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Canadian Post (Lindsay, ONT18610913), 1 Feb 1895, p. 3

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â€"'i‘he Detroit and Milwaukee steamer was more than half way across Lake Michigan on Friday night when the pilot saw a bright light. He could not account for it and called the captain. The cap- tain. too, was puzzled, and think that the boat must have veered {ram her course and that the light was from Grand Haven. he crdemd her headed for it. It was cal- culated that the light was fifteen miles ahead. After proceeding ten miles 8 c empanion light appeared to the westward- The passengers. who had by this time been aroused, gathered on the deck and watched these lights, which flashed at intervals. 0n went the steamer and as she approached the lights the passengers were obliged to hold up umbrellas and other objects to shade their eyes from the intense glare. Suddenly a mountain of darkness seemed to arise between the boat and the light, but the blaze was flashed over its top. In a few minutes the mountain sank backward and the lights were seen, still too brilliant for the eye to endure. At just 2 o'clock by the captain's watch, the lights flashed, there was ten-ibis rumbling like a quadruple peal otthunder,andthen-thelighbdisap- natural (sustain of snow. â€"-'l‘.ie eiuutar firm of [Envy Co. is making an experiment of interest to grain men in the shippment of Parifio coast whzs: {ram San Francisco to Liverpool. via Panama. A week ago the first trial shipment was szarted from San Francisco, and it will be due in Liverpool in 30 days. The wheat is in sack“. When Panama is reached it will be loaded on cars in bulk, and the run will be made across the isth- mus into Colon, where the wheat will again be sacked and loaded on vessels for shipment. The trip is to consume 30 days. which willbe a great saving or time over Cape Horn shipment. one nor nuumwlmb couwm. a â€"-A very patty was wltuausud near the meant zero we: well of grant presaut and 2. strong atreaw out or the hole by am Tue water ruse to ‘ whera It. spread like mediatew harzs, natural funnmln o! s â€"Tua eleutor an ~â€"..\t mminqton four men and two teams were cutting ice on the lake when the ice suddenly broke up and cyrried men and horses out into the lake about three miles. A boat Inm shore went to their rescue and the men were landed safely but the homes were drowned. â€"Mr. J. B. “Lure", of the Dominion Geologlml Survey, who has just returned to Ottawa from an exploration of the northern barren lends at Canada, has been asked by Professor Sterw. head of the ! nlmd States Geological Survey, to lead .. nnrlv m Elle-mere Lmd. eltunted in â€""‘he 1: Av. Father Moran has j Ll‘zt re- '.urned to Winnipeg from Kansas. He says that two hundred families from that state intend moving to the Csnadian N or: b-west in the spring. â€"â€"Lieut. Nicholas Sevin has died at 4 smwv in Russia at the nge, it is assert- 33‘. o! 1:35 lie must have been consider- udiy above a hundred, for he entered the French army in 1795, ninety-six years 330. 7 Landon sufi’ered last week from a. severe snoweborm, accompanied by thun- der and lightning. The Thames overflow- ed its banks, and thousands of. acres of 15nd at Windsor and Ham: were sub- WM“ blll appropri sufl'eting la: charges on c side points. â€"The RN turned to ‘ says that law state intend .\' crib-west l: â€"Lieut. 1V Ssmwv in R 28. o! 1:35 I ‘1. de Gier=, the Russian minister of. iareiga alfair", is dead. He was 75 years of age. .. wD-_ â€"Tne roar of Niagara has been phonc- graphed, and may be hem-din any put of Americ; for a small fee. â€"L:md in New York city has been sold at A price equal to 38 000,000 per acre. The highest in Landon :zt. 33.000000 per a civilizm govex president at the Pyrenees. nerged. NEWS OF THE \VEEK. â€"The Nebraska. leg‘siature has pnsed a. .111 appropriating 850000 for seed for the ufl’umg lamets and to cover freight hames on chiritable donations from out A Pablzsnau’ Notice. Tum « A'NADIAN I’UST. with pale or sallow complexions, or suffering from skin eruptions or