_____â€"_â€"-____â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"-â€"'â€"_ Ros-BEER..â€" ReOpening of Schools. EDITORIAL 1mm TheOntarloleglslz-turchasbeencslled! 1391. 1991. tomeet for the despatchof Won Wednesday,thc11thochbruary. ...“..m ï¬st...†ï¬ght...“ â€"â€" ï¬lmww- “en‘s... n y I n â€"cocnvll.â€" “mguwthdrlcheolncoksat mentnryparty;_____ â€"â€" _ Mm â€an.“ an“ a Li dalelectloneontestsarc in ' I wish to mm PUBLISHERS PRICES. «11...... ...... annual-mucous. Whermnm 5: Wm... .. m. a... WW†,1 smoinoonuusaml m mmgflflanun Nominationstakeplaceto'dsan polling ndmmmm m hung,“ "who: Sm mud anthems-d. Mr. Hush mimic-2;]: mummwgsgmmgg W â€3"†Linden IsaddreBSingmeeï¬nS‘ " inm- mammal-manom-m Indoor. Jams. lashâ€"r. F 0. Ta» tor. Bl'llllll American Assurance Bul- FIRE AND MARINE. Incorporated 1833. flood onceâ€"mush Andean Buildingr. “Mind ScottStreeto. Toronto. â€"â€" 30m 0' DW Jens )losmsex. Esq. J. Y. Run). Esq. Jonx Lars. Esc- M 0.9:“!- ' ‘ ‘ “rm. not 3.2233.“ - - ' - %3 all IORISOI- ESQ, JOIII lEYS. ESQ†Governor. Deputy-Governor. o F. C. TAYLOR, Agent. bind-my. â€"-â€"â€"__________â€"â€"â€"'_____-= Bank of Montreal. BANK? OF MONTREAL. 313.000.â€. 6.“.000 m--'-- A SAVINGS DEPARTMENT has been opened in connec- tion with this branch. In- terest will be allowed at current rates. A. P. D. MAGGACEEN, Mrs B. F. Jewett. FRESH OYSTERS Ahoy-“ma; sold by the quart or gallon. ALSO SERVED BY THE PLATE Oll Ill ANY STYLE. LUNCH“ AT ALL HOURS. Christmas and New Years Cakes made and decorated to order, a specialty. A!†first-class assortment of CHRISTMAS GOODS. comprising Toys. Christmas Cards. 300.. which will be sold at low prices. MRS. B. F. JEWETT. Lind-9. Dec. 11. 1890.41. “NT-ST. Uh: Estonian ï¬nal. ______________.â€"â€"â€"â€" LINDSAY. FRIDAY, J ANUABY 16, 1891. We: .................. . -...4.170. ONTARIO REFORM CONVEN- HON. The announcement in the Globe that the Hon. Mr. hurler, leader of the lib- eral party of Canada, “ after consultation “ with the representative leaders of the “ party in Ontario, has decided to issue a “ call for a provincial convention of llb- “ erals to be held at Toronto during “ February,†will meet with hearty ap- proval and support. It is suggested that each riding should take early steps to select a number of delegates. The pro- portion has not yet been stated, but no doubt a large number will be named from each constituency. The date of the con- vention will be announced at an early day. It will be a notable gathering of represen- tative reformers. A reunion that may be addressed by Messrs. Laurier Mackenzie. Blake, Cartwright, Mills, Patterson and other Dominion leaders cannot fail to have an inspiring effect on the party and become advantageous to the country. The two or three great issues of the day and the numerous minor questions can have ample treatment. We trust there will be a full represenâ€" tation from the ridings in this district. Any information will be furnished by Mr. W. T. R. Preston, general secretary, On- tario Reform Club, Toronto. or by the secretaries of the local organization’s. * m COUNTY POOR HOUSE QUESTION. We place before our readers this week the report of the special committee ap~ pointedat the June man of the county council on the poor house question. This report was need at the December session, mdisansble, eahaustiveandinteresting document. “It makes out a very clear e-ein favor of establishingand maintain- ing a suitable building as the most ductiveandmost economical method of pcovidingmpportfortheagedandinï¬rm indigent people that ex'ut in the com- munity. Itisalsothe kindlialt and the “We plan. The valuable ex- puince of the fouccumty institution PORTER’S BOOKSTORE. w the high tax-til! n" 'l I "Almhgih'f'nm‘mshwa lama-W â€mm- Toronto Globe : Between . W 0““ Nude. prance men in the States who won’t hat him’tolel: waggggï¬aigzg ° Folio. Real Estate and m andthehightarldmenherew owon e versaIGollege cg. o Order-“taken . himbuytothebeet advantage, the Cana- wmmngEPh-Dfl . my J. H. SOOTHERAJN . dian farmer occupies a tlon not unlike BELL RE“. 