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Canadian Post (Lindsay, ONT), 16 Jan 1891, p. 6

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E E E R i ll“ 25.2.. =31 5 E made an excellent chairman. The the hand of Rev. J. A. Hovis, pres 1m cider, and thus he died in the triumphs o a living faith,with bright hopes of a happy future. Short services were held at Townex’e hotel on Thursday' after which his remains were conveyed to the new cemetery on the GeorgeMainfarm,and there hurled. “Blessed are the dead that dieintheLord.’ Deceased was a grand- son of Mr. Adam Shier. er., of Brook, and was at one time a resident of Cannington. .__..â€"â€" KIRKFIEL Poet.) (Correspondence of A Cameras Tana was held here on the 23rd ult. in connection withthe school. Acapital program of songs, readings. die- loguee and recitatione was prepared and rendered. One of the special features of theeveniug was the club swinging by a class of girls under Miss Rose. NEW Ynn’s Tamâ€"A tea meeting under the auspices of the Presbyterian congrega- tion was held here on New Year’s day, and despite the unfavorable weather a great number were present and spent an enjoy- able time. Lsmns‘ Am Socm.â€"â€"The ladies’ aid society intend giving a social about the 11th of February. An excellent program is being prepared. Boon the lookout for 01' particulars. Eamonâ€"The municipal elections are over and matters are settled down for an- ather year. We congratulate Dr. Wood on his excellent run against D. J. McIntyre, who was considered to be the strongest man in the township. The doctor had a IRONS!- ._..__ FOREST, STROHGE T, 3581’, . MIDLAND. corlnms no ALUM,AMMONlA. LIME, PHOSPHATES, or any fingerless materials. It xr , - . a. w. GlLLETl’, "3.3.332... “smuwmnwvvazvulrcml haeior some time been employ Midland Free Press. Misceflaneoue. “ Harvard BroncF-l 9"“) has b'm used in my family pith very g'r ._I have pleasure in rccommcmtiag i: to out and was suffocated And burned. ownerof the Clarkson house building. W nor from‘ cough". as one of the: Des: and n. .. : ("Salmons {calculus Rev. Thea. 223:. (humour. Que. Gilt dilatation afloat. nnmsaymmpar, JANUARY 16, 1891 LOCAL N EWS-LETTERS Dr. McLaren. dentist. insurance $200, of the owners to rebuild again. Hartford. Royal and Royal Canadian. â€"oâ€"â€"-â€" ma'crlty of 58 for the deputy-reeveehip. _.__. ‘ 1731:1003, ferrousâ€"Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Macken- JANETVI LL E. zle of Toronto spent a few days during [Correspondence of The Poet.) . Mmroox Porsou roa Gm. -John Trick, a former resident of chnagc, who was in hex-ship wife the late “1 Crawford in e livery business here, died at Morden, Man, from the effects of a dose of poison taken unintentionally. It appears he had 3 bottle of poison to kill vermin and a bot- tle of gin. He reached for the gin during thenlght and by mistake go: the poison. He lingered in terrible agony for two days before he died. _â€"._ PORT PERRY. SERIOUS Acczpmz'r. â€"Last Monday morn- ing Mahler Fred, a foul-teen year old son of Mr. Wm. Mark of Reach, met with a very serious accident. It appears he went out to the barn to attend to the morning work and had gone into the upper part of the hay now with afork, when in some way he slipped and fell to the finer below etrikin on the iork wwhich penetrated his le t lung near the heart, entering some six or eight inches. He bled profusely. and his life was mostly despair-ed of, out he .is now improving and hopes are yet entertained of his full recovery. - Standard. PORT HOPE. A TERRIBLE Faraurr.