I BHINA HALL. 1%.mn.mâ€"m Marxism ‘ -MM.¢-u.c;m'sm Bed and Alsace and Clover PROF. G. GAIN. has: to announce thathehasstamd aolass torthe purpose of giving lessonaln the above Dome accomplishments. from hisgreat experi- Ilnoe he conï¬dently antldpates a very large Menage from the gentry of Lindsay and the vicinity, He Is now prepared so give lessons in to latest style otéasnionable dancing. Round flamingo. svecial . Young men'n Ola-sea Monday and Tue.- By «my a: 7 00 tun. Children's Classes Honda! and rum W! at 4.30. an. Pdvaae lessons will be given any time during ï¬ledâ€. I winguaranteo to teach any person we Round Dance the ï¬rst lesson as I have the has mode of teaching -36. T0 FARMERS. flicking Dundas Havens has DANCING AN D DEPORTMEN '1‘. AMERICAN Scxssons, CROSS-CUT AND BUCK SAWS, AXES, AXE HANDLES, Cow CHAINS, HALTERS, HORSE NAILS. HORSE SHOES. ENGLISH AND 4†Kinds of Shelf and Heavy Hardware at AGENTS FOR 133 CELEBRATE!) Scranton COAL MCLENNAN Cogâ€; SILVER KNIVES, Sign of the Mill Saw, ECASH paid at the sun's-hangs. Lindsay. 509:. L lamâ€"174:. .._- BARLB Y, WHEAT, PEAS, 0.4 T3 Egg Warehouse, @hmmmmmmu Bapi'h't'm nm connect-non m. m- uon at Toronto. Thi- Ootopony m ponde- Inconwaublo one:- mm non. no. mom on restrictions on to raoidcnoc. trove! or 060119.- lin- l'hc new Annuity Indomont Policy of- Iordo obooiuto protection outing: contingency of only doom. provides in Income In old m. Ind loomed investment. Rota. 15 to so percent. mmmntco. OFFICE, William Street, Delivered at Lowest Rates. flay. Dec. 3 mo. The am mo lunmoo may of W. Incorporated 1819. Am over 810.- moon rue Cantu) «.000.th no goggmud M1230}: ":.?.;.;".:;1;.:.:' a'a‘mï¬xrormi‘m’ am " a :m'c: «tut security It Iowan nae. . v v vâ€" -â€"--â€"â€" w‘ _v_ .__.__-, _v- "mi 'isno. Anon om mmooo- Pu' Kï¬m mm: game 000. Two of moi-mu no menu: companion I}: manage. “:9 r3- [sacrum-t lawman“ SKATES, SKATE STRAPS, CARVING SETTS, BREAD BOARDS AND KNIVES, LAZORS, POCKET KNIVES AND BUTCHER KNIVES, soul-manna: “48014011811131! North of Kent Street. My. Nov. 26. 1890â€"29. 59a] Estate andInsurance. KNOWLSON BROS. LOWEST PRICES. New Advertisements. McBLURE UNWIN, Wedding Presents 0. L BAKE/i Bast American at 250. Best Canadian at 180. Real Estate, Insurance ion on, com on. DIRECT 132081238. m. Jan. 8. 189Lâ€"35. FARMERS. me Imam cownnv a. s. BEAM. 31., ££.B. ALEX. savanna, }P"* FIRE INSURANCE. w 80¢.th. mâ€"a-u. 1; .VO WLS ON BROS. SOUTH SIDE OF KENT-8T. McLennan a: Go. mun-"mo!†E01129 Unwin- pm†It low“: nun. FORKS AND SPOONS, (1an Paterboro Business 0011952 Agents. â€"Rev. Father Nevin of Grand Rapids. Mich†who hes been the guest of Mr. P. Noun (5 dis- tant relative). for some time pest. celebrated mess at St. Mary's Sands, lest. â€"Mr. Joseph Shannon. who left these ts nbcnt nineteen years ego and hes since livingin crneer Victoria, 3.0.. is home on a. visit to his brother. Mr. '1‘. 8. Shannon of Lind- say. Mr. Shennonhnsprosperedin his P home. â€"Mr. Joe. Esther-men, G. '1‘. R. express mes- senger. Toronto. was in town for s few dos this week. His numexons friends will be pleas- ed to lest-nth†he has received soother promo- tion and Will in future have charge of the im- ncrtent express business between Tomto and Detroit. â€"On the 3rd of this month Mia Mend. Ro- bsruon. reunites: daughter of the late Cher-lee Robertson of 'i'oronto and cousin of Mrs Bush 0m of um town. wee married to Cent-in McHsrdy of Dumber-ton Scotland. The bride hes men: frienoein this town. honing frequently been s most ofMIe. O'Ieery. for some time she has been eresndent of Aberdeen. Scotland. We etc without patients of the he»! event, but from a. copy of the Dnmherton Herald we learn the hsppy couple ere receiving the hesrtiest oongremlntione from their my friends over there. Cent Moflnrdy was entertsinedniehenqnet in honor of the meringue-Lend†n issdingmember the good on clsn least-d1. scoot-in of the - Barton golf club, a foremost sthlete and a Dro- mineut million aï¬eld be In no»: populist-with :11 chance. But something more gunman than words of Whom moronâ€!!! 