£1 18 2.1! 1 ï¬t 1d Public Librarv Velma. 06 Service Station Attendant \ Robbed By Customer in Early Afternoon STEAL PURSE CONTAINING ABOUT $10 FROM ‘HAROLD DEVITT WHILE HE WAS FIX- ING TIRE FOR THIEVES A young man drove into J J. Dev- itts Service Station in Bobcaygeon on Thursday aitemOOn and made away with a purse containing about $10- The Ladies Association of Trinity United Church, held their annual Garden party on the Church Grounds ori Wednesday evening of last week- and was largely attended. n___ J- .u uuu "u, .w-cV Supper was served in the SundayW School room from 5 to 8 pm. and .3! great maï¬y enjoyed the fine supper provided. after which the Lindsax Boy’s Band supplied the programe, consisted of band selections, vocals and instrumentals. SEND OFF PARTY 1 FOR LOCAL GIRL A farewell gathering was held at the home of Mrs. Chas. Thurston. on the evening of her younger daughter, Herberta, who; sailed on the Empress of Britain for England. She was accompanied by Mr. Thos. Bivand who will visit his mother in Mitcham. Friends and re] munities of D01 Penelon FallS, Li and Bit. Horeb h lawn when Mr. brought Herbert case. ..v --â€" v- ‘ Friends and relatives from the com munities of Dunsford, Bobcaygeon,‘ Penelon Fans, Little Britain, Rea-bore} and Mt. Horeb had assembled on the lawn when Mr. and Mrs. Len Cross brought Herbert home from Bobcay- geon. Community singing with Mrs. Gordon Patterson at the piano open- Naturelle Croquinole Permanent Victoria I'm! an! A§gvig§§§§£ny ASSURES into J J. Dev HAIR-COMFORT ed the short program on the lawn. . Mr. and~Mrs. Fred Taylor, Henry at the appomtea “qu, u ...... Kittle and Herberta were asked for some time Without success for his to come “in front of the crowd where friends. Finally he located them in Stella read a farewell address and the brig.. ‘Herberta was presented with a lov- Through the bars of ely purse heavy with Canadian Dol- into' which they were crowded they lars which she promised would be besougt him to get them out of their: spent for an English product as a apparent predicament. Taking the sit- lasting reminder of her friends a- nation quite seriously he arranged so cross the Atlantic. he fondly believed for the release of Mr. C. D. Logan, genial chairman his friend. Later he learned the Whole for the evvening expesSed a thought affair had been neatly surge-managed r. 7 M .‘n who“ hp snake of Her- fOr his sole benefit. the single cell Mr. C. D. Logan, genial cnall'lllau “1:; “WW. m for the evvening expessed a thought affair had been neatly smgmmanaged - common to all when he spoke of Her- for his sole benefit. berta living in England as a tie bind- w...†ing our district with the Mother Coun ' ‘try. An appropriate solo was sung by Mrs. Walter Clark of Lindsay: SPEB'AL PR‘ZES FOR Mr. J. J. Thurston spoke in his witty style of the questionable plea- BOBBAYGEON FA'R sure in ocean travel and the unfam- i-lar customs which Bert will find in‘ English Life. The Englishmen’s point A meeting of the directors of the of view was humorously presented Verulam Agricultural Society will be by Rev Howard. He described the held in the Secretary’s office on beauty of rural Kent and warned Thursday, August 12th at 8 p.1‘1’l. Herberta that his countrymen are A fullhboar d of directors is request- not as easily hoodlewinked as they ed as a number of important matters make the world believe. He closed are to be dealt with. with earnest wishes for an enjoyable There will be a number journey and God’s blessing on the special prizes. this year. travellers. The Anthem, Auld Lang The T. Eaton Co. Have donated 2 Syne. and .God Be With You Till We handsome Silver Tray for the bes Meet Again. dairy group. Sandwiches cake and lemonade were The Robt. Simpson of new 00., have alsl an---“ 'I‘vu-nr f. served while a hundred friends chatted and said to Herberta fOr an indei and to Tom for several .4! Sandwiches cake and lemonade were served while a hundred and ï¬fty friends chatted and said “Au revoir to Herberta for an indefinite period and to Tom for several ‘Jmonths. A telepgram on August 6th an- nounced their safe arrival. Bloating is an ever present danger 1: with dairy coWs on pasture particu- b larly where the legume is alfalfa. e