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Canadian Post (Lindsay, ONT), 22 Jan 1897, p. 5

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same time mixtures have the 14 00 18 00 19 no 5 00 32 00 9 00 Latts. 85 oo 3 75 S7 00 6 00 5.00 4 00 3 50 3 00 .by. to 87 10¢ 190 r to ales: aklng, 25c 25c 11 oo Oc 25c 2 25 85 2513 250 180 009 400 380 70c .100 nits. .ff’s ENT lng. T119716». ‘, In the vicinit. nttle insurance. st mt“: wanted by Mrs. Lambkin, Vinceht‘lx‘ in: 110 g 6 MC- Nichol a badly scorched this morn- . were ‘0 by fire, and water II: Inc 'I'II-u. I,“ t‘hls morning. 7 The story is rev'lved that Sir Richard “Wright will very shortly be leav- ;n. 2 for an informal conference at We. fihington or Canton with President- eleot» McKinley on tarlfl! matters. M a dwelling houses, on Metqalge- mun AGENT MARTIN SUSPENDED The Minister of Militia. Gen. Gas- coigne and Col. Aylmer visited a. new site mgested for the proposed rifle range. It is situated about five min- utes' walk from the C. P. R. station at Hull. The deputation went very carefully over the land and agreed Ihat it was a. most advantageous loca- tlon. Mr. Rainboth or this city, who was appointed a. commissioner to investi- gate charges preferred against one .Martln. Indian agent at Mantwakl. has made his report to the Minister or the Interior, and the agent is under sus- pension. Martln was charged with having taken the part of an active partisan. A large number of witnesses appeared before the comm-isgioner; A number of Quebec politicians, in- cluding Messrs. Beausoleil, Seward and Langelier, had an interview with Mr. Mules}: to-day regarding a. readjust- ment .0! mail subsidies on the Quebec and Lake St. John Railway, Seiator George A. Cox was in town (to-day. Exports from Ottawa. consular dis- trict to the United States last quarter totalled $734,468. a. decrease: of? $77,948. The Minister of Trade and Com- merce was interviewed to-day by Mr. JV. M. Macmzerson of Quebec. on mat- ters connected with the Dominion Hue mail subsidies. cistered during 1896, as compared with 1955 in the preceding year. O¢ these 657 were deeds, 619 mortgages. 635 discharges of mortgages, and 64 Wills. The considerations in the mort- gages registered amount to $591,466.22. as compared with $582,486.92 in 1895. me celebration in the Inland of Trinidad of the centennial at the oc- cupation of that country by the Bri- tish will not wire the tom of an in- ternational exhibition, as at first pro- posed. Instead, it is the intention to hold a. celebration of an historical character between the 15th and 20th or next month. The decision of. the Colonial Government to tonego thee:- hibition has been officially communi- cated to the Dominion Government, so that. instead at a. display of Canadian products. Canada's contribution to this celebration will probably take the form of a. congratulatory message to the Government of the colony. It was on Feb. 17. 1797. that Sir Ralph Aber- crombie took possession or the Island for his sovereign, since which tine it has remained a. colony of the British crown. The funeral of the late Prof. Glas- macher took place this morning. The faculty and students of Ottawa. Uni- versity attended in a. body. The Sentinelle, published under the patronage of the Oblat Fathers of Mattawa. advocates the appointment of a. Roman Catholic bishop for that locality on the ground that it is the centre of the Nipissing and Temisca- .mingue districts. Mr. MoGregor. member for North ,Eseex. is in town. Mr. W. A. Fuller, agent for the Wal- ,lace circus. was in the city toâ€"day to :settle up with the Department of Cus- toms for the past season's business. 