VW,â€" â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" â€"â€"- ‘7‘,-,, ,ggd-wfll by the ammbled guests, In the peat articlesbothuetulmdotnamon- tn), were varynnmoguhstgdh costly. The ‘compmysopnntod 3 our urging with them the remix-mes of s (hy's mm“ “m“ the’o°"“"m..°“ m" 32,"? ~ ..... n m . TBQWMW untried to Miss 11mm», inï¬rm- ct Hr. Arch Mal - kn. TheRav. «manna-mung The young cnpb took the m _tJr__a war, buying sh: ..-- 1A -.,A- .1, c until a. late hour. â€" . Conantâ€"The Sons of Scotland mod a gut mecca has on Friday he. Thu gate what was undoubtedly the 8 cancer: ever given in Sonya. andthcrhnvo the tut-the: mum at having secured diligent in promoting our well-rm You haw been liwnyn kind And oncounging livmyu rouly to up- hold tho rlxht nml nuppreu the wrong. The time but been one oi beneï¬t and plenum to us While under your inutructium we have mule 1’: id program in our ltudien. And our younw mind: we [armed mmintionu never to be iorgutten But we hove loomed with pruluumi regret that with the clone of thin term your pron-out reietion to u» will be broken : we therein" mum-t tint you will Accept thin sliver iruit Ina-not and this net oi table note III 3 niixht token at our high «mm {or you 5nd our Ippreoil- uun of our emu-u In mar bob-it. loy they ever re- ooll wool. momurlo- u! your pupilu. end we name you um loml thought: 0! you will Iiwovn Huger in our mind: Tint you may hove a long. 1!va end ro-perou- lilo in the wiuli 0! your pupil». Bluned on bail oi lunilln-olwoi. Joux Duuuv. Fuss Puma. Nan. Ilcl'lumw. iLsu-u Dunn“ LINA Mubomw. Jun: Ousuuxmo, [mum 01mm. Mine Elva-do. although taken by eur- m replied in very teelio terms of the eu and eheextul 0 once cf the nchoien. end regretted parting with [Correspondence of T8: Poet ] Wxnnme Bum â€"The festive season of Chrismwasmarkedbytwoeventeote eoehlehencza-whlch will be a landmark tnthellvesotthoae most Interested. 0n Chrleunudeyelergecampeny assembled “Mr. Alex]? 'etoeelebntethe ter Maggie A.,to m cf hie . 31:. James Munro, .3: gage. 3?. 1?“: no pet-tom v. . mod. assisted by the Rev. Mr. no my gal-onto. The expressions of ,,,,,, LIA, __ -L. I‘ AL- [Special correspondence of Till Post.) A BAD STATE OF AFFAIRS â€"A year am much interest was manifested in this townshi in the result of a petition for a liquor sense. It had been successfully resisted for several years, suooess.it is 0% fair to state, quite as much to be attribu to the con:clentious views of the then com missioner and inspectoras to the efforts of the temperance party in the township. One of the applicants, many years store- keeper here, by his genaiity and kindness won many signatures from men who the sig iing his petition as reps)- himfor favours rcc.ived, but who at the time felt they were doing wrong and hoped no harm would come from it. The township is now, it seems, in an unexpect- edand indirict way to sufl’er. The new tavern, entered while in an unï¬nished state, gave severe colds and scre throats to the fimii", resulting in diphtheria. The hired girl went home and died, com- municatlng the disease to bar family. Two married daughters of the tavernâ€" keeper visiting home carried it to their homes, which, with thetavern, wereplaoed under quarantine and this on their recovery was removed. Now one of the latter's hired men goes into another family and it breaks out there, and his else: going on a visit bef. re the disease develop- ed on her, spreads the disease to that family and she herself succumbs. Thus tar the result is two deaths, much anxiety, and It]? the township a bill for watchers, doctors, etc., much in {nose of the town- ship's share of the license fees. Crowded out last week.) [Correspondence of Tm: Posh] Apnms AND PRESENTATION.