â€"â€"â€"â€" â€"â€"â€".F ’ vâ€"vâ€" “ Moflawmwmwlï¬b '. . r. . mlï¬m‘ggggmgga will be bopnd b! thmoxumwfltï¬télw They‘llâ€? .01! notneoauuilym . 3" , ' maï¬foï¬aï¬ offline purchase money cash. on Mummies of them; in 1?!!! 3° h . hell. «then-Sonatas. with mummthxhautm. with†newnmumuwwmm‘mflmï¬mm" ,. 9‘- ‘ Whetesnesgmmgot ammWiEEWM - ' -' " 9“ sort of the town reserve on the south side of I «up Read in the township of BEXLEY, which to batted and bounded as follows : com- mencing where a poet has been planted at the scumâ€"gâ€: angle of lot 1. on the south side of Portage Rood. thence north 11 degrees. 3) minutes east. following the limit between said lotlsndseid town reserve. 9 chain 50 links, meteor-less. to the north-west angle of the south some: sold townnservathenoenotth 74 degrees east, pox-one! to the ecuthergalimit of sad reserve 53chnine.more orlcss. to voters “to of Banana me. thence southerly follow- hit the and waters edge to the southern humor the aid town reserve. and thence south 74 Wweet along the lost mentioned limit 3 .vn-.. “tub-v mu vanw, vu wwuv m m, . dation. stabling below; log barn and log st small orchard; ï¬rstâ€"class clay loam son. County of Halibut-ton. PARCEL 37. Lot 24. concession 6, LUTTERWORTE ce t half an acre thereout. heretofore sold so 001. and oneeighth of an acre senate Lnsbury. 573cm more orless; also the It east corner of lot 25, concession 6. Lntterm containing half an acre, more or lea; so : cleared: soil, ï¬rst class clay loan; a We frame house, 21x40;fmme barn. 30:59; it stable, 25x40. and another frame dwelhng s Moore’s Fells P. 0. 13 kept m the house. muderugnedHaIterhpremedtoreeetveupto T831138! M20? “03, Under power of sale contained in a certain manage, dated 11th April, 1877. lot 27, mm Inn 2. IGBY, 101 apmmore or less; about 30 acres cleared; no budding; PARCEL 31 Under power of sale contained in a certain m quad 30th Novembqr. 1878. the south PARCEL 25. The out half of lot 27. in tho ls: concession. DIGBY, 65 acres meteor lees; nearly all cleared: bananas and. stable. Lot 23. in the lat concession, DIGBY, 1% men. men or less; about 20 acres cleared; no U)...†PARCEL 22. Eastman†con. 8, VERULAM. con- ï¬ning 100 acres. more or less; 60 acres cleared; matey 133m. There are upon the property vole: houses and a frame barn. PARCEL 19. The south lulu: creole: 18. can. 4. Ellgl’il‘f. loo mmoreor e53; acres cared; onse. burn and stables; son clay loam. In: 1:. con. 3. OPS, containing 200 acres. more 021698; 180 acres cleared; goon clay loam soil; brick house 18x28. with frame kitchen 14x24; two frame barns 38x66 and 36x60 respectively, Monommmsonryronndaniona with atabllng PARC!!- 11. The east half of lot 9 on the north side of Wellington street. 56x198 feet, more or less. upon which}: erected a double rough-cast two may dweihng. The weatpsrtor lot 8 on the south side of chis street. 89 fee: 6 inches by 198 feet, moreorless. This is a vacant lot and avery desirable site for building. PARCEL 10. The cast put of lot 801: thenorthsideot Wellington street. 68x198 feet. more or less. uponwhichissroctodstwo storybrick house An undivided halt interest in broken lot 28 an the north side of Ridout street. 27x50 feet. more or leaeand in a. host housemfleet erect- HoINi'YRE 3: 5m 1743!: PARCEL 3. Park lot V. in the town of Lindsay. containo Ing 63cm. more crises, and known as lots 1. 2,3. 4. 