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Bobcaygeon Independent (1870), 3 Aug 1872, p. 1

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.___â€".._.. One Dollar per Annum, in advance. VOLUME 111.] “I. JAMES SMITH. i."~"I‘Y JUDGE. Office in the Court v’ H ruse, Lindsay. 31m. ncDOUGA'LL, tRSillFF. Oiice in the Court House, Lind~ ) say. a.._... 1. Licounss, 1.)UN'I'Y A'I‘I'OiterY and Clerk of the .J P race. Odice in Keenan's Block, Lindsay. WILLIA M GRACE, ' VLEBK OF Till-J COU NI’Y COURT, and Registrar of the Surrogate Court. Ufice . the Con" House, Lindsiy. S. C. WOOD, \OJNTI CLERK. Office in the Court U Amuse, Lindsay. JAMES MCKIBBIN, ' 1.1::le OI" l‘l-ll-J DIVISION COURT. 1) ice in the Court House, Lindsay. n. DUNEâ€"FORD, '; .".JIS'I‘RAR. wheeâ€"corner of William ‘9 4.1 Glen-:11: streets Lindsay. 1 I J AMES MCKIBBIN. 1':.)'«VN LAND A1155 1‘ Ulfice ./ 2-1211 Hair,“ Lindsay in the alilrSSSlO'UL 01808.; :I. 111011.111, 111)., L. 11.0. as s.--, EJICAL Itrii‘ 611118 to the Reliance 3 .11 Itual L.fe Assurance Society of Lou- 1, 1 u, 31131111111. 1 l ' the and residence, Fcnelon Falls. JAMES DIUKSUN, ) 1.. 515101251011, Commissioner in Q. 13., L . Cuuv 'yauc r, so. I" :11. -1011 Falls, ()111. CAMERON ,DOIIMER l; BARRON, ; \ nun 11.135 .1: A l l'Uiihit. l $-.-\l‘- LA W- : ) .inlic.tors-iIi-tliianccry, Lindsay. J. W7. .1: Geo. DUNSI'ORD S 1.1' .131) 1.21.1): 1:33.13 oi" r‘IL‘Ii, ov:r C :1 urittun‘s .Storr,1.i.1xlsa_v. Dn\\lnl‘t~ib x 1i iiuosrsru, Attorneys, Solicitors, and Near Ontario sank, ' ) L?» 51-31 1.11.5, ) iotaries i'uolio. -.. A Lucy. A. LAC U U 11.315, 0 . t t. 1' 125$, .tt.orn:y-at-Law, Convey ) . 1 ' -r, e '. U.:i.':, 1{:cnau‘s Brick Build . a' :01 street, Lindsay. ' ‘7 7" mm .1; SMITH, '. ' :l.\1‘.l.ti, :ltt:1r11eys~ut-Low, Solicitor l . 1'1 ' .‘.,.1v::ya.1:L-rs, Notaries, Jun. u IIL'C ov Jr Mr. Ueall's store. ~ 11 t 1 J C. I 5-1113. Smith on”- _.-W~ .itl‘ 1 Lk 11 LEARY. in w '4 1 - '. lethh v , 3111;-11111‘, 510'. U.ll'- ‘x I 'l-Vi.:.nlI s LSIIMJR, cum .1‘ 01' Light 11.11“ 1 - ;. '.- N, 1.1:11say, Unt. Entrance ls: .7'::;.1:11 itrcel 1'. s. 11.111113, 1' l'UliN 1‘; 1'-.\ i'-u.\ 1V, Solicitor-imClmtr wry, Not try Public, Conveyancer, .k'e. 1 . ;.:.01' for the Ontario Bank. (mice over, 1‘. ."ul:_v 5: 111's. Hardware Store, Keenan’s Ilse-11,1131“ Street, Lindsay. 0.75.31155'1111. 11.9., ‘11110Ni'31t. OzliL-e, 0er Bradiield h Clux- “} tozi's Store, Bobcaygeon. . *fl.-- D11. W11 KEMPT, 0.5L, . \1)J.\ 1‘15 11‘ llagill University. Medical I L 1'-r:e to the Bi'ittania, North British, . . . ..l :ceantile Insurance Companies. Ollie: l‘________ ' '{ce'un‘s New Block, opposite the J’eWett‘ use, 11:111. Street, Lindsay. A. W. J. DBGRASSI M. D. Physician, Surgeon, 80., km, Coroner. ;: :sidmceâ€"BrickCottage J; Jr. Martinâ€"Lindsay. w memos, M. 1)., , ‘ R‘ADUAI‘ E OI" VICTORIA l NIVEllâ€". J 91 FY, Inemb 'r of the College of Plivs1L1-, ~1 is an l 511:". 'tlnn ul'Outario, Long Island( '01- 1 -1spital,an:l B' Ulltvue Hospital Lollcm. ,, :w York. na- Orricsâ€"Bobeaygeon. Qv-y: w.1-:. SHERWOOD, LERK OF THE 3rd DIVISION COURT. Oihce in Bobeaygeon. W. B. READ, " ENERAL MERCHANT, Issuer of Mar- U riage Licenses, and Commissioner for Losing affidavits. Othce at Bobcaygcon. J. B. EDMISON, ‘.\RRIAGE, Waggon and Sleigh maker. I Repairs executed at the shortest notice .ln 1 in the best possible manner. Term: Gas/1. WShOpâ€"fipposite Mr. Orr’s Temperance Holue, Boulton Street, Bobcaygeon. ROBERT P. BEA'I’I‘Y, AILOR, thankful for the liberal patronage bestowed on him since he commmccd business in BobcaygeOn, begs to say that he is still prepared to promptly execute all orders .vith which he may be favoured, in the latest «vies, and at 1nml:rate prices. Shopâ€"over \tr. Harlow's saddlery, Boulton street. L. M. CATHER, ETERINARY SURGEON, Graduate of th- Ontario Veterinary School, Toronto Office Lindsay. 34. .â€" TlIOMAS SEARL, \"sOM LONDON, ENGLAND, Veterinary ll Sarzeon, Bobcaygeon. 05cc next to 55". Boyd’s. JOSEPH GRAHAM, (wows 1.11m: scam and Free Grant 1 . Agent for the Townships of linden, Stanton: Anson and Hinden. Residenceâ€" Bonita: Street. Bobaygeon. MONEY. prepared“ on riwto negoeiate loans It: buyllortgngeson 1m medRealEso tote, thgnno“ favonuhlo terms. Loans m1: vateparties only, not for any . . G. BALL. :0“; the to“ Olin. " Rodi. Oat. 13in! ’3, Lately occupied ~ " .._â€"’- (Open to all: Influenced by than who Convince us.) BOBCAYGEON, ONTARIO, PSATURDAY, AUGUST 3rd, 1872. ' CAISSE'S‘IIOTELI ETERBOROUGH, Ontario. Turver an To Trespassers' JcWett, Proprietors. 