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Canadian Post (Lindsay, ONT), 1 Jan 1897, p. 6

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62.5”: m$<0wm20u3 .â€" F< HOZ<OZE< :15 < Means. Graham. Touchburn. Connolly and Bryan- Adar-ens a. Gathering of About 'rWenty-flve Persons 11: the Town Hall. The wind up of the eonnty council nemlnetlon meeting was held Wednesday 011m weak in the town hall. and owing to 3 Inch 02 interest. or the exceedingly cold night, It proud 3 very tame efl’air Indeed. Dr. Lynch, the chairman, was on hand promptly at 7.30, and for nearly halt an hour he was very lonesome-then a few people began to drop in until about 25 had . ,_ -_.._.-l-4J \nhnf. that nuns nu wuu-u nun-r... r.., _ from Toronto on his purchases than drive to Lindsay. Steam rollers and stone crushers were invaluable aids in making good roads, and while-municipalities could not aflord to buy them, the county might do so and arrange that each municipality might use them in turn. Wide tires help- ed to make and maintain good roads, and were used in every country noted for the excellence of its highways. The statute la'oor system should be gradually abo'- ished. As for a county house of refuge. we were gaining by the experience of other counties wnere they were establish- ed, and the time might soon arrive when it wouldbe thought more economical to establish such an institution. Mr. Graham concluded his remarks by wishing all the compliments oi oi the season and asking for their support. 7 7 LL- _-..L acne-abn- OfiKM,Dm'-taaaus 1...... Frames, Sash, Doors, Blinds, Mouldings, Trimmings, Etc. [or huUll‘ Buyyv- In his. Toucusunn was the next sneaker. He did not think the town was losing as much as Mr. Gremun estimated owinp' to the condition of the roads. or by people gooing to Tomato tar their goods ; Villages had sprung up everywhere and farmers have not so far to haul their grain to a railway now-a-daye. hence the time has passed when good roads were vitally neces- , __A. ._A land of mfi‘fl u. "nu-lam-.. : there is not one load of main marketeted in Llndsay now tor every 100 yeareego. As tor wide tires, he thought: their use could be gradually induced by the press of the provinceâ€"a wider tire meant a larger load. Mr. Tncs. Connor.“ was next: called upon by she chairman. He said than If elecaed he would do all in his power to foster 3004 reads anal everyth ng else that M-AA MI..- cue-Anon? Lvuwa ”M -m- ___ - v , was for the general good. The present system of statute labor would be all right if operations were conducted according to a uniform plan and by a capable road- maker; he would be in favor of the county expending a certain amount on leading roads. Referring to taxation, Mr. Connolly said the town’s valuation was placed at $1,801,000, and the people submitted to it because it gave a race of 25 mills, whereas if the valuation was plac 4d at the proper figure the rate would be about 38 mills on the dollar. County property is not assess- ed one-third as high as town property, and any reasonable person would admit that Lindsay was not entitled to pay one-tenth of the county taxes. as is at present the case. Referring to the house of refuge, Mr. Connolly pointed out the advantages of the town system, whereby the charity expenditure had been reduced this year from $l,300 to $60); old people are kep; comfortably and well in the Home for Me. per day, and the cost to the town would no rurthcr reduced when they received the government grant of 70. per day f.r each -L_;r__ ‘1- (Maâ€"nanny nn‘r‘ its WWW “lava-U Btuâ€"Ir .- .