Peck. Kerr McEIden'y. Barnsters and Solicitors. Ofï¬ce, 415 \Vater St. Stewart Scott. Barristers, Solicitors. Notaries etc. Money toloan at lowest rates and satisfactOry terms. Ofï¬ces OVer Standard Bank. Corner Kent. and York Streets. Lindsay. Tans. STEWART S. M. Sean, B. A. Moore 8: Jackson. Barristers. etc., Solicit'ars for the County of V iclaria and the Bank of Montreal. ' Money to loan on Mortgage at lowest current rates. Uflices. William St., Lindsay. F.D..\Iunm-: ALI-2x. JACKSON Leigh R. Knight. Barrister. Solicitor, Notary Pnbhc. Successor to McDair- mid 81. Weeks. Visits made to Bobcay- goon by appointment. Money to loan and Real estate bought and sold. Ofï¬ce Kent St., Lindsay. Phone 41. Hopkins 3: Hopkins. Barrister, Solici- tors and Notaries. Solicitors for the Bank of Montreai. Money to loan at terms to suit the borrower. Ofï¬ces, 6 William St. Sounh, Lindsay, Ontario. H.H.Hnrxx.\x~. [human-ts HOPKINS McLaughlin. Peel. Fulton. Stinson 8: Anderson. Barristers, Solicitors and Notaries. Money to loan. Special at- tention given to investments. Branch olï¬ces at Iiohcaygcon and Fenelon Falls. Lindsay oH'n-cs over Dominion Bank. LJJICLAUHIILIN. K.C. JTAJ’EEL ;\..\I l’L'lxrnx, 1:...\. '[‘.H.S'r1xsux Dr. H. Irvine, Dentist. Limkay. First class :luntistry practised in all its inam hes at moderate prues. ()fï¬ce in the mm Beau Builditw Kent- St., Lindsay. Dr. Buchanan, l’cterborough, F.R.C. S. Edinburgh. .\I.R.(‘-.S. England. L1}. “.1’. Lomlun. Eye, Ear. Nose and 'l‘hmat Spm-ialistv. Ofï¬ce, 169 (‘harlotte Stu Phone 51!). Residence 643 George 51.. Phone 350. Dr. Neelands, Dvntist, Lindsay. Crown and ‘hl‘idgt‘ work a. specialty. Natural teeth preserved. Prices moderate. (Mice nvariy oppos'xte Simpson House. “'11! visit Bohcaygeon the ï¬rst \Vcdnesday :unl 'l‘hurs‘q'lay of every month. Dr. McCullough. Pctcrborough, will visit Lindsay every ï¬rst and third \Vulnesday of the month. At Benson House from :2 p.m. to 6 pm]. Consulta- tion. Eye. Ear. Throat- and N059. Hours 10 mm. to 4 p.m. Brock street, Putm‘horo. Dr. S. J. Sims, Dentist. Lindsay. Gradâ€" uate of Toronto [Tuivursity and Royal (‘ollege of Dental Surgeons. All dental operations carefully performed at mod- n‘atc prices. (mice over Gregory’s Drug Store, Lindsay. A. F. Nchinnon, Veterinary Surgeon. Falls promptly attended to. Charges )lmlerate. Main St., Swing Bridge. Bobcaygeon. George Smith. C. E.. Ontario Land Sur- vevor. Tourist’s Lots Surveyed. Box '25, Lindsay Phone 242. James Dickson. Ontario and Dominion Land Surveyor. Comm. in H. C. J. Conveyancer and J. P. ,Fenelon Falls. Peterboro. . V. O'Connor. Barrister. Notary, etc. ()tï¬ces. Dominion Bank Building, Willi un Sn. Lindsay. Money to loan at lowest rates and on most favorable terms. The Oriental Hotel. 169 Hunter Street Peterborough. More Homelike than Hotel-like. Conveniently located for shopping. Telephone exchange. High class meals 500. Tea. Room in connec- “MEET 3n: IN THE HEART OF PETERBORO" }eo. GrahamJProp. C.G.Gra.ha.m, Mgr. mpress, Peterborongh. Under new management. A}! thoroughly rebuilt. Free ï¬ns. Luncheon from 12 to 2 p. m. tion. It Pays To buy your Hardware and Stoves at Supplies, Hardware Store Cinnamon’s Kent St. J. E. .