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Bobcaygeon Independent (1870), 12 Nov 1870, p. 3

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are mega-ed to nulkc autumn-cs tu Landed Pro- prit-turs on th:- new murmgc system. Th" luans an: at. S p (A, {uptaialc by a. sin!- By hu'mwing of mi. yrsnibility of the bum «:2 suddenly, a: tan-3p The small sum hc pays into the fund half-yearly, to which the (romp imam-s: and colupuund imcrcst, ca} “It-ht. 32*.‘wnu‘mg his estate from fiw xum'tngc at any timc, on giving sir; months‘ notice, whilst the "C‘omumny remains bound to the: end of the term of twenty three years; and the amount paid into the sinking fund, with ina'rcat and mnmmum! mun-st. is tip-n alluwcd him in compound mtc: He has the privilvg», as in; may mm 1: con- Venicntnf paying in!» 1'2; ~ sinking fund, ovu- uud ubm‘c his. n-gnlnr «rtmtribution, any even sum abov: one: hundred Idollars in reduction of his manage: 59:11:: in: which hcjs allowed 6 per cent. cox:15x»;1mi intern-st; such payments ofcourse shorter: the urn cogsidembly. No commissions chargedâ€"1'10 shares rc- unircd to h: taker-mo fines to pay, dif‘l ‘no sutticmt'n Nu commissions Lidirgzcdâ€"no snares n:- quimd to be takerâ€"no fines to pay, ah”! ha expenses 0'“ renewals. Further particulars and forms, 61' applicat- tion may be had of the Secretary, 22 King Effect. Toronto. _ _ ,, Thai Ema! dz: Landed CBEDH’ comm fiaten't Hand Loom HIS Innm mak gmxls with mm" than an} loom in us Emu-v crank. For p: Bubcaygcnn The bomm-cr has ‘x-ratiug his estate fr Th EBBLIC N01101:}. 'tht: said jpon th scribcr. Hasn'uy, "I ,Vcrnlzun, ‘ the said h STOCK 0F BOOTS and SHOES Mr. Boyd's Qindsay, 50V Bobcaygcon, Nov. 5th, up to the 17th day of Caron, lsudurc Duamc, Nanisse Duamv . Ah xis Donahw Patrick Dana-3th. Alexander Egson. Evans Elliott, Isabella. Findley, Joscph Graham, James Humphreys, James Hughes. 111's. Tobin. Honore 2 Johnston, \\ alter 11.2 Surgeon, Bobcaygcon THOMAS SEARL, U31 LOX DON, ENG LAN 1) {emnm "attics calling for misuy A BARGAIN. A PRIXTLXG mmss F01: $20. {13.41 i) For Sale; at the office of the BObCaygeon Independent, A, Druggist’s .Press, ; fichich will ‘be found very useful in a country ‘ofice where there is no regular jobber. It turns out blanks, programmes, circulars c., in first rate style at the rate of from 250 to 300 impressions per hour, and will print a sheet 12:: 18 inches, if there are no large dis- play lines in it. ‘ This Press‘ cost $50, and is as good as n'ew ; and is offered for sale to make room for a Montreal Jobber, which the increasing business of the office renders necessary. A good brass roller mould goes with the Press. \VAXTED, a GIRL work. Apply at mg Office. Bbbcaygeon. 5‘3?“ 21 WELL At Bobcaygeoh, Sept’r 1870 iL parties whose accounts are past due _ will oblige by settling at once, and save the unpleasant necessity of collecting. . ““1171 h I: SCRILPVLXIJ. Elm 2 Weld), w. H. “'33th H. 2 V’Vclls, William : calling for the above letters, will I: for Advertised Letters. uTOUCHE TUPPBR, Post Master )V has ulw ".0 SI 3, 1 ‘03- 'of NOTICE V 8 per ccnfifur a lung ‘lnxton .5: Dumhsfl per cent. fur a lung peri- nkin: fund of 2 put cent. :is Chmpzzuy, thcrc is no mm‘z-r ever burn called 0 LOAN. rti JOHN A. MOORE, William Street, Bub-:aygoon a. GIRL to do generallkouscp Apply at the Independent Print": ‘3' -’\I fix I) E rapidity and h-ss power, by simprv turning an tit-alum and sample: of 38333 filTKEN’S. SI‘IEECTED 1870 he may find it con- : sinking fund, over utribmion. any cvcn s. CORXEIL‘ “1'3 $3-33; vs the privilege of L’r 22nd, 1870 Ray, Joseph Swanton. George Smith, David Thompson, Robert Tvccdic, \Villiam W bite, \\ imam \\ arrcn Benjamin mate-r variety ". { il II:- ‘0‘ MI W" 1r?! l 13h urcr OI 1870. I1) (,‘umpmy adds st. cancels the A William goon Post Office, tember, 1870. 