navy Lchilla with and This 3 buy- r. only ,tings r flake i color- reuily. WHHIIIE “WM“ :ials. $2.25 'ICE dsax J. R. MOYLE, MANAGER BOBCAYGEON BRANCH THE BANK OF “Great Fortunes From Little Savings Grow †Doa’t Miss The Great Bargains These Are Good All This Week Claxtofs Store News Ladies Fan And Winter Coats GREAT REDUCTIONS Some wry exveptional values in good qua‘xity (weeds, (.‘hinchillas. curl cloths tetu. $10.00 and $12.00 (‘1004 full size. 15"er qualitv “hite «MIMI!» 1801118.? $1. 50$ize, a. ï¬rm left of thi< lotâ€"and the vnlne is very special, pair $1.19 Suits for the Little Kiddies Ages '2 yrs te 8 yrs., very special values at $1, to’$ Russian and Oliver Twist models. “emu-id†All “Spe cial†All Wool Mackinaw school over-coats, made in three quarter length in the most beautiful color com- binations you ever saw. See one of these coats, and you will marvel that a. mackinaw can be so really handsome ages 8 to 16yrs. Price $5.50 Dundas Flavelle Flannellette Blankets CLAXTON 81 CO. Now is the time for WARMER CLOTHlNG British North America Ladies And Gents, Boots And Shpï¬Â§ prices. h‘nceries, Salt and Fresh Meats at out 78 Yours in Bust-Io... Capital and Surplus $7,884,000. grew great by saving. With ready money, they were able to take advantage of the opportunities that made them wealthy and famous. Make your start today. Open an account in the Savings Department of The Bank of British North America and save some- thing every week or month, until YOUR opportunity presents itself. Just arrived. Prices 10w King of Low Prices Large shipment of . W. Read Quality Always First In Our Boyé’ Suits, $3.50 Sizes 5yrs to 12yrs., Smart, Dressy Practical and low priced, considering the quality, angi makes a. strong appeal to both Boy and Parents. Come to us .for your Boy’s Clothes this Fall and Winter. LINDSAY Ladies Hosiery and Underwear Cashmere Iiose~10velv quality 25c, 35c and 50c Heavier l'lx«191'\\'earu25c, 35c and 50c. All wool dress goods in serge and neat little designs and in all good colm‘s 50c and 60c yard. A special line of dress suitable for childrens wear 53c. Dress Goods 25 and goods, !11 T. Lush, (Jockerel, 131: and 2nd, H. iT. Lush. Coinmbian \V3'andotte, cock, 115ta11112nd Henry Daniels; 3rd, Hazel lThurston. Hen, lst and 21111, Henry » Daniels: 3rd, Hazel Thurston. Pullet 1st; 111enry Daniels; 22nd, Hazel Thurston; 13rd, Henry Daniels. (‘uckereh 1st- and ‘.2nd, Henry1)aniels;‘3rd, Hazel Thurston. 1313, \\111te “32111110“? cork (‘1133 D. 11.0ga11;:2nd l1e1113 Daniels; 3r11.1-leggie "1‘113'101'. lst. hen. 1191113 Danids; 12nd, 11. T. Lush; 3111. 1181:3112 '1‘:13'1u1‘. lst. 111111111. Henry 1):1niels:'.2111111'1‘ 1.11811;3r11, ‘11azel Thurston. lst, 1:1111' Leghorn, rock. 11:17.91'1‘11111'51011. 1st. 111111. 11:17.1‘1 411111131011. 1%. 111111et. [191113 1111111915; 221111.110111'3' 11:11111‘1xu (baht-1'01. 151-31111 3121111. Henry 11:1111015. Brown Leghorn. ‘11011. 1% 111111 121111, 11 '1' 1.11.<11. 111111 1(11‘11'111gton. 111111. 1st and 21111. 11 '1‘ 1111511. lst. 11111111. 