m, ï¬replace mam Job Department. Will our friends every- where remember that we print posi- tively everything, from a book down to the smallest card? Either call in or write for prices and samples. You will be gratiï¬ed to ï¬nd how well, how reasonably, and how Speedily your order will be ï¬lled. We try to keep every promise to the hour. CHRISTMAS Holidays, to return lea n2 destlnnion not hm th am sad J 915th, 1894 ' also on December ood w re’tum leaving gunman 2nd. 1895. FARE 7nd Ticset- good ï¬ning December 21¢. 22nd.23ro, mm, %ch, 28“: 29th, 30th, 81“, 1894 and hungry lot, 1895, good to re’um leaving destination not. later tun Januu'y 2nd, 12:95. Smdenu 3nd Teachers will be granted Speck Tern“. Pu! inlormnuon given and ticket sold“ the Express Olliee. a. J. MAEHETT, Ticket Agent, em. ï¬igbut.......... [pvest........... Wmtm). In“ 'Joldeot " Thoweok New my: for the 15m FIREâ€"IN TORONTO. THE GLOBEBUILDING TOTAL- LY DESTROYED. Precipitation in 1 Graze-t hll of min in one day, Ruin tell on 0 dtys. Gmtest kl! o! snow in one day Snow fell on on 4 any: Ton! um 1:11 and melted snow Lou! -Ken' .2 Co. Load-Wt Lite. Gaming-Dr. Jebb. Curdâ€"Dr. Jeï¬ers. For Sale -0 Chittick. Reader- Fulford 8: Co. Insuranceâ€"F. C. Tsylor. Single Tnx- Geo. A. Little. “'mtodâ€"Box 143. Linduy. Cold buysâ€"Johnson a: Sissonn Bagains in Boots-Hogg Bros On A Big Scale < Spun a; Killon‘ Fire! Fire!â€"E. E W. McGaï¬ey. A Cooking Scnool -Arch. Camph w mun-v .__7 time the ï¬re reels began to arrive the building was past saving. A thick snow storm was telling, deadening the rattle of the reels and dulling the sound of the alarm belle, so that few people even in the 1 down town district knew anything about : the beginning of the battle. which would I presently threathen to include within its sweep a large area cf the business portion l of the city. It was plain from the outset that the ï¬remen would have a stubborn ï¬ght. So ï¬ercely was the ï¬re burning that twenty minutes after the alarm it had gone from the basement up to the top storey and weakened the walls so that the dome of I conflngration was Webb's restaurant. sit- 1 usted on the other corner of Yonze and l Melinda sts. This large three-storey bri 1 structure was soon wholly in possession of ‘ the flames Nicholas Rooney‘s wholesale dy goods establishment and the Brouah.‘ printing campsny‘s place, adjoining The Globe building on the south. followed; the Toronto lithoerzphing company, which occupied the Jurian-st. end and a couple of there of The Globe building, having meanwhile been involved in the destruc- tion. 01 the opposite corner of Jordan and Melinda-«ts. stood the new warehouse of S. F. McKinnon 3:00. Theme leaped the nsr:ow street and added this splendid six-storey structure to the bonfire which the crOWd. Sever \1 other build- Inan wgre wn ““3333 ngeï¬an 5"“... A Cooking Scnool -Arch. Campbell Mortgage Sale-McIntyre Stewart. Annual Meeting ~ Lindsay Cemetery Co. Axes and Cross-cut. Sawsâ€"F VanCunp. Sharpening Itâ€"Dundas Flavelle Bros Farmers and Stock Raisersâ€" A Eigiubotham. Seventy-ï¬ve Cems on the Dollarâ€"Horn Bros‘ an. LINDEZYT'FRIDAY‘ term A dvertisemen ts mean 01...... TEE WIA‘I‘KIB. he week ending Saturdt)‘ Temperat'm‘ 31101, 0.61- in Inches. iay, 0.0 2140.. 22nd. 23rd. 24"“ 1394 and Jmufly 1“. destimnon not. later ants .nd Teachem .W‘“ 29_7_Tbursd8y. 3.5, Satu rdty -15- Saturday. 22 35 â€"Thurnd3y. ,o 6â€"8aturdty. 