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Bobcaygeon Independent (1870), 12 Nov 1870, p. 1

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mm: or m (:1;er Chum, and Registrar of the Surrogate Court. Ofiicc in the Court HouSc, Lindsay. W. H. MOORE ARRISTEI’ and Attoruv _v at Law Snlici- whirl-Chancery, Conwyancu Stu. â€"()fiicc over Tuppcr Thompson’s Drug Store, Bobcaygcon, Ont. ARRISTERS, Attorneysaut- -',Lm\ Julicitor izx-‘g'lzzzm'o-ry. ('um'eyancms. \otmivs c., Sun, Linnlsuy Office 0v: 1‘ 3.1.. 13‘ :UJ‘ 5 slow Hon. Sidney Smith‘, {311 l .Ith S. Smith. s. c. WOOD, AOUNTY CLERK. Office in the Court U douse, Lindsay. ARRISTE 1, Attumcv-at-Law (‘ uu'n- )- anmm, Cw. (”fit c- chuan‘ s B: ick Build- ings, Kent. street, Lindsay findsay ._ Kuowlsun‘s Blur}; umrr of K‘ Wiliimn-sm-cts, Lindsay: Um. Emu: 1001' an \Villimn Stu-cl. A-TTORN I‘i-AT-LA \Y. 5:1H4'itl)l‘)t 'P'l‘URNl‘IY~A'l‘-LA W, Solicitwain-Chun- _A_ vary, Notary Public, (,‘nxflcyauurcr, kc, Suhcitur {or the Ontario Bank. Ufiiuc un‘r T. Folcy J: Co’s. Hardware Store, Ku-uzm‘s Block, Kent. Stu-ct, Lindsay. .B‘ ‘ RADUATE ut‘MngiIl Umvvrsity. Mali 11 licfcrcu to the Britannia, North British, and Mercantile Insurance Companies. Otlicc in Keenan's New Block: opposite the Jews“. House, Kvnt Strum, Lindsay: J OSEPH GRAHAM, \ROWN' LAND AGENT, and Free Grant (1 Agent. for the Townships of Minds-n, Stanhopc, Anson and klindcn. Residenceâ€"- Boulwn Street, Bobcaygcon. w. B. READ, ENERAL MERCHANT, 1351ch of Mar- riage Licenses, and Commissioner for taking atfidavits. Office at Bobczxygcon. Physiuiun, Surgmn, Stu. .kc., Coroner. Residenceâ€"Brick Unttagc Lately occupied by Dr. Martinâ€"Lindsay. ARRIAGE, Waggon and Sleigh maker. Repairs executed at the shortest notice and in the best possiblc manner. Tar-ms Gus/z. “’Shopâ€"Uppositc Mr. Orr‘s Tcmpcrach House, Boulton Street, Bobcaygcon. OBCAYGEON. John Simpson, Proprietor. First-class accommodation for Sportsmen and Tourists. ROBERT P. BEATTY, AILOR, thankful for thc liberal patronage bestowed on him since he commenCcd business in Bobcaygcou, bcgs to say that he is still prepared to promptly cxccutcull onlcrs with which in: may be: favuurud, in the latest styles, and at mwlcmtc prim-s. Shopâ€"ova Mr. Harlow‘s saddlcr)’, Buulton bli‘rct. 0 LUME 1.] NEIL MCDOUGALL, HERIFF. Office in the Court Housu, Lind- :OUNTY ATTORNEY and Clerk of the ‘ Peace. Ofice in Keenan’s Block, Lindsay. spam»: JAMES SBIITH, IOUNTY JUDGE. Ufliuc in the Court > House, Lindsay. , Victoria. Medical College Toronto, Phy- sician; Snrgcun, and Acconcln-r. (mice on York St, Limb‘ay. Opposite H. Workmzm’s Livery Stablx-s. G .L COUL’I‘ER, M. 1)., graduate of O ‘URUXEIL Utfivv, 0‘7er Bl’mllivld 3.: Clux- j lou‘s SLOW, Bnbcaygcon. G. M. ROCHE, [ROWN LAND AGENT mm: on “'1‘. ' Street, Lindsay. JAMES McKIBBIN, LERK OF THE DIVISION COURT fw. Gso. DUNSFUKD'S AW AND crmxcmn' OFFICE, over L | Britton‘s Store, Lindsay. ARRISTL PS, Attorneys, Snliciturs, and r Notaries Public. Near UuLurio Bank, CAMERON DURMER, ARRISTEKS 5L: A'!"J",)l:.\'EYS».\'1‘-I > Solicitorsâ€"in-Chumw1y,Lindsay. H. DUNSFORD, EGISTRAR. Uffiwâ€"cmnvr u p and Ulcnclg streets, Limbay PROFESSIONAL CARDS DP. LLOYD, UBCAYGEUN, Corona-r for the Countiu . of Victoria and l’c-tcrburu‘. OffiCc in the Court. Howe, Lindsay DEXleruUN a; uuvsmm, ;' Lhé Ontario Ve tcrimu‘y School, Toronto Office Lindsay. 3!. HYSICIA >3, Szxrzcnn and Accouchcur Odie-J Mini rcsidvigcc in Bobcaygcon COUNTY OFFICIALS. L. M. CATHER, 'mmmnr svmmox, Graduate of W BRK OF THE 3rd DIVISION COURT Office in Bobcaygcon. .. SURVEYOR, Jommissioncr in Q. B Conchanc‘er, 6-51“. Funchwn Fulbt, (1:11 One Doliar per Annum, in advance. A. W. J. Datillm\\ 3.1.]: D. U. E. BUNNELL, M.D., tiswses of the heart. and Lungs a IR‘I‘HUR ULEARY, SMITH SMITH, JAMES DICKSON, w. E. SHERWOOD, P. s. MARTIN, FOREST HOUSE, A. LAUOURSE, J. B. EDMISON, R. C. FAIR, M.D., w» KEMPT, 0.11., Sum-Roi“, (;. Office L'Ol'il‘fl‘ of lit-mt and Out. Entr William litzxxz ET'BENSON, M. 1)., ATE OF PETERBOROUGH, Graduate.- of Bellevue Hosp'tal Medical College, New York, and also of ictoria. College, Canada; Physician, Surgeon, Accouchcur. ,. EDUJAL REFEREE to the Reliance i Mutual Life Assurance Society of Lon~ dun, England. Odie-c and residence, Fenelon Falls. Particuizxr aEt-cnt-ion given to diseases of the EYE and EAR. UFFICH.â€"First door north of the Marta HouSc, William Street, Lindsay. no Stu-«It, Lindsay ILLIAII LRU \KER, l'mpxicto TV t: am: 41111? public “111 find the u mzuuzudution, and :L can-ml min: Limic- :st Liquors and (13;;qu alrruy 5 o} ENELON FALLS, Wm. Bell, Proprietor. F This is an old, well cstablxa‘hcd home un u“: main sum-ct, and guests may rely upon obt: fining good accommodation and cxccllwm board. Thu bust Liquors and cigars may ' by mulut tim- bux‘. Thu SPA-Hm; is , A {$0.33. um! 11:285.: will K‘uccivc HIDE), 111011.13; LE.