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Bobcaygeon Independent (1870), 12 Nov 1870, p. 4

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Salt is necessary in winter as in s11:tn’11<:-râ€"â€"not large quantities at uncertain intervals, but a supply \th'u the desired amount can be mkcn by the stock as their Wants dictate. Hard lumps to be lick-d off slowly withthe tongue is tha- safest mode of supplying. Too much attention cannot be given to regularity in feeding. Cattle suffer from hunger if neg- L-crml too long, and eat too muuh {1) be beneficial when they have 1)..”‘21 mintnd. ivory farmer should. l Stalflvs of all animals should be knptcl ’eam‘d regulaer m 01y dam}. This IS essential to proserx 0 health a :d it neglect will e311 v become painiully perceptable ii;.itteiiti011 n-r.\ 1v ~-.< --1 "V, 1.- 1' c1155 11:111 1111 had to it at 11111i11111s withou: obliging cattle to go out in 11111 1-0111 wind t111'011g'h snow driirs 11.1111 11 _V paths to supply this .11111.111 extreme cold Weatho 11' 1111'11V' observinw 13111111111 knows 111113' 111) this V. 111111ct1111ce,oite11 suitbring' 101111 before venturinu' m1? . it is a sp111i11s oi cluely to animals that should be avoided 1.111111 at much labor and expense. \1zoth11rimpo1fm1t auxiliary in 1.511111111111111 stock is aVVeIl stored 1110': 110112111 and a tree use. of 1ts 1301111111115. Roots chopped fine are 1‘5111. butter and sauce they relish I v-_~,V H ‘1: 0211111 to the stock The curr) 1".111 1 and brush should be fres q 11111IlV1139d on neat 111itl11,'1 a 1:111 11.1 111411815 to koop th:1 pore: oi tho 1:11 in 11 healthy condition and \\':‘.1(l. oll' diseases. In aword, cattle in winter require constant a 111 good care as a matter ol'st rict 1110110111V', as well as for their own heitlth a'nd comfort. :1 h 2:: in: the 1111mm :1. Su mm and nit: 1111111 blunts 01 out and 00111 111.211. Them can be 110 douLt :1 about its paying to grind the grain Mixint- it with the cut feed e11- 511108 the consumption of the whole with much more relish. nmkn it 21 part 61" his religion i'inough the winter to attend to L‘LHllllg' regularly: V» utm‘ is a vmy important item. lfpa.)ssil)le it shuull be u how ac- with dry hay as you relish those {It'iich‘s upon the bread with your daily meal, and the provident far- mvr will not omit summer labor r m! culture to ensure a good sup- ply for-his herds. ' . '- u 1": Mnscatine Iowa, has a man who offers to wager that he can Whi p any dog m the town With his teeth To MAKE FARMING ATTRACT- IVEâ€"AS a general rule, men like what they succeed with. and soon a--th'1‘c, a. diglikg from i’ailuyes. J render farming attractive, 1erol'ore,take hold of 1t thorough- '. vnemetically, and with both 07:05 open, and you will succeed. {i1 addition to this, make home neat and tasteful. and yoii will San}: acquire such a liking for rural pursuits, that the entice- out of dust, brick blocks, and the confined an" of cities will have no influence. at emsmynv EXTENSION 1 FROM g 0 )1 E )I E E TO School Books of every Description, Tapper l‘hompsmn’s THE (2‘...) <3) '1 i3, SMTSUNEBY, Bit-.3 CAN SAVE MONEY ICINCY AEQ’IOLES FREE EQQKS, C., BACK COFNTRY. BIBLES! C DAL OIL, Oil by tile Barrel, OR GALLON, E’AEETS AR?!) 91148, ROOM PAPER, from us, as we have made special arrangements for their benefit, and are determined to be undersold by none. Thankful for the liberal sup- port accorded us since starting busi- ness, we will show our gratitude by furnishing our customers With the best goods at the Lowest Living Prices. TUPPER THOMPSON, Medical Hall, BOBCAYGEON. BGBCAYGEON. SUNDAY SCHOOL TICKETS, GOOD AND CHEAP. DYE- STUFFS, HYMN BOOKS, «$10., PAPERS AND MAGAZINES ORDERED AT EL BIA. u an. :1; mafia mm m. h... mm”... 