f5 tents a the RE We patiently for pick them out noth of How]; m U hart, “'01 FRANTK SHIP WATER- 3.06? EI SQSEE SEERES ’J ‘ ’14 A _.4 H‘ in}: the urday the recipie: tion from the W0 box-o presbyteriul. for China The presentation all w: formerly of Lindsay, a years past a missionary ited Chun‘n in China. 0N GUARANTEED INVESTMENT RECEIPTS M iss formerly MISS HARION (‘()().\' RECIPIENT 01" GIFT FROM l'l‘I'i‘ERBiHN) PRESBYTERLXL. FIRE DEPAR- TURE FUR ('HINA FORMER mm GiRi. Hï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬‚ifl A? ?ETERBflRfl On motion by Herron, the road to $2121.00 were On motion by 3 oil adourned to 10.30 A.M. LU ““31 sun'mgton, 101‘ 1 vheep dogs, valued By John Mart Chas. W. Walker valuing ; sheep, $1.50; Foster Huron tee Work, $4.50; Gco. W postage and excise, 37.20, T cipal World. Ditches rm courses forms 0N DEPOSITS WIT HDRAWABLE BY CHEQUE Th e PHONE 3 {{AN'I‘H‘ (‘ALL FOR mam; 4);}qu HEAR!) BY SI’EEDING PLANES AND 1'. s. NAVY SHU’S. ‘;~â€"â€"~ On motion by Messr Junkin, the folcwinp; 3 passed, Archie Johnston tWO lambs killed by do; Chas. W. Walker. at S 3.60 to Verulam Council me hall, Bcbcaygeon, on 5, at 1.30 p.m. with T1 reeVe in the chair am present. namely~Thos Foster Herron, S. Case Chas. D. Logan. _ On motion by Mess: Devitt, the minutes of .J read and approved. a Watch 2 Miss 0:011 rs (Rem) The Victoria Trust and Saviggs Gompany '“rrington 18.11 ’olume Public Librarv OI Marion recen Log- THE WINNIE WENKLE SHOE’PE 1111191 p4c. n bouncil met at the town )caygeon, on Mond av, July D pm. with Thos. H. Martin the chair and all members namely~Thos . H. Devitt, err-on, S. Casey Junkin and it!“ gfl'ed Naturefle Croquinole Peirmanena fa m o of the Pacific and Island. were forced d 00 awn \SSFRES HAIR-COMFORT AND BEAUT ’ere passed W Mr. Jun to Monday L’hma. was on Sat- pient of a presenta- Women of the Peter- ‘ad accou For The Summer on, of 24 can‘t ra I cent ii 1t 816.00 Georg-e uheep killed; by SSI'S srs Devitt a! W. FLAVELLE H.J. Lytle. T.H. Stimson. K.C. W J. B. Begg, Wesley Walden. H Iin, K. C.. W. E. Reesor, C. E. H A D‘EPOSITORY FOR TRUST FUNDS A PLACE '1’â€O_IN}-'ESA’-T YOUR SAVINGS 1‘" Where safety CAPITAL RESERVE 31.5 A Compiele Trust Service at Your 1 Includingâ€" EXECI‘TOR AND ADMINISTRATOR FINANCIAL AGENTS Manager, Lindsay. accounts were n. 1 sheep and 3%. valued by Km the coun C. E. “'EEKS‘ '3 Logan an 1.1119 2131: we:- artin July 190 depal Peterhoro for some rarty to 21 miles Johnston’ ameuntinq 40.221“ the Un- SJI'L‘IM nothe ccmmit EXEC "L’TO at form \\ 2211‘ be- Vater luni or, No 20 S‘-'E.\'I.‘CGS BY APPOINTMENT 1d nd canse of smewble expenditure. Th.:sc searching fOr the body handicapped by lack of proper pztz‘atus and also because of the» they do not know where to make *7 --.