58““ “O “a O. A. METH thatof “Little Billâ€in emournful n'FlllE All) UTE IISOM Am. in of the “Three Sailors of Bristol City,†who book 8110“ and we!“ to 3“; mu sum. LINDSAY. Saysguzrdoi-nfhck to Mfmiu Just opp. New Post once. ....m yonâ€"â€" slyly“ Jimgh 'Jsokv. muons ‘°’ ‘3' oxsnrnox one“ 2:: m memo: mm - w“. hagvlegng vvlktttloeasowogusteatwc." m mwos. nae-clams mad. or mason. w. S sguzzlmg‘ so any; unm. ,.: . l.--ss. mmmwmm myohwm-“mvwgu “Ind“ .2291. , 15.189 ï¬gwamumm New Advertisements. OTF LOST.â€"On or about my own pron: 5:5. Janetvllle.o note of the value of 325 «we: zy-flve dollars) drawn in my flavor. lgDsnIol $1 .w. to mature on 1st of Marchml. epubllo are warned not to negotiate sold “ There's little Bill. as is young and tender; We’re old and tough so let’s eat be. Oh Bill.we’regolng cohlll andeatyou; So undo the collar of your chance. There is something delightfully enter mining in the Globe’s suggestion that Mr. Dewdney should be sent to “ Darkest Africa†to open up new avenues of trade with the inhabitants. thereof. in imitation mum-Innate“ mmmumoxmum cantata- MONEY TO {DAN on Approved Induced Notes at lowest rates. MORTGAGES BOUGHT AND SOLD. REALMATEWMWGW of Mr. Foster’s visit to the West Indies. ANCING AND DEPORTMCENT.â€" It requires no powerful imagination to pic- PH F. 5': GAIN. “an. PERTIES Rented and Tenllfl W ture the unrestrained joy of the Avissibbs m to annoouhce that he has . on short warriors or the tribes of Bangula. if the form purpose stylus lmsgumtamd ‘uwme P "r for Rent. well-groomed and rotund Superintendent- Gencral wereto appear before them as a trade commissioner. "What richness,†once he conï¬dently anticipates a very from the gentry of Lindsay and tron-go gag?" £191“ olfofw reparbeld anglvo lessons in o es. s silo» e ding. Round special . rootutresoonablc cos. lftameuaudown- t’ farms wuftlieeve ln thdr m and she lessened “as": . some ......3 ...... .. .. .. .... .. 'eswo com e or e ‘ ' - can" en's on y are bone†and the "eluding?†This would be «layeva _ at "launch. full particulars ofm short deuce. July Sneatflï¬mnï¬mé “ï¬n“ puld e :fkthe c ' a; awash; “ “a Tu and August no the pedom- mcothl to secure ay. er 8118 - 81' 8‘70 m e“ I...†' um. nrlng Eodtenants. nowaersofmmcuunotccmo from the Private swlllbeglveuany carbon-son totowmwrltoforblauktcrmto dllupand more popular commissioner gust-mu to Mwanga point of-view or rather int of taste. Certainly Mr. Foster woul never do. When they re edhis attenuated ï¬gure they would 8 mply exclaim in the words of a lamented po itician. “there ain’t nuthin’ to it.†By all means send Mr. Dewdny up the Congo. An Soho tom the Battleï¬eldâ€"Ir. J. S. harks Cornered on ma last Ward. Speech. The celebrated speech of Mr. J. S. Lurks at the east ward meeting in the recent Dominion election campaign in South Vic- toria was not intended for simulation in other parts of the country and especially In Oshawa, and, therefore Mr. Lurks endeav- ored to get out of the difï¬culty by stating that the report printed in T81: GLOBE and Tan Pos'r was false. Mr. Luke stands convicted. however, by the following cor- respondenoe: [To the Editor of the Oshawa