ical and «vn with linen ughly sponged :‘immnu'nip tally k; of an nt- :32 is 3. Hz: a clo- you insist on :nuylng, you 0“ )‘u mako’. as they "sure to guaran- thh Runner. E tea pot shelf, ,arth mdextra km: with mic: six cooking we cataloguc. hut. Our. f themselves Lhe man. and 1|“ man in him than .dls for. Almost 61% by telling him town. Put the p, well made suit htn‘x he unounh to the occasion â€-2: him in a nd rave! and he'll s‘ c. ap to go well y any boy should “ ‘nccausa the w he had. read!- E’ E- .Y 8c C0..' -. r pucanion to: :n' and Men's homomo- it}: the hat of patterns iicyde Suits ,gby Pxocess r5 'Ay'e'r s bat: into on 533;: ‘ oc-jetful 0W hygiciqms 311 0"" mnd L' “Told- 'pemer named K E \1 r. C. J. P9801. ‘9? with a painful ‘ r the line. Bap- wcrx on the now .t was point, and (â€At a. brace in" o nhe ground, I L In addltlon to ya»: cf the heat! :otthenmc my physiglan 0‘ nble lasting he A““-‘A‘ ooo blank ammo. “0'6- iCTION†E statements. the wealth of ‘5' n'uh the best mended. Th6 I but prudent-l] ‘ Emulsion Km- 1) r: to cold. days and sleoP' b-yxdl crash- a Klnmount In :rcnmnent, dot the care of no»! a thy hildren. )eluy. ‘ in the path of customers fury. D > lSEmost Cranky I have been , one doll“. BOYS. hm] ads with "2.ng The Jim.- of tho Chosen-MW 5" dun.- » tho AM loom» noausonotov-flmam m Mum: 1n:- “IW m "n†wt :3 tho nomination. Hr. W. 1'. mm mm “5““ M“’ “d ’0‘ m Johnson mm. W 3“- 0°" “11’9†Ln . Jun- mm. by J“ no!“ uni Donny. 1:5ng 1‘. 0mm. by A. 1!th nd P. 1. Ju. H. Hapklnn, by A. Install ad Ju. R)t_>grt_gon. _ 'â€" v '5‘!) __J VAL-l FOB COURCILLOIS- J. D. Hutton. moo-ed byJee. Kennedy, neanded by Jun. Conn 0le Duld Welter. by P. eddy “(I John Jll. nlwxwvu. Wm. N. Rn, by W. 1. Bold and John Wnlker. Ju. Byrno, by Wm. Beat and Thou. Hickey. III. elven-l vvu-vu .. ...7 , men. but he declined the honor in fever or Mr. W. F. O‘Boyie, clerk. who wee then elected. . About this time 3 large number at rate- peyers had ï¬led into the hell to hear the upeeohu. end Dr. Cox-oven, of Omemee. e county council candldnte for Div. No. 3. who wee preeent, woe invited to 3 seen on the pietbrm. Liter gratefully eoknowiedging the honor done him, the chairmen celled on Reeve Edie to eddreee the opulenpe. I II“, we. Ennyon'e Cough Cure stops cousin. night sweets, alleys soreness, end speed- ily heels the lungs. Price, 25c. unnyon's Kidne Cue speedily cores pelna in the heck, oine or grains. end all term of kidne dleeeee. Price. 25c. lunyon’e eedeohe Cure etope heed- eehe in three minutes. Price, 25c. Runyon‘a Pile Ointment positively cnree ell forms of $31â€. Price, 25:. Henyon'a iood Cure eredicetee all im- peritlee o! the blood. Price, 25c. Innyon'e Femele Remedlee ere e boon to ell women. Kenyon’e Autism Benedlee relieve In 3 minutes end cure permently. Price, .1. lenyon‘e Ceterrh Remedlee never tell. the WI! Cureâ€"price. ï¬leâ€"Monte: Iledieeeeetron the eyetem, end the 02:- mi remoteâ€"wine. Zineâ€"clam end heeltheperte. lung'- Nene Cue in e wonderful m.,- hr- A WELL-ATTENDED MEETING AT TN! TOWNSHIP HALL. Ah the close . f ‘ho proscribed hour for receiving noml. ions the clerk rend tho 1m of nominees md than left the cm. Mr. John Coqnoyy 1'33 pgqpqqu‘ng‘ghur; Cemrh. Dyspepeie. Kidney Com- pinints and Blood end Nervous Diseases. Are Promptiy end Perma- nently Outed by Hunyon's Remedies â€"A.sk Your Druggist tor Xunyon‘s Guide te Health. Select a. 25-Oent Remedy and Cure Yourself. lira. ï¬ery Sinnders. of 136 Argyle street, Toronto, says :-‘ I suffered terribly with rheumatic pains in (mm-can parts of my body, and had tried all kinds of med - einee in en eii'ort to get reliet. 