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Canadian Post (Lindsay, ONT18610913), 18 Jan 1895, p. 1

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Id Short- ‘ttle. Li VS! 1'2 6* u eats. KWI-TT. ‘2': 09:10”. |.lnll.‘ a- un .uw gnk . uLfll‘ um. rule um. um" Can. tun-m 33rd, 1895. PM C00”. L will all an our M baseman! ml u WM". Gm would I!- lay an ho traction. in Lhe wt“. in an op“!- na: own-10¢ Iic clan [of mall on Mon- :uu:k. shtfg. 1 Burn _n So.»- “.45. 53 ace. 5.:- E d. 8.5â€"? ' mm be pro- "union HACK wry mce mates A ROI. cut! Tuko Jed rm to Cho- god or Midi. Th6 nto. M. Tenders. unrko neekvod by the u: at norm, for the delivery of: 120 Coral of Gr-od. Sound 8000!: um mm. Bods Wood. mu thux'a Ont. 4 foot Mixed Wood, per cord, delivered, .............. $2.40 4 foot Maple, Round and Rough, delivered, .............. $2.50 4 toot Maple, .ChOpped, delivered. .......................... $3.50 2 tool Rough Handwood. deliver- ed. ..................... $2.50 100: Select Hardwood, deliver- ed, ...................... $3.75 COAL, Stove and N utt, $5.75 per ton. 25°. on Wood and 0011 when drawn by the purchaser. Twas 0.183. Court House and Gaol Yards, Lindsay. OFFICE. -Smuth's Block. Opposite the Monday, Jan. 2131:, 1895. Wood to be delivered not. hm "an In J My next, in lots of no: loss than 10 oordl. w b. o! qumy flushcwry to Mr. 0101.: Jackson, and pinned Ind piled under bk direction. ' ‘1'. M52083“. County Clem? 111380112an Day of m, 1895, ORPORATION OF THE COUNTY OF VICTORIA. None. is hereby given an: the lucid Council of the County 0! Vlcwm mu meat It: Court House, in the Town of Lindsay. Tenders for Cordwood. Hm- T. C. Matchett, Agent, WOOD AND GOAL. which we are selling so cheap. Now is your time. Bitr men, we have extra Large Sizes 1n \Vool Lined Rubbers selling cheap. You will need Overshoes, Rubber and Felt Goods WE LEAD THE TRADE JBHNSTUN 8: 8188M 3mm Ems. EVE RS? ’wrzmm SDAY t 2 o'clock p.m.. put-um: to Sun“. 1'. lu-om'r. County OH. BULB DAYS COUNCIL CHAMBER County Ciark’s mace. Llnduy 8th Jm. 189a-i2 County Cluk'noflaa, Manny, 8th Jun, 195.4 IT IS WORTH KNOWING THAT A ‘UUXT 1' OF VIC I‘ORIA. TOURIST CAR FOUNTAIN PENW BMW (Advertisements. ,4 ____._.__ VOLUME XXXIJLEHQLE N< No. 52 Kant-IL, In: 0! Grog-tr. Drug more g decided to cletr out my stock 0! Wood and Coal I mu- m. the following Low Prices: . D. THEXTON. Johns tan 8; 81293011- EVE R Y FRID A? WHY? IS A '1‘ Application ‘ (uh/Ii”; safe from s/czyming, 54ft: from daring 11/. “Then closed for the pocket it may n: knOcked about any way but it cannot leak. In every way it is as fur ahead of the regular style fountain pen as: seen the m selling? '11 .volks like safe from I: Milli/1g, sat safe from d! marked ' Tender for Cordwood," wmbe the underlined until R. D.’ Thextcg; In: electric light is all-end of coal oil lamp. \Ve war- mt evory one and will re- ,md \our money if unsatis- lctm y. Come and try one. Button Eggs: as much of a necessity in man's pocket as a hand robin-t. Do you doubt it? l'.\L'l LO'IVO. TUION‘Z'O 18 80 EM. (PIMP)- IS A 'I‘UURIST CAR," Fred on luuluu w my A331“. T HE POST A? 7.50 [31. _[fl 1'“! â€" â€" [X H!)â€" nontlng dlroclly With Th!" Southern Culuormn. 1-H YTEEKRTIETH an NT vlu sum: Bay. BIHIQH BIflS. The Largest Country Weekly East 01 Toronto. (kl/lg Lng Red Scicctcd Giant Yellow Int. Mammoth Red 1m. While Shh-win“ Sugar Bout ..... Warden I'rxzo Umnuo Gloloc .. EmpircSmto.. 5653' 7:313 1-2-2 91 Pearl of Sway. 271 3 295 5 127 S7 1‘ Burma's Extra. Hwy ......... 264 S 2313 10:? 100 Summit. ..... . 253 5 247 3 117 5'! White SLM‘ . . . . 247.1) 261.7 113 73 lluml New Yorker No 2. . 231.3 225. 2 127 75 Mr. Roms 1N enquired how long they had exam-[manned wan the Burpee potato. Ma. ZAVI'I‘Z -“0nl tor a few years." Mr. I. W. REID as ed 1! the Btu-pee var- Iety was not Identical with Steele's Emlyâ€" he had sown both and could not detect any ditfcrence. .- . .. I,LAL-_ ___.. Jersey .\0\el. ... Er!) Am Red Top Csner' s Elephant lirtly's Bronze Tp Imp Short White ... L mm White V ca. '05.. L: true Wh: ta B :1. 'mm G.‘.cmnde ....... ... m Dmvc: s In L: Oran ouuuno LIV-A. vuv -- -_- Mr. DEYEBL said he had succeeded very well with potatoes. 3nd had taken several prizes an Lindsayvand Omemee film. He found It best cc plans from the 8.h to the 19.11 June. 4 _ _ . - . . 4.--“; 12'.