THE. CANADIAN roar, LINDSAY, ONTARIO. JANUARY 14. 1898. 5 ...... nn'THE LEGISLATURE. lflflfgflrtï¬u; W m a 21...... THE ONTARIO HOUSE. ______. â€ um um! sunn- Ml†m Bill Which is to Do Away With so :5 seem. “Wm WANTED. ast week hundreds h ad 'a t are x ntatb of our Business Being Ruched l! t“. x . ...-a“ Per Cent: , . NT SALE OPPOiililllil‘ ‘ LE. .. Clo/mag rer‘s prices a n“ 7221,02 ‘ c Old «man‘s est!†interested with upon my stock OR 30 DAYS. ly get the Best Choice 9 me to pay y. SIGK HEADABHE Positively cured by these Little Pills. They also relic-re Distress from Dyspepsia Indigestion and T06 Hearty Eating. A per fect remedy for Dizziness, Nausea, Draws ness, Bad Tastein the Mouth, Coated Tongu l Pain in the Side, TOKPID LIVER. The) Regulate the Boweis. Purely Vegetable- Smail Pill. Small Dose. Small Price. Substitution the fraud of the day. See you get Carter‘s. Ari; for Carter‘s, Insist and demand Carter's Little Liver Pills _â€"â€"Iâ€" Plans and estimates furnished 0 appli- tlon. co and General Valuator. Shop and Rasidence Cambridge Strtet Geo. Ingle. con, Isii‘T~ People who have their house win- dows protected with STORM WINDOWS llnd it easy and economicll to keep the Interiors warm and cosy, and children are spared many colds and throat affections cauaed by droughts I will ï¬t an ordinary slzad house tor a compara- tively small sun, and use seasoned lumber. Call at THE LINDSAY PLANING MILL GEO. INGLE Prop . Cambridge-at. a. RiGGS. The Balance ofmy Stock of MWWW Will be Sold at a @BEiiIZSEEEElâ€"EEP Now is your limo lor BARGAINS Kent at. LINDSAY. Billie Q‘unudiuu 1.: \i).< ix ':11â€"117\ ifâ€"J xx. . REVOKED In the 3-Ceut Postage From Canada to Any Point Within the Empireâ€" Othcr Ottawa Sews. Ottawa, Jan. S.â€"’l‘ho following notice appears today in the Canadian Gazette, signed by Dr. Coultcr, Deputy Post- master-General: “Negotiations being on foot for a conference between the Imper- ial, Canadian and other colonial authori- ties for the purpose of considering the whole subject of inter-Imperial postage, the proposed reduction by Canada of the letter rate from Canada. to Great Britain and other parts of the empire from ï¬ve (‘r-nts pi‘l‘ hull UllilCc to three cents per ounce will not mic,- ci‘t‘ect until further notice. Aeconiingly. the existing rate of ï¬ve cents per half ounce, or fraction thereof, on letters from Canada to all parts of the empire wilicontinuc in force, and senders must prepay such letters by ailixing stamps for the full amount of p05 <70 required: otherwise such letters will be liable on delivery toa double rate in respect of the amount of such short- ago.†Still another batch of countries isaddod to the list of those entitled to the beneï¬t of the Canadian reciprocal taritl’. They are Morocco, Liberia. Salvador, Tonga and the South African Re ublic. Tho conces- sion is not made on the merits of the tnrlfls of these countries, but on account of Great Britain’s treaty obligations. One of the Government bills 'to be in- troduced in Parliament the coming session will be to revise and consoldiate the irri- gation accounts. The oxperienceot the three years of the workings of these 6 Territories, demonstrated certain defects in the law,. which it is proposed to amend, and at the some time to simplify the law. Earthquake in New York State. ’ Malone, .'.Y., Jan. 8.â€"Quite a ' severe , earthquake? shock was felt in Malone at Town Wards. lT HAS PASSED THE COMMITTEE. Mr. Middleton Withdrawn Kl! Depm‘ mental Store Billâ€"An ï¬lth-y to ho Madeâ€"New Lawnâ€"Ala to Ho:- pltalaâ€"Mr. Strotwn’l Bill- The Election Day Soon to Come. Toronto, Jan. 8.