all md mil air Dl'. to 7D! of Mr {air 13nd trk Ithe ‘x: ‘11! “'é n if to mid md- .1 L mp: vn-e roy- but m! N)“ 'ed for IT'S (or 1d 7m: rIil .1") TS Y“: 111‘! m: r02 SALE 1:? A. B. Bonn. B>bcaygeon, A.W.Spooner Jog. Bax-.29, Fenelon Falls Maker for M A liormxs, Kinmount, Dominion. 15. Wow). Lindsay Port Hope 6; USELHSCX, Peterboro. Our. A Seamanâ€; â€" Forty-three applications nro: already in for the Lock-mastership. \\ hex: the country is to be served, the par. tints are m the lure. St‘mmmn â€" Mr. Irvine Junkin having pvt-embed the old Pores: House site, has cum-named the erection of a large double residence. Powder. “Bannerman’s Patent†the mnst eflective known to modern pczence Prevents disease and ‘sweetens thzngs caneraiiy.’ Urgently needed in oradeunc localizies. Send for informauon Everyone can aflord it. Good seller. both winter and summer. Nxcelv put. up. HARDWARES (â€men ::.â€"-'Z'he Petal-bore and Victoria Cheese hoards. adiournca‘ this week wjthout any was. i’ctcrboro ofl'ereds 1-16-Lmdsay 3‘." E Disinfectant. Deodorizer gm; Gengicide T22». :):.:r'{i‘i~:!;T.â€"â€" The report given by :h--':. Von" last Thursday regarding the lrhiii-u . a}: the Blackfeet Reserve. at Gieic- hm: T \l. l'.. imvcspecial interest to this \jiil. -. tam \oung ludie:, Miss Mary S} nu.x.-‘a. and Mrs. Mnhood being engaged on th::. Ilcsz‘l‘ye. The difï¬culty arose through rhc death ofa child at the school or home nr~inmincd by the Mission. The child div-l of diphtheria. and the mission coplc \vcre desirous of having the child varied without any Indian ceremonies. Parental affection. strong in every human breast. in ;trnngest with the least reason- ing being. If an Indian sus cts anyone of ‘ having in ~incnced the dent of his child, somebody has to be killed. The head of the Mission was Rev. Mr. Tim's, who has been on the Reserve for fifteen years. 110 was assisted in the education of the Indian children by Mrs. Tims and Miss Symonds. For some little time past, afeeiing of hostil- itv has arisen among the Indians towards Mr. Tints. and it was considered advisable for him to leave. which he had done, just previous to the death of the child. accom- panied by his wife and Miss Symouds. They went south to the Blood Reserve. The posi tion for a day or two was exceedingly criti- cal. Mr. Hardzunan. the Instructor. with Rev. fir. and Mrs. Mnhood remained on the Reserve. and a recent telegram states that all is now quiet. and no danger anticipated tough it will certainly be wise for Mr. mwï¬nd some new and distant ï¬eld. MIDLAND COUNTIES' HERALD :btaggtau guacpmflmt s .v.;' h mug. ho :zvt2.1i!iion~zofaz 122-: men for m :rlen: homca. T! n: reformations I 1 when) system. of the system a rm. 61..\cxn:rrr.â€" '1'] oh" knit Thurs ."rEJ'Jy, July 12th, 1895. Should stock Spooner’s: LOCAL NEWS. PHENYL he Esturion just as she was .isay wharf on “'edncsday 11 some packing around her ‘l‘ the steam. It caused a '1‘ :cv. R. Garsidc, B. A.. w taking charge 01 the )f Bohcm .eon, 0and the preach here on Sunda) TB! 1 on Monday. There high School Entrance _c Loaï¬ng. and sight y, or Third Class Teach- In the latter, it is Arithmetic paper was 3 aspirants throughout knocked out hy it. and Ex}: ohjcctpf t_hc paper. Noiicu is hereby 23': -n pursuant to R. S. 0 Chap, no Section 36 that. all crcdxtors haw- in; claims against the estate or Dnorprxa Ornâ€" The old citizens are dropping off. After an illness of some months, Capt. E. Bottom, succumbed to the inevitable on Thursday afternoon. The Capt. came to Bobcaygeon in the spring of '57, when the Locks were being built, and has since then always been a rominent ï¬gure in the affairs of the vil