\i\.l’,l‘10priL-'.to1 L’xL- UHUUL uLL-cmmmluti. 11: 1m 1.1.11 LHLn, nuu “1; beat liquors and cw-zus alwuls in stock. Uoud stublm“ and 2111 LLLthtn 1-. outlet advusivc'y 1.3. liu. Thu Luu‘ = kinds of li‘llu-r Execllcut um: Thu stubling \- and I‘m: :miuzz will zuccn ' -th This 15 yuwcll kumxn hotel 11111111 {Amou- 1711-11 b), thc 11.111.111'1" 111111111. Good be; 11>: 1111 chum: liquors. lluom} stubimss, 21min com- p». but ostlcr in zfltcuduucc. N; INDEN DANIEL BUL“{,I'1‘oprictor. 1' 1133111111. ucxt 1100510 171' . s '_i‘1:111p1-:'11.11cc Mona-L, Bubcufgcuh. All 1,1‘1111'5 with \1-11111 he 111.11 111; 11110111111 "ill by c: “filmed '11} hinxsclt |1~:.-1su11.111y, 2,1111l as. l~1- usus 111; best mum-1111! szuisluctiun mu" be rulicd on. P111- 111111111 nth-11111111 paid 10 Emuâ€"11111114115. thu'g s111odcmtc.l-131 GRUUERIES, OA'I‘MEAL, CRUUKERY, CURNMEAL, FLUUR, PORK, Buckwheat- Flour, «$0., 5:0. ., aluays on 112,12le and delivered promptly to 01 «v.10 Boulton Str,eet Bob- cuygcon. f HE 811 153C {111531; hereby notifies the pub lic that he has l't‘nurvcd his factory frum L’ctcrburuugh to within one mile of Lindsay, on the Bol’czygeun rowi. Any person vant- iug a clump, easy-working and durable pump will do well to get one from him, as the =4 Dennis Pump" cannot be excelled, as will be testified by hundreds who have purchased them. 231.1%“ C. L. BAKER'S superfine family Flour constantly on hand. Bobcuyguou, March 1021), 1870. 3-1yr .LLC T E BEST IN THE DOJIINION!! The only Farmers Company for which the Dominion Gowrnmcnt is security. More policies in force than any other two offices in the Dominion, cizhur Stock or Mutual. Only 25cts per year for every 83100. S. CORSEIL, Agent. JAS. ELLIS, Assistant. Lindsay, April 18th, 1870. “ AGRICULTURAL,” NORTH AMERICAN HOTEL, Cbrner qf' Kent and Lindsay Stan, Lindsay.) H. STBUDWICK, - - Proprietor. MPORTER of Watches, Clocks, Jewellery, Fancy Goods, Toys, Stationery, c. Sign of the ~4 Mammoth Red Watch," Kent. Billiard Room and Barber Shop attached. The Bar is always supplied with the best brands of Liquors and Cigars. 10-13'r II. BIGLLXM, M.D., L.R.C.P.S.K. DEN N IS’S PUMPS ! HE Undersigned has private funds tolend, on good Mortgage security, in sums of $200, and upwards. Loans negotiated from several companies. DR. CURRY, ICENTIATE of the Toronto School I Medicine, )Iimicn, Ont. S-tf March 1 1, 1870. GENT for first-c1293 Fire and Life Insurâ€" mwc Companics. Impro'rcd farms for u“ Mum-y to 1mm, 5.20., c. INSUR 11L! nchKcz macaw. ”RCEZM ESCfiVm FEACSJ First ciass accomodation for Travellers _\" '1, H\' 1‘ ALlnâ€"Juscpi. 312-1111111111“, Pru- 1111» 1211â€"15 21 1 1131: We“ 111211121'rc11 hotel, min-"5 1.21112111125: 11 b) the rz'n ulling pub- "111-.- 11111'1111‘1bc 10111121 stoma-11 wi1.1 211 ‘01 11 [unrx 211111 1;;111‘3 01 L111: host b1‘11:1d.. 11c111.111.-1-.'~' 1:121} 111 obtaixn: 21211; 111‘. hours 5121111111; 17111 atcul11111m'1211u 111111) hours; 11:1: 21.11: 1.1.2115 11:11 ii- charm: UK the 051161 town; .11.. .1551 12-1 12111:. U-lyr 1mg wummox HOUSE,” On Real Estate. J. W'. DUXSFORD, Hay 2111!. 1870. 104tf Lindsay Money to Lend! BURNT RIVER HOTEL. Money to Loan 10-11“ Your Farm Property in the :ANDi-IEW AR) BUCK’S HOTEL, AS ‘oumuusn, STEELE, A. KLEISER, s. CORNELL, DEALER Iii}; Apply to ARNL’LRH, H. Db EN\ \‘IS, Agent. 3-1y r E. D. ORDE. on “and I. '. 1m: bus: ut (IV . A. ht: ND NORTH PETERBOROUGH’: Lindsay. 1870. BY D. D. T. MOORE, New York City and Rochester, N. Y, Vol. XXI, for 1870, of this Famous Journal will excell in all the characteristics of a. First- Cluss Rural, Literary, Family and Business Newspaper, combinedâ€"making it the NAPALOEON OF ITS CLASS! Tm: Rum. was doubled in size and. vastly improved, in JunJast, and is now not only the Largest, Cheapest and Best7 but also the largest circulating weekly in its sphere. Suâ€" perior in ability, value and variety of contents, as Well as in size, style and lllustmtions, and having at Continental Circulationâ€"with tens of thousands ofardentwlmn‘urs in both Town and Countryâ€"the {mum is the great FAR)! AND FIRESIDE ii‘A‘x'Ulll’l‘E! Employing the best talent in the land-â€" Inning Nine able Editors and Huxtrlz'wlz: (>2 Spwiul (,‘onti'ilmtors and Correspond-1.15â€"- zinJ. being an HCliLU‘A hwi:§~,-.l authority m; Practical, Seivntilic and Litvrzuy ”itljvrzs, :11: Moore’s Rural NeW--Yorker, LI‘WJILE'S RURAL PAYS All