\ xmâ€"msz, l5.:\. Dentistry Veterinary Surveyor Medical \Vire Fencing Barristers Lindsay Bobcaygeon Independent Banners am oss the street at differ- exit points here proclaimed Thursday, Oct let, as Trafalgar ; Day. 011 ‘VVednesdav and Thursday a canvass was made and $300 was the mark l aimed at. At the time of writing the cam as was p1 ommnor to be sucgessful ; Some of the men \\ ho wele out (.01- letting reported that they had re- (:eived coutrilmtions all the way from 100. to $10 and that a- fevr people _ were antagonistic to the. campai in. .qu ~..--.- This journal is conducted for the purpose of meeting its debts, and earning living. Don’t imagine it is being‘nm as a. gidï¬y pastgime. no 0' A,11,IA PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY Advertising rates on application No advertinments inserted among reading matter. Icaubnxig‘ mun-av- - Advdnce Notices of Entertainments at which an entrance fee is charged, are Advertisements and must be considered as such. If ; répon of a Show is desired, tickets of admission should be left at the otï¬cee This journal cannot. be expeqted to pay 250 to a dollar to every Show that Opens at, for the purpose of reporting it 111 a $5 notice-free. u. ('5.ou rf'""_"' Libe Suits and inquiries as-..t0»“who wrote the article†ma ' be addressed to Proprietor. But it- is st not to send them. Don’t step on the Proprietors bull-pup, he ta_kes~!xold.. 1 9 1 L:~‘A_L- WAD busineee communications should be addressed to the Independent. ALEXANDER WARREN In this appeal from t’hé Emish he‘d Cross to L‘unadidl generositv tlwt fact. that, as vet, Canadians who 1110 enjoying m er V freedom, have not- 11121110 anv sacriï¬ces. Thev, 111331.159! c1111 lune giwn large sums of moné" I) ‘1 where hme \W‘ at home made 0111 51111111193? Mam homes hme s’ht thei1 hm s, and those who :11 e healthv 111111 not hszhtimr mus? SACK-[FILE and GI\ E t9 the 119d Cross that {he buys may be cared fer. 1x18 11111 enough to give 2111" 1111111111113 that we will not miss, but we must do \vithuuf something in order f0 do what we (-1111 in :1 111011511111 call “our share.†\Vhilv all of'this is true, it is just- :L littlu annoying to read from the daily press that the Attorney-Gem-ml 0f Great Britain receives a salary of $100.00() per your, while the work- man and me rchant are expected Logivv fifty per cent. of their incomes. The poople are not blind. And, right here, things of this nature are having 21. telling effect on the “giving†of the rural Canadian. _._A_xp___ MIDLAND COUNTIES HERALD Britain’s Government is robbed by the withdrawal of Sir Edward Carson of at least one member who does not imagine that he could handle the 3.11in better than Lord K‘tchener or the navy better than Lord Fisher. The entire assembly of Britain’s Lords and Commons, with Lloyd George and a few other noble exceptions, might drop into a. hole in the ground and remain there, and the British Empire would still survive. Britain’s strength in this hour is not in the hands of her statesmen, but in the hearts of her strokers. A navy headed by Lord Fisher, an army headed by Lord Kitchener, ï¬nanced by the leadership of men like Lloyd George, and sustained by the sacriï¬ces of the people, would safe- guard the British Empire and ensure 'victory for the allies despite every temp~ orary dislocation in the machinery of Government at London.