“ I} uuc. Mr. BEAM said as neighbor of his planted late also and was very successful as a rule. He had tried late planting himself last 3/". r but was not successful. Mr stnz said although there is no settled dste for sowing. late planting on the whole seemed to give best results. Mr. Ransom said he had started late last yep: and never had a Poorer crop. AL“ ”-1 Llfllnn n' llIU null lulu may: U- ‘- ----â€". __' Mr. J. [I .vmxs asked" It woufd nut bo bettor to grow mangoldu than turnips. as the flats ahuved an oxcou of dry matter In the form". Mr. Z‘wnv. said thnt as the com art-on was only for one our lt y» b 1 fair; the mnngolds ha been plantedlna wot manner: and the turnlpo duruml a (33' span. In reply to a question Mr. Z -. u s d shut at the (arm they plan'- medlum-alxa pom- toes two feet apnr'. M.d!um-siu patatool glvn the best results. Mr. Fun thought the term somewhut nttaleagll_.ugf-whut_yo vgquld oallmodlum .,, L... -LI.-_- unu.‘ - MHZ-{£112 said he thought they were dun-rent. At the college they planted po- tatoes from the 1703:}; to_thg 20511 May; _ j, -â€" mlnleadlngâ€"whnt he would call medium 3221 might be considered bl by othen. Mr. lmvsu. auld he 3 Wu 3 out hll potatoes tor p‘untlng, placing t. ‘rsa places In ouch hill. Lash year he had 150 bushels Jun: ullu HOVKA uuu- u- ~-'_ -_' Mr. 13mm remarkedrihac gooa'tllllng of tho «oil had much to (19 glgh the field, ‘ Mr. SMITH handled the above Iuhjact. Aq we tally reported 3 paper on “Too Silo" read at a meeting of the lnetltnbe a eoque of years ago, end as no new lntormablon of importance was advanced during the die- cu-sian. we refrain from reporting the address to full. - or; Friday last. and was one of the most successful yet held under the institute's auspizes. The large room was comfort- ably filled with an audiz-nce composed of influential farmers from the surrounding districts, and a noticeable feature was the presence at a large number of young lar- mers, which was an evidence of the good work being done by the institute in bring- ing the young as well as the older mem- bcrs at the farming community together for the discussion of practical subjects of interest to all. ' The meeting cpaned at 11 o‘clock, with Mr. J ohu Connoli . president cf the insti- tute. presiding. e expressed his pleasure at the attendance, and hoped that from the scussions carried on at the different sessions the firmer; would re- ceive some valuable and practical assis- tance. Prcf. stitz, Prof. Smith, and Mr. Beam would be pleas d to answer any questions that might be asked them dur- ing the meetir g. GROWING ROOTS AND Po'ra'roxs. Pref. Zwitz took charge oi! the above subject, and to illustrate his lecture he displayed a number of tabulated forms giving the results cf experiments conduct- ed at the farm, and also by fix-mars and ex-studeuts o! the culle e tlrmghout the proving e. As they com lne the gist of the address and omit the descriptive matter, which mainly referred to the tests. we give them in full: to the sore. The Alcornoon melon. A: 1.30 o‘elcck, when the afternoon eel- elon Opened, every seat in the cannon chamber was occupied, and a number were compelled to stand. .151: “BEL§;“Tht question, I think wee anewered this morningâ€"I wo etron i recommend deity taming.” "with is the best breed at can far the cheese he I" . Mr. SMITHâ€"“T t is hard to newer; diflerent breeds euoeeed well wibh Maren: moni” .- . . n. , O! L_ I.-_L A- Mr BE nu thought it would he been to avoid any emu-overs u to breeds. Any breed proven good y the Bsboook to“ would answer, and judged by this my grade cows area us he but. Cer- tain families of erseys and Holstein. yield more milk thun othcre. end the me In true of the Ayrshire; Former. cannot make any mietuko it they eeleot good unimnle o! my of thepcpulu- heed. team from; he wouldedvinehrmm to raise their own oowe tor the cheese hu- W‘niz-..WE. SWAIN said they were) about to starts-cheese teem lnhl trlet, consequently he was mxloue to get the proteeewn'e__'9plnlon as to the beat THE QUESTION bum f. The renewing questions. pinned in Secre- tary Keith’s ands since the morning sessjgn, were first disputed o! :â€" A..- 1-..“-.. “ Whit is the been o'ourse Er the tamer to teke eh the present time In order to mega e l_lvlng TIM L-AA U ALI_‘_ 35 3338:.- 06555 mu 8 «E. can. 835 19. Ba. my»: .35 33 Hanna?! 833m logo. Ltd Mr. J 3‘. Be In. of Welland County -5ome carefully Preps.“ Papers by Local Men. - Slowly but surely the farmers of West Victoria. are exhibiting a. growing intertst in the annual sessions of the F/irmers' Institute. The first of the series of meet- ings to be held in Lindsay this winter under the auspices of the West Victoria Institute was held in the council chamber G. H. Wmsox. FARMERS’ INSTITUTE. A Welt-Atwood um lat nuke-tum newton - Addresses by Prof. c A. sz212 3. 8. A. and Pan. J F. Smith, 3. A. 01 um Guelph Agricultnrnl Gol- who (fianadiau £1151. \‘.\ RI ELTI ES‘ VARIETIES \‘AREE‘HES‘ WEST VICTORIA. FARMERS WILSON . WILSON. ‘zc Winuér NO. 1315 THE CONSTRUCTION OF SILOS.