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Bobcaygeon Independent (1870), 29 Jul 1937, p. 3

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to moistâ€" the Sings. ht applica- ls of three 12 effective her method the plants E2031; AT th 1937 lunsmrd unday except t;.e month at unday at 7.00 iasm of th and becaus Diaries, Etc. 1 sunday 3: KICES 83‘an Rector. Sunday (ex. 1th) at 21.00 112121! annual In- 5 held each 1g cf the . STINSON IUI‘Ch £0 ario Plow- WTOSC au- H L'RCH )H secreâ€" are exâ€" Id Farm be held to 15, it 3. tt omey, interest wmen- pnz-: 5,000 Fails. en ts and and IOUS THURSDAY, AUGUST Hawse Clippers Sharpened him :: Made. Locks Repaired lawn Mowers rzv u:‘ the distinctive features of » ;: un'iculture in Ontario is the xzzrzvnce of youth in all that per- :n Industry. This was not w. In time sgone by, owing nf circumstances there was FARM Y()l'TH ACTIVTIES -- .90. W. Shepherd’s '~%:;1rpened and Repaired The New Spirit of the Road TRY COURTESY AS WE walk about on street, highway and bypath we are all mm! courteous to each other as we pass, overtake, stop, cross and otherwnse mingle With our fellow-pedestrians. None of us mmld think of being otherwiseâ€"we are just naturally cour- teous at heart. But. too often, this native courtesy leaves us when we get behind the wheel of a motor vehicle. Do not let your attitude of courtesy leave you when you drive but. rather, “Try Courtesy” every inch of the way. When you meet a fellow-motorist pull well over to your right. \Vhen you overtake him sound your hornâ€"a short note will do! Keep to the right on curves, “blind spots” and, of course, on hills. Drive at the speed of the traffic you are inâ€"don’t "hold up the parade.” Never put the “other fellow” on “the spot". He may get excited and you may both be hurt. Dip or dim your lights when you meet at nightâ€"neither of you can see where to steer when you are “blinded”. Do not “crowd” pedestrians, we all walk at times and we all di~like being startled. Hand-signal your intention to slow down. stop or turn and otherwise act to your fellow-man awheel in the same con- siderate manner as when he is afootâ€"“Try Courtesy” every lltl'll of the: way. fine Machine Work Specialty am St, N. Next Post Building you are Courteous When Driving When Walking at ‘ With “Elephant Brand” Wt: Lead as the pigment basis. the quality of Canada P23: is absolutely assured.“ Easy winding under the brush. it is fat more durable undwill com more space than die walled cheap gains. LINDSAY The Faint for Appearar and Protection 1937 To gag“, g A man “un' _ ””4. n..." .5 m in m at gens mix-7" w 9"3': ”W777 ? Canadais‘ ’FaVon'fe) little inducement to youth on the farm further than a love of hard work but since the interest of people has been aroused thel ove of achievement in the oldest and great- est of all industries has placed the young farmer in a position of com- manding importance. This ocmmanding position is in? reality the outcome of one of the most progressive and encouraging movements of modern times, namely farm club organization for girls and boys Officially known as “Boys“ and Girls" Farm Club Work in Canada,” the movement is designed to devel- op interest in the farm and farm life to provide a practical education in agriculture and home economics; to improve farm practices; to encourage *the use of better livestock and seed; and to train young people for citiz- [enship in their respective districts. MINISTER OF HIGHWAYS PROVINCE OF ONTARIO fixâ€"Em required; 70K TORONTO PLAYERS ARE DE- TERMINED NO ONE WILL WREST FIRST DIVISION BERTH FROM THEM. There is one thing you cannot take away from those battling Toronto Maple Leafs; that is supreme con- fidence in their own ability the youth ful opt-ism that won’t admit defeat. They fear no team in the Internat- icnal League pennant race, least of all the