1381 IC 'O'I‘N‘E D“. CURRY, ,l 2P pL‘fBOD found ICENTIATE of the I‘oronto School or} C u t t i n g T i m b e r MedicinU,Mindcn, 011t 5'“ lor otherwise trespassing upon the under- *fl "‘ I mention. d Lands, E. BENSON, M. D. is hereby given that any ATE or rursiumnouou, Graduate off WILL BE PROSECUTED= B. -llevue Hospital )1 (lit-.11 College, New . according ,0 law I',ork and also of Victoria (ollege, Canada; “ . ‘ _ Physician, Surveon, Accour; hen;- 10“. NSHIP 0F HAP-l L1. Particular attention gin-n to diseases of Lot. Con. Acres. m" EYE and E“‘ll-15......e ...... 13....200moreor1css Onion. -First door north of the Mutts.I l'o’ ...... .13. . . . . . . . .2011 -- u House, William Street, Lindsay. ] 18...... .13.... . ....ZUU “ “ 22.......13 ...... “.200 “ 1‘ _ , 28‘ 25.......13 ......... 200 u .. 3- 001153111: 26...... .13 ......... 200 u u GENT for first-class Fire. and Life Insur‘ { S. E} 4. . . . . .. .16 . ........ 50 H u ance Companies. ImprovL-d forms for l S. g 10 . . . . .. .16 ......... 100 “ u sale. Money to loan, 51.0., kc. ‘ i 18 ....... 16. . . . . . .200 “ 5‘ ‘ _ V A ll. 2811) 18-0. ,_‘f I“. 21 ....... 11...... ...IU() “ “ ELF: _ L, L, 1,11. g 23 ....... 17 ....... . .100 u u GEORGE 810K, 19 ....... 18.........100 u u 20 ....... 18 ...... . . .200 “ u (008“! 0! WILLIAM JOHN STREETS ,) 6 . . .19 ...... . . . 78 u u OBCAYGEUN I'ownship Clerk and In-l E.pt. 12 . . . . . . 19 ......... 85 H “ surance and General Agent. A lot of 13 ....... 19 ......... 120 H N valuable Farm Lands for Sale. 14 ....... 19 ........ . 90 N U â€"â€"-â€"-â€"-â€"--â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€" 15.......19 ......... 79 “ “ J' 9' HALL TOWNSHIP 01' V'EILL'LAM. ARI'ISTLIVM W“) "1' ’A'r' Aw 5"" 5 24...... . 5 ......... 200 u u IL'Itor 111 charmer), (..ouvLyanL'cr, c. l W 16 7 ‘ “ “ Uniceâ€"Uve-r 'I‘upper s 'I‘hoxnpsou‘s, boulton l ' i 31 ' ' ' ' '- ' _ - ' ' - - ' - - £3 “ 1: Street, Bobcayg::on. l F % 25 ..... . é ......... 130 H “ Aston 11015513, 11-; 1 5..10 ......... s: _ ' E.}1t.29 ..... .10 ......... 75 ‘4 1‘ l‘l‘iNliLON FALLS, \Vm. Bell, l’r0p:1ctor. ', 3,, . ,0 . ”5 ,, 11 This is an old “'1‘” estabhshx-d house on 1 . ' '_'.' .' ' ' ' ,' ' " .~ . _ _ m. m ..,“ .., ..,}.g «11-11.. m, ,. 1, “W, , 1 01: your L1 bollldfl 11.1.1.. ozbt timing good11cc:uninodution :tiid CXCCill 11! l Lot. (jou. Aer“. board. 1'“ "' St 11:111-1rs.111:l L';"" 'r". may ' 2 ....... 3 ......... 2m: 111111'L- or less always 111' had at the bar. 1111' btablzng 1s 1 1': ....... -. ......... ._,‘ ,, ,, .. first class and horses will I’CCUIVC the most 1". ....... , . . . . . ' ' . . _, (l , careful :t!l:' union 6-1 yr l 1‘, _ .. ,-_ . _ . ..... 1,”, , ,, ”7-7 W '77 ...._.. l-i . 13 . _ "-m l n ‘ X I ...... .. . . . ..- . FRED E BUR\I‘IA 1' l '1'1_.\:.".h'iill‘ (-1" i'.l.l.(-.\' Barrister. ttorney, 50.10.10: are, l L.-1, U n. A“, S. (of persimonorcu, W 03 0 ll 1'. 1 1r l 3 , Will be in llobcayg on on Monday at each ' é . ' " 'V """ 7, .. i" ' ' ' ' " ' Wcrk, for th: transaction of ,u'olcssiunul busi- - lb“ 5231111’ (.rl' l'..\:ll.1 "9""- , ‘ ll 1' B It 1 t lW.:} 16.......12 ......... 1114‘. 1: 1. ll 'hfiigrd'gk'rih naps '10'1'11" u" on 3 rev. ' And sundry Lots in 111.. VILLAIJI l:» j.. " ' ' ' " ' 01101.03: 38‘ )losrv TU Lon. M, 1:11: ' Bobcaygeon, Oct. 6111. 1871. LARGESTâ€"BEST~ CIIEAI'ZES'I DUMlNlON HOUSE, IN DEN 1 11031.15 LEAR ,l’roprietor. 3 lure-:11 nt :uL-nrmnmlntion fqir tram-Hus; 11111 the best liquors and cigars nlw'nys in a: - .1141 _ ,. . ~ _. 1 1 "andanuttcntiveostlvr. “”‘k' (”0" “"7" "P‘ __ run morn 11.1.1:.~'1'1-. '1- r v ‘ v- " I . - - 1 v 3103 D "LIFE-L: Rural, Literary and 1- 311.1: ‘s . - :ilv lNDl". N, ..111‘ K50)? I‘EAI), Propritmr, ‘ 'l‘hisis 'iw 11 known hon-,1 h111ch,-ntmn-l 8‘! D. 1', Tr, 2-3517; ll. 11 bv the {my 121. 1'1‘ '1. lmmll" ‘3‘" ""‘l New York Cilv Girl 11' "i-uv " T" '1. c-lrou'L liquors-121:, and :2 - . Detail 041.." in ‘ : , . ‘Zl t'n' PHIL-1"“ l â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" W 1” . ‘ ”,|_;7'7'Â¥77V7->'4w7' .51.. 1' ,‘ 9'1"" "‘." ‘ FUILL§1 liklt :‘1'4. ; ‘ , l , 1 1' , I (1.1111: 31:. ._ ~ f . . . .\..1'.'.:.~ ‘ Ull-.‘.\.'l'-'Hil/" 11'1"! 31 ‘l 1.1": "“‘i7"'""' 111.. 