‘ MEET IN LINDSA Y. ‘20 0 1K Pofatoes. \‘u-zw mm ACRE. 33 team, St'u HMS. 1:94. 2 years. AVERAGE mam PER ACRE. 18 co oper- Ex Station Ex.$r.ation ative tests, tests, 4 yrs. dry matter 1894 1894. Tons. Tons. Tons. 32 n 24 ‘3. 1 51 Bllsh AVERAGE max.» I' Lco-opor- Ex Station in: team, hats, 1594. 139‘. Tons. Tw'. 29.1 Mangoldsl Carrots. Turnip: Bush. 291.3 AVERAGE \‘n-zu) 1".“ ACRE. 2‘) coupon Ex Station teats 289%. tests. 3 yrs T ms. Tons. 189 23 6 19 0 23.1 PROPRIETURS. No, Tabla 01‘3“] no quality mature IOJbeat F W. Wmaou. Ex Station dry matter. 1594. .41 ,nl‘ 'JCP‘. Now thin system muut he chenged. Whv not cul- tivete loss acre: and get larger yielde' Test! end experiments hnvo provon thet the cnptcity o! the soil to produce is nlm‘mt unlimited when the neeeenry cultivation and plnnt food in applied :0 it. it is not my intention to quote figures to show you whet the lnud cm do. or to tell you whet your lend needs. no the sources of that kind at iulormetion ere e1 eveil- able to you es to me Whit i do any in thet by e proper system of cultivetion. by thorough dreinace end bv ciretully npplying the kind end emount o! fertilized your lend needs. you een double the pro duee put acre of your term. it you Were teemmz end lied loads of three-tone weight to drew. you could drew tlmm'with three team; 0! panlee, but you would prefer to handle them With one teem oi drett hornet. Now it you will: to produce 3.) buehele 0! Who“. three acres of your iend in its preeent condition will probably produce it, but you well know the: you uen relee it on one note. or less. end i think et e (renter profit end no of other crops. One 01 the dbedven- at large terms in their eoet. end the cult of stocking them. so that th; evenze termer cannot stert on them. either es owner or tenent without going heavily into debt. which at once pleeee him et such e diuedventege thet hie chencee or eueeeel ere not very good, end it her: been the meene o! mining the prospects 0! many men. He in nine pleeed et e dinedventage by hevlnx to depend elmeu eoiely m: hired labor. end unless he ie e men of more ordinary vigilance hie work will not ell he performed at the proper time. or in e proper meet or nome- thing will he elluwed to go to mate. It the term In sol-rue thet he cannot go over it every dey he it wrote hevelom by etock getting into crepe. or by beinginjurod in the iield in verioue unaoeountebie wevu which you es “more will reedily under-tend 11nd lor leck of e little timely eid he in liehle to [on t mm. A farmer cannot eiweye get lend eltueted just where he would wish end meet lame {ermere work some lend too (er irom where they live Thin lend in usueliy worked et e loan. if e men hen to taken teem e mile or over to warn thet men end teem will lune about one-eighth ol the time unveiling heck end unln. uu-u u...- .~ .w...-- ”1er to hire mon to tron-l or duw bulky produoo or mannro my wool. dlnl-nnoo Tho loud I'. odlulonoo uldom got.- 0 0 un cull votlon or maul-o to hop up lt- lorullty. null noon booomooo droln upon tho ro- Iouroon, rumor thou I holp. whou ho Would bo honor without ll, .- to own more load than con bo oullh‘lb od or oulllmlod woll ll only no much dood oopllol - o-pltol whloh povu no mum; bu! tho om of Mela: nml paylmr tum- on ll. ulll hoop A poor tumor poor lurovur. Tull. oddod lo tho oo-I of lost lobor In oul- llvullnfl more thou an poo-lbly ho douo Mindy. In nullloloul o! lluol! to nhow why no mouy up tomor- uro not In honor olroumotonoon Allor Ipondlug my lllo outlralyupon tho {om I out thoroughly oonvluood that our county would be ballot in ovory My ll no luvu cullulnod more thou 100 new: aid [or many 0! our (much 50 tom -or oven lou. would ho boner. lbollu'o tho: our Ioooll w. Vlozorln county. would uroopor oo novor boloro. um. our tumor: would '0 ballot loll-8d wlu: Mo'- woxk. ond moro under to no: lhooo thlnao whlch olovoto Wllh null or lum- I o undoncy would ho to honor oulllvotlou. tho oood would bo gown In good ground prororly prop-rod. ond uroduoo obunoonuy. Thoro Wood be no book lot: to produoo Imu- or lhlutloo .- than m It. pro-om but ovorv son would bo undo to produce wmolhlng The loud and crop- bolng oonmlntly undo: tho oyo o! tho hmr. too fonooo would be kept. ln ropolr.or.d tho lou- tron bunny nook ovoldod ; lho rov I o! lnooox pooh promptly chookod l! poollbIo; w would ho doo- troyod: sud new vorlouoo o! noodo. whloh no Mal mun-Ion of out loud. oxumlnoud. Tho omn- ln¢_ o! looo‘oxeont, would oo horn-M u “to gm A _ ___--..u _-.._-- -hlnh l- ova: loan, would bu boner. Ly. Vlotorln county. Would um. our human would '0 work. nnd more may :9 I or time sad In hateful manor. which In on“: m lblo on hm {mm ma ”momm- annal- u om loan. The work on me mull hm would be mostly poflormod b the (Amer or m- tinny.