L other I water motive Rivers Ki with 2 main {xx-rats. w, and k of a ru-dimz Id will ï¬end-a. b r. of m: be: ')l" mt .1 bad I'm at n this handy six rrem oDr.) [Mm his son use mine on vies, go ht. here In here we ca; Ives, o '02 here he lake mm: of use of e was driv. hrs. wan I the were )ixou Eng- : age d in who resi- rhere F: o d lh‘e' M's Hes ï¬re before ‘ judg- x0», bro wel‘ teem r the _v or lent. bent er‘ lin- of Isf- such on"- med ever mm: the 1.’ The friends mm. any :Itilo Mr. with the dist ‘rch. of his nut all Ma lay :11 “It un- in shudd- ll). nee of is M ol of i‘rznsox.\l.x.\.~.\lr. J. H. Fife, of Lindsay. ï¬rm-rail agent of the Temperance and Hem-ml Life Assurance (‘o‘_\'. was in town this week, settling the claim of Mrs. John Murphyinis“ Henderson is again deftly manipulating ribbons and feathers at Mrs. ltuss'. ~.\Ii.-s Begley, of Lindsay. is assisting Mrs. McDermott. in captivating the tastes of the ladies.-liev. Mr. Steele. of Fenelon Falls. gave an instructive sermon in the Methodist Church. last Sunday evening.â€" Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Gnrside, who had been ministering to the spiritual requirements of the Baptist congregation, for the last three monthu, returned to Toronto, this week. Mr. and Mrs. Gmide were seven year: in India. doing Missionary work, and were most entertaining in describin their tropical experiencesâ€"Dr. and Mrs. .kes, have returned from visiting relatives, in Alymer and Stouville. ml fm‘xhc coming winter. In this Parish Mi~~ivmurv wrvivcs will be held on Sunday :mh nl' January in Christ Church. St. .\lb:m‘~ :uul Devin's School House. and a :‘lissinnury Meeting on Monday L’Ith at St. J 'w ' rd. The Rev. 11. Burgess, of Ih-thnuv, in: appointed to visit. the ['31-'1th On e same Sunday the Rev.“'.J. l'rt-izhton w‘ hold Missionary services at (".mwrunaml ‘ nbmy. l‘z'sn‘xxxs. Tl umpkin crop is reported Puxrrxc. â€"-.\Irs Hmhon, ol Peterboro, who was {or several yam-I teacher of art in the Oï¬hawa College. has a large number of pupils at her Studio, on Brock St. Nickles of your heart, spreads itself through your being: a4 gently as dew upon the sod, and nmiiuws life till it closely attunes to the l‘elex‘tizll chords from above. For a moder< ate period, pumpkim will he received at this huh-e in payment of subscriptions in arrears Tm: Sump The Slide case opened on Fritiuv last. before Judge Dean. in Lindsay. Mr. H. .l. \Vickham. acting for the Boyd l‘u‘y. called witnesses, to Show why he should be cztlpnvered to collect tollq for the use of the Slide at the Little Bob Dam. Mr. Thus. Stewartmml Mr. CaSQells, of Toronto. appeared on behalf of the Gil- mnur (‘0‘): to oppose the application, and «ï¬led a large number of witnesses to prove that logs were run down the Little Bob t-hannei previous to the building of the dam in question. that the dam is of no particular advantage to the river men.that it. was built solely for the purpose of the Mill. and there fore could not be brought under the Statute. which applied only to works constructed snleiy for the better running of logs. The evidence was completed on Wednesday. The Counsel then resented argument and the Judge reserve decision. a l'x'm~R1xs.