\ is the first consideration â€"DIRECTORSâ€" INDIVIDUAL HAIR STYLING AND CUTTING punt: ULIL‘U‘S “ï¬reï¬glven CI'SKHE 101‘ theh'effortin searChing for the body of the (Ilï¬vned man, yet it was thought that u Inore deternï¬ned efl ï¬ni flundd haVc keen numb and that zï¬d should have been sought fnnn the Harbor Commission in Toronto. To secure theassbtancc of the ï¬fe 1 qualms and dm ‘inf: zlunzn-atus from police oficers their effort it“. day their WQEEE 38%? £3.53 WM FQRGE‘WE uxxx'xlh\l. .1111} 9â€"1119 toll of (leath on the 1613‘: independmce (1213' lest-11L d 310. but of these few are atz'ibuted to Independence Day activities. 192 wre killed in auto :u‘cidents and there were ‘72 drown- (‘I‘OY H H.“ C XSCO appea \VSI‘G n umez The well known Linda: made their first apps: Canal Park fO‘ this 53;. very cardially greeted large gathering- ll‘ BOYS’ BA? 21115 11 God Hymn Selectim Marchâ€"â€" Avert; Waltz~ Isitm's It Ii e OX "FA LO. July S and TRUSTEES $9.26 bL )U 011 1‘ ’Y TOLL [N L'NiTED STATE ON JULY 1th DEC a {e 21C \V e ocean NE‘ \ TON SMA,LE Asst. Manager. ;0 Nurgcon Point Sun- muny people expressing :eg'arding the recent :1 T:ronto man, near‘the “goon Point Although RI. PARK ER 0us and t .e ï¬ling RIEER ERNR ERIE were .,,gjven credit President Vice-Presidents I. J: Mt La ugh- .‘s'mf: apparatus from $9,267,042.74 Sl.695,00.00 Your Disposal c a \‘eritaftie n scene 1n an bc"0re the 1“ in the Pacific fuel More King 9 was anada. apitan \‘.' 0 u m non-ette ad ail-plan uppeax-an 1100 con Point Sun- eaves on much 110 118 mn El. D Memories†entail con- on a reef months follows an \VGI‘C 11101'0 503's tne and x lieved :1 2'9 11 1'01] T} a re 'act Crystal Lake, 5 Union Creek Thursday, at 9 Admission 25 c 3.! I'LY DANCENG - DANCING - DANCING “'2! r p.m United Church will hold their an- nual Garden Party on the church grounds, on Wednesday, August 4th. See bills for full particulars. GARDEN PARTY UVEEDS HAVE NO PLACE IN I PROGRESSIV E .‘vil NICK? XLITY ; DO \ 01 R SH \RE TO PREVENT ; THEIR SPREAD Clause 5 of the Act sansâ€"Emu oc cupmt of Land, 01 if the land is un unpied the owner shall destlov :1 1199113 designated noxious by the 1e gulatiuns :51 often in even \8211 as i suf‘1i c: ant to p191ent the lipening 01 theiz seeds. an an th at tju'gewater Pavilion day July 28th. The usu sport programme will I for later developments. ETERANS NOTICE All veterans are rem annual ('I'T FLOWERS “211' \Iemm 1.11 hi†take plac 011 Sun- dav, at 2‘ p.111.Deco1atiz.11 se1v1cc "rill follow at the cemeten'. See 01- der of se1vice 011 a11othe1 page. 'TNVEII INC 01‘ ML‘M‘ORE -\L The unveilinu of the Bobcaxgeon \\ a1- Me mmial uiii take plac on Sun- (‘35. ilt 221.11] “(Narnia n ut‘nun‘v; Ax SYMMER GOTTA! Furnished. on Lak soft water in hous age. sink. ready h to train highway pl)’ 111' 1"zalticula Lnomas me mendingv pa 110nm mo n, as {ruests of I\ J. F. Theme, Bobcayg‘eon Thomas summer School at Guelph. Mr. Orvillzv Loucks, of Toronto. spent the week-end with his mother. Mr. M. Lewis. is attending: at the Sundridg‘e Summer School Sundrid- are Ontario. ale MP. and M] of Burlim; ton “'ith the; 01-1‘ injoy My. unzi Mrs. W211 lac-e. Ti‘ Kingston. spent the v.'