Reformer.) Sla,--In a late issue of your paper there appears a letter from Mr. J. S. Lurks, of your town, in which he presumes to deny, though in a somewhat gingerly manner, necessary b balanceeasystepercent. â€"F in th townshl of $6,000 muffin one 0mile of Llhdsaypm acres;goodfrsme dwelling. mmxm. noblest! xsoft. - 8 000â€"111 township ofOpcm mwlth $ : or! seen Warsaw twogoodgolllnghouseswlthstccofound- tomakcthc can possibly be disposcdof. andwcwouldsayifyou havcnotboughtyour Winter Ova-coats we would ask you to look at our $4.00 , a tragic form into one of our $5.00 W m " h†“m.†‘° “W“ CLOTHING, which embrace Men’s, Boyr cud Youtb’: Suits. Pant: m! ammo. twelve FUR COATS in Men's, about eight LADIES’ ASTRACHAN MANTLES, and about three dozen MEN’S FUR CAPS, which we are going to make every effort to dispose of. Proï¬t is not the con- sideration with these goods ; turning them into cash is of more consequence. MONEY To max on m u low We have the facility for making Sealette Mantle: up in a very handsome style. Cops, Mufli‘, Collar: or Mitt: will receive prompt attention. Low Cask Price: has newr been undersola’ yet. everything in Dry Goods that you will require visit us iu the NEXT THIRTY DA Y5 and secure these bargains. - - - the truthfulness of a report that appeared in the Globe of a speech that was delivered by him as a parting shot at Lindsay during the late 80th Vlctorls campaign. Having been present at the meeting in question. I unhealtstlngly afï¬rm that every paragraph in the Globe report, in so far as it purports to represent the utterances of Mr. Larke upon that occasion, is absolutely correct. I was so amazed at the black min which he painted as existing in the town of Osha- wa, that I took the precaution in my remarks, when following Mr. Lurks, to remind the electors what that gentleman had sold. having two or three objects in view. (1) To give him an opportunity to set hlmself right, if my hearing had played me false, in the presence of these before whom he and myself were then appearing. (2) To fasten his responsibility, so that he could not afterwards brazen a denial, us I had known blm to do upon previous occu- sions. (3) And to expose hls dishonesty and bvpocrley bv contrasting the remarks he had then made about his own town with the character of the prosperity speeches that ho had delivered upon other occasions during that campaign. In order that there might be no misunderstanding I mentioned maggots that he had referred to in regard to own sen'atimâ€"the depopulstlonâ€" the depreciation In the value of the town properlyâ€"the $43,000 bonuses to factories that might as well have been thrown away â€"the purchase by the town ofan $80,000 factory property for $15,000. which had been given to smanufacturlng ï¬rm as a bonus, and which was again on the hands of the ratepayers-tho recent sole of a 840,000 factory equipment for $8.000â€"hls expressed willingness to part with his $35,000 interest In the foundry for one-third the amount so that he might leave the placeâ€"and others to which reference need not now be made. Mr. Lsrko sst within ten feet of where I stood as I reminded those present that these alarming state- ments had just been made by him in their hearing. Iclolmcd thut,lfsuch was whatlhe nstlonal policy had done for Oshawa. where there was a lake shipping port. In addition to the fact that it was on the main line of the Grand Trunk railway, it was high thus the N. P. was swept out of existence. and that that War: more important than a prob. lemsticsl C.P.R. connection. And you Mr. Luke did not enter a protest signifying his dissent in any way whatever from my account of what hehad been saying. al- though there wasample timetodoso. Under such circumstances I think I can claim, with some degree of reasonableness, that Mr. Luke's denial. While it may be worthy of hlmJa not one that can now be accepted by the pu‘ollc.