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Bobcaygeon Independent (1870), 19 Aug 1937, p. 2

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Some day. my ill-mannered friend, ysu are going tmgo too far. Some day whey”, you swerve around a street éBi-‘rier, you are going to clip the buttons Off the wrong pcdestrains vest, and he is going to catch up with you, haul you off your comfy upholsâ€" tery and deal you the smackâ€"down you deserve; You‘re a veritable Titan of self-assurance, aren’t you. when you’re behind an eight-cylinder en- gine? But how are you on your feet? Are you the same (lashing, im- posing, self-assertive personage for whom the rest of the world must make room Would you dare shove another pedestrain aside; would you jostle a six-footer? You would not for you‘re just a grubbfr little in- feriority complex who's been sublim- ated by ashot of gasoline. OPEN LETTER TO A BOOK ON WHEELS PAGE TWO King Bolton St. IN ALL WALKS 0? LIFE The Best Possible Repair Service Our Maximum Labor Charge Is $2.50 ESTABLI_SHBD 1817 O HEAD OFFICE: MONTREAL MODERN, EXPERIENCED BANKING SERVICE. .'. . tbe outcome of 119 years’ mcceuful operation Personal chequing accounts; savings accounts; personal loans; banking by mail; safekeeping of valuables such as bonds, stock certificates, deeds, insurance policies and jewellery; letters of credit to supply funds as needed when travelling; money orders and travellers cheques. or principal income is from salary or wages con- stitute the large majority of the customers of the Bank of Montreal. They use a wide variety of the Bank’s services as, for example: uses for their bank. Men and women whose sole BANK GE MQPJTREAL‘ Employees, as well as employers, find many good USP. THEE} BANK 1H MARY WAYS IF THINKING OF A NEW RADIO HEAR THE MARCONI Bobcaygeon Branch: L. B. SHOREY f‘vlanaget Marconi Radio Poole’s Radio Service ‘ Radios Rented for the‘ Summer WE ARE IN A POSITION TO GIVE YOU Tubes Tested And Estimates Given Free BOBCAYGEON And what’s the reason for this breakneck rush of yours. anyway? iYou’re in an automobile. You’ll arrive Hit your destination 10, 15 or 20 ltimee. quicker than the pedestrain‘ l}0'.l!0 Clowdino back on the curb. The best he can do is five or six miles Ian' houz. You are going 250r 30, per- haps 40 miles an hour. Is your busin- ess ten times more urgent than his? My, my, what; an important fellow you are! What vast designs, what momentous projects must occupy your walking hours to justify such a impatience. The automobile, it seen-.5, is the devil's gift to the Little Man. Put him in control of a motor car and he’s cock 0’ the cross-walks. But if you suddenly yanked that ton or two of iron and steel out from under him, you’d find him just a measly nonen- tity with the mental set-up of a pub- lic school bully. You may say I’m in Phone 17 :HAVE YOU EVER SAVED A LIFE Years of training and years of ex- perience lie Lshind the deft strokes of the great surgeon’s knife, as he per- forms a delicate operation. Life and death are in the balance. Loved ones tremble in apprehension. Finally, af- ter :‘ ‘tiors hours, access! The su- pxcme ability of one man in a million has saved another life. Most of us can never save a life that way. The surgeon’s skill is not ours. But by preventing accidents on streets and highxazys, every one of us, vhethe r we are driVers or pedes- trains, ca n just: a'J/surelysavd lives and safyr guard Cur fellow n on against crippiing or fatal injuries. a bad frame of mind. You’re right! And I’ll get over it when fellows like you Begin to use a little care, caution, courtesy and common-sense when you're driving on the streets and highways of this province. “All growers and distributors of seed have a very direct responsibility in the matter of seed-borne diseases’ ‘affirmed Dr. J. H. Craigie of the Dominion Rust Research Labratory, Winnipeg, addressing members of the Canadian Seed Growers Asscciation, at Saskatoon.Referring to seed-treat- ment as a protection against smuts and mot rots. Dr. Craigie said that never in the history of agriculture have remedial measures been so ef- fective, simple and inexpensive. He explained that when seed is treated with organic mercury dust not only are externally-borne organisms d‘e- stroyed but the fungicide on the seed affords