13 fast, I nt all my savings in dcetors’ bills. hen I started Munyon's Raeumstism Care I bed no faith whatever. but deo‘ded togive itstsirtriel. inless then s week other I bemnsing itI had not as pain or eehe in my body." Innyon’s Rhenmstism Cure seldom fails to relieve in one to three hours, and cures in e few days. Price, 250. Hunyon's Dyspepsia Cure itiveiy euros .11 terms of indigestion sn stomach unable. Price. 25:. llnnyon’e Cold Cure prevents enmonis end breaks up n cold in 3 our hours. T11???- ilm 1°“ W‘ M“; 8. J.Fox, Mull. '1‘, Guam. seconded by J. D. Button. W.N.Ru.byJu.Byno and June: Pom. Juno; queruol. by John Connolly ad Honest People Testify Strong Statements in Favor of His Improved Homeopathic Remedies. A-yv. 7.- -â€" Mr. Ellis then in n clear distinct manner reviewed the doings of the county council during the put year, and stated that he nd- Mr. Fox were two of the five who had {on hn easinet the grouting of 8100 to each of t e northern townships. He enlogised Mr. Fox for his tact and discernment in county council matters, and honed to see him elected for Div. 1%. 3. Mr. Ellie then turned to township matters generr‘ly, nnd raierred the electors to the sauna ï¬nancial statement. He concluded by saying he was willing to serve the tow .1- ehip anoth-r year as reeve l! the ratepay- ers cansidered him worthy of a continua.- tlon of their conï¬dence. vlvu v. ... -'___-_.-- The next speaker was Mr. Jae. Bvrne, ‘ who made a long and varied speech, orien- llng with eloquent passages. After oal.ing the attention of the audience to certain misdeeds of councils since 1839, he charged the present council with neglect of duty, with unlawful expenditure of meney on roads and otherwise, and with demanding and collecting taxes illegally. He con- cluded by saying he would withdraw his name for councillor, that he had served two years in that capacity, during which he had learned much of the plane and tacticsâ€"it was, he sold, like inserting the email end oitoe wedge, and he had since widened and developed so as to be able to hold the council in check if elected reeve. Mr. Fox then followed with a lucid ex- planation of county and township matter-3. In speaking of the change in the formation of county councils, he said that irwas in several respects desirable. but that the splitticg up of municipalities to form county dirt-vines might prove detrimental to some important townsnlpa. Ops, uanr- tunateiy. perh1p3,ls one of those soolvided, and although it pays a large share of the county rate it might be without :1. repre- sentative, as it was in dangt’r cf beiog handicapped by Lindsay in the centre and by Emily on the cum. He felt it to be the duty of every county counciller to respect the rights of every member rf every sub- division in the county. and at every muni- clpzlity. whether it be the one he resides 8h: Maudixu’ gait. EVE}? lot is son of mm. Every im'mlnn iu a; lxciom. Sold in L'ui Picket: only. 25c , 40c . 50c.. we. Anemone. TTIE ops NOMINATIONS. FANS THAT GAIN! DEIIEII “SALADA†“A TEA-GROWING PARADISE.†1’03 bum-mu. '. "maxim. 