â€"Toronto Teleâ€" gram. Is Lord Milliner right in his declaration that the British and French troops should 5e withdrawn from the Peninsula of Gallipoli 2 If so, Lord Milner has developed into a military authority since the date of his partial reaponsibily for the delusion that 30,000 British troops would sufl‘xce to carry Redvers Bullet to Pretoria. by Christmas, 1899 A newspaper heading says that Ger- many is now engaged in getting nuts for the oil contained in them. There is that ï¬ne specimen “nut†the Crown Prince, who has proven himself fairly oily at times. ' Two Bulletins of premier importance have recently been issued from the Health of Animals branch of the Federal Depart- ment of Agriculture at Ottawa, of which Dr. Torrance is the Veterinary Director General, Both can be had free on applic- ation to the Publications Branch of the Department. 'l-‘he ï¬rst, number 17, is entitled Britain Will Conquer ESTABLISHED 1869 Trafalgar Day Health 0f Animals -â€"â€"â€"THE-â€"-â€"- Pmprietor. “Eutero-Hepatitis or Black-head ini Turkeysâ€. Chas. H. Higgins, B. s. D. V. s. of the Biological Laboratory is the: author. While the disease has been? known to affect all Species of fowl, it is? usually seen in its most aggravated and ‘ fatal form in turkeys. Dr. Theobald; Smith, of the United States Department1 of Agriculture, made an investigation in i Rhode Island during 1894 and 1895, but! it was not until 1900 that the ï¬rst men- 5 tion was made of it in the Experimental i Farms Report of Canada. It has since, ‘ how',e1er been repeatedly reported upon‘ in the biological laboratories both at: 3Ottawa and Guelph. Dr. Higgins saysE Ethat the losses from the disease have’ been enormous, which supplies excellent ‘ reason for a close study of the Bulletin. l “The extent of these lossesâ€, he further isays, “is well indicated by the fact that ltwo decades 11110 a sinule small island I (Block Island) nff the Rhode Island coast iprovided two tons of marketable birds ! each year. Five hundred pounds are not lav ailable in the same locality today !Statements are also current that in localities 1n Ontario where ten carloads. 1iwere to be had eiuht years ago it g is now difï¬cult to secure two carloads. i The reason given by for the fallingr off in i production is the diflic ultyo of rearinI: : stock that can withstand this infection} This quotation is sulhcient to indicate the importance of this Bulletin. which treats of the origin and course of the disease and 1 of its prevention and cure. Appxopiiate plain and colouied illustrations add to ' the value of the publication. The second Bulletin numbered 18 has? for its title, “Avian Tuberculosis". hr. Higgins, Pathologist, and A. B. Wick-V ware, V. 8.,’ Assistant Pathologist, are the joint authors. '11: has hardly Duties-i sary to] allude to the importance of check- ing'fmti snrpressing a. disease that affects alike‘ birds, beasts and man. The authors show-that the complaint can he, transmitted by Idomestic pets to those ‘ who caress them and in the reverse (lireu- _ tiou: Details of experiments made at the : ‘Dmnin‘ion Biological Laboratory are givon in the Bulletin, which also (lcscriht-s the sympto‘ns, steps in prevention t M can ‘ he’tal’en and‘remedial treatment that m n he applied. ‘ , 1:3 inc aged mont lst, :1 Ag: (‘has lst, :1 _ - In'botrh Bulletins poultry hrevdm-s an! ‘all persons interested are iqn'iuul u; send caees to the Biological Lahomiorv. inw- paltme'xt of â€"\«nicult-ure, Him“ 1. fox in- v estiga‘ ions. Annual Bible Society Meeting ’1 he annual meeting of the 10 'al branch 0 . e