Means i'o lessening this danger ad- vised by animal husbandry experts 2 include Never turn a. cow out on alfâ€" 1 alfa pasture on an empty stomach; give a small feed of dry hay before turning out have a supply of water available in or near the pasture at all tinies don’t turn the COWS out on- to a freshy irrigated ï¬asture, or a pasture reking wet from rain, heavy i‘dew o coated with frost. Muclf of the ,‘danger may also be avoided by- mix- )‘ img grass with alfalfa in seedling 3 down the pastures. The cows prefer s‘grass to legumes such as alfalfa or - sweet clover and Wil take the edge 5. off their apetites before feeding on to these. INDIVIDUAL HAIR STYLING AND CUTTING TO AVOID BLOATING AND BEAUTY TRU‘ $9,267,042.74 III Seven Peterboro sailors Wnu Wm. races at Juniper Is- Landing Regattas land and Crowe’s to Bobâ€" ‘ ,0“ On Saturday found thï¬ir way ‘ caygeOn over the week-end. An eighth Peterborough man who ’ . had planed to meat the other sever) moonlit for the purpose of going to SturgeOn Falls sailing races got into town here ‘ Henry at the appointed hour, but searched asked for some time Without success for his d Where friends. Finally he located them in ass and the brig.. " 1-- ,..1,. no“ Amman amAreiON, SPEClAL PRlZES FOR BOBBAYGEHN FAIR .â€"_â€"-â€" A full board of divectox ed as a number cf impor are to be dealt with. There will be a numl special prizes, this year. 11’__ The T. Eaten Co. Have donat-eu a handsome Silver Tray for the best dairy group. The Robt. SimpSOn Co.. donated a handsome Siiver Tray to be placed as the directors see ï¬t. The Pure Gold Manufacturing "Co. are offering a special prize for the best half Dozen Tea, Biscuits, baked with Blue Ribbon Baking; Powder, while the Ontario Association of Agricultural Sociteies is donating what is knovm as the Ontario Assoc- iation Coronation year Ribbon. This ' is a very attractive ribbon of purpke ’ :«n'm rnaette tyne, with triple stream- have also The Pure Gold lVlaDUZLaCLuL‘ng are dining 9. special prize for best half Dozen Tea, Biscuits, b2 with Blue Ribbon Baking Pow while the Ontario Association ‘A-gricultural Sociteies is dona what is knovm as the Ontario A: iation Coronation year Ribbon. is a very attractive ribbon of pi satin msette type, with triple str- 81‘s and gold trimming. The Coronation ribbon will be ardedl for the best foal of 1937 i: ‘ heavy classes. , ,1, __ AND MIDL A AND couNTms‘ï¬EnA l. D llcavg y... VVVVV It is also expected that \' hen the lists are minted they 'V' ‘1 contain many mme attractive prizes. Peterboro Exhibition August lSth-let What is considered to be the fin- est Fair in Peterboro’s history, opens on Wednesday August 18 and closes on Saturday, August let. Arrange- ments are now all complete, and one of the most attractive features, is the giving away of an automoil-e each night to the holder of the lucky tick: et. One of the conditions in regard to winning the car is that you must be there to claim it, as only five minutes is allowed to present 'your ticket. Tickets may be secured from local merchants with every purch- ase made. For the exhibitors there is $10,000.00 in cash prizes, and amuse- ments will include, Horse races, High1 Class Vaudeville and Conklin’s all Canadian Midway show. A big feat- ure will be the 'junior Farmers Club Exhibits. Attend a fine exhibition, and per- haps drive home in a brand new Ter- mplane, Ford, Chevrolete or maybe DANCING - DANCING - DANCING “Enjoy dancing at Lakeview Op- en Air Dance Pavilion on lovely Crystal Lake, Six miles east from 1Union Creek Post Office, every {Thursday, at 9 p.m.â€"â€"Good Music Admission 25 cents. FOR SALEâ€"BRANDESTON FARM on or about Two-Hundred Acres of Land, situated on North-West Shore of Sturgeou Lake. on or about one ‘mile of Lake Front, adjoining county road, about five miles frOm Bobcay-t geon, Offers will be received: by J. V. Stinson, Estevan, Sask. until August thirty first, Highest or any offer not neceésarily accepted. ONTARIO. sailms who took‘ es at Juniper 15' Landing Regattas tmir way to 301" veek-end. borough man who .+ Hm other seven the d'uxectors of me ] mural Society will be 1 :retary’s office on 1. 