1. CEYLON TEA. The Home of Fm MEETING. x-IA'OU “- Who Have been mistaken for Bright‘s disease, and there is no doubt many have been mal- treated for Bright’s disease when spinal trouble was the real malady. Geo. T. Smith, pedlar. of St. Catherines, is one who thus sufl'ered. His narrativeisss follows:â€"“In the fall of 1894 I began to experience alarming symptom of what I thought to be spinal trouble. 1 resorted to lotions. plasters and other remedies, but to no avail, as I continued to grow worse. At this point my friends adrised the services of a physician, which I gladly submitted to. The professional man made ,a minute examination, and pro- nounced mine a case of Bright’s disease, which quite naturally gave me asevere shock, as I deemed the death sentence had been passed upon me. The doctor said he could alleviate my suï¬'erings. but remarked that it would only be a matter of time with me. However, Iaeeepted his medicine, and took it according to directions with no beneï¬cial results. In the meantime a friend procured a remedy said to be a cure for Bright's disease. This medicine I took, but with no efl'ect whatever. Ten months had passed away and I had become so haggard, emaciated, stooped and miserable, that my friends had diï¬culiy in recognizing me. In fact they like myself, harbored the most'jpaia- ful apprehensions. At this juncture an aunt came to visit me. and strongly ad- vised me to try Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills. Like a drowning man reaching for a straw I did so. To my great surprise I soon noticed an improvement, the pain in my back began to leave, my appetite im- proved, my color returned, and by the time I had used eight boxes not an ache or pain remained, and I am as able to have! about to day as previous to the attick. I know that I owe my restora- tion to Dr. Willisms' Pink Pills, and I urge those ill or sufl'ering to give them a trial. an ad Imam. Mort-3 ho- Ix- Mignon-gum“. can. . Btu-don and but): w p to numerous Incl. . M “a“. Wu. Joan). It in - canon- pathologies! he: that lpiml cowl-int hu‘ sometime. mull, Dr. Williams‘s Pink Pills strike at the root of the disease, driving it from the system and restoring the patient to health and strength. In cases of paralysis, spinal trouble. looomotor ataxia, sciatica, rheumatism. erysipelas, scrofnlous troubles. etc , these pills are superior to all other treatment. They are also a speciï¬c for the troubles which make the lives of so many women aburden: and speedily restore the rich glow of health to pale and sallow cheeks. Men broken down by overwork. worry or excesses, ml! ï¬nd in Pink Pills a certain cure. Sold by all dealers, or sent by mail p‘st- paid, at 50¢ a box or six boxes for $2 50 by addressing the Dr. Williams’ Medi- cine Co., Brockville. Ont., or Schenec- tady, N.Y. Beware of imitations and substitutes alleged to be “just as good.†I It†luv-w- '- â€"- â€"-_ , ï¬shermen wee cached by M, end he thenked the electors in suitable urmemrthehcmrccnfeuedcnhln. Be nidhehed no clue to ell-worker. u it wee ‘3‘ “‘3“ ammmzm “m3 0 , en a 1 ya:- recard would merit their Cannomore Button. Guanine nod Hop- kins, then addressed the electors in turn. each making brief pointed speeches which were well received. Mr. David Welkar. whom the chairmen introduced as the when-en resve end conn- - LI- __-__I|__ ILLNESS DROUGHH HIM ALMOST TO THE VIROE OF THE GRAVE. “a" u... "7 Vi-.. cilior, addressed the