â€"Probablv the most important bill that has come before the Legislature this year was that of Mr. Coven, which passed the Municipal Com- mittee yesterday. The bill provides that every town of a population of 5,000 or under shall have a mayor and not more than six councillors by a general vote of the electors. This does away with wards in the towns. The omce of reeve and deputy reevc is also abolished, and each voter may vote for mayor andalso for six councillors. In the case of villages there shall be a reeve and but four councillors elected in the same way and by general vote. The bill also provides that town- ship counclls shall becomposed of a reeve‘ and four councillors. At the end of two years the electors may decide by a major- ity vote whether or not they shall go back to the ward system, with this dlfler- ence, however, that but one councillor may be elected in each Ward and the other members of the council by general vote. Departmental Storel. Mr. Middleton last week moved the second reading 0! a bill which provides that departmental stores having more than three departments shall be taxed. The debate was hot; and was not ï¬nished at the hour of adjournment. Yes- terday the debate was resumed. Mr. Hnycock wished to know where the Government would draw the line should such a bill become law. Why not make it more than one department, why not more than ten? Why had the ï¬gure three been selected? He thought Canada was a free country and that any man should feel that he could engage in any honest legitimate business he pleased. (Cheers) Hon. Mr. Hardy said the bill was a very important one and he was sorry it had not been introduced at an earlier stage of the session. Such a bill had passed in several of the United States. In Illinois it had passed the Senate, but had been thrown out by the Representatives. There was a good deal in what Mr. Hay- cocl: said, but it must be remembered the bill did not prohibit departmental stores handling all classes of goods, it would simply not as a check. The matter was serious. The natural current of trade was to be respected. He would not say, how- ever, that these currents could not be dis- turbed when they tended to grind out of existence the smaller merchants. He ad- vised that the bill should be withdrawn and that next session a resolution along the same lines should be moved at an early stage in the session, that deputu‘ tions should then be heard upon both sides by a select committee and all the facts possible should be obtained. Then it‘ it was considered necessary legislation might be introduced. It had been suggested there should be a royal commission ap- pointed to gather evidence upon the sub- ject. He thought a special commit-tee could do the work just us well. 1n any case he did not think such a law should apply to the merchants of towns and viil-. ages. So far as he know complaint had been made only of tho largo institutions of this character in tho larger cities. Mr. Middleton said there was nothing u what Mr. Iiaycock had said about freedom of trade. Doctors, lawyers, drug- gists. architects and others now could not; enter business as they liked. (Tunada was not a free country in the sense that any man could cuter uuy busiuom ho pleased and run it as he liked. 'l‘horo was no doubt but that. them wasastrong fool- in,‘: against. these storvs in the country on the ground they were greatly injuring trade. He withdrew tho bill. glad to have it upon such an authority as that of tho Alturnvy-licncrul that legislation could be [Nixii‘il dealing with this subject. Ho would move in the mutter next session if he came back. (inugblorJ Mr. Crawford oppns‘ml tho idea of pluc- ing any restrivtium upon departmental stut‘v~<. llu said llu‘ cry they wom not popular wa-I l‘nlsu- and proved so by the tart. that so many pvop‘o purchased from them. (Hear. hear.) lio was suro when the matter came up next session them would be many strung arguments against the bill. New Laws. 'l‘hes‘o bills were read a third time and now only await the Licut.