moved. â€0°3de byMr. Catrina, that Mr. Fox m the condition. of L. Power’s m m Wm. Gold's family, and that I!†empowered to supply such neces- “I! they may mainâ€"Carried. Mr. 2nd con. Reeves Ellis and Fox had viewed the site and estimated the cost at 3300. Mr. Hopkins moved, seconded by Mr. Hutton, that, in view at the cost of building the bridge, and that a right of way across lot No. 10 is securedtoMr. Hawthorne, this council take no action in the matter at present. Before the motion mg put Mr. Hopkins wanted tcknow it my member din'ered in opinion from him In this matter. Without e dissenting voice the motion carried. Mr. Fox moved, mended by Mr. Hutton, that the persons cues-ed for the improving of Municipal: Drain No. 4 beallowed iortydoilarson coconuts! thelost proflle.-Csrried. Mr. mowed. seconded by Mr. Fox. that the resolution named by this councilcn peg. m, 185, re slaughter-house near the until end of St. Patrick-sh, lot 23, con. 6, I. 'mcindd-Cetried. Mr. Hopkins third time and carried. Mr. Hutton moved, seconded by Mr. Fox, that Richard Miller be paid two dollars for extra service, rendered '1‘. Cieary, indigent.â€" Cmied. Mr. Hopkins moved, seconded by Mr. Corrine, that T. O'Neil, Reeboro, be paid $8.15 for tile and drainage when his mount is certiï¬ed by Mr. W. N. Ree.â€" Cmied. Mr. Fox moved, seconded by It. Hopkins, that Commissioner J. T. Corrine let a contract for putting ten cords of broken stone on the 4th qr. line between the east halves of lots 20nd 21, con. 8, as soon as punishableâ€"Carried. Messrs. S. Hawthorne end I. J. Bay were present end desired to know it the council intended to bridge the west arose creek, Hopkins moved, seconded by Mr. Fox, that Henry Jackson be nuditor.â€"leed. The move then appointed W. J. Moore auditor. In accordance with the mend- ment or 1895 in the public health not, Mr. John Thad. Corrine was on motion nppointed a. membar oi the Ops board of health for three years, Mr. S. J. Fox hr two years, and Mr. J. D. Button for one year. On the eeveni blanks being ï¬lled in the respective by-lawa they were, on motion by Mr. Hutton, seconded by Mr. Corrine, (in committee cf the whole, Mr. Fox in the chair), road a second time and being in his own writing, Mr. Hutton withdrew his motion and seconded that of Mr. Hopkins. The deoision‘ now rested with the reeve, who declared Mr. McLean assessor for the present year. Mr. be appainted, and Mr. Hopkins moved that Jas. McLean be assessor. 0n obj eo- tion being made to Mr. Fltzsimmons appointment owing to his application not by Mr. Gnu-ins, that W. J. Moore be manor for the present year. Mr. Hutton moved in amendment that P. Fitzslmmons Correspondence of TH: Poer THE New COUNCILâ€"In conformity with the municipal act, the members elect of Ops council met at 11 a. m. on Monday, Jan. 20:11. After making the prescribed declarations of qualiï¬cation and oflioe. the council retired for dinner, and at one o‘clock sharp took their seats at the coun- cil board. The minutes cf last meeting were read by the clerk sud on motion by Mr. Fox, seconded by Mr. Hutton, were conï¬rmed. Mr. Fox moved, seconded by Mr. Hopkins, thst By-iaws Nos. 492, 493. 494 and 495, pertaining ’to the salaries of assessor and collector, and the appoint- ment oi an assessor and auditors. be read ‘ the ï¬rst timeâ€"leed. 0n the by-laws ‘ being read Mr. Hutton moved, seconded by Mr. Corrine, that the salaries of assess- or and collector for this municipality be ï¬fty dollars and ninety dollars respective- ly.