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Canadian Post (Lindsay, ONT), 16 Jan 1891, p. 8

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2. 1. will . fie Men’s Heavy Overcoats, Call. and See these Goods. Prices are Right and the Quality Unsurpassed. Lindsay, January 8.h. 189?. -35 2. 1:50.01: Soap M’r’g’ Co. Y H IMVI‘.»"':‘..‘"-t" I '\ .y I ‘ .. lg . yv‘ ‘ l l‘ 5' £ch , m. ~/~ Mu. we ) I".~'.‘\‘J~'HM:’.*‘\ u . , Ill. “hill,“ .. ,1 \ngkx ‘c': ;.:;:::,..:2?:ml,ui.;;m m. .‘ «w’g v”; ll NI. l'vl v" I, ' 5’s . ‘ v . . - “m E) by u mu. ‘ll .1. ' ~: ‘ .[fill,:l!I'[1lxllll‘;;‘1.All;J' some «g era ‘1 . l g . ,. “AEVI W‘ Can r370 1:11:th “ ' . ‘ WY}. wcari rr-nt. Y‘i - l .. I ‘ lulu! l, M" w n“ ‘ll Ill ”clump. m. :.| ' I ‘ l l . . . l ! I , . N - 3'" , . :ri! (.x'unsh do 1: . m? V0 N /. 1'71le fresh and 1;“ " J 'IM ‘0‘ sun-g. Canhurcl‘ir», l: 1.1” ll l h. r. E4 ( '. ,«wmrkxmel Tryiti . s ens-25 5:“ civil!" sweet. (m is. now-r I; J and white. "limo "an pmcxsox'ruz wwrsn: /" and serene of our ,, '1 l‘ _‘,v'l,’z)"r. Fiat nk.cotton ; ‘ ‘ i No hurling l, I ~ ‘0 1 '- I .‘ Stszx Soap l.. ;g.C°-_SOAP!:. St. Stephen. B. B. ,‘lilq Hâ€"_â€"â€"â€"â€" ‘ J J , , beautiful swarm/moo. ‘7/ New Advertisements This Week. Localâ€"W. M. Robson. You Pay 5 Sâ€"The Post. localâ€"Werner 5: Perry. localâ€"McNeil Merlin. New Goods-A. Campbell. localâ€"Louis Archamhuult. Local-Lindsay Skating Club. localâ€"Imperial Baking Powder. County of Victoriaâ€"T. Matchett. School Openingâ€"G. A. Motherell. Rare Opportunityâ€"Walter S. Lee. Local-Cosmopolitan Lilo Ass )cistion. Dancing and Deportmcctâ€"Prof. Gain. Telegraph Poles Wantedâ€"J. 8. Harvey. Belle Stevenson-Brahmas Opera. House. Potent Feed Boxâ€"Jets F en y A. O'Ieery. “us" 6112 (location 13051. LINDSAY. FRIDAY. J A NpA BY 16. 1891 ram Jorrzivos. Township Mumâ€"own! Elections. Worm- Reeve. Johh Belles. by acclsmn- tin; Councillors, James Clmcbull. Mathew Greer. Edward Butterworth. Wm. Simpson. Hunts â€"R»eve. Willmm Golner. 110; 3'. Honey. 58. Councillors. Wm Butir. 194; Joe. Dnncey. 65; M. Morrison, 6i; Goa A. Rogers. 5 ...... Jae Hobden. 5’3; R“'|rrt Burk. 50: J. 0. Boy. 43: F. Grnhnm. 40; John Dickson, 27. Bo Warned. Don’t be a fool; know whatyou went and re- done to be imposed upon by greedy dealers when they attempt to palm off sore producing substiâ€" tutes for Putnam's P time-us Com Extractor, ahe all, sure. sure. and penile-a corn cure Put- nam’s Cure Extractor is the hen", the safest. and Ob! painless can. remedy. 5.4 by all dealers in medicine. â€"35 1. YOU. '1']. Pee; thin. the: by purchasing a one pound tin of the Chum Baking Powder you may get thst beau- tirnlDommox ORGAN that is in my window- It may be worth your while :nvrsting in s one pom-«i rm. '1'» mwd-r n- Warr mum good end 0" .. - ‘ "i ' W‘s, day"? in in 3821 H I - .‘T‘rurmmru Reliable Agents Wanted. The Cosmopolitan Life Assoclu'lcn. heed doe. Toronto. is nppolntiz-g rellublo seems all over Cenedn. When a men new a. “bergsin” in the way of trade. or mskese wuss investment, hotellrofit end recommends it to his neigh- bors. The some should h.:‘d good or ii e insur- ance furnished by the Cosmzlllolitnn Appllc-v tlun tor territory should be m Me at once-30 l. A Gnu-min: Puhlzoetion. The Jennery number or "Wives and Donah- “I.” s iouruol written for women by womenâ€" umducrrd by Mrs. John Perm-run. assisted by m- Elhrlwyn Wethersld~â€"is pwrhsps the tsetnumher invalid. Among then-zonal, wallets . Numb oommendnhu') note from the Winter. of Aberdeen. "new It In Cumin. For .eclmen coplcc scams Wins an Oscar: runs. London. Ontario. mood names nominations-List e! We! Candide 0.. Marks. School. m. wn‘m......m .... ....Oas~uod. “Cordon"..HS-e . W..odvil e. My. Annie ....... {on .......... Onkwoml. man wl-lllll . «a ......... Woodvllo. Gun. Flo-Ole ......... 