electors in his usually happy and elcquent style, saying that he had fought anu won many battles in Ops and had contended tor the rights oi the towmh'p in the county council on many occasions, but as township councils are to be henceforth distinctly separate he would serve the township in the humble capacity of councillor it the ratepayers chase to elect him. The chairman there introduced Dr. Corn well, who gave a synopsis of the new County Council Act, showing that its chief objcc': is to lessen the number of county c3unciliors,(1ence the groupln oi munici- palities) and [is chief pecul srity being that a. voter is privileged to give his two votes to one candidate if he so desirts. Notwithstanding the high esteem in which he held his opponent, Mt. Fox as a very competent county councillor, he trusted that all the electors of East Ops would not avail themselves of the privilege ct double votingâ€"even though the not permitted itâ€" bnh that many of them would mark a ballot for him, too. The meeting then closed about 4.30 p.m. Will III Inner Ie Wu Tuna; to “SI! lip tan-tau Tm and Set I]. ma: liven on ï¬re. runner pencil). In "In: and Seven Childre- Carrled to Death In lorry County. theeldesï¬aladaboutaeven: cg iaget widgptaally set the 1.0 x 4‘.-- __ _ Dublln, Dec. 28.â€"A landslide has occur» red near Rathmore. County Kerry. doing great damage to property and causing the dcmh of :1 farmer named Donnelly, his “w. and seven children. all of whom wen (-mmi r‘ to float?! in ’flxolr holno, which I'll mum: away. Coutumed rams caused the dis s‘or. Hunks. 01142., Dec. 28.-On Saturday morning last two little boys, sun: at Mr. andMA'aN. KDnmke.camedown stairs in their night domes, obtained LITTLE BOY BURNI". mall-m6“ Ind. fella? “I THEM lluvuu \V nu, ..- r._, v , v .. Unuulzau. â€.11.. vice-m \ Rev. mm... tor of the name Unive-rsily; Right 8". Thomas 1:. Raven, B shop of Ihe Dloeeu at >. J Presl- Sprlngflold; Rev. 14m... .. dent o! the Holy Crog Uulh-gc; llvv. John Conway. S.J.. of Georgflown Uuh'cnmy. and others. shop left Worcester for Spring; ï¬eld a 8.45 p.m. He will be the we“ Rev. J. J. McCoy. It Chlcopee today. den jubilee "mm: of the nnnivc’ry d the team or its potion stint with the non elaborate servicen we: given in n Worm ter church. Archbishop Mnrtinelli. apostolic doles!“ to the United States. was the spoon! o: the pnrish.nnd pontincated at the no In. mass. which was ceichrued at 10.80 o’clock. As a compliment to the papal delento every man were on his bmst n badge 0! yellow and white. the colon. A: the altar were Archbishop nrtlneili. Very Rev. Dr. Thomas J. County. actor of tho (‘ntholic V_l'-‘orslty a't Washington: Very «dunâ€"x Ills: Annie our: 1 “cu- or lieu-I rul- In-sanucl I. Part Died In In (fl-Ir I. bid... London, Ont, Dec. 28.â€"Miss Annh O‘Leary, daughter of the late 'l‘lmothy O‘Leary, 243 Clarence-street. for two weekspast hasbeenfllwm heart failure. Sunday she ate her breakfast with the other membea of the family. and a. few minutes later stepped from the dining room to the kitchen, fell to the floor and expired instantly. Samuel H. Park. an old maident (1 London. expired suddenly on Saltunhy evening, while sitting in a. chair. at the residence of his son. James 0. Park, 661 Dundee-street. He leaves a widow and four children. Mrs. Taylor. and Miss Jennie E. Park of Detrolt: Mrs. James Ritchie of Boston and James Park, with whom he resided. A golden eagle has been shot Ln the Queen's Park here. It 13 a. magniï¬- cent specimen. meesuring 7 feet 4 A. A... An Audience With Canom. the Spanish Premier. Worcester. Mm. Dec. 28.4%. John’l meonc Church closed mg year of It: gul- A Women “In Wu Born In Cam. Went on Io Buy (flirt-Inn To" and the Elton Billed let. zs‘ew York. Doc. 28.