5nd 6 as laid downona plan of the sub division of park lots D. Mend V. made by Michael Dean, P. L. 8.. and 11er in the registry ‘ ofliee for the county of Victona This parcel \ wug neï¬oubt speedily come into the market. to} building pin-15m In the Town of Lindsay. PARCEL 1. Lots 1 and 2 on the south side of Russell street and lot 6 on the east side of Lindsay street con- tuning three-quer:e:s of an acre, more or less, uponwhich is erected a substantial twoetorey brick house of sixteen rooms, the residence or the me Adam lludepeth. Pursuant to the judgment in thin action there wul be so! with. the a probation e! the neat-lumen neuter. the land: end premises 1011011133. namely: p In the Matter of the Estate of Adam Hudspeth, deceased. TORONTO GENERAL TR USTS 00. vs. HUDSPETE JUDICIAL SALE VALUABLE REAL ESTATE A No. 1 Chapping Axe, 55c.;Axe Handles, 10o; Lance Tooth Saws, 55c. and 65¢. per foot, (all warranted); Buck Saws, 450.; Best Pure nixed Paint, $1.15 per gal; Lanterns, 45o.; A Silver Grnet, 2.50, worth $5.00; Prokle Castor, $1.25; Butter Dish. $1.25, worth .50; Butcher Knives, 10, 15. and 20c., worth double the money. Best Horse Nails, $2.00 per Box; Blacksmith’s coal, $5.25 per ton; Stove, Nut and Egg Goal, $5.50 per Ton. Best 4feet Hard Wood and 2 feet Wood, $3.50 per Cord. Doors, Sash, Locks, Glass, Rimes, and all other goods will be sold in proportion. and give a few of the new ' ices as a sam 13 mu be sold in future .-â€" I†1’ of how goods and in future I wt Charge no Goods. but sell on STRI 01‘- LY CA 811 Terms, and have marked all goods down so low that my customers will read‘ly see the great advantage of paying cash. I will date this In the County of Victoria. PARCEL 18. Owing to the anew-minty of doing business on the credit system, I have decided to adopt the BUSINESS CHANGE. FROM 1st FEBRUARY. farthepurchaseot onchmtany. “mammals. addressed-am VOLUME XXXH. WHOLE NO. 1511. moon-non. 4,170. BASH SYSTEM PARCEL 39. PARCEL 24. TOWN PROPERTY LOCAL mum 01' in HIGH CW3? 01' mar. PARCEL 5. SEALED II. 11. PARCEL 16. t 9 on the north side of Under the power of sale contained in a mort- :198 feet, more or less. Rage. dated 5th February. 1864. lot Gin block K. , a. double rough-cast two south Pgtltggger meet. 112x198 wet. more or less. a. mu FARM LANDS New Advertisements. R. D. Thexton. County of Ealiburton. PARCEL 37. Lot 24. concession 6, LUTTERWORTH ex- cegt; half an acre thereout. heretofore sold or a. 01. and. one-eighth of an acre eating one Lasbury. 57 acres. more or less; also the south- east corner of 10:25, ooneewon 6, Lumen? containing half an acre, more or let; so c1eared:soi1,fltst class clay locum a mo storey frame house, 24x40; frame bat-mm ~trame stable, 25x40. and another tyame dwelling 20m Moore' 3 Falls P. 0. 13 kept' m the house. PARCEL 86. The north half of lot 23. concession 14, BROOK, 100 acres; all cleared: frame house 18x24; frame barn 34x60, on stone masonry foun- dation. stabling below; log barn and log stable; small orchard; ï¬rstâ€"class clay loam son. County of Ontario. PARC!!- 85. The non}: ha]: and south- east qnarterof lot 22, concesaon 13. BROOK. containing 150m more or less: 145 acres cleared; ï¬rst-daze clay loam soil; two miles from Cannington; frame house 18x24. and 10 house 20x26; frame barns 30x78 30x40 and 30x60; frame stable 2360; small orchard and never failing creek; subject to the lite interest of Mrs. Ainsworth. an] PARCEL 34. Under power of sale contained in a. certain max-tease, dated 15th September. 1888, the wee: half of lot 10, concession 2, ELDON, 100 acres more or lees; 90 acres cleared; log house 2am; frame barn 38x60; orchard of about 35 trees wgtpred‘by a never WM_ Will be sold subject to' d mbrigaï¬ï¬'flï¬â€˜m with interest at six per cent yearly. PARCEL 32. â€mud" Wrmawmmm“ £378? 32:? m e. 3 5t e , . conoeeaim. 8, DALTON. PARCEL 33. Under power of sale contained In a certain mortgage, dated 28th March. 1884. the north halves of lot. 16 and 17. concession 1. DALTON. 00nt 100 acres more or less. chum. more or less, to the place of beginning. 6011mm“- ‘ 350 acres. more or less. ' No improve- men PARCEL 15. Under power of sale contained in a mortgage, dated 18th December, 1879, part at lot 4 in block U. as laid down on a plan of the sub-division of lot 23 in the 5th concession of the township of OPS (inter slis) and which said parcel of land may be otherwise described as follows: com- mencing at the north-east angle of said park lot U. thence south 16 degrees east 3 chains. 