1011. II. 4m. H Vuttl'ij n to tr sinking: BRADFIEED 30‘ :tcrinary nzrxt. t0 uh (run Valuer. off the 5:21.:ch 36-15 D 111')! I) 5 III-ZAP ;\ rch ibald -}ilx. H .W m a ll)- ()1 ul 30 GOODS V next door to the Post Office. In the Millinery rooms will found New and Fashionable IIATS, BONNETS, CLO;KS, MANTLES, FLO w ERS, FEATHERS, c., 'i‘ea'mg Sa‘i'icfly $8183! 3 New and Fashionable Intending purchasers, wanting really due NEW GOODS LAN US FOR SALE. vr.‘ do both a: to n» .\'~ mam ()f them bout nuv igz Ltiun (1m Boipcasgeon Fenelon Falls. The Cm‘dwnud will pay for clearing the land. l’ayxm-nt uf (\ncvliflh required; the remaindvr in four annual instalments. MANUFACTURERS, IN BOBCAYGEON. Bobcaygeon, November 1870 as I intend to sell Zwith suc'fi small [/‘I‘Q/l‘ts that I cannot afford to Give Credit. 0. BRADFIELD. \‘. IThe Best FAMILY GROCERIES PRO- ' VISIONS at the Lowest Remunerat- ing Prices. Goods delivered at. any part. of the town without. delay, ' GEO. SMART, Agt. Lindsay, Oct. 3rd, 1870. ~ hi on Unlf 0f Lot NO. Half uf Lot No. Half 01' Lat N0. 3 Lnt N0. 13 Suuth of St. David Street. And sundry Lots CAYGEUN. r) .. 2 can be suited by Particulars t0 advu'tiScr. '11: 1. Low in; 1.:Lnds,\\11ic'x are unclcared, um “1.11 worth the notice of persons wish- ing to purchase PROVISION STORE, Tbs Agriculturist is a large periodical of 32 to 4. L pages, well printed, and filled with plain, practical original matter, including hun- dreds of beautiful and instructive Engravings in every annual volume. FARM. GARDEN AND HOUSEHOLD. Including a Special Interesting and Instruct- irc Departmcntfor Children and Youth. ESTABLISHED IN [842. It contains each month a. Calendar of Oper- ations to be performed on the Farm, in the Orchard and Garden, in the Dwelling, kc. It is prepared by practical intelligent work- iAST'END GROCERY: in: men. ‘ The Household Department is valuable to every Housekeeper. . The Department for Children and Youth is prepared with special care, to furnish amuse- ment, and to inculcate knowledge and sound moral principles. . .. i __ Cmccunoxâ€"mes.â€"The circulation of the American Agriculturist (about 15,000) is so large that it can be furnished for the low price Of 3150 a Year; four copies for $5 ;‘ ten. copies for $12; twenty or more, $1 each - single numbers, 15 cents each. ’ 19" Try it a Year. 7A-_ -v-.\“ u an Corner of Kent and mnusay ooooo “Mrs Emma, Bubcnyguon, Oct. 0 AMERICAN AGRICULTURIST, . BRADFIELD, 94.33%31S! TOW NS "4 ‘73 TOWNS l i 11’ 0F HARVEY. t, ('un. Acres. 5 ......12‘..........2U0 morcorlcss T .....1::.........2nu “ u s ....... 12'» ......... 200 “ “ 2......_ll,'»....,..._200 “ ‘6 5.......i3.........200 “ ‘6 ‘3....... 3.........20') “ ‘c 4 ,7 1'; ..... .... 50 ‘4 i; 3 . . .10 ......... 257 3‘3 ..... . .10 ......... 75 “. .0 ...... .10 ......... 175 “ DWXSHIP 0F SOMERYILLE of. Con. Acres. 2 ....... 3 ......... 200 more ( "' .1, 77‘__.2()() ’: >lY VALUABLE fresh from the TOWNSHIP OF ELDON. Con. Acres. 100 more or 10 11:12 ......... 100 u vax OF LIXDS xY. \m‘ih of Bond Street. South at Bond Street. 2 .