-â€" A lot of young men from Concurg wtre up to Port Hope lest nighz. and went down on to. 11 o’clock trait: ; most of them were “dead heating” it. ‘raok McGuire, a young man about 20. had ridden on the buffers between the baggage and express car. J net as the train was going into the station at Cobourg, in attemptins to jump off he fell on the track; most of the tram passed over him, cutzing the body completely in two. Depth must have been instantaneous. Coroner Ewin was nodded, and after hearing all the facts, did not consider it necessary to hold an inquestâ€" [Guide ___._ ONTARIO COUNTY. FOUND DEAD m Elam-Deborah Corru- thers of Pickering, rezict of the late Wm. Linton, was found dead in her house last Friday syncing. Sue walked several miles the previous day to Visit. friends, and returned in her usual good health. Sue was 33 years 01:1. THRESHING Macrmvn Acumenâ€"W bile Mr. John Holtoy was an. acting to his thresher on Monday. the 5b inst... he had the misfortune so have his forearm caught in the gearing. In a moment all of the flesh on one side was scraped 06' end the bone was badly broken. I; is a question whether or not the arm can be saved. However, he is st present getting along as well as could be expected.â€" [Chronicle â€".â€" EAST EMILY. Rm Enos: run Nounâ€"Messrs. Geo. Boats and George Frank, jr., have just returned from a visit to tile flack coun- Christmas week among old friends here. ...... Messrs. Boyntou, Campbell, Macken- zie and Miss Campbell, students of the Lindsay collegiate institute, spent Christ- mas at home. - CARNIVAL-A grand carnival was held here in Boynton and Bruce’s new skating rink on Friday evening last. It was a grand success. Miss M. Wheeler won first prize for best lady skater; Miss Lizzie Vas- ear for best lady’s costume (Night); Miss Victoria Fraser for best comic costume (Evil One); Mr. Albert Hyflcld for best skater and comic costume (Clown); Mr. S. Smith won the obstacle race. â€".â€"â€" WILFRIDâ€"BROCK. Hrunnnuaâ€"On Thursday afternoon, New Year’s day, the marriage _of Mr. Albert E. West and Miss M [no Ettie Shier. daughter of Mr. and rs. Adam Shier, sr.. took place at the beautiful resi- dence of the bride’s parents, “Spruce Grove Farm,” Wilfrid, in the presence of a large number of invited guests. 7 Though the day was wet and disagreemle. the spacious parlors of the Shier residence were taxed to their utmost capacity to contain all who had assembled to witness the marriage ceremony. At three o’clock the bridegroom and best men, Messrs. Geo. West and Philip J. Shier. the former a brother of the groom and the latter a brother of the bride. marched through the hall and along to the upper end of the drawing room. immedia- tely followed by the bridal party. The bride, leaning on the arm of her father marched to the altar of Hymen looking perfectly charming in her weddingcostume. She wore a handsome and elegantly trim- med fawn colored satin dress, full veil, orange blossoms and bouquet of calla lilllee. The bridesmaids were Miss Bertha Shier, sister of the bride, and Miss Ella Lewes. Their dresses were of fawn color, trimmed with pink satin, ornaments and bouquets. The marriage ceremony was performed by the Rev. Mr. Watch, pastor of the Methodist church, Cannlogton. After they had been pronounced man and wife the guests came forward and extend- ed to Mr. and Mrs. West their congratula- tions. The guests sat down to a sumptu one wedding breakfast. The bride was made the recipient of many beautiful, useful and costly presents, wh ch betoken- led the esteem in whichsbe was held by her acquaintances. At five o’clock the Rev. Mr. Watch proposed the health of the bride and groom, but time would not per- mit of speeches, etc., as Mr. and Mrs. West wished to take the six o’clock train at Cannington for Toronto and other points of interest. A number of the young people accompanied them to Csnnington, where the happy couple took the six o’clock train for Toronto, carrying with them the best wishes of their many friends in Brook and vicinity. stallion is a very Harry had a very sore knee. will soon be all right again. , REVIVAL Mnmnes commenced in th from seed sown in faith we look for aglor preacher. Dormantâ€"Mrs. John Anderson do serve God. at the house and at the cemetery. -â€"-.