â€"Csrried. Applications for the eflice of assessor were then read from Messrs. W. J. Moore, P. Fitzeimmons. J. E. Moore, Jae. illch and A. 0. Reid. After the members had compared .the different handwriting Mr. Fox moved. seconded Immovxxm'r.-â€" We' understand that some cf our trustees have decIded to make some Improvement In our school. This In a step In the rIght dIrectIon, as the Improvement Is very much needed. Locu. Buvmxs.â€"On omy hncd we but thoJlnnlo ct laws and the sound of the no, and wood been are the order at the dny ...... Lots of snow sud very am on much salt, a unload having mind for the P. o! 1.; those whocm't keep fresh v’rm be salted down. [Coneeoondenoe ol Tun Pom] Posnonxn.-Owing to the eeverlty of the weather the open Lodge ct Temper- enee ennonneed tor Fridey evening 1m wee poetponed to Fridey, Feb. 7th. whene ehoiee prom-em will be given. Although the weether VII nnhvonble still quite e large number were assembled on Fridey evening. end the eocieby. not wlehina to dleeppolnh them. supplied 3 ehort but '9"! mm- LITTLE BRITAIN. {Wanna 0! Tu! M.) Cmnma Sm ran J ANULRY.â€"Wel- don Ca. axe clearing out the balance of their Christmas und winter goods, and in order to mks a clean sweep. are giving a discount of 20 per cent. for cash. Libeni tonne of credit given to noponsibio pn- tiu. Produce taken in «chasmâ€"94. LOCAL NEWS-LETTERS ï¬lm @auuaiau gust. Llï¬bSAY. FRIDAY. JAN. 31. 1898 Family Medicine of the Age. u. Helena-3385:8395? 31$; ion-aging 3838905335.; E. 1.33 .8: :- Hunâ€"onus noon-«ï¬at. Sï¬ZWEERS _ no in: E8515 .- 9ng ggg‘Fifl-i Used Externally. It Cum cute, Bruins, Burns, 8oalda, sprains, Toothache, Pain In the Face, Nauru/gin, Rheumatism, Frosted M . Taken Internally, It Cures Diarrhea, Pain In the 8tomacb, 8ommm1p'nat, 8udden Colds, Bougba, eta. etc. PAIN-KILLER Pun K111â€. THE GREAT I 811.4 Y. 0 PS. magumcent sugar bowl sud spoon holdu- i MAN I L LA. 1 [Correspondence of Tun Post} i Annams am) Pmmranomâ€"On the I evening of J enuary 17th the pupils of Miss Minnie Barry's S. 8. class cf boys. having ' arranged for a little surprise, marched to i the home or their teacher. After spending l a most enjoyable hour with games and music the following address was read :â€" To Miss Minnie Barry : DEAR Tuscan, â€"We, the pupils of. your Sunday school class, have this evening gathered at your home that to some degree we may thank you for the interest you have taken in us as a class. We also wish to say that we have appreciated your services during the term which you have served us as teacher. Perhaps we have been rather inattentive at times and seemingly indifferent as to ‘ what was being taught, but for allthis rest assured that we have heard and have been beuefltted thereby. We have learned that which will be a prominent factor in the mouldings of our future lives, and will enable us to walk more closely to Him unto whom all hearts aspire. We have also learned of the Master who hatheaid, “Go ye and labor in my vineyardâ€, and whohae alsopromisedtorewardthoee who labor therein. In tuture we shall try to better merit the interest you have taken in explaining thus sublime truths Im- the elevation of our temporal .and spiritual 'wellare. As aclaseitisourwiehthat you may continue inthegecdwerkwith us. ad that you will also weep: this very slight token otthe esteem inwhichyou are held by us all. Shared in hehl! at ï¬e Wanâ€"I'he psopio of our village no getting In