“ u they would Ill 0 mun-ad In an ”mm. It. wwuld b0 done In I prompt tad «Mal manner. Such oxponm u used. axon In! labor 'uuld ho very light. but may at very nations item at oxpom to mlmfimqr. . . . ___Ln__ __.- I -- IIIâ€" Apu: {tom the kin of asking money. I on sun you would .u prefer the null km. for you .1! know am the [use hm require. 3 you dad of hind mm. And It I! the canton: of this country to baud Ill sh. hind-.nd mom to do am: More“; I? hm my wile mm Involunt- .n- naming on. And my bully". compound on nwu v vnv'vI-I-uu 7. (mm my] this [It noun. 105. Minn «nn 1...... Lulu... "uh...- . “(WUI'IDI-l O "In. â€"’ “I-v __ 7 on‘ bonding intimately unodm with momma buds who as ormynotbododnbbohmm-tonhcan-oei mwnh. ad I do notd ill mph“ Mold! nu stock mod on u» thank to much a to ho of lap-dot gum: nndxlrll whom nlnd on It. and I know at plmwhonthoyanbommundd Moon-n1 do- month-alum. Wu our country work“ In mile: hum mm» mmnldnmilvtnm. m- u ho do.“ 15]; Reason said he had grown nearly all the early varletlea and fmnd they r:- qnfrad very rich land, and several others agreed with him. SMALLER FLRNS ADVOCL’I‘BD. Mr. Albert J. Davidson, Glandlne, Mar?- posa, read the following interesting paper re the advantages to be galned by working smaller farms :â€" any a. Ana-v- ....._ â€"â€" -_'_-_-- Wuaua, Mr. W. M. Bossesâ€"The pea weevil is here all right." . Mr. Zavrrz said the varieties mentioned had been grown at the farm, but he was unable to give much information about them as yet ; they had grown the Ameri- can Wonder, the Teleuaph, the Tele- phone, and other early varieties ; he thought some cf the varieties of which the yield is not so 13 0 would prove the most remunerative in t e end. . _,_, Wu our ooumry worked ln mallet brine the hr- mer would not llvoeo eoll 3 me u he does u pment, .- ne hbore would u cheer: ”one: end enjoy e eoohl lie now denied to my. uoe lo the violnlz at vllluree this would do no "swam You nldom find the” “plainly-in arm. this, or the m; undo! “abduc- nook. unproduco «membrane: udwhflâ€"dnplybo- who bullion-h. lino wdnwm ”mpodncdon .1 mafia-Maw,“ wiltiéwnx said many of the lumen had Durban». M: Elnaâ€"“The Durham used to be 3 good breed, but latterly they had been bred for beef, and were not now so good as former! for dairy 11 secs. He thought. theyAyrahiree crossed-pan the Dar- hams. would do. or perhaps “'0 3“” stelm', A __ _, .. . .__L. HWIIu yr. T808. F53 said It was his Intention to start a herd as soon as possible. He had conuu ted a Paras-bow gentleman who owned a fine rug-d, w_ho tolt} him Acuunu "an a- a. Mr. Z-xvrrz said it had been found at the omega met for yield the Holstein stood first. next the Ayrshire, and so on. For richness of mllk the Jersey stood first. bumers’ success depended more upon the way the breeds were handled than upon the psrtlcular breed itself. It a term-3t selects a good breed and thinks it the best, he will aucc 5ed best with that on". Sametlmes l: is fund that the Shorthorns will give the wrv best resnlsv. There is {(2811 as much difl’erencdnnnl- msls of the suns breed as la found be- tween representatives of difi‘:rent breeds. “Which is the most remnnerstlve of the tangy 1:628 i” .- Ln I.-.‘ -l lgbg Mr. CONNOLLY said he had of late years sown the Blue Kent. and f mod it to yield wellâ€"perhaps 19 bushels, for which he obtained $1 per bushel. Some of his brother farmers saw the American Won derâ€"a hoe nusâ€"and report a yield of 25 bnahelfi. at $1.35- - m u-A “Survfsgvâ€"Y‘M} exp. rien ca with that pea Is that I had to plow them 1125.” Mr. SMITH -“Have you any trouble with the pea weevil i" Mr. CONNOLLYâ€"‘ N a ; we have a pea worm. but I have had netmnbla" ,A _.. ._ fiJ'haid'EEaE-téa with Hoistelu, and was thoroughly sstisflgrj. _ . . ,n--L_j LL- DEVIUUPHIJ 9-.....“ v . Mr. SWAIN said he had visited the Guelph college some years ago, and at that 'tlme the cow with the best. milk record was a. Dal-gag. _ â€" - A ,AA‘J _L Eammm’ifl LINDSAY ONT., FRIDAY JANUARY 18. of late “WWW nu vuv w' â€"â€"_ _ __ - - went downwsrd. The hunt should be full and qulte brood Toe lnilk veins should be large, end the more crooked the better milker. Cows must have e book to be good breeders end mil snd should be :qusre set. The toll should narrow gradually to the bushâ€":he longer the better milker. Theklge should he hue and longâ€"not croo : oosrsehone denotes cool-senses The esoulcheoe shculd be good-â€":nsny hold dimrent inions so to this point. but it hsd its ht in the genersl mete-u The two little ourle on the legs should well markedâ€"the isrger the better ; extn tests st the book oi the udder slso indie its good milkingquelitlee. l‘he oost should be due. bright end silky in texture. sad the still must be islrly think and mellow in color. In sddilion to all iheae sign it ie welltohnowthstthe dsm snd grand-darn on both sides were good milk snd butter producers. These things seen to, there is sure to be e mllker. Agsiu. the snimsl shoul be hsndsome sud ambitious looking in sp- menace.