1111.“. my t.«1..‘.‘..\. 3 .) 1 1s i~'i;s-‘~:l:1<s 11v: 11111111011111.1011 for mrtsm 1111' 1’ l ~fr'11 i>t>. imprcv :1,;11J.111,!:1.~:.: 1. hill',‘\.hl, 1,111- 41,-1.4 p.11: largest circulating in : 1.1} :1: 11+, . .. >11- 1). run in 111-1211). “.111 ' and '.'1' 1': _1 0:11.111- 11%. as w- 11 as in six", «tr:- ru'. ! 1 .~:1.1li11'.~«. :11!“ 'lmviuy; :1 CI Nam 11.». L, ,. 1:111: Ilâ€"“lll: t1 115 ,J-s.-. 1 115“" AY 1101.751") (1.11111‘1'V St. lin‘.‘ll1nl'i{ 11:51.. l.llnl.â€"$\V.) " l (.‘U.\' ‘1 'A 1' l’rnpri: tor. l"i:'.~t .‘lzhx‘ lions». ’ . b1 Sample mums on the first " 1' r.» 1111111111.:1311121' "' "l"" ' "-'f'"" ‘5 l“ 1mm 1”“ 1‘ ~ buss 111111111 from th' cur- and buns 1111.. t‘erllI' 33-11. " ij- ”flit 11W“ â€"_ -.,; M _ . «.-.. FARM [151‘ 2 1111.51th FAVORITE! ‘1. W7. 7MINTII‘)R.\E, lumpic-ymg 1:1: lwsl talent in the landâ€" lmvgin .\ine able. Editors and Hundreds oi Svaisl (,1 ntrxbutors and COIrLspondcntsâ€" and bring an acknowledged authority (111 Practical, Scientific and Literary Subjects, an Exchange truly says of it- thst “ Tm: 111111.11. is the most Elegantly Printed, Ably Edited, Widely Circulated and Heurtily Welcomed Paper, as a whole, which now finds its way among the People.’ The Canadian Department, lately introduc- ed, 11: concluded by Rev. W. F. Clarke, n! Gticlph, Ont, formerly editor of the Canada F.urmer ENE LON 1'". 11.135 ( ‘h' mist. Druguisl and Station 1',:11111d :11- r in Paints, Uils.\ '111- nish s Sz'ctls,D\'1 Stuffs Coal Uil,.\ Lumps, also School and )liscilluncnus Books Baum Paper, at. P11: suinm l’rr s: mph: 11", and Family Recipm canlully prepnrtd at all hours. DTNNISS S PUMPS? THE BEST IN THE DOMINION! I us 31 BSCRIBEIt 11:11.113' notifiesthe pub MOORE’S RURAL PAYS lie that he has 1' mm"- d his factory from All who cultivate F nuts, Flowers, VL-gctablc s I'Ltulnuouwh to within om- mile of Lindsay. to, even on a small male, (in City, \ill: 1g:- un the Bobcuy', reun road , ins: aclnap asv-u irking and durable pump culturists, Stock Breeders, \\ ool Grow-Ln will do “-1.11 to get one from him, as the“ D:1irv1nL11,Puult1y l-"":111Lie1.~', 61c. ., it is indis ‘ D n-uis l'ump"1annut be extelhd, as will b1 pensablc. In the 1‘ amilv it is highly 1': testiliud by hundreds who haw: purchaSed ed, its Literary and \Iiscellnmons D11 >811- them 111cnts furnishing1 (‘hoiLc and lutcilaining lleading for all. I‘m; Run/It‘s Marvin 11, 1871- 3-1." M'ARKI'IT 11m 0110? rumours wordy-5 left at the gm," of Mr. A ,Are full and 1': llhblt'. Indeed, being Ably On- or Mr. I. Junkin, will be promptly at- 1 Edihu Illustrated and Print:- din Extra Style tended to. land Alhwted to Country, Village and City, l'l‘he limit is the Paper i'or yourself, Family land 1' riends. It is not a monthly or a semi- EW G DS! lmunthly, but a Large and Beautiful Illustra- :tL-d Weekly, and though double its former size, its subscription price remains unchanged! ' FORM, STYLE, TERMS, cc. . ' Vol. XXL, for 1870, will be published in NEVV PRICES . Superior Style, each number comprising Six- teen Double Quarto Pages, (of Five Columns Each,) Finely Illustrated, and neatly printed on book paper. Only $3 a year; in clubs of ten or more, $2.50. Canadians, 20cts. a year extra, for American postage. Subscribe and Club now!â€"~Great induceâ€" ments to Club Agentsâ€"Over One Hundred Valuable Premiums, ranging:r in price from 4 15036001 Specimens, Perium Lists, Show- 'Bills, 1w. ., sent free T11: RURAL has always hailed from Roches- ter, N. Y ., (the heart of a famed farming and, limit growing region wherein several of its At Much Lower Prices Editors and Contributors reside,) but as its than usual principal Publication Office is now in NC“ FOR CASH, York. 81” tiers shnu‘t‘. be addressed to : D. D. T. MOORE. 4] Park Row,I\ N. Y II. DENNIS, Agent. The subscriber, having just received a con signment of CHOICE DRY GOODS, of this year‘s manufacture, 0501': the some having made up his mind to discontinue the credit flaw of businw- A senml British America Fire and Ma- assortment of . fine Assamâ€"life Company. Fresh Groceries mormonnmmssrsxnuosr autumn in stock as usual The highest Pn“ 1i! coirumxs 121 1111: 170.111.!) 10 111511111»: 111. 11 cash for eggs and butter. . Ravine opened an office 011 the (tumor 01 JOSEPH BROWN. William John streets, I am prepar. d to re- eeive applications for Irism'ance in the abovo - - . 