age. {Ins occupation has been varied, commencing as host of the Forest House, he has at far- ious times been engaged in store keeping, steam boating, running: the Peterboro stage auctioneer, and latterly as Lock-master. “'hen the village was first formed as a. Municipality, he was elected to the Council For many years he sat as Reeve, and. last year, .vas Warden of the County. In politics he was a Conservative. and in his removal, his party lases a skilful manager. The funeral takes lace to-morrow, Satur any, atl 30.and by is s ial request, it is to be as private as possib e, and no dis lay. The Captain had a happy knack of ma :ing hilnself ponular, and_ \fill be long remember M (71mm: â€" On the 9th. in Bobcaygeon’ Stewart Murray, aged 56 years. Axnnnsox.â€"On the 6th, in ‘Vemlam. Hugh Alexander Anderson, aged 49 years. Bantu. â€" On the 11th, in Bobcaygeon lijah Bottum, aged 62 years. late of the Township of Vcrulam in thv Cmmw 0f Vumuia, widow, deceased, who dim! on the 2nd day of May, A, D. 2895 are hrrcby nquin-d to du-Ichr or sand by pmt pin-paid to Messrs Mcchyn Anderson 14 Your): pure bred Pulled Angw, Heze- tord, and Gunnwny Bulk; for Sale, or trade tor common stock. of Hm tuwn of Lindsay, in sun! County, Suiicitms tr r John Bradvn‘ Jnmvs Purdy and J mums Mindlcton, rxwutors of the last will 0! tin: sum duo-med, on or before THE 12th DAY 01" AUGUS" 1895. next, a statement, in wnting, of thnir mums and nrMnsu-s, mth full parti- cuX us 0! their claims and voncLers therefore, and the nature ofswuntms’ If any, held by them fin: said deceased. according to law, having: regard only to the claims of which they shall thm have notice, SSUEI‘. of Marriage Licenses, Clerk 0 I inisinn Cnurt, and Commissiom-r {or givnnzAm‘lavus. (mice at the Post Ollisc liubcm'gunn. Mr Jackson is a practical manufacturer and mi! be prepared to tune or â€pair cithcr pianos or organs. ed bye. hide cit-hie of friends. The Best Ice Cream and the best Fruits are always obtained in Lindsay, at Geo. H. Fox’s, 115 Kent 8!, west of Post Ofï¬ce. Pipes. 'l'ubncws and Cigars,and «1': Tobacconist Sundries, Manufacturer and Propuictor oi the Patch! EiE‘a’flLViSi} 6; FOLBiNG CLGTIIES REEL And fllrthx‘r take notice that after said 12ihd1|y0f August, the said executors wxfl proceed to some and distxibute {he assvtg of Rmï¬dcnts of Vorulum, and Bobcaygon,are hcrc‘m' notiï¬ml that III'fllL'Ct to n-gistor Births Deaths, and Marriage, snnjucts the oï¬cndc to It ï¬ne of $210 and costs [or vnch often ce The instruclirms of the Department are ' prosecute In every 'asza. FL'RMTL‘Raâ€"Go to Tangney’s, in Lindsav, {or "oust turnitm'e; Extension Tabhs, Side- bomCs, Huh lizxcks- No and of variety. d. REGGS, 10: House and Yard SIRTHS, DEATHS, AND MARRIAGES. DEALER IN; Dated at Lindsay Gib July ’95. A NUMBER 01" PIANOS, FROM Musicn‘. lnstrumvnts, V'czocipedcs, and Sport- mg Goods Gcncx-amy Also Dealer in J ACKSON (<00 , PE'I‘ERBORO. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. PURE BREE CATTLE. FANCY GOODS ‘51P. bcin liubcavqcon in a. few WM 2: with HAIR GOODS. Lindsay, BlC'i'CLES. ELLEN KB [.80 SWEYN , ANDERSON, Solicitons for said Executora MObSOLI BOYD CO. Bobmygeon. DIED. NEW 85 SECOND~HAND I, JUNKI IN $30 UPWARDS Registr ar Fares, from Bobcayzcon to Lnkcï¬c’d and R:turn. $1 5»). From Putcrboro for the round tup, $1. Every Thursday will leave Lulu-ï¬eld, on arrival of Putcrboro train, and connecting at Chcmom: with evening tlain, will proceed to Uubcayguon. Bobcavgcon. '95 WATCHES, CHAINS STR. COLUMBIAN I. Whitesmith, JULY, l3 A39 28. Feneton Falls During the months of July and August, with the exception of August. 