14.95. This Week. night, Jan ’1‘ Bum. prevented a e appalling to think about. As it wk 19 in the cflicas and stores in Jsoent abandon 960? blocks nude paratione to their places. 'i‘net the ï¬re did not spread farther than it did was owing to {:0 e herculean eflgrts of the brigade. brigade never eh d , m. _-_l.na with more heroism. â€"rWhen the ï¬re pron can W‘- .W- awoalyabneze,butby the than in was Infnl sweep a stung wind had sprung performed, reflects in every ofï¬cer and m It was a trial to try men, and the Globe of the whole city wht is proud of the heme oilskins, fought. Sm uiooe tnls murmub "(w Mr. Jaffcay thanked the staff for the promptness with which they res nded to the necessities of the disaster. e also expressed his deep appreciation of the kindness which had been shown by the newspaper men of the city. They could not have been kinder, he said, and he felt very grateful for the sympathy andegracti- tal aid which they had proï¬â€™e -As illustrative cf the kindness of f eeling he remarked that among those who had shaken him by the hand and placed the facilities of their offices at The Globe’s use, were two gentlemen with whom he had had misunderstandings, one of three yeals and the other of longer standing. He had felt this general g: will very desp‘y. [By Lady Gook, nee Tennessee C~ Claflim] Just as ‘ any rope is goodenongh to hang a dog with,“ so in the past any cause has been good enough for war. Chronic inter- national hatreds and jealousies made the nations ripe to ï¬ght for Imaginary injuries or advantages as readily as for real ones. Thus a spirit of contempt and animosity towards foreigners was encouraged by rulers so that they might the more easily excite the people to war phrensy when- Av luv -â€" ever they desired it. The patriotism and genius of pets were enlisted on the same side. A century ago the mercenary pen of thIn ï¬red the navy to Incredible hero- ism. He flittered every prejudice and tolble of our simple-minded tars. Nat n foraceetle but rang with his songs : “While English hosems boast English hearts. We'll tip 'em All round t touch : While with ardoureach stutatlnt nothing can quench We‘ll hung the Sponiu'de belobor the Dutch, And block up bud hugh et the French. Now the French, while in hubor so snug sad so sly 'Bout their couture they make t ï¬ne rout ; If they’d hove the whole world not believe it o lie, Then, dgmme. why don’t they come out '9" 0! Nelson he wrote : "So you see the desputches were egily stow’dâ€" 7L 7 h._ I__ . leu --- --, ~ . V 'Twu no use with thist'ry to chu'ge 'em ; He'd occasion (or only the old inhioned mode, Taken, bnmt, end destroyed, es per mrjum. Thus with one of his precious limbs shot any Bold Nelson know'd well how to nick 'em ; So as for the French, ’tis as much :9 to myâ€" :We con tie up one hand md then lick 'em." Next the country comes in for a share : “Then of Englond, thtt wonderful country, sing. Where we've thousands of jov. if we need 'em . mm low thnt protect us. 1 Proteamt hint, Lovely women.'grog_ biscuit ind freedom " When Dibdin died in 1814, Baronger was twenty-tour, and hnd already made him- self a name. An earnest and true poet, he was content to mile: for his opinions, and was equally tree from venallty and sex-vil- lty. But from purer motives he did tor the French my much the some that Dib- din had done f‘ r tha English. navy. This French Auacreon. who sang so sweetly of love, also tuned his lyre to war, and with those witty sarcasms which the French so EUR OPEA N ARBE'RATIJN. 