5-1 ' . jaw-neon- Apnltthdsll ’ “m’ GEORGE RICK, Royal Mail Stage BaharnonJamm' 2nd. 1871- 1...... BETWEEN ' Mofl'att‘s Hotel, (an: unmask) Mmden cl: Boboaygeon. The Stage will“ leave 30W every CHARLES HOFFATT -‘ - 'IPROPRIETOR. Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, at 6 o ’clock a. 111.. and return the w to evening. Fair moderate. Parcels d the risk- of the MM. mm unless booked and?!“ for. 130'!!! : YORKIAR W . best a! Liquors and Cigars kep t in stitch. EYery accommodation tor the mm public. that. class 312.6111:an charge oral: experienced ostler. " timeout, Sept. 36th, 1871. Moore’s Rural New .1“'1L{.1‘,' Any m, rson wunt- or 5111111111,) while to farmers, l luntcrs, Hm'ti- . gar-.1 -1 â€"l etry. i Sword and {Plough FROM THE GERMAN 0F WOLFGANG MULLER. There once 1: as 3. Count, so I’ve hcttrd it 5111(1â€" C Who lL-lt that his end drew near; And he called his sons before his bed To part them his goods and gear. 1 ,He «1111' u {or his plough, he called for his swu rd, That gulln'nl, good and brave; 'I‘hL-y brought him both at their father’s l “"0111, I And thus be his blessings gave: 1 1 .1 My firstbOrii‘sllh, ngm‘and might, Do thou my sword retain : My castle on the lordly height, And all my broad domain. a 0n thee, my well-loved younger boy, My plough I here. bestow, A pt'aCL‘llll life shalt thou enjoy, In the quiet vale below.” 1 Contented sank the sire. to rest. Now all was given away ; ‘ , 'l‘lu- Suns licld ll'llc his last behest, 15‘1'11 on their dying day. l “ Now 1;: 1‘ us 11 11:11 (111110 of the steel ol'flzime Oi 1h:- insllc and its knight! 1 And all us “llill. 1.111111" oi the vale so lurm, And 1111- lrumllc ,1: 'tsnnt “11:1 11'” i l (l 11le 11ml of me what the «‘1111 may be! Ask 111' (111' «'0111111‘)‘ l‘nllllll‘. i'l'ln' Lusllr isdusl,11.1-su'm'dis1‘ust. l 'llre1111;111-isl.-:11d:.s.1'tground. 1111‘: 111:- \':111- spreads wile intlrrgnldvn1111110 (21111-11111111111 ~1111.i,:'311 110w; ll tn 111s 111111 1111,1115 l'.ll'IlllLl\\'l‘.l\‘, And 111-. honor 1.1110» \\'1111 1111- plough. HIS GELLAIIEOUS. i or on Huncha isen in Calift': nia. , _....... 1 Tim following is :1 fair representation, , somewhat enlarged, 01' the "bug talk." abouz “nary-101111111111 production: 01' 1110 11101.10 Coast which one hours In those , 11:11th " 'l‘ivo trucks ago I started on (trial! to 7, the Y0 Semito Vniley. I arrived at 111:- whui'l' 21 111111111-11ttnuluu' to get on 11mm] ; ,uud, instead 01 uniting until the next day, l 1 determined to go to Stockton on horse. back. 1 accordingly crossed the buy to ,U: klnml 01'. us it is lwtlcl' known. 'Little 1' ediinutonf 111m 111ml 11 horse and rode 0111101 the l1vc1mmc \ Illlty, whercl stayed all night “‘1'11111 runclu-i, whoJ w is kimvm in tin- \':111~-y:1s '(,31:111111s. ‘lrey _ " 11 1.1111 111:1 lm' 1m ll” 3:: t 1'11'111 1y l'mhl ;:.:_'--11 11,1111" 111~u-\ “1.1111119101111012 Illa-I‘ll- llOb I-lllh' l-‘le Ill 1111' L”(1Ullll\'. AS stlnu'r 111110 211111111 10111-11. 'L ‘llmps atslul L 'llle Ii 1 \‘t‘uultl lllm' M11711" 01:1: prrlcrrcd it~llr 11d 01 suit. 11011111 or Mod I told him I wor. id like some eggs 1nd . that ‘11 “ould suit me best to lure them solt boiled. l "111 11 low moments them came Clamps fund his with rolling an egg the size of it 1110qu b:1rr.cl “hick they boiled 111 :1 sho1t ' time 111 a 1111' "e cauldron and then set it 1 up on end by 111 111.1111 5 chair at the table. A hole was 1113110111 the tOp oi the shell, and the egg Was dipped out with along ' handled l:1dle.1 was astonished at the size of the cum and observed that his hens 11111 lmivl Cc? must be enormously 1'11 ge 'By no 1 means ,’ he replied.‘ Y on will not be so much snipiised 1111911 1 tell you that one llien did not lay this egg alone; it took seven or eight llE‘IlS almost a Week to lay it. I was ajoint stock production of the [chickens, but still it is better than the l individu: 11 wsponsibility plan. l ' At breakfast, the next morning we had moreegg. and thcul went on the mud to Stockton. I reached San Joaquin River at 110011, and was ferried over in a .unique- -looking craft. While the feuy l man was tugging silently at his big 0111's, '1 ’lI inquired whether his ferry was profit- able. “Doesnt scarcely pay for raisin’ the boat,’ he replied. “Riising the boat ?” I repeated. ‘What do you mean by raising the boat? ‘7’ “Mister,” said he, resting for a while on his oars, ‘you be a stranger in these parts, bean’t you '3" I replied that I had not been long in the country. “Then,” said be, pointing to the slime, “ this’ ere boat growed In that pumpkin- patch over y'."onde1 " ‘Growed in that pumpkin- patch!’ I exclaimed. ' “GI-owed in that pumpkin patch. on a 'pumpkin-vine. Mister, this boat is a pumpkin-shell, cut in two. That patch 15 where it growed.” “ Where, over by that barn '2” quired. “That ain’t no born,” he answered; “ unless you 0110056 to call it so. "I‘hat s . a pumpkin. too. But I made a hole In the end on' t and let the stock inside, and when the wet season sets in, why, you see Iplug up the hole and let- em winter itherua They come out awful fat. in the , spr m g That big green- docking squash 1 over yonder l' m hollerin’ out to live in. 1 “Are these the growth of the season. 9' ' I asked. “ We don‘t have no sicb difi‘erence here on the San Joaquin as growin' seasons and. them others. Things keep on grown’ all the time till we pull’ em or they die." l “ As I was taking leave of the ferryman I m- calamity by reason of it mysell', “It was in this wise: After riding sev- keep' in the saddle, and, dismouming. lay 1 down on the ground, intending to takealsizes made. The smallest is five and‘ Ilmd the pumpkin seed In my! three eights. and the largest is eight vest pocket. Dining my slumber-s it fell though the 111 ger numbers are not sent short nap. 0n the ground and I rolled over on it. My gr eat fatigue caused me to oversleep my- l self, and I awoke in the moming by being I dealer, who puts them up in the pack- 91:11 hours in the sun, I was so overcome ‘ ages you ve seen in the shops, a dozen by drOWsiness as to find it mpossible to ditierent colors in a package. 5 * ..“J... - Two Dollars at the end of th: year [N UMBER 21 And being sowed they go back to the l, A; Arguing: for Darwin ' TALENTED 1110.14.15 11.115 1N S.\.~111V11.1.1~:: Frnm the U 1113111 and A merican. __ ladi -â€" . . There are for es '6“ different} A young lady friend ofours, who is not an old maid 1101' will ever be. prOvidcd our feelings areaâ€"w llâ€"rs‘ specled; has three educated cats. whose tnuned in- lstiucts ronde 1' them interesting animals. 1 One of these cats will when she hear-31110 ---d001 bell ring. run to the 100m of the to America. In fact, we use the smallest‘ gloves made. Do you know how to tell what size of" v 9 u, 1 l I'OUghly hun'ied over the ground in my 1 Elm" you head T F ind”? m: 1511,1113 i'Ouug lady and indulge in Various gym. pr'ostiate position, with what seemed to and measure your" r1111 arounc t e nasties, such 1». :11'Lhing it~back and tum. be a rope around my body. their wav to the halvest field. "On being relieved lrom my perilous; position, the mystery became clear. 'lhe ‘ warmth of my body caused the pumpkin- seed to sprout and begin growing. and One of the tendrils of the new vine had coiled itself mound my bodv, dragging 1 ,me along in its rapid g1 011111 :1 distance , iot' male than l1:'111 a mile below 1 “HS 1 mv:1k0n€d. 111v doliveieis 11111.1 hard inn 1 to keep p: we wi'. 11 me in the e-lunhes ofl the pumpkin vine, and tin Illy anon-t it'ld my progress by cutting it with their scythe blades. I gave them the vine for, their reward, and we counted on it no ' loss than three hundred young 11111111 kins 1 ranging from the size 01' a lion‘s egg 1011 tics. Six vcal's ago :1 {59111101111111 zosulbrg 11: :11 \to: Mon planted at "1 sllJtVll'lt, by his 111 two years the building was e'utolded in the bunches of 11011. 9. completely the vine, and the g< mlomun was su: prism found Ition. lul vigor, and carried the house unh 1rm lab, wrehe it remained wmding H.111 one around the monk of the grapevine. 