â€"At the closing examinations. held on the 2lst of last month, the following address and nresentstlon was made to Miss Florence Edwards. whose successful term rf four ymrn has just olnnad 2-Miss Florence Edwards: unnrmrrnn1‘Mcnrm,-Four heppy your! hue "own mnco ï¬rst you became our tewher. Ind doting that time we have ever found vnu faithful And BUBCA Y QEUN . GONE â€"The mules, Mr. Ventrese' mules, have. e. Gone to the happy grazin groan 5. They were a dear old piir mules. and had worn themselves into the affections of the community by sheer force of time. The little one, when she had one of those ears of :r) {c luxurianoe pointing onward, and the at or sloping aft, and set her eye upon to with a twinzir, was real cute. An they wussodcclie. There was a sort of ir.dition that away backin the da 5 long bell r.- the war, when the warmt ot the sunny south cour led through their veins, they were a little bit fresh with their heels, and occasionally, when not feeling well, would lift a few niggexs into the next world. But bless yon, they were as quiet as lamb; About the only antipathy they ever displayed was to hav~ ing any one stand behind them. They were then liable to reach out for your bay window, hut mind you, there was nothing vicious about those mules, it was merely a nervous ati‘cction,a playful little episode in a monotonous existence. They were iailelul. kind and gentle to the last, and rather than part with them to have them ill-c mad for, Mr. V'entress gave them the happy despatch and their silky hides are (tlo bte made into slegh robe:.'[lndepen- en . (III-ooh] to Tim Pour.) Scuooz. llwuwr.-Sundlua o! n I): o! a. I No a, Mutpon. (or much- unm- hu' rad Decomborzâ€"th olm~Llu Brooh, . Annie Bsuahnw. Barry chell. Sr. fourth alumâ€"Mm le Bsmhqw. Mug- 0 Co . Little 8m 3w. thn Cory. r. tour elm-Mu Shut. Laue 'l‘syln'. Andraw Grunt. B.r.o Brooks. Pulmon- Jowell. Frad Cole. Maggie Spence. Flor- anon Klnnae. Third olus.~Junu Perry, 83:19 Black, Herbie Perry. Lizzie Short Duncan Spence. Muzn Bagshnw. S-nonci clan. -E5hel Parry, Eartha Perry, Ethel May Perry Dlok Copeland. First class.- Lsallo Love, D‘ guns Wright. Russell Wright, Jobnle Mo on. Herbie Buck. LOCAL NEWS-LETTERS Uh: cunndinu gm LINDSAY. FRIDAY. JAN. H. 1895. Awr'c Imam uur and Oman. Ayer’sï¬ Sarsaparilla “No other blood medicine that I have our used and I luvs tried them In In no gh‘n It: union. Ind enacts so msny Email: cures u Ay or’ a magnumm- . â€mm, 1mm]! autumn: of . Well Known Doctor No Other Medicine Adam“ M the World'o M. 3373i; :5. '“ï¬im mam: (Crowded out lat. Week ) SO THOROUCH A8 (Crowded out. but we]: OLA MURGA'N PNI‘LAR HILL MANILLA 801V YA. puma Bunny Bantam. â€"Mr. Richard Grey, inspector In the employ cf the Canadian General Electric Company Works, was badly burned about tbotace by an explo- sion of gas in the lacquer oven Monday. It seems that Mr. Gray was opening the door of the oven at the time, and Mr. Robinson. who wasstandina near-Jug Also burned slightly about the face. Mr. Gray will be nnsb‘: to resume his duties for a few "Mgâ€"[Examiner RUN DOWN BY A Hone! AND Conan.â€" An accldent whlch almoet resulted In a fatality occurred at a few mlnutee after two oclonk Saturday afternoon on the corner of. Slmcoe and Water-eta. Mr. Michael O Brlen. ct Ashburaham, woe to the act or walklo acrou the crossing when he was uccl entally run down by a horse and cutter driven by Mr. Jamel Davidson. The shaft 0! the cutter struck the unfortunate old gentleman Ju-t below the temple and lnfllcted nn ugly gull. Dr. Yelland waaaummoned. and atated that it the shaft had struck a llttle higher on the temple the result would have been a I‘MB’I , ' _ Great Scott, hereis luck! A living pictnrejusg _ tmz mumâ€"Truth. mm. in his ifliswihi-ongh'hho house, onttrad the room at Miss Briabln, who won awake. and was naught. He managed to escape before the chlet of pollen urived. A BURGLLR IN Townâ€"Early Thursday morning week the residence of Mr. J. W. Brisbin, flour and feed merchant, was entered by a burglar. and an attempt made to steal jewellery, silverware. etc" theee goods having been arranged in a tablecloth ready go carry â€23!; Bob the u .