â€". r-â€" guvua , “- inmate. In concluding, Mr. Connolly said if elected he would give to county affairs the same careful study and attention he had always devoted to town matters. Mr. Rom. anms yes last on the list. He said he had been a member of the county council for several years. and had always been an advocate of good leading roads. and bad been instrumental in hav- n A- AL‘ 1---] Mun-n, Ive-us), nun-- â€".-â€" "-â€" icg a tition sent to the local govern- ment advocating the use of wide tires. Mr. Bryane next referred to the cost of the administration of justice in the county, which he placed at about $911312: diction of magistrates extended, and also the scope of the division and county courts, which would be a great public benefit and would also reduce the cost: to the county. If elected he would give these and all other matters likely to bene- fit the county his very best attention. The meeting then dispersed. wv-'v months. hit. Elsi-k0 had been enjoying his usual good health [or a. men of his up to a short time preceding his 5:”. Sixty years ago Jemee Clarke, ac- companied by Mrs. Clarke. emigrated fcom Seotinnd, to Port Hope,where he engaged in business, and later on com- wood grain buying with the late David Smut, of that town.“ After the building We are called upon In this issue to chronicle the demise of a venerable and mused sullen in the person of Mr. James Clarke, of the township of 095, at About Calms Cards. Ordar your oalllnacuds nu Tn! Pos'r. AM new sail” in“ Mind The Late James Clarke. am as. m m .3101: T0 WASHINGTON m Conventionâ€"TI. 10" Antana- nut Ann-8! '0 “I! ”I H-Omws He'l- MVG been succeshu in their negotia- than with the W mummies for a. mm of tho quamtino 3'90“” 1.--â€" A Michigan fruit grower, in giving an account or the Late meeting or the State Horticulturist Society which m attended by Mr. John Craig. Domin- ion Horticulturist. says: “The society paced itself on record as being de- ddedly opposed to the present tax-it! lawn. which admit Canadian truitn without tam, while that (the Dominion) Government imposes a huh import duty on Michigan fruit. memorial was drafted and passed ask- 5MB QUARANTINEI hurflew III-Intern at Ottawa an The"- Request. Before The!!! â€" Satisfulory noon-x. uay ptcwuvucu u; -_....-__ a. handsome testimonial in the shape of an address. a. purse of gold and a beautiful ringLThe presentation was made by the Mayor. Mr. Taylor flt- tingly replied. The Ottawa. Woman’s Council pur- poses tackling the public library ques- tion again. A resolution in regard to the starting or a. public library in the city will be presented to the new City Council as soon as possible. The ladies say they are determined to push the question to a. conclusion. E. J. Rainboth of. Ottawa, who was appointed a commissioner to enquire into charges which were preferred against James Martin, Indian agent at Maniwaki, on the Gatineau, is pro- ceeding with the enquiry. Mr. Martin is accused of having taken an active part in the Conservative interest in the constituency during the last gen- eral elections, with a View of defeat- ing C. R. Devlin and electing J. M. McDouga‘l. There were other charges against Mr. Martin besides those of a political character, which Mr.Ra.inboth has been asked to investigate. John Crerar, Q.C., of Hamilton, who was appointed a commissioner to in- vestigate the reasons why the writ fox Algomo. was withheld after it had been issued by the Clerk of. the Crown in ChancerY. prior to the last general elections, so that the election did not take place until after June 23, has been waking evidence in the case here. He will likely have his report ready about the end of the week. John '1‘. Ross. barrister, of Halifax, N.S., was toâ€"day appointed a commis- sioner to investigate the charges of of- tenslve partisanship made against employee or officials of the Intercol- onial