â€"â€" DUNSFURD. [Correspondence of The PostJ Cmsruas Tans. ~The Sunday school in connection with St. John’s church held their annual Christmas tree and entertain- ment on New Year’s night. Despite the the house was filled, and the enter tain- ment, which consisted of a play entitled. “The lost ulster." was artistically presented and loudly applauded. After the play the tree was lighted, and the Rev. Mr. Creigh- ton, assisted by Mr. Hugh McCullum, pre- sented prlzles to the fallowlcg successful competitors:-â€"Claes No. lâ€"Mr. Hugh Mc- Cullum, teacher: l-ot prim for lessons. Clara Cassiday. Class No. 2â€"Mies A. J. Thurs- ton. leach-er: 1-t prize for lessons, Jennie McCullum; 2nd, Lev-us McCullum. Class No. 3 -Mlss Jennie Cassidav, teacher: 1st prize for lessons, Edmund McCullum and John Burgess, even. close N.._ 4â€"Mrs. H. McCullum, teacher: 1st pr-ze for lessons, Maggie Bell; 2nd, George Kennedy; 3rd, Tana McCullum. Class No. 5-Mlss Flor- ence Thurston, teacher: lot or z: for les- sons, L'zzle McCullum and Lizzie Burgess, equal; 2nd, Lottie Kennedy. Whole school â€"l~t prize for attendance: lst prize, Eli. McCullum; 21d, Cleveland Bell ...... Mr. Wei trr Bell, secretary, reported the average attendance each Sunday during the year to have been twenty-five. Homer Fasrlvan-The Methodist Sun- day school had a. very successful honey festival on Tuesday. the (in inst. The en- tertainment consisted of songs, dialogues, . The vs a meet in: r t . gun: 0: their; trip. They hid thispler-fi-lrtloe UPTERGRO VE. Mit‘uons and readings by members of thO a “11133 on My, Pgtflck Mghony of Guam - school, and a very excellent address by the PERSONAL-Mr. A. McNabb, of Knox college, J. P. Thompson and D. J. Mulrey, of the Veterinary college, Toronto, who have been home spending their holidays with us, have returned to the city to re- sume their studies again. They have been specially agreeable and pleasant while among us and will be greatly missed indeed. We wish them success in their respective professions. Pmnmmm Ann oar. Tumâ€"Tbs Uptergrove Presbyterian congregation held their annual tea meeting in the church on Tuesday evening. the 30th hit. The Uptergrove people are noted for their suc cess in the tea meeting line and this was no exception to the rule. Attendance was not as large as was unticlpated, owing for Rev. Mr. McCamus, all of which was duly appreciatedâ€"in fact it was remarked by many that the Methodist Sunday school ckceeded any former Cnrismas entertain~ most they had presented to the public. Punt-swarms. - On Frld av, the 9;h inst, the members of the Salem (Emily) Sunday school assembled at the residence of Mr. Wm. Thurston, their late sup rintendent, and presented him with an address and 3 very handsomely bound book as a token of their respect ...... Mr. Thornton has pur- chased a property in the east Ward,Llndeay, and will shortly remove there. Emnaramnnar arm Tea. â€"Tbe Presby- terian Sunday school will hold their annual entertainment and tea on Friday. January 8rd. A hearty welcome to all. dos, formerly of Emily. and they upeak 7n wing terms of the manner in which were entertained by Mr. Mahony and busily. 0:; N ew Yearjs day they had the pleasure of attending a Wedding in Chen- “, when Mr. Caidvvcll and kilos Hillceck werej lined in wadeock. The event was arried out in a manner creditable to the contracting parties. as well as the yam-g apple of the surrounilcg community. ey arrived home on Friday nsght at 7 o'clockâ€"[Revisit . _.___ 8 UN DE “LA ll D. HYMENRAL-A large number of rela- tives and friends assvmbled at the Prai- dence of Mr. and Mr‘ Edmund Luke. con. the martini; oi? txlr Nihilist dough“ erg s h t 14 t to the ionic encj of the . . ' ' '- , west or. but the exvenslve programme was Md N LL 5 m ”a M" J' 3' M°K“m°n° I‘m» 0““: not in the least influenced thereby. Toe [Correspondenesl o: The Poet] who was given away by her f -’h:~i‘, locked charm‘ng in adrees of golden-b-.