â€" .. --_--_- was summoned. The pocr girl asserted. afcer she became able to talk, that she Intended taking‘her llte. as she had been ruined. The gins hells from Port Hope, and comes of a respectable family. Beauty Baths. Beauty baths were very much in favor among French ladiw of bygone years. Mme. Tallien used to take a bath pre- pared of strawberries and raspberries, 20 pounds of the former and 2 of the latter being crushed and thrown into the bath. This had the eflect of rendering the skin very soft and delicately tinged with pink, while giving it a beautiful per- fume. Care of Sponges. The little sponge racks sold at. the house furnishing stores should be in every bath. room. Those of open work wire permit the air to circulate about the sponge so that it dries quickly and is kept free from odor. Wash your sponge and rinse it thoroughly in clean warm water after using. Squeeze the water cut, {or wringing breaks the ï¬bers of th-- amuseâ€"New York Pcat. PETERBORU U GB. A YOUNG GIRL Tums TO KILL HnasnLr. â€"Lxst Thursday evening. Jan. 3rd, Teresa Morrison, a young girl 19 years of ega. attempted to commit snic-de in the ladies’ waiting-room at the G. T. R. station. The girl has been living for some months around town, earninz a livelihood as a domestic. Last night she entered the G. T. R. station and took a seat. Shortly afterwards Mr. W. Hayden, station agent, was called to order some boys away from the plazf am, when he noticed a girl lying on the seat. On reaching her he found a bottle in her hand, and. on smellimr it, he detecteditasbeing chloroform. The girl was in a serious condition. and D:. King Wumar, nor a SUICIDE â€"Mr. John E. McLeod, emgoyed as a postal clerk between Torch and Montreal, and residing at 153 Huron-st" received intelli- gence of the suicide on Thursday of his moth;r-in-law, Mrs. Hannah Baker, who left Toronto for Sarnia about four months ago. Mrs. Baker was the widow of .a former resident of Sarnia. and had $10 0.0 in her own right. Mrs. Baker kissed her daughter and friends good-bye before retiring and went to bad a oarently happy. Afew moments latter Mo- Lsod heard a gurgling noise and went to her mother's mom, to find her gasping and the blood running from her neck. At first she thought her mother had burst a blood vessel, and gave the alarm to not the doctors. four of whom responded. When she returned she found a sharp krife lying beside her mother. Mrs. Baker was conscious for 10 minutis, and said good-bye to her daughter. She lived inan unconscious candition for ovtr an hour. When you are ironing, don’t pile the freshly ironed garments on the clotheshorse to dry by slow degrees. Spread them out so that they will dry rapidly, and they will not be wrinkled. If collars and 01133 are very slow to dry under the iron, put them in the hot sun or close to the stove; they will then be as stifl’ again as they would be if you ironed all the starch out of them try- ing to dry them. ‘ "Nil; '55“; iogiiiioion'i‘hiï¬dutor 1 a ohblo o biiow can m: :1 «Ida mum-o in tho: eh hwioh gum during o diopuio our com. him now Lm Cur Orr =Wiiiion Ann- 78 who molded am with uoogu wi :04 log“ oz 9 Ooonio hon.