a. supply of wood since the sleighlng bus become good. Ontario. Fmens‘ Insuringâ€"The farmers ct Vernlsm held their annual institute meet- ing on the 13m inst, and it proved a grand success. Papers were read and lively dis- cussions took place on a great many important snijeets relating to farming, and these, it carried into practice. will no doubt be of great beneï¬t to the farmers of the township. The evening meeting was a huge one, as the hall was tilled to over- flowing. year to carry on the work of the church. At the close of the business. the Rev. J. S. Stewart, who was present, gave a short but suitable address to the congregation. Ar Hon.â€"The directors of the Mechan- 103’ Institute held an "at home†in the town hall here on Friday evening lest. There were all kinds of games provided, and swell selected program was emeiently _carried out between 9 and 10 o’clock, eiter which tea was served. Eyery person present spent a meet enjoyable time. From the report of the institute, which was read during the evening. it was clearly shown that the institute was one of the [Correspondence of Tax 1‘0er CoxonzoA-no'zur. Mumâ€"Tm mem- bers of Knox Presbyterian church here held their annual meeting on Monday, the l3th inst. The usual tea was served be- tween5 and 7 p. 111., after which the busi- ness part of the meeting was taken up. The reports from the din'erent branches in connection with the church show thnt the congregation is in a flourishing condi- tion. About $800 was raised during the (00m ndence oi 'rul Pom] luvss‘nou'xox .â€" A compieint heving been made us to the menner in which un euditor wes unpainted. Inspector Knight held en Investigation in s. s. No. 8, Somer- viile on Tueeduy, Jun. 21st. About thirty ratepayers were present. At the canes! meeting Mr. Samuel Sudduby wee chuir- men. It was moved end seconded thst Mr. John Fell he suditcr. One of the trus- tees moved in amendment. thet Mr. Sum. Sudduhy he undltcr. Mr. Fell objected that s trustee could not move u resolution I to appoint an auditor. and us the chairman held the same opinion he refused to put the amendment and declared Mr. Fell elected. After hearing the evidence Mr. Knight held that the chairman was wrong in not putting the amendment, as trustees have the same privileges as other rete- psyers at 3 school meeting. Mr. Knight oiferad to write to the minister of educa- tion for his opinion, as some of the rate- psyers did not seem satisï¬ed. A vote was taken, and only four voting for it, it was agreed to have the decision given at once. The proceedings of the regular meeting, referring to an auditor, were set aside and a new meeting was ordered to be held on Saturday, Feb. lat. Broad; chaplain, G. Meybee; physician. J. Grant. M.D.; eergeen’, J. W. Douglass; meeter-at-erme. '1‘. H. Barnes; 1st mutu- o! gnu-d, R. Grille; 2nd master of guard, D. McIntyre; sentinel. A. J. Burton; picket. A. Fisher. LORNEVILLE. [Correspondence of In: Pond K.0.T.M. Tumâ€"At the last review. of Lornevflle Tent No. 156, K.O.T.M., the following ofï¬cers were Installed: Pest commander. 8. K. Hart; commander, D. Smith; lleut. cammunder, A. D. Car- mlohael; record end ï¬nence keeper. J. H. Lxc'wax. â€"Dan't twget the lecture to te given here on Feb, 6th by the Rev. Mr. McMillan, a! Toronto. Suitable muslo will be tarnished and the leotnme will be lnetruotlve and proï¬table. PERSONAL-Severn! of aux-young people attended to S. O. S. concert: at Benetton on Wednesday evening of Inst week. M than. had-r to: a“: gamma: to: tan cum, to ho Wat PM comer, Cunningham's w, Inn's «hon! how and E. H. Bopum’, 4th at. â€"â€"Can-lod. Mr. Hutton mend. ascended by Mr. Gun-Inn, that thlleouclllnopeot the bridges of the township with I flow at up tiring or "plains than I: wry.