lGoods and Why not There is do the re going an inter THING MISSES 1 Underwe 1'03 5 ~ T} the f 01 1V [It am 31' 3 Yes, the Cold Weather Will Soon be Here to “Stay school overcoats, made in three quarter length in the most beautiful color c0m~ hinations you ever saw. 3 See .me of these coats, and you will marvel that a mackinaw can he so really handsome ages 8 to 16yrs. Price $4.50 “Special†All Wool Mackinaw Ages '2 yrs to 8 yrs., very special values at $3.. to $5 in Russian and Oliver Twist models. “Special†All Suits for the Little Kiddies Dundas Flavelle A. E. BOTTUM, Hardware - Bobcaygeon lâ€NilIHIHEHIHEHHEEE illlllmflflfliiililIiiillIIHillllllllllll!llllllllllillillllllll g 5lllllllllllllllllllllllIllIIllIllllllllllIlllllllllllllllilllilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllfl When ï¬tting up the stoves and preparinw for flu‘ (-0ch «law (lull‘t forget that we 0‘ 11 supplv \Ou “ith all \0111 stm e 1".cului101nents such (1‘ No doubt some think that a silly ques- tion, but just think when you have been buying a pair of shoes, has the salesman ever taken the measure of your foot. There lies the secret of life of a shoe? If you have not-been ï¬tted up right you are over at the heel in a week, and your boot is all out of shape. Try me for the next pair and I guarantee to ï¬t you. I have. all styles in all leathers, and can guarantee them all solid leather. When in town give me a (tall. The only exclusive shoe shop in town Sizes 5yrs to 1:? yrs., Smart, Dressy Practical and low priced, considering the quality, and makes a strong appeal to both Boy and Parents. Come to us for your Boy’s Clothes this Fall and “inter. In Our Boys’ Suits, $3.50 CHAS. BIGLEY (‘oal IIOdS, Stuvepipes, 21ml Elbows, Stovepipe linnmol, Metal Polish Stove Boards, Stove Polish, Ash Sifters, etc. Sir Sam then told of the men in the trenches writing home for bear traps. He sent them. They were set out by the barbed wire entanglements which the Germans were in the habit of cutting, and three Germans were caught by the leg My department expended $50,000 in contracts in six weeks and challenge the world to lay ï¬nger on 35009 that can be criticilced. The boys are" {\'ell equipped and able to succeed because, coupled with my own is the best authority in Canada, who, by the way. is a. Liberal. Canada’s shooting average was the best in the world. The average “'31s from 62.5 to 73 per cent while the average of the British and others is 20 ‘per cent. Twelve out of seventeen regiments Were the best trained in the world for attack and defence manoeuvres. Canada. offered twenty thousand men which was regarded as stupendousâ€"near- ly as many as Wellington had at “ater- loo. Isaid to General French, we could raise thirty thousand. He was staggered for in less than two weeks we had secur- ed land near Quebec, three and a half by seven miles, built twelve miles of water works and had a rifle range of four miles. I realized the German ambition to con- quer Britain, subject France and with the help of the Austrians annex the Balkan states. Then the great British fleet would take second place and German tyranny would rule the world. Now Canada realizes our liberties are at stake. Do we wish our wives and sisters to be treated as those of Belgium have been treated? Disgraced and put- to menial work by the nation Britain is trying to smash ‘3 Those who have seen German soldiers drilled and have hinted at war have been tabooed. I always stand to the convic- tions of my own conscience, first, last and always, and am deaf to criticism. In regard to the war, many sections of Canada. do not realize the struggle. Per- sons of ordinary avocations certainly do not. R. .\1. mu ; _*___ In cply Major UGIIL‘I‘LI Sir Samj In Max Bohnen’s advertisement Hughes thanked the people for the ad,§0nt1m back page, our compositer dress of welcome read him. He said he: got the underw‘ar mixed With the didn’t; think it was necessary to go into 5 Cl‘M’e'net-tt-é raincoats No doubt he details but unsolicited Lindsav had re- was ate corn roast the night before. ceived a. drill hall and Milk: he “as 3.1- . W'Sï¬} "lad to receive any suggestions he _ did not believe they “ere necessary 3? Mamed That yourself and your family may abundantly prosper and live long to enjoy the honors which worthilv (-rown your devoted energy, i~' the sincere wish of you fellow citizens. For what you have achicvml in your oliicial capacity as Minister of Militia and Defence we accord you all honor, and assure you of our most coiwlial con- gratulations on the Sign mark of appreci- ation “is Most Gracious )lajgsty. our Sovereign. has shown in ('onfcl'ring on you the distinguish rank of K. (‘. l}. leadingandexecutive ability you have lilisylayed in developing (‘uuadizm pat- riotism. and equipping (‘mnulinn valor. therehy ell'ertively uplmlding the hands and strengthening the heroic eli'orts of Great llrituin and her Allies in their supreme struggle for the defence of (leni- oumtie ('ivilizzu'ion and liherty. We rejoice that largely through your initiative and [untiring' energy the (‘itizen Soldiers of Ummdn have been so rapidly niohelixed. so well equipped, so ellieiently trained and transferred to the scene of the Titanic eonllict now being Waged on European soilmwith results that: will give ('anada .