'The usual rebate of 90 per cent. has been paid to the Wallace people on ac- count or re-exportation of their cars and circus ngaghernajja: _ger_1era.]ly. Prof. Mavor of Toronto Univetsity lectured to a. large audience here to- night on the subject of Iceland. The lecture was under the auspices of the Literary and Scientific Society and the Field Naturalists' Club. Bin}: oz: mush North America here, has received notice or: his promotion to the branch in Halifax. Mr. Rhll'pots mu be his suecesor here. County Registrar Conley has com- pleted his annual report. It show: that 2089 monuments Ln 3.11 were 53: there was no difficulty with the In- dlana other than what the Indian on!- can and the local authorities could attend to and that they could easily prose-We order. certainly have known about it. The new civil service list made its appearance to-day. Iona t'o lav. lee- Guilty 0! Act!" [mun-up -- 'nI-Idad Cement“! wm be Med by n Celebnuon or .- Ill-tonal Chsncter- l News News Generally. I Ottawa, Jan. 14. Ron. Mr. Sifton received a telegram last night from the Indian Superinâ€" tendent in British Columbia, stating that the report from the Pacific coasr. about trouble among the Indians re- garding potlatching was greatly ex- aggerated. The telegram stated that Mr. Penny; M. ‘P., and ME. M._7P., _arrived he_re tg-nlght. w“ Very Much mascara!“ ‘ In the Reports. THE INDIAN TROUBLE Wok-v. porch-led film We! no «out Winks Dominion Wald” cordldDryIflHWood MWWWMiamM-um unbound nimble-coma?“ only do“ and impoec mat hail! chap. 0511 619066 cook ad Kennedy, Dam n Snn. It: Mandi“ gm "Wan“: Wu. 7mm 2. “31:69.” 161; The' TreAamry Board was in session longing, Dawn ‘0 Son. DO YOU nm very the geological museum hundreds of valuable specimens are st0wed away out of sight for want or show case room. Before long the Government will be compelled by force of circum- stances to put up a new geological building, and it is to be hoped when that time arrives the t will see its way clear to provide more room for the National Gallery. The Premier fmmlly inaugurated the open air mink of 0. A. A. C. and congratulated the Athletic Club on its success and add it was one of the few institutions in the Capital which was not looking to the country for fl- r-an-cial aid. _ It is announced that the infraction of prison rules by Father Cloutier. chaplain at the Stoney Mountain Peni- tentiary. consists of leaving his post without the sanction of the Minister. Father Cloutier wanted to, accompany Archbishop Langevln on his aster!) trip to Quebec. and applied for leave of absence. Before an absence was from the department Mixer matter is now Father Cloutier’s salary is about $600. It is announced that until the civil eervice and superannuation legislation Passes Parliament appointments to the nublic service will be very few. It it claimed for the Postmaster-General that since he assumed his portfolio he has not madeasingle appointment. He has arranged a number of transfers ,- jl__.lâ€"‘n con..- “a: an.u..o-‘. _ -_, and managed several dismissals. very urgent in the publfic interests. but his. policy is to cut down the staff as far as passible. W. F. Kehoe. B. A.. private secre- tary to H611. R. W. Scott. died to- night. after two months’ fllness. at low fever. Mr. Kehoe was rthe eldest son of Governor Kehoe of Carleton jail. He was tor some years engaged as a. re- porter on the staff of The Ottawa. Free Press, and was well and favorably known throughout the city. He was a graduate of Ottawa University. one of the stars of the unique _£ootha.ll of the stars of the famous :ooww team. and valediaoflan of his class. His demise will be greatly deplored by a. large circle of friends. among whom are his former jourgngisuc confrera- - _. “AA. I- ~t sheep piling at Owen Kincardine: also (or the reconstruction “1' the approach to the wharf at L‘Orlgna]. Mr. Controller Paterson returned from the west this moyning. Luv "I: 141111ch JVqu-lI-vyâ€"v v-77 The Department of Public Works is calling for gender; 1 m3 cgnstnlxction A Anâ€" ‘n‘ Mr. Casey. M. P.. is In the city. as also Lieut.