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Bobcaygeon Independent (1870), 5 Sep 1929, p. 8

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PAGE EIGHT 1 Baan Scottish MusicFestivalto he held at the Banfl' Springs Hotel, August 30 to September 2, spon- sored by the Canadian Pacific Railway. Mary Frances James, soprano, will take a leading role in the ballad opera by Dr. Healey Willan woven around the story of Bonnie Prince Charlie and Flora MacDonald. Stanley Hoban, Winnipeg baritone and Herbert Hewetson. tenor, will be among the as§i§ting artists. In additio}: tothe Music Festival there will be the Highland Gatherâ€" hese artists will appear at the Banff Scottish Music Festivalto Herbert Hewctson Produced 15 tons of milk Banff Festival Artists Stanley Hoban 'ing of pipers from most of the 1 Canadian Scottish regiments who compete for the E. W. Beatty Trophy, the winner of which re- ,presents the outstanding piper of ‘ the year in Canada. Further, there are Highland Games staged such as tossing the caber and all the other sports which feature the great annual meet in Scotland. The Festival is in short 3 getting together of the Scottish race from all or er Canada and is patronized by visitors fr om all parts of the North American continent. Mary Frances James 2 There is this hitherto unheralded Eadvantage about the radio. It eases :the pain of being robbed. Holding ithe hands over the head is rather un- :comfortable but listening to the latest imusic hit may relieve the tedium while 3the family jewels are being extracted. It is adding insult to injury, how- ever, to have to listen in on a law en- forcement pledge from police head- quarters while reaching for the sky and watching a holdup gang in action. That is what happens in “Partners in Crime” 3. Paramount melodramatic comedy, starring Wallace Beery and Raymond Hatton. The picture wi be shown in Town Hall, MAI-”3n“ v.1 - RADIO SALVES PAIN The steady increase in the use of electric power per capita in Canada is shown by a comparison of the figures for 1920 and 1927. During this period the amount of power used per 100 of population increas- ed from 43 to 63 horse-power, or the use of power per inhabitant increased over 46 per cent. . ..I .l R Fairbairn, ('Lliicf 1.. :ineer, '19:) .id' in Pacific R2.il\\';13. and Dr. F. A.Lx Gaby, chief engineer. Ontario Hydro-Electric Commission, have been selected as Canadian delegates to the Tokio sections-.1 session of the World's Power (‘nnfer-cnce to be held in Japan in October. They were nominated at :1 meeting or (‘zmada’s executive conference com. mittee. As an indication of the increasing popularity of Nova Scotia as a tour- ist resort. the Lord Nelson Hotel, Halifax, on July 15 set three rec- ords for meal service with 245 per- sons sitting down to breakfast. 252 [or luncheon. and 270 for dinner. Hon. ('hus. Stewart. Minister of the Interior. who has been flying over the Rocky Mountains recently. announced at Banft' that the buf- falo herd there will be augmented shortly by addition of animals spe- cially selected from the herds at Wzfinwright and Elk Island. Canadians are the world's great- est butter eaters. A recent Com- pihuion made by the (‘anzxdiun GOV- ernment Bureau of Statistics shows that the total consumption of butter in the Dominion last year was 230 000 000 pounds or a per capitzi consumption for the \eer of- ’.’ .33 pounds. an increase 03‘ non "1\ 'ha‘.‘ a pound per head of populuti 1011 compared with 1927. The Stoney Indians. Alberta, cannot be said to be a “vanishing race,” for while the section of the tribe living on the Nordegg reserve was making a two-week trek to atâ€" tend the annual Indian pow-wow at Banff, four babies were born. Moth- ers and children are all healthy and well. Last spring :1 man came into the C. P. R. ticket office on Sparks street, Ottawa, for a ticket to Leonard where he had a job. He was five cents shy on his faxe, but the railwa) gum him :1 titket any- way. The uther (1:17 a man in overalls walked into the Sparks street office and said: “I owe you five (cuts on a ticket; here it is.” The New England conscience got busy recently in a small town in Massachusetts when a resident mailed back anonymously to the maitre d’hotel of the Royal York. Toronto, 3. package of spoons. ser- viettes and diningoroom “sundries" borrowed some time previously. Ilhe writer, in returning the articles to Monsieur Maillard, the maitre, said: “My conscience has been both- ering me a great deal since and I have been unable to keep them any longer.” (362) Canada has one motor vehicle for every nine persons of population. A recent estimate places the aggre- gate number of motor vehicles in the Dominion at 1,076,819. Only three countries exceed Canada in heavier density of motor cars. namely, United States, with one to: every 5.11 persons; Hawaiian Isâ€" lands 7.9 persons, and New Zealand 8.0 persons. . The PREMIER EXPOSITION °f 14V93t°¢19 Agricultural and Manufacturers’ Products 01:“.ng .....5 a uuxuup gang in action. 5 what happens in “Partners ” a Paramount melodramatic starring Wallace Beery and , _ TYALA _ September 18 - 19 - 20 - 21, 1929 The GREAT BOYD 8: SULLIVAN MIDWAY LINDSAY CENTRAL FAIR ere and There atton. The picture will Town Hall, Monday night FOR HOLD-UP VICTIM, .HV‘J‘IQN "um ./ mom/mi: I, ”3/ “than: “on a 4, ., ElNDSA‘ +. A Sgeséma‘ realm ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO BOBCA YGEON INDEPENDENT I Didections. Mix 1 pint of forma- ‘lin with 40 gallons of water. lace 'the grain to be treater In a heap on a clean floor. Sprinkle the formalin fsolution over the grain, then shovel the grain into another pile so as to mix it thoroughly. Then sprinkle and shovel again. Repeat this oper- fation until every grain is moistened ‘withe solution. Just enough of the solution ‘should be applied to thor- oughly moisten every grain but not enough to make the pile wet and sop- py. Forty gallons of this formalin solution is sufficient to sprinkle be- tween 50 to 60 bushels of grain, so that it takes two thirds of a gallon or more of this solution per bushel. It THE STANDARD SPRINK LING METHOD WITH A FORMALIN SO- LUTION 00L! "37°“ BtACK‘Jfl’O‘.’g ' “ : "1:11:70“ A hotel within :1 stone's throw of the recently opened $16.000,000 Royal York Hotel in Toronto, which housed nothing but hoboes, has been discovered by the Toronto po- lice and nearly thirty “guests" were charged with vagrancy later in the courts. receiving sentences from six months down. The hotel, which was on the European plan, the inmates providing their own meals. was fixed up in an old house on the waterfront with cook- housos, beds, fire places, stoves, thirty pounds of coffee and every- thing but a telephone and a bath. Visiting Prince Edward Island for the first time. 11W. Beatty, chairman and president of the Canadian Pacific Railway. will in- clude Charlottetown in his tour of inspection of the Maritime Pro- vinces scheduled for he middle of July. Record crowds attendcd the Brandon Exhibition held early in July, and, according to official statements, receipts at the main gate were fifty per cent. greater than last year while those at the grand stand mar 300 per cent. greater. The lix estock entry was the best ever shown. according to many of the old-time visitors. (‘algary building records went over the million dollar mark for the month of June when 216 permits were issued for a total value of $1,106,965. In June, 1928. permits issued numbered 136 to a value of $688,205. . NEVCAEI’LE A reduction of fifteen per cent. in the acreage planted of seed pota- toes in New Brunswick this year as compared with 1928 is noted in the official crop report issued reâ€" cently by the Soils and ("reps Divi- sion. New Brunswick Department of Agriculture. Fourteen hundred Bibles bound in linen with red edges. piled across the front of the stage in the spa- cious concert room of the Royal York Hotel, Toronto, was the sight that greeted a congregation of over 3.000 people who crowded the big hull of the hotel at a Bible dedica- tion service recently held there. They were for