«Govornor‘a signature to become law: Respecting the synod of tho diocese of Ottawa; respect- ing the city of Ottawa; to prevent gam- bling at agricultural exhibitions; respect- ing water powers; respecting the Sydon- ham Glass Company of Wallacoburg; re- specting the town of Walkorl.on;‘ respect- ing city of Toronto; relating to Victoria University; respecting the village of Huntsville; respecting the city of St. Thomas and tho St. Thomas Street Railway; to eoullrin bylaw No. 586 of tho town of Berlin, and incorporating the Sisters of Loretto. Aid to Hospitals. Hon. Mr. Davis moved resolutions to ratify orders-in-couucil granting annual aid to the Royal Victoria Hospital, Bar- rie; the Hotel Dieu Hospital, Cornwall; the General Hospital, Rat Portage; the Sanitarium for Consumptiives, ~vaeu- burst, and the St. Joseph’s Hospital, Sudbury. The motion passed. Mr. Stratton‘s Bill. An important amendment was made to Mr. Stratton’s bill to amend the Munici- pal Act in the Municipal Committee yea- terday. The bill now roads thatadjoinlng townships in the same county or not my purchase jointly road working machinery and appliances, ï¬re engines and ï¬re ap- pliances and hold them in common; the expenses to be divided. The Election by. The Liberals held a full caucus yester- day, when it; was decided to hold the general elections at as early a date as possible, probably the last week in Feb- ruary or early in March. Last Year’s Finances. 6 Provincial Treasurer. laidthisstate- t of the full receipts andexpendituru $1- 1897 on the table of the House yester- y: RECEIPTS, 189?. Subsidy . ............... . ‘ Speciï¬c grant ... ....... 2.::::$1,118.81’2 8) Tom ...... "â€31,me Interest on capital held and debts due by the Dominion to Ontario ............... Interest on investments . .. M ........ ............ ...3 267.4831! CrownhndsDepartmontm Crown lamb ..............v.. - RentreCrown man .;. ,4. “0ҠGlenn logo‘ _ lands ..'.'.:......;.... Common school land! "a...“ mrocbool laud. ......‘....‘ enrol-‘00.... ' "...-n... W†80.00000, Li Education Department . . Sale or land: at Toronto L. A. Public Institutions Revenueâ€" Toronto Lunatic Aoylum ....... .8 34 limbo “ London “ Hamilton " Kingston “ Brochllle “ Orillia “ .. Reformatory for Females. Beformutory for Boys.. Blind Institute ........ Dent and Dumb Institute . Central Prison Industries 3 5° §§§§ ........ 3. 3. 00 ml 8888288838 13 § 5 as Total 3102, Provincial Secretary's Depart- ment . .................... .. 88, CASUAL REVENUE. Provincial Registrar’ branch... B. ma-Geueral'o branch .... Insurance Companlco' teesâ€"0n- tnrlo Act and 1891 Act Loan eoâ€"Feea ....... . Public cert Surplus F (57 Vic, «9. 9, and 3.8.0. cap. 50) Feesâ€"Local Masters of Titles .. Shootin tuththlecenoel. Circus causes ........ ...... LnLestate center money: ...... Ofï¬cial Gazette . ......... Private bills .............. Statutes ...c-o.. o-ooop‘o-oouc Groundnut, old Agricultural Hall alto ......... ....... .... Contact Yorkâ€"re expenses. MamerotLand Titles‘ once. County at Simoneâ€"Fees end ex- peuseo otlnmectlon by Muni- ci olAuaitor ......... ....... B and: Incidental-Wu... Insurance companleo‘ men: re Expenditure for In- ounuce Branch ............ Removal at patients to asylum. . F3 .555» §§§§ 9 3' §§§i§§ 5 ‘58868 88 888_ j: :35»?- 533 85 Anes- Sucoeodcn duties Drainage works assessment: . - $3,937,460 3% Drainage-debentures .......... 35.9349 Drainage dwenturcs tile ...... 10.109 84 Saleem annuities 156.342 51 8.139.847 68 EXPENDITURE, 1891’ . Civil Government . ...... .8 Legislation . . ... . Administration of Justice . .. .. Education Public Institutions maintenance In tion ................. Agriculture ........... Hospitals and Charities Begun-s and Maintenance ..... l’u iic Buildings .............. Public Works ................ Colonization Roads .......... Charge-s Crown Lands ........ Refunds ............ ......... Statutes Consolidated Miscellaneous ......... 250.9532 Drainage Debentures . . . .. . Drainage Debentures (Tile)... Railway Aid Certiï¬cates .. Annuity Certiï¬cates . . . . . . 83,767,675 70 ________â€"â€"â€"-â€"' DURRANT HANGED AT LAST. Tho Murderer or Blanche Lamont and Minnie “Miller‘s Payl the Capital Punishment for His Crime. San Quentin Prison,Cai.,Jnn.8.