~.wn satin, and was supported by he! condo. Miss Lena Luke cf‘Oshaava, who was dressed in cresm hem-intro. S. J. l’icKlonon. cousin of the groom, uid hat-on as best man. The guests came from Bumm- viile, Hampton, O hawa, Bwooklin, Port Perry. Msnilla, Woodv‘lle. Oakwood and Sunder-land. Dr. F. Luke of 'l‘xtusville. Pa... bother ofthe bride. wasalso presen'. Tue ceremony was performs by the Rev. D. O. McDowell. after a'hlcb all sat down to the wedding dinner and did ample justice to the good things provided. Toe presents werenumrruu-s and costly, and metal as well as ornamental. Mr. and Mrs. Mc- Kinucnleft on the evening train for the west amid a shower of rice and good wishes. people always look forward to a good time on this occasion, and were not in any way disappointed in their expectations. The tables groansd under their load of good things supplied by the ladies, indicative of good cooking. of which the Uptergrove ladies are always noted; one of the speak- ers remarking that he thought they pose- ceeed the secret of man’s happiness, namely thro’ his stomach (one of the main avenues to the heart). The musical plat. form was admirably supported by the Gsmcbridge choir, who,as they always do, did honor to the occasion. The chair was ably filled by Dr. Gilchrist of Olillia, who possesses the three requisites of a good chairman, namely, good looks, good speaker, and liberallty. The speakersâ€" Rev. J. M:Neil, pastor in charge, gave a few neat and appropriate introductory re- marks. couched in the most chaste and delicate language. Mr. Northway ofOl-il- lia briefly endeavored to impress upon the young peoplsthet true manlinses counted in on the religion of Christ. Mr. D. McAlpiue of Uptergrove entertained theaudimce fore ahorttime inhie usual am manner. Mr. C. J. Miller of Oriliia for a few minutes on “Para. flags 635$ abl' mfifimwm a 9 y on “A ". it was really “Logiccn fire.” Mr. A. McNabb, of-Knox collar. declined to speak owing to toe lateness of honour. Mr. R. LelthofLongfoed ill“! traiedthe month of ambush; « bdnguaited. Mr. C. Roller of Orfliia Tea Merriamâ€"Our Caner. atlon l ' friends held their annual tea meegtlng o.n New Year’s eve. It was well attended and everything passed ofl’verv eucceesfu-ly. Tmmnoa â€"Our I. O. G '1'. continue- to prosper, new members being added from time to time. So rapid is its increase that we shall soon have to enlarge our hall 0. seek another elsewhere. This is a bad omen for the literary society. which we fear will he left in the cold. By the way a meeting was held Friday evening. but there not being a spficient number preeen to form a quorum business was held over. Pnneosauâ€"Mr. B. Davis. we under stand, is about to move over to Canning- ton. Although this is going north, Ben, a glr‘lzeor two south will m‘ake things all wa momâ€"Miss Floreme Ed- wards has commenced her duties as teacherin ourechool. We feel confident she will meet with success. Penmanâ€"Mrs. and Miss Kerr have â€"â€".â€"â€"_ EMILY. .Mrssmo LINK Caress Pamelaâ€"The ”was of this facun held their annual meeting on Tuesday. 9th. There was 3 full attendance of the patron-l, and all seemed well Sarisflcd with the season’s more; The cheese made was of’flrst- dens quality. which speaks well for tho floods-maker, Mr. Sager. The salesman, Ir. Meddtomm the repor, which was hdopted. Theamouut of milk received at .<--~.~~ m that Y childrenand others. Althecloseofthc meeting prizes were distributed to the scholars. which consisted of nicely bound , books. The entertainment was a splendid Dnsrnoonvn FIRE AND Lem or Lin.â€" A serious fire occurred here last Thursday morning resulting in the death of Dan-Mc- Glliivary, a printer from Port Dover, who ed on the ‘ McGillivray was rooming in the Ciel-keen house, and, al- though called was unable to find his as! e body was dug out but was badly burned. The property destroyed consisted of the Clerkeon house block and D. Hewee’ block. The fire waediscovereo in the former block. The eufi’erers by the fire are:-Dr. Sphon total loss, insurance $7,500; D. Hewee, owner, of the adjoining premises. a total loss on building, insured for $500; Jefl'ery : McDonald, general merchants, stock a total loss. insurance $8,000; A. E. William,- son. merchant tailor, 81.800, lees partial; T. Crompton 00., general merchants, insurance on stock $4,400, lose about $1,300", be slight; Miea Vaeey and Mrs. Jobnefiofi, dressmakere, no loss. It is the intention The com- panies interested are the Caledonian, Northern, Western. Commercial Union. Runawar.