--Yours v truly. W. . B. Passron. Toronto. Jan. 6th. 1891. (To the Editor of the Reforms“ LINDSAY, Jan. 5th, 1891. Simâ€"Mr. Luke’s utterances about Osha- wa and the Grand Trunk railway. at a meeting to Lindsay. South Victoria, refeu- ' ed to in the Globe and CANADIAN Pos'r can be proved by many responsible persons here as being correctly reported. -Yours truly, D. R Almanacs. HE LA. 9138' JOURNAL. GMammiaMumm roam Ouodollsrwlllgot youThoIAdles’Jour- nalforonoyesr. Ifyousond mm:- worstotho following questionsalcng with yourdcllanWhorelntho bible clothe-o wordsnrstfound.(l) Money. (2) Goal, (3) Wood;andlfyour loner Is the diatom ucdvodatThoLadlos’Journalodlco any a-nploeopycfrholloum-l ‘ a'Partloo having Proportleeforsno can have them Advertised wlthoutOoot. as lmako no charge except when a salolaeflooted. a Parties having rropertytonont willhavothols “unattended“ and no Charge made until Ionantla Pro- vldod. C'Partlos wantzngte Buyer Benton cordially lavltodtooauatmy mm nonumumwm ) loo: ovor my mate. ' ~ ' . a Working men. mechanics and others $3.0. 9m! â€.05. nppuou with noun or no:- on the n- mâ€? H. 800mm. Ofllcc. Kent-st. Lindsay. Lindsay. June ï¬lth. lm-O'l. The Ladies2 Journal. 1891. 1891. THE LADIES’ JOURNAL BIBLE cnggETITIuN In the next issue of The Ladies’ Journal the Next ï¬fteen. Each a Flue Pair of Ram editor of that popular monthly will announce a Steel Sol-sore. Value 82. ............ 8 m new competition. The questions Wlu be as Next Five. Eacha Handsomcly Bound in followmâ€"Where in the Bible are the following Morocco Cover-family Bible. Beauti- words ï¬rst found: 1. MONEY. 2. GOAL. 3. Woon. fully Illustrated. containinthiho Revis- The fact that this is the twenty-seventh com- ed Edition. Commentary ctlonary. J. O. EDWARDS, Dealer to Heavy and Shelf Hardware- Palnts. one, Glass. Goal. 011. etc. Lindsey. Dec. 17. 1890â€"32. petition speaks well fol-their popularity. We etc . etc. 315 ............................ 8 75 can recommend the Lsdies’ Journal and these Next Ten. Each a Lady's or Gentleman's prizes to our readers. They will ï¬nd them all Coin Sliver Wav on, with good move- ' that Is represented. . meat-a comet timepiece, $15 ....... 3150 The list of rewards enumerated below 1! as Next Five. Each a beautifully chased. full large and attractive as in any of the former QuadruplePlate.SatlnFlnlsh.Wnlterl competitions. which have glveu so much satis- or Salvera.810..... .. s 50 Next Twenty-four. each a very ï¬ne solid faction during the past. nine years. To the sender of the ï¬rst correct answer received at ofllce of the Ledl-«s' Journal will be given number one of these rewards, the SADDLE nickel strslg' ht nno lover Genus- Wateh. This watcblswolloonotruqt- ed and an extra timepiece. and no way to be compared with cheap nlckel HORSE. The sender of the second correct answer. number two. one of the Gold Watches. ‘ watches. 86 ............................. 8144 and so on till all these ï¬rst rewards are given Next Three. Each 2. well ï¬nished Family Sowing W 370. ................ 8110 3'“. e To thosendcrof the lost correctmswerof the whole com titlon. lmarkvd where mulled. not later 25th arch. 181. will be given number one of these rewards. To the one preceding the last. number two. and so on. coun backwards till all these rewards are elven. even the residents of thematdlstant ploceshsveesgoodan opportunity-ethos THE FIRST REWARDS. First one. Lady's Saddle Horse. nearly ' thoroughbrpd. well bloken. sound, kind. good Jumper. will follow a lady like a lap cog; but a. good traveller. not afraid of anything. Valued at. . .. 