7 -Dr. McKay. ERR. was in town yesterday and was heartily welcomed by numerous friends end supporters. â€"Mr. AJex. Mooney of Montreal was in town for a. few days this week. the guest of Mr. Joe. Smith. superintendent of the gas worms.- A -Miss Neill. sister of Mr. Ed. Neill. boot and shoe maclnnt. is at present visiting friends in foidinta.‘ ants. F Moore toi' thé plaintifl’e: John A. Barron, 0.0.. and R. J. Mchfughlin for the da- (70th Court Judgment-Important Do- ciaion in municipal Law-Gibbs n. the Township of Dyan-t. The plaintifl’s father, John Gibbs, was the owner or about 1,200 acres ct land in the town- ship otDysart. allot which was leased to his son, F. D. Gibbs. the plaintiff, who was the owner otail the chattel property. When the assessor called. the father instead ct directing the assessor to assess him as owner and the son as tenant otthe whole. had his son assessed for part and himself for the remainder. The as- sessor tool: it down this way in a blotter which he carried around with him and in which the particulars of assessment were entered in pen- cil, but in copying it into the roll which he re- turned tc the township clerk he reversed the assessment. This roll as returned was duly passed by the court of revision and certiï¬ed by the clerk, and the collector’s roll was made out from it. The Gibbs both retusinir to pay any taxes, the collector seized and sold and made the taxes. This action was brought by F. D. Gibbs against the township for wrcnarulseizure. At the trial the value of the goods alone was left to the jury and the learned Judge reserved the question of law. The court now gives judg- ment that the rail retumed by the assessor and. a by the court of revision and certiï¬ed by the clerk is the true assessment roll and is bmd- ‘ ins on all parties. and the collector having act- ed upon it was justiï¬ed. Also thatas the plain- tiff was tenant of the lands he was properly aa- sessable for them. and there was no merit in his claim. J udgment non-suiting the plaintifl with costs electiouto be paid_by him tclhe'dstend- Hughes and his {Haida in “the float" to the Khest hiddenâ€"say McKenzie. or some other kfleld man? These wire-pullers should be cKaretul what they are about. INDEPENDENT. Lorneville. Feb. 5, 1891. John to side-track Mr Hug hes? Did they not side track or swit ch-ofl Mr. D. A. Molnt. re in the Eldon deputy-reeveshlgi Who d1 the nnderhend work there; where was A. E. Subeck that time? Why did Dr. Wood undermine and run-out Mr. McIntyre in that matter? Do they went to not Sam to sell out to William McKenzie or to Hector Cameron? It StaybackeoldD. A. Main re to Dr. Wood in thereeveshinmagter. gre- y all going to sell Some Poland Question- abont the north Victoua Tory mean. [To the Editor of In Paar.) Sumâ€"I .10 not understand these goings-on about the North Victoria tory candidate. He got the nomination. and what 1! he did pack the convention? Would not the others have done the same it they had been smart enough? What right have Dr. Wood and others of the Klrkfleld clique to go to Ottawa to not Sh- J_o_ho to sjde-txaok _Mr. Haggai Did they not A run an. Wm. Gillespie. Wolfe Isl-ad. Ont. an: I had Indication ond stomach cough for throo sou-l. Wu trotted by host physio!