wim Lititivutc Fruits, Flcwcrs, Vegetables, c., cvcu on u small scale, (in City, Village, or b‘uburb,) while to Inrmcrs,.l’lm1turs, Horti- cu wrists, Stock Breeders, Wool Growers, Dairymcn, Poultry Fanciers, c., in is indis pensable. In the Family it is highly regard- ed, its Literary and Miscellaneous Depart- ments furnishing Choice and Intm‘uzining Hauling for all. Tm: liuaAL’s MARKET AND (,‘liUl’ 111430133 Are full and rclizmlv. hull-mi, Ewing Ally Etliuxl, Illindmtcd and Printed in l‘inx‘u Stylc, :zzul Adaptml to Country, Villugu and City, The RURAL is tlic Paper for yom'sulz', quily :unl Fricmls. It is nut 11 monthly or a semi- monthly, but a Large, and lit-untii'ul illzislm- t'nl kaly, and though Lluublc its formcr size, its subscriptiun priw l‘rlniilll:$ tun-hanged! Valuable Premiums, ranging in price from 4 to $600! Specimens, Premium Lists, Shawâ€" Bills, c., scnt free. THE RURAL has always‘hailvcl from Roches- ter, N. Y., (the heart of a fzuucd farming and fruit grmving region wherein sow-ml or im li-‘iturs 1m". L'Uhtl'ihtlinl's u-shh-Q hutus it: prim-hull Publication Ullivc is mm in N<\\ York, all Ltth'l‘a should 1.2-. 1:0le :3 at" at he Scientific American $1500 mam FUR 1870. [$1500 (:5..st A Valuable Premium far all. "‘1 - 1111s 1111-1111111}: 11111511111121! 11111111join-11:11 1’011111'118111-‘111', ”\Icchaniw lm'1 11110.1. ‘1'1g111c1'1'111u, 0111-11112111', .111 111t11u'11-7 .\«~1i- 1'111:11:'1-1.111l m1- kmdrud A115j 1111115 -1.\ 1"1'1'c111;1'-11 1th \'1'111‘ (111 the first; 01' 1111111111111 1 1870 1111111111111 cixculutiou 1111' excuming 1111: of any si111ili.11'j1111111111 11011 1111in 11111 'll1c 11111101111] 11191111111111 11$ uf 1111- 8111111121.: -lmar£cu.1 1s v01) ably 101111111: 11.11, 11.1111 S-‘Iuv 111' 1111- most popular writers in this country 111111 TO lN‘.’ENT()RS AND MECHANICS this journal is of Special value, as it contains a war-lily report of all Patents issued at Wash- ington, with copious notices of the leading American and European Inventions. The publishers of the Scienté/ic American are the most extensive Patent Solicitors in the world, and have unequalled facilities for gathering a complete knowledge of the progress of Invon- tion and Discovery throughout the world ; and with a. view to mark the quarter of a. century, during which this journal has held the first the first place in Scientific and Mechanical Literature, the Publishers will issue on Janu- ary first the large and splendid Steel Engrav- ing by John Sartain of Philadelphia, entitled: MEN OF PROGRESSâ€"AMERICAN IN- mumps 1w:- cmm'ibuturs. [Cw ry mnnIn-r has 16 impcriul pagi-s, muhuliishml with tine b111- 5.:r:u'iu:_~‘s of Mw'hincry, Nc-w Inventions, Tools fort-bu Workshop, Furnnuul liuusulmld, Engineering Wurks, Dwdiing Houses, l’ublic Bniidings. A journal of so much intrinsic Value, at the low price of $3 a your, ought to hzwc, in this thriving“r country, a Million rcmlurs. Whocwr reads the Seicnté/ic American is entertained and instructctl, without hcing lmthcn-Ll with hard “or-.124. <‘-r dry dvtuiis. VENTORS, the plate costing nearly $4000 to crxgrm'c,n.11d contains nineteen likenesses of Illustrious Inventors. It is a superb work of art. Single pictures printed on heavy paper, will be sold at $10, but any one subscribing forthc Scientific Amt-rial); the paper will be sent for one year, together with a. copy of the engrav- ing, on receipt of $10. The picture is also oxfcrcd as a. premium for clubs of subscribers. $1,500 CASH PRIZES. In addition to the above premium, the'Pub- lishers will pay $1,500 in Cash Prizes for lists of subscribers sent in by February 10th, 1870. Persons who want to compete forthese, should send at once for prospectus and blanks for names. - THE GREAT ILLUSTRATED Rural, Literary and Family Weekly. Terms ofScicntijic American, 1 year $3.00; 6 months 31.50 ; 4 months $100. To clubs of 10 and upwards, terms $2.50 per annum. Specimen copies Sunt free. Address the Publishers, MUNN 00., 37 Park Row, New York. How to get Patcnts.â€"A pamphlet of Patent Laws and instruction to Inventors sent free. Western Assurance Agency, Lindsay. Capital $400,000. London Assurance Corporation, of- London, England Capital £2,000,000 sterling. Risks efiected in the above first class com- panies by the undersigned Detached Dwellings and their contents in- sured at low rates for 3 years. Vvvvv BOBC AYGEON, ONTA JO, SA’IURDAY NOVEMBER 12th.,1870. ARUESTâ€"BESTâ€"GHEAPEST. he Best in the "\‘(<,~;:‘Ed 3 Lindsay, May 4th, 1870. ,us a. WIL-Jix‘; amen nuw mms lib mu) .7 the l’coplu." - Canadian Department lately introduc- umductcd by Rev. \V. 1“. ()mx'kv, of in mm, formerly editor of the Canada 7 . T. MOORE, 41 Park Row, N. Y. truly says 0 ,El‘zgzmtly l‘x‘intui, A rculutcd and chrtily it th; .