scrofulous blood, will find quick relief in Scott’s Emulsion. All of the stages of Emaciation, and a general decline of health, are speedily cured. Scott’s higher salary Elm Gunnfliau icon I Bound. LINDSAY, FRIDAY, F EB. 3 if: AND FOREIGN ITEMS OF INTEREST. Anamic Women rty to Ellesmere Lmd. situated In north west. corner of Greenland. l‘kze Hrlllsh museum has an nnolrnt :ht. n uniqvlr obiwl. In the [maps of n rgrmndlorltn. nlnut (our lnohuhlgh, ul In Manopobnmln In tho yonrmfi B. H. hm- » lnuu lnurlpelon In Aduyrlnn. :h Hula fu‘th that “5 WM "me In U10 0! NzhxwlmJnczmr H. mm! In the l. nnlglll. or the legal weight. It la :wlml‘. uuulmsl. with 3 I! w bounm. \ wry ”any nutunl phenomenon wltuenscd new Apollo, I'm. during recent zaro weather. A nutuul an of grant. presnure had been driven In, x. strung alrenm at water WAS faced n! the hole by the measure of the any water ruse. to the height; of 00 tact, re is spread like an umbrella and in:- iately 11222:, making a veritable yea British an l occupjiz WILSON 8 WILSON. Proprietors. “XL-.052 F, W. \Vmos cared tram like “Salem-39h and xc use». Sco tt’s Em 1:13:72 Emulsion ADV‘BTIBING BAT” a. per line (wiid typo) nonpariul, first. ve cents each uuhuou'luenl. insertion. 10!.ij in local culumnu, 100. per line first. c. each uubsequem insertion. idunwd Martino-manta, such as strayed mm wanted, [arms [or sale (of six or club'- hsh fur three or {our insertions. li more iuea an additional proportionate charge is an'us an mums. soc. u u. bwsador at Pnis receives than any other H \glish g a similar positionâ€"$50,- republic ot Andorra in the merchants [or business ndvenlse~ {or a shorter time. Rules mule 1895. firaf. When natural opportunities are closed to labor, except at a price which leaves only a bare living. employers will pay no more When men can employ themselves and keep all they earn, employers must pay as much or go without workmen. Birds and wild animals satisfy their desires by the labor which; suits them' best, by that which is a pleasure to them Why should not men do the same? Be- cause, being denied the free access to nature enjoyed by the wild animals they are compelled to seek employment from the favored few who monopollzs the resources of nature, and so must take what they can get. Free the land and men will soon work at what gives then pleasure as well as profit. Why do people work in dangerous cc- cupations ? Because they must, or starve. Why do not employers make their places as safe and pleasant as possible ? Because they don’t have to. They can get plenty to work for them without going to that trouble and expense. Why? Because natural opportunities being monopolixed, men cannot employ themselves. but must take such employment as those offer who have the monopolies. The single tax would destroy special privileges and open opportunities to all. Then none will con- sent to work for another for less than he can make working for himself, and none need work in an occupation which is not as safe andcom crtable as it can be made. Then it will be fcr the interest of the em- loyer to make hisplace attractive. Then grudgery will gradually __disappear, as inventionli ihtens toll, while n6 one need work to e nation, and all heve leisure and recreation which can now be enjoyed only by the few. /h0 are attached to the Khedlve‘e for-orn- oltmr to train or command the not". lnvltm: am! In the Medltermneen. Malta luv. u garrison of HM) and Glbrlltnr one or mm-lymx)”. boulder the small for Cy pru~. lion“ Kong he: a force of about. :mm; Her-mud» and the S‘nltu Bottle- mmtu lmvo ouch about L100; Canada lw. only about the some number ; South Arum, :l,l00; the West Indies, 3000; Csylon. 1 mo ; sad the remamder at those troops on colonial duty are spread our the, West African settlements, Maurltus mu! St. Helena. Austrnllu cmtalnlng no I vuperlal trooni. Lxmr 3ppllcd to land produces wealth ; wealth used to produce more wealth [5 capital. Then if labor has free access to land It will produce what capital It needs, in}? c pltallats will be powerless to oppress 5 stars. india and But-main. The Egyptian gutti- non absorbs «mite f» 000 British soldiers of all kinds. besides the many British oifioon â€"The oiiieiai returns of the strength of the regular British army at the close of 1801 show that there are now rather more than 222,000 officers and men on the reg?