â€" Carrled. The council ndjonrned at 5 p. m. ulna die. W. F. O'Boru. clerk. GLENA BM. [Common oi In PM.) - Pawn- No'rm -Rev. D. McDonald, of this place, pmohod in Bavarian on Sah- bath, the services at Glenn-m being can- ducted by the older: and the hamburg of the Y.P.S.C.E. ' lng at his tithes-'5, Levi D3600!" ...Mr Chas. DeGeer has gone to town to learn {mm with n}. Noddo ...... Mr. ma Mrs. John Upston have Iota this place and gone to Chlcsgo. BALSAM GROVE. [Camdm of m M] Enemaâ€"Mr. Jun. Gama. of this place. who has been» 111. unmotobo around spin. PERSONALâ€"Mr. W.H. DaGoer la visit- BOBCA YGEON. Mechanlos' Institutes in BURNT BI VER. THE CANADIAN POST, unmet-on paper: touting to it, a jug. [ defendant to my bounce dno byAprn 2nd next ...... Front 8: Wood vr. Stoley. Do- tandnnt was ordered to plooo the plots!) nndhnrrowaonthoplntflomolfloodorm nation to punt!!- order. unionism the ortloloo tho debt won oontrootodlor, ond notorthot adu- mldbonodolhu umo....nnooookvo.tho some Wont- Plaintiff didnotpunfaron oxdor, some compromise having boon mode. On the allowing damn: Wflhorhroo. Oahu-won ve.Hmmfl.doflandontdldnfloppeu-tm star the thing of thooourttoflndjudx meat tot-mount chimed given onto» him. ...... Judo 80waqu Now- hato. $99.99. Amtmmfromtho stances agreeing to' take Mr. Puey'e terms to other people. halt cash. halt trade, “judgment by cement." wee entered, each party to pay their own eoete. and the company agreed to takethe135 ties that were as yet not emntedatthe same rate and terms atter onnlnuthem. but zspertle tobeheldhaektmthe emdavflz was tahn......ThreeJnd¢ment nmmoneee were head, the ï¬rst being Bah: n. Mon-lean. By cement or the evidenced by the state of the road bed. the cow being carried a long distance until the train stepped. His honor took the opportunity to state here that there was a statute that no animal could run at large within two miles of a railway track unless attended by a keeper. that a muni- cipal by-law permitting them to run was inoperative as against the statute, and should an animal so at large geton the track and cause the derailment of a train the owner of the animal would he respon- ‘ sible for damage. If anyone had animals in a pasture ï¬eld abutting on a railway in which the railway fence was defective. the other fences heizp: good. the railway com- pany mid damages if they strayed and were killed ...... There was a second suit between the same pnties for $40.78 for mhewed ties. An advertisement in the stations on the line offered 18: each for hewed hemlock ties placed on thetrack before Dec. 20th. Plaintifl got out 232 and 135, without mentioning this to any agent of the company (but no mention of the necasslty of this was spoken of in the notice) As there has tobe a government cmcisl take the seller's amdavit as to where he cut the ties, before the full pay- ment was made, his honor ruled the plaintiir sued to soon, as this had not ban done. A; Mr. Pusey disclaimed any intention tf withholding the moneyin full. till then, and plaintid’ underthe circum- pany, pleaded that the cow was Itlu-ge contrary to the statute. Dett. provedhe had e pasture for his clttle with sound fences save on the nflwey