~ Tl rumpkin crop is reported (I. he unusually gem nd the whole countrv ~iclo. m‘cr hill and (30. looks as if gilted with an glorious golden sunset. The punkin i~ a luM'iuux‘ delirious fruit. As a milk producer. when fed in L5 natural purity to cows. it cannot be lwaten. and when mush‘ ml and mixed up in the seductive pie, in: isa HOOKht‘l' of afflictions. a comforter to the Mares-sod. it insinuates itself toutlge verjy hmxnxn‘ )Irzmxxa. â€" A meeting: of the 1m :1 l)“:! m- n of Durham and V ictoria, “as in Id at t u: KN ton \lillbrook, on Thursday and P rid: u last. The ï¬rst business was the Q h-itiun of a. new Rural Dean “hich result- v'd m the chain: of Rev. \V'. C. Allen, of Mill- hrnuk. lie-v. \V' . J. Creighton was elected Nam-tar; of the Deï¬ner}. The plan ofMis- xinnury v-rvices and Meetings “'31§ apang- A't (‘ot'R'nâ€"A number of our citizens are at Lindsay this wm-k attending the Assizes, Mr. Wm. ('resw-ell, being: charged by M. McConnell, “ith perjury, though it is not t‘xpcl'tcd that the case will amount to any- thing. Sinu- tln: above was put in type, the grand Jury threw out the charges. Simianâ€"Mr. Rnschery the cattle buyer has. lwcn gathering: a large quantitv of stock from this. neighborhood. He bought nherd of tvn haul of cattle from Mr. Wm. Thurston. that were Very ï¬ne animals and brought Sill“. He sent away a flock of 101) sheep and launlw last week and has now 225 on hand that he will take to Bridgeuorth by boat, tunl send into Peter-bum, when the market ‘ u Vzirlitinrlcrhéftehr They Were bought a: an :u'cmgc of about $2. SALE. -, The sale of Furniture at the l’re.~h_vu-ri.m Mame. on Tuesday, was not, so successful as it. might. have been. Mr. Anderson has a number of things left on l‘nuul that he will dispose of by private sale, including :2. road cart, side-board, bedstends, bureaus, and cxtcnswn table, etc. (‘rkms ..â€"-'l'he nnnuai meetin" of the (‘urling (.‘Iub ik' to be held at Mr. V'entress' slnrv. on Monday evening. at 7 30. This is the Llcction of olï¬cers, and general arrange- men! of amnirs for the approaching season. (‘Hmsr Curm‘u.â€"The usual \Vednesda evening service, wzm unavoidably poitpone till to-night, Friday. at. the usual hour. 'l'm-z DREDGXFHNBH. Hungcrford is ï¬tting up the Government Dn-dge. and is to take it to Ravi-dale. where Mr. Kennedy is now blasting .1 channel. Sum.v.-Tho Agricultural Show is now in progress. at, the Society grounds, wil upcn this evcuing, Friday. Mu.l.lxr;x:Y.-'l‘he Misses Hnrchmer had their Mininery opening on Tuesday and \Vednesday and the Show rooms resented a wry pretty picture, being specia 2y (ii-com ted for the occasion. v hall to ls: September .......... (7. E. Stewart. printing and advt. .. T. VicCamus, paint for stairway Ha" G. Nicholls, salary to 15$ inst ..... L. W. Ross, Auditor, ............ R. Ventresq, do . E. B. Gal-lick. carting ..