â€"Mrs. A. Antoinette Haipin. wire or (ax-Assemblyman Wiiliam Huiu’n. died last night at her home. 339 West Twenty-second-Itreet. from nervous exhaustion. coiiupne and gastritis, caused by the excessive use of Jamaica ginger. Mrs. Hninln was 93 vmru nhl M... In I _.., TALK OF A WHBRBILL TREATY uwcaMnnflï¬oU-fldmun Just received the ofï¬cial m d Mr. CleveJazd'a me all an ‘1‘!- ly pleased with “3’ «aw The accouchement of the Czaflnn (former ly Princess A111 0! Hesse) is expected to take place about the end or January. It has been arranged to rave the event oc- cur at TstrskooSelo. A ï¬re which caused «maze of nearly 8100.000. took flihce yesterdn there- lr shop. unhwlck div on of the rooluklyn Bel ts Railway Company 0: Brooklyn. N. . .. . . - - - ‘_ ‘ -..â€"°_.\.. v. uvuu v uvuvï¬â€˜u. al- The circumstances attending Mrs. pin‘s death. which resulted from gastritis. were slngu'srly sad. Mrs. Hal in. who had been extremely ill for seven weeks in- sisted upon accompanying her husband Thursday on a shopping expedition. insist- ing that she be allowed to select the Christmas toys. With the dawn 0: Club mas. however. she suffered a serious to. lapse. Dr. Mason was sent for. but medic- al aid was of no avail. and her death oc- curred early Christmas evening. The Hal- plns had been manlm' only a few years. lowing: I have been CREW an m- dlence with Camvaa dcl Castillo. ch. IRIS cm tuuauva-y “aw â€"-. "V, , became he believes that Spam should stand before the world as a united â€Woolmasmejmsoswtw dunes in Congas. The etnmmons or Senators Mortal. CamamandShexmanarelookedupon mmmqutwarandsDah floucomernincOxbsanbe ed MW victories are dr- ained. nemDMQth-tm v- u. â€-7" -_..â€"â€"v inches from up to Up- V_V~- w. v- onus-Aw .u-I c5. Hrsfljalpln $35-28 years old. born In ban- adu. and had been In this city 21 years. She was_ the daughter of John O'Donough. "IL W or sanitation at the policy at the United sates Government and eflectmlly sets at rest disquieting tu- mors. I have also been naval-ad by Sm Motely Premier-gust with en. mar View, in which, (or the ï¬rst time, ho makesmbncanewandmcuoflao- ludon at the Cupan question. banal 7 __.....__h-I upon the hope or a. new Cornwall treat between Spain and the Uni- ted WhfleSenorSacnsmisq-eoogndudu the leader of the Liberal party ho has ceased to g-luclzq the Government. , - 1A .5...“ ‘. John’s “than “III. II TWO SUDDEN DEATHS. 1,0012 MRS. HELPâ€: A GOLDEN J UBILEE. Hartline C4 Vlcun of lean nu- WM. . 'LIHDQAI, .ONTARIO.- FRIDAY, NOTHING CAN BE PBBM- Though “LUDELLAâ€3 0:11. Hamburg dockmen'l strike II sun Prof. Emil Du Bola-Raymondn. a (flaun- gulahed phzalologlat, died In Berlin you» day. aged .8 nan. Th: High School building at Tonawanda. N.Y.. waa burned on Saturday evening. Lou 830.000; Insurance 819.000. Prince Bismarck had all hl_a_ cpudnn£nd MUST DEFEND 0N GANADA FOR LOSS comanearer the markthanany. Only the highest grade'l'eu are used in this bEend. It cannot tail :3 please. 1::er 25¢.4055090r606perlh. The! Will lulu Any my to I.“ Preseason o. In.