- mental rolls, and, including the first~ciass army reserve of men who have been thor- oughly trained within very recent years, and who are liable to be called upon for eervlce at any time. the full strength of the regular military forces is about 303,- 000 men. These, however, include ti e West india regiment, the Royal Malta artillery, and a few corps raised in other parts of the world for special local duty, but who, of course, reduce the demands upon the ordinary troops. Of the 222,000. about 106,000 are quartered at home, near- ly 75 000 being in England and Wales, 3,800 in Sc stland, nearly 26,000 in Ireland. and the remainder in the Channel Islands, 3 very large prop )rtlon of those in Eng- land being quartered ”in the southern DII‘CS and convenient for the prompt mobillzttion of an army corps at short notice. The colonies and Egypt take the service oi 33,000 troops, and 78,000 are in -T..:e tw:-year~old daughter of John Smith, jr., lot 9, concession 5, Mn-khnm, was playing about the kitchen with the cwer of a pasteboard box in its hand and it is supposed put the pastehoard ia the damper oi the stove and it became ignited The mother was startled by the child‘s screnm=, and rushing into the room was horrified to find the, child's clothes in flames. She wrapped a rug about the poor child and excinguished the Harms, but the injuries proved fatal. 3 -â€"A C‘vpenhegen correspondent writ“ that the Imperial B-mlee yeeht Standard. bent In that city. is thelemeet pleeeure yeebt ever belle. It Is 423 feet long. east $2.000 Om, was twenty mllee en hour. end I wlll have twenty (mm-e end e crew of ' 3.30.15 l- tebe launched on MW 11. the 1blrahdey o: Alexender m. | A up elel trout Guthrie. 0.1. any: : 119;) We reached here tram TM“; 17-: that Gaerelzee 8111. one o! the worst outv l-lws la the terrltory. has been hllled there. The outlaw le field to have been querrelllng with hle wife's oouelv. when the latter grabbed a shotgun and dis- charged both barrels at Blll'e head. He reeelved the tall charge In the mouth and his head was blown cfl’. The wama nhas been arrested. ~Queen Victoria’s newest maid-other:- cur, Miss Majendie, owes her entrance to myal favor to a curious bit of chance. She happened to be singing in a church choir one day when the queen was present at divine service, and her majesty was so greatly pleased with the fresh sweetness of the girl's bee and voice that $113 invited her to fill the place coveted by the young girls of the English aristocracy. The offer was the last thing Miss Mujeudie herself expected. â€"A Spokane. Wash , despatoh says :â€"J. . D. Lnttrell has received news, mamm- I led by proofs, that ha ha fallen heir to I quarter of an 88000 V0 estate In Ireland I left by m: uncle, Jnhn Luttrell. The ; other heirs are Mrs. Luttrall, Alexander . Lumen and Mrs. Mary Dunlap, residing I at Klnoardlne, Ontario. â€"A snow-slide, about ten mlles from Kaiso, B. 0., killed three miners named Moore, McMillan and Mitchell, owners cf the Eureka mine, who were on their way to the mine from Kalso. As they ascend" ed a mountain near their mine, a mass of snow, 30 feet high and 200 ysrls in length, became detached. The three men fled. but all were overtaken by the slide. Two miners working on the Silverton mine, in the slide's path. are also missing. â€"Mr. A. T. Bay, of Burlington. 