Newark Bears, who have been setting such a torrid pace all season There is nothing jaunty or cocky in the bearing of the Leafs. The) just believe in themselves and go on the field and demonstrate in work- manlike manner that their confidence is not misplaced. When a few weeks ago, they said they would give the Bears 2. real bat- tle in Newark, they lived up to that‘ ‘prediction and took two games out iof th1;e from the New Yom Yankee {farm hands. When the Bears appear- :ed recently in Toronto, the Leaf took gthreve games cut of four from them, Eclimaixng the series with a double ivictory by lastâ€"minute rallies. They 'have steadfastly maintained that ‘they would finsh in the play-offs, which embrace the first four teams and barring accidents they should lhave little trouble in doing so. Leafs Confideni of ~ Making Play-offs As the closing weeks of the schedule approach, the Leafs appear to be pretty well set for the struggle to remain in the first division. John Berly, veteran right-hander, who only figured as a relief pitcher when obtained from Baltimore in the Spring- has proved to be one of the most effective performers on How- ley’s staff, and his consistent dis- lays have featured several of the Leafs’ recent victories, Another vet- eron right-handcr, upon whom How- ley is counting for some winning ef- forts, is Johnny Wilson, who was whow as signed in mid-season after beiny released by Buffalo. After poining the Leafs,‘ Wilson went to his home in Georgia to undergo an operation for the re- moval of infected tonsils. The oper- ation was a success and the tall pit- cher has gained some 17 pounds of lneeded weight since his return. An e1 .fective pitcher in a big park. Wilson should be right at home in Maple Leaf Stadium, with W'oody Davis. Earl Caldwell, and Mike Meola, Man- age;- Hvowley has an impressive ar~ ray of starting pitchers, while Frank Nekola, J-ce Mulligan and Ted Hor- ton are capable relief men. The Leafs have no worries about the infield or outfield departments either, and “Shanty” HOgan and Johnny Heving form a catching- com- bination that is second to none. Joe Gentenbein and Frankie Madura have been clicking off double plays regul- arly and their batting is improving steadily, Maduaa having picked up 20 points in recent games. In the outfield the youngsters, Tod Petoskey, Mayo :Smith, and Bobby Porter have been Coming through in‘ sensational style, Petoskoy setting the batting pace for the team. His baSe runing is also a treat to watch The leafs have a majority of theiy remining games at home and dur- ing the_month of August there fire a number of outstanding dates at Maple Leaf Stadium. The Newark Bears will be in Toronto for a night game on Friday, August 13 and an afternoon doutbleheader on Saturday August 14. The Syracuse Chiefs. who open the Leafs August schedule with a double header on civic holiday and play another twin bill on Wednesday" August, 4 in the afternoon, will re» turn to Toronto for a three game set-" ies of night games starting Monday August 18. They will be followed by the Baltimore Orioles who play the lights on Thursday and Friday, Aug- ust 19 and 20, and an afternoon pair on Saturday, August 21. The Jersey Giants are in Toronto for floodlight games, August 23, 24, and 25. The August 24 attraction will be a twi- light-floodlight affair starting at 6.30 p.m. The Montreal Royals will meet the Leafs in _a doubleheader at Toronto on Saturday, August 28, and the Rochester Red' Wings will be at Maple Leaf Stadium for night on Monday and Tuesday August 30 and 31. REST FOR CAPTAIN KIDD In 1696 Captain Kidd was the own3 er by purchase of a lot of ground in a part of New York city then just being sold off in building lots. The l~'c-t was in Tienhoven tsreet, now Lib- erty street, near Nassua street. There according to accounts of the times, says the New York