\o. 3 \'0 3\ \‘Orth of Bond Street of Kent and Lindsay Streets, ix'v Lots in the VILLAGE of BOB- :< m situation and productive- zlu-m mum to Mills and stcum- u (but stvamcrs passmg daily) and near to ‘ . ,1 ‘ be had at the office of the ORANGE JUDD 8: CO., 245 Broadway, New York FOR THE of {>1 nâ€"v. n a: m1}. 1 870 calling: on Stu-ct and West 20 ‘JO 79 200 87 M. BOYD ti H 3m. 32 be 35-t.f. H H U (i ‘L When you visit Lindsayâ€"whether from busi- ness or pleaSureâ€"and require anything in the Boot and Shoe line, your by all means call and make purchases BBDTS ANB SHOES! “'here you will find the largest, best and most EVcr brought into the L‘SS Numerous Styles Of Goods to be found in this establishment; it is sufficient to say that MEN, Arc sun: to And “viiiâ€"tin? Eddigioka] itruths axe mud'e known that the Boots and Shoes are good and SOMETHENGTQSW, Enough will have been said to induce you to before puichgsing elsewhere. Prices Very Reasonable, Vv-v-v .__ -. ”‘7, Q‘an't fen-get the place, a few doors East of William Street, and on the North side of Kent Street. It will pay you to MAKE A NOTE 0E1}! Lindsay, May 10th, 1870, GROCERY To which he invites the attention of intend- ing purchasers. Hotel-Keepers will find an extensive and choice assortment of Pale and Dark- Brandy, Port and Sherry W'z'nes, Holland and Old Tom Gin, and several brands of Whiskey. Herriilgs, C oil-Fish Mackerel Plaster Clover Seed. Q 5119 GanadianiLand and Emmi- ’ gration Company. “ hich “ill be offered on fuv curable terms. Also a. fc \\ bushels 0t \\ HITE BE.\.\S. '1 he ( ash 5) stem \\ ill be strictl} udliercd to Kent stroet, nuxt door tc Stnru. Lindsay, May 12th, 1870 AMERâ€"E CHANCE. THE subscriber, being about to retire from business in Bobcaygeon, offers FOR SALE in ONE LOT the whole of his stock of DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, READYoMADE CLO- THING, c., at a. great reduction on Cost. In thc xm-nntimc he is disposing of his (hmds M and below cost, and pvrsons desirous ul‘ obtainiwr "rent Bargains should avail them- Ann selves of the prcsc-nt opportunity. cm nun EXAMINE ms. smcx Offc'Q-x‘. 3’02? Sale, or: conditions of Scttlcmv-nt, . GOOD inn: :lxbs, In the Conniy of Pctcrbom’, Ontario, in the ‘\"}:;'L-ém-rxlfin. 7019mm? 0'; m'smr, ‘ Whore thum- arc Grist 21nd Sig-“films: Strum-558:0, AT 031-: nomm ASD A mm? A): ACRE. In thv “(Poking Townships of Gnill‘ord; Dud- Ivy, Him hum, flurcmirt :mdBmtpn, canncctcd with. Dys:1.rt,:u1d the Village of Huliburton, by the Peterson Road,~ AT ONE DOLLAR AN ACRE. For particulars, apply to Sfapie Groceries, Farmers will find aquantity of first-class " ' L ' firms. JAS. BLOMFIELD, Manager, 0. L. . E. Company, Pctorboro. Or to ALEX. NITEN, P.L.S., Agent C. L. k E. Company, Haliburton. wCirculars, Maps, c., can be had at the Uflicc of the Independcpf- 11 application. WITHOUT PAIN, Mn. NEELANDS, while in New York, having spent some time in the rooms of the Colton Dental Association, studied fully under Dr. Colton the proper mode of manufacturing this gas; also-the best manner of administer- ing it to patients. Dr. Colton was the first person who ever used this gas for extracting teeth. He Has an establishment in the Cooper Institute devoted solely to extracting teeth, and in 6 years he has successfully ad- ministued. it;to fortjg-four thousand persons whose names are all registered on a roll. JAMES DYKES Bobcuygcon, Sept'r 22nd, 1870. 