-:ek-en his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Geo and Mrs. Geo. Tiers. Mr. Jack Staples is 1161‘ school at King's t< itm}. is Visiiing at J ‘Nilliam St. Mr. and Mrs: is visiting with MN (inn rm“ )1 $90. Tiers BOBCAYGEON, ONTARIO, CANADA, THURSDAY, JULY Exhibition 3 join in 2 at Braine‘s fine \‘aretx Jom 1n emorial. Mr. Carl Junkin, of Detroit is vis- ng' with his parents. Mr. and Mrs Dance Lake, De: roi Heo. Tiers. Hugh Tiers, 01 Sax‘k. is Vis- with his p:=1'ents, Mr. and Mrs. 1nd Mrs iancing at Lakeview ans ar 35 cents. urner. 7 Norman I] REGATTA DA Y 9 under way for rattz, to be held lter Pavilion, on AND MIDLAND COUNTIES‘TIERALD m Staples ("(’)'!‘TAGE FOR SALE m: h. bl'dI'QHL‘G NJCUI‘OQ'OI'. hm, spent. the w-sek-end owners parents. Mr. and Tiers. Six \‘isit Ix 05C 17811 112195, is attending; su-m K'ng'ston. at Lakeï¬ew Op- n'ilion on lovely : miles east from ~,st Office, every Rumâ€"Good Music , Harold Tiers of Osh- unersFm). e Week-end: with Mr. Jake shore, hard 931 pa Maidens. of Lindsay, his c;tta;:e here on requestec Grounds COL par ‘1 line and Mr. Vic Orr nt the 4th Juiv Vxeek- 1nd \il's. R. Br: inc. Howard Yokum, St ;. Lancastei, of King'- -0uple of weeks with :1. .L‘rzn Lancaster. 11 uf Detroit is visit- arents, Mr. and Mrs. if cut flowers for h'eenhouse. B Tie-"rs. :‘f Detroit his parents. Mr. and U. H] m '3 l 3 in!) place, g3 matpinâ€"â€"Han< and \iH‘Qeâ€"â€"A; at Independent fly for the thl'id 1;: part, of their 5 of Mr. and Mrs held in frcnt 1, on Wednesâ€" xal long list of be held. watch rence McGr sted to meet Mlss L'l'dl‘JOl'le Juddy Cuthb, me 1 Town on Satur- {(15 at 1-45 3219 to the â€"-Every 0c- Iam! is un- destroy :1: by the re~ .‘ 4 ' 4t .endmg the ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO Elem-an. W k-(Iml ““11 .n \xgith RIF. Tim‘s, of l M 8:30)“ Bobca y Tiers '11! you? But you know yo you ever takb m: ncce: in traffic. either waikin You NEVER expez‘. ‘o 1 But you MIGHT, for _\ EN TIMES 33 lilaolyt to injured in an automnl this year as the holds:- stakes ticket 3: to win . prize You a: - T? .III’TY- " as likely to lose your lift of a sween:takc.; tin-m TAKE SOME OF THE CHANCE OUT OF LIVING Do you ever buy a sweepstake ticket You don’t always. expzvct to lose, do you? But you know V011 might. Do you ever takb m: mace I-mal chants The evening service will drawn in favor cf the Kinm niversary services at which I 83' Will be the Sneéia] shoal-m :m ‘BAI’TIS'I‘ CHURCH Rev. P. B. Loney, of Toronto will speak in the Bobcaygeon Baptist church on Saturday evening July 10 and Sunday morning July 11th. The evening service will be with- BA PTIST Mr. and Mrs. Huck‘mIe and family Betty, Frances and Warren. returned to their cottage on Pigeon lake. Mr. E. Brandon of Toronto is vis- iting with Mr and Mrs. Chas Bigiey Mr. Bob Davidson of the Toronto Maple Leafs, is visitng n Town. Mr. Reggie Hamilton, Toronto Maple. Leaf star, visited in Town on Saturday. l Mr. Earle Lambert and party, of LToront spent the week-end in town. Mr. Bullock of Toronto spent the week-cud with Mrs. E J. Woollen-(l, and while here was successful in catching: a couple of muskiss. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Martin of Mid- land. spent the holiday in Town. Mr and Mrs. Purver, and family, Audrey, Helen and Dorothy, spent the week-end at their cottage on Sim- :eon lake. Mrs. Purver and Dorothy however are remaining: for the sumâ€" mer. Mr, Wm. Quinn of the W-c 1etu1'ncd home after spendi month with his father LI:- Quinn Sr. Mr. David Morton, and his have returned to their cotta Sturgecn lake for the summel Messrs Dick and Frank C of Toronto Spent the week-cm his Mother Mrs. J. Conway. Mr. BundKenzie , of St. Cath want the week-end at his 3: Cottage here. eon, '16:. l“. Miller, r Mr. Thomas Watson. uncle of the bride, mad speeches. 7 A,ftemv2rr?.. Mr. am ling left on a h» neymoo; and points north. Miss: Verna Mallory spent the holiday and \ Mr. and Mrs R. J. Hen Norman Gowlimc. i'll'OihOI‘ oi‘ the groom was '1 est n-un. Messrs Roland and Melrose Thurston, brothers of the bride were ushers. Miss Ethelwyn Ralston of- ficiated at the console of the organ land during; the signing- of the regi- ster, Mrs. (Rex) F. . Miller sanjr, “I love you Truly." After the wedding»; ceremony 11 re- ception was held in the Ncrth church at which fiftyâ€"five guests were pre- sent including: Ihe relatives and friends of the. happy couple. Mrs. C. W. Learoyd, and Mrs. R. H. Davey poured tea and the Misses Mary Badger, Evelyn (‘ochrane, Teresa Folvi'e, Marion. 'l'mvnscnd, Enid J. Fissette, Mrs Elliott Cambden, friends of the bride, served. The mis- ses Gloria Thurston and Margaret Loaroyd helped also. 1mg; son of: Mrs. P the late Mn;g Cowling The churth \‘zzas mated yiitli pink p and ferns. The bride who “'21: her father looked c1121 \iIk 211-!) frock with (H )WLI‘~IGâ€"â€"'1‘H['RSTON The Ca yugz. United Chulch “as the scent of a wry pretty wedding on 'x\ ednesdav aiteinoon, “hen Rev. F C. Miile1 B.A., united in Mar-- iiagz‘e, Pauling eldest daughter of Mr. Russell Thu listOp and the late Mrs. Thurston and Mr. Thomas Gow ling, son of}l»11's. Fred Cowling and- [-cr LEILHel' maxed charming in a navy iiik zit-p i'l'cck with cape and white incessm'ies . Miss Bil-nice Thurston, he biide’s sister. was bridesmaid 1nd was attired in a, yellow silk cram frock with white accessories. Both 2019 corsag’ts (f pink and white uxeet peas on sprays of ferns. Mr. \‘m-man Gowlimc. i‘Il‘OthCl' oi‘ tho Wedding-Beils moms mm HTE At U ‘1de y. . . mmer, r11“ groom 11an mas Watson. of Acton, an the bride, made appropriate- 111g 01' (11‘1"111: 10: 9, do 3' ‘ 3 1'1! are ELE‘ ~ likely to Le killed automnlfle accident he holder of a sweén- . to win even a smaU TZIIR Y-T 110 TIMES our life as a ho.a.c1 ticxet :s to win :1 '<‘. e u, U! r c1 the Kinmount an- ices at which Mr. Lon- special speaker. osc Jowlingr (f Crnficld. “as beautifully dec- pink and white rosts (.f the Miller, 111013: of' Torontrr', and week-end with Henderson. of the West has fter spending a mg»; ceremony a re- in the Ncrth church 13 guests were pre- he relatives and 43:3? couple. Mrs. C. Mrs. R. H. Davey t‘ne Misses Mary (‘ochrang Teresa Towns-cud. Enid J. Elliott Cambden, of St. Catharines and his Sister ir cottage on r“:- lven away 't 1937 1 Conway â€"cnd with S [1111 m 61 unc W m flc XUUK Ha? I Whether you are pedestrian “TRY '?H the time, .m’. 