111-11r3' 1):1,11'11|1.<. 121111, (‘1:111110 1101mm: 31-11. 1 11 Stewart.“ '1=1. (-(wkvrch ' Poultry “’yandotte sihrer spankled, couk, Ist and 2nd, H. T. Lush. Hen, lst and 2nd, H. T. Lush. Pallet, Ist and 2nd, H. '1‘. Lush. Cockerel, lst and 2nd, H. T. Lush. Wyandotte silver pencilled, cock, 15!; and 2nd, H. T. Lush. Hen, 1513 and 2nd, H. T. Lush. ,Pullet, lst- and 2nd, hen. 1st and ind, ll '1‘ Lush. l’mtl‘ ()rpington. hon. Est and 22ml. H '1‘ L‘nsh. lst. pnlh‘t. Henry Dan'n-IS. 11ml, Mantle liuttnzn: 3rd. 1 R, Stewart.“ ' i=1. mukcrel. I H Stewart; 12ml. Henry Daniels; 3111. '1. H Stewart. White Urpingtun. covk. [st and 2nd. H 'l‘ Lush. Jlun. 1st and 22nd, H 'l‘ Lush. l’nllct: 1st and 22ml. H 'l‘ Lnsh. I’llllut. 1st and 2nd. H 'l‘ Lush. (‘uckul'eL 1st, and 22ml. H T Lush. Sin-r Spangled Hmnhm‘g, (-ovk. ls: nnd‘lnd, H 'l.‘ Lush. Hen, 1st and 12nd. I] 'l' Lush. l’ullet. 1st. and 'anl. H T Lush. 1st. (:‘ockervl. H 'l' Lnxh. Golden Spangh-d Hmnhurg, (ruck. lst and ï¬nd: H 'l‘ Lush. Hun, lst and 2nd, H 'l‘ Lush. [’nlh‘t. Irt and 2nd. HT Lush. (‘uuhcrt-L 1st and 22nd. H T Lush; Ist, \Vhite \Vymnintyte. (‘uckereh H T Lush; 2nd. Henry Daniels. Bnfl' Rock. puller. 1st and 2nd. Rev W (1 Smith; 3rd, H T Lush. (‘ockcreL Ist- and 2nd, Kev \\' H Smith: 3111. H 'l' Lush. 18b, hen, I! T Lush. 1st, pullet. llev \\' (2 Smith; 22nd, Gerald Murphy: 3rd, Hazel 'l‘hnrston. (fockm'ol, 1st and 211:}. Rev \V L} Smith: 3rd. Uerahl Murphy. lst», \Vhite Ruck. hen. Rev W H S"lith- lst. unllct. \Vilson Dunn. lst, COt‘kel'els 1st. pullel. \\'ilsm1 l)11nn. lst. ('Ox'km'el, ‘ Wilson Dunn: llov \V (1 Smith 211d and Z‘ml. 1st, llluc .\n1lel11si:1n. cork. ll \" ‘ (‘osll Hen. ISL and ï¬nd, ll Y (‘ole lst,l’l\n1ontl1 Hoak, 11011 H T lush. lst pullct, Rm \\ L} \‘nlith; 211d (inald .\111rpl1y;.111l llazel Thompson. ‘-m ke1el lst and 2nd, Hex \\ 11‘ Sm1th; 3rd (-elald Murphy. lst. “hite Leghorn, (wk, Hl T Lush. 1st, hen, H T Lush; 2nd and; 3rd, C D Lorran. Ist;pullet,Ge1aldl. Murphy; 2nd, C D Lotran; 3rd, Sam, \\ ood. lst, cockerel, Gerald Murphy; E 2nd, C D Logan; 3rd, Sam \\ ood. lst, Rhode IslandRed, cock, H T Lush; 2nd, H T Lush. Hen, 1st and 2nd, H Tl Lush. Pullet, Ist and 2nd, H- T Lush. Cockerel, 1211'. and 2nd, H T Lush. Gold- en Pencilled Hamburg, cock, Ist and 2nd, H T Lush. Hen, lst and 2nd, H '1‘ Lush. P1illet,lst and 2nd, H T Lush. 1st, Silver Pencilled Hamburg, cock, H '1 Lush lst, hen, HT Lush. lst, Ancona, cock, ‘ H T Lush. Hen, lst and 2nd, Henry Daniels; 3rd, H T Lush. lst cockerel, HT L.usl1 1st, pullet, Henry Daniels; 2nd, H T Lush. 1st, Houdan, (Ock, H T Lush. lst, hen, H T Lush. lst, pullet, H T Lush lst, cockerel, H T Lush. lst, Dorking, cock H T Lush. lst, hen, H T Lush. lst, pullet, HT Lush. lst, cockerel, H T Lush. Black Red Bantams, pair, (old) 1st and 2nd, H TLush. (Young) lst and 2nd, H T. Lush. Ist, (old) H T Lush. Pair Cochin White Bentams, lst and 2nd, Henry Daniels. lst (youny) Henry Daniels. lst, Pekin Drake (old) R E Thurston; 2nd, Duck (old) R E Thursten, Pekin Drake (young) 1st and 2nd. RE Thurston. Pekin Duck (young) 1st and 2nd, R E Thurston. lst, Embdm Gander ' (old) J J Kelly; 2nd, goose (old) J J Kelly 131:, gander (young) J J Kelly; 2nd, goose (young) J J Kelly. l Class M, Dairy and Domestic lst, ‘20 lbs butter in a crork, Mrs Jos. Long; 2nd, Mrs R C Devitt. 