“- nnd used num- erous potent medicines without mucous. when two bottles of Miller's Emulsion of God leor ouonredmo. Ihovegrootpleuuro 1n mom- mgpdlng it. For one by A. momentum. all-T... .3030. ï¬oiuwi nut mi count-18ml“... -Mr. MMMODI proved quite swin- nerntho’l‘rontonnoathhwoekwlththow DASBES HERE AND THERE. :1me . Bo mad human) to Myomhumd second in tho: Brltlsh Columbla WAsumc'rou' ‘ Oregon and Callfomla waveform» 11 pan. on mum Lindsay. J nun-y 29. lmâ€"aa- 1y. LINDSAY. FRIDAY, FEB, 6. 131; Canadian Paciï¬c Rail way. I,1{17'E'BI£U.4IZY,,6, 20?“ MARGH, 6, 20 Baum Tamwm'mmm For Bertha and all information, apply to nearest C.P.R. Agent. '1'. O. â€ATOM. Agent. C.P.R.. Ofï¬ce In Patty'- Jewelery Store. nudity. 'Xmu Pro-ont- Vu-y chap. It Goonwm's Fine Art Stemâ€"81¢. TOWN AND COUNTY. Md fa; f‘ctgaulm ‘ a‘nd ‘ WWW Mmdï¬shlp. -A. deputation of ladies, accompanied by the clergy and several members of the board of trade. waited upon the county council Thursday afternoon last, when a petition was presented by the ladies approving oi the establishment and maintenance of a county house of refuge. A resolution from the board of trade was also read. The text of the ladlee’ petition will be round in the county council report on our seventh page. â€"Mr. L Forrest of Brechin. ot Eudo mineral ‘ water tame. iasinking a second well upon his property. as the growing demand for the water threatens to leave the present one dry. He has strong hopes of being able to strike a flowing spring. and iihe doeshlsiortuneis as good as made. It is possible that in the near future Brechin will boast of one of the largest sanitar- lnms on the continent, and “Endo†will have become as popular as say Apolllnaris. â€"On Friday evening last the young men's' association of St. Paul’s church tendered their annual reception to the members of the congre- gation and friends in the school room. The no- casion proved a very pleaeant one. The popular dent of the association. Mr. E. E. W. Me- fley. gave a neat address relative to the ob- i jecte oï¬he assigciatlon, alter which a good pro- gram mus and readings was proceeded with. Refreshments were served by the ladies at the conclusion. â€"Prot. Edmonds’ engagement at Bradburn's opera house Thursday evening or last week provedtobe a strong dra card. and the entertainment was well yet the mane. Despite the rainthe hallwas t :2?†M33} Tgolezerdemain 9:33 ea 0 you an with the audience. which accorded him liberal -The scholars of the Methodist church Seb- bath school enJoyed their nnual drive Monday afternoon last. Twenty-eight well loaded sleighs were in line with n flying, and over four hundred happy chi] n were snugly stowed therein. â€"Frlend Veitch. "the warden maker," cou- templates making extensive alterations in his hotel premises in the course of a few weeks. A front entrance for ladies will be provided lead- . ing to a cosy waiting-room to be devoted to their exclusive use. â€"Leedersin low rices of Boots and Shoes. Bryans 8: Co. in 0 or to make room for their immense stock of spring goodawbich willbegin to arrive about the ï¬rst at Februaril. they will sell the balance of their Felt Boots. eavy Rub- bers. etc.. Overshoes. for the next two weeks at a great reduction. BRYANS 00., ï¬rstdoor east of Daly house, Kent-st. [Andeanâ€"87M. â€"Sadler. Dundas 8t Co.’s elevator started running Friday last. when a trial was made of a couple of cars at cats. The test was emi- nently satisfactory, each car being emptied in- side ot three-quarters or an hour. On Saturday ï¬ve or six carioadslwere handled with the same result. The capacity at the elevator is close upon 75.000 bushels. -Yesterday (Thursday) the teachers compris- ing the East Victoria association