55 m...“ ”U of every Description, A Large E? E1 WA 2% I} i" A BEDS, HEAD QUARTER-S BY PURCHASING $533353? ffiEDICiflES, COAL OIL” BOBCAYGEON NORTHERN MERCHANTS BOBCA YGE O N P!!! if as] Jilio‘ .. 1’ Pi (39 ,S HEAD QUARTERS Glasgow, Scotland. MK COUNTRY all English and American CHURCH SERVICES, COAL OIL; LAMPS R0011 PAPER, AND on their way: from ,l’AINTS, OILS, AND TH E FOR THE ock of $L FOR THE OF T0 BE PUBLISHED xx OCTOBER, 1870. NOTICEâ€"Learning that my name has been unwarranmbly uscd in connection with Direc- tories now being canvassed in the Pro- vinccs, and entirely distinct from my works, and that in othcr cases it has been stated that my Directories have been almnaoncd I would request those desiring to given. prefer once to my works to sac that. persons repre senting themSelves as acting for me are fur nishcd with satisfactory credentials. T’ze best Home and Foreign Literature at Club Prices. For TEN DOLLARS, LITTELL’S LIVING AGE, weekly, containing the cream ()t'h‘or- vign Periodical Literature, and either one of the leading magazines of Home Literature named below, will be. sent to one address for one year, viz: Dominion 8: Provincial Direc- tories. Harper‘s Monthlymr Weekly Bazaar) The Atlantic Monthly, l‘u'tmuu's or Lippincott’s Monthly or Applvton‘s Journal (Weekly ;) or, fur $8.50 The Living: Age and the Riverside Maguzinm. Addrvss as above. The Subscriber invites attention whis Stock of Staple giving fifty-tw0 numbers, of sixtyâ€"four pages each, or more than three thousand double col- umn octzwo pages of reading-nutter yearly, enabling- it to present, with it satisfactory completeness nowhere else attempted, The best Essays, Reviews, Criticisms, Tales, Poetry, Scientific, Elographical, He's- to: tea! and Political I nfm malion. Gathered from the entire body of English periodical literature, and from the pens of the ablest living,r writers. From Rev. Henry Ward Beechw'. ‘~ Were l in view of all the competitors that are new in the field tr.) choose, I shnuIri eer- tniuly choose THE LIVING AGE ' ' Nm‘ is there, in any library that I know of, so much instructive and entertaining reading in the same number of vellum-s." 7 Groceries Liquors! HOLLANDS Ontario Farmers’ ............. 106 340 Aglicultuml (London). . . . , .. . . {)7 2-10 ic;1~',cr (Tomnm).. . . . . 55 4-10 CillliilleFullntla, (Hamilton). ._ 43 (3-10 Losscs pxomptly settled: Full amount ofloss on wntunts pzud: 3mm a. van fxcc of postage. An extra Copy sent gratis to am mu: fretting up a Club uf F 1w.