Railway In the Province of Novn Scotia, who took an active part in the recent general election. The Controller of Customs went to Montreal to-day to be present at the banquet of: the Commercial Travelers’ Association. The Postmaster-General is back, af- ter a. fortnight’s absence in Cornwall. The cold spell still continues. At the Experimental Farm last night the thermometer fell to 15 degrees below, and at 8 o'clock this morning it was 11_ .beth. .. A“bu Ietln ls oemg prepared by the Agricultural and Dairy Commissioner. urther details concerning the giving f . Government’s plan of cold storage faci- lines. Hon. Mr. Davies returned from t‘ racmc woes: tms attemoon. Major Sutherland, chief Govern- ment whip, let: for home toâ€"night. Rev. Mr. Mauve“, M.P,., arriVed In the city to_-day. __ A n A .n Luc on.) LIIâ€"“u;- Charles Langelier, ex-M.P., and Dr. Guay. M.P., are here on patronage matters. ROSSLAND DE LEGA TES Mr. Fllhor' and Dr'â€" anhfan Succeed tho. drew won favor- able for the Monument m nu- anhColum prawn-11y their haml- woudeflul country. They pointy: out that u the Wanna: m h drawing attention to Lhe mmm‘ re- motthepmflmefit would 1-4 to a. large influx of capital, Which wts cheaper transportation monu- tor the Kootenay country. The imme- diate coast-action of the Crow's Nut Pas Railway was an dmperative n3 7 _ x __-|A-â€"uA-|O Neat Peas Railway would render - l lions of was at coal easily accemlble. and would enable smelters on the‘ CanwdmlldetoobtalncOdewh' at a. much lower rate than that now 2 being paid. Much of the coal ' used at Rouhmd end vicinity came 0.11 the way :rcm England via. Seattle. I Blacksmith's coal is at the present l ume selllng at from $35 to $40 per ton. , whlle anthracite brlngs 825 a. tan. In ' the houses in Roosland wood is being burned for fuel, cos ing 87 per Unlas a supply or coal is secured the smelting business will go to the Unit- cd States and the delegation desired that it should be retained in the coun- I “15»! mayâ€"v- .. Pas Railway was mixâ€"nfierauve ne- ceeaity for an proper development at the district. Three-fourths ot the on. which werebetng mined 1:: Boat- land district were ypat as known all - â€"â€"-â€"_ _“Mw Men’s Ink-nanny to Ian Demo-3m In Balm-II: the Money Didn't Cone. Buffalo. Dec. 22.â€"The body of Jerome Kelly, which was held here for payment of debts contracted to his doctor. druggist and nurse. was finally released Saturday and shipped to Pontiac. Mich. Dr. Patteson. who was char ed in n despstch from Pon- tiac on Satur ay with having caused the body to be held and presenting exorbitant bills. denies the charge. The bills in total amounted to but 890. one-half of which only was for the doctor's bill. Dr. Pat- teson further says: “ Jerome Robins. I lawyer from Pontiac. who is a brother-oin- law of Kelly. came to Buirnlo on the day following Kelly's death. He claimed the body, but had no funds even to pay the undertaker or the shipping charges. and it was not delivered to him." The doctor made no bones of the state- ment that the body was held with the hope that Kelly's relative night he induc- ed to settle the charges before the body was shipped, and as this has oeen the tirst case or impounding a corpse {or debt which has been made public in many years it has created not a little stir. trY. It was pointed out also to the Miln- lsters that the Cr.w's Nest Railway should be built as a. Government Work, and operated as such. but that run- ning powers sh'uld be givm to the C.P.R. and all other roads. Pulllc sentiment in the Ra'sland country I: p'actloally unanimous against the 0. RR. being given exclusix e control over the Crow’s Nest route. The deputation urged upon Mr.'