"try it. Raisins pox-y. ' only 7cts peg 1b, and all other goods at the ‘ ‘ ‘ ' x Bobcaygeon, October 12th, 1872. Ilnprovéd Iron- Roofino' Prints, c‘ MCCLELLAND’S swung, BOBCAYGEON BEAUTIFUL DRESS GOODS: 1'4 il 811 very well in its way, b_ut is no; ha]_f_ Bobcaygeon, Feb. 19th, 1872. Bobcaygeon, Sept. gR E Bit) VT A L .. Parlor, LOWEST LIVING PRICES-T BRADFIELD begs to infer-1i: the inhabitants of Bobcaygeon and surrounding country, that he has received a. large Stock of Rich, New ‘. 33°“?! Cottons: Flannels,: Please leave your orders in time SUBSCRIBE FomTHE ashionable 1 TURNING THE SOD FBRJRA'ILWAVYS“. ”W 1., km, c., $AI’EI-€ If ONLY ONE DOLLAR A YEAR A FULL ASSUR'I‘MEN'J‘ 0F Dining and Bedâ€"1200111 Furniture AL\V.\YS ON HAND. my. BOBCAYGEON 8 £11, 18 T2. be sold as low as the Iowa's/7 iii Peterborofigh or Lindsay. If); the MILLINERY ROOMS will be found VGOODSH Than it is sold in this place "on hz‘m‘d; aind as cheap as they can be obtained anywhere: paid. toputtiqg up EAVE-TROUGHS, and all kinds '0! -_J|_,~~ . NEAT, NEW AND CHEAP, AT v Ah DREW lARNBERG. in all the NEW STYLES of: but is not half so interesting to the public as knowing where to buy CHEAP GOODS. RegdyMnde Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Crockery Glass-war. m. r, uavmg Jur more roomy prex: eVer before. He has now nearly ~ ~~ "r'i --- "-r-H.U~FԤW°P "1" liam sti-eehrzgu'fl) 5113;. Moneyto Loan at long or short dates, on mnrtgag‘e security, at 8 per cent. Farms and Town Lots for sale. Ewes Weteérw Ito , rxyewucma; wu- )iam sti-eeh, 3011i}: ‘33:.) Money‘to Loan at REMOVAL. Hfilundersign’ed has removed his Law and T Chancery Oflices to the Rooms over Mr. -~ JAMES REAP 11-day, ou. nth, 1370.. u Hit or W'ood, promptly attended. to. CABINET ()RGANS and MELUDEONS, of Samuel McClelIér‘rdi J-Iyr 153.! TIN'W’ABE. customers and. the public generally hop lately occ‘izpicd by Mr. Waltun. ng far more roomy prgxnises, he will C. BRADFEELD. ‘. TWEEDS, COTTON E. 0. KEAT. above establish .Cloths and‘ ‘ Tw'geds ' ' ‘ éefiaafkably (I747 ‘71”?1 n' 7-ly expenses w ‘0 cheap Wangnnw IMMEDIATELY mu Byli- caygcon I A . Meme, a. Smart ah hbout 15 years of age a: m a rentice the Prin‘tmgbdsiness ’ ' pp f c ,,“__..‘,_-, > A Comfortable. cameraman innit good hoxses on hire, at reasonable ntes. BRIAN GUNIGLE.’ Lindsay, Feb. 1%,1870. » l-tf fAPPIQDtiQQaWarnted 3- A Pattem Book. ofMoqqmept; "and Gravu Sionés; with prices itWMan be scvn at the Independent office: ‘ Bobcangeon, June 2: 1871‘. Gum'gle’s 13mg Stables, Furniture Tops, Mantle Pieces, a. kept on hand, or wrought to order at short notice. ‘ ‘ E. D. HAND, v.-'-.__.--' -.