476 ...... “'oodvllle. “Albert .......... he 14 Medusa. Moor. Gear-r...m .......... tattle B-itsin. Mud]. amen!“ ...... Woudvrllln lest-then cm..ssr ......... U N“ am... mush, John....8~i ..... ....l Merino“. “abut. Andrew...us wacdvme. w-elddlqy 5 7 (PAY-tel «locum. m munch; ........W.-uoville. m M.........N ..... 6 Melon-n. on. lmme...4l3 ...... l. Huipose. mun»... .. .. 48..........10. woo... “d We! Candidates AIM - ‘ lass. School. , l a.“a..uo."ޤ ° "I, is; .. *7 138445.. .. .- "fl“‘ww l, '. , . < . :fu pet-Mmeyegl'yvg‘pj-fye_. Dundas A Hundred Year- to come- New Advertisements. l The Latest Styles _ - Boxes Wouldn’t you like to live until the year A. D. in Oxydized Silver Toilet Bette and Work 2000. just to see the people and the world gener- NOMFORTABLE DWELLI NO TO oily? Who knows but you might. it you oh- U RENEâ€"In South W 5rd. six Ap- st owm‘s.________tt. h of health dk theS sch t laws . en es tom , Amusement Notes. mus: Bowelsin mung”. fi'ho beam“! 31y toO'glitdfiY a: OLEAB . “nanny. Jen. cine known for this is Dr. Police’s Plesssm Pel- - mh- - â€"'l'he Orillls Times of Tuesday. January 6th. 1 Th are on: coated rennles. ,hnd the following in reference to the Belle , gig-pow 9" l to ‘11-. 5080:“ none“ nor â€" £Stevenson Co.. which opens a. week’s ensue}; mm ; a.” :3 age, 131ml 1 ‘mdeifi for 0 "NE a "LB ' pen ouse non ousuesuoons s on. “cache.“ uses ment u Bradburnso h a“ “is produced by on l’nsctive liver. Aconvcnient ERR BS ”I Y” all : “A ll filled hull greeted the Belle Stev- ' 2:31: 00.37:» night. and from the rise to the vestpockst remedy. W F“ M fall of the curtain the interest in ‘Queen s Evi- â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"' OrgonltcEn supra“! Deonym emery, denoe' was well maintained. Every member of New Advertzsements W 0 am. y .curcd by the troupeis an artist. and the plsys nre put . H E ,8 upon the boards in a. manner superior to our A Z LTON thing yet seen in Orlllin. The specialties in the TELEGRAPH POLES WANTED. LIZER letter part of 13:; genius gore ‘l‘i‘tlelrsléyfliml: _ VITA gluing. whilst the elocutiou sud solos of Miss I H m pay cash for any quantity of $3,; Nervoust 33m 333': :5 Belle Stevenson brought down the house. The GED“ TELEGRAPH POLES . ,IMBStuuted Development. at play this evening is the live-sot society drums, P . . th ties ower. Night Emissions. Drsin in Urine. Fate." with complete 01181186 0! 9 5W delivered :1: nny Station or Siding. or on Sam“, M Sleeplessuess. aversion Pm _____ Gun River Wnters. during the season or to Society. Unfit for Study. Excessive . . 1891. - - Indulgence. etc., etc. Everv bottle guer- COMMEBCIAL NEWS: For punculsrsspply to 31m Sm £031!ngqu Address in- Omon or Tun 0:“??an Il’gsl'r. } J. H. HARVEY. J. E. 'HAZBLTON, “ND“ - - - ' 60306021! Dmggist.308Yon¢s-et..Toronto.0nt- “mm m" 5”“ Wk“ ' purchaser for H. o. McCeifrey. Contractor. â€"351y. The receipts at the cattle market last week Oswego. were 939 csttls,284 steers sud lambs and 311 Jenna." 16.18914Mt. hogs. Tuesday 38 lands were received. includ. . ingleo sheep and lambs and 200 11023. There Rural Canadlan. was plenty on the market. and the h the de- msnd was good prices were notes rm as last week. There was a drop of $1 to 82 a. head 08 The butcher's cattle since last week as there was s smuwmm‘awcww URAL ANADIAN L d. g s 7- an e a n‘ there in first hands. A couple of good springers ricultu ral Journal in Canada. were sold at $42; plenty of poor ones nrsoflered but good ones are wanted. which sell well. The! owing representative soles were mode: A 23 butchers'osttle weighin 1.100 lbs for 340 n heed: iht950 m . t :22. i ht 1,100. o misfits 1.0%.?