â€"Theo~ dore Durrant was executed at 10.35 ycs~ terday morning in the State Penitentiary. He ascended the colloid calmly, follow- ing Father Logan. who administered to his spiritual wants. He made a brief speech in quiet tons, asserting his tune canoe and forgiving those who had por- aocuted him, mentioning especially the press of San Francisco. His last word: : â€I am innocent." His death appeared to be painless. ‘ After the drop, Dumnt did not strug- gle. In 15 minutes be wascut down. The nook was broken bv the fall. Story d the Crime. William Henry Theodore Dun-ant, who was hanged at the State Prison at San Quentin yesterday, gave his life in ex- change {or the lives of twoyoung women, who were members of the church to which he belonged. While Dumnt was convicted of but one murder under the law, he was held responsible by public opinion for the murder of both Blanche Lamont and Minnie Williams, and it is felt that his death explateo one crime on much as tho other. Durrnut's crlmm were peculiar in their atrocity trom any point of view. Blanche Lamont dlsuppcu'ld on April 8, 1896. and was never seen alive: utter-Wards. She left the home of her aunt, Mrs. C. G. Noble, onthotdayto goto school. Ton day! had paused slueo Miss Mutant bod din-p- pearod, and her friends had almost given up hope of ever knowing her fate, when a discovery was made which led to the ï¬nding of Miss Lumont‘u body. The lu- dlcu or Emmanuel Church were engaged in decorating the ediï¬ce preparatory to the celebration of the Easter Sunday nerv- ices, when the mangled body of Minnie Williams was found in the lilu‘u'y. A number of ugly tulle wounds and some rags that had been tor-cod dowutho young woman's throat told of the amt: struggle she had made to protect her life. Miss Williams‘ body was discovered in the afternoon. and late the some night the ï¬rst clue to the murderer was ob tained. From some of the young woman’s friends it was learned that she had been seen the evening before with Dumut, and, although there was nothing else to show that he had any connection with the crime, the police decided to arrest him. From the ï¬rst the police associated the ï¬nding of Miss Willinms’ body with the disappearance of Miss Lamont, and asenrchwaratoncebeguninthechumh for her body. Asso mbiy. THE DATE OF THE ELECTIONS. No Conclusion .- Yet W b! the i - about mill! and Men worked all night and ' ï¬nally lying in the corner of the darken- ' edbeltry, thebodyoftho murdered girl was found. Thetrlal, whichbeganouJuly â€and lasteduntilNov. 1, wasonoof the most celebrated in criminal jurisprudence. The evidence throughout was circumstantial, but when taken together formed a chain sostrong as to admit otnorouomblo' doubt. The case was submiwed to the jury onthe afternoon of Nov. 1, 1895, after having been on trial over-three months. Twontymlnutosuttarthoy lott the court room the jurors returned and renderedaverdictof guilty in thoï¬rst "giggling 'V “moat â€"'1'bo We Ito..- nontâ€"W Likely to N. Pine. Within a Weekâ€"m . V's-nonco- bill to amend the On- pused the commit- 01 his hill extending for six year: the right of Victoria University graduates to ï¬ve separate and distinct wtatlm on the Toronto University senate. asked it it was intended hope that clan of the universl naturally. read a second time, tho Ministers leaving it question an to whether, you'll, the be again extended to Victoria. Hon. Mr. Hardy read a. noondtime his bill respecting the Revised Statute- of Ontario. 1897. and it wualnoput through the committee stage. The Attorney-General'o bill to â€further facilitate the purchaao oi toll road: by municipalities.†was road a second time. Hon. Mr. Gibson introduced and had read a ï¬rst time a bill to amend the Act respecting the Association of Ontario Land Surveyors. The Attorncyfleneral introduced a bill “an the investment of court funds." Mr. Whitney asked the Attorney-Gon- cral for tho prObablo date of prorogntion. The Premier, in reply, said that he thought promotion should take place on Monday, Jan. 17, or perha day. As to the date or the election- 50 ooulduot-y. A. u mtwdhct, the Government had as yet decided upon no date. ____â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" THE CASE OF MRS- MAYBRICK. not Friendl Abandon Ono Petition to Take Another. London, Jan. iO.