- New Subscribu rs. Addxcss Montreal, March 16, 1870. LOWELL’S DIRECTORIES, It is intended to make these Directories the most complete and correct ever issued on this Continent. They are not being prepared by correspondence, but by personal canvass, from door to door, ofmy own Agents for the re- quisite information. I have now engaged on the work in the several Provinces 40 men and 20 horses. These are engaged mainly on the towns and villages off the Railway and Steam- boat routes, important place; on the lines being held till the former is completed, to ad- mit of correction to latest date. HENNE C/J SY, DUPUY PINETS Every uttcmiun paid to customers respectfully snlivitL-d. HEAD OFFICE, r - - WHITBY, Ont. NLY 3501s. a year per 3100 on ordinary Farm Property. The ibllowiug will show its supm‘iurity uy'cr uthcr Companies. Ratio of Assets. Ontario Farmers’ ............. 106 3-|o Aglicultuml (London). . . . , ._ _ . {)7 2-10 3Lu~',cr (Tolmllo), . _ _ 55 4-10 (33.11: 1d: 1. Fnum-ra , (Hamilton-).. ., 43 6-10 of whivh mun: than ONE ill7\ ‘Dhl'D VOLâ€" UMES hm'c'uucu issucd, has recoixcd the uuunmuiutinn of Judge Story, Chancellor Kunt, l’rusidcnt Adams, Historians Spux-ls, Pr; 'scntt, 13:111c1‘uft,1111(lTiclmur Rev. chrv \\ 1111! Ben 1101' and numy others ; and it admit- t'ch} "continues to stand at the head of its class." Herring’s, Codfish, m. Ontario FarmOI‘S’IXIutual FIRE INSURANCE co. GROCERIES LIQUORS SELEETiflfié 0F TEAS ! BRANDIES, PORT SHERRY Old Tom Gin I Boln: n’gcm) IRISH MALT, Whiskeys, Ales, 840. I anticipate issuing, in OCTOBER next, the CANADIAN DOMINION DIRECTORY, and SIX PROVINCIAL DIRECTORIES, which will prove a full index to the Dominion of Canada, Newfoundland, and Prince Edward Island, and a. combined Gathtccr, Directory and Hand Book of the Six Provinces. SCOTCH SUBSCRIPTION T0 PROVINCIAL DIRECTORIES. Province of Ontario Directory, 1870-71 ..$4.00 Province of Quebec 1870-71 ............. 4.00 Province of Nova Scotia. 1870-71 ..... . .. 3.00 Province of New Brunswick 1870-71 . . . . 3,00 Province of Newfoundland 1870-71.. . . . . 2.00 Province of Prince Ed. Island 1870-71.... 2.00 N 0 money to be paid unitil each book is delivâ€" erc . Rates of advurtising will be made known on application to JOHN LOVELL, Publisher. Mantra March 16, 1870. SUBSCRIPTION T0 Dommox Dmnc'rons'. Dominion of Canada Subscribers, $12 Cy. United States do do 12 Gold Great Britain and Ireland do £3 Stg. France, Germany, 8:0. do £3 Stg. IT IS ISSUED EVERY SATURDAY, LITTELL’S LIVING AGE, Special care iws been bustmvcdin the 1-131 WHOLESALE AND RETAIL MAICA RUM! And churul oz‘m-r brands of VVINES, p JOHN L. LOVELL, Publisher. LOVELL’S 30 Bloomfield Street, Boston AND th, 1-“ LITTELL GAY, JUN)" AI'I‘KI-JN 1“. VHALLEY, Agent, Lindsay. pâ€"l -‘.yr ll Comprises all the various articles usually found in a. country store, and many that can generally only be obtained in towns. STOVES AND TINWARE begs to inform the inhabitants of Bobcaygeon, Rokeby and the surrounding coun‘ try, that he has just received the largest stock of All kinds of Tinware kept constantly on hand ~or made to order at the shOrtest notice. Eave Troughs Put, up at the lowest possible rates and warranted to ggve satisfaction. Remember the place, one door North of Mr. Orr’s new stone buxldmg A.