- onnoo. wu woi oihin soiho owiioh- Tonga: 2 P R °:°“‘::...a°“ 5"“... mm a mom . m uywu hionuauoi custom-Id uni-5.3% notion tho opproooh 0! Wall, casino on Amati-on: route to tho Junction. mo om. both won hncc kod downood i being out of! below tho haul. hio 98' right um broken out! «you! had loo] wounds. D.. Lynd otuondod him. on ottorwudo who romovod to the gononl hoopieol. 7 7 anmmm AErflifâ€"M Dmlo. an 1mm. Muslin-on 0mm guano. mu «no no ell-“Conan! peggfogglx PM“!!! Dru-nu. L IUD IU- vâ€"lvâ€" lu Shu. Eiwud Max-uh. like! Morph. Promoted m:â€" From kt; III to form IV Mm O'Bflon; {conform form]! :0 tom m‘m Oman; from hm I to tom 11, Nloho u Sh“. (Crowdod at" In» mi. ) (£194. Nunallncr niacin-F Inky Trina:- formâ€"Nome Gun-nu. Fourth torn. It. â€" Patrick Guam Fourth lam. Jr.â€"Llnlo Ska, Joseph . 1rd . 0' Mugn Greenâ€, H ohul Onion. Juno- Bnnlfl'. Pntrlgk enigmnPn-g IL-LN" 13m; mmmgwmm r success In deal-red. wnen Ironing. (m out M weak.) SOUTH OPS. PORT H OER. T0305 T0 ! Bank: (from Ins berth. feebly )â€"I say, steward do vou think u’s all u with me? Steward (cneertullv) - £2011 think, for the present. sun; has . l lngppetice will be weonnu’ by m’ by.â€" “I In the United States necrly every 5‘, county has a. count poor house. In the 1. State of Ohio. {or nstnnce, there is s \s foot-house in etch one of its 88counttes. ‘ n the State of New York, with only ll {our exceptions,every county ha a poor. . house. In this State the poorhouses are n . under the supervision of a. State Board. 3 and this board now favorsthe ndoption "Pam." aid 3 little boy. “ought tho wag-er awhiu me for what .I did not do .. rtainl uot, my boy," rephod' the father. “Wt-ll," replied the little fellow, "he did today when I didn’t do my sum.â€â€"TiL-Bit.s. Clerkâ€"I would like to have my “1‘17 raised. Boggs get: 86 more llnn mo. and he don't do any more work. It'- unjnst. Employerâ€"Yes; it is unjust. I’ll reduce Bogga' “lat-y flâ€"Philodol- pllia Record. it is recommended to have two one-story cottages. one to the west of the men s cottage for the men, and one to the east of the women’s cottage for the women. The barn and cottage for the men are located on the same side of the keepers residence so as to keep the men at all times as far as ssible f1 om the women's department. he morality of many of the inmates of houses of retnge is verv low indeed and every precaution must be taken to keep the two sexes abSOIutely separated. This separation is much better eï¬'ected by the cottage system than bv the ordinary congregate system. The cottage sys- tem, moreover, is much safer in case of ï¬re ; it is safer in case of an epidem- ic ; it is more homelike and removes. the objection that many have to the ordinary poor-house; the cottages have more sun ight and are more easil ven- tilated than the rooms of a large uild- Eng. “What is worth doing ot all, is worth doing well." In the cotta s stem there isa cen- tralbuildimrior t e keeper‘s residence and administration oiiices. In some case the farm house urchased with the farm can be utilized or this pur se it it is ina good location. To ma e the matter simple we will suppose that the keeper's residence faces the south, and also that there is a good barn to the northwest of the same. In this case the cottage for the men would be located to the west of the central cottage so as to. be on the same side as that of the barn and for reasons that will be reierred to presently. To the east of the keeper's cottage is the cot e for the women. These buildings are or 30 feet apart and they are connected by means of a covered passage. To the north of the keeper’s residence, but connected there- with by a covered passage, is the gen. eral kitchen and two dining-rooms, one for men and one for women. The cot- tages are two stories only. Over the dining-rooms is the chapel and over the kitchen are bedrooms for attendants. For the accommodation of sick inmates no average woman.