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Bobcaygeon Independent (1870), 19 Aug 1937, p. 1

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litors store {aces rtion 50c resident. $1.00 Fair on the (v ‘hel‘ WY’days .3] must be her investi- vahlfl' ska“ ,- to the ex‘ gamage “we 1' the appea‘ t if the ap‘ [er has been ’1 or clerk 01' Minister of ‘ n of the 0“" . me a Valuer final and conâ€" g liable for m2 ITS .n as )een killed or out municipal r 0f the dOg nages, and it to prove the wcuswmed t0 Buildings both cone: of the a 4 '23. Volume 66 BARN DESTRllYED BY FIRE TUESDAY BOBCAYGEON FIRE BRIGADE SAVES HOUSE AND OUT- BUILDINGS â€"- THRESHING N EARLY COMPLETED ENTIRE SEASON’S CROP LOS'. 1N MORNING BLAZE L035 of nearly $10,000 was suffer- ed by Elmer Falls, Verulam 'Down- ship farmer residing three and one- half miles south of Bobcaygeon on the Lake shore road, on Tuesday morning, when fire destroyed his fine barn his season’s crap of hay and‘ all his grain Hundreds of bushels of valuabl grain were destroyed in the blaze which started at nine o’clock standard time Tuesday morning. Eiforts were made to save the grain when the fire was discovered but without avail. All thaf was saved were some stock and some imâ€" plements. 7- ‘a _ A On Monday morning threshing o- 3 peraticns had been conducted at the barn and a large stack of straw was - standing near the barn. and in some unexplainable manner a fire broke out in the stacx and before it was noticed had caught fire in the barn with distasrous results. Following the discovery of the fire neighbors gathered on the Falls farm in an effort to extinguish the blaze but they were unable to do so, the fire having gained headway so rap- idly. The neigthrs concentrating their efforts on protecting the house and other buildings. ‘ ‘ ‘ 7711.- uuu v".-- -â€"_-V ,_, Fears that the fire would despite all efforts spread and destroy the home and other buildings in the vic- inity were held and a call was put in for Bobcaygeon Fire Fighting Bxigade, which responded to the call and was a great assistance in keep- ing the blaze from spreading to the house and driving shed. Lack of water was a serious handicap to the B; bcaygeon boys. , “1.2“ 0n the Un muuuu v- --. , U)“, U“, uu-"_.._v main street of Bobcayegon ’I’uesday1meetmg adjourned. - u .0 ~ was tossed from a se morning when Buster Herbert, 6â€" â€"-â€"-â€"-â€"-""""'"" . . . he was riding With a compan year old local youth was knock- FLAT TIRE CAUSED ACCIDENT lWats on ed down by a car-driven by Charles A minor car accident occurred out The two men had been out only a r ' 11. T wa n ‘ ' T- - , . . B‘umxnwe he lad . s ru mng out the mam street .onnday afternoon few minutes m the small boat and had at Devxtts servxce Station and run dirâ€" when a car driven by Samuel Tate, a attained a speed of approximately ectly in front 0f the Brumwell car, farmer of Harvey, collided with a '. . ‘ ‘ ivin the driver 0 chance to ston k d T t v dr’vin south thu’ty miles per hour when the motor g g n ‘ [par e car. ae “as 1 g came loose on one side of the boat ‘ . I ‘ ‘ i ‘ ’1' . , h . ms car No Wheels Of tne ca: passed land apparently unknog‘nhtzullill; 1:“: agd began to rock the boat so Violentâ€" “ ‘c ‘ 1y that the two were thrown into the over the child. but it is thought thatlcar had a flat, tire, . ' “ ‘ w ‘ - ' in mm b a bone fractured at the base mt" the cmb, “heie he ran mto water. They were unable to touch the of the skull and will remain in thexAmerican car. motor hospital until full extent of his The left hand fender and bumper Although both were good swimmers injuries are known. of the U. S. car was slightly damaged they were somewhat exhausted by 7 their experxecne being in the water . A.nn a-flea in which ion, Hap A serious accident occured The barn which was 46% @hang 0231:9330 