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Bobcaygeon Independent (1870), 17 Dec 1936, p. 2

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Hon. Earle Rowe is right in regard ing it as a votc of csndemnation. If the East Hastings vote was re vtlting by reason of the statements and accusations of thev arious speak (rs, including the premierd t was en- tirely due to Mr. Hepburn’s decisiou to. precipitate unrestricted vocal war in which he was the lira: principal. Inh is blind manner f taking up and pursuing a task the premier electe- ed to contest the traditionally Con- servative riding and with that issue bold challenges tr: the Conservative leader to defend himself.. The result should impress him with. the fact that the people of Ontario are not in accord with his ministiv and their practices IS HE CONVINCED As the result of the East H-utmfb by. election, Premier Haphum may allow truth to break through his cloak of conceit to come to a realiz- ation of the unpopularity of his government. HIE INDEPENDENT RAGE FOUR hown above on their arrival in Canada in the ("anadian Paci- fic Steamships freighter Beaver- brae are several sheep that will mean a. great deal to «'anadian farmers in the future They are a gift to the Province of Ontario from the Kerry Hill Flock Book Society in North Wales and are an outstanding breed of general utility sheep, which. due to their adaptability to any environment, M. THURSTON, Pub. New Breed of Sheep far Crap Farmers BANK OF MGM TREAL at CHRISTMJS Tuna. .. ‘ Then with aplck 111' OLE-TmiS Finn 2:11."? mya {act At 1.02 ;.'.1:1. :89”; Edvard ceased to " moment the quiet. Dui- came King. '1 lie greatefl . .. -‘-~ n grave up Edward VIII tod el his oldest h"? 1... Ali Arthur Go 7' l. an it< In three swili 21mm of ("ominous my! Lug-«1:: abdication 01' t'.- sow (”$9 man-i119": ta: :1 UV Americani nsti‘“. 4f 1 crawn. ERBM 53m 36} WE BF Â¥i§3§§€ 3‘! SIMffifi‘E‘ifi ACE” 1 11111111 mm .\l w 31m; \111 1. 21)“ 1 e111: n rs. products of generations of breeding with the most careful methods of selection being exer- cised, are destined for the Ontario Agricultural Society at Guelph, from where the strain is expect- nm expected to gain rapid favor in this country. The ~Sift of the pen of ten ewes and one mm was arrange through the good offices of W. Rupert Davies. president and editor of the Kingston. Ont, “high-Standard. These prize win- Friday perhaps by British war-i . . . for presents â€"â€" for purchases â€"â€" or for any Other purpose â€"~ you will find Bank of Montreal moncv orders convenient. econumical and absolutely â€" can always be obtained promptly at any office of Canada's oldesr bank. safe. Monev orders MODE? \\ F\PH?'F\"‘I‘"Â¥ d \\[\I.\'Gb SER‘V’. ( 13 Bobcaygecn Branch: L. B. SH‘LJEEE‘1' Magaggr FUR Estabiishcd 18 1 7 Ir, u! ”I SAN! OF MONTREAL lam sending Jimmy away { PIKE-7D FUR SAT 4 KITJz' !.II.‘-.\'7."\ FRANFIC 2333's! a (u'. AIL-err Froac‘.‘ “n it< film-no. mum. tine House ,m'dy. n1; run-J 1M L‘4 BANK [WONEY ORDER ,, mumnnrfl @- pi‘CCiFiOII, a royal wwm'oign \vhu nx'icv-zlivorcm mm HL‘; 21X 111.. the Wham: cf 11‘) } .xzn out n or drafts for larger amounts 11:0 ('11'111 and p121: At that ",rl‘: bu- ,v‘oboulms yn (IF An idea. of the economic and euzcnic value of the gift pen may be derived from the fact that the eleven animals took first prize at the annual Kerry Hill Sheep Fair where some 10,000 to 15,000 sheep were shown. Besides being able to withstand bleak weather. these sheep are handsome and symme- trical. and will, it is felt, prove of great value to Canadian farmers. Edward goes into self-banishment ham of all his titles except Prince Edward, which court; circle: expected him to retain. (:eorg'eV I likely will u-M’cr a dukr-‘iom on him as .2». marl' 03' irihcrly z‘.i‘:'«-(.