“ ‘D-..'l.... _L_,, . Will nge them as good. value for their money as any other merchant in town. His on Boulton street; SUMMER TWEEDS: PRINTS, ' they can b V . _ . . . . e obttuned for 111 any town 111 Canada. He would mute partlcular attention to the Excellent Quality of his Store Furniture, awhlch 13 made by himself of the very best material and in the mest careful manner. A REMINDER ! STOCK OF DRY GOODS Has been selected with care, and embraces several different styles (well made up, and of good material) for both children and adults. He has also an assortment of Grockery worthy the attention of persons requiring anything in that line, as, like all the rest of his goods, it will be sold very CHEAP FOR CASH. HIS STORE IS ALWAYS POPULAR with the juveniles, on account of his extensive display of Toys, of which he has by far the largest stock in the Village. All persons, therefore, young or old, wiudo well. when they have money to spend, to call upon s. McCLELLAND. “-1.--______- n.‘, , n‘.- .A-A NEW GWDS! NEW GOODS! FLOUR- ALWAYS 0N HAND! All of which will be sold as cheap as the cheapest for cash. All kinds af Farm Pro- duce taken in exchange for goods. Remember I am still agent for the “Champion” Lock Stitch Sewing Machine. The cheapest and best m the Dominion, only $18. All orders for Picture Frames, in Gilt or ”road, prwnptly attended to. W The Subscriber is also Agent for CABINET ()RGANS and MELODEUNS, of Fixst- cl 155 make. > BObL “50011, Feb. 19t-,h 1870.1-13'!‘ E. O. KEAT. It is a. mere waste of words to tell people what they know already, but it may be doing them a. real service to remind them of the well known fact that, when they go out to make purchases, TEAS, SUGARS AND TOBACCOES, HIS, STOCEV OF BOOTS AND SHOES A CHOICE LOT 0? GROCEREES! Rokeby, May 10th, 1870. SAMUEL MCCLIELszND IN HIS GROCERY DEPARTMENT Bobcaygeon, February 19th, 1870‘ All parties wishing to furnish their houses, will do well to give the above establish ment a call. Good respectable Furniture cannot be bought UNDERTAKING! The Subscriber having purchased a. good HEARSE, and procured a suitable stock of Furniture and Trimmings, in connection with this part of his business, as well as by observing the strictest punctuality, and moderation in clmrges, trusts to merit a BEST QUALITY OF LUMBER TAKEN IN EXCHANGE FOR GOODS Also a large Stock of Silverâ€"Plated Coffin Trimmings on hand. The trade supplied at ”Moderate Prices. ‘ BOX, PfiRLDUR AND COOKINC STDVES And Very Best MW‘ , all of which he is determined to sell aft {lie-ngest P ’ce . - that Good Furniture can be sold for. n s’ Furniture Wareroams CIâ€"IEka‘EIi IN (LSJJYAEhAL John Anderson, EUEMIUBE- or: w. â€".;unra.sr_ menus. Begs to intimate that he has on hand at his Ware Rooms, William Street, Lindsay, HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, Bobcayseon, September ist, 1870. Parlor, Dining and Bed-Room Furniture Particular attention to suiting his customers with the best quality of Tens. ever brought inâ€"toâ€"this Village, and he is determined to sell them at the I. JUNKIN, ~>N'ails, Glass Putty/.E Coflins.‘ Kept in Stock. BRILLIANTbj, Of the best brands, at prices which no one can objact to. ANDREW ARN BERG Manufacturer of, and Dealer in, all kinds of .- DRESS GOODS; BOBCAYGE ON ‘c how Opening his usual Stock of ..