8250 Next Five. Each a Lady's lino Gold- ï¬lled Bunting Case Watch. Value ' each ................................ 250 u in Nex’thix, Each 3 Fine Black Cashmere 8 v glanzronto. Dress Length. Value 516.. s 96 ‘ “““uflm' ““3â€" First Five, Eachs Flue BlaokOordcdSuk Next Fifteen. Each a Set of Dunn Rainaâ€"cue doz-ln a neat case. Valuesm ..... ... .. ............ ...... .. $160 Next Twenty-one. Each 1:. Lady's Fine Silver Watch. Exoclleutmovement. Value $15 each. ......................... Next Flfteen, Each an Elegant Breakfast Crust. exlrs quadruple pate. hund- : .......... m Next Six. eucn‘tah'hamlsomo hand. ted 3125 beneï¬cial: Drawing loom .. S Nexisnple 91.3%? Spoons.†’ . i 75 1 . ... ...... ‘3 5 Next Ten. each a beautifully bound Flam! Bible, with concordance. maps, engravings. dictionary. and pointed bottles. Very nest. Next Four. Each a Fine Ohms. Dinner lflcently Illustrated. 815. .......... 8150 Servlce. (100 places), an extra choice N63! . Etch a Full Quadruple Plato design, s35 ............................. 3140 8021'! Dun. with beautifully colored Next Slx. an em Quadruple Plato su- - . and whlte shun bowl. s you show. ver To. Service. (4 pieces). nth choice HUGO. 815 ..................... 8 fl Next Six. each a butler-en's ruled ï¬nish. a beautiful set. 340 .............. aw Next Five. nacho Gentleman's Gold Open l'aoo Was-h. Wa'thum Canticle-allot! Watchman." movement. th 850- ...... mo cues. beautifully engraved. non Next Six. each a Lady‘s Gold Bunting nollc.Waltbsm movement. mum Cleo Swiss Watch (reliable timer. emulsionsoustemwlhdoszo ........ m 8“) ...‘ ................. m minimum-mom Corded Nut “numb shear-mum Silk One-length. 85.. .............. 3125 Silver Thimble.“ so. ............... O 16 Next mmnrhwnox Quads-up Next 8-: .eam. s Fm Silver Plated Combined Sun? Bowl, .ml Spool Holder. with onodoaen extra lo â€conï¬nement. mug, Next Ten. Each a annually 3.3.1“ ’75 Fanny mule. with Ooumrdaoco. vanel‘coSvoonl.811----~------------- '73 Hope. burnings. Medusa and 411W. competing museum! with“!!! magalï¬centlylllustratedw ....aso auswersonodollar.fcrwhl0lmmb Tothosoudcrcfthe mlddloccrrddtanaw :5 messenger: .. .. Nut number two. and so on. rewards. “'me Siam ......... 35‘1"“ ...... 3" ..... ' .. can too Journalwmhomsikdtccw‘addm-fcrcno rear. 'l'hoJouI-calhashesooulargedtom eight pages and a wï¬oevc added. making a onoof tho-loss Meal-blu- domesthoconflautlorï¬em.gï¬-p ‘ lsoachhootoWW“ hd‘y; Nelson's Drawn-amazing. . Whnswmbonflfunydgm Ready-abounds†-... ‘. ...-coco... ................ m . mmwmmo‘ nor-m Gulch .. unsaved. good movement, fun I'm ' m Will: W‘ ‘W ‘ ' ’ N my ' 1st. Ibuy forcashandsaveatleast - - - - a 2nd. I sell for Cash and. with no bad debts, save another 6 E c. ' 1.11. w. room . '. WWW Itisbutthirtydaysï¬lltbcarpcutcramasonsaudplastererswillbc overhauling the CITY'STORE premisesreedyforwrrcmovalthcrc. Duringthcintervcning time we must sell as muchas ULSTERS. (tweed lined).