12th at 8 p.m. :‘ divectors is request- of important matters with. a number of new is vear. Co. Have donated a Tray for the best “Lu" â€u" Mr. Jack Staples and MISS Jean ' Staples who have been studying at dilxectors of the Kingston and Guelph respectively 1 Society will be have returned home i try’s office on Mr. Victor Lancaster, Lakefield 1th at 8 pm. and Miss Jean Lancaster, Toronto ectors is request- visited their parents, Mr. and Mrs. mportant matters George Lancaster. 1. Revi. Dr. Campbell, Toronto, oc- number of new cupied the pulpit of Knox Presbyter- om- ian Church on Sunday. CANADA. TEUIï¬DAY. AUGUST 12th 1937 ONTARIO ARCHWES in the Mr. Archie Britton, son of Sidney Britton, of Melford, Sask. is visit- ing his grandfather Mr. Robt. Brit- ton. Mr and Mrs. Thomas Murphy, and Mr. Jack Belch, attended the funeral of Mrs. William Belch, at Massey, Ont. on the Spanish River. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Dash, accompanied by their daughter Dorothy, have re- turn-ed to their cottage. PigeOn Lake after a trip to Gaspe Pennsulu, Hal- ifax 2:;st Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hardy; Oakï¬sod Mr. and Mrs. Howard Hardy, Tor- onto visited Constable Hady and Mrs Hardy on Friday. . 1 Mann- ing a university ‘course at Kingston, spent the week-end with her aunt, Mrs. James Leach and Mr. ‘ Leach. 11-. and Mrs. Howard Hardy, Tor- . _ nto visited Constable Hady and Mrs Three unident‘f‘ed young thugs at. diam; regarding the necessity Iardy On Friday. tempted to break into Woollard’s learning French.†he said. Miss Dorothy Pritchard who is takâ€" Drug; Store 0“ Wednesday evening f“ Lam Conversation ng a university course at Kingston, the second “mt “mm two months. “The trouble is that the only place went the week-end with her The indident occurred about 1 a.m. in numerous Ontario counties where aunt, Mrs. James Leach and Mr. The burglars parked their 1936 English children . heai‘ 3 W01“ 01 Leach. Ford V'8 couPe about 100 yards ’" French is in the classrooms, and they Mrs. B. \Varen who has been way {mm the Store, “ear D“ Kelly,†are too busy learning the grammar visiting her parents, Mr and Mrs. residence and attempmd to make em 0f the 18383389 to learn how to use Geoi-ge McGregor has returned to her try into the drug store from the â€a!" it in conuersation. I in me in New York. using the crowbar which was used in “We hope tO we certain chgnges Mrs. Cliffm-d Moore and daughter the mixer)! a few months 380- so that less attention will be paid in Colleen. of Potsdam U.S.A. are visit- They- were frightened Off how- the earlier stages '0’f teaching French Eng Mrs. Moore’s mother Mrs. Loucks ever by the timely arrival 0f the night to the dry SWCWI'G 0f the 8T8!!!- Mr. Jack Staples and Miss Jean watchman. Returning to the front of mar.†. Staples Who have been studying at the store.they again attempted to make entry there but were ï¬nally Kingston and Guelph respectively , ‘ A W... r I n um nmm _ . , ~ A -__ A_,Q _ Mrs. Clifford Moore and daughter} Colleen. of Potsdam USA. are vislb‘ Eng Mrs. Moore’s mother Mrs. Loucks Mr. Jack Staples and Miss Jean Staples who have been studying at MRS. l. CONWAY PASSES IN TORONTO Citizens of Bo'rcaygeon, were shocked this (Wed.) morning when word was recived in the village of the death of Mrs. John Couway, who had passed away during the night in St. Michael’s Hospital Toronto. ‘ Some time ago Mrs. Conway, sufâ€" fered a bad spell, and great concern was felt by her many friends but af- ter a successful operation the Late Mrs. Conway appeared to be quick: ly on the upward trend. Last’week shew as again taken ill and was rushed to the Hospital ad although her conditiOn was very serious, death was wholly unexpected. ANGLICAN CHURCH HOLD EXCURSION The Anglican Sunday school ex» cursion Thursday was a day long to be remembered by old and young. This is an annual event and a treat for the children of the pay- liSh which includes Bobcaygeon, lnnngfnrd and St. Alban’s of Nofth This is an treat for the ish which Dunsford and Verulam. The steamer Stoney Thurstonia at 8 am. Bubcaygeon upper what leaving with its capacit o’clock for Burliegh Fal AAu ....... Bubcaygeon upper, wharf at 8.45. leaving with its capacity load at 9 o’clock for Burliegh Falls. The happy crowd arrived at Bob- caygeOn