1a., is dead, aged sixty-nine years. He was the Inventor of the celebrated Hay steel, and build the fit .t ell steel bridge in the world across the Missouri river at Glasgow. Mo. He was the builder of the suspension bridge across Niagara, and thousands cf miles of his steel are in use on various railways. He was a prominent lawyer, being for a time the law partner of Gzr. Corse, ct ‘Hold the Fort’ tame. peered. Almost on the Instant. a tldel wave struck the ship and the nhenomen- on was over. Na one attempts to explain the strange occurrence. â€"Vendelle train No. 2, due at Indian- apolis at 285 Monday afternoon wee wrecked at Catsvllle, 26 mllee out. Two persons were killed and about twelve injured. The dead are: John W. Norton, of St. Louis, theatrloel lease and manager end Mrs. W. S. Towers, of Cal-those, MC. Single Tax Notes. THE CANADIAN POST, LINDSAY, There are Few memmore widely known in this section than Mr. A. T. Hopkins, of Johnville, Que. Previous to his removal to Johnville, Mr. Hopkins resided at Windsor Mills and was for three years a member of the municipal council of that place. When a young mun Mr. Hopkins wss noted for hll strength and activity es s wn-stler. llis strength stands him in good steed, (or he works hard at his business. csrrying heavy sacks of flour in his mill for msny hours during the day and frequently for mto the nuht. Active us he is, end strong as he is. there was s time not long distsnt when he was In hol vless u on mlsnt end sull'ored intolers 1e rig-nay. About three years nu», while residing at Windsor Mills, he was stacked by intimnm-itury rheumstism. It grew worse and Worse until. in spite of medical advice and rescriplions, after a year's illness he he a stroke o! paralysis. “is right arm and leg became quite useless. Sores broke out on both legs He sutfer- ed excruciating agony and bed rest neither day or night. He sought the best medical sdvioe that could be obtained. but no hopes were held out to him by me physicians “He fill certainly die within a month,” one well known practitioner told his friends “He will be a cripple for life,” said two other doctors. It is no wonder that, as he says, life becsme s burden to him and he longed for death to reiieve him from his sufferings. This was in August, 1892. About October of that year he heard of Dr. Willisms’ Pink Pills and as a forlorn hope determined to try them. He did so, and before long was able to take outdoor exercise He persevered with the trestment, closely following the directions. and is to-dsy nearly as strong as when syoung man, and is able to follow successfully‘snd giihout difficulty the laborious c'ulling by‘which he gets a liv_ing_. _ _ A depraved condition of the blood or sshsttered nervous system is the secret of most ills that sfiiict msnkind, end by restoring the blood snd rebuilding the nerves, Dr. Willisms’ Pink Pills strike at the root of the disease, driving it from the system and restoring the patient to health and strength. In csses of perâ€" slysis, spinsl troubles, locomotor stsxis, scistics, rheumatism. erysipelss, scrofn- lous troubles. etc, these pills sre superior to all other trestment. They are also s specific for the troubles which mske the lives of so many women s burden, snd speedily restore therich glow of heslthto sallow cheeks. Men broken down by overwork, worry or excess. will find in Pink Pills as certain cure; Sold by sll deslers or sent by msil. postpsid. on st 50 cents s box, or six boxes for $2.50, by addressing the Dr. Willisms’ Medicine Compsny, Brockville, Ont, or Schenec- tsdy, N.Y. Bowen of imitstions and substitutes slleged to be “just ssgood." Such was the wonderful story told the Gazette by Mr. Hopkins, who sttributes his recovery solely to the use of Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills, and he is willing to to satisfy any person who may call on him as to their wonderful efl'ects. The benefits arising from the use of Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills are well known to the Gazette. It inn frequent OCCUI'AOHCG that people come into the oilice and state that they have been restored to health by their use. It occasionally happens that extraordinary instances of their curative powers come to our notice, and one of these was related to us recently, so astonishing in its nature that we felt the closest investigation was required in order to thoroughly test the accuracy of the statements made to us. We devoted the necessary time for that purpose and can vouch for the reliability of the following facts, wonderfully passing belief as they may appear : n; u auackod with us mmntoty Rheu- matism and than atdokeu wun Fungusâ€"Hope abandoned and Bo Long-:4 xor math to uolouo H.111 tram enduringâ€".1: In: 3‘) FOIL-.0 a 01130 and Route. ml Wondantnl nocovary. Sherbruokc Cum.