met in hall'- yeaizf convention and matters of deep educa- tion interest were discussed. In the evening Mr. J. J. Tillsy delivered an eloquent address on the subject, "Success in life. With special re- ferenceto young men." in the assembly hail. Proceedings will be continued te-day (Friday) -â€"'.l'he postponed skating carnival was held last even Thursday . Caretaker J. W. Dia- ment hadmgfven the c’ondition oi the ice his “most seircus consideration." and it could not be better. Owing to ourgoing to press early we are unable to describe the gay event this week. but from the properations made must have been one of the ï¬nest and moat successtul ever held here. Particulars next week. â€"Thnrsdeylute report spread about town that Mr. Joseph Mamet. formerly Grand Trunk brekemen here. had been killed in one of the Ohm yards. but the rumor. much to the set- lagectlgn of may friends here. turned on: to be â€"'i‘he ennusl meeting of the Lindsey boerd ct trndewiiibeheldintheboerd rooms on Tues- dey evening. February 10th. at 7.30. Every member is requested to be on hsnd. â€"Mr. Paul O’Neill returned Mend from Cincinnati. Ohio. where he disposed of cor of potatoes at a. price that leaves the syndicate a handsome proï¬tâ€"it is whispered about one hundred crisp greenback: apiece. â€"Mondey afternoon last the members of St Andrew’s choir drove out to Eldon to attend the opening at the new Presbyterian church et Mouse Grove. and during the evening contri- buted s number at solos and anthems. â€"The Lindsay octette club concert at Wood- vine last evening (Thursday) wee. we under- stand. very largely attended. Mr. J. Petty con- tributed several of his comic son 3 and read- ings. Dr. McKay. M.P.P., pres! as chair- - not! Brenna. â€"Next Wedneedny ll Aeh Wednudu. the beginning of the Lenten eeuon. â€"Gool anneal servant vented. Apply to Mu. G. Hopkins. IAndney.â€"89-tf. â€"The Nicholle hoepitnl in Patel-bore he: been W“ with: ennui! o! Daliooh'n celebrated In â€"Do not loee you rest by coughing when Miller's Emulsion or Cod Liver on will prevent it. Try A haulsâ€"$1. later on removed to tho mangoes 0! M5. Aron. Compbon. where she is now recovering some- what from tho eifoots of her terrible experience. . . . .1110 house and contents were insured in tho Phanix Company. in the window. Dr. sun was called 9nd attended thq 31111911911. _ _ Mpgphgwp U examination H: was found that. Mrs. Me- A e hadbeen severeiyiniured byhertau her rig t am being badly bruised and twin besides sustaining a severe out a! the rich sidoot the head. Mr. McAlpino‘s ht hand was also leoerated in breaking c class in , the window. _Dr. Singpson_w_s_.s_ called eel-www'rw; ‘w o v W e on u ‘ and ineensible ungr the win wFtrom which ‘she had either leaped or fallen. she does not remember which. Both were clad merely in their night-clothes. with the exception thatMr. McAlpine had managed to slip on his shoes, and their sufferings in the bitin cold may be im ed. Not a neighbor hag been around. and . McAl ewes compelled to carry his wife to the sta 16. where he managed to restore her to artiel consciousness. after which he wrap some scanty articles 01‘ clo about ‘ her and started oil'with her in his arms or the nearest no hbors. Mr. Michael Led . nearly halt a mile tan his way illu by the glare from his urn home. It took some minutes to mouse the household. but soon they were being ministered to by kind hands. every- thing possible boin done for their comfort. .wu fnnnd than Mn Mn. IYMn nvnmlnnf‘nfl TEE CANADIAE' POSTZ' Efï¬hin'mg tâ€"o'tï¬e' ï¬dï¬ï¬ he E13153}. ’iaï¬e 5f glass with a. blow of his hand, Ind tugged awsy at the sash. which refused to budge. He than bein