Bx'iï¬is-h and Foreign Bible Society was held in the Baptist church 'i‘lmrsday evening. The trea<urer’s report xhowed collections of $79 and sales of ovvr SS}. The election of olliuers resulted in most all bring retained in their writions. Mr. \Vln. Hivkson is the able Sin-retary- treasurer. Rev. T. B. Clarke gave a very able and interesting addres: on the work of the society. He said in Wales {he is a Welshman) they advertised their meeting: for nearly ï¬ve months, had :1 union of all the choirs, secured the largest hall and the best speakers and had :1 rally of all the forces. He advocated an adjourned meeting with that Object in View. Annual Curling Club Meeting The Bobcaygeon Curling Club met at the rink on Tuesday evening. Oct 19th ‘and elected ofï¬cers and skips. The ofï¬c- ers are as follows: Honorary I'atrouess. Mrs M. M. Boyd; Patron and l’atroness, Mr. and Mrs. W. T. C. Boyd; Champlain Rev. W. G. Smith; Hon President, Mr. J. '1‘. Robinson; President, Jas. Lithgow; Vice-President, A. F. McKinnon; Secre- tary, W’. L. Davis; Auditors, G. W. Taylor and G. B. Moore, The Tankard skips are, W. A. Davis and E. J. Broad, District skips, G. B. Home and A. F. McKinnon. Executive Committee W. A. Davis, H. Mark, E,J Broad, Jas Con- way. Representative members, W. T- C. Boyd and A. E. Bottnm, Toronto, Ont. Is well known as the right place for superior business and short- hand education. Positions worth $1100 and $1400 were recently ï¬lled by us, Write for catalogue. Get the Best ! It pays The Independent to that absent Send ONTARIO ARCHIVES I ve. Class M Oxford Downs “ti Aoed ram lst, Sam Flethoer, ram lamb Ln. lst 2nd, Ross Kimble, 3rd, Sam Fletch- 'erfer, 2e11es that raised lambs lst, Ross â€â€œ1 Kimble, 2nd, J. F. Johnston; 3rd. Sam ndgFletcher; Shearling ewe 1513, and 2nd, 5‘1 3rd, Sam Fletcher. ewe lamb 131:, Sam 111: Fletc11er; 2nd, and 3rd, Ross Kimble. 1 '0‘ Class N Any other breed of sheep ! '1)“ Aged ram lst, Ross Kimble; shearling i“ ramF. W. Purdy; ram lamb lst andi 113- 2nd Ross Kimble;'2 ewes that raised lambs 1‘1 1915 lets Ross Kimble; 2nd, Isaac Lewis; 11s.:3rd Sam Fletcher; shearling ewe 1st,3 in Ross Kimble; 2nd Sam l‘letcher; 3rd, 321' \V. Purdy; ewe lamb lst, Sam l"let1l1- er 2nd, R. E.’111urston; 3rd Ross Kimble; 1118;1JES13 fat lambs lst, J.J. Robertson: ats 221111 R E. Thurston; penof 4ewos and 11111121111 131:, 11. 11. Seymo111;:2nd: Ross ate I Kimble: 3111. J. .l. Robertson. to 1| Class O YorkshireZSwine ‘ Aged boar lstv.:1n11 2nd, boar 111111121 1111s: 1:2 months lst. boar 1111111116 months lst, 111‘. aged sow 151;. and 21111, sow under 1'3 ('k- V months 1%, 11111112111], sow 1.11111131' 6 months are Let, 111111221111, 11. E. Thurston. res- Class C Berkshire ick- Aged 1111:11‘ 1st. 11311111 sow 1st. and 221111. -1-ts (‘11:1s. 1). 1.1311111; sow 111111111 1'2 monihs 1111‘ 1%. 11111121111. 11111111111 '1‘11111‘st1111. Class K Leccister Sheep lst, aged ram R. E. Thurston, 2nd ‘ H. R. Seymour, lst, 2nd, 3rd, ram lamb H. R. Seymour, ‘2 ewes that raised lambs 1915 lst. 2nd, H. R. Seymour, 3rd Jos. Anderson. shearling ewe lst, Jos. An- derson 2nd, H. R. Seymour 3rd. Jos. Anderson. ewe lamb lst, R. E. Thurston 2nd, 3rd, H. R. Seymour. Class L Shropshires Aged ram lst, ram lamb lst-. 