elde, end from , GOODEBHAM. [Spocm to m Poem vaxsxox Commâ€"The alttlngs of the 3rd division court were held at Goodorhom on J on. 16th and at Wllbextore on the ma last" at whlch the following malts were heard: William Hadley vs. the Itonddo Boom-aft and Ottawa Baumâ€"$45 for: oow kllled on the track, lnolndlng $10 for the lots of. her In the holght of the moon. Judgment for 825; the lotto: chin: m loadmloelble. Mr. Pusey, for the oom- Healy, seconded by Mr. Chrysler, that Patrick Moran he paid the sum or 815, being payment in full to date torgrsvel token 08 his property for reeds and all other demands against this council up to date, and that the reeve grant an order on the treasurer for the saunaâ€"Carried. Moved by Mr. Healy. seconded by Mr. Irwin. that the motion passed at the special meeting held in June last (re purchasing of a gravel pit from P. Morar), be rescindedâ€"Carried. Moved by Mr.‘ Ir win, seconded by Mr. Chrysler, that the clerk he paid 8%) for holding municipal election, and that the reeve grant his order on the treasurer tor the sameâ€"Carried. Moved by Mr. Irwin, seconded by Mr. Healy, that the clerk be instructed to call upon all the township ofï¬cers and get them to take the necessary declaration of stare. â€" Carried. By-lsws appointing auditors, assessor, collector, board of health. pathmasters, fence-viewers and pound-keepers, were passed in the usual way. Council adjourned to meet at No. 1 schoolhouse on Saturday, the 7thdayct March, at 10 o'clock a. m. assessoratasalaryottih. Movedin amendment by Mr. Irwin. seconded by Mr. Day. that Marsh Campbell be appoint- ed assessor at a salary o! 328; a vote bung taken the amendment was lost. For the amendment, Irwin and Day; (or the original motion, Chrysler. Healy and the reevo. Moved by Mr. Healy, seconded by Mr. Chrysler. that Patrick McGee be appoint- ed collector of rates for theyear 1896 at a salary of 830. Moved in amendment by Mr. Irwin, that Samuel Wilson be appoint- ed collector at a salary of $25. 'The amendment was lost for want or a second- er. Moved by Mr. Chryaler. seconded by Mr. Day, that James Graham be appointed auditor.â€"Csrried. The reeve appointed Marsh Campbell auditor. Moved by Mr- Irwin. seconded by Mr. Chrysler. that Daniel Day be paid $4 for cutting brush on west Mud lake road across lot 20. and that the reeve grant an order on the treasurer tor the “mew-Carried. Moved by Mr. CARDIN. W at m Poet.) Gannon. Pnocnnmaaâ€"The member- elected to compose the municipal council inthetownehipctOerdenintheyeerlm vie. Airehem Jacob, «no.3 John M. Chryeler. Daniel Day. John Janeen-win and Michael Keely. conneillonâ€"xnet at No. 8 schoolhouse onMouday. the ï¬lth day of January. and having severally eubeexib- ed their declaration of once and qualm- cation. the reeve took the chair; Leoni- municetion from Single Tex Aeeocietion. enclosing petition to be lined provided the council were in fever 0! having the aeeeeement act amended eo ac to exempt improvements from taxation. read. Moved by Mr. Chryelet. eeoonded byMr. Keely, that John O'Neill he paid 81 for repairing culvett on con. 8, and $5 for cutting htuah on 4th qr. line between con. Sand Victoria Road. and that the rceve granten cede: on the treasurer for the cameâ€"Carried. Moved by Mr. Day, eeconded by Mr. Irwin, that the collector’s time for collecting the taxes of 1395 be extended until the iiut day of i: ebruary.â€"Canied. Moved by Mr. Heaiy. ecconded by Mr. Chryeler. that the council adjourn one hour (or dinner.