‘t‘ '1". l‘rintui. A1. .=.:.t “ T111") Ham. 2.; Lu! Abiv Edited, ,czutily “alumna-d now finds its way J. B. KNOWLSON (Open to all: Influenced “Whose who Convince us ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO Bend your heads, yc talhtrecs above - Listen 011 listen; swea‘a flowcxs imlo“ He’s mine form or, my 10%, my 1m 0! My seen-t of sccxcts now you 11mm. Gaily rustln the leaves is I pass- Alyl the blossoms 31111 c in the "Mass Carol the birds upon over) bung}; ~ “ Happy,” thLy all 53*... Haw) art thou.’ Dear little birds, throu hout all thv land, Yc will tell this see! of miuw ur': lung, But none will be abl' u mldcxsmnd- They will only 23:" “low S\\ect is the 30nd!” i And tlu: finwars “ill murmur it soft and lm. 'l'uthu sunmm “hub: that among {lulu 0]: him 1:4 “ill you luavu us when days are 5L2. ".x‘ ’ Ll‘tlc] '12}«'(u 1, will UH ‘I‘shnw!’ says the impatient reader, flirting the page over; a total u‘nsunencc tract! We’ve had a. surfoit of those. things.’ . . . ..~ ' '1 ', ,,,-_ M..-“ J ust so ; but a. bottle; as it is my pres- ent purpose to illuatmle, may contain other matter quite as dangerous to the peace of mind ofits victims as spirits or wine. My title is perhaps anunfurt‘u)1:u‘.r~ one, and certainly wants the ixLLxumLiCnl “1' novelty: Inn 3:; in 0::1-r 33506111“; meaning. 1511311 Eat it, :3 and. it, has nuwr lean my lot to moot with 11101‘8‘tk‘lncsllu happiness under one roof than is to he found in the family 01' my opposiu: nulghlrour, Captain licu'ouu Wins- low. A hint}; genial, hearty gciitlvmon. of fifty or more years, bearing :LhouL him. wherever he goes, Lhat air of unalloyed COHLk'lltnlcnl: of satisfaction With his past life, and pleasant- anticipation of the future. which ought to be, though it is notulwuym olmractcristiu 01' the retired illzll'lzicl'. in easy circumstances. His wife. still a handsome matron, from whom :1 quiet cheeri'ulncss, so to speak, Sui‘fiis to rzuliatv throughout, the household, is, in every respect. worthy of her partner. A son. grown to young manhood; two love- ly blondc daughters, the belles of our street; and little George, who hudtlashed unexpectedly. like a sunset ray, into the afternoon of tlieiwli'ves; are still at home with their parents; while their married daughtorfllrs. Turner) lives but a f'ew doors Oll; on my side of tho way. Sho is in and out~ at all hours of the day, appear- ing to have two homes, and to be equally happy in both. ... .. A . . ‘ \Vill To the 1nd :2 ""L A”; " Lsnt conversing with the Captain and his wife. one evening, ms was my wont. The daughter and her husband had gone out but- a few minutes bufom, and I ven- tureda remark on a subject which had many times occupied my 111159;,“le thoughts. ~Whatn difference is sometimes to be observed in features and complexion among children of the same parents? said I, in a half-meditative way. Mré. Wimdow mast Opportm‘zoly had busiucms to attend to up stairs. at this mo- ment. and left us alone. 1 have since, thought, that her feminine px'cceptiun may haw. divined my meaning. After she ro- tired, my friend looked in my face with a. strange kind of inquisitive smile. .n. ~Yes,‘ l blushinély said, as if in answer to a question. ‘l was thinking that while all your other chilchen so SthlN'l)’ resem- hle each othor,M1-s. Tumor. though quite as beautiful and attractive in her way, is totally unlike them and you.’ ‘Mére like her mothef, perhaps,’ sug- gested the Captain. ‘She does resemble her mother in some. respects, I admit; but still I cannot help thinking it strange there should be such a marked contrast between her and the younger members of the family. ... ”Its not strange to me at all,” said he drily. ‘ It wouldn’t be strange to you if you knew What I am going to tell you. Sop‘hia is not ply daughter. ‘Not your daughter" 1’ I exclaimed in surprlse. ‘ I’ll warrant you have wondered a hun- dred times how she could be mine, and now you are yet more astonished to learn that she is not. f it were not being guilty of an unpardonnble bull, I might say that she ought to have been.’ And my friend laughed at the crooked conceit. I must have looked. very foolish as I sat revolving the rumba-min my mind - but. what could I say? Mrs. VVinalow's daugh- terâ€"not his daughterâ€"but ought to have been! He took the matter cooly, at any rateâ€"even laughedjlt it. I had been in- timate with his family for several years, was present at Sophla's marriage, knew that she had borne the name of Winslow, loved, at least apparently, by both par- ents, and nowâ€"What: ooqld he mean ‘2 UILU§, “an“ LIV vv â€"-~- --- -_-~.. - ‘She was born,’ said the captain, seri- ously, ‘while her mother and I were both victims of the bottle 1’ I was cOnscious of having acted foolishly enough before; but now I was a. mere driveller. If I had “ put my foot in it” at the onset, I was now, metaphorically speaking, strugghng knee-deep. Could I believe the noble man_ before me, or, still less, his gentle,lfldy-11ke wife, had ever been dcbased by mtempex'ance! Myneighâ€" bour enjoyed my Péfrplexity for a minute, and then, burstlgg 1ntoa._laug_h_: ‘Come,’ coid'? Wiil the Howurs wither, thu 1cm lulu. Luca, law's-"'5 ,,_W "_""‘a-- . v-.._,’ said he, -" Since_I hfive'given hints to ex- cite your curiosxty, 1t 13 but fair that I should explain my meaning. I once did a. very foolish actg’m a. moment of thought- lessness, which 0°St bpth my dear J ane and myself years 01' nglsery. I have done my best to atonafornt since; and though we can never forget it, so many years of happiness have smpe passed over us that I may be excused If I do laugh at the re- collection. I acknowledge that I have never since been free from self-reproach. though J one has forgiven me long ago.” __-.u-. n- ._ _L-_.. A- AA“ mfiz-céfigdin gave fne his story 'or'con- fession, as it really W95. on his part, mak- ing it as brief as poss1ble; but. at subse- A SGETLE A11 is smm EISCELLAEEOUS (1 M (:zx'th bc and 1.5 it \‘ufi Ld 5.13.... “mt-fix LURI.‘ l 1 10" ’05 wall full, :le râ€"tim MY SECRET all sa'â€"-~ Him throu hout an 1 s sccr of mime able undcrsm f’i’m‘fiffij Eng-1‘s an: ovur t} ill in my hr was last year mm, slut” grow HOW- (1uent times I learned all the particulars, and, with his permission, will gwe 1t to the reader in my own way. -~ . . Irv- At the age of twenty-hire, Reubin Winsâ€" ' low, a reckless, care-f r-nothing son of ! Neptuncgshipped as second mate in the l barquc Ajax, of Bristol, for-.4: whaling voyâ€" l age to the Indian and Pacific Oceans. But for the first time in his life, he found, as l the (Lay of sailing drew near, that he could. nOt leave home in. his usual indi‘d’ercnt, thoughtless manner. Ilé lhul no parents or near relatives living ; but he had given all the wealth of his great heart to J ane At-hern, receiving in return the assurance that hers would accompany him, through storm and calm, wherever. the stout Ajax might Wind her devious course. Rich in love for each othcr, but pom- enough in worldly chat tcls, they looked ton and with high hopes to their union at the terminuâ€" tion of the voyage. So young 'Wii‘xlow (lnslnwl the. £11le from before his eye; his first orders to his aubordinntos m .2 husky voice, and found who?" from th'.‘ excitement 0:" -~' Up anchor and shut-L ‘ homo! " while Juno. in her humble hum:- 1 mug down in the country, shod tom-4 «)Tul' :L chmp yhomgmph 01' her hold ., ilui' but: its mo”: :-:t1'ilci::;_; points can’z in extreme hinmwss of tho mnml pelt:- rmrl the grccnzmsa of Liz-a wimtczizmc.‘ ::. Ltliuulc. ’ 'l‘vm month later thv Ail/um, liizvinghz‘rw i 30ml use of the Limo, Liy hecmzncd ' “x 9 l broad Atlantic, nczu 1y under [llu soutlwm 1 troRic. .lt Wm: Sunday, aim} the "c was in } won: going; on : but the nil ' l chum shirts anl newly shm'n tacos. Wu.»- l talking of homo, and. otherwise hillhzg { Lima a: host they might. The captain < » «n.5, came on (la-cl; with it bottle in his hand, corked and sealed tightly. ‘I have written our report, with date, latitude and longitude, on a piece of 1m- per, bottled it up, and here goes 1’ he shouted, throwing 1;, at. the same time, ovm‘ le «marten-ail into tlzo sea. ‘Wlm will you Lot. on our healing of it again !' - "Enould lm 53.11; enough to be: against ii.’ said the first. olficex‘. ‘ I should any the clmxces wore uboutoqual to my boing turned into (I. whaleC \Ylmrcut n. gem-ml laugh want, round this group. 'lfiut “'0 do hear reports of vessels in that way, now and then, the captain said: though, of course, the chances: are :t mill- ion to one uguimt it, in any particular case. Now, you throw another owrbozu‘d, or any one. else that has any empty bot- 111.25 on hand. Let’s multiply the chances just for tho fun of the thing.’ Down went the mutcs' to 1211151101: for Bottles, and in :1- short time some. six or eight, mull containing a written state- ment, with embellishments to suit the fancy of the writer, were committed to the ocean. ‘ I've reported the .-1ja.w: with five hun- dred barrels,’ said the third nmte.