14th and 15th, the Will leave Bobcnygeon, Every Wednesday Morning at 'l 30, for Chemong, taking: on Passengers from Pcterboro, tor the all round trip to Luke-ï¬eld, connecting with owning train for Petcrboro. BOBCMGEON ! CHEMONE ! AND LAKEFIELD ! Bobcayzeoni May lst. ‘v‘e have decided to clear out our euhre Stock of Trimmed and Untrimmed am. lineny, Mowers. Ribbons, Frillings, Fancy Dry Goods, Beltinga. Handkerchiefs, Gioves, Hoiacry, etc., at cost, so as to enable an to stock afresli for Fall. We are uelling 50c Sailors for 25c, 83 00 £1933 for $2 50, $2 50 Hats for $1 75. EVERYTHING GOES AT COST. Hana Juckscxews RoJcr, Boee, etc. Termsd Cash The ab we will be for Hire until 501 THIS IS A GENUINE CLEARING 0U'l‘ SALE. EAHELL HOOLIHAH W. A. GOOEWIN, BOLTON 5: :sm, , BOBCAYGEON‘. Venus Laces, and Latest Novelties, Silk Gloves, Cotton Hose, Etc Will be at Mrs James Hayes, Dohcnygccn, ON FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, GEORGE ST., OUT PRICES ON .’OUR MILLINERY. {L SURVEYOR, Commissioner in the Q B., Conveyance}, aim. DUCK SUXTXNGS, FLOWERS REDUCED TO HALF.- rSUMMER-a ELEABINE $RLE. HOUSE MOVING OUTFIT Parties wishing (or anything in SWISS MUSLINS, JAMES DICKSON, 0n Room Honhling; do not (lumen: your' walls with unsiaht Iv mils. When you are buying Moulding get it to match ycnr wall pap-w in color and dushrr‘. It costs no more to have it right. Prices range from 3 cvnls to 15 Cents :r toot. We keep It. etc, should call Your Next the Yes! Oiï¬cc, Lindsay See our Display of Dress Lengths. W. MCCAMUS 48 CO. M ISSES Bésidence and :ddress at Call and See our New Stock WESLEY DUNN, Butcher. Pictures As the season I! advancing, we are giving PETERBOBO. Proprietors, MRS: ROSS, DHE BOB-CANGEON INDEPENDENT . 3’ KENT $11., LINDSAY. Spring is coming-Sun is shining bright. don’t be tight, and buy my You will consult you own interests bY applying to THOS. BICK No old stock, no remnants, no old designs, but brand new 130. PRINT tor 90., or 81cc. by the 11111 piece. DO YOU WANT will be in 80 BCAYGEON noxlm°nth ‘0 rccuvc orders MENâ€"King's $2 [land-x that. we are sellmg for $1.2 Do ynu want a pmr? Ph and $1. Jï¬ï¬Ã©â€˜Ã©STï¬‚ï¬ 8: SISSBN We are showing a larger vanety than ever of Fine Shoes at unusually low prices. We mail any Fine Shoe from $1 n. ,A‘ u-_..- up, on receipt of money. Shoes range from 50c to $2 50. Every line a. bargam. IS TH!“ PLACE TO GE'I TEE FINEST ASSORTMENT 01“ INFANTS“ JACKE'I‘S. BOOTEES, BOX NETS, BIBS, k0. Material for Art Needle- work: PLUSHES. SILKâ€"Plain and Fancy ; SAT INS, LINERS, llONl'l‘ON BRAID. MISS MELVILLE. PRETTY AWNINGS. Kent. Street, LADIES Fine Shoes. â€Come With the Great Majority.†And all Camp Materials always on hand, 424 George-st, - Peterboro Alf. Kingscotc. Axmiug Maker Art Silks all reduced to 85cts. ANOTHER HIT. A. lï¬ingscotc. TENTS. CHAMBRAYS. Your Lite Insured. An Accident Policy. Your Property Insured. To Sell a Farm. To Buy a Farm. To Rent n. Farm. To Borrow Money. $2 [land-made Granger 113 for $1.25 is booming. pnxr? Plow Boots 900 130. PRINT for 90. ONTARIO ARCHIVES Boncnoaos Lindsay- DUNDAS 85 FLAVELLE BROS. TORONTO ALL QUALTIES, . PRICES PATTERNS. SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO SUPPLYING HOTELS. L‘ALLK: SEE US WHEN IN TOWN. MAIL (RDERS IROLTLY ATTENDED TO ALL THE BEST BRANDS 0F N ear Swing Bridge, Bobcaygeon. SUMMER SUITS : LINDSAY, OPPSOSITE BENSON HOUSE. ï¬shing Jackie : LEAVE YOUR ORDERS. WINE ANI SPIRiT MERCHANTS. Dairy Supplies. Factory Cans. Bought from the manufacturer: at Our own prices and wil‘ be told at less than prices at, the mill. Nothing false about. this statement. The prices vary in. proportion to the quality of the goods, and we give each customer hispick of the whole lot. The odd ends are from 1 to 8 yards long. These cloths are the products of some of the best mills and consist. of many of the most. popular selling patterns we put. upon the market. 