-Col. Stacey of St. Thomas. Hon. Col. Tisdale was in town to- Jay. Sir WdliiaJn Van Horne, President of the C. P. R. was in the city Mr ‘nd saw the Premier and Sir Richard Tartwright, gt 1:: salsa on the subject moment Wu In nu mm mam III-aria- Bad I- lessâ€"lea a can in link. New York. Jan. 10.â€"It now npptnn that R130 Jane-l, the Emerita gypsy fiddler. who took the beentlrul Princess de China, from her husband. has played his wonder tul fiddle in America. with the H Band. who up tax-ed In New York in 1888. and afterwud’; toured the United Stan and Conan. Bunch-edged! ”my! hm on _ __ ,JAg vuuâ€"nâ€"n- _â€" ________ President Van Home was asked to- day as to the pmpoeed new station for Ottawa. and replied that the company had taken no steps in the matter In yet. The Montreal and Ottawa road was still 40 miles from this city, and they won“? not decide where t-hede'pot “fluid be b t untiti the road reached the CitY- He. ' owever. stated that the decision amive at some snout 9.80 to build at the northern end of 1(- street had been abandoned. as it was due... atl CCI- a-w nun. too expensive and 30¢ 'convenlent enough. He stated that. there was an- other ‘site in View. the. location of which he did not feelr'trreek to st‘sttoh I'v- “v. Mr. J. W. Dunn, Canadian agent at Bristol, England, writes the follow- ing weR-intormed remarks to atriend in this city: "The good crops in Maui- toba and the NorthWest. with ad- vance or prices, are now getting pretty well known, and I am certain that it the people in this country can only find the money they will emi- grate in large numbers next spring. and Canada will get the cream 0! this western portion 0! England. Hundreds are now writing for pam- phlets. etc., containing information respecting the country." The Militia, Department has been informed that the Maxim guns order- ed by Col. Lake, Quartermaster-Gen- eral, last year are now en route from the Old Country, and may be her. any day. There are 15 of that» quick-firing mam-loos, and they Will be distributed at different no!!!“ Nothing has been hear-:1 wt ~nnccrn- ing shipment of heavier cannon to be placed on the fortifications at Quebec and Kingston. or or the meld artillery guns to be distributed among the Canadian batteries. ‘ . mum. m no man: autumn-nonmem- m-lllu of mm no- llo "Moll-[loll mm mmmenwdw 0mm on. an. unmann- ulnmm five an authoritative 46' nlal to the as or: 1mm Wuhlalten ‘8“ m2 JOE-fl REFINE. “I F" BM “'1 3""? mm" ”ammwsz: 01' 8 on V > . d to the m. The Government not sent mm: at them to Wash- lncton. and. l: they Wu to be than it want. at to that: own basin..- whlch m tuna than. wanton: Mr. Charlton my hove to do wall any com? uuulon thitt may be wnolnted to ID to Washlncton 1n the tutu". Th0 Journal any. certainly Mr. Form will have no connection wlth 1t. Immune the-e ls no commission. and no one has been appointed by the Canadian Government to to to Wuh- lnzton or elsewhere in connection with the subject at reciprocity or any unit! ug-nnggment wit); the Unltqdlsutgsh Mr. E. H. McAlpine, barrister of St. John, has been appointed a. commis- sioner to investigate into charges or political partisanship preferred “not certain fishery officers in New Bruns- wick. Captain Bloomfield Douglas. who was deputed to investigate into t'h'e' ciwâ€" 3"1B"Ene"ttii-'e'é""'fimume Provinces, will confine his enquiry to Nova Scotia. and P. Eulslmd. ,A NEWS FROM OTTAWA BIPMIO DENIAL UP THE REPORT No Government Agents Sent to Wuhlnnton. 