-â€"- ‘Tlmt's only anticipating a little If we haven’t got. it, we want it. This was not said in the captain's hear- ing. He supposed that all the bottles contained (1mm fidc reports; though he did-no: ask to look at their contents. ‘My story is,’ said one. of the men, 'UEILL We have had a terrible mutiny on board; that big black Sam has got 0011111121241 01' the ship, and has drivmi 13m uptuin into the galley to cook for him." ‘ What did you writs, My. “3213‘wa the chiel'umte asked. -' < >31 i’m not going 2.0 1211! li'my Lottln is pii-kvd up, it will :Lstonisli the finder mom: than any of them. But pshaw! We llm‘cl' shall hear from any of them again.” “\0. there‘s not much danger of EL,’ Wu: {lu‘ careless reply. 'i‘huy watched the bottles bobbing up :lllll down in the swell, for some little time: but. gradually curried U) the Wurst- vurd by the force ofthe current, they had all passed out of View long before the fa- Vouring breeze. filled the sails of the burque, and she again pushed forw: ml on her southwaml course. Past the stormy headland of Good Hope, and across the great Southern Ocean, through Timm- St-ruits to the cruising ground about New Guinea. and the Archipelago of Solomon ; where, cut ofi'from all but merely acci- dental communication with the civilized world, We leave her and her hardy crew to pursue the objects of: their adventures cruise, and to battle With Leviathan in his native element. Months passed awayâ€"â€"-long, weary months to the true-hearted girl, who vain- ly besuiged the local post oflice vainly swept her eager eyes over the marine list of the Bristol Mercury, only to meet with disnypointinent, till ‘hopo deferred made the heart siek.’ Only one letter, written three weeks out from home, had reached her; a true seaman's loveletter. filled with the outspoken aii'ection of her stout- hearted whaleman, with confidence in her enduring truth, with pride in his noble vessel and shipmates, with sanguine pre- dictions of merited success and trium- phant return. The precious document had been read, over and again, till every word was transferred to the page of mem- ory; opened and reclosed till the folds showed alarming evidence of weakness ; still its successor came not; and the .1 jar had been absent nearly a. year. Still Jane did not cease to hope for her father, who had followed the see himself, but had given it up in consequence of failing health, still thought that. they had found a profitable cruising ground somewhere by themselves, and made a port at some out- of-the-way island. .- .. .. . .‘ ‘When you do hear from the ship,’ said he , ‘she will be doing well, depend upon it.’ Jane was the pride of her fatherâ€"his only companion and housekeeper. Her mother had died several years before; and the darling Wish of the invalid Widower's heart, Was that he might; live long enough to see his girl the happy wife of some one worthy of her. Thus matters stood when Jane one day bought, as usual, the Mercury ; and hasten- ing home with it, paused not even to re- move shawl and hat ; but tearing it open, she cast her eyes upon the shipping in- telligence. With riveted gaze upon the paper, and the paleness of death chasing the rosy bloom from her cheeks, she drop. ped into the nearest chair, and mechani~ cally read on. ‘W hat is it, Jane ? News from Reuben?’ No reply. The breath came hard and thick through the parted lips, the dilated eyes wandered not from the item till the last cruel. word was read, the last spark of hope dying “at with it. The paper fell to the floor, and the insensible girl was ‘, !ca.ught in the feeble ‘z‘m; 01 h 0; LS she sank uuler the b'lor. “if crushing, so suddenly in "Lcted. mer “11d delirium folioxwd -. Feverv'and delirium followed; and for several days Jane Athcm'n's life wavered in the balance. But nature, aided by medical skill and the careful nursing of her father and his kind neighbors, at last triumphed. Reason came back to the stricken one, and with it a calmness and fortitude which we inllozun: with her. and might, have) averted all danger, had the fatal tidings been less abruptly cur..- municatod. 113119315 “cu wit! $11.3 5151111111110 01 1110 50101111 0111 car, 51.1.1101111151 Window. 011 11111 < 14111110110 01 1.11:: 511111 3 .11111;1¢~.-:. 11.111 511- numbed cimu C1112c'101111 01 .‘1 .1111 tius, tm. 111,113 111115.. long ago 111m unn- spired. 'lhex'e 0.111 be no doubt that the ill- fated b1- .11'< 110 has foundexed. 111 a gale at sea, with .11‘ on board.’ Bitt-erly and mourned the! for many moi the first. great wonders in Lc 0 young man's heart ever beat higher with fond anticipa ions of happiness than did that of the second mute on the 11101-111115? when the .IIjax, ladon ”cu 1) 98.5 m w1111 oily treasure, 112101431156: 111111111011: :111 no speak a pilot who ' 0.1' 11!: E11111 co:1;t. Bu‘. tuujm 01 L110 1:11: 11;.