mm“ No 26 VILLAGE COUNCIL SET RATE OF 42 MILLS Council Chamber, Aug. 9 A special meeting of the council was held in the council chamber, at 8 pm. with Reeve J. J. Devitt pres- siding, and councillors R. G. Scott, H T Mnrnhv- G. W'. Johnson and J. siding, and councu H. J. Murphy, G. ‘ C Murphy present. A commounication was receiveu from the County Clerk advising of the admission of Wilfred Parliament to the Toronto General Hospital as an Lindigent patient and requesting in- formation as to his status in this Municiptlity ‘ - -. A- ,1..:. The Clerk was instructeu the County Clerk that Wil: liament could be classed as gent and that he had been : of this municipality to Jr >1937. A communication was rece Mrs. Wilfred Parliament, 0nt., applying for relief. The clerk was instructed UHL.’ “’13.“; “.5. _ V_ The clerk was instructed to advise Mrs. Parliament that it would be ne- to apply to the relief departq cessary in which ‘ m-ent of the Municipality she is now residing, A bylaw authorizing t Clerk to borrow an addit 00, if required, for curr tues, was given the required readings passed. he Reeve and ional $2,000,- ent expendi- _ . n “r Tnknann and Total 42.0 mills, less bate allowed by mason c cial subsidy payable un icipal Subsidy Act, 193 icipal sfibéidgr Act, 1937. , . -7,_, , One per cent (1%) discount to be {a} "'v . ‘ > a , emong, allowed on taxes pald on or befoxe “BUSHER” JACKSON AND COM- dav. September 30th, 193‘; the roll to be PA 10“ ‘. ., , ‘ . (_ F ;N , L , HAP \\ ATSON, Mr. J1m Hobson of Galt is visiting closed on December 14th, 1331, and . dd-ed to all taxes TOSSED FROM BOAT WHEN Mr. Walter Bigley. MOTOR COMES LOOSE ON ONE Mr. E. W. Nichol, of Toronto is fore December 14th SIDF . . . , spendmg h1s vacatlon with his wife and daughter, at his cottage on Stur- ace geon lake visited in town on Sun- not paid on or be 193a. .. 1-. n can” and unnth‘.” Tani-Q0“ __ 1, 13-11.. ‘vzc;+0r‘ was instructed to advise Clerk that Wilfred Par? 1 be classed as an indi- .t he had been a resident ioinality to June 30th, BY APPOINTMENT M. PARKER ........... ........... :55 one mill re- :1 of the Provin- under the Mun- L ylcai . . Scott, sident of the wllage celeb L and J «seventyâ€"ninth biri‘ndny or ‘AUgust the ninth. ‘ A party to be held at 15mg of Cameron’s was planned ix rliament the cc-casion and to give 7-1 -~ «m ninr: the party a chance ’0 received 1 BOBCAYGEON, PIBNEER LADY EELEBRMES BIRTHDAY Mrs. Francis Cameron who .has in her son John’s home and eldest and best hly esteemed rev celebrated her Monday, rooms who is one of the known and most hig sident of the village “7-4;" “:mk biri‘ndnv on \ugui’l‘ LHC ......... A Fox-1V 10 be held at 311.. 30hr]! .,._v 7 -. _. g .. ‘ went a da In town last week. - . , Karon/S \vas planned In honnr Of Mr andyqu 1“ J Goyne have élg?h0fhbe;1ngtperi[e-:ty 11110 UK: blvvvu W. “vranI, Uualauwv vvvvv y ‘ . . . ' s 1 . - .- . m e 1?; es pm 5 ary $20. postage and excrse ”n .311. , , .Q- . 1 - or ' 5 ohm- Tickilc:f:tin: :lia’nlcVee tih:::l:e the filmfwd t3. their home in Qshafia’ 'The boat left for Coboconk, and On motion by messrs .ecc_$ul.y preparations the cledrly :Ltfin‘figenRygnfitvéo Tyeeeks With 1'. Rosedfle,‘scheduled to stop m Cobo- Junkin, the road acounts a lady was invited cut for dinner to I ‘Mr 'llld hirsanha'ls ”1:1 Patterson corllk £01. an}: hour and return to Rose” to $13329 were passed. Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Hill’s and later . ‘ ' ‘ ‘h , 5., " ' F” m. P. d“? .0‘" t e Spf’m' . On motion by logan u in the dilv was driven home to find 1nd dang tei race of Ian m .11., .am made this part of the day 1111- the TMnship rate was set: ~ and neighbors are guests atlthe Rockland House for possible and the sports were run off but vith. the Governmenl ' the second time thlS summer. Mrs. at 5 o‘clock at Greenhurst. of 1 ' «1- cent will make the i”;:itcrson is an expert with rod and From the time the boat left the cent "of rounting to :7 4‘ r 8 reel and although her family critizc dock it was a very pretty cruise, down sesszn 1* of 3i 35., “7.. m» Style she has caught several large the scenic Kawarthas, Lined on either 011 'gndonon t:y ‘h'fcqgrs ] ‘lume this trip. She says results count side by tall stately trees, and nhmer. Devitt b;:law N0 ”2: V Miss JeSSie Reid, of Hamilton, is ous beeautiful cottages. The locking levyi1r the rates lot 193i ‘3 - . spending her holidays with Mr. and at Fenelon Fallas was also very im- 0n mvtion by 11‘};qu .1 DI‘eSSWe ’ Devin, the Grader which Dinner was partlmpated m at 005- erly used ch the Gamay twenty-trio friends awaiting her arrival. Sm 1e time was spent chatting uhout times past and recalling many ts of years gone by. of the conversation at gtrsndchi’d and interestiig- men In the midst \chin Cameron, Riv-.1 Tiers a «vi-cat gi‘anchild. walked _ into tl 9 10,0 :iiivinp ‘1 111 0‘e laal’lt Mrs. Russel Shields. 1 I In 1‘ ' "' ' e 2 _' ,. 3' :3.» - " " Mr. and Mrs. Wallace DaVidson and Med full 0f gifts and 'oun son of Toronto have eturned l h ' G urst L. 5p_ .5 were a S) .6 ere by a committee at 380- an , :I‘he that returned to Bobcaygeon at authorized to write the Cl - _--_. u...+ Vornlam is pre] prettily deco-r >' 7 int i he haillOX‘Cl lady. Mrs. . “0% Cd 0 t ( to Toronto, after spending two weeks was when com letelv by , , . n 'p ' . with Mr. and Mrs. R. Shields.’ F 1 hmnl'nn birthday. AND MIDL AND COUNTIES HERA LD a Harvey “Busher” Jackson ace Maple Leaf hockey player ,who spends his summers at his home here had a narrow escape from death by opposite Edgewater Pavil- aturday afternoon when he was tossed from a sea-flea in which riding with a companion, Hap 71' ALL PERSONS PARKING CARSK ~ CONTRARY T0 TRAFFIC SIGNS‘ AT VICINITY OF FIRE HALL AND OBSTRUCTING TH‘J ‘ THEREBY NECESSARY COURSE OF THE FIRE TRUCK WILL BE PROSE- CUTED UNDER SECTION II BY-LAW N0. 265 OF' THE VIL- LAGE 0F BOBCAYGEON. IKXVLVA . Although both were good swimmers they were somewhat exhausted by‘ their experiecne being in the water for about ten minutes before being reached by Stanley Redman, owner of the Kawartha Craft Boats, and owner of the Sea-Flea. He rushed to the re- scue 0f the two men and got them in- to his boat. ‘ ' A LL- the Kawartha Uralt DO'dLb, 'auu u ...... of the Sea-Flea. He rushed to the re- r, Phoebe Ellen Mofâ€" scue of the two men and got them in- ther and Fathe fat who died August 24th, 1933. Chas. to his boat. The boat itself turned over in the Alexander Moffatt, who died June 13, water from its own vibrations and 1936_ was towed to shore without any fur- One by one they go before us. ther difficulty- ' They are fading like the dew. ....â€"â€"-________.â€"-â€"â€"-â€"â€"-â€"-_. - ) x But we know they’re watching 0 er us SLMMER COTTAGE FOR SALE They the good, the fair, the true. 1Furnished, on Lake shore, hard and Th .- 't' f 1 soft water in house, fire place, gar- e?! are mm 1.“ g or us on y, age, sink, ready to move inâ€"Handy Where no pam can ever mar, to train highway and villageâ€"A1» Dear ones who left us lonely, . , . . Watch us through the gates an In loving memory of our dear mo- uuu “ EIWER COTTAGE FOR SALEâ€"- They the good, the fair, the true. urmshed, on Lake shore, hard and Th .- 'ti fo us n1 soft water in house, fire place, gal“ e? are Mal Pg r 0 y, age, sink, ready to move inâ€"Handy Where no pam can ever mar, to train highway and villageâ€"A3» Defg‘atifiesuswifiriighnihlongegé ply fo1 Partlculars at Independent. There a Mother, there a Father, M WARNING Gone within those gates ajar. Sadly mlssed by son and daughters. s ajar FOR SALEâ€"BRANDESTON FARM _ _ . 