't'fi'e' “ES-6W5 Nest Railway. a. note under take pretence, and with removu and concealment c (nods to “and gum»; lu’eltuusnuuru anthem a: aver most I. complete nun. u..- .m ‘â€" THE CANADIAN Pos'r. LINDSAY. ONTARIO FRIDAY, JANU. Mr. Mucklestone. teller or the Bank 0! Commerce at Chatham. broke through the oce while playing hochey yesterdnf and had a hard struggle to get out of the cy writer. The Canadian Bridge Co any of Mont- real are in ii quidntion. Mr. . W. Roe: be Fing appointed iiq nidetor. The linbilitlee will reach about $100,000 end nuts about the same amount. Dr. D. H. Muir has been chosen as the Coneervetive candidate in Coicheeter. N.8.. for the Commons mt vacated by Mr. Dim- ock being nneeeted. The Liberals have not yet chosen their man. mane-numnvmmum swim. LleuL~Gov. Kirkpatrick In doing as well as could be expected in the hospital a: London. Eng, but will need careful at- tendnnce. Mrs. La Francis of North Chatham. Ont.. ha a pearl valued at {100 which her nup- hand found last night u an oyster on the half shell. The Panama Canal Company is lncreasln the force or laborers at work on the canaf Five hundred more men are expected to arrive shortly from Carthagena. Buds. Pest to The 13311 in] Gazette says that We theweloplng Prince! Consul rnuupa, WW v-"W‘ Campbell, MnJor Crawford, apt-1n Munnz, Dr. Elliott, two civilians and about 260 Kroomen and native car- 11ers, with the exception 0: men xmomen. who made their Wand brought the new: of the we to the one!» at the Niger W“ m believed to have been killed. Wâ€" wumm antcmnson. firmer. 0: Kent mantles, has been unwed by :Bflh‘ W My .0! Bngpton.‘ . , , AJAL A_; 3.. -_n__ -_ A sides. The wuebome and stock burn- edukesturmceaadthemm mu (uncultymhlndnn‘ mm The warehouse. which extended net:- ly a. whole block mm cabana to un-Mwummmw to entwiultwuwem mvetbemtmthomumd men-attention tomflnhchwtho watchman. the WW Commit MMIUr“ audmmmmhwm I'm ”www.mmh At Phllade:phla Patrick Donohue got alr- rled on Wednesday and the pair. It In said. went on a drunk. During the night the woman died and now Donohuels underuh test .on suspicion at having killed he: Frazer. the transcontinental tnotter. was a Morflsburg. OnL. yesterdn . seven day! Ihead or schedule time. and n good shape. '"thpy' Seized. mm the new: of the We to me My: the Nicer Wm . - H ‘_A_ mm A caucus of creamery men was held M the Windsor Hotel last night and. 85 8- resur: of it. a. resolution protest- ing against me .ystipn of the Joint Committees at Toromo‘m nhoiighlng the Ontario Creameries Assam.-. was put to the meeting and carried unanimously. The association then elected officers for 1897. as follows: President. A. Wenger: first vice-president. J. Croll: second vice-president. F. J. Miller: di- rectors, W. D. MoCammon. A. Camp- bell. C. R. Tousaw. John Sprngue. A. A. Wright. F. L. Green. James Oar- michael. W. J. Walton. A. R. Robter. Daniel Bckstein. James Struthera, Wil- Ham Hallway. W. H. Snider. The Treasury deficit at Washington for the let 0: Jnnunrx ls 36.83am, and for the fiscal year to date $44,763,360. When Mr. McKinley goes to Washington his mother. wlfe, brother and nlecc: will accompany him. Item of All Kinds his": Fro- the De- Ipnchen and Par-graphed for tho Consulate. of lenders. Wm mud in having «165661 "a" °‘ - -AOA “In!” 0.1“ nut-mm- nnr‘ fit): fire It The Sprlnghlll. N.S., coal mlnen’ strike In still on. Prof. Fletcher occupied the greater part of the afternoon with the sub- :lect, "Injuriaus Insects." It was one in which the farmers were particular- ly interested, as was evidenced by the scores of questions asked from the audience. ail of which Were handled to the entire satisfaction of the ques- tioner-s by Prof. Fletcher, who was as painstaking in his endeavor to give the most detailed information on the various points raised as the readineu of