30 links. tothe north boundary of Job Tyrell's land, thence south 7! d see west 4 chains, ty-four and six-tenths ks, thence north 16 degrees west 3 chains, 30 links. more or less. to the south side of Eglington street. thence east erly along Egungton street 4 chains ï¬fty-tour and six-tenths links. more or less. to the place of beginning, containing by ndmcssnrement one and a halt acres. more or. less. upon which is erected a. frame one and a halt storey house 18: 24 and a. frame shble 10x20. PARCEL 12. Part of lot 16, north of Peel street. known and described as follows: commencing 48 feet south by the line of Sussex street. from the north- west corner of sold lot. then south parallel with Sussex street 50 feet. then east parallel with Peel street 112 feet to the eastern boundary of said lot. then north along said boundary 50 feet. then west parallel with Peel street 412 feet to the place of beginning. and containing about 5.600 square feet, more or lesa upon which is erecteu a frame cottage 18x24 feet. SabJect to a life lease to Peter Guam and wife. PWDQAÂ¥: 91“- be? mmam % CLEAN, COARSE ’SALT brutal-£31800 lb mime-numm madam“ mam 1 .mm‘wm EIGMBIILTIIRII. purposes; sandâ€"0nd Door south of J. B. We! don's store in tho 8110): M SALT, Any person desiring a good-titan end well- mede ï¬gment wiiiï¬na it totheire vantage to give us e on". Having had on extensive practice with the mast improved systems of making end cutting we are in e don to guarantee a. good m" A trial solicit Thank- ing yoga for max favors, I remain yours truly. W. L. COONE NEW TAILOR SHOP Agent. 0. P. R. Ofljcg. Patty's Jewelry Store, Kent-3L. Lindsay. For full information see any C.P.R. agent. Little Britain. Feb. 12. Isaâ€"40. MAN ITO BA “1:: CANADIAN NORTH-WEST LITTLE BRITAIN'- SETTLEHS’ TRAINS AT 9.00 P.I. AND evanv TUESDAY manna-n Dunmc MARCH AND APRIL Mr. Fairbairn, or his representative. will be allowed an hear. Seats will be reserved for Iodine. Yolanda. Monday. Feb. 23rd. Fingerboard. Tuesday Feb. 21th. Hum Thursday. Feb. 26th at L30. The public are cordially invlted. Canadian Pa cmc Railway. FRIDAY, EV’G, FEB. 20, â€"BY â€"_ WITH BOLUIIST SLEEPER ATTAGIIED FOR of Toronto and omen. Chair token at 8 o'clock. LITTLE BRITAIN. DR. MALLORY as follows: Opera House, Lindsay, FRIDAY EV’G’, FEB. 20, Mr. JOHN BERTRAM MB. THUS. WALTERS, deliver“! at In! am or Shunt. or on Gun River Wm during an m of K CEDAR TELEGRAPH P0138 01' W‘Lu; TELEGRAPH POLES WANTED. U WOOD BRICKYARD.â€"I hen e We qmfltyotflret-olue brick cabana. whloh I will sell at reasonable prices. Give me 3 cell beloremeklnzaoontrect elsewhere. CHARLES THOMAS. Oekwood. Feb. 14. 189Lâ€"ll-8. FEBRUARY 24th, l89| WESLEY l.. GOO/V5. The Batman '00. PUBLIC MEETIN'GS of East Northmnherland and others. For mum-“pm! to :11ch iron SALE AT THE OAK- New Advertisements. W. EYRES, PreI. D. R. ANDERSON. Sea. 1'. C. TAYLOR. Chairman C. C. 609 SAVE m cum. Iwfllm 0151:!â€qude ot wfllboheldln 1:110!an SALT, T. 0. MATCHETT, W. L. Coons. WILL LEAVE ON ; SALT, J. H. HARVEY. 003000108. LINDSAY, ‘ omgimlnu, FEBRUARY 20, 1891. prime inn-unto: ‘ England, or w! prime minister woflnn Attempt“ in 9%}‘9?’ ,°r 2914.va .wonld By the operstione ttheirsnchise set the government hsve pcticslly tskea into their own hsnds theanusl preparation a! the lists which sre tlerve tor the election of members to thnhouse ot commons insmd of using thests prepared by the municipsl suthoriu under provincisl laws. It is eminently desble thst the lists should be pnepsrednd revised st less: every yesr, tor thebvions reseon that ‘ thoussnds of electonre every year coming ‘ tomsnhood’s eststend to the rights of citizenship. During lest sea: the government introduced a. bill )reviding thst the prepsrstion oi the st. which under the lsw wss to tskedpieln the month of June now pest, shoui beispeused with. The resson given for thbourse wss thst no genersl election mto tske piece before the revision oi! them in June or the present you. Uposhe sssursnces thus given by the miniss oi the crown, per- nsmentsgreed to thnroposition. snd thus the uses! revision dhot tske piece. The consequence is thst this moment, when perlisment is dissolt, thouesnds of elec tors who by lsw srelsllfled to vote will be denied the exete of their right oi snflrsge. lggurlismenutI nevgr t the sdvisers oihhis ex enoy e nmoteupposing w en they msde the sbavevoposition thst they were not sincere. .