7 J 0n or~eteut Twoâ€"Hundred Acres of Land, situated on North-West Shore Let us Supply Your lroad fro patment of Sturgeon Lake. on or about one mile of Lake Front, adjoining county_ Needs. from 015 , ent of ( ‘road, about five miles from Bobcay- geon, Offers will be neceived by J. V. \a ditch Stinscn, Estevan, Sask. until August L CUNN‘NGHAM courses thirty first, Highest or any offer not ' Mr. £ necessarily accepted. ONTARIO, CANADA! J. A. Cameron a ,owfi a. 1 Mrs. Hamid ‘ ' . mild“ TQM ended a Mr. Art Forbes and lady friend, of ' ' ‘ Toronto, spent the weekâ€"end in town. occasion and as the , Mr. Hap Watson and Sister of Tor- 1 hey wished Mrs. than returns 0+. her onto were guests of Mr. and Mrs. ‘ ‘ ‘ " " Harvey Jackson over the week-end. Mr. Dr. Lloyd of Toronto, spent a weeks vacation with Mr. and Mrs. ‘TAR IS 0v Jackson. > “Scotty” Alexanoer, of Toronto, is visiting with Mr and Mrs. Harvey En INT“ IRKF Jackson. _ 3 CHIEF OF POLICE THURSDAY, AUGUST 19th 1937 P ersonals Mr. and Mrs. GordOn Dunn 'and family of Toronto are visiting the farmer’s parents, Mrs. Wesley Dunn. Mr. John R. Garden, of Seattle, \‘x’ashin-gbcn, spent a couple of days in the village, calling on old friends. 3511-. Harry Garlick, of Toronto, ' Mr. Cury Gibsonm at Chemong, visited i - day. KBUIL Lanc Mrs. English. Fenelon Falls visited Thomas, her mother, Mrs. Francis Cameron Aileen Hill, Main Street, during the weekâ€"end Anderson. .‘ land was present at her birthday 13 years and overâ€"boys, Garfield Pm party on Monday. Junk-in, and Winston Anderson, Jack mg‘ Mrs. Lovelcck and family are visit- Mctuhnm and Frank Allan, Barrett ad ing her father Mr. Thomas Reynard. z‘td Jeffrey K :lly Girlsâ€"Ber- Rev. and Mrs. Leach and Miss nderson and Irene Engram, Ed- at -â€"-â€"Glrlsâ€"~urace “mm”, -__. o m s Goldie Cain and Edith bes n 3 ,1. nice A (1 Bill St. Thomas, Gar- 7 (1 Ruth Finley, Law- . ho rence Thurston and Grace Junkin, Burrett Kerr and Aileen Hill.. . 15yearsandoverâ€"Irene Ingram and . Welsh remained With their bereaved Garfield Junkin, Teresa Ogden nepheWs, Frank, Victor .md Maurice and Garnet Reynard, Dorothy New- s Conway. man and Alvin McCullum ~ Jim Conway, Miss Nora ; among those from out of town w . attended the Conway funeral on Fri- day. Mrs. Welsh and Miss Nora (U (V Y!) Mr. and Mrs. Maurice, Jim Conway, Miss Nora among those from out attended the Conway fu of UNITED CIGAR 31032; L . ~-. Lcuu a... c, conduct the services at Knox ~ Village; From Lloyds Insurance 00. rch on Sunday. of England with official receipt for l oad insurance. Copy of letter to W. of him . W ' ' H. Sholdice re the emigration Sasketchewan to : to Verulam from “ITED C16 AR STORE his uncle Wm. Sholdice lot 2 con 9. ' F. L. Weldon, conuty Treasurer, re the taking over of the boundary road 9 . smOkers sund mes ,between Fenelon Falls and Verulam ‘south of Nelson’s corner as a County road from August 9th. From the-Der ld Age ePnsions, and from Oliver Smith. 0. L. S. re agree- Let us Supply Your ent of Owners for the constuction of he Ditches and Waterâ€" Needs. a ditch under t L. CUNNINGHAM ‘cofifsfixg. Devitt, president of the patment of O Gibson,"'orchestra leader visited in town on Sun- 'aEIlCI, .l uuyuw .___. , , 3d August 24th, 1933. Chas. Moffatt, who died June 13, 16' 1e they go before us. e fading like the dew. 0W they’re watching o’er us .e good, the fair, the true. waiting for us only, no pain can ever mar, a who left us lonely, us through the gates ajar Mother, there a Father, 'ithin those gates ajar. nissed by son and daughters. ta ‘--‘n-1mv:~a )r. Lawrence, of Rochester, luct the services at Knox m Sunday. MOFFATT TORON ‘al on Fri- [iss Nora 8. SCHOOL EXCURSION The 43rd Annual U School Excursion was h day last, when the Ston ed away from the upper Duguou, Sportsâ€"first a scramble for the very little tots for all day suckers.