30. Mr'3 N_EELANDS, Having had several years’ experience in 'ad. ministering this gas, can'yvith:pleasurc nnd confidence recommend it. to the public as a. safe and pleasant Anaesthetic. Beautif-ul gold fillings inserted bit a. new principle. , . .2 -, ,, . Artificial Teeth inserted in jshe best style. _ All the operatiohs connected with Dentis- try skillfully pcrfdfn'led. ’- ._ _ -‘ cu .. , ,‘___‘ 'Orncn néxi d60r to S. 8: '0. Biglows’ store, Lindsay. 25.2m. TEETH EXTRAETED received by the Subscriber 21. complete Stock of mmmmza ST®$ZES Dissolution of (Ea-Partnership. Choice Seed Potatoes FOR SALE; HE Partnership heretofore existing be- tween the findersigned at the village of Bobcaygeon, in the County of .Victoria, under the style of 1 “ Bradfield 8: Cluxton,” has this day been dissolved by mutual consent. A, ‘r, n w'l‘l1é business will Be continued by Mr. C. Bradfield who will pay all liabilities and col- lect all debts due to the late firm. - BY THE USE OF NITROUS OXIDE (LAUGHING GAS.) AND Liquor St ore I Early Rose per. bushel Early Gooderich per. bushel Harrison’s per. bushel Snowdon, Oct. 3rd, 1870. C. BRADFIELD. G. CLUXTON. Tonth day of Sexiember, 1870. 29-tf. BIAG'UIRE’S 1 2.31113 WOMEN, , v--â€"â€"- A VD CHILDREN find amidst the gr eat v‘au'ict} otfcud ‘ASH FOR PRODUCEW JOHN (‘HISHULM into the Cnunty. It is of no to enumerate all the ncxt door to Mr- Browne‘s «Stow VICTORIA POSITIVELY L. MAGUIRE. FRANCIS PECK. . Snowdon, Minden P. O. 1]- ll-lyr 1 yr The Subscriber has just received, Stock of Fall to which he nessâ€"bei ALL 33033 ARE ELLELRLLE3 L3 E3333 9,3333%. Mn «.3 ‘9‘”me Hm gfh nllv and iudO‘e fOrxour rseh e,s by go PIease call doing you W: vu¢‘~-.----~ v. Tweeds, Silk. Mixtures, Ladibs’ Dress Goods7 Prints, Cottons, Towellings, Readyâ€"Made Clothin Boots 8; Shoes Hats Cams. g, ’ , , L I . . g; The Goods Will‘be all re-marked by MONDAY, t] and will be sold out at .‘25 per cent. Belo'w Cost Price; A --rth T Heavy and Shelf Haml‘wmre7 READY MADE CLOTHENG, BOOTS AND SHOES AND GROOEREES, Lindsay, bombeism. With a {111:1 stock of every description of Hardware, which will be sold AT THE VERY LOWEST RATES. BERTRAM BROS, Workman’s Block. The Subscriber in returning his sincere than} he in general. for past favours,begs to annom 11 -[1‘ L1_ » 1 O O Befiw {filings Qamm ”i FARMERS” ffifPfiEMENTS’, PAINTS, OILS, 'GLASS, DRY GOODS, At Greatly Reclueed Prices, For Cash or ready pay in any shape. nopmg Hy Hu'wu a continuance of the liberal patronage which has beret-oi His Stock bemg complete 171 the dxfi‘erent Bobcaygeon, July 13th filmy (Embeds, Gmwriesg Ready Made fiamimg, éfimciim'y, Efiarsiware, Baas and Shoesg. Stationery, Schwfi Beams, c. TWEEDS‘ AND CLOTHS‘! Which cannot b9 rivgllegl for FINE‘CANADIAN; BLANKETS Nbfi'v fis the timé to get good value Ru 5 change back. 1175385001: of Ready Made Clothing Cfifihdfi be surpassed in quality and style. having been made up in the first class houses in the Dominion. OVERCOAT S at and below 0051;. Winter Shawls, Scaqfs and Clouds, Ladies BOOTS SflUiflb TO SUIT ALL CLASSES OF CL STOMERS. COME‘ ONE! f COME ALL! Whore. you ,can get first class boofis at the lowest prices next week When he will be able to suit all parties fro: coarsest brogans. GROCERIES, CHEAPER THAN‘EYE‘R‘, on hand; V A CHOICE .LOT Boxes of cheap Teas to sm OF TEAS at prices to defy competition; 1’. Lumbermen. A quantity of AGENT FOR THE H. 13. 00., highest Cash Price paid for Raw Furs. 38‘ A call from Intending purchasers is most respectfully solicited. JOHN L READ. N. B.