his answers showed him to be caps- bie of doing. No more thorough or ex- haustive address on this subject was ever given to an audience in this sec- tion of the country. Prof. Robertson, Dominion Dairy Commissioner. ably handled the sub- ject. “The Nation's Bread and Butter.” and at a. later stage took up the sub- ject of packing butter for shipment. and detailed to the dairymen present the result of the most recent experi- ments in packing and shipping. He advocated the raising at hogs in con- nection with cheese and butter-mak- ing, and urged upon his hearers the importance of system In every work they undertook and cleanliness in everything connected with dairy/inc. Prof. Fletcher 01 the Dominion Ex- perimental Farm, Ottawa. interested the large number of ladies who were in attendance by an addrem on beau- tifying our homes. Hon. Sydney Fisher. eat-Governor Hoard of Wisconsin, C. C. James. De- puty Minister of Agriculture; J. Dillon at Prince Edward Island, all gave able '0'. W UN-- Prot. Deon at the Ontario Agricul- tural College. Guelph, diacuaaed the queltlon or the butter and cheeae in- duatry at Canada. He treated his aub- Ject in an exhaustive and able manner and argued there was much more for the people of (hands. in the dairy in- dustry of Ontario than in the mining industry of British Columbia. Gold out or the coil, which would ultimately become exhausted, would never better the country a much as butter out of the were. 'I II- "vv-wvvv . .. _7V_ mo and the 1mm mmuout an untou- o! the three days nuver au- cod. in tact Increased. making am at- tomoou'a union in many respect. the moat interesting and moot profitable at tho week. It. may». Jan. 15.4119 cam 01mm. Gammon cloned as 5 o'oiook mu menace» what u could- ond on all hands ma mom sum- tul convention mm In «an wow. {:2 IN THE OPINION 0P PROP. DBL] Glue u no noun-III 0mm“ mfluun. Inn'I-PM-I‘Nfl' mailman-aluminum BUTTER VERSUS GOLD Dalnmm A Better lndultry Than Gold Mining TELEGRAPH [C BRIEFS. an I: 1 Nut ”mutter. 1' '0 0131 0188 18qu II. «Dill h». omeg- That Mr. Blake will do the matter justice no one who has heard him be- fore the Privy Coumu doubts. The sfibject calls for technical ransom and in this Mr. Blnke Is a. put mat- ter. It will be the mat speech that Mr. Blake has made since he entered the British Porllunem In August. 1892. after help: trlqmphgntyy elected It is the duty of Mr. Blake. In re- presenting the Dlllonttu. Henlyltea. Redmondites and Unionists. to voice this great grievance In such a. way that all parties In Ireland win he sat- lsfled. In moving the amendment to the Queen's speech. the Canadian statesman has the chance of his life- time. He was chosen because he re- presents the cool-headed. argument» the and logical type rather than the hot-headedL ”money-ted enthualast. 9! all political faiths (all to obtain some better satisfaction 0! their de- mands than the appointment of a new commission, they can make the whole session a campaign at obstruction» which would blast the Government program. The Irish Unionists are led by Cal. Saunderson. member for North Armagh. and the vitality and intendty ot' the popular interest in the tax ques- tiun in Ireland has been fully evinced by the great meeting: held in Dublin. Limerick and Beifut. which attracted a. strongly influential attendance, corn- posed of men of all shades of political and religious faith. all eager to impre- uron the British Government their die. mam! for the retires or their financial grievance. whereby Ireland pays an annual excess of £2,500.000. as reported by the commhsion. This body's re- port showed that. "While the actual tax revenue of Ireland is about an eleventh or that or Great Britain. the relative taxable capacity of Ireland is very mach smaller. and is not estimat- ed by any or us as exceeding one- twentieth." member for So'uth Lohxmrd. A um Wattle-u Belem am a Cavern]! Wyclâ€" n» “.0- Montreal. Jnn. 14. 