â€"-_ vuv-uâ€" v, always on hand of winter w orkmandu p, and at the Lowest Prices. MONUMENTS AM] GRAVE STONES, alway s on hand of minim? w orkmana hip and Italian inneriéan Marble, .WROUGHT OB CAST IRON FENCES, ” for enclosing nus-in); lots: 1 I'a'i'tics subscribing (in “Taui uiiithcrwisc) before the lst January, 1871, will have ll):- papcr sum to them up to 315$ Dewmbvr, 1871,01) payment ofa yuar’s subscription Each Club paper shall be addressed separ- ately, and may be for any Post Office. Orders and Remittances to be addressed to . ‘ THE GLOBE PRINTING COMPANY, CLUB RATES FOR I87l A Club of Five Copies, one year ...... $ 9 00 ; Do. Tm do ...... 17 00 ‘ Do. Twenty do ...... 32 or: Do. Thirty do ...... 45 no Ahd each additional copy over thirty, at Cm- Dollar and Fifty Cums. ”ELLA II’GE PRIZES are given {0 parties who get up Clubs, (1. (is! (3f which will be 3.721 {a any one who trill apply for it by lcflcr or personally at the GIMP. Any one isn't libcrly to get up a Club on his own raepomibilily; and those desiring to do so. should send at onccfor u, Circular slanting Ila: terms. Payable alwgys in advanCcâ€"and the follow- ing will be u: » Xntwithstnnding the great enlargement and Improvement of the WEEKLY Gmmc’ xhat haw n-ecutly bcux made, the subscription will cuntinuc to be only TWO DOLLARS PER ANNUM. Frum all] partsof 1le- wurld, will rem-five un- rumilting attentiun. Ew-x‘y tlcpartmcnt uf the pnpvr will be mainmincd in the highest state of efficiency. King Street, Bowmanville MI’ORTER a: MANUFACTURER of, Dealer in, all ‘t‘hc varieties of Spar-"ml Telegraph D2972afchex, 191(11- lxet Ref/22213, 1’22'ces Cunenl, and Ge mar (21 Comma cm! I ”tel/z trance 'r‘mn Ilu: puns ufpuimlar authors, win up- guar during the year. Sn exp-us;- will br- awn-2d in swuring the: veryiatcsl intellig mm: by xmuus of THE AGRICULTURAL DEPARTMENT. That has given such universal sntisfactlnn this ycarâ€"â€":md that is :wknmx-Xcdgud by :n'cry {Eu-met to he alone. worm 11m subsvrip- tion. price ofthc paperâ€"“'51! bu nmimuimd m 1331 with nndimiuidu d inn-rust undu‘ a ”UH mm‘e t-fliciun sum' Hf cdilul‘s and cornm- gumdcikis ”mu lll'flfl'k‘. ‘4‘) H"! (3": W! In . ML EE’ME‘SD EXCITli-é G TALES During: the coming garâ€"«hid: is Iik 1y to bring \xith it most important and exciting cvuns m‘i'ccu'n: my poliliml and mutual in- {urcsm 1'1 Um: Dominionâ€"11w lidituriu] and News Departmcns will (-umimxc to bu sus- tained with the ability and vigour that lmvc gained for the paper its prrscm pusitiun. A ruliublu sunnnzu'y ol't}u~l)clu1tusin the Dani“- iou I’ux‘iiumcm and the l’ruviuciul chisla- (arcs “‘1'” always be found In its weekly col- umns; and the news from all parts of the “arm will he published up to the latest hour 01 publiwtiun. ‘ THE GLOBE PRINTIS G CO) PANY grate- fully acknowledge the support extended to their scwml puclicatlons throughout the length and Ivrcnth of Canada, during the past year. vamyscven years haw.