-ti0n. Shortly hefore the announcement 01 Edward's abdication was made in parliament. the King’s persanal pil- ot. Flight Lieutenant Edward Fiel- den «Iowa to the airdrome. He will was there today with the plane in readiness. Airplane Awaiting Th:â€" crow 01' one of Edward’s airplanes :m'niting' at Handon air- dxx'mm- ready, if the orders to take into x'ohmiaryc xiic the first English king to abdicate for love. Tomorrow ad‘tcmom heralds will formally proclaim his brother Kingâ€"n as (lung‘e VI. :zhip mlwaul A expects t.) mass the channel ta Fl'zmcc. to ho mar Wallis \vzulield Simpson. the woman he loves. It “'21 reported he would sail at YY‘idIllfiht, from Drver. His destinat- icn was not disclosed. Filst.a t 10 o‘clock (5 1).m.. E.S.T. he will talk by radio to the Empire. BANK or morass“. ONTARIO ARCHIVES 'IS“. not 137408 753:. mam TORONTO BOBSAYGEON INDEPENDENT UT The brood sow deserves her fair share of winttr accommodation A oen that is well bedded dry and free {'x'Om draughts is essential. Place the feed trou'gh some distance away so that she is forced to exercise outdoor daily. Eradicate lice and round worms TU their homes they soon sped. all disgrunted and sore;” “You’ve spoilt our whole evening “TOm angrily cried. “Twill be a 5010, when I sing any more." Said’ Tabby, then sulked in resentment and pride. Their noise woke the farmer, who emptied his chest of tools rund their ears, while Tom ducks and squirms The dog: yelped in glee. and the farm- 31- exprezsed his wrath in the most unmistakable terms, But :1 discord arose; ’twas most horribly queer. and each blamed the other, I‘m told by the moon, said Tabby “Dear Tom, pray excuse, but I fear your bass in that line is a mite out cf tune. “Ch 110,!" Said our Tommy. “I’w. sung this before; You’- ve soprano and alto all mixed up I swear”, Then they argued and scold- ed. they - ratched and they tore till their fine new spring coats were a sight tr. l,e seen. Court and government officials! believed Ge‘c rgeY I could be crownedi, {at Westminstm Abbey May 12. the Idate set for the coronation ~cf Ed-f iwa1d.Th'e delay, if any would be I I only 3, few weeks thev said. I Their Innsehold arranged, to flu roof they soon sped to to practice duets by the light nf the moon: Th-r little stars giggled and winked over- head, and the air was all perfumed with roses of June. 021. 'twas “Hi (“(1le (lid(ile," that story so old, (:1 the hrcachy old cow who jumped {H'- 91' the moon; The little dog: tickled such Sights to he held. and the gallant y-c-ung' Dish that «sloped with Lhc spoon. WINTERING THE BROOD SOVV Horse Clippers Sharpened Keys Made. Locks Repaired (By Amelia Crowe) Tommy and Tabby were n‘arried in May; on leaving her mother, fair Tabby shed teara. Said Tammy. “We’ll make a fine house in the hay. and live on fat mice all the rest of the years. The twins sang most sweat 1y, our wedding to cheer. But I think we can beat them. with practice, you see: So when the moon shines, and the stars twinkle clear. We’ll invite all our f2iends to a concert and tea.” The 30-hour week. which the con- \‘entizin is expat ted to demand but which has amused controversy as to whether it should be sought th'ugh legi=-lation now pending in congress 1‘? by the direct action of orannizu’ labor. With wcrkers ranks split by sus- pension of 1.000,000 members in the committee for industrial organiza- tions. the :36t hannual cnvention pre- pared to wind up two weeks of ses- sions elect officers and choose a con- vention city for 1937. Denver, Phil- adelphia and Montreal were passible choices. Sfith CONVENTION WINDIBG L'P --MONTREAL BIDS FOR NEXT YEAR'S LOCALE ....'