- 1:1.1'1 .1112: 1:) (Y asm am uu must be jokixg 22:11:13. :1 voic«:, re- cogx 11.1 ed as th 1t 01 the mm 11111101, who 5001: ha out when 321:: 5111111. "The Alia“: went; to the bottom of (mod Hope, and the insurance money 1 11.5 been paid upon her long ago. W'ht‘t 051.!“ this 11191111 uuirod evelv mun on boa; was true t1- ey 11 1d cruimd was tl'u." they had grained on all .mthng-grounds, and had. , nor received letters since speaking, 2; Shit.) when three. weeks out from Hugh: how should they know m 110111". where she was lost? if, hula-mi. sh; had not been heard from at allâ€"«a (21:39 whiz-E1 was, not. without precedent thiriy :.“.‘.:1‘~ ago, though hardly Pouible an the 1.21:. sent day. Reuben Vv'ilxlow akmo held the key to the mysim'y, and his hour; beat yet more wildly with a. new You -, as conscience sent the- !)1006: tingling to his cheeks. The words -'wcnt to the butt/UR) of Good Hope,’ brought, to the surface his shameful secre‘, so long buried in his owu heart and almost. il‘>1'got.ten-~tl~u;- bot- tle! What, might have been the eflect of the men's upon the gill he lewd? was his next thought. A few words 110111 the «11101, 11110 ‘110111 1 ed the sl11p,explaincd the 1711010 111i:>1111d'e. - standing. But in mo t 0251-» 11011111111 111111 been done but such «.5 could be 301111 111 pairw'..'l"11o11;.§l1 11102115 31111 1110111119! 11111111 :15 (10111l,tl1e 10y. 1 -.' 1111.1 110 1'111- grim:- ex- at 111:3 1101115 01 1111131 xesun motion. 111111 the nm 121 cuw 31111-5 would saw .15 9. good ioke to be: nglied at 31: years to come. But W' 1115 ",011. on making inquixiw of: he old. pilot. lem'nec- that. 15111011 hurled. him at. 011013 from 111111»)! antimpuion to hopeless despair. J 11113 A beam 111111 been 11131-11011 but a week 1101' ore, had cloud the eyes 01 her father. and had gape away with her 11.3} and 1111 orpzwmd ride. The news had well-night crushed his heart even as the fond girl’s had been by the cruel message which he had 50 thoughtlessly cast upon the Waters. He had so looked forward to a. happy meet- ingâ€"had thought of her always as his good angel and polar-starâ€"had. in the words of the old sea song, ‘4 brought back her parting kiss aspure ashe received it ;" and now, to the pain of dimmpointmeut and blighted hope, was added that of re- morse, that he owcdall this to asingle reckless act of his own. Had she proved false to her vows without good cause, he might hear it manfully, for his own con- science would have been clear. Mechanically he attended to hisduties in working the ship up the Channel; but there was nnne of his usual spirit, in the orders which he gave to the crew; no hearty response on his part 10 the joyous greetings vmich saluted Lin: return of men risen, as it seemed. from an ocean grave. An outward bound ship, all ready for sea, lay moored in the stream as they passed in. ‘She was ready to sail three days ago, remarked the pilot; “mu. hm- nun: we taken x11 at the eleventh hour, and hr» 370 nge up the voyage. She is only wait mg now to shxp a mate.’ ‘1’11 go in her,’ said Winslow, desper- ately; ‘if they’ll make me. a good ofi‘er.’ ‘Do you mean that ‘3’ asked the pilot. ‘Mean? Yes,‘ was the dogged reply. ‘ I‘d sooner go to sea than go ashore now.’ Within an hour it was known at $11.» onmugsgn in... no $3 DE and sincerely Jane Atheam the loss of the man ‘ he lowed, mo; itiw attei her iocov‘or; 1302:: great. shock. But time works 11 healing hearhvxoaimis: and )CC11".‘[ CK" Um hrroiue :9 01" m mlots at arms of her father, ,1 three days 3:01, uv l; and for 'e \mvered aided by Two Boilers at the end of the year. Office 02' Messrs. ng and C0,, that the second maze of the Ajax was up for a "run-:1; 9:: the shortest nntiae. With the highest recmmnemlzuions from his Gap- m‘m, he was just the sort, of man wanted; the oii‘er was a liheml one, foi' time was pressing ; a few hours summed to make all his arrangements, and the next morn- ing’s sun saw Reuben Window xx his post between the knight-heads of the Mogul, taking her anchor. A €111:ng mac. ever the whole man from flu; dayâ€"a changu for the better. how- ever. Though the wild. exuberance of youthful spiriSs was suppressed, his well- balanced mind was not. no gu‘o way to ‘grecn-andycllow melancholy.’ Though his fondest hopes had been wrecked hyaq bottle, he lmgltoo much W ll) (u VOLOIL a ‘< . “MIC-'6 tlllllvfi Of his 11Tl}lc‘.::"."!l‘l'z‘ EhJI Ll" ‘ C ’lO". vl.:hl'0ugh- 011.. ll (2 mru‘uu: 'Ll. hm fllllcl quapan or «211;;1'21'e.