1 ,chance out of liviw UNETED CIGAR STORE a n d- major prize. lotteries you): at mOSt, hm. ‘ Let us Supply Your Needs. END BODY OF along and rescued the pair brcug‘ht them back to the vi] towing- the canoe behind Fortun both are very strong swimmers. are popular young: folks in the munity, being coming to Bobcay fm- a number of years. wcman, were paddling: downstream when suddenly the canoe Iurched and capsized, throwing the couple clear of the boat. After recovering: from their surprise, they regained their paddles and with coniderable effort. managed to right the ("ante and empty considerable water from it, meanwhile mange-ino- 1n L-mm n- flo when foytunat Point was found Tuesday by searching parties. The body was viewed by the (owner and it was deemed that an inquest was unnecessary deem during the we: at Bobcayg-eon Smokers’ Sundries RUFF \YFISUN St MMER DEI‘ l." HAVE NARROW CAI’ E IN I’IGEON LAKE THE Baby cf Henry Vaatcnin 'of Toronto, who was drowned July first near Sturgeon Point was found Tuesday by CANOE CAPSIZES EN PIGEGN LAKE 1111.1 YOUR P» a I‘ECG Well as in America. â€We are. having the best luck this year, that We have had since we start ed coming,P down here" said Norman. eIdCr. brother of the four Ortons. “we have been out six days uni have returned with our limit five Limos; and believe me that‘s nat a average, That means the boys have been out six days and caught 20 lung-e. It has been a great fishing; season <0 far this year. and anysne who (lisagrreeswvith that statement, ms just to ask one 01" the Orton boys, who have been coming heref or years and who are famed acrobats, famous fm- their aerial stunts in Eumne as Th ‘20 I I LENGE IN SIX DAYS NOT BAD Lei-:(‘ozmâ€"ORTON 1am BEST FISHING SINCE THEY S'I‘ARTED (‘OMING HEREâ€"PRE SENTS lNI)EPE.'DENT WITH LARGE )i'L'SKIE. L. CUNNINGHAM; tragedy was nan wa t $11017: OUT OF SIX TEMES hm weekend en ~.cn you g-a m When limu H. VAATENIN 0110 ‘ake mm of the COURTESY†unag'm; ESTABLISHED 1869. Subscription $1.0. ()CCU! _\'GU hour and a half pouel boat came the pail and to the villaï¬e. gamble m tru YOL'I: LIFE nctm'ist two Lt llshmg; season n-d anyme who statement, ms the Orton boys, n“ P :1I'eon canoe Aupset mblc i r dollal 11:9. '2 ms )wnstream e Iurched 2mm ilt keep 41"91'129 a.“ ately I ]e Both 4 it COD] - £60!) f} c ‘n Lake pe Wreaths, Sprays flowers etc. Pro: MENY GET VIGOR AT ONCE! NEW OSTREX, Tonic Ta?)- lets, contain raw oyster invigora- tors and other stimulants. One dOSe peps up organs,‘glands. If not de- lighted, maker refunds price paid, $1.25, Cal], Write. YVOOHm-d’c â€hr-m- ! HOUSE FOR SALEâ€"4 roamed house and half acre lot, Garage, sit- uated on Queen Street. Bobcaygeon. â€"â€"Apply to George Weib, Bobcaygeon Hall’s Carried Store. 