considerable protection to the igerminating seed and young seed- ‘lings against soil-inhabiting parasi- itic organisms such as these which cause damping-{off and; seedling blights. Dr. Craigie commenced the growing practice by seed-houses of treating much of their seed before distributing it and believed the prac- tice would soon be general. Something might be done, he thought, to instill into the grower a consciousness that to grow a diseased crop is an un- neighborly act. just as it is to al-V low one’s farm to become run over with weeds. In some districts central treating plants might be established in others a portable seed-treating outfit might be used. H. J. Kemp of Swift Current Experimental Station appeared on the programme of the convention and delivered a most in- teresting address on the principles of new automatic machine which he has produceifod‘ the purpose of treat- We can teach our children the en- daiing principles of safe driving and sale walkingâ€"of safe living, We can correct the 12215:sz practices of our own driving and walking. We can up- lzvld th: authority of our public of- ficials in impartial and effective law enfcrcement. We can help in organ- ized efforts to spread the gospel of traffic safety to everyone. And most of all, we can resolve in our own minds to perform no act dangerous to others or ourselves. Gteat skill and long training are not needed for this kind of life sav- ing. What we do needâ€"all of usâ€"â€"-is a new realization t‘n‘;t“I AM my bro- ther's :Cepeiz" Will you accept you: [’1‘5‘01131 share of this great respon- sibility Will you help to stem the title cf Hood and death that promises to sweog Ontario’s streets and high ways? Will you SAVE A LIFE.? Lympno Airdrome, Eng. AU}: 9â€"â€" Col Charles A. Lindberg- continued his cross-channel commuting today in puzzling fashion. Taking along a campers outfit he took off for the continent this afterâ€" noon in his second flight there in two days. Lindy’s Channel F light Described As ?uzzling They ‘ook off together for the con- tinent, but Lindberg was alone when he returned today and when he took off again. Makes Trip Alone But today he surprised Lympnfe authorities by returning getting gas- oline, and taking off again for France alone. He did not disclose his ulti- mate destination. but was reported over St Ing-ert 30 minutes lat-er. The airport people were puzzled. On Saturday, they said, Lindberg' landed her-e from France and was met by r- woman in an automobileâ€"â€" some thought it was Mrs. Lindberg The two motored to» his sevenoaks. Kent, home- and both returned to Ly- mpne Sunday. Lind‘berg flew to St. Ingbert, France, with a woman passenger Sunday, and later was reported at Calais, presumaly en route to Dr. Alexis Carrel’s St. Gildas Island home. SEED TREATMENT INEXPENSIVE “A PEDESTRAIN” ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO BOBCAYGEON INDEPENDENT IS Collecticn of $50,000.000 Succession Duties Promised. With Law and Order Maintained Against C.I.O. ST. THOMASâ€"Aug. 12.â€"â€"Premier Hepburn tonight definitely commit- ted Ontario to an early fall election and announced his determined anti- C.I.O. policy as the main of the three najcr reasons why he and his Gov- :rnr.:ent are seeking endorsation from the general electorate at this ;izr.e in :teud of 1938 as originally had been planned. With Conservative leader Rowe ‘ersistsntly challenging the correct- iess of that stand there was no 0- her course open to him, said the ’rime Minister, but to place the facts Platform of Liberal Party Outlined By Premier to Huge Crowd at St. Thomas Rally. ‘1 the serious situation fairly and 'quarely before the public and let be public judge with its ballots. “The people will have to decide,” he told his great convention audience “Whether they want Lewis and lawâ€" lessness in this fair Province of ours it whether they want it to remain a lecent, law-abiding place in which to live, Y)ate Not Fixed. HEPBURN ANNODNBES EARLY FALL ELECTION ed on excellent authority that a lecision in that connection may bl: 3xpected shortly. Of the three dates which the cabinet is said to be con- sidering. Oct 19 is thel atest and p05â€" ;ibly the likeliest. Need for further protection of Hydra users against any adverse fin- 11 decision that may arise out of the present Hydro