‘ i1 0;: \...i known that, :10 \f‘V‘L , 2101". was a:... u: ll'llbfl' lance was no a Sound than that of 11m Mogu.'s mate mac. um ‘ '.!1L~x.v my an accident, he was l';ll:L‘\ 1 Lo Lin.- sulnume command, no pulmg Uillcu cuul l but been lwlwr fit,- :«(l for 11w. 1I0>i.i011.l"1derhis charge, 1:: » \jnyu .zyo u $51!“): canted to :L successful end in three yac .r, and Ins employers were ready to saw: him again, with his choioo cizhcr of the same chip urn new one. But a. new tumult of feelings was stirred within him by a flew words spoken by an Ad w- 1:2: Hanan whom he met in Bristol. Janv .vlux'xisun had returned, a. widow, to haz- ulLi nu:.::: in: m neighbouring village. Liv mziid gin- nu dunnite reply to the 31 LL uriug pru;.:o:ais of his owners, until ~. u >1 «5' n (l .2 AWI-i'vkl oneqncstiun for him. ".3311: UK) Lin) (-zn-ni:_'.:s of two good S‘JL‘L‘JW mad 101. 1-11! wittcn their marks upon the ;m using fezczuacs of the young wldm'r, wim '5sz bending over her work, with :1 bright little girl of two years play- 111:! ‘1)" 111.1 side. 1121 union with Captain Joni. 011 Rm 1‘. .111-1 ed an unoongcnial one, - and 11::1' 1111:. 1:11.110 under the may of his zzrbitrLuf, te11pez; .vas iitle lessy than a continuous :1111'1":dm;1. But she had fxithi'ul 31-3219 1121111111 by he er husband, up to tile, '1' 'b Or his (101.1111 fro“! bra-i]! fave". Bittmly 11211 5‘ 1e rewretbed the step she 111111 ml {en in becommg, ' his wife, and the more so since the hour when she learned of the safe arrival of the 111isuiug ship, and tho dqmrture of Winslow 011 anotlwr mysgu, almost without seLting his {but ()1) $1010. When left, as she was ' "' t ‘ ' 11111005. she had 11.1w- , :0 me home of her :3; since laboured early 511 l . port. of herself and 112W“. Bitten-13' she hzul ta {en \ zxslow \ms puzzled. At finding him- self face to face with her, he knew not 10w to begin what he wished to say; but here was :1. new phase of the matter. ‘Blame hermucl1,’indeed! He had ex- uected ii 110:, rem-nachos, .u, lemta bear» 111g “1 inmrml 1.11.100 nice on her put. and found, lustead. apolorv 11:11 self abase- ment. Before. he 2:111 1 aide up his n~ my! how to rap}; >319. 5mm! - it; .v 4! id vou (scape fmm vouz' g' ' -;~~;:.z- cfi' the Cape of from (P0011 He coflxpx-elu :. h d .-.‘.2 now. u, 9‘...» :2. not, «5 v ya. ya: 4 ._ 2« one. L1:‘:â€"u'm::9w£ the ..‘ ed by so; twins . in :0 a. u tongue was loop-Quad at once. ‘Jane,’ said he, ‘ I alone an 'sze,’ said he. ‘I air-m: am to Mme! I was guilty 0%" .: (bnlish act, for which, God knows. I haw suflérezl almost. a; much us I 'v» 11w,” vnu have. A wicked .u:,t too though it hzv an! done with any ': i;11i!\:11 intent. We Dewar were in any (Luxye'x on 6001 Hope; but, when that. ripofl Wu 5 written. wow lying beamed. in the middle 0f the South Atlantic: ‘Don't interrupt me. Jane,’ he matin- ued. ‘ I have been vortured by remorse ever since; but I have gone on my my siriving to do right: and m all respects, save one, have been prosperOu-â€"â€"moro €113,111 deserved. I have sought you out this evening. thinking vou know the truth aheadv. to ask if 1 cm be forgiven . and if so, to .mi. also, ifthss remnimlvr of a. life dr:\'0tc~l to vom' inpuincss mav be offered. as 111 aroma .1011 t for the one great- wrong 01an youth "" She looked at. him in utter asbonish ment. She bnwed her head among the bright (711'.er 01220: '1 ale daughter. while ‘Vins- iuw,i:1 six-noel, awaited her answer. - Maubin I have been su11:riscdâ€"â€"and I cannu’. deny it. shockmiâ€"by what. you Lure told me: for, until thxs evening, I thought the fault; had all been my own. I: mums we both have erred, and both ‘1 m3.- "-uifercd deeply in consequence. For your wron" is no greaterâ€"indogd, it is not so gxentâ€"ms mme in marrying An- drew Morrison when I never truly loved him. For you know, Reubiuâ€"inaeed, I never could cone-ml It from youâ€"that m; vour gran Hope ‘.’ ' comm-0,116 ice the. do 5, 2,1“: is my name. Will you » ~ is im‘ work to answer a .imsz; :1: 1 I a tall man stood \..m :1; barontly madcan elfort. A15 13M", .. 1.5 he asked, 13' Mrs. m dwarine, ‘ like Eures Iiiâ€"{1f- .0 :1“. Louie fox-relief. Be a! w;- to Me rough, well- “ 0' Lib qunrwr-deck uttfi‘l [0 him the :‘-L- f'tmd fish mu m. --_-.x;.«ht,. \ch LL . ungaloiug. he ding due to him. with health, )uuLion a; :m oificer, and the .u weslm 01 en before himâ€"- go 'L ‘ old in his heart, no he Cunard/rd on next page.) [NUMBER 37 Muse-l, removing his hat, ova-coat, and turned ins ‘5 i,- Jnm. She knew :L was a. false LL» .. .ip had been sav- aiu to .1. miracle. His i": , ’$ ‘rcmulous voice ; “1358,1111- v, lh‘jught-

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