‘d psrlisment sup- posed thst the piednhm given in the nsme oi the crown nlu be violsted, thst the electorste nights st sny moment called upon to set, pisment never would hsve agreed to therooosition oi the government and ma hsve insisted “11.121. the revision mid tske Dlsce as as t It is msnliest thshdc such circum- stsness the power oibsolntion should not hsve been sdvisedtcept tor the most cogent, sudden sud tive reopens. I will not dispute the e extrsordinsrv event hsd sudden] piece which required the imm judgment of the people. s dissozutionight hsve tsken flees. even though; :3me lsy to en mperiect electorsten: sny such event tsken plscei :, not even in the opinion of the sdvieot the crown, sud I chsrge it upon thesten, ever prone to tssten upon theiro sun the odium or disloysity, thst the ve compelled the crown to so set w the mother-lend nsVer would be I cell the stten thepsople of Cu- sds to the feet thst nsnitesto oi the prime minister not b uttered, not the slightest sttem to justify the course sdvised by tin crown, thus pleinly showing th position in this regsrd is sosolstely The power or d b one of those powers which end constitutionright 1y belong to the humble]: should beexeroised only gets csuse. Its present exercise is wet the perils- mentsry system of t which no 2960 anything but a aha they never would have advised his cellency to dissolve parliament, for theyiave thereby placed them-own inthe mapaintnl posluon of having broken tsithjvith the commons and the people. the highest eenem.‘ It is to be noticed)“ Sir John Meodon- hld, In the mnileetonst addressed by him to the electore oi Condo. mekee e stron‘z appeal to the loyal! oi the Cmedlnn people. 5 totally landed-for appeal, for in the present. contest nothing is involved which in one way mother can efl'eot the exletinc status of Colds. Bu: layelty to th man of England would gum in nleee a degree imply loyalty'u'ithoee ill-Won- which we hove receivedinom Engld'end to which the people of this oonnmhnve ever clung he embodying the beetzrlnclplee of govern- ment. I submit to ï¬coneldeution ot the peopleotCenednthnltto theedvieen oi | ""fmis PEOPLIOF CANADA. The ï¬bers! Mflumï¬ï¬‚y satedâ€"Th0 Cling. oi Moi"! Strongly m- ledâ€"The Wt! Queetion. ; To the Electors of Canada.- The perliument looted in 1887, end wheeeiull termwelnot toexpiretor e your. he: been prom: dissolved. The electors of Cut!- u'e now heetily celled to elect new spreeentetivee to the houee or commons. The queetione beta the people,eud upon 1 which they have to pnounce, are of vital importance. end not: those queetione her mejeety'e opposition m with met conï¬dence to the eber Judgment o! the 0008â€. To the ieeuee whid 80m the govern- ment and the oppoeilon another coneider etion is now added h mpect oi the men- ner in which â€meant he been dieeolv- MR. LA URLE'B’! _A_12DRESS TO WENâ€. Sum" ant-mung“. I904 3 â€Macmillan-d â€MM-m “man: .:' «mud â€um. "rum "WJmJnm-oram Noticé to 811me THE DOMINEN CON TEST: â€'01!qu but one. ul- m m vm tsunami an. Ind mun-Magnum cont-um “loyalty†wu [anon deserves or govimmént" I flay let, uh #330â€" tor 3;. Wdtors and freedom of trade And give it _ 1.3. 5â€"1-! ___1 L“_ l_ 13-- _-__.. L, Pronounce-0th: Poe-r.) I have read “An Elector'e" letter-in Tn]: Pos'rotlaatweekwithagooddeelotim- eetforit places the queetionouhel-tvote initetruelighc. Agaoddeelotthelibenl ‘vote of Vex-um went for the railway in Dee,anditwiilgotoritthietimeeewe know Mitdon’s nuke one hit of life:- enoewhichputyieinpowuthemed will bebnilr. anyhow. We expecwd thetthen wonidbetwoeeedone mottheleteper Mentendbythettimethemwonld heve been comp leted. The M.