2 ‘11â€"me was the scene at another N; m to- night. which resulted In n loan at new era! hundred momnd donut. The fire started shortly utter midnight in Ireland wlll not. awn.“ a. dellvennot by a new commission through Whu the Government. designs to delny deal. lugs with the Irish demands {or an- anclal xedress. It the 1mm maybe." flu- (‘nlndhn Outer will hove the 0'- port-ulu or bl: lli’e In loving _ flu- tnnuo- Ann-ducal. Montreii. Tut. fifistnr (humâ€"At I Czbinet Council yest‘oi‘dny .‘r pondon it is stated Ministers mnsldored my way in which the amendments to tho Queen's speech will be allotted. Though in no danger of defeat over I: vote on the Irish taxation amendment. the de- tections in the Unionist rnnks tron that island are net-pleasant for tho Government to contemplate. The Na- tionalist-(Tnionist coalition grows in strength. um.“ [1: Hon. Edward Bil-RC. “ho will move the amendment to the address, all parties are rammed. money." If anywhere In the world there lives any nun who can cumin 1: atronf Influence .m-r the Prlnce- Chlmny. now 3 the time to step forward and divert her from her nor present course. rouse her to her belt" wit. and to the exorclne of her morn] will. M-onnuo the fastest trnln In Future. 1hr Orient Express. down not uppmch to des- rlnntlon at halt the mood “'llh which 2hr Princess I: now rushing to deltructlon. "vulva nit-nus nu... vâ€"‘ .â€" v. or the Mn one Cam'sllnne she says: ‘l'laln mm.- t Ins. it Ihe only knew II she could lggve mggflgdug 5113;. ‘Any kln - â€" â€".‘n I.-. Ul Illa Wlulalul non-u-‘w- Alrendy. too. the lite he is lendins‘teiis on his physique perceptibly. As to igo's unpesrance. it is enough to say that he is a Hungarian musical gypsy». All are as near alike as so many cows or brownies. For all who are curious to know how one American noble woman regards an other. it is amusing to hear her spent with almost reverence oi‘ Consuelo Yonder hilt. the Duchess of Marlborough. ss thr un‘ntest of all. “All others are more no bodies rhesigg her. sh; 733:3." _ -L- --_-. slié'éiiuliivliive married a hug. Any llnl In theyorld would have at to get hot I...) av-U'I- â€" â€"â€" vâ€"v -v'â€"â€"â€"- v. V , ,_ yearn to imitateâ€"her example. She apeaha or her awful act aa a aacrince upon the altar of true love. On all aidea I hear oirera to w :- that ah. and Also will aeparate wit three montha. She already apeaha of “living down to R130." Already he in in a chronic nervona ten ror or losing her. He (can being - ed: he suspecta that none one at m him. and he aeea an enemy in every viaitor. The truth of the matter In he realise- that his good fortune is undefined. and assures lrimaelr it will he fleeting. He urltes the Princeaa to fly to the remoteai corners of the earth. and yet no aooner does he hear any place {:0 than he conceives that aotnehody at on man- sinutlnz him in order to secure poaaeaaion or his heantituiJPringeu: __ .--..__ .-.. u'"wBina"iimii $7033 'm’. m jogs-nu prov. (Hi I know 1.0:, say no r oalco tub with u now my (:1: for non,” with th- mu woman. Seven-clam oi the Panouo' mono been uncut; x an is in tho bar unclo in America. Alma, numbered tor tuna. The unit 0! it! and 0! put con “strum“ with P.- ginian domeniiu n, . “wmhq 911m; Now You. In. Mm an» all. m Imam to n- Jounu u I I. out.“ to will om, mm In word: II or“: [In no In... munnm In all m Ion m muounmm to Now rm. It In MI I.