-â€"â€"All parties indebted to me by Note or Book Account will please call and pay up, my obligations are such. that all amounts due me must be speedily settkd. R D , J. L. EA . Ro‘xeby, February 19th, 1870.. l-lyr WSfilQ WE‘VG 0 ODS. May 2nd, 1870. .â€".v I. he invites the attention of intending purchasers. His Busi- rbeing conducted on the ready ‘pay principal, you may eXpéct to get good value for your money, Gentlemen’s Fur and Winter Cups selling at Cost. ‘m‘II1~w.‘ ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO 111. and examine the stbcI-g and. judge fer yourselves w111 come to the conclusion to give T. CORCORAN AT COST, AND He would call special attefition to his splendid assortment of e riv alled f01 Quality and Cheapnoss. A large lot of WINCEYS on hand y,et to be pushed off at extremely low prices. mes Scarfs and Clouds, Ladies’ FMS, IMPORTERS OF AND DEALERS 1N in my shape. Keénhngs Neiv Block. On hand yet, selling at reduced prices. OF THE ENTIRE ,1870. THE WHOLE OF HIS iMlsIENSE STOCK COAL, IRON, STEEL, Ls sincere t‘mnks to his numerous customer and the pub- L begs to announce that he will commence from t1 is date to sell off the balance of CONSISTING OF ALSO HIS STOCK OF 'nUo‘ Hoping by strict attention to buisnoss to merit which has heretofore been best-owed upon him. ;0 in the different departments of and is now opening his immense and Winter iO-tf JAMES DYKES. yofii inoney and your right ,cés. A LARGE STOCK to mm» from the finest kid _'down to the BIOI LLLDCJ. vUD’VJ ”V T. CORCORAN a 023.11. A few pair of those the 18th instant, on hand xxmdsay- l t A11 for 951;, 00, The subscriber begs leave to return his sincere thanks to his fnends, and numerous customers in Bobcaygeon _and surrounding country, for their kind patronage beqtowcd to hlm, ‘mce commencing business in the Village, and hopes to merit a continuance of the same, by paying strict attention to his business. He would also draw their attention to his fine Fall and T’Vinter ’ o is supenor to any in the is also complete. is now_complete‘. A11 cash paying cusiomers will do examme for themselve"; before. purchasing elsewhere. He has also added the Boot and Shoe trade which will be sold strictly for cash only. I "yourselves, no trouble to Show goods, 11 think fit to buy. , AND Ladies’ and Gentlelnens’ 1121122; and Caps, the largest and béét stock in the Village. Also, a large ,,__‘____ A. .--- 1 V. trouble by calling and fiottling at once, as Without it any louver. All kinds of {armr- 'fi-ifi TAILORINGâ€" DEPART A171_ parties. indebted to the the largest and best SEOCK m u: “Amy, A AND mm 10\ ABLE LOT QAW " AAAADS “mwnn ovnh11n‘n10‘_HiS S+Ock 0f 1870. FALL. 1870; Rokeby, Oct. 25th, 1870. Cheap for Cash; ”I": READY-MRDE cm: -i FALL é is now receiVing daily, an immense stoék of STOCK 0F DRESS GGGDS, filled iirith C03? 0i}, 11 customer 5 and others may depend fit and n'ood. satisfaction given. worth examining. ... . In ”9' W which will be sold at TUPPEE «EL TEEQHPSEPN’SE .+, B. ‘ READ Village, all perfecg: :3 13 class establishmez; . s. CdEfiP Ffin '13“. 0t and Shoe tr ade TO the rest of his businegas; ' {01 cash 01113.1‘19359 call and examme lér 3 Show goods, no fault found if 3011 don't subscribbr, either by note or book account, will save at once, as his obligations are such that he cannot do ls of farmers produce taken In exchange for good:- ‘ c I -n-‘ s vs ill (10 \\ ell to call and elsewhere. All goods sold giiééfii ric'éifisoii.‘ and made in first “MENT' d on a perfect

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