2 ewes that raised lambs lst, 2nd, slxearling ewe 151;, 2nd, ewe lamb lst, 2nd, J. J. Robert- SOIL Ciass R Swine any other breed Aged boar lat. I". W. l'uniy; agml sow lst. Jos. Anderson: 211d. Ross Kimhlu; sow under 12 months 1st. .los. Andvrsun; 211d, Ross Kimble; sow under U months 15L. and 22ml Jos. Amivrson: sow \\'iLh littvrof pip 1st, .los. Anderson: 12nd. Ross Kimhlv: hmt havon 110;: 15L J. I}. Specials in Grain 1'2 stalks ensilage corn lst. H. 1’. Sey- mour; 2nd, Edward 'l‘hurston: bushel spring rye Ist, \V. J. Killahy; bushel emer lst, (‘. H. Thurston. N. B. There were seven dill'erent articles misluid or taken up by mistake when the exhibits were being?r lifted in the Hall. and all have been returned but one. This article is a. pair of wollen socks. Whoever took these will kindly return them to the Secretary as soon as possible. None of the exhibitors should have attempted to lift any of their ex- hibits, until the time is announced by the Secretary, as by doing so they forï¬t any prizes they'moy have won. III. 'i‘he Secretary is away Trout ï¬shing and will return on Saturday the 23rd and any little errors that may occur will be rectiï¬ed next week, A very ï¬ne quality, fabric ï¬nish paper, mission style, note size, selling at . . . 10¢. Verulam Fair Prize List Other Lines Are Rule Britannia, Our Alï¬es, Tartan, Linen Cloth, Fine Linen Fabric. Prices ranging From 10c to 250. '61 The J aconet Writing Tablet E. J. Woollard Bobcaygeon fllllllllll||llI|IIIIIIIIIlllIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIllllllIllllllllIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIE WARM COATS FOR GIRLS Old English Condition Powder We are showing some very special values in Coatings in new weaves and weights. Here are two specials. Chinchilla Coatings in colors of mid and dark grey, also navy. A nice soft heavy coating, 54 inches wide, and only per yard ............ $2 Girls’ Coats of Curl cloth in colors Brown Copenhagen. and Red made with belts and waist lined, ï¬t ages 6 to 14. Special each . Higinbotham, Druggist - Smart Fall Hats BEFORE . SUTCLIFFE 8: SONS Priced from 750 to $4.00 YOUR COATINGS NOW FOR BEST CHOICE Young Menu-the Swell Fellows who have seen our smart, soft and stiff Hats in Fall blocks are delighted with them. ........ 3.95 We’ve the sort of Hats Young Men Like! There’s not another such a showing of‘ Smart Hat Styles hereabouts. Then we’ve Hats for the more conâ€" servative man who does not admire extreme styles. Where the Good Clothes come from SEE OUR WEST WINDOW S‘UTCLIFFE’ ' B. J. GOUGH DEPARTMENT STORE YOU PAY LESS HERE Girls’ coats of navy Cheviot to ï¬t ages 9 to 14 years. waist is flannel lined and a very warm garment at a. popular price. Only -PM AFTER Lindsay Flake Coatings in pretty flake effects and a. good range of color- ings, all new and make u} met-Lily. Per yard only ..................... $2.25 B11) and Girls’ coats in navy and grey Chinchilla cloth trimmed with fancy buttons and patch pockets. This coat is real good huy- ing at this price, only it m don-t 1ft take. other and Lind say trV ‘dllV “Great F0: Little Sav: J. R. MOYLE. B THE BANK OF GRE wll Clam: val m Don’t 3‘» These Ladies Faii And 30041 Suits for Little Ki special val 110:" Russmn and models. “Special" A Wool Mackil school overcoat: three quarter leu most beautiful binations you ‘3“ one of these com will marvel that : can be so really ages 8 no lï¬yrs. zcw r] (‘10 Ages '3 .\‘ ‘lannellette Brit Ladies 78 You (NV 1 money oppor famou in th Britis thing Oppo at 9; Ul