- mm. luntoton (or I. u 3!" not! than the ban cum with a. PM ON. Hillugdil l mu um con-0M m . n m. .WIIJO gnaw! yaw“! Julian Mlph any: "animus lo Demons“. R190 18 A 08W mm. HE IS ABOUT * RIGHT. BIG FIRE 1N DIONTBEAL JIIR. BLA KE’S (711.! N03. _ _'_ w-.. A comma-Shanon has been received u are Mel-lea Department trom I. gentleman In Princg Edwgrd uâ€"v- v' -v V -ev- tunic. He he: invented e vessel. cylindrical in shape. with A nation”! shaft. He desire. to nine 3 few thou- nnd dollar- to construct a. model in order to test the utility at his inven- tion. end he: My secured e lure number 0: nub-cubes. Mr. Kneop he: nceived the endomtion 0! one o! the am new: engineers on the Gyde. The fishermen at British Columbia u'e urging the re-impoeitiou at the duty on trad: salmon. The duty we: removed two or three year. an in or- der toennhle the canned- to put-choc euppiieu ot munch in the States. but the fishermen say it has operated moot luxuriously-nun“ them. Some yea: so oncen ot the cue- tomn Department netted eevenl thou- sand school hook- on the ground of under-Mutton. These heve been 1:- insinOttentweloncumepe-t. -d.-mkmhelnlnuebÂ¥ ngh lave proved s perfect BMW song my portions 0! the mks. 6-- pectnlly tn the nunmer time. When their man: pollum the atmosphere to the W o! the summer rul- Hui-3:: mm“ .- Jtâ€"EIâ€"Iefifdlandn Revenue Department has returned to Ottawa alter a. lengthy visit to Quebec and the wane Wheel. during which Mr. Knapp, bani-tor of Prescott. a 1n the city endesvorln: to enlist the eo-openuon of loan! capitalists in an invention which. he man. Is calcu- lued to uyolquonlse ocean «mam? WC “cm-5., "on-- "wuw‘ â€"- vâ€"'v' 881. Mr. John Fuse:- ot the thence Department recently visited Yu- mouth. closed up the Government Bunk there. and Mex-red the ac- aounte to the Poutofllce Sewn:- Beak. Thupoucywuedopted ntew you: mmduthepmentmmt Re- ceivers-Gen“ drop oi! the Govern- ment mnmubodooed Mannie deposits be handled by the Wee DepertmenL_ A _ _ A _ _ ushment at a. termite:- and «3“ below. It I: proposed to use In the factory the dead fish which are thrown up annually by the thwa- on the shore. at Lake Ongu'lo. frheoe éeu: amine uie cum-non om". Jun. nâ€"(Speclapnc Government 8.va Bulk u Yu- mouth. N. 8.. ha been closed ow- Inxtoundeuuocm.m-uy.for many years the And-taut Been-Im- General at that place. The whole of the depoalta, mouth; to “$8.116. have been "annex-red to the Pawnee Bavlnga Bank. For this mean the withdraw“ from the Government Savings Bank- tut manta appear to be abnormally large. although an a matter or tact they are really below 91¢ «90.15., thch wanted £2 327* PROPOSAL TO UTILIZE DEAD FISH mua- taco-van ho- hum “flammabA-m mmnmmm From Government to 1 office Savlngs Bank. TRANSFER OF FUNDS Min-“awn. m 7 for 191mm!” any goods for a longer period than One Month. NOTIGE TO PAY UP. have to pay. There ere quite a number who. if they do not come forward quickly, will be N o more credit for longer than 80 days. From this date forward we will not charge v. v: _v . Applications um um comm; In 9,“. In: the MI! Committee or Ministers to “it. I, number of dmerem mac-:5. but a I: simply Impossible t: d) .0. “'3 Fielding Ind his toAtrerx“ have not unlimited tune a their dtspuul. and it 1. In the general lute est mm the union shall come on u '-)'.n u mue- Quebec, St. John md HI“- hxmtheonlypolnuto bevbltedll the out. Imperial mama has notified Government of la intend)" to a. fisherie- exhlbu In the Instant. summer. and asking the co-open- “MmMeuawL-ceu. e- fishery products. all classes a! 9a are to I33 ,5:me ”' ’* - IIVA_I01 I.” 9; 5:5; “IOâ€"Ivo- -‘. w __ _,,,V The Minister of Public Works has awarded 1 cacti-act fur three new holler. in the eastern block to Aid. William Cunpheil 0! this city. Hon. Mr. Borden will accompany the m Committee to the Mariam. Promos 'rhe mnhten! will leave here next Baum}: evening {or Que' bees-alienate to St. John and Bantu. It been decided to my a nyms visit to witch... Hon. It. Tut. left hr Montreal this gnu-noon While there he will conault I. mm. It in said he is sul'tcrinl from inhmtion of the liver. Hon. Kr. Fielding returned to city M17. There will be no further meeting. of council until Shturduy. M..fl.fi" A nn.lm--lonk ‘Vu ’n the n. I'- .