†interrupted the elder. “You just naturally hsu to con- aider each woman by hemlLâ€â€"Cincin« uni Tribune. - "NOW," and are young man, mo the avenge womanâ€"_" “‘81:: _th_oro_il mended by the State Board, and qlrendy one of the counties bu ndopted it utter trying the old system for gnany yearp. the’xc'commodation of all the imï¬ates there are a number of detached cot- tag-ea. This is the avstem now recon};- In view of the fact that more than one of the counties in Ontario is now moving in the nutter of providing 3 county house of refuge or poor-house, a short deucri tion at the cottage system will be time y. eneral supervision of all the charitable institutions of the State is exercised by said Board. This Board had a. large model of a. county poor. house on exhibition at the World’s Fair at Chicago last year. and this model is now at the State Capitel at Albany. This model is constructed on what is knownasthe “Cot eS stem,‘ that is. instead of one pain _uil _ ing for During the last 10 or 15 years great improvements have been made in the State of New York both in the construc- tion and in the management of county poorhouses or houses of refuge. This improvement has been efl'ected larï¬ely through the influence of the tate Board of Charities and Correction. The THE POORHOUSE SYSTEM OF NEW YORK STATE. A well managed county poor house is a regular hive of industry and every inmate not too ill or too feeble is ex- pected to do a fair day’s work, and in this way contribute to their mainten- ance. As might be expected such a. poor-house is not popular with the lazy, good for nothing tram , and it is tound that he gives a wi e berth to the county where it is located. of the cottage system in the construc- tion of county poor-houses. The cottage system is more expensive than the con- Fregate system, but it is claimed that t is much safer in case of ï¬re, it pre- vents the sï¬read of coma ious diseases, it is more ome like, an it is the only system that provides for the absolute separation of the sexes. One or am but county root- bonu- In Onurlo in the one recent y built In the County of Oxford, near the town 0! Woodstouk. The total coat to the county. completa, w“ 080.868. leu tho Government gun: or “.000. The hm ehonld be good lend. not lose than 100 scree. my to tlll and con- venient to e rellwny nation or beet lend- lng. The bullulnge should be erected on hlgh ground where they can be mlly drelned, end where there wlll he on ebundent supply or water both win ter end eummer. In mekln glen. for the bulldlnfe the elm. than (I 0 economy, cotwunence. orderly ndmlnlltutlon a complete separetlon of the eexee en 5 rlullt cleumcetlon o! the lnmetee. The huetln‘g, ventlletlonnnd drulne llol great In mrteuce. end thle Ihoul not be entrant to my exce tread relleble pertlee or well-known me. F-wâ€" ___ _._- Other sdvsntéges resulting from the estsblishment 3 poor house in the county. which is to by the As- socistion, is the fut thst the move! 0! the tramps sndthe sim 1y destitute poor from the county js’ prevents over- crowding o! the lstter and nukes it possible to eflect s better tion ofthe remaining prisoners. This they clsim is a. nutter of much greater im- rtsnce then is ganerslly sup u t is found thst th vicesn crime is prepogsted b s lock of o r clusiii- cstm 2 of the mstes o! cgtung; jsils. \. an it has been decided to erect s count poor-house, plenty of time should be to en in selectin the ism, selecting the site and in deci lng upon the chu- scter or the buildings. home of refuge there is In less boggmg -â€"-in fact no excuse for ioâ€"fu lea pspperism_and _fu- lea crime. A _|.:‘_ 1.... 