â€"Reoont advices show that tho lupportera there of In. Flor- one. Kubrick have ï¬nally decided to abandon thouttompts which they have no long persisted in, to secure the role-- of tho American woman from prison on technical grounds. 'l‘hoir m‘uro oï¬onl will be hoped ontin-ly upon ti ran-guinea“ that the punishment which she in out!» vo and disproportionate to tho untouc- outoruanly imposed for the crime of attempted poisoning, which, they alert, mull that was attempted bob. provon against her. and upon appeals for clemency on account of lira. Maybrloh'l physical condition. The poulbility that clemency will be extended to Mrs. Edith M Cur-ow, who was convicted of poison- hor bulb-ad, by the British Consular Court in Japan, and who wuroooutlv brought to the English prison wherein Mrs. Maybrick is wnï¬ncd, bu rekindled the hope. of Mn Mervbrick'r friends. Brim Force in Egypt. London, Jan. 10.â€"'.l‘ho Anglo-Egyptian tor-co now operating on the Nile condom or 18,000 Baptism. three battaliom of British mp3, and the Nile sunbeam, all the Slrdu', Sir Herbert latter refuses wallow the i=3 3235352 t 3 iii Erï¬i‘ will but i Mar-it, joulwr of the City Hall, the removal in 1888 of the under the flooring which it an. Hall, is a beam corresponding to that which broke, but it is supported by an iron pillar. That pillar was put up come year! ago by the City Engineer because of com- alwuyu 00 Mayor Little years’ term in oï¬loe he complaints of the City Hull's condition. The matter had never been discu-od in Council. Witness had never questioned the bull's edict-y. The inquest. was then adjourned until Monday next at :3 run. ________.__._â€"- Troy is in a Had “My. Kingston, ()m., .luu. lO.â€"Troy, the respitod Napancc murderer, will be brought to Kingston Penitentiary and plan-ed in the criminal asylum. His con- duct in Xupanee Jail is very exciting. Be raves and talks inoohenontly, but indig- nantly denies that. he is the subject of hallucination. He says he does not expect tobebenou Jun. 14; that bdorothat day he will. in come unexplainable way. be moved. The medical men say that it is one o! the strangest cases that ever came under their notice. _______â€"--â€" Buhy Fall and Killed luau. Kingsvilfo, Ont., Jan. illâ€"Tho 10- mouths-old baby 0! Mr. and hire Samuel Ewing, whilst drooping in abuby curring. Saturday morning, awakened and {all out. on the door, allghtlug on its head. causing concussion of the brain. The child remained in spasmsali tho fomnoon and died in the afternoon. ______â€"â€"â€"â€" Cumin Overlooked. Lomion, Jan. litâ€"Surprise is expressed here that. the Admiralty authorities in dapatching naval oï¬lcers to join the ves- ooluof the British squadron in Chinese water: should send them by way of the Suez Canal in pml‘cmnoo tothe Canadian route. _______._.â€"â€" Ioro Fuhionnblo Burbarlty. London, Jan. lo.~â€"l.iving tortoises, with their backs covemd with jewels. attached by a gold chain toludiea' drown, are the rage in Paris. They cost about £16. The society for the protection of animals in agitating the matter. Chi-barium Bu "‘l‘or-ooly Refund." London. Jan. 8.â€"A despatch from Cape Town to the Dolly Mall nay: that Mr. Chamberlain, the British Secretary of State for the Colonies. has “unruly re hood" to submit to arbitration the dull- oultles between the Transvaal and the “PM!!! Government. =5 Fm'l‘riil'l‘olnylionestlian The Foremost Medical Company in the World in the Cure 0! Wham. ‘1'“ WT? “Dal. Boll . mm GENTSm“likom Prensa-â€autumn. lbw.m mm. mm Courm. uni-5k.†If You Are Energetic and Strong. “yous-above Wyn-judo...“ undat- brogudbook.wntonndgot 31pm. Momma-rm llnvoputhmdmuintbony at making landogood [Dillon-quarry.†it homo all “m" ' r“ â€Beam... .... "‘ . What 55th. 00. In. 