‘lw. ul‘ uâ€"u ' ......... the iii-uted unity alive. The dispo- sition at the Wee money was then governed by point or law. Mr. Scott held that five of the eight poli- ciee did not eontein a. decleration witir in the meaning of the statutes, pro- viding for the meat of money: to hem. He therefore ruled that ihre of the policies. which definitely nemed Mrs. ticket and children as heirs mounting to 811.200. should no to tm- sun'ivinx chiid. The other awe poli- den. 822,800 in all. m to go to the creditors. Ir. O'Gm hnving proven the claims of Mr. J. “C Melts;- an! Mr. A. W.rBeil. they axe to in» paid A .,,,, out of the Incunnce money. Advance mule by the Ontario Bank urc- to b pad out of Mr. Heine's personal m ate. Appeals will be taken by m lawyer-Lon poth_ aides. '1: A Smart who was spoken of ye. cently no coming to Ottawa In con- oodnoa In the Inteqlpr Mme‘nt. In no c:|£:ii§“-' by’u’i. Bitten 1n Iooking tutu :hu wurking of the uncle: of tho (1";nnllm~-nt In )lnnltobn. and the Northwest. Mr. Smart will pay a. fish to Ottawa “mm!- A. , _.... - M “II“. w.-- “r . mm:- A. Gander-Ionic was In at! 00-day. In. PM me. who were drowned in Dachau Lake In: sum- mer. died flat. The cue involved the payment or about 834.000 lite Insurance. Mr. Scott mum-med the contenttom or the counsel for the eun'tvln‘ child. mu Hr. Meme died More Mrs. Mu RM. The jud‘ment was founded principal: on the evidence or Mr. F. H. F. Merger; up lag: pen_o_n to ac.- ;.-_ A g: â€" ”â€". .v..._._-__, netted End the main) in omcxm have gone .to n. halthier climate. lay at the naive doctors. gradu- nten of the college. have nod. and those remaining refuse to nttend plagues-nonwhenthqdo attend them. will not touch the "Seven. Cier'u ud 0th.! who» vocaunna can then to the city duly have fled to suburban nations. where the peo- ie are mostly living in thatched huts. t is animated that 800,000 pcmnl an unnamed nt Andhefl. whence thew will soon be turned to migrate owing to lack of water 1nd sanitation threatening to breed chow-a. The cemeterie- an already nixed to over- flowing aid the wind 9: spreading the contagion. The night: m nude hid.- om by cyxnhnls and melancholy ”IMWOIUMGWIOMHQ!‘ -W Oval-lowing. Bombay. Jan. 14.â€"0ver half of the population of this our. admixed to mount to about 800.000. have fled Mm the plague. had the erstwhile to the Imperial Government. lateral-Chancery W. L. Scott ten dered an Important decision co-day‘ which W on Q19 golnt wh_ether Mr. crowded streets. doch and. bans-l arena: recognisable. Mouthpiece goods. metal. mockery and Mun In at n [Md-‘1“. The menu-lend- ers have mMjhe cough age .497 u (out: to London for the purpm: at m Prat. D'Arcy Thompson, who came over at the request of the Foreign pace than y‘eu- to study two! A. Ln. _ _..... SPRATT 8t KILLEN. I'll PLAGUE IN ”.81 1'. or m: i‘eDOrt J. E. EllWflflllS GEIITLEM Ivory 94...,» game-toad whatâ€"mm. SLEIGH STUFF CARRIAGE G00? HORSE SHOES. W o G . Width“ H: 3.2”} This in e higher grede and better quality of Paint then Lu ever been prepared tag the muket, end in more economical u use, more durable end Leeutiful then any other punt either ready med: or made by COVERS 1081'. BOOKS BEST. LOIGEST. [051' ECOIOI BLAEisuIrH's 3 j’ SUPPLIES. Weather and Waterproof Reedymxed Will Not 533‘: _ muons macro. Lig ht patternin Iron "“180 Welsh: and Winter Shoes, 8! gain, Hom_BI-pl. 3‘3“. “Woodburn' Skull \- Hnbe._8r-k~z .8”?! J. G. Edward: (2' CL baton buying. E 41;”! WW Check. Cha "Tw

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