5L- THE comm†momma svsmt ; Imamneneoinduotoitl presenting in thofom most â€capable sud pleu- mtwmmthenfruhingwdhuly beneï¬cial propel-ciao! 3 perfect lu- a.tive;eï¬octmllyclanlin¢ thou-um, dispollingooldn. Mun! fem-I uld manly curing mï¬plï¬ou. It hymmwmmiomnnd not withtho appronlolthomodhl profesbmbeauuitmouthoxid- nap, Hm 313303 with; Inuk- enmgthal u ocdy he. «eryobjocï¬omblombstnnce. Sympofr' ifor-bbydldrq- gilt in 75¢. a. but “'- Innu- fnctm-ed thocdifornis Fig Syrup Manly, moi-Wanna, mmmmSyrupdrigs, mdbdngvenhfmmtyonvmm acceptanyuhatimifm waorma fur Syrup 00. mun-d. Teacherâ€"Now. Charlie, tell us what you knqw 3130th (hams? _ ' Charlieâ€"Dudes wear ’em in their mumâ€"Harlem Life. A Characterâ€"Is be good natured? “Good natured! Why. I have known that man to speak kindly to his wife when she was removing a mustard plaster from his back!"â€"Tit-Bita. Kecpln‘ mm Aw. Doraâ€"I made Mr. Hopper a necktie some time ago, and he hasn't called on me since. Miss Passeo (virtnonsly) - Well. I would just like to see a man try to kin mo goodbiyAnt the gate! tlIQt’l all! ‘ A _boraâ€"He probably feels that it he come he would have to wear inâ€"Cloth- is: and Furnishor. 73in- éixteen '(mischlevously)â€"So should Lâ€"Somerville Journal. Héandigimnu'nâ€"Yea. I do too. I killed Jones’ best dog the Mtixnol wentâ€"Detroit Free Press. - Little Girlâ€"It the company doesn‘t object. I prefer to pay my (are sad keep my own “minimâ€"Vogue. She (tauntinglyyâ€"Yon never kill any- thing when you go hunting. Conductorâ€"How old are you}. little sir}? _ Brings oomfod: and impmvement and tends to personal enjoyment when rightly used. The nanny, vho live bet- ter than other. sud enjoylifo mom, with lea expenditure, by more promptly udnpï¬ng the world's best product: to the need: of physicd being. will about the ulna liq hedth of the pure liquid kntivo principle- unlined in tho my. 8,1“? 01‘ Fix- ‘rEvery place I stops masksmrwork they offer me some. "â€"Washington Star. ding Pete. Due-mung. ‘Theee times,†said Mandamus Mike, “is the most discouragin lever 7 'Mr. Maniay n'iuâ€"I know now why your children are always on the street. -â€"Tens Sittings. 00’ch Felicity. Mr. Riverside Parkeâ€"YGSJ admit I and my Mm do have occasional little Spats, but nobody is ever present I make the children go out so they will not hear anything we say. But Mr. hiss-Chit mï¬ï¬iâ€"h’ is slow. Yea should wind and set it- at a oer"â€" vâ€"vâ€"d "r “Butâ€"but my watch any: 8: 88 now." faltered Mr. Bittersweet. "‘V‘Went ten minute! I80." VII ߠcheery reply. Vâ€"I‘E'iévmszko." mapped Mr. Bim- sweet. .. “Win: vein did yea want?" queried the gatekeeper. *ma 56:1" mm o: a tow 0130001500 cream we shun loan our min. You will never learn"â€" “B'ml Here we me u the nation. Whit e mine». my deer. while I be: e aim Now. you will see that I have el ed in: time to get contort-hi: into the min. Jutgive moth. ticket-I. will you?" “Why. Chennooy. Iâ€"I nut hue taro gotten end lea them on the bureau when they were lying. I remembered me chocolate m in the upper drewer. and I we: “raid the miceâ€:- " «7gp, am. 1 know. but sometimes I go to bed only. and sometime- I m up 7031 _1m_ log; you. " ,-,An-_ LINDSAY. “41!! 091110 cm: b“. u I my. punctulty in spat virtue. Now. I mm min a train Ind new It: It tho union III]! an hour «so. You on hr bimlly Into. You should nuke I habit of winding sud cutting your ruck u I 00:30:30" such any. any when you so to . ' "Twax. mu. hop to ‘50 "W“- Amolit. Now. â€would have all“ onrtnlnif mywacchhudnot been!!! order."Yonx-I van 1» the Mn" .