.l'arte prompt measures to l-mp'O'e naviga- tion from Revelattke to Trail. so that steamers would not be impeded dur- ing low water. They aLw saw Mr. Mulock and asked for increased postal facilities tn- the dirtrlct. CORPSE HELD FOR DEBT. Tho-defiuiatldn hhiré good reason to be satisfied with their visit. the m- iaters assuring them that their repre- sentations would receive every consi- deration. the children on the ground or abandon- ment. About the years ago Robert Cald- well married Kate Lowery. The wedding at the time created nomewhat or a senat- tlon. for the bride was but 16 years of age. The two began life In the old First Ward and got along nicely. The two children were born and the home was a ham) one. Good fortune seemed to dwell in the cue. About two years ago Kate Caldwell tell heir to $5000. Then there was t change in their lives. A They‘spent the_ money freely. , ,__AA-_ ‘5‘!- Luclr uvcu. Lu»; vrvâ€"u -â€"- â€"__v and in a. short time had forgotten their old ideas of thrift. In a short tune the little fortune had been dissi ted. and the family removed to Durham. nt.. and wen: to live with Mrs. Lowery. Mrs. Cnldweii's mother. About five weeks :30 Caldwell left Durham and «me to this city. Three weeks inter his We followed. leaving the children with their dmother. Mrs. Samuel Allema lind- l'aalt Because of the Recent Conceal.” to Cana- dian Shipper- Chicago. Dec. 21-811mm! Allerton has made reply to the letter of Sterling More ton. Secretary or Agriculture, relative to cattle shipments to European ports. Speak- inz directly 0: the ahipmenta at Canadian cattle tron: American ports recently. Mr. Ailerton ma: “1 an informed Canadian ahippera loaded on the Allan Line boat Peruvian 472 cattle (ca acity 630): also on the Cunard Line boat ‘ nthia 630 cattle (capacity 870). In order to take theae boat: away from the American shipper the d a premium of 10: a head for the p v ego or not 2km; the _entire capacity or e -_____ ._ -m tn 6431113 FOR 1'. acorn. :yefimedl ‘. Scuttle. we present Fiopertom. a. tan. In ' fiisbdns P :ecurod the n the Unit- ‘Ottnwa. Dec. ne"(§wll"'iuv .â€" vere weather in the Northwest he: named the death 0: a latte number at valuable mttei. Reports the been received at the Axrlcultnrd De- partment front Fort McLeod to thin e!- tect. The snow is five feet deep end the thermometer 33 degree! below sen)- There we: no possibility ot grazing toe the stock, and prospects are disastrous for cattle on the names. It the unch- ers could corral the eettle. then pro- spects might not be no bad. but the stock has drifted and the snow is no deep that the owners could not round them up. Writing again. the cane offl- cial reports that during the last month the cattle Buttered terribly. They hut DEEP SNOW AND TBHRII'IC FROST "mud the m no. mus II. a ' u'l.‘-. cw Tull lend-lo ct tho melon. Iapnblle It. I01”!- LUV“ u- â€"--â€"--_ w , deep that the owne could not round them up. Writing exam. the cane om- cial reports that during the last month the cattle sutured terribly. They m nuthmg to live on but 0.2.»; Lu- 1! days. and the ranchers could JOI. huut them up to teed them. It is estimated that fully 50 per cent. wm dxe from starvation angldexposure. _--~‘.‘ v-1. hv starvation and exposure. A new tam! schedule, prepared by the Government or the .‘J‘emtne Re- public, has been listed a. 1“ Depart- ment or Trade and comma-e. No changes in the Cuatn'na duties are no- ticeabie, but the hated valuation oi‘ the several articles or import have been altered considerably. By this mtem of lixed Cusu-ms’ values. the ad valor- em duty practically chs a specific tax. While pine unplaned is valued tur duty at 35 cents per square metie. the duty leinaininx at 15 psr cent.. the duty on plain lumber is 25 per cent. on a fixed valuation of 50 cent: per square metre. 