1st, 5 lbs butter in prints,1 Mrs R C Devitt; 2nd, Mrs J F Johnston. let, 2 lb loaf home made bread, Mrs Norman Robertson; 2nd, ers J F Johnston. lst, dozen of buns, Mrs David Lewis; 2nd, Mrs Norman Robertson. Jst, quart of maple syrup, W D Ventress; 2nd, Sam Fletcher, 1st, 41‘08 honey granulated, J D Olver. lst, 41b: honey entracted, J D Olver: 2nd, Chas H'Thurston. lst, 21b: beeswax, J D Olver. Int, display of honey, J D Olver. Int, quart mixed pickles, Mrs For Saturday Only CHILDRENS'HATS made of plush and velvet, all ready Verulam Fair Prize List trimmed. Clearing at 25c, 50c and 750. GIRLS HATS made of velvet and nicely trimmed, suit- able for girls from 12 to 16 years, on Sale Saturday for $2.25. __ .2 ‘1' MI 0 A. MILLINERY SPECIALS 'oukervl. lst- and Brown Leghorn, T LUSIL B nil Don’t MRS. MCQUADE ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO This Chance business. 1? In the ï¬rst place we know good meat 1 \\ 11011 we see it- and in the next plat e we ; insist on netting: that kind or none at 1111.1 S0 0111 meats are Tender and Juicy and have a ilmm‘ that (2011103 flom properly 1 and generously fed cattle. Unc enthusâ€"z iasliv nld lady says 0111' meat is as easy3 to chuwasa soft boiled egg and Urn-8‘ better. It “1111 t 10<t V011 1111) 111010 than 1 \011 smnotuncs paV fox tough. strnwy ‘- munt. See how 113 :11'1)’ 0111' 111eatanswersj to 1101‘ desaliptlun. Gun Repairing We take pride in the reputation we nave achieved for iumishing Choicest Meats, whether it be steaks, roast or any other line. Mail order receive our prompt attention. Opposite A. Campbell's Grocery. Lindsay When it is Eating time in Lindsay you invariably look for The BIG 20 TayLor SIAMartin Meals are the best. Prices are reasonable. ISTlNCTLY MARKED Choice Meats is 0111' methodï¬f doing All kinds of Guns and Rifles 1{6]»)21‘irerl. (,}01101'i11 ï¬ne Raindrâ€" ing: at (,‘it\' 1 [eat M zll'ket . G. Edgar Restaurant . J. CAMPBELL \ext Post Puiltlinu LINDbAY ‘. Shepherd’s Bol )chVg'enn “FRIFWԠFoolish Saving A penny saved is {not always a penny earned. Sometimes it: is two pennies 10st. The mer- chant Who spends noth- ing on advertising 10s- es much more than he saves. The money spent for plate-glass Windows is not looked on as lost; nor is the money spent on better interior light- ing. Anything that increas- es favor, that adds to sales, that multiplies customers, is very pro- perly regarded as a good investment. Advertising is a good investment----just as plate-glass Windows are. Advertising sells more goods than shop- Windows do. Do you resent having a merchant address his message to you in the form of an advertisenent in our columns? On the contrary, is not your impuise to respond to his friendly overtures ? Shop Where You Are Inn- iarl Tn SBA“