placement in every room of the hotel by the Gideon Association, whose Canadian presiâ€" dent, (I. W. Stewart, and interna- tional president, Samuel Fulton. of Milwaukee, were both present at the function. A fast twenty-foot quarter mile race track built up and surfaced like a good tennis court will be ready for the 40th annual Dominion track and field championships to be held at Banff September 2 next. The infield has been specially pre- pared and resown and the grand stand enlarged to accommodate four hundred people. The meet in the fall will be the first time the Dominion championships have been held in Alberta since 19223. The Highland Gathering; and Scottish Music Festival held every year at Banff. will precede and coincide with the championship meet. (348) Another cazload of Jersey heifer calves, 36 in number, has been shipped from Lennoxville to New Brunswick for distribution to Chat- ham and St. Stephen. This makes a total of five carsâ€"162 head of high class Jerseys brought into New Brunswick during the last two months from Quebec. ere and There minor: cos I-":...“ It is not necessary to go to great Texpense in order to serve something new. Perhaps you would like a new salad. Experiment 3 bit with your common fruits and vegetables and be- fore you know it, you will have com- posed one ”fit for a king”. As for vegetables, try candied car- rots. Cook carrots until partly ten-A der in boiling water to which a table- spoonful of sugar has been added. If carrots are large, cut in three slices, small carrots cut in half. Then place in a baking dish and sprinkle the car- ‘DAINTY DiSHES WITH LITTLE é EXPENSE ? Have you gotten into a cooking rut? lMany women have, and do not realize it. Early in their married life, they learn-ed to cook a certain number of dishesâ€"and for a while they took de- light in trying out new ones. The many cares of the household, however put a stop to this and today the dis- hes are almost the same as those ser- '\'ed five, ten or perhaps twenty years ago. When this occurs, woman is in ;a cooking rut. Serve at least, one new dish a week. 'Get the recipe from your favorite lnewspaper or magazine, borrow it from a neighbour, look it up in your cook book, or compose something yourselfâ€"but see that at least one new recipe istried out during. the week Do this and your table will soon be- come a meeting place for the familyâ€" for nothing pleases quite so much as novelty. , INSET/1‘ PC ; LADIES Oniy a short while in Canada, Spasc Kipros, a foreigner of some sort,“in- sulted ladies”, and when fined 850 and cost or :30 days. paid the money with insulting ease. f ‘.‘ ’i if them again with boiling water. Place the sugar and tomatoes in a crock or enamel dish and let stand overnight. Drain ofi' juice and boil rapidly until it threads. Add tomatoes and the thinly sliced le 11101:.: Cook until clear - and thick. $031 in ("-3111, hot jars. YELLOW 'l‘OMATO PRESERVE For each pound if small, yellow to- iatoes. Use three-fourths lb of sugal and one lemon. Tomatoes about size of small plums are very desirable. Pour boiling water over them and coâ€" ver tightly for two minutes, then quickly drain and cover with cold watâ€" 11'. This will loosen skins. Peel to- matoes. being careful not to break them. If skins will not come off, treat Eis important to use proportional lamaunts of the formalin solution. Af- ‘ter the grain has been thoroughly sprinkled. cover the pile with bags, Packs or blankets etc. which have been sprinkled with, or soaked in a formalin solution and leave for three or four hours. i ; .2 £25 At the end of this time. spread the grain out thinly to dry. It is often alvisable to shovel it over three or four times to hasten the drying. Ready-to-Wear 19-2' Kent St. Lil Styles of Distinction * Quality that Wears Prices that enables you? to get one Values that cannot be matched why you should buy your Ladies Ready-to-wear and Millinery HIRSH ’S Coats, Dresses Millinery at HIRSH’S Now showinfi our new Fall EERSH’S Reasons lllO was Lindsay LVen'no-S by BOBCA YGE6§T {fave Troughing, 1’; All orders receive ........ Market Squaw Office tw McLaughlin, Fulton, derson, Barristers, Nozames, etc. of- fice -The Victoria Trust 62: Savings Company Building. Lindsay, Ontario. Money to loan, Special attention given to investments. Branch office at Fenekn Fa Is at the Light, Heat and Power Commissioners Oflice, R-J- NICLRHOLH... I! n Stimson An- Gerson, Dr. M. C Mills acuity (in. mint." \urcruu 'c_ ‘1’“. Phcme 41 LESLIE M. FROST CE barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public Etc. Money to Loan, Lig‘itation, Col- lections, Real Estate, Insurance. Office, TEMPLE BUILDING, Kent and Cambridge Streets. It is well worth you are in a cookino 1' Mix milk and cream together and ; warm to lukewarm, not hot, then add Esugar and vanilla. Dissolve junket l{tablets in the cold water, add to the :milk, stir well a moment, then pour ;immediately into the freezer can, and ‘let stand in a warm room until firmâ€" about twenty minutes. Place can in freezer, pack with ice and salt, and freeze slowly to a thick mush, then finish freezing rapidly. This dessert is very easy to make lends variety to the menu, requires no eggs and little cream and is thus inexpensive, does not need to be cook- ed, and is easily digested and yet heal~ thful and nourishing. I Enough vanilla ice- -cr2am to filla two quart freezer may be made from :a quait of milk, half a pint of cre (a cup of sugar, one tablespoon vanilla ,two junket tablets and a tablespoon .of cold water a combination that }is surely inexpensive to please the most economical. Gramaph ones Why not serve ice-cream occasion- ally? No! You do not need to purâ€" chase it. Make it at home, with your 0W1) ingredients and have it ready to dip from the freezer to the plate at dessert time. It isn’t necessary to go to the expense of purchasing a large quantity of cream. Even eggs may be eliminatedâ€"and cooking as wellâ€" if you make use of a couple of jun- ket tablets. Dessert? Well, of course dessert is a very important dish. So far as the children, and also the man of the home, are concerned, it is very very important. The fact that so many desserts are expensive, however, often keeps the housewife from setting new ones on the table rots with salt, pepper and granuâ€" lated sugar. Dot generously with but- ter. Bake until nicely browned. -v vv 01’ the of theflgerst 1 0btainabl‘e.... Prdmpt Service. ‘ 374 Bolton Street .AJSO GEO \V. S Next Post Buxldimr imam St, North, Lit MCLaugMin. Hours 9-12. :Venin 9: 1x17 MEAT MARKET '. R. PURDY, Prop V ""- ...\,_, 1 I Stinson. KC GIG“?! Altnrnn LINDSAY L923] Cards :ccefi'e prompt attention Square Bobcarsszeon mewarm, not hot, then add vanilla. Dissolve junket the cold water, add to the we]! a moment, then pour . RIOFFATT '. SHEPIIERDS worth trying~whether cooking rut or not. a complete line AT‘ '1 ’5 SMITH Attorney. x V Plumbing. Repairing 12~1.30-5. O 3 Store Appointment ', ONTARIO {h of T.G. Devitts Repaired ce-crleam to fill a may be made from f a pint of cream, tablespoon vanilla "ge0'1 ..J E 1‘0“)“[0 l-“ l indsay M ark ONT AI'CTION SALE ceived instru GOG!) the nropcrt MOVIES 2 Friday 8: Saturday. Jolt in the “Tempest”. Manda}: Waller H321 trade ()lmsteaé 2:: “Green Hill, to and Oct “'(PX BRA \V km, a for sum ANXIV! u. 1 fix STORES (‘I of the seas V01 1: me 59 the Rotarians uf Limis visit Bibcayszeon Fair march in the parade from the'Fountain. wanis Club members V geon a few days ago a Bottury presented him unique advertisements extra tire. “I'll See 3* FIRE SATURDAY 0‘.\’I 1' he undersxgnc ENTERTAIXED FRI Mrc D \‘Ir-Tmnsh (12‘ her of her friends a five runlred party a summer home. Mead‘ last Thurslay afterno four tables of bridge of five hundred. M ceived the first prid beautiful cup and sa erms cash Boyd Estates 151 05'- {001. (H Elficicncy. Courtesy De r beer KODAKS AN PRINTING AND i Barber Monday cm 1' will be h" adjoining the SEASON SGYV‘AC sell 31!‘ Oct RS A R ‘1 UNITED C [GS CABINET PA‘ Id urch SETI’ER ucti< socvgxn lclr X)! and J n1

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