“l yet in disposition quiet. so (:33 be oi s nervous temper-meat. but not timid. Toe shove, en the min points at the good d snian Mr. Jon. uneâ€""Whet breed do {on think groduees the mes: good mills! ‘ .-s_ __-. A._ .- -‘n-fl one “new u-u '0...â€" Mr. Joan. umeâ€"“Whet heeed do you think nrednees the men: good mule: ‘ Mr. Sunniâ€"J Thst's not esey to shower. There sat menygood hreede. end sli have \heir sdvoestes. Mr. E K. Romansâ€"“Give the remit st Chiesao." Mr. ZAvn‘z-“Thst's ell very valid in ht stste whet hs'eed took the noon! in Oh eeao. while enother person might ulsim that some otherhreedwon in New York or elsewhere. It I deelsred in favor oi so one breed it might be out up to me thst was pulsing mt pntlculnr breed to the disedunteae at others Just as zood. Fumm con and out the east breed (or the deity hymns-inn end expuiment." air. Cannesâ€""rhea is en salve: to my question. In my uc‘ we have teen ensued in cheese (or the past23yesre. sndwe hszthem- shines uneoeed wen." Mr.2wm ssld lnouetestznsde these hsd been theee Holstein. three Aynhlul $"°’m- sa'gs'mwtmm. seeon :. Still. n good enimnl o! languid The Jeri!!! Y“! b. We}: hosed; The first and most important essentialwasthatthe anlmalmusthavea strong constitutionâ€"without that she is suretogowrong. The point likely to glveout in a weak cow is theheg. She must have a good stomach and a good digestion. It she has a large bsrsel she is intended to consume a large amount of charseiood: ilacow eats iolbs. of foods day, and that amount be increased to 50, 60 0:70 lbs.. the excess should go into the milk-pail. Next to constitution and digesti vc system. we want the machinery around the bag or udder in goodshep»; the bag should ex :end well back and well forward. and symmetrical in formâ€"loo . broad and o! egood depth Along wit these dill'erent qualities. the animal- shouid begood prouucers. There are some cows of good appearance but are poor mllkers. The muzzle should be broad and strong. the nostrils should be large so that the air may get into the lungs freely and p‘lrlfy the oluod ; the eyes should be mild uni a little above the medium size; the horns :hzzuld be of medium s'z:â€"a very large horn. of cause mus-rial, denotes coarseness and we akness, very smell horns. weakness alone; the cars should he of medium thinness. and of neat term; it they are yellow inside it denotes richness of yield ; the hold should not he fishy. as that denotes a tendency to beef : the neck should be long and thin. When heifers first come in, the neck may app-sat then, but as the animal is milieu it will de- crease as a rule. The book should be bro-rd and level. as it is the seatoi the nervous swam; such a cow is sure to he a good milher. A: the ribs came down they should not be close. Too true dairy cow wedges down on the shoulders. is broad up and down, and narrowterward. Then as to the barrelâ€"s Jme hold the her- rei should be round. but thst is not trueâ€"- at Chicago the ribs otthe host animals narrowed at the top andhrcadened as they - -L ~ L---“ -5-..” s. “In: Pom'rs AND cammnmxcs or was 1)an 00w," was the subject of the address that to!- lowad, given by Mr. D. E. Smith. He ex- plained that his remake would cover the general principles common to nll good A _‘A-_L gnzing, end that he culdnlee no more than cu: propcriy nod profiubly culunued. ond an no money invested in uncle- building. cm how, or fixture. of my kind. on All Inge m o! my eequnlnunce hove Neither in be under the necessity o! mulling my (finance to end from work hove sold. but u I have uprated to iden- M do y will be not. Accord with your “perm 1 mm you prompt to criticize or condemn who; ! hove nil- you need no: he :1an o! homo; when. tor u I am zoning my blue impruden- I. the ome- 01 forming l mu be very Wane hereunto corroded. gassza mm. o! pie-mm, m4 porhgps v cropl. or hit sun but chain and and hlln s oonunud nun and I curious amen. Row, 1 Ihl" notmptw-y Mun mm on proaub'y culunw 4m: depend- on main of capital And hour a your command. nd the many you pom. But mambo: um our w" do not now bacon. rich by bad speculum. but by “0 crap: they grow. sud ma qua-don ol prod; or loan price 1!. na- cost Inc to producojt. ! h“: coda-worm to show you mu. tho and! tumor puma beau-o he prnduou crop- cl superior guilty 5: 3 lot out price, ad the xenon um he an do no u beau-01M holds no mom and thou I: on!