1n the mummy or the republic. however. gold is still at a very high premium. Capt. Spain, commander of the fish- eries protection ileet. has re tuaned from Owen Sound. where an investigation was held by him into the colllsfon last summer in the St. Clair Canal between the Government steamer Petrei and the American steamer itamupoe. Capt. Spain will report his finding to the Minister. Mr. J. Ross Robertson, M.P., Past Grand Master of the Masonic Grand Lodge or Canada, has shown his sym- pathy with the Ottawa brethren in the loss of all their relics, regalia. etc.. by the Sparks-street fire. in a prutcai shape. Yesterday there arrived from Toronto at magnificently bound volume nf the Sacred Law. a box of workinz tools. and three gavels to be used by the W.M.'s and wardens of the cit; lodges. The working tools are cun- tnined in a beautiful case, silk l‘ned. the tools being of the very ilneat qual- ity. The gavels are replicas of the aid-time gavel used in the German or erative lodges centuries ago. and new adopted as the gavel in the Lodge of the Quatuor_Coronati. No. 2076. London. IIIVJ Vuu.w-. _ -, v- Since the resent Ministry took omen there have n a. number of sugges- tions made to the Trade tad 00m- merce Department for the development of trade between Canada. and the Bri- tish colonies at the Cape. A Canadian trade journal recently published a. special edition for distribution a: SouuhAtrica. Thmbnveunobeq ”Cc" L. up"...â€" _ - w cll Department t6 the Departinent o: Militia. Wllllam Wilfrid Campbell takes the place of Mr. Ptyne In a: Privy Cquncll Department. . of two prisoners there lately. The new wing of the institution is to be completed by spring. and will word mods-lion for 1000 prisoners. 'HIe Convener ot Customs will doubtless order an investigation mm the existence of a. sort of tree We between North Dakota. and Msnltobs alleged to have been discovered by some business men or Lsnsdon, N. D. They any ant sll the when: of In northwestern put of tbnt county. whlch has slwsys been Milled to Lungdo . has been this yet: brought across the line sud shipped nun Manitoba. points, the distsnce being much less. and no duty being ensued. Theysnythecustom houseomcers: Cantu City. mitoba keeps them there and permits the (men from Damon to bring their when. duty tres of trade between cannon. m we on- tish colonies at the Cape. A Candi-.21 trade journal recently published a. spedai edition to: distribution in South Attica. There lave use beg: applicants at the Gene for the position of commercial agent there on bah-.1! Dominion. “mt? penitentiary Oomnittee a here {our tech ago It the Woodburn. 3 house. but high: he in Whitman. the in 0! e undue, o! the nltht he in in the :11 arrested on a chem under Ramon;- menu in; her. The bride II mIâ€"nâ€" __ ‘hat they nhéuid be aént home; Chamberlunprm mean: cavernmenthuklncuflonln muta- Continua Mu. mm... mm. Ir. lozen- II: I 7.. It)" the label on luauâ€"flaws sun *3. Dec. 23.--(Spechl)---The .- eather in the Northwest In: the death 0: a. latte number ""‘HA «and. Report.- hnve ldi Halon.) Bank. would not talk for gubuotuon when seen w-dny u m- vunm home. but a. (dead. ope-k- m: for him. and: “W. A. Wood a to be made the W of mo twmotuuhulc. not-am m MY. buthohnotnaymou to blame to;- 7th. W or man” Bergenotthebnnkh‘nmotns. Dneyer a; 00.. which tailed on Mondny. were attested this ntternoon, chm-ted with receiving n deposit. knowing theft bank to be ineoivent. and taken to the Central Police Bunion. Subsequently they were released by Justice Hall in 3500 each. pending the hem-in: of their case. which will take place Jun. 3. omcerotoueot thehiggut bank-an Chicago to