†goingintopowerontheï¬thot the eigneogthe time’s-em}; ‘ gt Ir. John am In m. Mr. John Bertram of Toronto (tormerly of Peter-bow) wfll address the electors of ‘ Lindsay and vicinity this eveninpin the opera house. Mr._ Bertram is one of the most efl’eetive and convincing speakers in the province, and it is to be regretted that he is not ac ively engnmd in politics. A many years ago an ‘Bertrsm lived in ' dsay. end he has on several occasions s kenhere. Mr H O’I.ea.ry.whohas ban addressin sd'gihences in Western Ontarioand in ' district. wilialso speak at some length. Dr. Hallo!) at Little m Dr. Mallory of East Northumberland, one of the best and most practical speakers in Central Ontarlo. will address the electors at Little Britain this Fnday evening. Let there be a large attendance. campaign Whopper of huge sis; in the declaration that pork had dro ped a dollar a hundred already in oronto, owingtothe dreadof reciprocity ingin'o effect. That is an admission t some people are already badlietrightened over thepros tsot JohnA. ingbadl bust ed on t e 5th of March He tted that the difl‘ereuee between the price of barley at Buflalo and Toronto (30 cents) was caused by the duty, but argued that if the duty was removed the price would go down in 3111?an and advance in Toronto. He maintained that reciprocity would ruin the excellent market in the maritime provinces for our flour. forgetting that oung Mr. Topper is now telling the Nova tians that they will have tree flour under John A's reci roclty in natural products. but that the u? is to be kept on coal Mr Dundas's tune oes not harmonize with Mr. Tupper's. or per- haps it is one tune for Nova Scotia and another for Ontario. mmmvmmMg Mr. Fdrbairn'e cam opened with a meeting in the gets. one evening. Mr. Dobson preeid . Mr. Fairbnim. Mr. Wickhnm and Mr. A. F. Cum bell spoke. All waved "the flag†and a outed die loyalty and treason Mr. J. R. Dundee made a short speech ithich he got ol! 3 __47_7,Â¥ il,, Oakwood. We have neither room nor time for reports in detail. The meetings were well-attended and the prospects for Mr. Walters so most encouraging. Tonight Dr. Mallory speaks in Little Britain; and Mr. John Bertram, Mr. Hugh O'Leary. Mr. F. C. Taylor and others will address‘ a public meeting in the Lindsay opera. house. For other meet- ings se_e poster-send advertisements. W D0" to Workâ€"A 80110- of m innâ€"Ir. Walter-'- Btuht Prospectsâ€" mane Ham 1:: mm Tonight. Both sides are getting down to hard work. The conservatives are getting dis- heartened at the many evidences of the strength and popularity of Mr. Walters and have already started the campaign yarns that they usually reserve for the last week. We warn our friends to be on theirguard and to put no faith in any re ports that may be circulated by theenemy. It is not creditable that such tactics should be resorted to. Meetings for Mr. Walters have been held in Emily and Verulam and in Msriposa by Messrs. W. Needler. '1‘. Stewart. G. H. Hopkins. H. B. Dean, D. R. AndersonJohn Campbell and others. Last night Mr. John Bertram addressed a large meeting at Bobcaygeon; and Dr. Mallory of East Nor:humberland, Mr. Lownsbrough, Mr. Cnnnings and others a big meeting at etron candidate that his supporters at: confl ent he will carry the riding....Mr. Rorke is making a. capital flghtln Eu! Peterboro....Mr. A. P. Cockburn’e proo- pects of redeeming North Ontario are considered excellent. Thomas Graham, 8. Gavan farmer. is out as an equal hter. In West Peterboro Mr. Robert has accepted the reform nom- ination and will make such an exceedingly strong cauldidatg that big mommy-e -__n A_A Aluminum cumulusâ€"sane.