- rollcd by since the esgmispmen‘g of Tm: (3me in Toronto. Exom its first appearance. to the present hour, ifs pmépcrit'y and influence have been always nadvgncing ; butgtno $imc N avg; .jggfore held "so firmly, or so; satisfactorilyfihc posi- timi‘universalty vomfucdcd to it; as fiat: leading ,mrlmgzxper or Bri‘tishghngricafiu ‘3‘ ‘ . ~nrr (‘iIEAPEST WEEKLY "PAPER _ -UII I‘l-Vv’ THE HANDSOMEST, ’ THE MOST CAREFULLY CONDUCTED, AND THIS ‘ Th:- impnwmcnts rcm-ntly mader‘r‘m Tm: \VEEKLY GLom; havu immunscly extended its popularity and L‘il'(’lliilii0]l ; and the publish- crs confidently Huim that it is not ,chy the most widely circulated Journal in, British Axncx'ic‘u, but that itis‘ ' ’ > -- iPIqs‘ter 35.»; Clover Seed THE mm . 2 . 1871 Which will be oflcrcd on favourable terms. also 8."ch hitshels of WHITE BEANS. The cash systqm will be strictly adhered to . ‘ _ ,‘W 1“ Iient sfrc'et', ’neitt' door to Mr' Storq. W .- {.indsay,',May 12th, 14? Pale and Dark Brandy, Port arzd Sherrymnks, Holland and Old Tbm Gi,n and several brandis of I’Vhiske3/. Hei'rings, Cod- Fish Mackerel £0. “111011 he hhfi‘s the am. ntion of intend- ing purchase;- Hotcl- ch‘ mm \\ .11 find an ““113“ 6431161 Choice assortment of Just received by th: AND - . .. : Liquor Store- GROfiERY .BOUNSALL: YORK STREET, manu; Farmers will find a quantity of first-class A large and choice selection of Staple: Groceries, 10 cash 5v stfm will be stricth adhcr WCASH’ F01» PRODUCE. ‘8: (IN 'IIIIS CUB TIVIEN THE LARGEST; D) the Subscriber a complete :VStock of JOHN CHISHULM. Tunos'ro, Browne’s Stove and; BUQCAYGEON ,INDEPJQNQEJT ' 4,3 :pvamisa‘w 1 1:! yr Six lincsgggzyger fimW‘i, .5: 5. Each subsequent insertion .......... 01: Six to ten lines, first insenion“ ...... O I. \msubsequeni ffiseriion..._.... m a. For each fine above teh,fixs't' mouth; 0. 3 Each subseqmtmsemop........... O a A )ibenl disccmit. allowed to Maui-Is and others, whoad dyenipe by flu year, bl year or q 3'. Mann without m Motions will b8 M until“ chmod «sendingly. Business Cards of 5 Ifn‘es (pcf sultan) Each line above 5 ulnol§ol..‘--‘ ._., with which he maybe favoured, wm' 15¢ cd in a Style equal to tbht of any oflice and at moderate rates. JOB ”PRINT’I‘NG ‘ Every Saturday, At his Qfiice, Boulfiwsn‘get, Mafia. â€"â€"--o:â€"â€". ~ Terms,--8_1a Year' In Advance. ' Every description of Plan and Ognamenul BY E. 1). HAND All Parcels at Ur: risk of the owneu, in- lcss booked and paid for. For infomntio- respecting freight, apply to Rctttming,'l.c:wos Biz" after the arrival of the Ru] FA ale--50 CENT‘S. Rates of Advértz'sz'g. LL-arcs Huxucxrogc cn-ry 'hlcsduy‘ day, and Satmdny’ at 6:30 n'clocls mummy. .Thc tri-w 00ka Mail 5211,?! bet." button and “index: rm. ~ m: [allows - BETWEEN llalilsurton Minden. Insm-c your property in Insumm‘c Company and s mmwy. This is a Stock sum-s nnfln'ng but Farm Pmpvrly and D:- tachcd Residt-nm-s and Incite-«manta. Head office for Canada - - Kingston Ont. PM!) Assets â€" - - - - ' $69! 090 Depositod at Ottawa for Protection of C1118. dim) I’olic'y holders - - - $100 000- It. insures against damage by lightnin: uhrn no fire ensues; pays for Live Stoxk killed by lightning in the barns or on fine premiscf, and yuuam um. liable m,apqss moms as in‘M'uzual Comp-mics. the Agricultural ave one half your Company, and il- “v.