[‘he American Federation of Labor convention ends to-day with it demand for shortrr iiTUI's of work and greater old age security for the nation’s lab- oring: millions. The final business hours develop- ed important decisions on fwur pro- hlems: 30-HOUR WEEK [ABUR DEMAND William St, N. Lawn Mowers Geo. W. Shepherd’s Sharpened and Repaired TOMMY AND TABBY Fine Machine Work a Specialty Next Post Building LINDSAY { LADIES TO DISCUSS FALL FAIR i Rural women with ideas on tne improvement cf fall fairs will have an opportunity to expressa nd dis- cuss them, if plans of the, Ontario Association of Agricultural Societies I develop, as expected. '- For.the first firm: a “nun; W hen. in falling dusk a1 bell. I ask for no Iyi: tary stones. I’d only liki You feel that I’ve been guy. Finally, 0 God if fate seems I: up- percut me with both hands and I'm laid on the shelf of sickness or old age cr something, help me to fake that a part of the game, too. Help me not to whimper or squeal that the game was a frame-v.3) or that I had a. raw deal. The New York State medical jour- nal, printed for int-n who mus: see plenty of suffering at ('lOSC hand, recently carried the following: “Dear God: Heln me to be a sport in this little game of life. I dwn‘t ask for any eas3 place in the lineup play me anvwhme \ou need me. I only as k for the stuff to fiixe th u on e hundred per cent of “hat I’xe got. If all the hard drives seem to come my way, I thank you for the compli- 1ent. {Help me to remember that You won't ever let anything come my way that You and I together can’t lhandle. Andi help me to take the bad breaks as part of the game. Help me to understand that the game is full of knots and knocks and trouble, and make me thankful. for them. Help me to get so that the harder they come the bettn- I like it. And, 0 God help me to alwa\s play on the square. No matter that the other plavers do, help me to comel clean. Help me to qtudy the Book soi that I’ll knew the rules, am!’ to study and think a lot about the Greatest Player that ever Lived, and other great players. If tlzev found out th t the best pait of he gar. :e “as help- ing other gUVS “ho N018 out of luck, 1 help me to find it out, too Help me! to be a regular fellcu \\ith the other players. Nature packs sme wallops that can make mast of Us whimperâ€"at least momentarily. We are told that this is the way the old (lame some- times takes of bringing- out. (21‘ testâ€" ing out. our best. It was said of the “Beloved Sin” of heaven that he was madep crf'fl“, through suffer-115;. CAN YOU TAKE ['1‘ LUCIE .‘a MAN? At the coronation of Edward VII in 1.9022 Que-en Alexander was cr::wn- ed by the Archbishor) of York, I)l‘.l MacLag‘an merely to save more fat-. igue for the agedA rchbishop of Can- terbury, Dr. Temple. The latter, then 81 died the folowing December. Dr. emple nearly collapsed when, after; 'rrcwning the King, he followed other} members of the royal family inl kneeling homage to Edward. The! l newly crowned sovereign tenderly as fisted the primate to rise. Delivered Sermon , At the coronation of King, George: V and Queen Mary in 1911 both; crowning's: were performed by the Archbishop of Canterbury the late‘ Dr. Davidson. But the Archbishop, of York, Dr. Lang, now Archbishopj of Canterbury was invited to preaChl I the