‘ - a large and well assorted Stock of Than it is sold in this place, A FULL ASSORTMENT ()F LIBERAL I’A'J‘RONMJ‘E. ALWAYS ON HAND. ALSO A STOCK 0F WILL BE FOUND sum'rmgs, HOOP SKIRTS, MEN’S BOYS’ HATS PAPER COLLAS, 650 A50. I. JITNIIIN. l-lyr I-lyr 27-3'1n WATCH MAKER, ESTABLISHED 1857, 7 WEST END, KENT STREET LINDSAY. SIGN OF THE DUTCH FLAG. Keeps the largest stack of C. H. KEEVE, Jr., Leaving Bobcaygeon for Bridgmmrflx cwry Monday, Wednesday and Friday morning, at 7 o’clock; and on Turmzzy. Thursday and Saturday/3 :11 1 p.111. “'ill lczwc Bridgcnnl‘th for Bobcaygvon and Lindsay, Monday, ll'edncsâ€" day and Friday, at 10 a.m.; and for Bobcay- goon on Tuesday, Thursday and Suiurrlay, at 4 p. 111. Will have Lindsay fm‘ Bobcaygcon and Bl'idgcnorth, Tuesday, Thursday and Sat. urday mornings at 9.30, connecting with the morning train from Port Hope. THE STAGE Loaves Potcrhm‘ough at, 8.50 3.11)., Monday, ll'cllnc'xduy and Friday; and at 2 p.11: Tuesday, - luzrxrluy and Saturday, WFor Frcight and passage apply on board or to L. McGrcgur, I’uLL-rboruugh and C. chett, Lindsay. 1870. OGELWAH. 1870. THE STEAMER "UGEMAH" CALL AND SEE I March 11th, 1870. 3-6121 Door Factory ! ! The subscriber is building new mills of a different and more expensive style, being geared, and therefore will not apply the machinery now in use. Bobcaygeon, April 1, 1870. And its surrounding country, {11:th thuy haw- nuw Ssiimntvs giv-sn fur all kinds 14'“on in the- fflvth' “ll". 3E3? Plans and Specifications carefully prepared. Bobcaygcon, February 19th, 1:470. 1-131- The above are of modern and approved description. Monday,2nd ofMay, Pififiififi, MOULDING, SHARE THEIR PATRONAGE F. W. BICK {Jonmmwed Business Strict Attention EfiflfiE i’fi @EE‘EEéEfi for a grist mill, including smut mill. Doors 8; Window Sashes POI‘k Packen Removed tn the head of William St, Lindsay, One Block above the Registry Office. House, Sign, Flag Ornamental PAINTING . WATER WHEELS AND SOME BEARING Groceries Provisions, PLAIN AND NANCY PAINTING Druggists’ - Every kind, gbt up in Gold, Silver, Jet, Colors, c., 5:9. Remember the placeâ€"Head of William Street, one‘Block above the Begistzy ofiw, Lindsay. Lindsay, April 1, 1870. 5-tf ANTED DIMEDI A,TELY from 50, 000 to 100, 000 Shint'les of good quality. to be delivered at Bobcaygeon. C. L. BAKER, FALRDI PROI)ITCE. Inhabitants of Bobcaygeon, Shingles Wanted. GEO. WRIGHT’S M. BOYD. Bobcaygeon, April 15th, 1870. 7 ARPEXTERS mid BI'UJJERS, lu-g must respectfully Iv intunu thu William Street, - Lindsay. Executed in the most Artistic mummy WATCHES, Will wmmchc her rv'rular tri )s on C Lindsay, May 4th, 1870 April with. 1870 \\'lI\'D0\V BASH, BLIND AN!) To all 0111ch entrust-d t0 thvm tn 'ATER WHEELS and Machinery to drive fluee'gaws in a, saw mill. Also, UN THE SHORTEST .\'H'l‘l(‘l \\ 1101' 5:.) land Retail 1k: do: in' HIGHEST PRICEQPAID FOR In the thovc linv. and hop: 1w ORDERS SOLICITED FOR GRAI\ DEAL R AND FOR SALE. was, 7 W Waxy/dc (f Every dcscriptzmx (if JEWELLERY. FANCY GOODS; BOOM PAPER and WINDOW BLINDS. ()F ALL K! N I).\‘ BU BCAY ( i RUN M BOYD. 5-tf 10-] )‘l‘ 931' muss mouse xon'ru. l’urt Kept-,dcpart Millbmuk, arrive. . . . . . . . . . . l’ctu‘lmrough, arrive .oo.-.-.o-. 'nuuxs Jzowxa sornz. Peta-borough, down-t“ . . . . . . Millbrook, arrive Port Hope, arrivu PQRT HOPE, LINDSAY BEAVERTOI RAILWAY, AND Port Hope, (Sr Peterboro’ Railway TIMEâ€"TABLE. TRAINS :10va 808111 Pm- Thorou‘rh, 'dcpart M 1 l‘ 1 bx 00k . arrive 1’01: Hupc. aurh o.-........ .....-...-. muss Home Port Hope depart Lindsay, depart ....... Millbrouk, arriVe ...... Port Hope, arrive ..... Millbrooii, arrive. . . Pctcrborough, arrive 1~tr , mums Mouse Port Hope, depart Millbrook, arrive Lindsay, arrive ...... 