“ :35; Jill“... a... BAD THE FOLLOWING LIST or DEPART- oholcc sold at $4.40 per cwt: 2!, weight 1.027. at MENTS - g? 2232 3§l§hn§l33l 253833? smegmgg Rural N 1 Farm d F'eld. Garden Orchard gigatgnstag‘tor Eda“ t“: gfiggwbgbf‘s‘g The Dds-yin Sheep 3d S‘wine Bess nodal-(lousy ' e e. wen v lam , . ' ' ' $13,331.; {(1)5 Is; 23% ‘23 56:32!) nlei‘mbg's.w:jghg gouge Clrde. HOISCS and Cattle. Poultry “d P“. . so . : . . smutmmuggld for sigmoespsznespggand ma f we ONLY 81-00 A YEAR- welzht 100 lbs, for :90 sheep and lambswelsht Send for List of Premium and Sample Copy free. Addresâ€" Â¥lfi$§s§§si°moilh°$§§8%.22‘36di 1- 1' Toronto Street lurkst. Receipts oi tc-d were fair and rices - ’ unchanged. mt 100 gallon of wheat oldered F1 111' 8.7 at 0 L 9311.7. and sold at 930 for tell and rod. 850 foraglpring and 680for goose Barley stsedy. with as o: 5 1.000 bushels at 530 to 57c. Oats easier. selling at 48c to 490 for 400 bushels. Peas and rye uom~ inn! at quotations. Esy quiet. with receipts of I thirty loads, which sold slowly st 87 to 311 n ’ ton. Straw sold st 87 50 to 89: Dressed hogs sold at $6 to $8 40.-lGlobe of Thursday. Buflelo Groin usrkst. Jen. 13.â€"Sprlug wheatâ€"Fairly active; 16.000 F bush No. 1 hard sold at $1.06. closed M81065}. 9 ndvsnoe checking transactions: large orders at 31-0“ ‘° 31-05} “vlw= 5-00" ““1 N°- 1 Is the greatest invention of the age. They are cheap. dur- 3$$.§??€h?lvi‘£tt°a°92l‘2.it 35%: able and simple. They present all slobbermg, 2 orth . to Win est- odmngufigg axe-9936:: mature? No. 2 3'3? choking and waste of f00d- “smash”... JAS. FLUREY A. O’LEARY, segregated sixteen ours; receipts-inspected. d7 Osteâ€"Msrket dull. nrm;3 curs No. 2 white at PATENTEES- Lindsey. Jun. 2. 1891.45“. 510. Boga-ah: demspmd wss ac‘tlivs let‘s yuester- ._____â€"____ on 8 . Wt... .mmm. m, dimad‘fiffmfio a“... 3.3,: Daren wen d Elec trio Bel t. sud 10.000 bush Michigan were token st Is to Sc ‘ Eggmgfpggggfigfiggggmg AT BENSON HOUSE, LINDSAY, tcscmNo. 3. 82c to 83c; No. 3 western. 78c; gboxce Michigan. 790 to 810; (Air good. 740 to 180. fieâ€"Dull;l\’o.2.7sconthe me am On Saturday and Monday, Jan. 24, 26. mum mess. [comm my.) Red Fife Whost............ 95 to 31 00 MR White Fife W'heat ..... . ........ 000 to 095 O O 0 gal-law??? .................... g0“? ttg .03“) , p g ea......... InventorofthetemousDOREVWEND ‘ 381.9% .12‘0‘ g'e'xii-a - 333 3 Golf ELECTRIC 13qu and Airmen. ' * 7 u u ' ' 000 to 0‘2 MENTS. will be nt the above place ’ 7 Outs 0 00 t o 42 and date with complete somplesoithcse . 000 t: 05 spplisnces. Apractlcslmommou sense Mm'wis'ti’eas" - o 90 to 0 7 method or the sslt-sppliostiou of elec- Ems . ------------------ 000 95 mun: for the relief and cure of oil Fy .. ............................ to 055 forms of “mm“:- “a Hm manner prgoess. bkgalooyflu 255 to 375 Discuss. Beyour own physician- Straight Roller mini}! . -- 3g 30 2 35 use these inventions sud lesve dread 03th hi r100 “21! ------------ W 2 ‘0 sud compounds clone. Electrical-y es Comeglpe .. £00 to 250 nnplied b the DORENWEND ELEC 0 Ch . - 0° to 180 mucus. TnndA'l‘TACEMENTSwm 3t 0 .............. 110 to 150 ommmou; medicine Mixedcgop ......... 110 to 130 mm 8 Corn Chop ........ .. 140 to 150 m u “- ‘“°¥m'°“’- “fl Pen Chop.... ..... . 120 to 130 m '- mmmmcmvmi Potatoes. per bus. . 045 to 000 potence, 6°“ rpiuu Dm- Eggs.i‘resh.pcrdoz.... 