â€"Mr. Harry Anderson’s grey fast trotting horse-so fast that Harry could not keep the track when his horse made up his mind to go, so he went and Harry and the cutter went also. When he pulled up the cutter was minus one runner and several knees, and We hope he Methodist church here last Wednesday evening. They are being very well attended and it is hoped there w.ll be a real glorious revival. We have a very large number of young men and women trained in Christ. ian homes and in Sabbath schools, and ions harvest. Mr. Fallis is an earnest, whole-souled Christian and avery pleasing parted this life on Saturday last about ten o’clock, p.m.. at the ripe age of seventy years. She died as she lived in the enjoy- ment of a bright hope of entering into that rest which remains for those who love and Her funeral took place on Monday at two o’clock and was largely altehded by her sorrowiug friends and neighbors. The Rev. Mr. Oswald officiated rain. which proves tell some from attending rm. comma mammals-an. mumâ€"rm. Mellow-ammonium“, ' Whm'diebecame malls mum mummummm the to institute......Mr. A. E. Cameronand Mr. J.D.Ritchiespent “1:331:11! m" ' “â€"Thlei'eia not much doingthieweekaodprioee are nominally unchonged. .1333" 9.12.. slim. lasing-withverylittlohfld g oneithsr Sacumr.;mfhho° sacralr'leedutmofK the Iprd’esupper dispel: cox church on Sunday morning, Jan. 25%? 11 o’clock s.m. ltbexpeoted that the . Mr. Bethune of Gravenhuret will be pre- sent and emulate. Wnpnmo Burma-Quite a flutter of in- terest was manifested in the marriage which took place in St. Andrew's church on Wednesday of last week of Miss Jeanie Cockburn, second daughter of our worthy towneman, Mr. A. P. Cookburn. cx-M.P., to Mr. A. G. Munro of Harrisburg. A‘ largeaudience gathered in thechurch to witness the interesting ceremony, which 3 uiotlythisw MammWaslamet. was by Rev. Dr. Watson. uncle money ofthebride. Prom tlyatthreeo’eloekthe "“1" 'W °" “1" °‘ h" M“- New Advertisements. entered the church followed by her maids. Misses Georgie Cockburn and Frank Munro, sisters of the bride and groom reepecti . and took their places before the rail. e groom, Mr. Munro, was sup- ported by Mr.Wllllam Connolly of Moleone hank. Morriehurg, and Mr. James Proctor of Beaverton. After the ceremony the happy couple left the church to the strains of Mendelssohn’s wedding march for the residence of the bride’s parents. where the usual congratulations were ofl'ered by the numerous friends of the family. The happy couple lefton the 5.23 train for a four of the principal American cities. The bride looked charming and was attired in faille francaise en traine.with lilies instead of the proverbial orange blossoms. The bridesmaids were aleohsudeomely attired. Miss Cockburn wearing adreee of absinthe silk, and Miss Munro primrose silk and gauze. A large number~of lady guests ere present, all of :whom were attired andeomely. We wish the young people along life of health and happinessâ€"[Ex- press. 1 = The Koch Lymph in Torontoâ€"Two Ix- perimonts Made-A Description ofthe New Remedy. ; Dr. Husband of Hamilton was one of the first medical gentlemen who witnessed the first trial of the Koch lymph in this pro- vinceat the Toronto general hospital last Monday. The doctor in answer to queries ofa Times reporter regarding the opera- tions he witnessed said: “The spacious ampitheatre of the hospital was crowded with physicians and medical students. all intensely interested in this mystic, magic, ' iniinltesmai cure for consumption. The cases chosen were typical, one of phthisis, the other of lupus. In each case the lymph was injected between the shoulders. The lymph used was brought from New York, but Dr. O’Rlelly is expecting a supply direct from Germany. The dose is ex- ceedingly minute. Prof. Koch puts half a mill! returns in 15 grammes of a 2 per cent. solo: on of carbollc acid in distilled water and glycerine, which serves as a medium to preserve and dilute the lymph. A gramme is 15} grains. nearly (15.434 grains) a milligramme is the thonsanueth pert ofa gramme (about .0154 grain). Then of that attenuation one drop is put with 66 drops of a half per cent. solution of cerholic acid in distilled water, when it is ready for use. . Within eight to twenty-four hours after the introduction of the lymph the