11nd anybody who will take the i trouble to go and see will find it as I 3 have said." 1' our hid Gloves. '1t Seoiu" his dwellin" starting from its,l , _ , ' a The vine :vrevv with wander ; and mimont to 111m; be 13 born upon 1'. now rm 101105 111% f1 out (1001' by means 01 :1 l I howled; knuckle. lustily for help, and my cries attractcd‘? qumtsrs of an inch that it moasuresis the attention of two men, who were on' exactly the size gl‘ the glove. lmakes ayouug lady’s hand look worse 110111'- b: 11"1L'l. , 11111015 but one more tlri 11g 1 will 110- 1 i 1 l i .111d 1:.0111’ort; it is the pi 1n.e necessity of ed up to theheight of sixty fret in 11ml " \0 “he" plant- which grow: upon a- The gentlcm: 111 l - --,-..W. H- , l l l ibly. but 111111) skin -,it' thcv'ie extra 111' c tluee- button glovO es, from Paris, they ‘11 Ill. 1 1:1 1s lir'clty as the skin of a kid; and l numbci emy ,9," cohs, 101 all 1 know have as good skins 1s either of them. You see them are not kids enough In the whole world to supply the g10ve 11111101: and lll‘tl'S why they make. war on lambs and colts. I 111 afraid theie wouldn t be m'my colt skin gloves, it they came to America 1'01 ski11s.l\e are too fond of horses to kill But they get them country out their colts, as we do lambs. Besides kids, lambs and colts, sheep skins we made into gloves 111 Germanv and Italv, and sold in America. for kid. They have the advantage of being cheap, so tliit Biddy can bqu "loves for a dollar that look as well at a little distance as yours that cost three (1011.113. But whether sheep, kid lamb or colt the skins have to go through several operations before they are put into snug packages of one dozen pairs of gloves. 1n the first place, they rue collected from the ends of the earth and sent to the glove maker, we 11 say in P:-11is, since all gloves profess to come from that city 'lhe first operation in the fucto.y Is to remove the hair. If it was a common skin for shoes, it would be taken off with lime, but delicate skins requiie a dill'er- ent method, so it is soaked' in watei and Indian meal. What that does to it I'm sure I don't know, but when the meal is well beaten out, the hair comes off with perfect ease. In 1110 511% 131300 11101:” “01' kid: Pl'Ob 1 plant ItiOIIâ€"teu acres 01 miguov to one 1 UHdUUlflO'dI) grew 01) the buck OI it I‘Ollz. '1 01 county) 131- 3’0? than \9“ Ilnglv ,nd 111011 t know as tlrut' s anything anuinstl «1011 3 “G" “"V the ”km 0' 4 "‘mb 1 ers, of which each old plant- IlllOWs 011 :t t WWW“ The number of inches and: 111g somexsaults. apparently cxPiessiug a knowledge of the enjoyment she must fe el upon " receiving a. cull.” Upon one 900011551011 the. young lady went driving, when the cut followed the buggyas far as the outskirts of the city, when it was , invited to and given a'seat in the vehicle. . ,3 One of the other cats. :1. \Villiam Vardvu. than :1 glove too smull. When the palm , , _ y .‘ . g _ _ . ;.1w.1kes his mistress at a certain howâ€"- 01 the hand 1s squeezed double. and the g , ,. 7. _ _ ‘ , , 01:.010 ten 0 clockâ€"~every morning. and hrst button (1011 t come down fairly on to , - , . . . ; _ 1. ,1: Is dangerous 101 a servant or any mem- the W: 1st It looks likeâ€"well. you 1111mm -, . . 1 b d l k 1' k 1 11 d "-1 ol the 12111111} to enter the 100111 be: rmâ€" to no 109.3110. 'L'5 1' “Li es 111'? this time. When a lady calls and $111 :1 e . d w 0 its lik awu-tk- . . . 3 g '1” the carerl 0 e 1“ 11111111 ML"; 111:, he Ixmumluttely goes minded ill. ' . . , g 1111 .«zr-m'cli oi ins undress. bouncing up- ; swim and Linough every room till he 1.11:1: fhci', when 11-: 1591205 her with his teeth. Should a "eutlo-mzm 0111, That is. 11' it is liv 0 inches and thiee quarters around you want gloves NO. 5‘. T‘shere one little thing I Want to toll you girls, privately. and that is. norhing' .. -0... --e-.. ._..._. _~ The Usefulness of the Century Plant. \\ but the b: lmboo Is to the Chin; .111: 111. this: cat: Imus ‘lllll afllilt‘llllll‘.’ 111(‘18 the ”1,1,2“le “ [5 to ,llla‘ mistress 11ml 11111935 511011 kDOVVu by l and ,3 ,0 hix descend -111cv'i11'r 02m. The third cat, w'lIiL 11 is 1.3%,). duv 01". much younger than the rest, takes great music and tlieuncienl Arlee. .11-1.‘ to the present day. 1111' your, m «11 hour of thc (111v he court 5 1 WWW-‘1 3“ in 020111 wt with it in some 121111.10 In more ‘ “mic" “'lh'“ any ““6 phys 0n the piano. I), 111 a hundrv ,3 101111: he 1),, utilized it When there. is vocal music this cat Very 11ml imkc it contribute to his 511.: ton: 11109 ”a?