mdersdd Hekeditouwt‘f , V510 was mum. from his Callin to harm remain quiet for a moment while _ e_gqt the 131119“; hgjulmped to the h3g1; - _-;_.._ _ ‘ a stick of wood was placed in the kitchen stove according to custom. after which they retired to their room on the floor above. About 3 o'clock Mrs. Hemine was arousedby achoking sena- tion. and that the apartment was full of smoke called r. McAlpine, who was sleep in sonndl.U nhiso ningthedoorleading g y w thattheroombelow to the stairway he tom: was all ablaze. rend .escase by that avenue 'ble. There was ttle tune for reflectim. in: an rushing to the gadgw he bloke a pane of Eorpomtion'liife. It ' " a biftéi' 661d nigh' "is a. stack of wood was 13% Ip_t.11e_ whet; ntgve ' are m m nape. Tuesdaymorninzlaetaboutso'cmm.ud MmAlex. MoAlplne underwent a thrilling ai- perlenoe. the memory of which will endure whiletheylive. Theprevlousevenlnatheyhud beenvisltlngeomeh-lendmand at a. late hour dmvetotheirmddmetwo-etmytnne building, situated a short distance west of Mr. Geo. Matthews romance- 894.1118? Outpideï¬be IvfllnllmyreddmonWsmly-sm st.- hnnhundon my arms. mum mbledme. R. Bum mammxomutthâ€"IML ulnar-rum- Saw-In! ummnn blunt. Bring In you 11'- rhhtuwmdhnnthomm ! mam-nun- hWBflmMMMWflM hhmtmdyurm Ind Dull-‘19"- 110$!“ka- flags: 3: w--..--_ ‘8, __._ igABhuflnntortho wnnlpecboundl J. A. Bucknell. N. McDouRI-IL mm“. yam“ J2 D. mummy.» ALHBDoua-n. maï¬a Anacond much In. In the waning nammmmm’v'ï¬â€™ï¬mm-y: l'. Knowloon. '1'. Todd. W. Kahuna. R. macho“. J. Helm-II. Frog. Jonas. ID. â€ï¬‚unk LWJ‘mm. IUD. 9 Thoma!" Mailman!- and “madam-ammo“: :0 «swuhamthmmhmhm won-tuba. flakmbothmbdlfl mudogvlth equal-nun m gm .,A. 1-,, c. Noxon. ’â€" 3: Emma. J. P. Clones. akin,...16 J. M.Xnowlnn. Ik..21 3-3 at Majority fur Port Hope. 4 snob. TEE WINNER 30mm â€"The Lindsay curlers who left harem Thun- dsyoflut Mia-Winnipeg arrived gt Port Arthur sundry, Jan. 313;. by the Paciï¬c ox- preca. They were not a the new 1’! represen- udmotthoPox-t Arthur club and put up at the “ileum" u m océmmmt-{au‘mr curl- ers. guns m pm afternoon. resulting u mallow: 1’03“]? 801’!- LINDSAY. ram. am. g‘ï¬ho. . u . 03:3th naMoLcnnsn. T.Ward. J. Ham 0. J. Philip. Ik!p........n.l. w. Wnlhoe. skinnls thNoJ, _-_"- --._,. -_' eon. who was cintloied gently ï¬bre few intimate triende to prenare tor anappuoatlon or “raw and nnhoiledjuedoe â€and he did. Following: the eeore in what in admitted to haveheen mostexeiungmatehottheeeaaon: J. McAdam. M. W. Kennedy. h. McIntosh. Dt. Poole. Thee. Pratt. J. momma. an; Email». .15 J. Keith aflp...... .. .10 â€"Mondayeven1n¢ tworlnke ofPort Hope cnrlereeamenn on theevenins train flora Maughggma anegotteworkmattetanpper. 1:: wane hornlyeontutedma throuzhon uwiuhennderetoodtromthehet thatatthe anthotthezznd end (the regular came) the eeoreehowedafle. Another†then glued. when Port Hope eneeeeded mm Nah Moment!» aeoree: :uiaï¬iéa‘waanm' ’ ' BTenLng" "in: "ii: fond"? lengobelngluuodhy Skipxel â€81me- Mn -hn m madman! mnrl- h. - fA' ind-Int. Curnnx Notes. â€"We mlttedtomentlou tint In Whitby on Saturday, 24th January, In the Ontario tannrd group competition. Bowmanvflle defeated Lindsay by tour shots. â€"For some weeks past the “railway element" in the club have been throwing out hint- ot a more orlees led nature. and the trouble culminated edueeday evening but in echel- for the year for the coil ete institute and the public schools... .Mr. E. Hopkins was heard on behslt otoertsin ntapsyen of Ops who are united tothe towntorsohooipurposes. withre- tereuoo to their relief. tom the payment of taxes for high school purposes. The matter was aeterrgd to thetmnnos oommlgee. witzh linen-lug:-o one consul legs! outbox-i end report the hosrd....'rhe oouncll adjourned. «qwawoloMnmemMHarm Bug. ‘ ‘ :3! 