“ _ To Farmers and Owners of Private Residences. beforv purchasing eke-where. Lg‘bun't 2hrg~t the pi: East 01' Wilbmn Szrt-ct. and o of Kent Street. It “‘11! mn' x MAKE A \QTE OF IT! Haliburton‘wghuaty. 28th; 1871 Enuu '1: will I). w» been And when the additional truths It: made known that the Boots and Shoes are good and “ . v- Arc sure to 1 §§F§ETÂ¥TEF€€G.TUSUIT. OfGOédS to it is sufl'u-h n Numerous Styles 9 . ~ .y: -I . I (g m . 313455 fiwm'm, .so 5. subswnent Inset-hon - . , . .- Lakcfic-Id, Krfi vc ' mus-s novxxc 30cm: Pctcrborough, Depart Millbrook, Arvin... ........ Port Hope, Arrive...1. ..... .Ooo’cn-Ooo muss :10va Marxâ€"1 Port Hope, (Depart. .' ...... Millbr'dok, Arrive o... .... ..... ...- â€"â€"-v'-I’ a..5IL’-....--..... Pctcrborough, Arrive .~.-.-.c- When )(n: Visit Lindsa) â€"-w}u ncss or pit :xsuroâ€"and require 1300mm Slum; line, by all mm \Iillbrook Arrâ€""'6" Port Hope, Amara on... muss uovxxo Port Hope, Depart. . . . Migbroqk, wAgn' vs. .:. .: . Peterborofigh,"’Arrive : . W ln-rc yuu PETERBOROUGH s 'nuxxs Korma sorm‘ lakcfipld, Depart. . . . . . . . . . l’ctctlwrpugh, Arrive . . . . . . . muss Mouse xon‘m Port Hope, Depart . . . ....... Millbrook, Arrive. T. . . . . . . . Lindsay, Arrive n.....c..--. linkebySI-pt. lst, 1871 rugs :10"st SOUTH» Lindsay, Depart...... . . Millbrook, Arrivv ....... Port Hope, Arrive nou- -... u~.o-u-co-. Part Hope, Depart. .. Milllwook, Amiga. . . . Lindsay, Arrii'c ..... . Benvcrfon, An‘ch . . . .‘Iillbxi‘ldk, Arrive: . . . . Port Hope, Arrive . . . . Imus: Mouse OTHER ADVERTISEMENTS. N and after MUN DA 1' JUNE, 1871, Trains w TRAINS IOVIXG Sol 313301101! Dc par: Lindsn}. Arrhc ~...-..¢. Lindsay pm m EXAMIRE ms smizi Superintendcnt ef-Jlotive July, 14th, 1371. -' v 711% I cry Reasonable 0665 to b:- found in 1 his cstaLlishment: .sufl'u‘ix In to say that ME.‘\.' brougu into the Countv. 1 use to cnumcmtc all the U BUSINESS owns, wit 'T?‘ ’ 'r1 JLCLR; w’JE Sfl‘DfiE: ‘,M.‘xy 19th, H72 MAGUIRE’S will find t‘hc larg WOJIL'A', 11nd, amidst the offered s‘rmmx momsdx THE Depart . 'câ€"and rcquirc anything in the line, by all mean: call tnd Ind“ your purchamcs V‘lrt-ct. andm». tile North side 1: ml! pay you to. MUN DA 1'. the 26!}: d: l, Trains will run as {015 2'0 V12“? SOUTILâ€"KAIL. ‘O'v-§.-. ago :t the phat-,3 few door! STAGE L. MAGUIRE; {r'bnx M 1:30 p .‘uhcnygcon stage. Szngv between 8:! 1'- '3’ 1ucsduy, Thurs. 6:30 o'clock in the said to inducer'vcu to .4 N1) CIIIL BEEN » ”1115C circuit- anlTflm-thu‘ ve Potter and 11mins. M'hc! her (run: busi- I. chmx, ,rcst, best and most ch. Pr 0 prictot great variety It is of no . 9:15 ‘_ n .lflzlz u 70: day ' of ' 2:1.» p. In. 3:00 ‘£ Ag :nt 26-” 13:15 19.

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