- :e. Grater lvil shun Slavery. The R-v. Dr. Glover, cf Bristol, was one of the speakers at the recent centenary meeting rt the London missionary society at the Minsion house. He urged that they should go forward, because it we did not the only other alternative open to us is one of the darkest kind. There is that vigor in E r pgan oivillzxtion that it cures it it does not bless, and crushes if it does not save. We do not realize th s enough. It you negh ct the heathen, what then ’2 Sixty years after CJlumbus landed in Hayti there was not an Indian lei: alive upon the island. The Manx-is are al- most extinct. through drink. The Button- tot is almost extinct, through drink. Between 135:2 and 1:92 ten million gallons of spirits were landed on the c mat of Africa. What would ban n in London it we had rum at 91. a ion? Can any one imagine the disaster it would be to us! It works greater mischief amongst simple, unresistiug geople, not acmstomed to these things, an they er: rotting and dying like sheep beneath the trade ‘ Civiliz : first and christianlzaatterwards " somebody says. if you begin in eiviilz: first there is nothing left to ohristianiz: after-Wards, and. the only hcp: Africa has of being saved from the slave trade on tM one hand, or from that which R)bi, t Burton calls a greater evii than the slaw tradeâ€"the drin â€"or: the other, lie: in christim mis: ionsâ€"[The News and Fire- side J. rnai HE WAS GIVEN JUST ONE M'ON TH TO LIVE. PM lol It." to be Driller“. Ne men over started out to be e drunk- erd. They generally etert out like nestlev men end end like hogs. God made enough bur leaned hogs. end when men basin to menuleoture eu ebundent so ply o! twl“ leaned on a he hes e rlgh to ehjm‘. Per ple eel thet bee lune Christ mede wins at e waddle; it fine encouregemenn to the eoonrsa business of liquor sellina. Just es well say bemuse Christ sent Potc :- to the seashore end caught a fl-h In order to find a coin wlth which to may his tax, that we will establish e um cet sub- tressury end 0 down to the river- and catch fish en collect money out (1' their mouths. Again, Is was argued that P ml advised Timothy to take e little wine for his stomsoh'e seke. But your nemo is not Timothy, and 1’.qu did not advise you to have the stomach ache sixteen times e day. If one would watch a fellow who made such an argument he would come to the conclusion that the fellow was nothlng but one greet hlg stomach ache.â€" Rev. Sem Smell. "I have oometlmao thought how on:- prlsed many men of’. our day would have been to one that when our Lord oconrgor out of tho tompia those who profmod It. He scammed eq mlly 'chooo who bought ond than who oold.’ Tho allots In tho the tomplo were hobltooo who hod the]: stalls than. vhllo tho buyers come ond wont ooolmlonolly. ond yot the Lard prmoonood them upon galley. Christ‘s followers In thooo our. owovor. hon improved up)“ an. ptlnolploo. “rho womon,‘ they any 'wh) prwtloo vloo on sellers. “odor-t; than to no comparison botwoon chem nod mon. 'rno moo buy only: and so choy 920‘! that tho mm (mm bo out out. bub not bho hunt. A MILLER’S STORY. ‘ For God. and Home and Native Land." BUYIRB AHD ll (J: l 5 I Hypocrisy is so common that there an few people who cannot talk ugly nbouc I man one day and eat at his table the next. If people dld not have trouble. they would helluva ln tlwlr (rlcndn. Sumo people can't enjoy a pleasant day. they um 50 fearful that. la 18 a "Weather breeder. ' ' “Allision “11; :1 large mule owner. He went on a drivv to Kansas City onCv. and while than iv" in lovm mar- riui :: i a-- ». ...l ‘.".!.l:lll to liishomom th» u: . v i" i A child was born to tin 2:.-~~:; t T: ix.‘!-..:~-.\ fun- was as bonu- ti-z‘ .~ ti. . a. ~-vf' :1 chi-rub, but whose pm ~:' 3:7 iv ‘ was horribly deformed. All» ..; .: w «1 tin child with the great low ”1' his 1.::«~i.~,:l:m- 11:1!111'0. In the l):tl,n".~‘ twi.