'l‘ur'n A Gun Term and Noam-n. Trython. Nahuatl-atom. for all. by Drum. Grown, ole. Unnatural by TURNIBQ 00.. ‘lioruuto. Tllllll 8: 00’s CHM“ Pure Fruit Outer-nomad WIYIS " In Ibo not! dohciou- Temper-not hour“. on! eta-d the Candi-n public. balm oblolutoly not from clunrAlooholorcnrlcor‘l‘ulcocld (ow whet ll II the trait) but contain! puru Syrup or rho-pile“. (ourowu importingyooool the grout-t m and uni: tonic- now to medical m. The On†Wino lo lately and {or Boer-Dental purpoao. both; NovAloohobc. For ml. broad“. arm. Ito. WRIIE‘U 39.. TORONTO Solo spot: {or mo Dominion. very unto! w nothntbonno'l‘urwk 0° icon our; label. No other genuine. ______â€"_â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" FARM FOR SALE OR TO RENTâ€" TbeNorth Ball 0! Lot Number 18, in the mecca-ion oi the Town-hip oi Opu, all improvd. hm Stun. Bou- and Wood-bod, too Prune Erna, Bubbnglor Too Hornet-nu Too Cowl. Shop Boon. Hog Poo. and Driving Shed ; two walk. crook runn- ng through the Min large orchard; M41000. on the torn. Three In I [rout Lind- . Every lnior- notlon given by ï¬rplyiu‘ to DAY 0 EAGLISON, 8R..Col bound... 0. fl. [Audionâ€"â€4!. ROBT. GHAMBERS lonumt Sculptor. Eel-tor and dealer in FOREIGN and 0 0mm. IABBLB. Etc. All work mud. Waste-{um prompt 1] on application Work: north 0! lukot aqua", Cambridge-0t. Una-y. EPPS BREAKFAST â€oneâ€: the following Distinctive Merits: DELICACY 0F FLAVOR. SUPERIORITY in QUALITY. PIANOS. oaGAns AND .SEWING MACHINES (Of the boot maker-o.) Ari have no upon-ne- oi mulling agent: or rent at rtorr, i on cell lower than em. onloc utmy hon-o, corner oi silo-ex and Pal-at... J'. J. Wetherup. Box £163 Lind-av. i alto cell the Kowl Wuhor and I ï¬ni- clun lixtonuion Ladder. I'. S. v ' ESTABLISH!) 188 mum: mess s â€â€˜ come}: BELLEYILLE, - ONTARIO _â€" The noun (flu-lining in Normal. Speciï¬c. Thorough. compmuu lull in-trueuou and mm in Bookkeepingâ€"Double and Single In- u-y, Bunnec- Puma. Low mo PMUCO. ll. Bhorthand and ï¬powritingâ€" ome- mo Court Wort. Ill. Civil Service Qualiï¬cationsâ€"index. ing, Promo-writing bun-Lice, Bligh-h and French Option-- Thin college in open Tuuowlort the year Student my outer at any time. No! 1- in Tin nonun'r BOGLI. ' .t. run-H norm. n. An} Pmoiw- Writ. tor Calendar. Cook’s Cotton Root Compound I. the onl safe, reliable monthly in icine on which ladies can depend in the hour and time of need. In reparediutwo degree. of strgnfth. No. for ordinary cum liar medicine known one Dollar per box. degrees llTTlIll “1883‘ lea-done. cm can only how». proa- dont in. BY Yum: or Error. don o laden and con-tut memo WI: VI BAD Tull. Our work in Lind-y unclear record oi weer-do! acting at Gin-u. Ask any of the huudiodl at people on but ï¬tted in the int twenty yarn and they will all you. and! attending to o no ch. me {or II your chlldruu oomplduot pooroyo- igbtbflocthnwmmduwulm youthobutoouuowpum. BRITTOL; Bros {m {Optician cwgï¬lmnon haw. “m .5- 'w Mb, W Trill-III!!!- w clam-unclean. m.“ J. 1'". leoz. 8T0â€! SIS†I The reason for Storm Sub labors, I-nd we’re here to supply the demand. First-clue work guaranteed and price- more than reasonable, Give no your J. P. RILEY. Fulcrum WWW W.G.Wood3. Weather and Ready-Mind PAIN T. . . Covers Most. Looks Bent, Wears Longest, Most Economical‘ . wmlm Check. Chalk or Blister. This in a higher grade and better quality of Paint that her ever been ft! the market and in more economics! to one, more durable and beautiful than any other point either ready made or made by hand. Every gallon guaranteed, to cover 800 oquaaneetâ€" two coats. â€"I'OB BALI B'â€" W. G. WOODS. ‘ Dealer in Stoves. Eon-o Fur-unh- tncl. nixed mu. Plumbing Bumm- Now A avortioomon to. (JVOM PORTABLE HOUSE TO RENTâ€"- Cor-nor oi Peel and Sun-cull. Apply to .I. know, Lludnymr In. 0. A. 830", Box 838, omn- VWmMmd~ERMp ELIABLE MEN IN EVERY LO- nlity. ion! or travelling, to innocuo- a new discovery and keep our IM' and: now up on tma,noooamdbrldmthmqboutmnm Canal-donor WORLD EIEDICAL IMO 00. Woo. Ont., an H) LIVERPOOL AND LONDON an) own: mum: conun- FIBE AND LIFE. mum-atriumâ€:- m'fl“ (halal.......~.... .. “......m Accumulated fund-“...“..- w luv-ad lamâ€"......â€" M Malawian-clown other . obloooui . Ndeio-u m â€ï¬‚ammable!