contract courts liti- mtion and need for unhampered au- hority t3 pmcezd with collections of $50,000,000 in succession duties out 01 which, he charges Ontario has been ‘defrauded” under previcus Tory Adâ€" rninistrations,.were he announced his L.1'1tl 01 reasons for now groi1‘1g to the :ounti‘y, Rc-election would mean, he ‘Jledgrcd that the interests of the Power Consumers would be amply safeguardid. and that the attempt .uf certain wealthy estates “to band to- gether and block our succession dut- Ees drive“ would once and for all time be defeated. Over the last, two years, he re- vealed, successizn duties col actions ‘md reached th' staggering- total of $28,000,000 with those collections pro- ceeding as they should proceed, said 'ie, the. Government would be liable It the Legislature session of 1938 to duplicate its .‘sunshine budget” of this year. Law And Order Challenged ....“Mr. Rowe." said the Premier ."in dealing directly with the highly-con- troversial C.I.O. question, “has de- finitely challenged the policy ef this Government in maintaining law and order, and of respecting property he Not the slightest indication did \Ir. Hepburn give as to the actual- iate (if the election, but it is learn- ’ng' seed grain with organic mercury flush - Electric Wiring 45 Kent St. Lindsay Bobcaygeon. Including Saturday evening until 10 pm. I am in a position to do all kinds of electrical work, House wiring, Repairs, etc. CONTRAC'I‘iNG First class wc‘rk-Pricese reasonale Agent for Washing Machines, Fri- gidflil‘es and Electrical Fixtures CRECHTON Optometric Eye Sight Specialist PROTECT HYDRO Fred Aylesbury EVERY DAY in The Office - About Your Eyes And Glasses See USERS Ontario. has placed his stamp of approval on Lewis and his crowd and the reign of terror that is sweeping the United States at the present time.” “What scrt of individual,” he asked “was this man Lewis, whom Mr. Row was endorsing At Herrin, Illinois, some years ago, he charged, Lewis hirelings had, under a flag of truce promised some beseiged miners safe conduct to their homes. But once thes miners had emerged from their places of refuge, they had bzr. seized and many of them lined up against a wall and shot down in cold blood. Of those that escaped this punishmentâ€"and it was simply because, said the Premier they wanted to remain in their own mion and not pay tell to the Lewis organizationâ€"some weze afterward caught and banged to trees and some some had their throats cut in public street.” Homer Martin's Threat. Then, said Mr. Hepburn, what :bout Homer artin, Lewis general or- ganizer and cihef of staff? Martin, he charged, had used the following 'anguag'e in addressing workers of the Douglas Aircraft Company on one 09- casmn. ,_ _- yaw...» i is Comittee for Industrial tion said. “It is the duty of a gov maintain order, But never the right of free association lenged Do not let those draw a red ierring acros confuse you on the true i: Under his slogan, “A s 2901' the masses,” he contin “I expect Mr. Hepburn w from the. money barons thz ,VV_~....J- Mr. Rowe declared that under his liquor DOIicy “all mushroom dives and children’s saloons” would be closed “The vicious-patronage system where- by a man must be a supporter of the government to obtain a license” be done away with and closing ations would .be strictly enforce Patronage in the ciwl service would also be stopped and appointments would be made on efficiency “rather than for blind allegiance to any party Smoke Screen Contending Premier Hepburn was using lobor troubles in the province as “a, smoke screen,” the Conserva- tive leader, with referenm 4» d“ 7 -~ regul- d. I’d hate awful bad to lose a wing ,ecaus‘e some worker thought he was rotting a bad deal frrm his employer. “If Douglas expects people to ride ’11 his planes ahtiw ny cell-an: In his {132105. with an}: rec! sense of safety. is muezt be sure of the g‘ocd- will of his employees. R. Martin, 47 year-old dair North Yarmouth. Mr Hepbul formally nominated Thursda St. Thomas Aug. llâ€"Reestablish- ment of a system of liquor control in Ontario, rather than a continuance of “a policy without control,” will be un- dertaken by the Conservative party if elected in the forthcoming provincial election. .A declaration to this effect was made by Hon. Earle Rowe party lea- der, at the