“ prauces “b0“ the 1100!: 811d uccaai: anally joins in the chorus. Being rather ; iiypochoudrizw. this cut likes 11111111 quI music, the sad strains 01' which usually cradled 111 it,l'e<1 upon it. and Is buxied 111 ’ (”“5“ the :miuul W CX'OUCh cu [he an"? whcru i1 I'ClllillIl-‘o as it in deep sympathy 11.1111 is put to so great a variety of uses; 2 Will! 111" “Wl”‘l}'- Til" principle and 09*" 111-: most useful, it not beautiful. and he knows them all. tuinly On the table land of Mexico one i, i11:11:11. or Llu'sv cats is catching mice and Their owner resides on never out of sight of it. ‘ chasing rats. gov: into Various his simple III e. 1: is bread, and drink, It {m'ms an i111- , , penetxable hedge, before which man and 301'”! Sumnm- Street and it 1: aid the beast alike must turn back, around every "'1“ “‘1'“ ”"1" SW“- lield,:1nd in many whole districts it is; cultivated in vast fields, hundreds of : thousands 01 plants being seen in :1 single : 9’- A (Stew-:11 Dom-«.1 shepherd once, to prove the 1,111: kilos: of his dog. Who Was ‘lving lwim'c the ."11e 111 the house in which '1 we “me talking. said to me in the middle 01 a sentenLe Loncei 11mg something else, H , " l'm thinking. sir, the cow is in the po- lhe mauueyis pinpw'ucd fiom ~11: .. “MOW. . Though he purpOsely laid no 1 stress 011 these words, and said them in a (1111'. t unconcerned tone 01' Voice the dog, who :11)po::~:1'0d to be asleep immediately of corn, and ten of com to one 01 any thing else, being cultivated over '1. section It flourishes 011.111 soils. but Is said to do best. upon rather , ' - 1 21' i .ide :1 11011” 1 .. ..,... ‘ ‘ ‘ (low and scx' .imbletl up the turl roof of -' " 7".:191"‘"0:/ii,l hardly any thing (lse cm 1 p 11 1cm , s . 1.110 lJOlhe 530111 “1.11:1: point hequ W” not alfected by the long drought of sum 1 ., . . ' l f . d \Iy see the. potato field. He then (nut 11191, and Will WIllle‘lnm‘z :1 19:11)» 1031. .111 gs.‘ ‘ in: v the cow mm?) ran and looked into even a degree 01 cold suiiicient to form 1 the bun “ bore 3,“, w“. and finding that ice an inch 1n thickness. without injury. all "as 13",” ‘ one back to the house A more hrudy plant 0" one more easilv ‘ Alter a short time the shepherd said the ,. l propagated or cultimted, is not in the ,nge words again. 1111-1 the dog repeated w.orld It is planted out in rows about , v, 1 his look out but on the false alarm being ten feet. “WW1“ and for one or two 5"” la third time givm. the dog got upand 0115, maize or wheat may be grown upon 311.1ng m3 ,3”. and looked his master in the same g10und,.-1hcr that the land Is 1 W, lace “1111 w comical w OXpl‘Cathll u,- used for grazing purposes, neither cattle inteirogution that, we could not help 1101' sheep eveI attacking the mnguey. l-grughm aloud at him. 011 which. with 3 however hard pressed "y hunger. 1111 ,‘slight gl",0ul he laid hImScll down in his 1 il 0 long, thick lance- shaped 18"“ "‘5 "' 1p 1 ’ lown warm come: with an offended air-nu bluish- green color, 921011 terminatinzf in a I if detennined hat to be I 3 tool 0‘ 1 l sharp, still spine, or thorn. come 11111" 0111 ‘1.-gain. the centre of the plant 111 :1 solid cone. , detaching themselves one by one, 111111 1 falling outward until the whole plant 11:15 1 When something like the shape ofa pine. tree cone, the points of the leaves at the w... -, --o/â€"~â€"-~â€"â€"a “'ANTED 'ro Saraâ€"A rough-looking but well informed farmer. living in one of the northern towns in Wayne county, 2‘. Y., base standing out in acircle from six to was once “looted as 21 WW “‘“dfld' twelve feet in diameter. and the point 01' , lbw?" and-sent to the Legislature. 3"" the roll of leaves in the center being perâ€" l ’e ‘ “0””de 1° make h” mark. and, ’f 1. :11: six or eight feet in height. The 113.1111.» “mm" Web's“ in WW1 Mexicans estimate the cost of n. maguey ,In order to do this he must makes speech, pl u” in the field when arrived at maturity so he Swim?" toget‘hpr items from histo- reckoning the 0051: of planting and sub. ’3‘ 3‘" meme' and 'lel‘ded them in har- . - monio's ' ncorl. '< : ' ' . sequent labor, Interest, and the use 01 l‘ (.0 ' h” (101.. to 1““ satu landâ€"at fifty cents,a and its value for all l':1 :ion h“ committed hi "' ’Pfl'ch to mem- purposes at 5'5. It will be seen that a Zox'y and appeared before the. Legislator“. field containing 100. 000 of these p Isms at :55 he “’0‘“ Wm“? his 59’“ another mem- matuiity represents ”500,.000 and there. be“ “0‘ ”emf; ““7 c“mm"“°"" *‘M‘VG 'flle skin has next, to be cut dOWn a 318 Why $1101) in 1116 country. Ulllll ll: 1 uhereupon the 8116" k8? 