7 born the precesua of hates. restriction on m. and the Introduced law In, an “gurus c naked we glean-van v-uvâ€" - thode may it most npuuy I imp: cticzble ? and efreotlv be made Disarmament been W by gnu: l orlflca. Thlewemto 0 er ineupen e ch are the powers thet' and to whet extent, end I who will take the initiative 7 Whet gnu- enteea can there be that any agreement\ on the matter would be respected by all gel-ties? Religion could onoe enhtca The moo (f GA, and the sword for etime rusted in its sheath. But the power 0! the ï¬pee and the force 0 broken To wh st new powers gro change of national productions, the in- creasing sentiment of the brothrrhood of n' en, and the widening eenne ct justice. Brotherhood and Justice! rhmld be the new watcflwords of the maple, and then -- -â€"â€"_..-.|.m. ulll more 08! 81 peace to the nations. As in ordinari courts cf law the ablest and most profcun p‘eaders should succmd the ind of the international tribunal, and deci e by the sselonless laws cf iquity, alike tree tram ip‘omatic chicanery and political heat. The lofty standard of justice taught by international lawyers from GrJtius down to this dayï¬zas been largelg ineffective be- c ~.usxe causes have alwa s can decided by statesmen instead 0 by professional ‘udges Professor Sheldon Amos said of the arbitration at Geneva under the treaty of Washington, that it. “has been a deal marred by the‘ national party feeling _ .44.... dun-a -‘P‘ um. nun-vu- v: ________ u by wh!-;h some of the arbitrators were agitated, and {tom which a permanently constituted court of justice m‘ght (If It couldbe found at all) be expecedto be moderakely exempt." Other camel, too, have contributed t_3 ï¬lls n‘nd similar-[£955. usages. But equlty Is an or to usage, and the proposed court ohclwoul supreme; court of justioew for the worl beda Would be easentlmy a c :11}? of ‘equlty A: wuuxu W unwoundâ€, â€" _ .___ present there Is no canon of rlgho and wrung to determine when la la justiï¬able to go to war, or whether any given war 13 jnat or unjust, although the meet wanton oellgerenn always tee compelled to ofl'er a pretence o! Justiï¬cation for breaking the peace. But a European court of arbl- taxation would make the laws as well as thejudnmentv. Many causes of war are dying out among states of equal civiliza- tion. Religious toleratlon, tree trade. colonial Independence, a wider dlflcelon of knowledge, freer commnnleatlen, and ~- _ _._.Iel-- nn OI KDOWIWTV, u’w w...uâ€"â€"-._v-v_, the decrees ng influence cf nynltiee nnd aristocrooiee, are rendering obsolete the most notable causes of wars in past times. And when the «an? is extended to women as to men. the vote will be so unanimous and eopowerful that no eon- stitutiennl government will be able to exist unleee its poliox be f u- arbitration ee iCormpondence oi Tut P031 \ TEMPMCI N armâ€"The L. V. tomorr- anoe society of this place had their 6 eo- tion of oflicers on andâ€?! evening laet. eleo cor. sec. W. E. Agnew: rec. ecc.. Miss Mary Gilchrist; treae, . ma'ehalls, Miss L’zzle Gilchrist and all McE where; ards, Mics Bella McFadyen and Archie am. Lodge meet on Friday evenings are well attend and good programs are alwaya in order. PERSONALS â€"â€"Our school hi! reopened after holidays, Mr. W. E. Agnew charge for another year ...... Misc Annie