sermon. l The Archbishop of York it seems has no official place in the Corona- tion ceremcny. Canterbury is pri- mate of England. Before this dis-- tine-Lion was estblishod in ages long- distant, it led to actual physical tus- sles between the {‘01 mmto-. DUKE ()F YORK’S ACCESSION ALSO MEANS CROWNING OF QUEEN CONSORT LONDON. Eng. Dec. 11â€"Accession to the throne ofth e Duke of York means an imputunt addition to the coronation cere:1mny~-that of crow- ning: a queen comm-t. will result. there is no market for them. Feed a mixture of grains to maintain the sow in fair flesh but use barley spar- ingly unless the sow is very thin. Pro vide clover or alfalfa hay to be eat- en at will. Be kind to a sow, but not “too kind”, or week unthrifty pig's CEREMONY TO BE ENLARGE!) FIR CORONATION first time a separate meet ng dugk, I get the fin- ‘r no lying complimen- only like to know that a good, game ‘_-, u unwlU divine Serviceâ€"every Sunday the second and last in me m 2.30 p. m. Holy Communion~second Sur. 11.00 a. In. 313. Alban’: 111...“; .L - ‘_~- VA£U Rev. M. B. Gillian, Pastor 10.00 a.m.â€"â€"Bible School 21.00 armâ€"Worship 7.30 p.m.~GospeI Service Prayer Service Thursday am urday Evenings 8 pm. Evening Serviceâ€"every Sunday *1 In BOBCAYG EON BAPTIST CH U RC“ Capt the 2nd in the mnnfiu 9‘ 7.30â€"Mid; -JJIIV Eave Troughing. Plumbing, Repairing IXH orders receive pronqpt attention JAARKET SQUARE BOBCAYGEON Office opposite Mansion- FENELON FALLS. I KNOX PRESBYTERIAN McLAUGHLIN. FULTOA’, STI ANDERSON 'iarn'sters, Solicitors Offices at Lin.J Isl ay ram A. M. FultonB .A.." Notaries ‘ Fonelon . _ If. S‘mms Ran-Esters. Solicitors. C1 “Aye so, said the milman, “and another difference is that the cmv doesn’t giVe credit." “The difference between thc-h (my and them ilkman,’ sneered the dis- gruntled customer,, “is that the cow gives milk. No division of the fair is more im- pcrtant than the Women’s Departâ€" ment and there are no more ardent workers than the lady directors. 1: is hoped. where at all possible, thew will be at least one lady delegau from each Society. ing of women delegates is beirzg- ar- ranged, as part of the amguai :12!"- cultural Society Couventinn, to in- held in Toronto, Feb. 11-12, 191:7. Miss Bess McDermand, Director m“ the Women’s Institute Branch has kindly undertaken to provide demonâ€" stratirns and leaders for discussion. An afternoon will be devoted to pru- -hlen::; confronting: Women’s Commit tees. V__ --.4 uu auuz.‘ug Kent and “Cambridge Streets Lindsay, Ont â€" Phone 41 Branch Officeâ€"Bobcavm-on. ever Woollard’s Drug Store Tuesday Afternoon L. M. FROST. K. C. (‘ (: mm: Rev. D. Muan Minister Morning Scrvicckll a..m Evening Sen’ice, 7. p. m. S. S. [and Adult Bible Class 1 )n TRINITY UNITED CHURCH Rev. J. Leach. Pastor The House of Friendship Service-11 a. m. Serviceâ€"7.00 p.m. Bible Stud‘V‘ThurQflaxv «L O ,, sarrlswrs. Solicitors C gnces. ...OF-FICE TEMPLE B‘L INC. . B. Anderson. K.C . V. Fulton, B. A. Office on R. W. DONALD AFFLECK BARRISTER, SOLICITOR AND NOTARY PUBLIC A.-. St. THURSDAY DECEMBER 17th um; rt. John’s Church, Dunsfozw n . Mid-week Sex vice Always Welcome DR. R. G. SCOTT Dentist aver Ken. Griffin’s Shep FROST FROSQI . E. mom-2w: TINSMITH. "â€"every Sunday (ex. the month) at 11.00 .second Sunday a; and Fonelon Fails Cards at Knox unaay except me month at rown A terns 'fin’s Bx l‘er N. STINSON atSpm, CHURCH .‘J Houée ‘. G. FROST PHONE 44 10 am. at 7.00 ON Etc. summer of infested by Quebec and painfully y: and 1186985“. The El ma nnm R0:

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