‘._ ‘‘‘‘‘‘ Meant was allowed an abatement of $4 in Mathew McConncH's taxes for '9}, and the following accounts were passed :â€" J VanValkinburg, work at fountain 53 MoasqmuBoygl (13.. gropnd rem: ï¬re Mr. Hurchmer addressed the.Council offer in: to sell his large safe at $200. A long dis cussion took place. in which the Reeve op~ pmed the proposal. Mr. Gar-lick was oppos ed for a time. Messrs Lewis and Wilson. strongly favored it. and ï¬nally it was agre- ed by Messrs \Vilson, Lewis and Gm‘lick to urchuse the safe at. price offered. The .ecve voted nay. The safe is to be laced in weigh“ for the safe keepï¬lg of The regular meeting: of the Council was held on Tuesday evening, J. L. Read, 12qu in the chair. ï¬o'umggwu itmltptmlmt FOR SALE 37 A. E. BOTTL'M, Bobcaygeon, A.W.Spooner Jog. HEARD, Fenelon F 3113 Maker for M A Hopmxs, Kinmount, Dominion. E. Woo», Lindsay Port. Hope G Ilcxcmsox, Peserboro. Ont Powder. “Bannerman’s Patent†[he most efleczive known to modern scxence. Prevents disease and 'SWeetens things generally! Urgently needed in epidemic localities. Send for information Everyone car. aflord it Good seller. both winter and summer. Nicely put up. LADIES - OXFORD â€" SHOES HARDWARES Disiqfectant. Deodorizer and Germicide flas the Best Boots Shoes in â€"â€"THE COUNTYâ€" An immense assgrtfnent. Nothing nun-58mg. â€"L:xrge stock ofâ€" .11 I DLAND COUNTIES' HERALD Count-21' then a5 iourned. Friday, October 4. 1895. KENT STREET, LINDSAY. Bobcaygeon Council. L OCAL NEWS. Should stock Spooner’s PIIENYLE 0F LINDSAY, 1H3 AND 21 40 40 5C0 391 George St, Peterboro Reliable Watches, CARRY ONE OF ARE YOU - - 0m- Xllustrntod Circular tells of the success of some of them ; send to:- it and specimens of Penmanship. Business Collrgo, Uur Graduates never disappoint them- selves or us. We believe in and insist upon» Tiroaovcnxassâ€"hcnce the success of our Graduates. We are now installed in our handsome new premises where we have ewery facility for work, and comfort for our students . Mute students entered the ï¬rst. two weeks in Se-ptvmbor o! thls year, than ever befow during the whole month. PETERBORO’ BUSINESS COLLEGE. Tolct fora term of ycnrs, the west half of Lot '26 Con. 10 Verulam. The land is in a good state 03 cultivation and well leuced. 50 acras clcared. Theâ€: is a good Orchard ol apple and plum lrecs. A good hewn log (lure-Hing house, lrame Burn, with stabllng underneath, log stable, log barn and other suitable Buildings. Two wells of good water mm the house- Situate four miles lzom iobcnvzeon. The Tenant can have the privi- .930 of plowing this fall, and a room in the house. For. further particulars see the owner a on the premises. I Vctulam Sop 19th 1895. All parties indebted to me mutt settle at Once' or costs will be added as 1 must close my Books at once. NOTICE All parties indebted to the undersigned either by Note or Book acccum, are notiï¬ed to Settle bctore choher 15th, or they will be plac‘ld in Count for Collection. Bobcaygron P. 0. Bobcaygcon, August 29th '95 Strayed on to Lot 10 Con 16. Harvey, two 2 year old strcrs. Parties interested can have the same by proving property and paying expenses to the undersigned†Bobcaygecn, Oct. lst, ’95. I have to thank you for the prompt and satisfactory settlement of the policY held by my lata husband in your Company 101' $1,000. I have much pleasure in recommend ing the ‘l‘empemnw and General to my fnends and the public generally, TEMPERANCI Ind GENERAL LIFE ASSURANCE COT Intend passing a By Law {or widening the present travelled road along the South side of