Mcanhern, teacher at Bala, Murcia. has returned to resume her work after spend. lug her holidays at home ...... Miss Lena Ettord lettto take shame of a school at at-ul- A--- I. LOCAL NEWS-LETTERS Rwedule ...... Mr. Jahn mnuyeu uu vane to Dunstan-d to teach ...... Mr. Den Gilchr!s*, wh 1 has for the past tour you: been in the States. has returned home to sp~nd the winter. Dan's my blends van be pleased to see him ngsln ...... Mr. Dow, of Grand Fork. N. 1).. la at preeenc visiting his may friends In Islay and Fenelon. U 1’ u 1 14 b. [correspondence of Tm P061 1 New Ya u‘s Tau. -â€"'rno Sabbath 6 Lou u... - __._, ,, negro?! to see him ugsln ...... Mr. For-h. N. 1).. la at present his may friends In Islay and IbLA Y. end as he pmeeeded to distribute the he the boys and glrle smiled on him in 3 very winning “deem! share.“ We hope the good psople [Compondenee oi Tn: Post.) Ken? 11- m Munâ€"We wan to direct particular attention to the advertisement of the annual meeting at the udcaltnni society of Nn-th Vietnrls. to be held et ViotcrieRJed on Wedneedny. 16:11. The business in bend will be the election a: Am â€"-We have received noun! tndo odi- tlons of weekly nonpupen the put week. moototwhlohm 3 audit to the town they no published In. The nun-gets of Ta: Lamar P-.sf am â€new pulse to: men- enmwloc. Tn Post on: u: elght p330 edition cont-lulu I _ of than therwlthsbontwcnu at the p-ln business about sud mug: . nAu , -L-_L â€"‘l" men. with e ehcr: sketch (f eeen: use town's New, end of cm ite adm- tegeeover other towns-[Penetsngul ehene Eel-dd. â€"Wlth commendehie energy the Lum- su' Poe-r hen published u: blunted Trude Edition ct WW“! journhi. which comm- of ole y put together sketches of the town of Lindeey. with halt-tone warning! of the streets, public building end enndry hueinee: phone The Wee! 0! PM In nude-y. The unIon meetlnze tor pm during thIe week heve been even Inger then usual. 0 1 Maude, end Tuesday evening: the BeptIet ehuxc‘x end St. Peul'e eehool room werepeehedto theIr utmoet. num- berehevtng to content then-elves wIth etend room. Dadngthe nmelader at the the meow-go VIII Inereeee In numbers end In Inureet. 0e Sebheth evenln thaewfllbeegenenlexc‘nnge otpu‘ te themInIetenetthetown. Rev. Mr. J ton wnI preach In Queen- et. Method!» chuteh;Rav. Mr. Touch In the Beptlet church; Rev. Hr. Trottu In W mm,“u..th Ilhdll. (3.?an on. Such goods as zwll be sold az‘ a sacriï¬ce 2‘0 6/66â€- “ Lindsay‘s Leader of Low Cash E 4 Prices Dry Goods House, E E on A F F E IQ I I I ' If: D. .eraonal gamma“ “‘ All-hik- TFï¬ï¬ETrmus. VICTOR! A 3040. 0mm ' FRIDAY. 1T“ 7' ’5 the mm mum-0n Doc 18“. ll Doha?!" e: um van and 0070-â€- IMnI.-0n DnJM. In \‘mh much-flee! Wm Mn.“ BndIcId. I It Is “not gent-Fm £1-“ l1 mum twinks-dam Hotelier nuunhordmhuquodaomwmkon munhmlnmmwmmm Wammfl»; public. mnem- hun boon manly mound And Marni-Ind II! t. mm in who an M an nod c on: supply. 11:03:: I- wanna with tho chow ulna a bum Mom The Goat- an "yaw-don W upon than. Tho Public to audit", ududwuvom-nm- shun elm-Ir m. Nutratuathudouc Mao. MM 0 lfl'uh. Gun rhea M'h eafldflumamwm LBS-ID, é“ Ii do“ GI Wm“; WAVE RLE Y The undonup QOUTH ._._ .L,__ ._A -Aâ€"l--- [- mwmmm mum MM wn.mm mmmm .mwg -. p 3 w. w w w w a mmmm Valuable Village Property "'0'"- nl’uh‘loultluu countdeMon Friday. February 15. 189 A Pint-Oh“ “C10: - 550. A Good KILVI for - 100. out“ 0MB tor - 100. GOOD WI fa ~ 350. um ï¬lm! W for $1.25 Ink]. 