â€" Carried ...... Council net after dinner. Moved by Mr. Chrysler, eeconded by Mr. Keely, that A. E. Graham be appointed 3 MMMme and: highly c! mumwgul Moths: dun. non nailed by“ U. M's ohm. lunch and moths Mumquloklymdmndmmr hour’- nodnlpmu Wuhan-mm tothelrhomuwonpleuodwlfll the joyous ombgthoyhudtput. .7. Wnsn. clerk. Samploboflbudhlowmtonw «mm-twp. BALM «samba. mu. Sold by A. 3- wants. Among the member: of this church no number: 01mm! “windm- .u.p.opbotmmm1ou city. Ind be londlndoodhtholrm. manually housed Dr. Ann'- Cnhu-lul Powdnr. mammmmflï¬m 8°04 maul obtdnod. Th0 m m nohthumhll m m h. 3“ 1n-mnyumtounpooplo etc-“db “I“ ,thumodhmh - good thing. “I! m therdhtthsthdflmdtau. On. that Mufï¬n bust w tho my". man mum at Dr. Amw‘s mum madam Mpmmthomdï¬u w PMudddthlto-u. umummmm [you-u cahtrh. m nauseous.“- uh. an m.muam as .843 .m .3 $8336.36... 8:388... again 3.5.8334 .U‘I‘ nag-g .8 9098:! .193. 19.3%.. Pinealâ€"II 3 g .00.. .l .Fiol No Inca-all medicine natured. Cum vacuum Itch. :11 «option: on the face, lands. mom. Inning the akin ammo and mum. Immune,- g “manpower-am omen-0d oaths: named . Ask «Insulator 'ngnu's Onl'xy'm'r. , Sm Oo..Montnsl.W nu. 030308 01" 1‘83 ASCSNSION. 84m TON. anJoonloved panama-â€IMAM ohounhro: WmuthMhhm tub. mm In an load In due to input. blood and cannot be cured with load oypllontlono. Hood'- Suapu-ma bu cued huodrodo olom of «curb bccmo It purine- thoblood and in this my moves the monouns- cue. It the build: up the tying: sad prevent: stack: of pneumonia, diphtheria Mme- mhuodicd Into smbytho Ants. who W: mvredpoho-mm Emmwoudutnoloulho-kmdunm mm-wwmmmra Iona all (run. Haunt. PINEMALT, the News. not: PM- nbla sad But remedy to: comm 1. ans. hummus. sad All honohld lung Ailments. NMmmnpmwM mmmnmmmmm .mmmmmdmgwc-m “ammunpnmm The "only: otomaoo diluent oils-M Muno- hvo beeupmarod in the mamuw It you dld It must lava been the work at Dodd's Kidney Plus. 1 Jr no other medicine over you cured. ‘IOI '0 can In I“ m Simply apply “SWAN: 0m} Nat geneully noognuod as a kidney dlseaso. It nucwumbs to kidney mttment- Dldyou em know of 3 euro? Just thinks moment! The most convlnelng prod that thin pltlnblo oonnitlon Is the outcome 0! kidney discuss, Is the fact that Dodd‘a Kidney Pm: curelt. He of the misled hmd st'flly putting the benumbod “do In to be new enu- whera we ac. The victim excites your cammlsemtlon, but resents your plty. Itflom em to In Bun â€Gown".â€" nus tonne! mum panama by Dead" Zulu! Pull. The most startling sample at hum-n halplessneu is the pat-unto. your 18% cl: 5 oolory of ï¬llâ€"Carried. Moved by Mr. Adam. eecondcd by Mo. Shovel-Man By-lew No. 462. beingo Ivy-low to oppolnb certoln omcero lo the tonohlp ot Mormon tor the your 16, he now received cod reed o ï¬rst “no â€"0orried. By-Iow No. 462. red 3 ï¬rst turn. By-low No. 488 um- puslng through comnlttev. wee mod I third time cod paced. Moved by Mr. Swan. ucaoded by Mr. Mort. am this council edjoorn no moot min on the third Mondoy 1n Fehroory (or the trounc- tloo o! genera bnelnouâ€"Cerrled. 0:810 cumâ€"Curl“. Moved by Mr Adan. ucondod by Mr. Swain. am 000. Gnhun b0 appointed mono: (or thy Beau. as per account, $10.17: Wilcou Wilson. as per-account. $17.50; Wilson Wilson, account m- debenturcc tu- Mo. Arthur drain. 32420; Municipal World for 1806, 85â€"Oct-1011. Moved by J. M Swain, seconded by 3. Matt, that tho rccvc give hisordcron the tuacumin favor of E R Bmutorworkm andZIo can. 11. 85,â€"Carrlod. 