†Oman-m. Thetwopartiesarehard atworkall alongtheline,with candidates outin I nearly every constituency. The contest ' winbedmwiththeuheralsgainingevery ' day. and the tories getting daily more dis- ‘ gnsted at the "old manâ€torgoing tothe country in a panic and foregoing the enor- . mous advantages of another session and subsidies for almost every riding. Some fresh and badly needed courage has been inspired by Sir Charles Tupper’s visit. In Quebec the situation is very bad, Sir Hector Langevin and Sir Adolphe Caron are hunting for safe constituencies and cannot ï¬nd places of refuge. Mr. Laurier has attacked aconservative stronghold and is goin to redeem it. Quebec. Prince Edward d and Nova Scotia will give Mr. Laurier fair to l maJorities ' New Brunswick will be a c it not a majority; and as for Ontario. the premier province is going in for reciprocity. As for Manitoba toryism is so thoroughly discredited that it is not likely that a single torv candidate will be elected. The opposition prospects of securing a good majority are thereiore oi the brightest and most encouraging. The liberals have held two great meetings in Toronto. Hon. Mr. Mowat has spoken with his usual abili'f for reciproci . The Tomato liberal cand dates are : J. Kerr. B. Wheeler and Arthur Mowat, son of the premier. . . .In East Durham the conserva- tives have drop Henry Ward and taken 29 Mr. J. P. lemgs of Bart Hope. Mr. A a ~n~_“4 .. A Hum 42' was; 741.1. ALONG THE CAMPAIGN. SOUTH VICTORIA. 3051i. v _ ,_..._.._, - Johnlnhuolddo lotus them a ,“wwugdmm. â€ma-ram 1 around you-own look a your wimudhmm-mdukmnolmwno lththotoldmmmpuhy. Workas youwill. mummmd at mend oltlu year your pantie» 1310 m nu," aid he, “bet-lay ‘1e-eV 536;: pr}; thleyeermmltweehetyeu." This is e permanent. chedutyhed been put on eye: eoeuernot one buehel of our bale would heve lettCenedhneou. But theereuheveoneehmeelen. St: Johnugolnatotheeonntry. Theelee- Uoneemeomlngon. meopenyour‘ eyee. Donotretumtopowermenwho bythelrdomineedngendublmqeeflm henbeenegnetmeeneoteucflugeugh mm well “not ourCenedun barley. We!!!“ to hug 01-93.th for SI: [TothewtorotTnPoer Sunâ€"At thie eeeeon of the you the lumen ere ee e ruleaetting their seed mdytoreprlngâ€"eeedotelleortebutone. I notice the ebeenoe of en! preparation being nude for barley. Whet ie the cenee at this! It cannot be denied that bale: weeoneotthe beet peying mun! this oonntyinthepeet. Iteen.Ithink,be nude to peyinthe future. In the nut pheeherleyieedeptedior our eherteee- eone., Itwlllmtnteinthreemonthetrom; ‘thedeteoteowing. lnhetlhnveknown eiermertomlizeonhieherleyin e little overthettllne. It elee givee the fennel- timetorprepeflnghielendingoodehepe. Still withdlthoee ednnteaee inite tevor wewillhevetothrowitowrboud. Ives spanking to e eoneenet’ive tel-nee the other dey on the herleyqueetion. “Oh_ Now When. this is oositivsly my lest tour. 1 sm getting so old men, end betore I drift swsy I up going to give you some- thing to remember me by, here sre s qnsn- tity of N. P. gold watches. J cc. here. end my otha- sssistnot. Chsplesu, will tell you thst they are no . thst they sre trends sud delusions. on on believe them or not as you piesse. Here srs the wstches. This bit or pzï¬er. s bsilot. sceompsnies esch wsteh. I set you to do. neighbor, is toiili out the boiler tor the Old Men. sad the gold wsteh is yours. That’s right. at! people. Tske your time. Don'tcrcwd. eep oi! the con. or you'll scrstch sil the psint ofl’. Now. Joe, give me thst bsnjo, sodâ€"(ins whisper to Joeâ€"lite out with those bellowâ€"end we sre sli true end loysi subjects 0! our beloved lsdy her majesty queen Views-is, we will sina“Ruie Britsnnis" end “ch ssve the queen.†Hurrshl Cheers tor the old men! The: is the msnitesto oi Csnsds's ï¬rst stetesmsn.’ â€".â€" Anlmnvl'nnnereuaeonesuen “the boyâ€"Importance! Gettingleclproâ€" meniieeto. To the unprejndioed onlooker, the meniieeto ie e eed end eorry exhibition of politloel oheep-jeck cejolory end elep- trep. It le eed to eee the man who eesumee the position oi the country's leeding state.