depreciate the Calumet madmhandtothiaendtheaetwo men accomplished the wreck 0! “ft otthefaued hank knew the full amount of the Calumet loan. and hop- ed to make individual tortunea on the “we. of the venture. They were petty and. beatdea plying the bank ioan.makeanea.tattmtorthedkec- ton. There has been a. aharp contest between the General Electric and South Chicago City Railway Com- In the confidence that the score of ssvinu depositors had prncticaliy run its limit. the odloers of the Illinois Trust and Saving: Bank. after an hour or so or psyment under the pre- sent day notice rule for amounts of over 8100. decided to remm’s sli ro- strlcuons and hem paymt-n: in full to an depositors in line. The line scum dwindled to s score or peopla. At the Hibernia Bank the notice was still adhered to, but the line there hsd decresaed to s. few persons cud teh run is believed to be ova: E. 8. Dreyer and his peg-tau. figbe‘r‘t Brewing l‘lr- Gole he's. Chicago. Dec. W American Brewing. Melting and Elevator Com- pany. the George A. Weiss Melting and Elevator Company and Gem A. Weiss individually assigned last even- ing. The assignment at the twa com- panies. who are intlmttely connected. and tint of Wei. were brought lam court yesterday. The anisnee or the American Brewing. Melting and E10- vator company is the Chicago Title. and Trust Company. 'nxe George A. Weiss Melting and Elevator Company and George A. Wei- assigned to the Security Title and mm Company. No statement. was filed as to the met: and liabilities. The failure 0! the two corporation: was the result of the failure of the National Bank of Illinola. The two commie. were_ Wye“ _ trom the A land-one tau V's-n loud lei-Io" lurid lo a In. Who Wu Ob- Wnblc I. let. Jumatown. N.Y.. Dec. aâ€"A man this; 211: tune as Berton ll. lulu and Na red- denee u: Sheldon. 111.. n phrenolocut. cum here tour week ago tad caused bond at the Woodhull. a high-elm heading home. but night the was married to was 01134114,ngon tn- 0 :11:th blathedqjmmmm .aÂ¥- Elevator Company. 'nte American Bmwing, mun: end Elemor Com- pany in the owner at extensive melt houses on North mundavenue. whdch m leased to the other company and are used by It 1n the manufacture of melt. The American Bnewlng. Melting end Elemor Company hu 1 large Newqu adjoining the A melt bank and were indebted to It when it failed to the amount of over half e million donut. The corporation: were both organized through the ea'om or George A. WeiuLjvho 1Q Pmident of Dutchman-poled“ “lb-"on «the cum gag; 5%: gag g! noises. and ‘the fin c170 closely re- lated In business. one buying and sell- ing to the atlas. arrested on a charge of getting :5. girl under hypnotic Influence. Ind than mm- lng her. The bride lays - kcuon of tho mm or even what fol- lowed It. um to-du. and can hum: bo- uevethatuhomuud .huctho unbolute. Thomwumedou complaint 0! the girl'. man. And his” uh chi-gram ohm nun, v e at: able to her. but when In In: no. II. Welt Superior. Wig" Dec. 23.â€"'1'he Bank 0! West Superior did not open its doors for business this morning. being forced into llquidetion by the failure of the Bankot Minnesota. The crucial: ot the bank uy they will he- gufixe soon end pay :41 depositors in u Sioux City. Iowa. Dec. 23.4mm Par- sons Pelloter Company. the latest retail drygoods concern in town. was clmed toodu'. under chattel mortgage. aggregating 891.583. Amt: m eul- mamed u from 8180.000 to 8140.000. dun Banking and Trust Company of Allburn. cluttered In 1383. Ian cloned Its doors md has asked the court for the oppolntment of n receiver. nus SITE 1! YPNOTIZEDT A HADDENED CBO WD. ll: Fall-re at filo-x "I! A Win-onu- Isl-Ix. A Inl-e Illk Ah. unannounwuentm i Pdor eo the judgment voiding the elecflon. M hardships dismissed both men In which they had reserved Judgment yesterday. The :1an member will stem] for m-elecuop._ prowl 03:13! In Hugh mwrmI-c.s¢ues-uhodu Ate-Illa my..