“ - I†lean. mu: ml mum n-d Then my Would Inn :r‘eia‘EESIIE'é-T'im {Fmâ€"BEE: FREEâ€"6d. The ex-Chanceilor la in good health. Norton Co. a large commercial iinn of Chicago, with interests at Lochport. N. 3.. and loan Faiia. N.Y., failed on Bob Gen. John Meredith Reed. the well-known American diplomat. died in Paris. co. yoatorday of pneumonia. Be waa rn a! Philadelghia in 1837. A are which involved a iooa of $50.†occurred at Potsdam. N.Y.. Saturday night. Half a block in the bnaineaa section. in eluding the Windsor Hotel, was destroyed. WUTY 0N LUMBER Coi. Snunderson hue Joined hands In the new a union for wring unenciel repu- etion or Irelnnd. . _. ' . . Anon-co The-sen" Willing to Ice. Gnndur {or the Chg-plenary. London Dec. 28.â€"Both an Herding and Barry e oernmen. are nnxloun to row Jake nudnur tor the mulling cnmpionnhlp of the world. They prefer. however. to row in England. has nix-end: signed preliminary er- tlcles and posted money for 3 race with Gnudnur rot mo 3 side. mowing Gnudnur £2510:- expenlel. Buryunownmnging to row Harding also» George Buheu. the mixer laid to 1 re- m: cube United Amt“; If"!!! my lnlon that Belt†7‘ -3†can! d Gao- vu (2an to am: Bui- ex OP that Bury Agog Barry was 3.1m! CV.- -- â€"~ ‘1 In E H. P. ECKARDT 00., Toronto, Wholesale Agents. Michigan Mill Men are Getting Rather Anxious. It I; re rted u a humorous phue of British pomca nut Mr, Elfin; 39:1, .116 lumhm 13 W‘ Wthnn blunt-duh. which Imambhmthntm m- unlumherm m m M nubtoMmdotlnhunome whetlntmm. homomtmum» get and Band Whitney take My owedte vie-WI o! thblmportant 0 non. two men when Interest: In - hercndvuonutotheflmleflectof lechbuonuponthue Internal-no. wideuthoneotmtwomlnthe United Staten. Gen. Alger dishin- any dtrecttntenstlnthepmtor thla quench,†dd Gen. Al‘s thh morntng. “It in a question tbct reâ€" quires coronal conddmtlon and db- cuslon. I am a protectionist. you un- derstand, no that lt scans ntha' tn- consistent In me to favor now free trade in lumber, but what oball nod what nhul not be taxed upon the prin- ciple or a protective taut! lo a prac- tical not a theoretical question." I! we had obundence of pine In on. State there would not be the slight- difï¬culty. 1 should any n mew" tnrttflnallrlght. lion'tult I. not all night now, but '0 an Inn-Ry dependent on Can-m for or Inn More than but of thelumber that b manufactured in the eastern hat: a! the State comes from Canada. in the form of logs. The Cheboygan mm! have not a foot of pine that does not me tram Canada. It In very lately so at Alpena and 'I‘awan and Saginaw. If we should put; duty on Canadian lumber I have no doubt that ()1:- ada would Me by putting on ex- port duty upon logs. It's the law of alt-WectJoIn. The result would be that the Mldugan lumber tndmtry would be tranaterred to Chanda." Gen. Alger. who has been widely mentioned as u probuble member at President-elect Mcxmley'e cabinet. says. considering the relwan ot the United Stutes with Cube, he would not furor a. recognition of the Inde- pendence of Cube until the Cuban- hadntleuateaublhhedaeeutotm- ernxnent. He would not (ever pur- chasing Cube.“ he believes nhe would be u great burden to the United States. TELEGRA PB 10 BRIEFS. to love Over len- CEYLON TEA Laden; nun- wuo nan-d 00“... plan-In m In...