Lot 5 m the 2nd Concession and also for closing the original allowance for Road across the Second Concession be- tween Lots 5 am“? and lor conveying the road so closed to the owners of Lot ï¬ve in the said Second Concessior. Clerks Ofï¬ce 7 f Bobcaygeon Sept 18th, 1895. Monday. october 21st, Notice is hereby ginn that the Munici. pal Councfl, oi the Corporation of the Town- ship 01 Vernlam at a meetwg to be held in the Town Hall Bobcaygeon, an Bobcaygcon And you will be. Get one at TOWNSHIP OF To the Manager of the Sm ;+ SCHNEIDER’S ROAD NOTICE. T0 CARD 0F THANKS. FARM .TO LET. STRAYED STEERS. T8sB" LOOK HERE! UP TO DATE? DEBTORS T Yours Truly, ROSABELL MURPHY PRINGLE McCREA. Patel-borough JAS. MORRISON, Er. J. O'DON NELL. THOMAS RICK. JOHN WILSON Township Clerk. Toronto. JE WELLER Y .’ DRESSMAKING .’ Caliand See the flats! Millmery Opening [ Mr. and Mrs. Hudson’s classes all reopen with October. Portraits in OH, Cmvon, Watercolor and Pastrne. Lessons given in Chum Painting, Flowers, Figures, Fruit, Landscape, Marines, Heads, aims and Animals. THIS You ought to know us, Nearly everybody does. Do you want to study Art ? There are many things which enter into the success in] prosecution of the studv, l, Opportunity. 2, Determination. 3, Competent Teachers, 4, high Standard. You may have the Ist and 2nd, but we wi.l suppiy the 3rd, and help you to place the 4th. Fancy GOODS ofall Description We invite you to lock through our Japan and China Ware. Five o'clock Kettles, Brenktust Sets, Tea Sets, and PRESENTS. or WEDDING GIFTS ROUTLEY MINDEN: Evening 0! 24th, and remain tollowing day. ins: train, and remain till evéning 451i}: 'oâ€"n the 23rd. BOBCAYGEON: Oct 12th to 14th, after noons and evenings of each dny. Will be at the following places, on the mentioned dntes. Our Stock of Groceries ls as usual, Constantly Renewed. and are always Fresh and Reliable. Our Famous 25:. Tea still leads. We are always prepared to glvo the nghest Market Price {or all kinds of Farm Produce Large and well seiectcd Stock of Boots and Shoes, purchased before the rise, and are now offering them at the old prices. A New Crate ct Crockery and Glassware received, composed of the Latest and Prettiest Patterns: Studio, 134 Brock Sit wncHImEB. -. MID DEALER IN JEWELRY- KINMOUNT: By evening train, on 23rd, ,in tram north and following day. . B. ROUTLEY, . HUDSON, ARTIST FENELON FALI_.S. - _Oct 21s: by even. Bolton St Bobcnygcon Next Door to Post omce, Bobcaygeon' The Misses ’ Hurchmer, I. WHH‘ESMITH,’ George Street, Peterbox o. Has foreseen its claiml. IS COMING ! â€"FORâ€" Mr. Hurchmer, has moved his Jewellery business to the same store, and for the next. Thirty Days will offer the Stock at Cost. Guns, Sewing Machines and all compliant ed Machinery Repaired. ‘ PICTURE J. T, Robinson, is Department will be in charge of miss Hurchmer‘ ‘. , Petcrboro; an.» unuanx, or Lox-onto. a. lady of large experience, has been engaged to take charge of the Millinery Department. Have purchased an entirely New and Se} eci. Slpck o Millinery, and the Ladies are Invited to DEA: MADAM MISS CROSBY, of Toronto. a. lady of STAMPING- DONE WHILE YOU WAIT PLUSHES, SILKâ€"P in and Fancy ;SAT INS, LINERS, 1 ONITON BRAID. HONITON GOODS ALL THE RAGE. Material for Art Needle- work: . IS THE PLACE TO GE'I TRE FINEST ASSORTMENT OF MISS MELVILLE, MILLINERY, * MANTLES We have just received a Custom Planing, Matching and Mouldstickâ€" mz done on Shortest Notice. SchH, DOORS, FRAMES, MOUbDlNGS, NEWEL- POSTS, BAIsUSTERS,. SchlR Rfle, ETC, ’ Planing Mill. Clerk s‘Ofli'ce. ‘ ' Bobcaygeon'. 