- If something more dressy is required put your WORSTEDS. You will ï¬nd there is a decided break in all prices of We have about We have been talking about Men’s Wearâ€"we will now turn to the side of the house devoted to selling Ladies’ Wear. We have noticed in other years during the month of January there is a larger percentage of Wedding Outï¬ts bought in and around the vicinity of Lindsay than in any other period of the year. To meet this increasing demand we have decided to place our large stock of Silk, Satin: and Flu: Bra: mm mousse: mm " Good: at prices that will make these goods come within the reach of the most careful buyer. It issurprising Canada. mu! mm: mm theMautle midï¬eld]: Clotbwearcstillsclling. Westill have a very nice stock to select from,which will be offered along with some handsome pieces of Scalette at about one-third less than ordinary prices OrderslcftforSealeae Remember event/1mg is moving dun'ug llu’s mouth, and Lindsay’s Leader of He leads the can still. and for E. E. w. MOGAFFEY, One Door East Stmpson‘ House, Lmdswy‘ . Arch. Cam bell. â€"2A. CAMPBELL:â€" ' FAMILY (El-ROGER. NEW GOODS JUST TO HAND AND GOING OUT OVER OUR COUNTERS. Our New Cheap Japan Teas. Our N ew Bright Sugars. Our New Prime Fruits. Our Fresh Table Groceries- Our Biscuits and Smoked Heats. Other newlines ARRIVING EVERY DAY. and all sold at Holiday Prices. We give Special Value and Close Prices in our Teas, By the CHEST OR OADDIB Clearly the best lines of Teas ever shown in town.- In GLASSWARE and CRO CKERY We will have a NEW ASSORTMENT next week. Wait for them before Buying. A. CAMPBELL Km am my Lindsay. January 15th. 18!). N911 McPhaden. .F’GOOD LOGIC. Were I to advertise that Iwould give One Dollar to each Customer my store would always be crowded with - - People seeking the beneï¬t. - - ButthatiswhotIdowithmycustomersJeeause - - Spore. Total. -‘ - ZpOrc. NowI 'Oe customersthebemï¬t of this 12 per cent. may ° Dmafllower. Bemomdofthlsbycaumgmigwmmgwds that The Prices are Bock-Bottom. â€" - - - Don’tforgettoaslctoseemy - - - - MANT LE CLOTHS, TWEEDS, DRESS ‘GOODS, HOSIERY, GLOVES and HABERDASHERY, GENTS FURNISHINGS, GL’VGHAMS, SHIRT INGS, COTTON‘S, and many other lines. ’gguuaeoortcdmv perfectly Nouaooaeâ€"oddm‘abeeold only M. . ,mbooougflrWasmyWWmlé Petorboro ' oterboro _________.________ " 8.3541. 3.4.1.â€. : . x. summon, lm aAâ€"IWAII. _w8eot-H.Msâ€"S-n Recluse J: Hum OIL, OOAI. OI Ir KNO WLS ON BROS. W. “#19. .9 "1 ; 3 rm†“foam Life ~ ‘ t the This company issues 90 _ mow. d [gammymfreen-w " “conï¬dence. nonowmultyndomtronc: against .‘ o. -....-“ ’* sourH 3/05 or KENT-87’. LOWEST PRICES‘ w SKATES. SKATE STRAPS, CARVING Ss'rrs, ‘ BREAD BOARDS AND KNIVE RAZORS, POCKET KNIVES T AND BUTCHER KNW if SILVER KNIVES, if? FORKS AND SPOO i6, ENGLISH AND AMERICAN SClSSG CROSS-CUT AND BUCK Saws AXES, AXE HANDLES, Cow CHAINS, HALTERS, HORSE NAILS. HORSE Sllc 4a Kinds of Shelf and Hot Hardware at ‘MCLENNAN CC AGENTS FOR THE CELEBRATED i; Scran ton 00 AI Delivered at Lowest Rates. W New Advertisements. . EMOR! AL CARDSâ€"A very chl selection at Tue Peer Printing at $151.36 use them. 5%. OUTH VICTORIA I Agricultural Society THE ANNUAL MEETING- . cucumbers of the South Riding all - of Vuoria Agricultural Society wll - In the Oeuscn Chamber. in the T4 I mthc‘l‘uwoof Undoaymn ... Wednesday Jan 21. 185 . “o‘clocklo tic afternoon for the our: jd W a Pr. sldont and other Ofï¬ce-:1 .thooald eoolrxy and receiving Statement. mm. Ulsnuruemonts. and Repel-Ls of "nawnshlp and Horticultural Socictleo in _ J.s nun. . : nod-y. J» c. sshâ€"352. secret: -‘_‘_jj“"'<To FA RMERS. ‘ mo Baumâ€"8. cownnv now New ‘05 atthonewG.'l courthouse. deny, Bed' mm .4 Mike Clonal 0 ml Potatoes. "(BASH cold at the Storehouse. Ill-dear. Still. 4. lassâ€"1741. TO FARMERS. b'. L. Ell/(ER ‘7 to l-formthofarnflc‘ccmmunlty‘ bh-Waoommoumosuorohoue Inches-st word. .... gDundasPlavrlloBl Bee Warehouse. ‘ . dummmmwm - BABLtY, WHEAT, , PEAS. OATS and POTATOJ -utlnsm ., Awamcm'fll . . chum -‘lllllw.lmn.mâ€"u