†51120 or 112731 FAILURE. men were much! here by the “eun- er. The accident was due to the steamer: captain mist-kin: the schooner m: a. pilot boa. The schoon- er‘a crew had hudly tune to get their personal effects. In the veuel Ado-d rapidly. They manned her end she was picked up by the steamer. The schooner mu htve «paged. a she -A‘A, tumâ€"men's»... Boston. Dec» 3â€"1» overdue All“: Line mm Sc-ndtmvhn. which no rived from cm to as. reports that she collided lat Mic! Cape and Wm: a, lumber-laden schooner. the Cu- rle Walker. (tom 8!. John, N.B.. for New Undon. conn. Her crew or at: n uu-v- _.â€"â€"-. --_ , - was that-when to be uni; shortly utter the accident. The Curie Walker wu owned by C. W. King 0! Eamport. â€All-DIM“ Maine an; is! Wmmmumm t for-er Pulp. Teller 0! the Inna-ll Biol 0! [lit-ell II the “In at (tie-go on Al Oil mm Chicago, Dec. altâ€"lieu B. Janet. u- paylng teller of the National Bank of II- ilnoln. which failed loadâ€. '3. hunted inst nlght on an old ehu-ge. and the police authorities believe that the an compel him to divulge mic-zed lrt'e‘u title- in con- nection with the hut oll'lculu. One your ego Jone- und Joeeph Wilm. the neeivlu teller of the bank. were INN of uncond- lng wllh 810.000. Until lately Jone- bid not been heard of. Wilson. however. was urn-sled. but through influential trienda. lt it said, was not pros-ecu“: on the charge. Meanwhile. it ll dieted. Jone. lived in Topcinl. St. Paul and we Dacha. A short while :30 June. clue but to Chl- engo. and this In aid to hue been no no- cret from olflchll ot the bunk- who chat-pt him with_the engagement. When are. __-- A-_|-‘ as.- L‘ lllul “ lku \u\ ‘ .- In m. cell mnugifï¬wjkiï¬iï¬enled um I. knew or my lrregulufldel o: u» W â€WWW. mm Novelty P1}: tar Works. BEN JONES A RRESTBD. Mon tho! Pun tor. â€.001†RON Do '1. JAE‘LAJJA 11137- Don't put an inferior cover 5"";«3J’x'cs-E im/4‘g;‘ru=" on your §teed below. you see what we have. Price reduced to A good horse should be well protected from the inclement weather by one of our heavy ALL W001. Hons»: Covens. We have just ï¬nished one hundred of these, manufactured in a bright fancy check. Soft, Warm and Fast Colors, Material Al. Under ordinary circumstances these blankets should give con- stant service for 15 years. HORSEMEN’S ATTENTION. VII DAVIDSON O "I! cowâ€"man '____.‘-' " Mumm'mnvâ€" mm Q‘A.-. Ma Pa. CEYLON TEA # 3:; $3: Tm and void“. Bone-Md Em and Bacon. cum Braakjut Canals. WM“ and cow More, 00M PM“, PM and Hats, m. M. etc“ WHEN THE YEAR IS NEW thing about 'what they sell. They might commence by leaving a trial order for their choice They think the New Year would not he a had time for people who have not been dealing with them to ï¬nd out some- _ See to it that nothing is alowed to get below their Standard of quality, and nothing but the very best is good enough for them. end dome end dozens of other lines carried by them as leading Grocers. They gwmtee the quality in every case and the service will be found excellent. SPRATT 81 KILLEN. P “annual-Wtbdowmuo ‘ m u Mr! Wâ€. Banking 0! Imple 'â€" l' 1]. m and KIM 0.0.. Setting-up Shaun W H. Show; Go. ï¬nch“. John lwnt. L1... mount; Eur-a Tbs. LINDSAY FOUNDRY. IS THE_B_E_$I When its middle-aged or oldâ€"any time and all the time, Spratt Killen sell Groceriesâ€"choice Groceries at that. And unlike the year. their Groceries never grow old ._ they don’t get a possible chance. The? Lindsay Woollen JOHN HAKINB. FAMILY GROCERS A0!“ TORONTO Nona lit 3 . for d up my