Elgin constituency nomin- ating convention here Tuesday night. Named as Condidate to oppose Pre- mier Mitchell Hepburn was Norman R. Martin, 47 year-old dairy farmer North Yarmouth. Mr Hepburn will be “I ride a .icood dual. and I like to know that the (me I'm riding in is built by people who are satisfied. Was there anything: more cold- ‘.)looded in the way of suggestion than lhat which Martin had packed into these assertions? asked Mr. Hepbufn. Was it any wonder he said that gocd thinking people everywhere were ‘l'e- cognizing in him and his empieyex', Lewis, the dire menace to peace and prosperity they were? “But,” he jibed, “If Mr. Rowe wants to align himwll with this sort of men he is welt-Onto to do 9:, but I don’t think the laboring men, whose votes he is after now have anything in com- mon with them. I Say that Earl ROWe is entirely misiudg‘ing the intelligence and calibre of the laboring men of Ontario; if he thinks fcr a moment that any one of them would follow the i::3;';restion vi his friend Marlin. VICIOUS I’A'I‘RONAGE SYSTEM IN LICENSING IS TO BE ABOLI SHED CONTROL EF LEfiifiSR PROMISED BY RQWE order. But never before has of free association been cha1-' Do not let those seeking to red lerring across the trafl "an A 7 ‘ ‘ With reference to , -vun ’he contimiedzr {Hepburn wil have $10 ._.L‘-â€" Industrial 01 gamza- g 0Vernment to ‘r every dollar Ire rumblings that Hepburn the Lew. THURSDAY, AUGUST 19 will not be short 0f campaign iunds But I warn Mr. Hepburn there i< not one law for the lich and anmhu a.) the poor.” , St- Jahn's Church, Dunsiord t Quite serviceâ€"every Sunday except the second and last m tue month a 2.30 p. m . . at 30.1? Communionâ€"second Suma} 11.00 a. ’m. ‘- St. Alban's Church, Veralsrr. bijrim Service, use Sunday in t1" Predicts Victory The party manifesto Mr. Rm the audience in the Cash; :11 1> Park would be isseud :zi'u-z‘ l Hepburn has announced the ( the lection. He predicted :1 “5"2'; tory” for the Conservative p: Elgin. ANGMGAN SERVICES A Chili 611ml: Bbbcaygeon . Rev P. Q. Ward, Router. ifu’ommg Serviceâ€"every Sunday (Cb 2 cept the 2nd in the month) at 11-09 Mr. Rowe suggested 10 (a campaigners that they stick 1;. provincial issues as highvs'ujcs, cation. social services, hydra, health. BOBCAYGEON BAPTIST C I! 'L‘ ICCII Rev. M. B. Gillian, Pastor 10.00 a.m.â€"â€"Bible School 11.90 nan.~Wership 7-39 Innâ€"Gospel Service Prayer Service Thursday and Sat- urday Evenings 8 p.m. ' Everyone invited “I see signs {f victory in mg: g the party leader said, I su- ‘ of victory in the fine candidate have chosen. He is the kind «:1' :. who does not look upon ”dim->2 racket.” We have endured at Ouecfi‘ a government that has a! un' right-thinking people m" Lhts ince,” he 'said. “Now we are m, to be sidetracked from that m ’ssues .cver which the province intlsdiction. he said KNOX PRESBYTERIAN CII'L'RCH Morning Serviceâ€"~11 am. Evening Service, 7. pm. S. S. and Adult BibE'e C185:- 13 am. 7.30â€"â€"Mid-véeek Servme Alwa‘ys Welcome at Knox 4 McLAUGHLIN F1 L'E'LtN, ST 1‘.ND1LICS(‘\" Karristers, Soiix‘iiers. Nciaries,1jtc Offices at Lind ay an! L‘cxzc‘i/‘n 113‘: A. M. Fultonb '.‘a . '1. 5' :L :1; n, LL J. E. A? .dexscn. K.C ., C o. n ::;:-::~33 E. V. Fu‘ton. B. A. L. BOBCAYGECN FROST FROST Barristers, Solicitors, Convcyamoslitc ....0FFICE TEMPLE BE’ILDDIG. Kent and Cambridge Streets Lindsay, Ont. ~â€" Phone 31 Branch OfficemEobcasgc-cn, over Woollard's Drug Store Tuesday Afternoon 3V€hihg Serviceâ€"every Sunday at 7.00 II. E. MOFI’A'I‘T TFNSMITH. Eg'n‘e Troughing, Plumbing, lie auxrinz All orders receive pron: 5.1::th n JI-AARKET SQUARE 130ng ‘1‘. G? ON L. M. FROST. Iii. 31(20 T0 Church i; On Sunday Month'i‘fl: 2.30 p. TRINITY UNITED CIII'RCII Rev. J. Leach, Pastor The House of Friendship Serviceâ€"11 a. m. Serviceâ€"7.00 p.m. Bible Studyâ€"Thursday at S I! m. We _Weicome You or Office over non Shop Hours: 9-12â€"1305. “.0 Evenings by Appointmcnf DR. R. G. SCOTT Dentist Legal (:2 . 1i'11;11 C. G. FROST 9th 1937 iO\‘~‘( man V! Ltc. l)‘ Ht by and Donia been to cm pose of pro ATTETEIE t [A393 1*; Cfl Under Earl RO‘ on Labor the Libc‘z tario iss CAMPAIUX ROWE SCRK'PI'! LAWS Horse Clippers Keys Made. Lg THURSDAY Lawn I William St, N- Geo. W. Sharpencd Fine Machi Spec Next Pos

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