8. Adam. csq.. â€and: and having oubacribcd to tho dccEaration at who and qualiï¬cation took his coat. Moved by F. Sham. cccoudcd by 1!. Math. that M'. quc B. Weldon be appointed auditor to act with G. Douala. ctq.. nominated by the nomataaaiary HARIPOSA. [Spook] to “I‘ll Pom] Canteen. Pnocunmâ€"Couoon not this 202: day of Joann. 1806. no tollowlrg gentleman having onbool'lbod to tho decimation of ofloo out! (animation to â€11¢le by astute took mm: W. Lownobroucb oeq . more; I". Sham olq., m deputy-move: E. Mark. J. M. Sula. common. minutes ct lut moot- lng road md append. The non nomln. otod G.Donghs, uq., to “tutor. Moved by E. Mot-k. seconded by F. Slum. m. tho room gm u- orders on tho treasurer In km of the following persons : G. W. OMBHBB. [CW 0! Tu M1. Comomâ€"Inhttweek‘u lulu you: nun-In: to the barbie! OMB“, mm the m the III. ct Mr. Jacob Hart. of Mum. Too 1m should but and “mm to Mr. Jacob Hart's win." PARALI’SIB CUMBLE. VARIKTIES Joan F. Cmmas, clerk. FARMERS “‘“, mu WENDY BU! Smooth], and chupiy. B".- wont. Old but. and tool. um by the VACUUM OIL 00. under tho Vanna prooeu. VACUUM OIL mmm- Joumwooo mum-w. I.m‘.fl. scum - â€.1Imll. Vifllflflfl loan savings ï¬ll will mm. 1 do your; and hut-u, plenum-:yuvdoel “gm“ Wan-c mm. per M. 1m " In an Inn. pu- n. 100. “commune-quanta. STRAYED. .yâ€"Sm odinto the was 10¢â€.de k. on bootlho 1n Sow-«Bur. i895: 1 YEARLRG "Autumnal“ anal-mom have-mammal" mm W WILL!“ WEEK "My .3251 Dav-8. CARPET WEAVING. in: Vanuatu Laotian Pulp. Take no other. SOLICITORS :‘ GM!†05160 an! Works. VAGUUM OIL 00., Red 05100. Hamilton's Block. many. A NEW DISCOVERY. Pilkie’s Diphtherine :UBSCRIBE FOB. ran POST.â€"0nly New Advertisements. We be goz‘ 22‘ new 2‘0 2 5mm mow-"Z momma. M JOHN “GWOOD. Paddock I38. JOIN mm. Mot . M Wad In this new year we are prepared to do a larger business and give better satis- faction than ever. We solicit a chance to serve those who have not as yet dealt with us, conï¬dent that on a year's trading we can do better for you than any other grocer ARCH. SAMPBELL, in town. Conditions are considerably altered now-aâ€"daysâ€"oompletition is keen to a degree and one’s business demands unremitting are and attention. Merchants are con- stantly on the alert to gain some little advantage that may help to attract trade their way. and make the rugged road to business sucess easier to travel. Like others. we have been devoting much time and careful thought to’the new yearâ€"how to please old customers better and attract new ones in plenty. We fancy we have redumd grocery buying and selling to a sienee, or pretty near it. We buy in large quantities in order to get the goods at reduced prices, and sell at a small proï¬t in order to clear the goods out quickly. in this way our customers get the very freshest groceries at exceptionally low ï¬gures. Years ago a storeâ€"keeper did not have to hustle much to gain trade petition gave him a cinch that enabled him to doa large volume of bu: inlint upon your dale:- furnish- TORONTO. “Wink m “a 3mm. 01 2 MY. J. H. SOOTHERAN, at a: am not om Nam month. 3a. than“ to Toma-0' nu um- an F!!! It! 2m. and Duh-tug MONEY T0 LOAN ux' cumâ€"so. ABM FOR. SALE. â€"150mofï¬nt A mbmw_ bolujnjl cog-pug 081‘. â€"-On the evening of the 7th J an... (M on an Inn. Oak-nod. uro LAM-08008 and brown. mm: Lyn yponoa Mu um 10:le an. star-u rot. MOI!!! be tale-fob- lav-Mu. “H [CLAUCB- wan-dud“ m1. mum-unmet: N O T138 DISCOUNTED amino“: Km soul-Icy, “WWI“ or MORTGAGES OHARGID. New Ad vcrusem 91: ca. The Cock 00. 