7 All advertisements sent in without mitten instructions will be inserted until {orbldnnd churned accordingly. mums xovxxa Port Hope, depart. . . . Millbrook, arrive ..... Lindsay, arrive ....... Lindsay dc Ma. Millllrook arrive: Port Hope. arrive Six lines and under, first insertion. . . .$0 50 Each subsequent insertion. . . . ....... 0 l2§ Six to ten lines, first insertion . . . . . .. . 0 80 Each subsequent insertion . . . . . . ..... 0 20 For each line above ten, first insertion 0 8 Each subsequent. insertion. . . . . .. . . . . 0 2 A liberal discount allowed to Herc-mut- and others, who advertise by the year, but year or «maria. M'mlen d} Bobcag/geon. 'i‘ln- Slagv will lvuvc Bu Tussrmy, Tumsnn’ and SAN]: u.m., and return tlm samc on Fair moderate. Parcels at owners unless bookcd and ma In Burn-ls and Bugs, to suit all onszomers. OAT AND L‘ultXMBAL, Graham .8; Buck Wheat Flour CUNSI‘AN'I‘LY UN HAND. my Pat-tics indebted must pay up a} éncc: or costs will certainly be incurred. 20-! y. JOB PRINTING “our, c., Bradfield 6; Cluxton’s old Stand, Bokeby‘ Keeps always on hand '1‘ 1-2. '1‘. H 11‘] UW“ will In found all ('8’ kinds m Faring: and Draught Harness and us 110 im' mls s‘ Hing Hum but a good ar- tic-1m !n h..I-\t>':illtx~u1m- :mdM-chisstuck It, fuz‘c gm"! 11.; 1- 1M “m r: . Col/an- am] all otlwr war/r m1 "rd/rim]. Saddh-s cheaper than ever. \\'hip< 1:1 c-ndlass variuy. Carpet Bags. La- diva San lu 1:;qu a ,'_"t' m- -raI variety of uthcr 111le “gm for the \\ anzer. Lockman Ravnumd N “in: Machines. Needles, oil and nil-cans. 101‘ sewing {Inching-s always kept. Terms-$13 Year in Advance! with which he may be favoured, will be execut. ('d in a. style equal to that of any country oflicc and at moderate rates. BY ED. HAND At his Ofiice, Boulton Street, ('1 uniform] ’1 on hil't', at l"; Farm Produce. Bobcaygeon, May 26th, 187 . Lindsay. I‘ THE BUBCNYGEUN INDEPENDENT BUSINESS CARDS, Bushmss Cards of 5 lines (pcrannum).. Each lim- above 5 .................... Cats and Pease. (‘ieeagp Harness Store! FRESH TEAS, DEALER IX Groceries, Gum'gle‘s Livery Stabiég T/(e [Iigllest Cash Price PAID FUR ALL Every description of len and Ornament“ Choice Family Flour, Rates of Advertising. N and after Monday, Nov. 22,1869, Train will run as follows :â€" TEALVS KOVIN G SOUTK.â€"m- l-If PETERBOROUGH SEC ROYAL 31-le STAGE Every Saturday, 0TH ER ADVERTISEMENTS. mums House YORK STREET, LINDSAY A few hundred bushels of l'lllS 1’1 '0 ‘7. Is}: )1 IS .3HERWGOD A LOT UP CHOICE str ARRIVED. v «'(v!n’("\'ill)(’(‘ LN tlmlrll' rutv: s on hand It good supply C. L. BAKERS IS PFBLISHED u 4;: Ivan v Dulx'uyguon «very sun and SATan', at 6 o'clock ‘11 [hr 5:me awning. to. Parcels at the risk of the booked and paid for. BRIAN (1‘. L'NIGAL. 19!)». 1970 Bit I’WEEN A. T. WILLIAMS, Supt Ira \‘c Bubca rm v ram-s .... . ...... 10.10 8.111. ...... ......]l.35 “ ............ 12.35 pm. : seamâ€"mm. sownâ€"«Inm‘ BRIAN U L'NIGLE. SOUTH.â€"XIXED. mungâ€"1 F lour, s and grand horses ..o\‘~ I.â€"MAIL 9.35am, ...11.35 “ 1.10 pm. . “12.35 pm. . . . 2.35 “ . . . 4.20 “ . 9.10 “ TION. PM; Hi ctor 3.00 p.111, 4-25 U 6.30 “ 8.15 pm. 2.35 « 3.20 n 3.30 p.m. 4.20 a 55.45 pm. l-Iyr h! l-tt of

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