‘h‘ a. Nation. .1 unique place in history. and her soldiers a. record, supreme and unsullied intlle annals of heroism. l Your fellow citizens wishto express their high appreciation of the energetic SIR SAM II'L’GIIES, K. (7'. B. Hon. Minister of Militia and Defence Honoured Sir.» 'I he (,‘oum-il of your home town, in its representative ('npaity Lenders you a must coritlu] \\'Ci(‘()m(‘ and the freedom of the Munivilmlity. Mayor Bea] then rcml the following welcoming address from the town: Major General It might also be noticed that we are still in need ofa new dock and there is no town clock as yet in the Post Ofï¬ce where it aught to he. I “I am glad to be here to express the r pleasure of the citizens of Lindsay at i‘your presence here and am "lad to be able to ofler you the freedom of the town, V and in fact, everything In the t0w,n axcept a recepted tax bill. You have all heard of the lst and 2nd Samuels, but our Sir Sam is the ï¬rst I I want to give you a few words “of the bat†as baseball parlance puts it. I had a dream the other nirrht that Frank \Iaunder \\ ould- not sell me a loaf of bread and \\ hen I asked him “hy, he said he had made out i a new list of customers and I w’asnt on: the list. When the soldiers are beinw. ‘ stationed at the different t0\\nsI hope‘ that Lindsay \\ 111 be on the list. i Mayor Beal then arose and said that he had a few remarks to make before given the written address. R. J. MULLIGAN, \Varden, County of Victoria. WM. GEO. ARCHER, \Varden, County of Haliburton. Lindsay, September 24th,1915. We desire to express to Lady Hughes on: respectful congratulations in sharing the honors bestowed upon yourself,- and our sincere appreciation of her gracious worthiness to bear them with you. General Hughes “At Lindsay (Continued from page 1) ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO HuuL'rox- MOFFALT â€"â€"â€" At Clnist Church, Bobcaygeon, on \Vednes- den Sept. 29th 1915, by the Rev. 7" 11 Slight Error in Bohnen’s Ad Sunday Oct 3rd, 10.30 :1. m Rally Day, b'uhljvct: “Jesus Reign†you are invited to w with us. \\'e have received from our ('01'1'espon- (lent at Kinmount. a complete list of the prize winners at the Fair there on Sept 12111, but owing to the lengthy nature of it, we regret: that We are unable to publish ‘2 me this week. Apply to any (X l’. particulars 0)“ write District Passenger Au .um weneral tou1ist tialï¬u to \\ estern (anada tlnougli train cairving 'lourist Sleepers :1nd( olonixt Lars leaves Toronto 104)? \l.0aLl1 lucsday until further 1101110, lunnimr 1ll101‘1f_"ll to \\ innipeg. Attention is directed to the remark- ably low round trip fares in connection withllorncsevkvrs’ lixvursiun to \Vest- urn (,‘unada \‘ial'anadian l’aciiiv Railwau'. 'l‘iz-kvts :11? 0:1 sale earl: Tucsduv’ until Hvlolwr 20111. im'lus'ix'c, and are good to rvturn within two months from date of sale. For the accomodation of Homoseeke {11111 went-1‘11] tourist malï¬c to \Veste (1111111111 1111011311 train (':111_\i11;: 'Jouri 511 1011111811111“ 01011'1xt (111511311118 19101) 10431’. \I.1}-a111 lucsday 1111t1l f111tl1 111111111, 11111111111'1111011gl1 to \\ 1111111191: Sale Clearing Read’s HUMESEEKERS’ SPECIAI LEA \'Eh"l‘(_)]l()l\â€l‘() 10.45 P. TI'ESDAY. Frank T. B. Cla1ke, Helen May, daughtel of Mr. John Moffatt to M1 Alfmd Hamilton, of Salnia. For Watch MAI:TIN..â€"In On behalf of Lady Hughes he thank- ed all for their kind words. If the boys are not wanted yet they should be getting ready. Our liberty is at stake. Three musing good cheers for Major General Sir Sam were then given by the big assembly, which then dispersed. ADAM ' Sir Sam said he had been hvent-y-ï¬ve years in parliament and it was his ambi- tion to leave no cause for blush or shame for his-actions. and 6 months. lam on W'ednesdav, September 29th 1915, James Martin aged 79 DA M~In the township of Verulam on Sunday September 26th, 1915 Ann Adam aged 87 years and 3 months. Kinmount Prizes Baptisr Church the township of Veruâ€" Died jvct: “Jesus shall invited to wm'ship M. G. M nl, Toronto mt for full M m'phy. ,L TRAIN . )1. EACH B l'S Special Low Prices on Baskets of Fruits and Vegetables TH E BAN K ‘" 78‘ Yégtchï¬fBuiingu. Capital and Surplus $7,884.â€. ‘.‘- R'. MOYLE, MANAQER bUbUAYGEON BRANCH Have You Seen Them 5" a combination that will please you O’Loughlin 8‘ McIntyre LINDSAY Cash and One Price We are now showing the new- est Fall Hats at our Show Raom. No matter what your taste or requirement, we have your Hat. PHONE 27 For High Class,, Fresh Reliable Groceries Select Meats, Fresh Confectionery, Reli- able Quality in Butter, Eggs, Poultry, Fruits and Vegetables. Ciry Dairy Ice Cream in Buik, Bricks or Cones. See Etc. Fresh from the Orchard. and Preserving Peaches, Pears, Plums This Space Next Week ish Norm Amen‘ca fï¬ghï¬rqready money to buy stpck or pug fa‘rmmg operatnons, come 1:: and Hatter over with the Manager. flakeza specialty of handling Farmers? ‘ as 3113 Collections. Eggislance f0; k'e Farmers R. Croft Proprietor ml: of British North Ameria’: I: r and willing to make loans_ In ‘. MCQUADE . J. BROAD Bobcaygeon