- men, deeoend to the level of e iekir. It is -e eorry eight to see the people gepinn erouud hie ehow cert. with open mouthed wonder, while being gulled to their top- moet bent. It le only e ehort time einoe the Silver King Medieel Fete went through Onterio. Sir John muet he'le eeeu it, end observed thegullebility of the ever-nae being. No. men knowethe people he heeto deel with better then Sir John. end the: is the eeddeet reflection oi ell. when tending hie precious production. It is precisely on the level. end the petteru oi the medioel fete. 1111a}- dbflzere, ' d w wt?! en on out no e old decrepit wizerd. on poeitively hie leet tour. he oretee on the moxie emote of his weree. Now neighbor here ie my panacea. Ieellitet e querter oi e doller e bottle. Give me your querter. neighbor. Thet'e right. Now ee you heve ven me your conï¬dence I will give quertor to will give ten oeutebeok for my private cherity fund. end I will borrow e heli e duller on your eooonnt. and give to you. Thet you eee neighbor to the «rend deal, in which we ell become rich. J oe, pley up thet banjo. you bleoh reeoel, en}! elua u_e _“_Beiee the old flea.†iv, ___ "â€"-v “him every eomtort and encouragement. “Sir John may depend on this support.†Ourreadersdonotneedto be told that it was not Joshua but Moses whose hands were upheld on the occasion referred to. or that Joshua was not ï¬ghting the Philis' tines but the Amalekites, and that it was not the captains of Israel‘s host who nip held Moses’ arms but Aaron and Hut. 0 compare Sir John Maedonald viewed in his capacity as receiver and distributor of the manufactumm’ oorrugtion fund with Moses who prayed on the ill top while the me fought or with Joshua who called all :loizether Erhten willinan hadltakeg person on o apu cstruggean put the agglder solemnly to death, is sing- ularly mtelicltons. A We elf on no mm Allusions- [Hmtreal Witness] The Canadian Manufactuer‘e know- ledge is about on par with its piety when it likens Slr John Maedonald in his politi- cal struggles with Joehua as the leader of the Israelites. in the following :â€"“ The “captains of Canadian industry will do for “ Sir J ohn. during the ï¬ght thatis now on, “ whet the captains of Israel's host did for “Joshua when he wasï¬zh agams' tthe “Phillstlnee, uphold his. $8.13 and give II LR... -_A__ A A , [80m Independent] Sir John Madonna hu followed the election. umyomgetthechmoem mmmmmmmaa wound)!» "I fairly tremble.†aid 3 prominent can- not-nave theothordu tachoonun cor- rupondoot of mm. “when I think of tho W", of the Grit- winntng this 11.0%!th received 'uttlm mathemcperbuhcl om ym’l: we. a fumes-a, be united for once and nectar-cheetah! W cm'tbegnz wqxpe 9° 9.40. I mould hm. waivedj Policy." an the Sun. "on take." mmmmymm‘um “Pond Lily†than“. w-Mbyhd Wand mam â€amalgam tohlm. Na: hummus “stunner†during the hummthmlmman-uhd his mutton. Bo relied toomunhontho lgnonncootthopeople whom 1:036de and vs. inqnnntlv mventodeubmealy Inlet-amt, when nothingwup'nndby undoing unmuthohutoot annou- Monsanto-owl» mightothmhvn Inclined “his support. Bk m was I We. nnd ltwnn man than awnthotlmoï¬u mower “who“! Mill mot-need. Rheum MW hulk-n mn'r'd whim Remedieé. Inn him shelved. Au upped was even nudeto Sin-John Mudmddtouuhn Mmhmudngthomuko editab- uflro. Bowltwmulmuwomm stadium. It hum that Hannah-unannmuhr Inducin- mehmmthowot [Woodvflle Admâ€"mm; There I. trouble it 3pm: In the con unnuvennhlnNorth Victim-13mm mdmtunotmï¬mHnRho-duflngtho coming election. It 1- tested tint hi popularltywlunotlund theta-alum. damn emu-t wu mndolut week» lr- Insh- Unponniu m an nonsm- geople. as a hugâ€; to} intel-lm'e‘gr co‘g eeeivedormisled byhispumblemia- caveman. _ , - *7â€" v- â€" p-vâ€"uâ€"w-u nut; to ï¬t) all through the riding T e “conspiracy†against the Hughes candidate. as the Warder called it, is still fermenting. An excited gathering of lead- ing conservatives (“conspirators ') was held at a Coboconk hotel one night last week. but the conven'ion packer came down on them