temper ature rises from two to five degrees, and is an indication of the desired reaction. The professor is awaiting results with eager expectation, and is showing a most liberal and tolerant spirit. Physicians can see the patients on the first Monday in February and notice the efl’cct of the treatment. ::Who are the patients, doctor?" The consumptive is a young man who has been sick since August last. The lupus patient is a women who has been efllicwd with this terrible disease for fifteen years. This disease is one which eats deeply into the skin and flesh. As for the poor crea- ture experimented with Monday her nose. cheeks and lips were almost eaten away." tiop‘iY’m the patients afraid of the opera- "Oh. no. They were desperate cases. and as it was aimplv a question of life or I N SOLVENT NOTICE. J11. the Wife?“ Estate of Daniel mu“ 80, any 0 0m 0 EM giggle County of Victoria, Farmer, I ' O quind theparticulersofhisolaim verimd byafldavit 32:13:? voucheressthe nature of thecaee Dated armam- thietthd of January. ml. H. B. on m. penile SCULLY. Undeay. P. O Box 27. Ilindmy. Solicitor for valanceâ€"49. Manon Itieaeertainand Goldin sages. SOOTHIEP. CLeausmo. sauna. Instant Relief, Permanent Cure, Failure Impossible ‘N HEAD D 6'. H. Begg. Lindsay W Works. CHAS. H. BEGG and Oistem Pumps put up on short police in any part of the die- triot. and satiofaction guaranteed. REPAIRS promptly attended to. Orders by mail solicited and will receive lu'ompt atlention. ,hatshpurchesed MR W. H. IRWIN’S interest in Shop and residence: WILLIAM-3'1" nut to St. Andrew's Church. I C. H. BEGG. fully solicits a share of the patronage : Undray. Oct. 2. bear-256mm. liberally extended tohie prudooomor. “ T. A. Slocnm’s Remegz BONSllllPllb “RE“ as SURE romnnmomâ€"lemu resdcrathatihs positive" nameddiaease. Byitstimelynsethousgoi’hoflcsscueahazteen m lshdlbemgmegdrzbw¢mymwm toanyofyour whohaveccls II-c-.I newness-lasagna. ouramo. ' "7" H " John Henna. WILL MACHINERY.- ‘ JOHN MAKINS, WILLIAM STREET. LINDSAY, Iron Founder and Machinist monomers or We mu Hashim ; screams-mannered“ lend-av Aug. W. m Pater-f- behaved-“d win. Jose h Meander. mill-"COAL: COAL ~ Vat}. a y- . - .,_.' alas now his; a...“ a... mu ”when“. bottles! Damian-‘1!!!“ nwil Aquarter. netball-lesson. many of Mandala lifeeicsn. rot Aneidleaeadteibeftwoiovul. walnuts thenlvernhine. The My band berm toplnckalittlepale-bluenowergrowiwathe The Best Tool in the World WT..." * m mm... v...“ “urns..." NOR P «h L ET Y C. F 01mda.’ writes:â€"“NorthropLyman’aVWm “9.3:...“ 'l'heeewhohevenecditsayithasdonethem hehcardogandimmediatelyeommenoed Northrop_Lymsschgctehle Discovery. Thepamshawkftandhenplocemtheenpymentofexotflcnt healih; infect'nisqufleanewman. SoldbyallledieinellealersatSi.00perlottle. A, Chunk of Sea'sonablc Advice. Don’t wait till the snow [ll Sash and Doors. be hurried. The proper way to keep We make a specialty of this work. I'NGLE 8: RYLEYs Lindsay Planing Factory. nadir. Oct. 14. mâ€"fi. Adam Doran. ADAM DORAN, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN Wll J“ M ,Ellllll IMPORTBR OF ALL BRANDS 0F LIQUORS. H. Corby’s Fine Old Family Proof Whtskey. floodrrltam .e Warts and Jaseph Serrarrrm’s "Old Thieves” Whig- key. All Brands of Whiskey Bought m Bond. lative Wines, Port, Claret, liens, Brandy, Scotch and lush Whiskey. SAME PREMISES. Finest, Choicest and Cheapest lines of Family Groceries. Good Bargains and Satisfaction Guaranteed. P. d. MEAGHER. Linda-Iv. Dec. 4. 1m â€"30. 8 fun tor Bros. Man’ Co.â€" TRY OUR NEW PATENT CUTAWAY DISC HABRUW, for Starting Wild Oats, T ares and Mustard to grow after/lamest. " case PLOW. BETTER rm a Boy with m sarcasm cultivate from Eight m, 7» 4mm m "5;; {n VV‘Wfig’ . h.’ -«. 7, w ‘l ~ £1119 6: Brier- I STORM SAM Mn mans. ‘5 up the Ora.'.'?ifea about the doors and windows before you decide to we INGLE a; ,., RILEY about proper protect-ion in the shape of storm [)0 it now and the result will likely be a better fit. It’s cold work, taking measurements when the mercury“ “awayout of sight, ” and the job is likely to * the cold and wind out and the heat me: to fit your houses with Storm cash and Doors. " 0F PURE NORWEGIAN GOD m on. ;lee-emnea can it Ber-In lot- legend-sycnnscs OONSUMPTION, 8mean CATARRH wwamamzwmsna 3.12 Haneldne, Warren. Pa. 8.8.1.. 