0m Eben. D1cks_Blood Palmer FAMILY GROCER, LINDSAY Frames, Sash, Doors. Blinds, Mouldings, TrImmings, Etc aaum get Prices and In- apectwork before you buy. Opp. Kauai], Davis 6' 5011': Y 4rd orna- !AlD.â€"lm .4 o! wu- Victoria PLANING Mill Kennedy, Davis 8011. Mills at Bobcaygeon. mm 831mm. um. um. BTUH'. mu: and woon J. P. RYLEY. .4“ Kinds of LUMBER. Decide at cocoâ€"tho comfort more than outweighs“ expo-no. We have 3 large number on hand to ï¬t ordinary-dud windows. Spocitl aim we and. promptly. urtsucnvaN Gummy. Now in the an. to orda- yonr Storm Window- if you luvs not shady done no. Don't nit an the snow moon to lift in. STORM WINDOWS .mpgng _mvx.n STABLE. Kennedy, Dans Son. LINDSAY. 7%;sz I â€"mclmonnnm-â€" GEO. INGLE. â€"wxnnrmor- J. P. 311% 060,130 hurls. L! var V. â€"lack of com- sineas without In 18w . serious lulu: h {39â€, followed In I! quakes and ï¬res. the In 185! Dur'mg 1891 the] used by norms and destruction of life an! M‘md‘u ' Although such laws I the United States a. veg gal-eat and caneequd you clue ere eppu-ent. pmtlon In the slxtlel as“ increase of wealth In Email. cm to "I under cmlntlon; I“ I â€and m with»! abandoned protection. In the United Sterne.“ W, the lumen. or them In number 500 per oenw W. (B) | In England. bet umber at conviction. out. (C) In hm ( u. totel oonvlcflone gun Indicate the lm Shoe Enghnd abandJ ha Increased her emu just to Income tax) OIRII papal-flan. and decree: (the paupert) 50 par can [love tint the neon Enghnd Is beIng dlu an Increasing peroentq In lplbe cf the laws old Inn all! In force the! M of such laws bd Manon. m elect of protect. m at walth ls well wing the atatlsucl at and. protection M m tree trade. Thirty-ï¬ve years «to UN States owned 9 mu: ; accord!“ W ‘ pu- cent. of the people ‘ of flu vouch. A glance over the 011 the various proteomd oI cations {set that crhl mid increase In thou noted. and Is decreasil Japan. and In the» 04 they amounted protect! The well known tend totorc: the necumuln! community Into the ho. «using WMBW °‘ noooosu-Uy Involves no u. of poor, no mot mate increase of 1 nholncreue o! crlmo u: Mon; (or the 90°!" and decrease mm“ I “no. pu- cent. more rap“ 3 and '60. These 58‘1"“ when we consldcr a duties were much mm 1885 than between 18-504 I'll. criminal stat! mflgnincï¬nc ln mm M an scars campm‘ the “Oobden Treaty." Win 1570 or '7†p by periods ct high may (as ï¬gures give the n In France fn- Lhc yam- 1853. 733,00) u! '11 fax 1\ moo, 591,990 -.. ~: 1870, “Jaw .. 1-1.4 ,, 1589. 993,00) .. Lu 5 ,_ 4 1385, 1,111,000 ., ‘2‘ From these 057,: we of crimv allowed the abr. “I re-lmposizinn Wee at crime 15 yea-z. It wlll We between Racism! and Japm. w MRI, ahOWs that (rim other â€I: [sumac cf p1 and countries and [and 3nd Japan niacr I W. hi. the communlt me: or absence to he contemporaneoq ad demure cf cm 13:. lame o! crlm do! lute you: in m. France. and which Is properly Mt dunkenmsa. pertlc “In. the presence at was belldv. wcufl N these aggravating 1‘ We to be amen: non Immediately on ta which we, as citd directly responhlbic. j Aeomparlson cf [1:1 dflu gbove named I when protection pre lotion- wines. 6 960 has aha. 9617‘ no tubule and 08m The following fla hon vuioua authorl one condition over w Elm (9mm LINDSAY mm. â€"_â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"- CRIME AND I ruminant“ Worm“ . and duo cunt cold. PYNY- . with the c mvxs {Lug COUGHS W.C. M0601 Positivd Sole Pu Ion of ov cqw