91h COHCCFSlon line on north side of Marsh. Mr, Bennett to supply coun- cil with deed of right of way. Carried Moved by Irwin sec by Flynn that CHllethi's time be extended until ,..o meeting of council Carried Maved by Flynn sec by Hill that we do now adourn to meet again at Hall’s Bridge on Saturday July 24 it crosses on s and passe fixed and Rtm‘e and Moved by Ir that council 1) sum if $50.00 {'1' 1 that Council donate $25.00 towards Mem- orial Grant to be sent to Dr. H. 0. Boyd, sec-treas of Memorial funa. Mme} by Hill sec by II'Win that Harvey Council grant the members of St. Mathuvs church a license to hold social gatherings etc. in Parish Hall, Hall‘s Bridgeâ€"License fee $30. Carried Moved by Flynn sec by Hall that BY Law NO 61 for reanlaï¬na owl owance v Drs. Boyd and Kelly addressed council re memrrial which has been built in Bobcaygeon, requesting this council give a grant. Moved by Mr. Irwin, seconded by Hill that Harvey Rudder Tripp. maintenance, $2.00; Neil Junkin. maintenance, $2.00; Hilliard Sproule, maintenance, with truck $10.00 Donald Haines, mtce. $2.25;L. Luvilette, maintenance, 11.25 Dr. Boyd. half years salary, $25.00; Clarion Windover, 50 rd. fencing, 12. Hartman Brook. grading, 84.00; Wm. Thompson. colonization money, 3200. M. B. Hall, pOStage and exchange, $6.41; Dr. ll. 0. Boyd re Bobcaygeon Memorial. $25.00. Grading, 152.50; Chas. Junkin, main- tcnance. $2.00; Percy Hearne, mtce S2.0();Geo1-ge Kelso. maintenance, $2. arriec Mow sheep, $6.00; Wm. Moore burying do}; by order of M. H.O., $1.00; Sum Bolton. Grading- 82.00; Chas. Allen maintenance. $6.00; Albert A!- len, maintenance. $14.00; Ray Rich- mond, grading, 82.00; R. J. Hender- son, repairs on scraper, 81.00; W. J. Shearer, culverts, 878.27; Hugh Allen Dr, E E. Wdiis. re medicine for Mrs. Bishup, $4.00. M. B. Hall, sal- ary, $15.00; Jas. Bardeau, 80 rds. fencing; 820.00; Wm. Moore, valuing sensing: The municipal council of the Town Ship of Harvey met' in the school- house at Nogies (5er on Saturday June 26. Owing: to that reeve’s ab- sence. Mr. Hall occupied the chair, with councillors, Irwin, Flynn and Hill attending. aces NEW AD VERTISEMENTS loved by Irwin sec by F1: )y-Iaw be introduced and 1; time for regulating an music halls and othm- n sement. oved by um! and HARVEY COUNCEL u by ll’Win sec by Flynn that )uncil pay Fred Bennett the $50.00 for 40 feet road al- eV‘here the old Allen road 0th concession line to Where es on south side of marsh on Flowers rays, wedding boquets, Prompt Service. PERSONAL t. Carried by Mr. Hill see by Irwin By-Iaw just read he read a and third time forewith ad the corporate seal af- nun-ihered 513 signed by Clerk. Carried 3;: IrWin sec bv Flvnn Hm!- ker refunds price paid, Write, W’oollards Drug- y Flynn sec by Hall that Co 61 for regulating and nmsic halls and other amusement be amended. Wgollards my: egulating and licen- and other places of by Flynn that U. S. $1.50 read a