“ for what! 3 #,4,-|.-_ -._ n mcuando-ohboaumno nun I: ‘und for what! 01' ! culunm no more than can to but! cultural. And that. be Inc M'- Méfl'm m 08' [Out vuuva. Mr. Bun: thought the idee I good one. I’m-men loeee amt deel oi time owing 0 have w mode. We no bound i road I :- msuy your: to come owing home province being ID at in me. in 230.0(1) square mile- being eqoel to twelve sum oi the unionâ€"honing Tenn. 0! mm. which ie 1m! mo Ono-tin. These ento- con ed whoild the bee: kind of mode owls to their mull size. It we estehlieh gavel med! every mnohothuineuwul tool the heneilc. m, Fa-"l‘he tel-we belt at cam-to is very munâ€"w. like the dukey'e term. not my 1a.»: mdmsryx‘ée . v" m â€"..â€" . Bunâ€"'qiot_5 .n the man noun why we would oadoovor to lmgravo tho (mung! . Mr. mom-"GI" no I?!“ Ida how to Improve things.“ Hr. Bunâ€"“I would first ondoovcr to administer the statute hoot ought-hoop o1! team not warm 5:. o doy. duo old tad his own expat-tones. ”hr. .12. Mrrcsxu. uld Mr. Mlntharno had Undo! 1311::qu ”Opal!“ no goodroodl Ital). So vru not. than. . n u._ _.-.a- a- m... n... m ll, ‘30.” w." U. .s-vvâ€" unnnmfifi be m broad .good deal shout summer roads. lu. he would like to bar oomethlnu shout winter roam. Bo bod found a borrow to be the boot Mod 0! o snow-plow to brunt down o drltud rad. It would be put over xlurood three orlougtunos. -- n‘.u_njA-__‘A‘“- 'me'”m ”stem '5‘ ”PHI-0. IMO" with the eherp edger expoeed. then enoth. er leyer well rolled to an up the intere- tices below. then e mas udern top dreuing. The English roads were model highweyu â€":heԤredee dld notexceed lteetln tne 100. einOnteriOeenleex-neleeeon from the mother country in the nutter oi made; there the Inein roede were first built u end we ehould edopt the eeme o! tar the edveneexnent of the induetry. - uded to none 01 the v thet w0uld reeult tron e e yeteln. Fermi would lncreeee in velue; there would be e reduced expenditure by muni- clpel corporetione; the weereud teer on horses would be reduced. end (more would he ehle to met-bet theirproduce to better edven . Thedeteotelnthe pr ~rent mode 0! il roede in Ontario were else elluded to. hey were not pro- perlygreded. end the building euberencee were not epplied ine Inenner ceculeted to produce retieiectory reeulte The statute lunar eyefcm wee er e rule unswe- teem-y: some otrhe etetee at the Inlun had dispensed with the eyetem with alert- Nl edvmtege by commuting the lehx at 50.: or 753 e dey end on ioylug -e c unpe- rent engineer to bull tne reeds. ln Iodiene they here estebllehed e inntege tax system; in lunchueette they here e syetem by which the etete peys e partial: at uhe expsnee end the c-untv end the tuwnehip the helence. New York :fils- leture lent yeer peered e eomeeh ht el er leer. but it her not ct gone into effect. Gravel med-I are cheepeat to build end eeuleet to keep in repairâ€"me uee oi wide tiree would elone mend euch e reed. Under the eyeteln et- preeent blinwed much otthc rel ennu dum edu on g: counwyuiyweetzd. IE it have e grend mtcm. 'l‘ne wetter (i drainere wee en important. point in the building oi good Dedeâ€"there rlnuld be some wey (or running oi! the we’er left on perre of the come nott:nel by wet weether Cue uhou d be tehen to ride e proper outlet ior the dreine hui t. end thr’y ehould he eleered out uhrly. 'l‘ e roed-‘el should he end r~unded greduelly three feet In eech side of the di'chee. The eerth eh nepereted end e coet lug oi grevel or eme‘l et me epp ied ; then the oer-tn returned :0 lte pleca end upped or Inc-her munfl. 9‘ 89%--.. ..... Wm -v an. â€"â€"w “,7 7V -ooorly all tho moods anootOoo m ground. Iowa Inna-bod to do any with tho oututo lobot «youthâ€"oh“ had boon tried In Op: oomo um ago sod did ("and tho put commandos: o! ammo Mr. Mr Psiâ€"“It would non:- do to obollnh Imam hoot-It would doprlvg $199!! '32 3 E59 i . in EU ‘Ea {é . E g? 21% gr. 9; E; 8 E i 'E 3 bring the new [atom wuh tho nu Autumn: than... our the:- npdthom muunutpm mm ,4 ”3:: M. "hm-ram :- s. a mu noon the Madmmouzhcho Rzad sndthonom Apt-sou: mdthemmnc“. Thea were ° m ofcoodmdlbulltln douw rum; thestoneto beplnoedoncho bottom and dust .nd earthen the top. Thou. Tenant! mother a: hands: thought- .Mnmémd hostagewn hutâ€"hr- _ Ed‘s-ill“ II. 111' 1c 1:1l \ u 4 :29 3B .1333... a 2 van .3 cannot 939333.:5 63338330 368 an. .3 5.3 b;- 38 B5,»: c 3 cl.- .!n 2: 3.88-- E a €8.13 33 hop.