~in:‘. nwl misshapen form his sup: 1'. :itiuus nzim‘. mud :1 meaning :5 significant as that t f thomcssago which the divine band \vmtv on the palace of the king of old in Babylon. God, ho thought, had risitud a curse upon him for his sins. Ho quit his wildwaya. Ho drank no moi-v. No man over after the birth of his child fell boforo his deadly pistols. Ho was completely changed. “In the new “in which followed he devoted himself with absorbing energy to his business inwroutu. Ho became rich in timo. Tm thnnmnd cattle on tho Tum: rungm boro bin brand. A fmv yum ngo ho was driving from his much in a Navy road wagon to town. Tho front wbmlu jultml down into a down rut. Allbuon WM pitched hoodlum- nwut to tho ground. 11in, nook WM bro- ken. The team Jagged on into tho dbl- tnuoo and left him lying there (load and 1310110 upon the pruirio. "â€"Kunm City Curled celery. as served at hotels and restaurants, is an abomination. Cheese sandwiches at the 5 o'clock teas are death and rulnation to kid gloves. Among the things “good for dyspepsia" should not be forgotten the apple dump- ling. Study '0! the anatomy of a duck will ennâ€" bloamnn to monowlthout theddot the Woodbonoe ax. Thoma whosayshodoelnot unm- rapln is suspected of meeting to be coal- 1: Menu: hem cum-people. j Orange soled is A delicious inukfnst dish at this season. It should be cold and overwhelmed with powdeted sugar. Sheepshesd, pompsno and red snapper mthmfishmostprised byepicnressnd all who know what "good «an. is." take? in sumo-ins hamstosk \hnpsovea tomsweoup. nonficdmnspons Ayer's Cherry Factors! in known by It: works. Tae experience of half a century proves that no other prcpn-stion of tn kind_stop§ coughing and alisyg irritation -,,n__ 7 Mmmkmwnathofidonhotell by the mwlthwhhh the! 01'5“ delicious med solo to: hauntâ€"Now of the throne and tnnchu'n tube: no promptly and efl'octually as this. Dunc Inert-loo Hm convinced many that to use any 0! the substitutes offered for the only our:- p.\p and pnlnleu corn cure I; ottouded with danger. Get always and use none other than Putnam's Paloleu Corn Ex- tractor, tu- aorc producln subatlzum we ofl'ered Just as good as ntnam'o Ccru Extractor. Sate. surr. palnlcaa. Growth in guns 1. new: pmmhd by caching hulls in others. The more pond; you put. on I new nun tho lactic the devil In numd mm mm mm “on. Burrowâ€"Momma: lam Itching ind stinging. no“ to night; won. by I watching. 1: word so oontlau. tum term. which on“ Nerd and alum». booming vary non. Swan-'0 Out-r. uuu'r atop: the lick! and Nadia. halo ulceration. sud In mo- ouu roman. the tumorl. At drunk“. or by will for 50 cents. Dr. 8" no a: Son, Phllddphln. Lyman.80ns 0.. Manual. Wholonlo Ageutu. Tb. mm won: my In. no “don-Io. Io to try to mum Mun". In. 0 tow Partition mu to 'l'hoix Pocono. T030510, J m. fiche-Dr. L. A Smith C), of this city, whounomohu become 5 Household word thmnghont tho 01min- iin. and in ma ototoolntho Union in n s qnonoo of t 0 wonderful cures effect- ~.! uy Dodd‘a Kidno Pull, dooiro t) h ~ir potrou for o good word. they .mvo Ipikon in: this nmody. Darin tho out tow months thuo uu-uoianl n nu: wind to noui 0 port in tho ozuniry by sumo o w on iim hon been released. nm not-onion- “: stnighiiornrd uni houoot. ond ohooid oonvinoo any can Judiood mind at their sincerity and tmthiuim. Ya): know now. "odor. thot Dxid‘o Kidney Piiio viii do oii thot In oioimod for timr. '11: y hm ntood tho tut. annpmockwlumulomunhfl bitch to“ Greed {or ofllcu I» not reform. RECORD OF A TEXAS DESPERADO. TEE PR OPRIBTORS THE EPICURE. THE CYNIC. ONT., FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 1. 1895. VA RIB T138 {1. t m wlth him “yaw- â€"-7 .- mpio murky. defihmiHnEZ-k ma 1: cal Monaco mould plun- unn- ri-kn with w company. Apply to the Agent. B. G. COBNBIL. The‘mLLIANCE.” The Greatest Financier LANIISG mu; FOR SALE mundrgolggou: d u». Phumx‘lul The Auction Mart. opp Benson House 6 Dozâ€"u Clothes Palms, 100. wound-hand Coal and Bar. stoves and Stove P‘lfl'fl Badsteads. Mata-sues.- szizga. Tablez. Chairs. Sideboards. Mung a and 000k Stoves, Tin- ware. Crockery. Gluswa'e, Kuives,Porka and Looking G‘mos 2 Brooms [or 256. 