1,800 Yards Scotch, English and Canadian Makes â€"Come and See the Wonderful Bargains in Short Lengths from 1 to 8 Yards Each. Just. the thing for boys two and three piece suits, short of long pants, gentlemen’s trousers or suits. etc. Any person wanting an odd pmr or two of trousers or a vest or coat, will never get a better chance. Customers will also get. the additional advantage of having the cloth Gut free of charge, or they can have them made up to order atrtng lowest: possibl_e ï¬gures. our window. Sign of the Golden Horse Shoe, Remnants of Tweeds WINES, SPIRITS AND l. E. BOTTUM, Take {x look at a. How of tEe samples pitohforked into LE BRUN CO., BOBCAYGEON. LESS THAN MILL PRICES. We have just bought for spot cash oue‘r 6,000 yards of PRINT, chiefly Black and heavy ground, delain- ï¬nish and patterns, quality and best, price thi rty hree per cent. under value ; on the same basis We give them to our customers. CITY CLORHIJVG STORE, Daisy Chums, Creamers, Etc. A FASHIONABLE FIT GUARANTEED. KENT STREET, LlNDSAX . PETERBORO. Hooks, Rods, Lines; Nets, etc.,- etc. LARGE STOCK OF SUMMER MATERIALS GRAHAM CO’Y. . CAIN, ,zA. E. BOTTUM, TO CHOOSE FFOM. George Street BOBCAYGEON.‘ W. R. Brock Co, Dry Goods. H. S. Howland Sons Co.Hnrdwarc. Gowan. Kent Co, Crockery. Canadian Harness 00., Harness. Christie, Brown 6: 00., Biscuits. Northrop Lyman, Pat. Medicines. Chas. Boeckh 8; Sons, Brooms and Brushes. W9 ask the Trade of all Good Loyal Subjects of Men who intcz’ad to make ï¬nd? way In Canada. Dealer in all Goods used on the Farm and in the House BOLTON ST., BOBCA YG’ E0, BINDER TWINE ! Our Stock 5' Prices do the T (liking/o LEADING CANADIAN HOUSES i Fancy Groceries. Canned d? Potted Meats, GR OCERIES .’ (INTAKE) F0]: EVER! No better Country in the World, Where we buy our Gobds,‘ these Houses expect to be paicf for their goods in full and therefore give the Best Values in Canada. '. C. MOORE, 3469 Having recefvod the appointmemt of Agent for the Farmers’ Binder Twine Co’y, of Brantford, I am in a position to supply Twine at the Lowest Prices. The Farmers’ Co’y is the only one outside of the Combine. The Co’y is formed of Farmers, and is for the beneï¬t of Farmers. Your patronage will help to keep the Co’y in opposition to the Combine. DAN'L. GORRIE . E. W. McGAFFEY, Every pound of the Twine is Warranted. We have'nt bccn saying much abom Groceries lately, Corload of all that‘s worth having in Staple ((2 Everyt/zmg Fresh at Bed Rock Prices. IT COSTS NOTHING to see our summer Outing, Boat- int: and Tourists’ Shirts. Our Summer Underwear price: suits the customer better than the merchant. Up-to-datc goods in Cotton Effects for cool dresses at down-to-datc prices For that. sunny feeling try our Sunshades; for that. damp feeling try our Umbrellas. Impressive prices in Men’g' Summer Coats and Vests. Pulse-quickemng bargains in Boys’ anti Youths' Suits. Poor prices in Hoisery and Gloves. Speed-away prices in Blouse Silks. HATSâ€"Airy, Fairy Yeddosâ€"just the right bat for these summer days. Some stores will show you a scant little lot of :hcm. Our assortment is ample. Inspect Lindsay’s Leader Low Cash Price Dry Goods House. J. T. Rabinsan, New York Styles. Eby Blain 6: Co. Grocers. ' Harvey A: VanNoruan,Boots «it Shoe; W, R.. Johnston do Co, Clothing. J. F. Young 5: Co. Produce Com. Robertson Sons, Confectionary. H. A. Nelson Sons, Fancg Goods; All of Toronto BOBCAYGEON; LINDSAY.