020 to on m,‘_’:.,°*“°~ “mm“ “3° Butter.per b on to 015 n, 1'“ ’“Wmm‘! Chesseié‘intglulk.) ................ £38 32312 newsman. “mm". Bren. “ LECTBI Shorts ...2000 1:033 is provided with e betterycehlinc: Sugar cured Hams ............ o m to o 14 genomtsssmlld. continuous currents! Dmdfiogsper rooms ........ 500 to 5:0 eleonioity.itosuhefeltsndcsnbsre- Been-Slides ........................ 350 to 400 filehdntwillbythe wearer-while the LsmbSkinsu ............. 050 to 100 tisouthsbody. Itissllghtcon- Wool ................... ......... 0 18 to 020 trimossnd can be worn st any time Hey ............................. §00 to 7 00 without the lesstiuosnvenieuoe. It is Alsike Clover Seed .............. . 00 to 8 on the onlykieou-ie Beltin the world the: Red Clover Seed ................ 4 00 to 4 25 fallen out the true principles of also. ggz'thySeed. ......... 3:33:33 trlgslsdeuce Ithubcendnmined ................ . . . on H liveweight ..... . .. no to ‘06 Bus whoa: ..................... ~. 0m to out ll CREDIT SALES. Wmuusmr. Jun: 28th â€"Geuge McHugh. sue- tioneer. valuable term stock sud implo- msnts. the othir. John Stewnrt. lot 5. con. 10. Ops. stoneo'olooksnd with- outrsservc. so Mr. Stewut's lee-shes Quilted Comforters, A Few Kangaroo Fur Overcoats, Winter Dress Goods, Ladies’ Ulstcrs, and a line of Choice Heavy CANADIAN TWEED at 50 cents per yard, much under cost of Manufacture. BEFORE FEBRUARY NEXT- I Boys’ Overcoats, Fla-Valle Bros, S ratt .c Ewen. ‘LOVER SEE? It Will Pay Those Having ALSIKE, RED CLOVER --AND-- TIMOTHY SEEDS, To Show it to us before Selling SPRATT KILLEN. i Hod”. Nov. 18th. W187. S. S. Ritchie. .S. RITCHIE, Has engaged in other business and is Giving Up the Dry Goods trade in Lindsaz. He is offering the Whole of his Fine~ Stock of STAPLE and ‘ FANCY DRY GOODS at WHOLESALE PRICES FOR CASH. The Stock is well assorted in Fall and Winter Goods and consists of Grey and White Callous, Coltonades, .Slzz'rlz'ngs. Ticking; . Demim, Ducks, Towels and Towellz'ng. bleached and colored Table Linens, Hollands, Prints, Dress Linings, Fancy, Grey and Navy Blue Flannels, Full Cloths, Yams, Kid and Cashmere Glows, Hoszery, Corsets, Black and Colored Dress Goods in Meltons, Cashmeres, Henn'dtas. Ser es, Silks, Flushes. Velveteens, Mantle C lot/ts, Ready-Made Clot/tin , Overalls, Bed Comforters, Woollen Blankets, Hols, Ca 3, Cent? Fumz’slzz‘ngs and Small Wares, and many other lines too numerous to mention, all of which must be sold and the Store vacated l; E :2 La? ‘~ J v WI] DI T be Twelve In the first couple of wec ~ do a “heap” of thinking ; the review, new plans for the futur all to strive to make the comin We’ve been thinking ou ~ We recollected that we start intention of supplying the pco with Furniture, and we have p do so, perhaps a trifle cheaper Have we succeeded? We all events. It takes time to claim to have sold all the Fur twelve months, but we do thin say we disposed of the major Prices will tell; we have :1 bait so often thrown Cut to g with our facilities for manufactx, cessiul competition in the sam Those who have bought from goods to every point of the con ‘ Call in and inspect our fl market. ‘ ANDE fl P. J. Meaghan ‘ "NICE. ' Lindsey. Jun. 8th. 101. We have no very m‘ window display of Good the reason for such bed. that we have not had til to debate to such work. 0101' present stock c CHOICE llM Ll ll ll - is guaranteed Fresh and Chea as the Cheapest Acho'icelotof . lEl0ls All) FLORIDA cmu just unload, to be sold- CHEAP. NOTICE. A number of outstwm W W. have be: placed for COLLECTI 01 Balanceofaocountss‘lll

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