5. Cornell. ' ‘ OVAL CANADIAN l Insurance Company. manager-office“ insunnoepom . hssrecsmly sent outaarcular olumlng -innocenceivableeaeecan’a.nlyotheroon- . madeexoeed the blanket icice of the Company. Instead of this being the wishto saythattheadvanmgestofar- urea in the Born. Cayenne! policy - thoseoftheGrangeinaboutadonen ., .. particulars. Anenuiinstionofthe -vomsritsof the two policies leaves no as to which company gives the best _.,, manager adverdeeethatinthe Grange .-- nopremiumnotasaretaken. (Sec . . .. ament inoooperato' )Don't believe mdit! Foranilmurunooof moon in aempanythefarmer glyceapeemium note “apartofwhiohimpsyedownandtakes chancesaetotuture'cells forthcbalauce. theBotanCarunuxhewouid ymfor ..eacaount andhsvcnofur risk in . Agra. Cazupux pgicgfholdere are .. gout-plasma.“ over halfa ... . . donu-s, whileorin the ‘GrangetOOmmy goal-Inmate premum noesw c . . . gives. the policyholders never expected beached topav. >. ~.poliovbcldcrsareinvitsd to enmine l “vantages! have secured for far-men in , Borax. CANADIAN before they again put aigasturetoalargenoteflor a policy not asgood. i s ' 8. CORNER. renew. Nov. ls. 14 . ."i‘ he disparities first. . . -: . y, FRIDAY. JANUARY 16, 133i. m cozfiv’rr’ Poo‘” R House QUESTION. 3. Continued f:ornfiret page. ‘ -. . â€" to be cummlued, and the power to unit rests Will: the rcsve or deputy- . . or two magistrate a. Mr. Walter tnok an active part in agita- - for the establishment of a house of - . and had the satisfaction of seeing house opened twenty-one years ago, first institution of the kind in the es. After his long experience he is . to state that all the ratepayers are - .-od with the institution, and every . .. berof the county council can justify . expenditure necessary to maintain it . .hfa of «fliciency. There was no ' ion in the old time in paying out . . y for the support of the poor. If a is found poor. and neglected by his e,he is committed to the refuge. Walter does not think his township paid one cent for poor grants in the two y» are. If people have friends - are poor and they refuse to support - they are told they must go to the ~ and it has been found in some that people have thus been led to sup- thcir indigent relatives rather than al- final topic to the refuge. Beggar-y has - etamocd out, because clt'zsna are ao-e .3, and do say. to persons who may to berg'nr, there in a place provided you. and they leave the locality rather . goio the refuge. In cases where an ‘ mend his wifeare both committed. are allowed to occupy the same ~ room, but there are separate . - rooms for men and women. Ury are purchased whole-Lalo, and cloth. ()0. t- and shoe-Jol- all inmates, in fire boo e. A week of good- “ $400 lo 35% is kept on - - Carmen-y work and repair» Gatsby inmates. and comes for persons ~ -' in the rrfuge are made on the "7 C-ibbiing is also done by in- l -.-‘Aâ€"_â€"____-A _- em map EHO D cm: H}. GA ., , . isa prison of six cells for refrac- . him This department is seldom anthers is very little insubord‘iuation. It is considered a necessary one for ,. - . of diclpiioe. 'Ifortunate women who come into the .. -. with illegltimate children or who a give birth to children after they have . committed. are kept in the house _. the nildren are one year old. The -4 -- id“. however, assume the right to , out children to persona who may wish take them, or the mother. if deemed » » worthy. may be allowed to take her - - with her when discharged. but such .. . may be dezained indefinitely. Christan: dens-sine. ions are repre- amono: the inseam. nailed freely by ministers and others - bointereetod in thorn. Religious , .. held in the bouseovcrySunday, >ditheinmeteaareatllm, to -oountics.andkeptatente 'MWwork. Rosalinda.“ . acme paying illustrations“ ’ who may have a few hundred unusable to carefor than. but “and 'g JR? E3 5 l “MI,“mnnj. .2 llfliifmlfll- film 14:31! it: 1:: [a has rt 0 i l

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