lower wharf at 5.30 in the evening well pleased with the day’s outing. TORON A.young man from Harvey Town-1 ship pleaded guilty of a charge of being intoxicated in a public place and was fined $10.00 and costs. Another man pleaded guilty to a charge of theft and payed a fine of $5.00 and costs. PARALYSIS IS REPORTED IN TORONTO AREA ....One death from infantile paralysis just outside the city, four cases are two suspected cases were reported to the City Health Department of 1 Toronto, over the week-end. The total since June 11th is Three deaths, one in the city and two in the country and 56 cases, 31 the tity and 25 in the country. Lake left arriving at ark conference UNIDENTIFIED THUGS AT- E9, told magma p to billin- TEMPT ENTRY OF WOOL- he expected no opposition LARD’S DRUG STORE IN BOB- gualism. CAYEGEONâ€"‘USE SAME CROW- “I think a very deï¬nite change has BAR AS FORMERLY"DR-I.VING come about in fhe attitude of a large WITH STOLEN LICENSE. number of English peeple who are neighbors of Frenchâ€"speaking Cana- Three unidentified young thugs at- dm regarding the necessity of “M“‘M *0 break into W001h'd’5 learning French.†he said. Ll lsuuun- uuuuuu They sped out of Bobcaygeon and arrived in Lindsay where they stole ten gallons of gas and continued thnonlgh the Ontario Legislature at imately 70 miles per hour. They also ‘broke‘ into stores at Markham and Stouffville stealing- gvoods worth over} $200 in Stouffville. ‘ , -LEQ-) VV ill ~v~‘, The Toronto police were notiï¬ed and located the men .on Dovetjcourt Road and chased them to Queens Park‘ where" they ï¬nally lost them. The license number was taken and {was flound’to'be stolen from {Buick coup Which was stolen in July. BEREH TWICE DAUGHTER 0F MR. AND Mica. STANLEY OLIVER. R. R. No. 1 DUNSFORD. PASSED ‘AWAY DAY AFTER FUNERAL OF MRS Memorial Hospital. 1 A few days ago the little girl suf-‘ fered a severe attack of appendici- ‘tis and while being moved to the Ross Memorial Hospital it deveIOped into peritgnitis which resulted in hit death. The little girl was much beloved by all for her cheerful bright dispoy ition. Her death will be regretted by a lareg circle of friends who extend deepest sympathy to: the \bereaved parents. Mr. Oliver is doubly beeravâ€" ‘ed, his mother, the late Mrs, Stephen Oliver, who died at his home last Friday and was buried on Monday. T0 TEACH FRENCH PRACTICAL WAY CHANGES TO BE MADE, DEPUTY: MINISTER SAYS; EXPECT NO OPPOSITION The Ontario Department of Educa- tion intends to change the teaching of French language in schools so ‘pupils may learn to use it for pra- ctical conversation Dr. Duncan Mc- \avtw- ‘â€" Arthur, depï¬iy-minister of education declared here Sunday at the Canadian Institute on Economics and Politics. UNITID CICAI "0|! Smokpn’ Sundriu ‘ Let us Supply Your Needs. L. CUNNINGHAM l was much beloved DRIVING come ab SE. number neighbo: thugs at' dians 1 B. l. 0. MOVE DEFIED BY PREMIER lHEPBUIN WON’T GET FAR WITH CIVIL SERVICE INVASION, HE SAYS TORONTO, ‘ Aug. lOâ€"Detemiued attempts haVe 'beén made by the Cl. 0. within recent weeks to get a foot- hold in the Ontario Civil Service aqd the Dominion CiVil Service it was learned at Queen’s Park yesterday: 1 The threetemd Won is stid to have reached the point, in so far as the Ontario serï¬oe is congealed, where several employees of one of the outside branches of employment have actually signed up. Q; in regard to any employees who already had identified themseives with the organization . k FOUNDâ€"0n the Galway Road. on Tuesady, August 3rd, Blue Coat, con- taining fountain pen. Can be se- cured at his office by paying eXpen- WANTEDâ€"House to rentâ€"for W' ticulars apply to B0 dependent, or Box 134, FOR SALEâ€"Tenders will be re- ceived by the undersigned up to Aug. ust 19th at 8 pan. for. the purchase of lower west corner lot 20, :91: 14, Harvey, (Cheese factory property) No bender necessarily accepted. JAS. McL. OliVer LE; ind um Tebphoueâ€"Awl! Jach. Smith. Rheum P110†39,1»12. - ‘ ' Q. FOB RENTâ€"Eight Room hon-o, lakeside, hard and not? running v‘br ma, «nun mi , mar Man- ‘ urn ad other Iï¬ï¬‚wâ€˜ï¬ 0" “' manporgtm;m3mb -m- . n A-.. v--â€"-â€"â€". --.‘_ 01.x. Call. Wriï¬W' 1?". Stan. . M . __-_ .__.._. PRISORAL 11' ONCI!