-“ Ava-Imp. Spokane. Wash“ Dec. 25.â€"Meagrc particulars htve reached here of a ter- rifying experience and perilous ride of in passenger: on the stage running between Marcus and Grand Forks. B. c. When the sage left Grand Forks for Mercu- lt. was equipped with run- nerl. the slew-hint being 3003. Every- thing went along all right until the was about to descend a steep bill me e nae [If length neu- Hul's Fen-y. when in some manner the horses broke loose. Iww Before the men could Jump out the once carted down hm u e rapid rate at speed wd gaining momentum every eecond. The passengers simply becune paralyzed with trig-ht end clung to each other, momentarily ox- pectln: to be. dashed to death. For nearly e qufler at a. mile the stag: kept the road. when a curve was reeched. Like a. rocket it left the roed and shot down Into the canyon with its human taught. About e. hundred feet down the stage struck 3 huge boulder with ten-inc force. The use was reduced needy to kindun: wood. while the passengers were thrown out 1!} every directlwn. , 4.. AI.“ "on V“ “R‘muévbe nook-Id Va} Va intrude that nobody wig {dug outright. The deep u _-‘_ ‘-_‘-A IIVW wâ€" u." '__.,fi_, snow in which the passengers leaded undoubtedly caved the lives of :11. Ed- wnrd Davis. well-known mininxmtn. received when run injuries. A“ the other Mum were more or less injured. The home- ot the other pas- ore not known yet nor the ex- heater! sent at their Maria. were reputedly "amped. Most of themputonutemem and jumpedlntotheneo. new“: one 0! then. He strapped one hun- dred Hula-n dlver donut upon him- mummmnburel. triedto mm nemlvou aw him mem. Wt. It was uoncthhlt the more! unmatwuaboutconoctmdw the an: was our. , Counsel on both side: proceeded to am for an opening, endnvormt to sink owing to the weight of the met-.1. One pea-engu- dter another sank. the been proving We. Every member at the (new we. drowned. and thmmentnd at 3am eboy-cnped on lam. “IMHO? hr Seaman-S X-Ign‘mnc (or . I d hunt-04m Jun-u..." or m the purpose 0! dupictl'ng smh pen um pencil tin-M- M And new “mam r' mm and ”pe- winch the huge metropom [mas-UH: ”Nuke-Jun. Inn Ind nu. mud on lnoodlou my. or “to novelty h we amt-«u tho mm. About 0! good mm". tun. “doe-No novel by RM Ila-dung Dun. ' swwr um. won...“ all : was but, vod- from 0! Fauna. " The ban In one of the 1mm \guruun n 0‘ M n! § an. m- ehuah; dam“: non Mir. Damhudruvn. Illuutnwd b} (i D new n‘ I all.- from Woodvilk Gib-on. ‘ 1m Conduct of 0mm Businws” A mus-um: an. in. hub and um. Wally Illa-M nurse. 0! memo: which an mm A nu M to :3” . {ma haw“ no oonpkud: Mr." or“; mum-upon: ' ‘0 Al BO :3. 8m!" “Thelma: onGra-tuowl." ”I‘m. “'4‘?! P -â€"”'-1 Workiuo! m Bank.‘ ‘ Undc'gruduaw Llh‘ n. Can..." A W H! Articles [mu-hm. FXEOUNBS' NOTICE To CBE DI. um "I. M. 0‘ our oldot unlvoniuou as «pron-"M'- roan. M we hang www- ..... _--_._,.v_.-- _---.- E the students mama-hm JUNK" I. Bum write- on "Unduxndunw (m.- nL â€" Y n m. t H )1" an“ IN m: Karma «1 an «tau or .3... “2‘3? .m': £~52mr14m~ RICHARD WILLI‘XS JULIAN. "has.“ am: the. the w." will m ‘ “I‘M « m richly “'ufll‘wd, "Thv la“ (M MIG) M but!“ a. L. g m‘ a 0:4qu ' “0f ‘50 Mu. (If TnoUnqqul Sr\ 0/ 7% («mm In anu- Wm Ioodywm wru: u mum-f M m: -"Wonnudhlorus." "The (bum t-ml Wow” "Wm-'- cum: Ind "Ihc use at 'Iuh" h cum-aw»). W D Howell!" “”7 d u V.“ [I “ah Ir. Howells give~ U‘ a. an! to unannounced In his or iul-Uul laud Mt only. W W. on»: lu addi- Uh“ WMwulbelnenen ‘ M W. Cubic, the onl.‘ b M How to 1‘“ch Inn and our must I» h u 8! ” undouwod. Ir. Lgmls Inn. II In “alts. man do! . "my “9' ”~umu'0mnwgwd A ' M out. ' In 3‘- .