10 Bars Electric 3‘07); Fur Sensiblejegujg The nbove m fact. thich it will be to your interest to inventigtm. Startling Flags Hood's Pills act easily. yet Fromm! and oflclently. on the liver and bowels. 25c. so no; Wiglfood‘i San-squint. I deter- mined way it. and got u halt-dozen homes, tour 0! which entirely cured him." 313:. G. A. LA“. Oshawa. cumin. Ccplm A Perfect Out. by Hood's una- puma. “It word: me much pleuure to WM 3006': swap-rule. Hy sou wu mm with are» pain In the gown. ”computed with ewemnceobadum he could not. get up sum to bed without mwunx on hund- und knees. I was very anxious about Mm. and hem reed Om RM ”mm ["98 (5990A JAs. H. LENNON. ecu-ed Pains Staring them in the Face. Hood’ssm' Cures LORD ROTHCHILD. EB. nemrEetogetBood‘w-mowlys Ev Advertzunenu: Backups: pine in am Dr. B. J. Ksndall Co Hood’s Sax-savanna {smut-omit tone at the hub. “hmdwmdlwuau nibble Amman Camp-3’. Jan. H. Lennon. “a ”any “gong“: 080') R. G. C ”no! [X 1'3! WORLD IS in the Joints by Inflammatory Swelling “luau-.1" Lind“! um. (ml. â€"AI I I?“ '00.. m. m. M O. W. mil. I 0m Em: C. l, V. I. Ilnt 0. L 8.. C. H (Tarot-w linlvonlty Ido- Mod to with m Ind-Won mum-nan. IJR‘JFESSIONAL NURSE. ms mum-J. mun-son. Gimme at Motow- “pint. mun. him.- up def-wow mud-{chm AW '5. 18“.. am. pot-3...: w. J. wan-on Un Mk: that the ll MI will horohodchblodny t. nub-Alex he mu .u u b In m“ -l have Ind M Iv uy u.“- I tau-Md Mum. Imm- au town to ml or an“. and tho an MMqulu-d h I, undulat- an: -7:~lv lr'éouagmsoo. omhibounatonogu..m. cqopn. ”phenom I‘M-yJulyu. Ian-'18 1:. V . ucanwmn' or 01’s. mun LIOI Au"? fl". lo“. M Molnar. but Mouton. mom 10 mm Prince md nulcr Fund: It Lou'cut Rum. (Amen! Am-uunnnl Raul Hum Agent, om. Oflioa. OPERA llUl'Sl-Z BLOCK. LINDSAY. I) KTER BRUW N, 3' ucusan nucrlolm.€ RANNEY ilNNES. . . Mm Uoo'nm tattoOountyol vxm‘ Aug. m. mo -16 m. I "um-muse. Loan and Real Estate Agent. (“1. BURROWS, gnduggo of 11on 0mm: ....8I0.M.M Aocumulnud lands. ...-.. m.“ luv-cod luM........... “.0“ but.“ Mums um“ any other Inc-pct- nbloonn y mmlomtollouu‘rmpt and lihonl mourns Muhammad In company don! mummuawummcy min-Hon. Mum ahead with or vmaont proau. lod- cnu Bung Fourfiluu o! Nu given to policy holdch. For Mount: 0! nun apply to â€"§t"mvmmun AND LONDON AND GLOBE INSURANCE COIPANY. l ham an . numbor at m which I luv. (or ul- or man In an {allowing Iowa-bun: Hum. Out Mulch um! Ewan. Tho-o don-Mug!» dun! mtorpunluo will and II In mu and to ”m“ c. cmmcx. Acute-Mt» l’ouolondiwum.ohyhll Mummuy Marya-tabla. “'5 R. McPHEE, Clot): of tile 31nd Er“ Engineers, Ontarw Laud tum-mart 0.3.006. M 1. amps-1 A. J SMITH Lweiwml ALCTIONEER maul-u. mom Lind-y. Au. 4, 193963-11. 3L1 AS BOWES, .4 UC IIONEER. U Yoda m. W com gammmunnmwubhm. W R. G, 8 BYEBSON. OCULIST and JURIST, m. Juno 1!. "0‘. -fl tuna 0' IA!“ Mil I. ILVlLLL. on. \ HOME DOUGLASS, PIA N08 and ORGAN/9. .FZO £48.43 HEREâ€"Dnâ€" Â¥z<m 20â€"2â€"28 .HOEO AS WETHERUP, Wm, Wdlingm-st,L§I.VDSA Y. 7 F. O‘BOYLE. CLERK 01377111; flitâ€"mas; es WELLINGTO. 252'. "LI! (on .0. ‘3. BUMGAL’S LthRY STABLE 08 SALE ()R 1‘0 RENT. Radiance. Band-31.. LINDSAY. EORGE McHUGu. A U0 1 I ON HER. ADDRESS. OAKWOOD P. 0. caox, mu. m" Wm“. Una-y ANCING ACADEMY. â€"0l0: M BARTHOL )HEW. LBER'I‘ JEWETT‘S vazn, the: ma somma annual. “I‘m-OI... rut-u. New Advortuemen ts. Margggo L160” an L. HERNMAH. a: . WHIT 3- . CHAMBERS, OAKWOOD- FIRE AND LIFE. DIGRAESI. Pfimloux,__stj smPsox. P13181093. (Er-431 tor an 00qu 0t Viacom WOODYILLE. Om. ”(wily Inn. Atborlcy podoflloe. lo: nuns and town myuoporoeut 5 aumesa Cards Cleo. Prion my lotto LoRnY, Commitâ€"lunar of L"! DIPHTIINT. Ell-7119.233; Amt for Linda-y n1 1‘th Co to.” Want. luau V" In a: ”mu: M Nnhor M Luau locum Glow: I. DIAS-Ml IS I. O. 11ml. 0.11.. nylon LC ‘5'” M vuln- w d a: num MI I In {Mou- uu Inc-Mom Lind-y. Jul. "flmxi'fim " a... 4...... s. «a... .5 .