and bluï¬â€™ed them off He told them he was not gain to be “side-tracked" or "bonzht 03." T e best way is for the electors quietly to leave him at home. Mr. Hughes in his speeches is most reek- lessandindulgesinany kind of Harem sentation to try to catch a“ Vole. dresses in cver'y Eection. thdilgâ€"Ewi't'ti‘ae permitted it would be ’9legsunble duty ï¬n M -" ‘Luâ€".L ‘L- _.I Mr. Barron has everywhere met with a most gratifying reception and his prospects are most encouraging. It is specially desirable to leave not a vote unpolled so as to roll up a decisive majority against the convention-packer who captured the con- servative nomination. The time is too short for any reports. Our friends will have to work heartily all along the line in every polling sub division. It will be im- possible tor Mr. Barron in the short time at his dispeed to pay visits and deliverad- Mr. Barron has been conducting a char- ‘ ocheristicallyactive and vigorous campaign, eompleiing eï¬ective organization, holding meetings. delivering speeches and doing other necessary election work. He has received hearty and valuable assistance from Mr. Jae. Dickson, Mr. W.'Ellie. Mr. R. J. McLaughlin, Mr. Lyman Minthorne, Mr. Ed. Lytle. Mr. Thos. Stewart of Lind- say and many others, including active friends in the Haliburzon district. ago: our worker-I, who mny deeert no it they get it into their heads that the other Iide hue money. Theee fellow who write for the memment papers cnnnot see the length or their own noses. They ï¬rst en the Americans are opposed to unrestri reciprocity. nnd then cry out that they ere contributing money to «sorry it. Why ehonid men subscribe money to a. policy to which they are opposed? Then the Citizen's etntoment that the unite as likely to enrry any eents in Quebec peo- vinee in calculated tocrente e. pnnic in our ranks, ior it they carry anything nenr that the government will be badly betten. We my be defeated through the stupidity of our on friends." mm the “Initiator “I do wish our paper; would stop this only chatter about the grits having immense sums of American money.†said a tor, comment-tan morning. There knot 3 word of truth in the story, but it discour- ?» Stupidity}! 15h. Tory Omaha- [ A most suocessfulmee'ung in the inter- 1ests of Mr. Thos. Walters was held at Quigley's school house in Vernlam on Wednesday evening. Mr. Morgan O'Neil occupied the chair. Convincing addresses were delivered by Mr. Walters and by Messrs. '1‘. Stewart. G. H. Hopkins. B. Kennedy. Geo. McHughand M- rtin Kenn . The utmost enthusiasm prevailed. A: ladiesgraoed the meeting wi h their pre- sence. Mr. Walters is certain to make very large gains in this sec ion. -. Elnor- Actlvoï¬and Vigorous Oun- Dllnâ€"lnchggluuo room; :3 .n _ . vvvvv Y' “ W - Iona mgut into the farmer’s eta it would h p to lighten their] of debt. Then add 30c on every bushel of buley and 25c on every bushel of potatoee.’ SIBâ€"For myself I am in favor of unre- stricted reciprocity and I require only one argument!» convince meant itis good. No. 2 spring wheat is selling in Chicagofor 96c to 97c.; in New York to: $1.06; in Lindsay No. 1 fox-we; extra choice tfetch87c. Ito tcobeworthmore mm in Chicagofgld if the $50r$6 a. load gas out into e funny-’3 pockets; it n ‘1‘ lLâ€"L‘-_ AL _ ‘__ -vâ€"v, "-3 I“ W ’- 11» “me Indications appear in new?“ mrmno constituencies now held bycon- Wu numbers. I M con-«unwitting :- mm 3 anew-muggy}... (a. John TM] An mm but-lam man trolegby, for. St. John. was uked how quby would go In themstodonl election! “Dlgby wfllgollbenlthlatime,mdlmzolncto help um m an. ~ m “mo inhalingmi'nnr...‘ «$291!: ,_ -_.__ vv-w a... 011‘ anon. ‘mooopouece who hue lacked the Illa. bloodoutol'thuwryonngmy.“ d] wallintdhdth nuchecnckeetobelou: remembered by the hex-lay power. at cm. country. trunking you, M3. Edna. for sign; tho-e tow liar "E“ In gnu- pew. â€" on to. n my new“ . Itch. 16, 129:. mm NOR TH VICTORIA. l. 81.00 IA!†1 uthommtd