â€" 333. no 109 33». n =5 83â€"! Snot .1 2.9.2: 5.8530 lion a! furl lllll It‘llga-iga W “awâ€"v â€".... _- é‘mn" . to all about good roads. but “men we! now and uhlghu they 1895. end thus lntroduoo nitrogen For every we otelover out we get chom- 100 lbe. of nitrogen, e: d if the clovcr le fed to Itock end c we token at the menu-e. about four nth: cf shot emounc. cr $14 worth of fertilizer. con be remrned co the lend Ageln. clover is e veluehle crop because It thrown deep note. and sends the tap root deep down beta“ the other» In Inverse recto to my other plume. Thus the aha-om recount the clout-plat m upon the nloenl fvl‘bmlm m the 00“ and drum them to the aux-hoe. Mr. Cncxss‘. “Who: ehout the mem- DUI-Ill“ Ah "I“ yawâ€"w -vâ€"â€"vâ€" -â€" _-v, exp: und lagged {mama fodder: ltdoec not who good lay. u the lam m likely to dm at." Mr. L. Mmmonxxâ€"“h 0 amp of hay .- good for the had a clover?“ Mr. ZA\'11'zâ€"-‘ No. been“ the h" crop drawn but um. nourishment: from the sit. and Ill hon the toll. Ploughlng clover In not“ goods-feeding.“ rc- turnlnltm may! , _,AA _L 1.. _-_ luv; 'U VIVV‘VI w Mr. ZM'nzâ€" '1: [e 3 little eheed o! the oadlnnr med clover. The derpeea rooted at efl oven la the Luoeme. which wdl eend m not down an feet It the eel! be hut â€"lt libe- eenbsoll o! e gruel- ly autumn It '9}. produce three or tour 7â€" __A-_ 1“).- e It ‘5‘.- wh‘finuj-‘A'u you comet In a - log the than u- 814 worth (I nitrogen onto-git dong] __ .1 LL-‘ I _- Mr. Claims - moth rad clover Ut'w-“VI “- M: Zu'nz-‘ No. if I said tut. I m mg. Then [InboutsSwu-th no the tan. which u want 814 mnhoomem. Tun we chant two tons of clover no“ in II! pore.” - - . -A- _-l_.- A. I“ u! .wru lax. Dunn uhed no to the PM (Bellamyâ€"ho had fund lot-gel, end do well oo leod tor cum young oottle. Mr. luauâ€"“They hovo gown It In Englend. whexe b0 tone no t more to o common yield. but wo bod not found It to mower'vory well tor come flood et the Null. Mr. Zu’nz Wood the one of o (m who ted nova oppllod tort-moon but by mwlna clover continucuely had lnthocoureeot tan or twelve yem In- enooed the yl «1d of Mo oomowhot worn- oot loud to men then double mt It won e: at". Rio winner who» owed 30 buoholo to tho onto. to newer to on orqo on to (In wlodom of ulna clover eo one It. Zevflneld he he would not neonate“ 1:. Some dn food ohould eleo be gm dons with the one“ . no eleo t ought}: beet not to now that y who of It ylold end ood olovo’r' . Mr. I. W. Row ooid ho oowod both ond found it ono killed out tho ochot yioldod on“. Mr. Zu'nz ooid ho oooid not ooy which woo tho hoot oiovor moon tor soon-4: do- Bondod upon tho ooooioo oi the country. iootor noy hooolc olovor. but it io not oood nooh now; oolt oomotlmoo in tho yioidâ€"ic dooo not in imi! ouppiy ooy ouoootiol \onc toad. hot it. oou upon the “touch in oolution in tho oofl; ooo nooh ooio. however. io injurious. The in! crop ot oiovor to tho moot niuohio urged. momma-M. oh- 'I" Put Mold Eh. II. 0‘ had 1“! (‘All 01‘ A! OIFILBD. Mr. BEAN nook chug. o! uh. nbavo abject. 3nd uld um owing to the has .38 83 3a h2..“ :3 has... 23 8 3a is} .3»: Sick 8.33 .12... 81 a =8 3.62.. 5 :3...» 2; $01: Sun‘- 833. no.0 no .333 OF A. CBC-“0‘ Mint .1! kind-ct FEONSULT TERMS: 781.90% PER YEAR ’ the W on pupa:- und 1! It does not and "Jan. ’95’ you an in our debt. 'vv â€"- 7â€"- r _-‘ Mr. flux-30m aid the thee-em e tew high none in the (lieu-int the t gow epplel. but the were tew end tween. Fer-meme odd (led wither chads ee Mr. Fae edvieed in the one of chicken! :1: e (armor meetingâ€"cut their heed: of es econ .1 they come into exis- tence. He end hie tether brfare him hed been crying [ct 60“!” to eeceblish en (rcllfld. yet it we d bully grow a nod- iing thee a now would eat. Mr. Ransom “bed it this we: not e fruit district when did ell the fine up w the: wen shipped tram this-ea on. e himeeif grew 20 or 30 Mex-ant "doth! of epplee end sheet the eeme number of gendenelghborothiehedueaspro' qc_tng}0 end 15 beehelg go‘th‘e wee. Mr. Couxoux whed into the amen in lively tubiou. iming thet they would not ply the use a. price that would in- sure good a The t wee forced to mete Isles or he woul not receive em- ployment. Farmers should he peep-med to pey I. good price for guerenoeed stock - it theygwetheoroherd helium emu on devoted to other hrenohee of uranium would not hove to compleiuoi poor a we. or mm u but Emusmwuhboomm town. Mumodhttdhtflofl Mr.Mnrmommâ€"‘No." Mr. Baumâ€""A new to the «nth d as, 73102: [he 13k. thong, It. in M: .-.. LL- “inâ€"Fr. (maxi um ” -* summon; I know moo In this 10 khan his to Toronto in- In composition with nit tron so district; In] of tho (amen inch town and um duct-loo goo-coo [sly cpchpdl.”_ gem “VI-nu “- â€"â€"~- -' 'v ._.