- ..” nus. on ‘ Tine!- ‘51:" i Doc Ron: m on the 12th inst... mdwwbouinvcumeemenlnd a.boy.mdlwned. magnum. VenCmgundou-nodumxm numberotthomwhunkmwn. The {mambo-u. uvâ€"‘M "-7 on request or counsel. 6:- by agree- ment. as this proceeding might eaec- tively conceal corrupt practices at such c m u should be unmounted. and cud: a mum disqualify the res- wculd convince Their Lond- ehlu to the country, and chute No. 0 we. proceeded with. This was the one aided to the penicuiars yesterday motion at Mr. loCu-thy, and prov- g3 San Diego. GL. Dec. 23.â€"'l'he humus Jungle; m wrecked in a norther oa IN THE HATTRB of the «tale of RICHARD WILLIAHS JULIAN. late of flu Wo/HuipmJu a. m of V“ tamer. election z before. other 31:. Homu can. ockgd. wane- uad Mr. H 1:159;ch for NI. place on thaw bod. h: in MI .wmm m u: pocket. and. mum: them up. $088- ed than to him. It!!! . "NOW 7"“ an support It. ” Wit-Deal I.“ 5v” â€"-~ â€"'â€"., on election an ester having talked with Honda and meal other: in the village. The court. in giving Judgmentdm attention to the act that thuugh bribery by an cent had only been woven in one Woe, yet. corrupt practices had apparently prevailed, an was shown in my other instances throughout the riding. and apparently with come system. Ind the seat was declared m and the elmtion void. Coot: werenot naked and not given and the conduction filed against. Mr. H. H. Cook who dismissed. In... M You Down and m on Ion! W“. let Bun-pl Four. ARM FOB SALEâ€"In the nu n-hip 0‘ m H. w d the Blind bé his opponen; again. New Adnrtnomon In. IT WAS A WILD RIDE. 7mm”) 11 A JURTRER. roo'k will likely m, newsman a Lumber uni Shingles catmpondingly chap. Call and inspect stock and Kennedy, Davis Syn. Weather and Waterproof 7 Whine W the balance of “I. “dock belonging to the Dominion Wand”. cordsdDryMill Wood Minted anywhere in town for: $5. COVERS IOST. LOOKS BEST. Ims LOWEST. [031‘ MOIOIICAL. 'ua 1mm mu" wm even mention [gr 1997 A bonumul pup...“ which will N omo- rin'm-nu m u wu- han-n. Iran. unmv. Lightning Kelly J. G. EflWflflflSKtflfl. TM! is a higher grade and better quality of Pain! than I..- ever been prepn ed for the market, md is more economics! to use, more durable and bewtiful than my other punt either ready nude or undo by . hnnd. . . . Every you.” guaranteed to com 306 square [edâ€"two Coats. TRAYEDâ€"from the pmmioes of the but “Mo. or thou: me first. 0! October .Otvoyor “lot. Au unis-whoa!) cue WWII" the moovoq ’0! the sums mu be m M by man; to ALFRED \'ARCOF.. [Mo lath. mug-6'4. D o- Inot 14 Con 83 Emilv on M M M: In. 33: an old hem; one .‘v‘a wuh .900 the back and the nxln-r I IN“ W “I. Mandamus-d. Owners an n" u ”Jan“ WW Ind puluc all vuApply m m rum-:3 ul'umA Will Not Shi‘ite? BUILDING PAPER. no mun-own"! mum» plan [or 131*? In nous-nan For Inn-non. use Corie: devoted to "We. a- can by Owl- Dun Gibson.” Ir. “ In “Mindoro-s mum. u» \‘mt- d Woo bl: IOU-Or ht 89(1er Magazine. (or A Red-Letter Year for 1897 oonflnuotomthemul uonotbo . . . without one. . - . lTBAYED.â€"Into the premium of the SCRIBNER’S MAGAZINE. Tougher. stronger, will last longer. is waterproof. will not tell to pieces with age. If you have any buildings which require to be sheeted with paper it will pay you to use this Call and get. Scrum Iron. Steel. Importers SIGN or '23:: AN'VIL. Dealer in Stoves. House Furnish- mge nixed Paints. Plumbing Suppues Ne '09 Ad vortmmen ta . HAM ’8 LA NTE'BNB :70. Ed ward: a: Co. '. G. WOODS. . FIBER . . ground. hand tempered and land mud. ALL 811531.. must price- fromso ' no LOO. â€"â€"-'OR SALE BYâ€" , D311: 0 Son._ rsnnple. Julianna-s son-1 in man. N" Y"

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