- and. _ â€"7‘-B-ouuo you tried co mm it. an. and put it out of “‘9'." I‘Wlint's the matter?" naked Plodv “For the dckeb $711105 KNOWLEDGE TH EY LOST Independent. tterswoet wu out of heur- ) Tribune. A Bum... THE TRAIN Mameâ€"She married that banana. mn (or love. didn't aha? Junoâ€"Yen. Matteâ€"And did the get an Junoâ€"Lou of It. Be love. him-d! non ghnn my one he ever sunâ€"Detach Fret l. THOXAS IA‘I‘CHEI‘I‘ Tm. not at the "on? of View. a am by tho Wm: o! the Wooden of the said County of Vic- toria. don-d an Fourteenth day of hovel-her All I . will prooood Do all “an end our: of the above poroolo of loud for the strong 0' use. now dun upon them mpecuvcly. n nhovo not out. w with tho com. (unlo- dso a and cost: no sooner pdd). amamn Hm. m the To" at Undur. to tho do. Conn; of Viacom. o: Elam o'clock in the tomooa. on Wednesday. the Twentieth Com. raga-can'- 07710:. . r, IA'I‘CHETT. LI \DGA‘I'. um â€Mamba. 18“. * County Tm. lunch", I! II- M but. Pod. “No." uld Hustler. “I don't like to no a mu: rustling. 1 mm to non him spread Min-alt." “It All depend: on when be It." add Manners. “I don’t like to no n ma spud himself In a street «INâ€"Now You-km cam-3.... .. P.hu-".a.t§ saws" I’d Kath-m. no! Calm-0L. Nfldfmdoa n! W.I.W. Adams’ Popsin Tufli-Fmfli By Mrs. Henryâ€"Wood, “MNOVEL FREE. vault ’ Adam’ Tutu quttt. Iota-n1" i3 mun"... u pg..." .... 7‘ h. ...... n haulage: no Km Donor. m Robbie's drum me home. MI (100 M u wu- quite comm “Yet 'mqu not do to my." odd ho. (Flu: paw-M In the “ Campus Pour.†m November. mu “Tim 1: cannot be M“ Why. W? Itwunveryflumyphy. WWbounwuflk. wwuwamm.m¢om chthumwnuu»? “mandating-cumin Mmmmm mmlhzleolmdolhn hmmr'uwgumm JANUARY 11. 1895 Bond.) lute. Bl- Idol. mum-23’s SALE or LANDS WEDNESDAY. VILLAGE 0|" H IOIIDALI -Deu~o1c Tribune 10w 0! ennui 10'le 0" noon. m “83Ԡor «Sr 601! a..." “nu 851!†wwwwwm “NEWS 167 ll 10er 0f RIBBON. “an“ uuun FALLS RATHBUN CD'S. YARD NORTH END of Lindsay-st. BRIDGE, 00lL and W000 We are now cote oua lines of 900 stock and their 9 -. prices. Doors, Sash, Mouldings, Plaster Paris, Charcoal, Portland Cement, Salt, Terra Cotta Material, Drain Tile, Etc, Etc. CLEAR YOUR VOICE ETHE RATHBIII 003 GREGORY’ «flu III. «flu loll. "FROG Now Ad armament- u} sun.uulmttmmsrmmu.,ou 20th FEBRUARY, 1895, at 11 o’clock a.m. EMOBIAL cums :38 YOUR THROAT†10c. The Badman Oo’y. DRUG STORE, â€ï¬‚ flllflOC .1 “In {run mmme M; :mmw mm mm m w III II... “Isa, numn E Granny MINUTE. III-twig...†9 established convenient ¢ E. d “MI-It... 990k!- .Mk N. dam-1 an" Wmm WWMWW mi. .qcii.‘ W MID lfldfl. H..-......-- I“ mun-nu...- t, and wish to the vat-€- 51...: ........u.. ...-...!- a: -..E...... I... BAKER mus-um!“ Coo. m‘ man- u. tin VILLAGE Ol' RIBBON I'mâ€"(mlflnllu 17! 174 you want“ mjas. Guitars, Auto-Hum, Vio- lins. Looordm. lulu Boxol. Doll Out-Inca. rm, Work No. 6, KENT-ST., EAST. Belowm s few of my article. flit-Mo for Christina put-enhaâ€" CHRISTMAS ll 5 1‘ I†I6 00 5 6 1’0 VILLAGE OF WOOD"ILLE ‘ C 5 G!†I. C “I! II III! KIW STORE. Nut-clan home-made Broad a Specialty. BOXES. WM remove this week from the Workman Block to more convenient and better- lutod Premises TWO DOORS WEST OF OALY HOUSE, â€F105 -Rnwth'c Block. W the P. O. 2 toot Rough Hmdwood deliver- ed. ..................... 82.50 8 100: Select Hardwood, deliver- ed. ...................... 83 75 GOAL. Stove and Nutt. 85.75 per tan. “a. on Wmmmmmvnlu "I. Duel-lot. “I.†0.8.. REMOVAL 4 foot Mixed Wood. per cord. delivered, .............. 8:2. 40 4 foot Maple. Round and Rouh delivered, .............. 8:2 4|: foot Maple. Chopped. denv cred. ....................... _. .. _$_3. 50 WOOD AND GOAL. W. MCWATTERS, R. D. THEXTON, 15-1“ 36-100 W. Mc Wattâ€: nob 1-6 OONFBOTIONER R. D. Thexton. Jon. 31m. NOON , and don’t . you 111 Mm.“ ££< «uuau WW" I.“ $33 SSS Wherethel’ub- he will Ma WWof HOLIDAY I'IoN ER Y, BISCUITS, BU S,FBUIZ' CAKES, Etc. In 251 Immune not. punk mama o mated ______4 Elm than“ me no (nu 101ml Ayor' um run-41,4 1W LIN ture them I'll! MMMmmmem of in II In likn 3'5 “hum