0n hoiuiay, 0ct 2188,1895; PETER GRANT, Prop. Dundas : F1¢Vcalle Bros KENT ST, LINDSAY I Keep on Stock. and Make to Order all kinds and sizes of MuniCipal council 0fthe TownEhip of Verulam will meet in the Town Hall Bobgaygeon, a .. 424 George-st, - Peterboro Notice is Hereby Given that thy Art Silks all reduced to 85cts. TOWNSHIP OF VERULAM, BOBCAYGEON ONTARIO ARCHIVES At 10 o'Clock a. m, I. JUNKIN, Township Clerk TORONTO RIFLES.§ [-I o T GUNS," Near Swing Bridge; Bo‘bCaygeon. COOK, PARLOR BOX STOVES A GREAT LINE OF 250, TEA. BCBCAYGEON. REPAIRING! BOOTS AND SHOES Sale will cori’tinue till Stock is disp’osed 6f. See our 500. and $1 Bargains. A. E. BOTTUM, WE LEAD, WE NEVER FOLLOW! MRS. MURRAY. THIS WEEK AT- Owing to the demise of the late Stewart Murray, the Undersigned will dispose of the entire Stock of Boots and Shoeé at and. below Cost. ‘, COFFEES, SUGARS, CANNED GOODS AND GENERAL GROCERIES; WELL SELECTED STOCK FINE STOCK OF LAMP GOODS BOBCAYGEON. AT COST ! Our Prices in all line are at the Bottom. 5mm MOFFATT, Manager. _( 00R. HUNTER at GEORGE 51‘s. The N eW Clothing Store I OAK HALL, 3%- OUR LINES ARE There's a Character io Oak Hall Clothing ï¬hioh distinguishes it fiom all other Clothing. We tako care that the inside nod through- Mr. Clues Amberg has new charge of the Repairing. and every description of Fine or Coarse Repairing will be executed with dyspatch. Charges moderate, and And all Sporting Supplies. .CAIN. Strictiy Cash. Call and see Prices. MEN’S, BOY’S, CHILDREN’S CLOTHING When in Peterlioi'o,‘ don‘t fai! to visit BOBCAYGEON .,OAK HALL, In: andâ€"through is as satisfactory as the outside; AT A SAVING 0F DOLLARS. CALL SEE US WHEN IN TOWN. MAIL «RDERS PROMPTLY ATTENDED ALL THE BEST BRANDS OI“ WINE AND SPIRIT MERCHANTS Talk is Cheap, but our Gr: sive Prices in FLANNELLETTS. AUTUlVIN DRESS SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TOVSUPPLY'ING HOTELS Miss Bannan, Fall Millinery Ladies Blacx Jackets, $5. Ladies Fawn Jackets, $5. FASHIONABLE JACKETS! Inspect Lindsay’s Leader Low Cash Price Dry Goods House. LINDSAY, OPPSOSITE BENSON HOUSE. GRAHAM CO’Y, We Invite I" the Ladies to call and inspect. these Goods, as they _;A 137., , THE LATEST IDEAS IN SHAPES AExD TRIMMINGS. SHOT VELVETS. SHOT RIBBONS, SHADE!) FEATHERS, FELT HATS, BEAUTIFUL BOSNETS. MEN’S FELT HATS E. E. W. MCGAFFEY WINES, SPIRITS AND are Extra Value for the, price. Successor to Miss O'Brien. IS NOW SHOWING ALL THIS FASHIONABLE FAREWELL T0 SUMMER HATS! M 188 Bannan, A Ladder isn’t needed to reach our Prices 1‘ Ladies Blue Jackets, 35. Ladies Jackets, Extra Finish and Quality, all the Latest Styles, Good Material for FM and . GORRIE PETERBORO.‘ HERE AND SAVE MONEY. BUY YOUR EARLY HALIBURTON. ST., LINDSAY. Grain Bags are Cheaper. Impres GRAHAM Winter from S4 50 up to 810. Kent: St. Lindsay For Fall Wear LINDSAY. £01.; TO