__ -â€" wThe queetlon wan-:5? If it 'wgfia do at e onus w ere en one “£13m ’ Mr. Reason add his custom we: to tube out as much of the old tree a possible. put In huh ecu end plant the new one la the one spot. Mr. Coxxouv geld he ced e fist atone bemth newly-pun trees s: as to prevent the tap root tram penetrating Into the oak! loll below. Same person In the “(Hence ecqzired I! e h board fence about the arched. wo enema- well as e hedge. Mr. ngj'zjhought it would_do j not 9.: well. Mr. Fa eeld perhaps he could nnewer then question to the eetlstecuon of 311. He hed hed en elehttoot fence shunt his orohud end he tound It hunted up the snow so that mics ruined 3 number of his trees. In one you- he had over 100 tree: des ed In tint manner end he had then corn the tencegloynt Mr. Bun seld the fence must heme been too close to the trees;there were nleo means for preventing deetmctlon by mlce. Mr. thnonn camalelned thet lt nl- moet looked es lt Mr. stltz was e wean Mend o! the epple tree men. He (Mm- thorne) was of oplnlon thet they were worst puts the tamer bed to contend agelnst ; nnrserymen should be compelled to sell ell trees true to nune end firs:- clgss ln_every_ rupect. .n. ,.,4 __ “i’l‘dmfiâ€"‘(Jékidiiv :1: till! point an nuanced Chit n It vs: 5.30 oclook the reading of the remaining pgpm would be deferred ml fiber wppor. the rum hen-«on. At 7.45 the maident ngein celled the meeting to order. The room we! con- iortebly filled. meny citiz ans being present. The lndlel were tew in number. Next yet: we hope the town hall will be en: fined for these inure-tins seam and t en the ladies will feel no dim knee shone intending. run Qvnsnox nnawn. “Wufid I: pay to m s m and cheese tutor: with 50 cows In canneoflon with 3 1.1.1: 2 " Mr. Bunâ€"“With 50 newsâ€"wen. tee- torlee heve been named ee low a that; the plea; _tor_e egmller motor! eternal ,,A -L A. 01M --‘ Ii nunâ€"v -v- â€" â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" "v.-- “I .- , 7 7 ,, In neighborhood ooot sbsuc 8100. end In ht be Muoed to 850-". depends upon the all: of the vet. However. I would edvlee o lower phat oo thot eome of the olemhpfm might Join when they Celt tn- c men ' 3,” "Which Is the but way toout com the mg. und cqpycyj} to $139 5110 f "r we; v..â€", â€"â€" v-â€". -v -- Mr. Sums-“At the 0011 we hue trled every metnod. but and et the 0rd!- nery fickle uneven best. Theme 15 3 conâ€" crlvenee made to be drawn by I bone. but It wee tar drlu sown corn. In con- veylng_oo theefloweueeelowmme WW0: gbe domnnd far choc-o be eq on! to the supp" y. wlth no my 1»qu our:- '0' Infill. Buuâ€"‘ 'We send now no Englnnd nbout 8'. 8 000 000 worth nnnnnlland old country olk consume over 825 000 000 worth. It lumen would only not! ohoooe In the manner and butter to the winter It would prov; very Ivonne-tin.” .. 'Mr. Funâ€"“They 33566 dun-0nd n: my moonâ€"by subbing chem mp; than I: no othqt: lam-gal plug." ‘ , l 7 #A .- .. q. «la 1. 1%.».er mint-iv? 34338 no 3.3 388.. :8. 233233.. III-I- I'IIIII’JII Inn-s .. :zfiéi‘ifigofivéie fill-IBM amp willow- be mg no ensue gum-nests»: ?" ,A ___ “SITFuâ€"Vrm'nui cm ' to be done I. mm dd otthoblnokmn whichholdl mm. A VMooâ€""Bat we have shout 10 met 0 allâ€"wâ€"w Mr. ZAVITZ e sted eowing repe on inuhly cleered len ; it wee excellent (nod for eheelp end hoge. Q â€"“ on on w et you know ebont orinl eon clover." Mr. ZM-nzâ€"“It in e new veriety ncw being exteneively grown in eome oi the eeetern Item; it'e en ennuel end ie grown for eeed end hey. It in loohed upon ea e very ulueble crap. It hed been grown tor eeverel veeu et the callege. but I on not venture en opinion ngon it: velne yet, u until lest tell may ed not em en in the eu'umn; wnen 1 left the term it ooked well. It le e hendeorne clover. with heed: ebont 15 inehee long; e little heed. it en minor. to get eta-ted. When the crap out it becomes couple killed out. I do not think it w stove very enoeeutal hen. ee it in e ten. er uriet . but it it doee succeed it will be e line hing tor the tel-mere. A puma vmenou. Lt thle paint the pueident truthfully edlnitted theteaienltnnettineeieedry abject. Le e tom of Mention he celled upon Mr. J. F. Benin tare Iona. end thet tienen eheednlly ”upended with e eetion o! hie own eonpacitien. entitled "The Fm’e Song." which wee WWW mick? j , ‘ rill Vdinnnx um nuns,” vs: the cm. of n very human; punchy Mr. W. M Baboon out next claimed the station of tho nudlcnoe. A pct-donut the mar wu rand More tbs mum Inst wlnur. nnd npponnod In that. calms. u wuoonudoud no rich 1.: imam Ir R’bonn wan-nod nun ncnln. Inch at tho lnmdnounn W m mm. ombod n mom! and nominal” "flow the naval: condition- a MS mm the tan- lnc Industry. non Imam. AM the audio; at It. Bnnon'a pnpor It. Chu. Pulsar, Liuduy'o populnr vocalist. n! and up; for a am an pulse. math. lumbar m mail: .9- pw and wound. ' “W” cm Ol’ an 8100‘.” 211”“ n: LDVLIOI.

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