95.31 am. 1: E5539 8. 3% “3.93903 n2. Nova moment of MI! Mitchell by the punch 333931113 the tom mm of humour was conï¬rmed.... he management committee “Vï¬' “aï¬'ï¬epom-col." '"w‘ Deacon, chun- mon' Egon. R. Kennedy. J. D. throne. P. G. Pmd‘e and J. D. M . a trustee for The Helen-flue! Ins. thoecuthwudwooocce endtheeecrenry woe W to tote necessary etepo to an the nooncy......Prlndpol Hereacne report- ed 297pnpile upon croll ot the coneainte Sn- emute to: Jnnueryamh on overuse ottcndonoe of 290. A. report otthc work at the institute for the peat you: wee Alec foubmmed. ehowing a. highly credltnble record.....’l‘he report of Mr. Broderick. principnl of the public schools. seve 797 no the numberotpupfleonthe roll for - nag. with an oversize onendoooe of 731; the 1. ontherontorthopeetyeu.w1thnn over age Attendance 01618. 0:61 percent -..A highly cam repottot ï¬rework-ad condition of the public schools for amputee: by Inspector Knight woe read. The reports were re- ferred to the Vilnius comminee....'rhc tempor‘ ugengezctnenpt Mien lgpchen by the pdnd- 1 ; LINDSAY, 01m; FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 1391. Keqnggy m?! If. G. In: commune. wm upwind: ' o-flwmlflï¬â€˜mmfm “war. Dough. Din-mane»: oanoboon. ’ Management-J. D. lulu-nay. chug-mu; Messrs, “1111391111031. fl‘homu alters. Rout. P G Pflkle. 8. J. Henna" John Kenn .Rohert Kennedy. Thom Gem end J. MoNellle. Thonewlreleoted mem- ber! hem euheuibodtothelrdeolenu time! on“. m. Spter. mun-urea celled upon the baud tooled e owl-men. On motion at Mr. R. K .Icoonded by Ir. Dob-on. Hr. .1.an lemunenlmo elected ohelrmentor 1891 The following In! in! conning. gm 39mg: - M of nation. mumaoonnc o! m bond of “nation torthenuwu hold on Wm evening. Mamba-I mt: Helm. John Dotson. J. D. Mum. Thou. Wuhan. A. O'Lary. Col. ..... .. ........ m. M08101 3' Duo .. ...... . ......... nude: nope (am-f Theohllrwmboomuodbylfr. J. R. Dun- du. vacuum “1.9: concern begins It 8 .thgogï¬gddwnï¬ 2: 5 3398389808 53.163580? 05 no 8851 95 865 an. «8080 05 V "7â€". -â€"â€"uwâ€". 3513““ mm Increment otthol’nrd'llm Minimum: hymn“. got. Wan-Miranda.“ and out... thedebton reddeneeotur. evening. Anne h 7% “Wit!" “1% furniture wiped Renewing-Mum held lathe me Immed- _ nextWedneedu imam " V 78â€"016 min-u. â€"Bev.w.lnownan.An.LLB..ntPon Hope. will muscndmv'u church st mambo-nonsm- ’mtatm _n.'. â€m3“ of BLWI'III deliver-alum mm Yon-GA- onu- than my. "ï¬lm-n." E: (1%an a dam m munch. m h thaY.K.O.A. j. _m h â€lav-maul by Hans-1 Ila-am wmrllo.’ Sowmwmmmm mac-mm was Powder. 1: I. MODEM-*1. memiuiwmmbomm “8-D. runners in m 800 Idvt. tor mumâ€"an. ...... ......Buul 0mg. -.. ... 08..."... u .-...o- ... Marian-mm- “$.93: pm I. Wodouotprotondtouuaoodsat Cosmorundonbutweguaraumtommparï¬- wlarlygoodmluoâ€"uwmrmovuadymdoalhm examine, command you ma boom“ buyï¬-om -‘ - NEIL M°PHADENg :â€"__â€"_._â€"â€"â€":â€"==â€"‘ “â€"‘NOW LOOK IE ' Aswedonotintendtocanyooer anyWinterGoodsweoerTwentypef’ cent. Discount as an inducement to one wishing to OVER- - - COATS, P0128 and KNITT D WOOLLENS. We have a stock of Dry Goods of the very Latest Patterns and very Lowest Prices to be sold for CASH only, and consequently you can FIT l8 MONEY WE WANT 40 yds Cotton for - All Wool, Double Fold, Dress Goods, per yd. Prints, Wines and Beds’Ginghams, per yd. Good Heavy eeds,per yd. - - Men’ 3 Underwear, r suit, - ‘ - - Ladies’ All-Wool - -, - Men’ 3 and Boys’ Knitted Gaps. - - Positively Sore One Dollar on every Ten Dollar Purchase. Linda-y. Imus-722.181 47. IT IS MWIEY WE ARE GETTING. =AL_SO SEE- N911 McPhaden. ngr 4:: Perry.