Sun, he erected a mansion expecting doubtless to pass the evening of his days in the city of his adoption.” IF YOU HAVE SOMETHING TO SELLâ€"TRY A WANT ADV. BOBCAYGEON INDEPENDEE ONTARIO ARCHIVES 400 M B. P. R. PICNIC HERE The recreation club of Havelock, held its annual C. P. R. Excursion on WednesdaY- The train arrived about eleven o'- clock and immediately over four hun- dyed happy excursionists filed of and marched to the Agricultural Park where every accommodation was made to add to the comfort of the visitors and made thed ay a pleasant one. Thep recession was headed by the Havelock Kilty Band which attracted young and old of the Village resid- ents, with the sweet strains of the bagpipes playing the old familiar aires Thef irst thing on thep rogram was the spreading of the midday 129211 from the luxurious baskets.‘ This was followed by a list of races and sports of various kinds. A ball (1am: between Havelock and Bobcay- qeon was kccnly contested and drew quite a crowd. An interesting event was the pre- ‘ sntzition 01 a neck tie done up neatly lin a box to each veteran present 3ig‘hteen in number. Many of the visitors took time to attend the big‘ regatta at Edgewater pavilion but returned in time to have lunch and participate in a few more :12: rts, before boarding the train at the C. P. R. station for home at 6.30 pm. for home. Well pleased with the outing: and with the weather man who saw fit to give them a perfect day. N A VY ACTIVITY CONCIDES WITH FORM AL CHARGES AGAINST RUSSIA NAZIS SEND MORE SHIPS T0 SPAIN EDEN, MEANWHILE, TELLS HOUSE BRITAIN STILL STANDS BY PLAN The official Nazi news agency DNB announced that the (Cruisers Admiral Schne-er and Koelin are ac- :ompanying the Seccnd Torpedo Boat Flotilla down the Spanish Coast and that Admiral Cails has replaced Rear Admiral Von Fischel as Commander of the units in Spanish waters Von Fischel it was explained, was forced to return to Germany because of ill- ness. BERLIN, July :BOâ€"Gez'many fore~ :eeing complete collapse of the non- 'ntervention scheme tonight sent ad- ,litional warships into Spanish wat- 31‘s to “protect German interests.” The announcement of the ;t1-engthening of Germany’s war fleet off Spain was made simul- taneously with an anouncement in London by the German Ambassador, Joachim Von Ribbentrop, that Ger- many can not enter into further con- vzultations of the new British neutral- ity plan so long; as Russia continues her opposition to the granting of bel- ligerent rights. The German answer to the Brit“ ish neutrality proposals, published in ”he Nazi press tonight pointed out that the recognition of the belliger- ency of both Spanish factions must be simultaneously with the with- diawal of foreign volunteers from Spain. Russia Blamed by Germany. London. July 30â€"Germany today formally charged Soviet Russia with starting the Spanish civil war ”m an affort to establish a Bolshevik re- gime and With a shattered internat- tional effort to preserve the non- interven-tion pmject. The charge was made by Jaochim von Ribbentrop, German Ambassador to London, before a “show-down” session cf the Chairman’s subcom- mittee of the non-intervention body that has pledged twenty-seven Eur- opean nations to a “hands-off Spain” policy. The meeting adjourned at 1.15 pm. in apparently hopeless deadlock. “Soviet' Russia started the Spanish civil war and would like to end it in her own way, that is, by bolshevising Spain, von Ribbentrops said angirly. The Russian representative, Am- 1 Complete ‘ OPTOMETRICAL Service LLOYD A. FLACK TORONTO LINDSAY Seeing Specialist 6 \Viliiam St. N., ONTARIO Head Office Bowmanville, Ont. - Home A LINDSAY AND BOBCAYGEON DIVISION Lindsay Waiting R00m .................... Central Garage-Thong 500. Bobcaygeon Waiting Room ....... z ............ R ockland Hausa-JPN)“ 2 Read Down Daylight Saving Time Effective on Read Up Sunday, July 4th, to August 3lst, 1937 Week Week Sat. Sun. ’ ‘ Week Week Sun. 3“. Days Days and H01. Stop Days Days H01. Only A.M. P.M. P.M. No. P.M. P,M, P,M, A,M, 7.40 1.15 7.35 Lv. 1â€" Bobcaygeon Ar. 12.55 6.10 10 05 1225 7.50 1.25 7.45 2â€" Red School 12.45 6.00 9 55 12 15 8.00 1.35 7.55 3â€"â€" Scotch Line 12.35 5.50 9 45 1205 8.10 1.40 8.00 ALâ€" Dunsford 12.30 5.45 940 12500 8.20 1.50 8.10 5â€" Pleasnt Point 12.20 5.35 9 30 1150 8.30 2.00 8.20 6â€" Ops School 12.10 5.25 9 20 11 40 8.45 2.10 8.30 Ar. 7â€" Lindsay Lv. 12.00 5.15 910 1130 7.40 7.50 8.00 8.10 8.20 8.30 8.45 bassador Ivan Maisky, glowered at the German Envoy from the other side of the conference room in the Foreign Office. The attack on Germany’s most bitter European enemy sprung from Russia’s announcement that she Will not consider under any circumstances the granting of belligerent rights to the Spanish insurgents. Russion Shifts Responsibility. Maisky retorting to von Ribben- ° The fine courtesy. . . the V respectful care . . . in every 9‘ detail of Nesbitt Funeral Service has made this organiza- tion the trusted friend of many families of BobcaygeOn and Vict- oria County. Combining the advantages of most modern facilities, with a. high type of personal attention, our services are available anywhere in Victoria and Petea'boro County, at trop said: “Don’t try to shift the blame from those who are guilty to those who are not. The world public opinion can easily detect the truth. “If non-intervention breaks down it will be Germany’s and Italy’s re- sponsibilty, not ours, for the real danger comes not from the Soviet which oppOSes the granting of bel- ligerent rights, but from Germany and Italy who strenuously oppose the withdrawl of foreign volunteers from Spain. a price within reach of any fam- ily income. If desired our modern funreal home may be used without extra charge. No extra charge to go to any hospital within a radius of One hundred miles, The Soviet stand virtually wreck- ing British efforts to salvage non- intervention collaboration, was made in reply to a British proposal that billigerent rights be granted to both the insurgents and: loyalists, depend- ent upon the withdrawal of all for- eign volunteers frOm Spain. Canadian fed-stuffs are imported into the United Kingdom free of duty and are exempt from import duties chargeable on foreign merchandise proided that the British Customs authorities are satisfied that the con ditions attached to the concession of Imperial preference have been ful- filed, that is the inclusiou in the ship ping documents of the proper cert- ificate of origin. We are as near to you as your telephone. San Francisro, Julyâ€"A proposal to pardon Thomas J. Mooney by con- stitutional amendment reached the Attorney-General’s office today. Ir- ving Newton of Los Angeles sponsor- ed an amendment which would par- Phone 1 W. A. Nisbett Son 7 houghtfulness WOULD PARDON MOONEY Funeral Director K. A. NISBETT, Owner e 1 â€" Bobcaygeon SHIPPING T0 BRITAIN ‘-; or men: 9‘. Pasteurized Milk Garton’s Coach Lines Johnson ’3 Dairy If you are not sin Pastuuiud Ink. sum Contain 3.59 mu- m.“ GIVE IT A “I You will and it will kn, I" h a much longer ”It“. Youcangotltutunnfiyatfl the wagon a"?! “7- don Mooney, now serving a life trem for the 1916 Preparedness Day bom- bing here ahd to provide for pardons by popular vote. These cars have been reconditioned and repainted, and are in first clnl condition. ’36 CUSTOM PLYMOUTH SEDAN ’35 FORD V8 STANDARD COACH C. H. POOLE, Prop. Bobaygeon Kawartha PLYMOUTH Sale Of Used Cars 1929, OAKLAND SEDAN 1926, OAKLAND SEDAN 1931 PONTIAC COUPE Rumble Seat ’29 DURANT SEDAN 1927 CHEV. 4 COACH $100.00 '36 BUICK COACH '2’ CHEV. TRUCK $495.00 $275.00 $175.00 $175.00 $100.00 $850.00 $225.00 SERVICE $75.00 PAGE Phone

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