811'. T P0!" for 800. Royal om Wm â€.50 lie. In lo. 9 W0! atom - - ‘1850 sun: at .n m cusp AXES and Cross-Cut Saws. at VanlMMF'S, nod-y. In. new -“-L leagc of MANILLA. New Ad v31} tuezgen cg: R. J EFF ERS- ‘A NTE D. â€"1 ORTGAGE SALE. 9 WELLINGTON-ST. “mun no. 6. .1...“ I II“ a . VICTORIA AG BIC U LTUR- F. Van Camp A ï¬ns-clu- CHEESE: Even. LIXDSJ‘X-rt JAKE KEITH. w. Im‘f. “If. d» so: us. uu ., aux), vuu ‘ ..___ f l l Ehz: Cun- l . _V I . D 3“". . PPS78 0000A ‘ . :31:an Entn I ‘E "DEBS “VAN new, u.“ N" E ‘1 35:56 m1 Ln! 2‘3 l A __-__ n‘r‘jcullr‘ :Lpply tn J'HI mun u.- Cooot. If. to: our W and sun»? b on vhloh luv I†Ill Ill Nu:- m in bymo judicious an um an . mwyog my!» -A_. Central 81131119ng M's m don-“ll Ida-u. Winter Term Runway, JAN. 8. warn: roa PROSPECTUS. .3 run 92.! 98 in“ «,7. I809? an. DOC-i... on 9:32... I... I0:- : g 3-. “Gas.- ..“ inn. MONEY TO LOAN MW manna-,9: [on mam. J. H. SOOTHERAN, “1847 ROGERS BROS." Spoons. Forks. Knives. etc “J08. ROGERS SONS†Table and Pocket Cutlery. OARV‘ERS In Betta and Cases. SOIBBOBS of all kinds. SKATES at all pica. “MRS. POTTS" Cold Handle â€In" 0" sum. KIA" um rm mow“; I!“ 0" - m m - J. 6. Edwards 60., CENTRAL 308M538 COLLEGE. TORONTO. ONT. K OTES DISOOUHTE‘D “IT’S SO.†New Advebisemon ts: mmATIMMNMon ' m NOVELTIES I IRONS for 69 cents pe Sett. “lamina-on Immmr â€Mimic“; MORTGAGES CHANGED. J. G. Edwards a Co. {alumna-WP?“ J. .H. Soothorm IIA' uum. m _I_ 7mm 1mm P Hack nukes alt-tony port at thewwn; meet.- sll was All orders pronme mud to. Ever)" thing ant-ch- ln livery. I! you mm. to bond you! bone with no you an. I! it u only tor u: hour. Lad you depend he will bu flu but at one. Tale “I“! 35““. 4". 3mmâ€. OTICE T0 FARMERS.â€" ï¬lm ‘ mm um I â€Malawian-than» bummed graham-amy- lemvil and lidue com- on» when mold up an drug the up exuda- sad and ban man. In order Meet-n may mul- .- post“. next. lull I will deliver by W in“ or Mu- nne mm to an) w lat tho null Inn at FIFTY CENTS Ind I nod-oak! Ion. {all “In oflar In good unnltht‘ and: d PM. All ("non nodule {orl can} land I." Tova-Mo. Con . Lot. P 0.. and inclo-e ï¬fty com-.1 will an my two or three Counties or I In and I'm-Np rim chap fl uken mm". mm- [or Mann, with “up. In.) PEARCE. Box :88. [And-v. 0M. mu mud in (â€NH Town-Mp.'l‘ovnqnd"lllnco Windy. Good m)‘ m. N0 "HUM mind. dmuhn provnded. â€" Scotch Shorthorns and Short- hom Grade Cattle. WI um “NJ, 0.1.. Durban Coun Tamil.) 0! In“ not I. Con. 13, win cell on can b all! or will I». cum, than Milan. m‘ 1.1- ounm hall-t oun- one ye" daze-o dim-Mold; one bull Nu m on; Mmhfldm.choï¬a on“ on his all. M I. All lylirod M an M Vidal-ha accor HMO --mmâ€". a“ bun. mm: â€"- tn. yu- nu. call. a. ho choicobuu- mmsmmam.mmly Gum†huh an“... .1 mm the red mmmaufln‘nuu Tracer-4° W In I poi! lot can lnlnooondlflon. There mmhwmmum max-pun“ i “DIN“. “HUI“ 23rd, 1895. ad“ MI Ian'- Luoch 5:120 )RIVATE _ BOAISPI‘FG.â€"Ipn an. smrsows “ADROIT †)PESSARY LBERT JEWETT'S LIVERY, AND BOARDING sunnas. We! unpo- loIIO. You ANCING AC;pF;MX. _- Gxo , ‘v ‘v u" AKE \HEW SHORTHORNS‘ lo flity DEBS WANTED to build a I m, on Lot 12 Con. 9. DALTUN. In snow to JOHN REID, Haelhnrut .iry noon: Oor oneâ€. AWU‘ J uElel-zs. ~43 3. Adveflygï¬szï¬; â€"â€"TV0 brick ply†Batu GU! Ilmm “LI 0' éiaibu‘i'n Company krb'ym' r, YOI’I- 3t. weakness tor'onto. DICE COAL TUES†uxg in lo mm plbd nude Court H Court m1. Mon Ten. F0 PE Bflll 250. ell nu County foot VO )R!