0f lib? Home f3”, little thinner, and is than to be Colored. For this operation it is llld right side up on ala1ge,flat stone. while the COICI' is put on with a bi ush, printed :13 you may say. That 3 why gloves. of color, are always white inside. whatever When the color is diy, the skin 15 r:'eidy ‘ to cut Out, and that' Is a very funny oner- , ation. l ’11 1e glove cutter has a steel ‘1". amp I shaped like a p: 111' of open hands, 3111 all 31 ound the outside of the i'Iame' 1s ashaip edge. Having laid the prep ll: ml skin 011 this f1 'une he takes up 11 clubâ€"a d1 (:11 club it is, too, all stuffed and padded so as to be softâ€"and with it he gives the stretched out skin one blow. The sharp ledges of course cut, and the glove is ‘ready for the sewer. The strips for the inside. of the fingers are cut from the edges of the skin. Then they are tied up in bundles of a dozen pairs, and sent out to be sewed. This is done In the country. by women at their own homes. Perhaps you have ; noticedâ€"you girls I meanâ€"that when Iyonr glove rips, you can never sew it so nicely as it was at first. That is because , the women who first Served it had ‘a very 'in genious little machine to help her. This machine is a sort of a clamp. that l l l- l 1 1 ll Icolts 101' theii skins. easilv from 1111 tax v for the people of that l l he gave me apumpkin seed, with the re- holds the edges of the seams together, 1 mark that 1 might astonish the folks' 1n , ‘with little notches for errery stitch. The the East with it; but before twenty-fourisewer puts her needle in every notch, hours had elapsed I came near having a and she can 't get it uneven and clumsy ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO l h ._ v reaches nmtur'ity, it can be applied to 110 , 11:0. g ,ntlcmtm from Wayne has tIu' . floor. ' Looking around upon his fellow. use, and the plantation is wholly unpro- . 1 _ l . . . ductive of revenue ; ogis 51:01.2. Illa courage faded. and ha! y _ . . . t a .l‘ sod t d 11 hdd o h- But then it yields its various pron lucts omen» '9 u o 0 1e ' mg I quickly, and is removed to make room , lllleilvcl. l-mally he sutmmered out, "I . v ~ yw - . . . -omv 'nt 11 :10 . 211.. and sat down and 101' a. sucker which It has thrown off tol ' k . I I ' . . , 1a roar of laughter from all who heard it. take its place and go througa the same 1.. ' . _ . . l 1110 next morning the Albany Switch re- routme. After the summer rams have I u o . . . ;(-. sa'lwv-chmfnllmndtimpo- ceasedâ€"say 111 October or hovemberâ€" ,pntod "' "' ' p 9 . . lliticul farmer was never allowed by his the nmgney, which has reached the prop - ‘, . ,. . . . . . 11mghbou is to ror'gi-t this pan-1mm mumps er stage of development, swells up in the j . . . . . . 1 .to enlighten the law tanker! oi the hu- center, and, In place 01 the upright rol ' . s1 1 . ' ‘ . II" t. l . of leaves, a head lIke that of a blemish p i ' '3 cabbage shmva itself. This head quickly 1 ' ’ ' 0' a ' . ' .. : 'z ‘- "'"es the form ' .S‘g'm“? “P " xgus On the departure of the bishop of New sprout 51x to twelve Inches 11) diameter , th _ , _. ‘ .Zextlamcl for his diocese. Sidney Smith re- and 8"”.0'.‘ up ""70 e 3" Wu" "Stf‘""“" ‘commended him to have regard to the mg rapidityâ€"say at the rate of six IDLIIPS minor as well a, m ,1". my. grave dutioo to one foot per dayâ€"«mil the height of of his stationâ€"t0 be g1: -n to hospitality fifteen to thirty feet is attained, whon‘ gâ€"anrl in order tomcat the “a,“ ofhis from three to fifteen hundred or two lnative' guests. nevi-r to be without a thousand pale, greenish white blossoms smoked lit'le boy in the lmoonvrack. and are developed and the maguey has PM" a cold clergyman on the sideboard " And ed upon the last stage of its existence- 3” for mv self mv lord he melded, From that hour it fades and droops, and “mu I can say is, that when your m soon withers away and diesrâ€"O er land. 1 parishoners do eat you. I sincerely hope Monthly f or July ‘ you may disa'uee with them." ..< -nâ€" Mg ‘ An Irishman went into a Chicago store, 1 -’ and says he. "Did IO“ put in the paper A noted wag ins Western Callaghan. you wanted a man, “If?” " Yes," said morning read 1 theme of mad Inuit. the store heaped“ ‘8“ Idistin tly stated The President, being “18916311”. liked “a that all applications must be made by mail." “An’ faith an’ it's meseli‘ than a male," said Pat, ind he was hired. pointedly it it was original.“ Why yes, sir," was the reply, “ it had ‘0119nal' meritinthepapalwtfiitfmn.“ . -\. Lynx

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