- Races 4 to 7 yearsâ€"~boys, Tommy Cu-llon, Carl St. Thomas and Clare English, Girlsâ€"Eloise McGee, Connie Savace, Madeline Johnson. ’ nu”: ‘ wery little DOES 1w an uwa ~v~~ “I” ”c Races 4 to 7 yearsâ€"boys» Tommylbefore November 30th 1937. Taxes [Eu-Hon, Carl1 StillhomfisgndCClare paid between December Sng_15h’ erdsT OTIS: c e, onnie cember 15th will e taken as par. FrOm avace, a eme ° nson. , December 15th to December 3lst a 8-10 yearsâ€"boys, Bobble Read, - 9t t ...n V' t All Girl penalty charge of 1 per cent will be ‘ ewai A ‘an’ m or an, 5â€" made. After December 3151: besides Blanche Hill, Jean Lovelock, Roberta the penalty charge of 1 per cent a harge of ’5 of one Wright. . further statutory c 11-13 yearsâ€"Boys Carl Telford, .per cent per month will be cl l Burrett Kerr, Harold Beatty, Girls on all taxes collected wMargaret Wright, Grace Junkin, ‘ On motion by M eesrs J unkin and N and Aileen Hill. " ' ‘ . . . . . Logan, the followmg prizes will be k.14â€"‘;§1byearSSâ€"â€"Â¥;) E E fir%.Jut? ‘offered, two prizes of $4. and $2. for m, 1 ert . t' omas an ms . n Verulam bays under 20 years plowing Anderson. Girlsâ€"Ruth Finley, Edith in So d two prizes of $4 and $2. for An'lilfirsonland GOIdle Claolniz Verulam boys under 20 years of age ree egged race, ' yearsâ€" for plowing in stubble. Both these Harold Beatty and Laurence Thur- prizes will be for boys who have , ston, Gerald J unkin and Wilbert St. never won a prize A special prize of Thomas, Victor Allan and Billie St. $500 (ofien) for. best plowed land 1 Thomas, â€"â€"Girlsâ€"£race Junkin, and in.stubble A special prize of $5.00 for \ Aileen Hill, Goldie Cain and Edith best plowed land (riding plow. Two ' ' . l w- 13 years and overâ€"boys, Garfield gfzezofh: gfbéfor be“ team p 0 Junk-in, and Winston Anderson, Jack go“ motion ' ;- Md ulm; and Frank Allan, Barrett adjourned to Monday, September 13th 1. ’1”. "1' ‘ ',S__ - n_ 1 ‘ ,1 Jeffrey Klly _G”1 Bit at 1030 a.m. 0.1111 lb ......... 14-16 ywrsâ€"MWfikld Jum- kin, Wilbert St. Thomas and Winston Anderson. Girlsâ€"~Ruth Firfley, Edith Anderson and Goldie Cain. Three legged raw Harold Beatty and ston, Gerald Junkin Thomas, Victor All: new 13.. Beatty and Laurence Thur-j arald J unkin and Wilbert St.‘ , Victor Allan and Billie St. , «Girlsâ€"firace J unkin, and Hill, Goldie Cain and Edith rt of expenses on rds. kmen’s Compensation overage of all depart- From Percy Skimh se: re the levy of 2 per ms. rate on the police > the Ditches and “aw;- lighted, maker tetanus pricey-m. 31.25.0011. Writ»; Woollu’d’o 1?“! Devitt, president of the‘ Store "111v; a 1% days committee Work, $4.50; Geo. W. Taylor, Guarantee bond, $12.; $31- ary $20. postage and eXcise $44.3. On motion by messrs'l‘evitt and “inkin. the, road acounts amounting SCSI Erly uncu \rll In“. W _, _ vhich is not now required, was valued 3y a committee at $80. and the Clerk authorized to write the Clerk of Har- vey that Verulam is prepared either sell or who buy at one half the price. On motion by Messrs J unkin and Lo gan the following will be attached to the tax bills, That a discount of 1‘ per cent will be made on all taxes paid on on before October 15th 1937, a discount of one-half of one percent will be made on all taxes paid on or before November 30th 1937. Taxes paid between December lst and de- ‘cember 15th will e taken as par. FrOm L h 015+ a FOUNDâ€"On the Galway Road, on Tuesady, August 3rd, Blue Coat, con- taining fountain pen. Can be se- cured at his office “by paying expen- FOR SALEâ€"Tenders mu be re- ceived by the undersigned up to Aug- ust 19th at 8 pm. for the purchase __--L “mar Int 20. C011 14! Wt: .uu vwv. -‘w" . pep, up orggn‘, M. I! m d" lighted. maker mfund' prise M SALEâ€"3-Burner Goal ith oven, Also Ga§oline lamp. - n 2__‘- PERSONAL Birch Point. oyster ind AT ONCE!

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