â€"~ every perm“. All the finer clun- oi Donna], such I- guld perm-Mu cnowm Ind bridge work. In done. Per-om {run a dim.» plum and tan! blot. coming. orvthâ€"Noz'. door to m C on Oneal-um U- helm [of w own-h mu new nun. ("logic 6, W Una-Iv. Oat - 2b. WI Wifimmim a. ucumm. - m “undam- w. "MUG, William-IL. Lind-nu. F. I). loo". AMI. “Equal. [VI 'lâ€"osinisi lam cumin. lit-0g" M a! wt. to mink. borrows. loan-u I00“ ‘ JACKIOI. rap-phi. on am- to am. borrow. Aka-h. announce tmtundnwmnonudmwou- mum W «(Sunni-1,0“: IOHN A. BARRON. Q. 0.. (Solicitor I luv ”mum." «magnum m ma new Dominion :‘xrylmlldluu Wuhan-u . Mutiny. Juno 2, mâ€" ‘1 crron Em. doting/Crown Ana-icy. can 0! the Peace. Unduy,0n$. once over In... hush m. Kent It. M'GAGI rozimnsw7poroukWh guanine! luau; {nut-t pursue val-lynx. I, *0. madmaonuoumyo‘ mm All bunches of dentistry, lncludimz the baud“! and dunhle Caouvn 1nd Bridge Work bad the Porcelun filling Syn-tom. uueeouulully uncut-ed by Ir. Gross. An upnor or under not of good teeth !or Pun was sad Viulizod Mr {or minlm e tree when niacin moth no roqufnd. 0v. THIRTY YEARS experience. Rooms our KM Stun oppoulw the Dumlnlon Bank. Room m: A. m OFFICEâ€"Nov Dominion Bunk mus-c. VII. 1.. Llnd‘y. ngz 18”. -lQ-ly. W0 Y LENT on Marts-gen. Stnlght 10.n- nt low current nun. lung 9! N‘ “mint-undmomy pltodvnh Walnut-manner can. MMWMW m m not dolly to uk- now-don. mound fund": and hum I... mailing a Mp .cndtc.vort!:£::o!:::m, mw‘ Wm “8.1M?!” Durham“. . i I l have maybdnoonddanhh.m l H Gndum '3 ton at Donut Sumac roanutomurlyocc mun 00.088 L0. 8. DENTI=T. LINDSAY. - - on. GORE . JACKSON (Sacco-onto I. In “NH: III 4' JM KHHNIH â€" Mm, all“ over Fair-weather 4‘: 00‘s. Sm Kent-d ”A" an manual-mm Bullion-nouns“ Goodwmm wwvuduo-flw. Mm pawn-What. h.- I. J OK. I. mum. mawmm. VETERINARY SURGEON Wan.“ o! On”! Vexcnmry College. Toronto. Rommnd mambo: the Ontario Vcwrlntry Auochtfion Orncx Ind rcvidnncc'Bond-st” between Horn Bun. Woollen Hills and tho Iachodm Church. Andi” nuil or telegraph prumptly “tended to. M moderate. Lmduy, NM. 29.1892. -8‘. Orrin-to o! Ontu'So Veterinary Collect. Toronto. Omen in mu 0! R Smwh'n store. opposite maid. corner Kent nod Cambridge-Its Enquire st Voitdt ; Howl. Lindnv, Sept. 26“: 1894.â€"29-1yr. H.141“! Surveyor. 14mm Wlnd [mm Agent. onuu, Ont. Order: by Ind! (or In. C Engineering Wm rooolvopmm ntwmuon 0 I! TO LOAN t! Oper cont. 0r! lhlwch 12 1800. le furnished for w clun- ol work-M con- struction nu load. Omel: Open. Home Bled. [Anna-at" Induv. Jm.26.1893.â€" 4313'. W Th. «nan-mm! hvlna laud um am! (or I numb" at yuan. bu wand no IIIIIIII to ma lb. but hon» In the Ildluld [)an lo! a. woommodulon a! a" mvalllu‘ puullc. flu loo- luv. but: calmly nuovuod bud Mural.“ uuouzbuut The Table l- tln but am an ad “Mono. can «apply. The Best la lumlM Mt (he oboloul bma- of Liquor: and cum. Tho (Jun-u an. every .muuou bestowed upon when. The Public l- oordlslly luvlwdmzlvo um Ron-o . uhre o! [.er [nu-om Nuairathw (Imam Made to. What! a dick. Gun {Mil u’b (a I“ do“ com a Ma dhdh art. A. REID. Prom. tog-a I)“ E. A. TUTTEN DENTIST I tun loud um Ooh-4 QM Mammal! and MW The up! will In unwind and Om. RIM-du- M ac 3 oh mu. moon M 'Jii'.c mi? mm”- wry: "mu public. “PM but In M “a.“ in «on ma «Inn, Good mum will. 'M.M1m”!zh RANK L. SOMERWLLE, lamba- Olnutu- Boole" OMMEROIAL I II. WAmu Architects and Surveyors. .qâ€"mâ€"uwâ€" w , , ' , . Moe. tumult appetite cu Dal. Havoc. eat cared. JOHN ldWEYN. DONALD E. AND!” ”can? The autumn: For the Very EM and CHEAPEST Awnings. Tents. Baas. Waterproof Horse and War on Coven. Laps. Baal. Coats, Hate. Rubber mm and Gloves. ll" "aim" was A! my M'Il'l' m urn. 3 " nonhu- cum- “cutie. I. cum. mount: and ”mum. 0| NTYRI THIN. 8H] 7 “Mana- lhuk J. It'ISTYILI‘ ,n J. 1’. LEMON. Veterinary Snrgwn and Bentist. LLAN s MACDONELL. But-ism, I' my dunnbnnmlocmn OI luntutmn. Nevin-Duct!“ ‘oSWEYN ANDERSOK. "ONIY T0 LOAN. omcrmro mun on x93;- Va terms (.7 75111-290115. ius'. lurch. 1391â€"9 G. OAVANA, P.L.B_. 3nd Dominion r. DEVLIN. BARBISTER. squ- )T'Hnrkms. Burl-tor, am, so. J. .7. Turns: a: Son:- HART, L. D. 8.. DENTIST W’YRE A3. RTEWART. BARRIE- Money :07?me Bum: ton. Ito. CHARGES MODEM". W. F. BROAD. 1‘0 6 PER CENT. Den us try. oronto Univcrnity und Royal W «om. OFFICE -No. â€" Kent“ ccuplod b) Telephone Co.â€"uclyv. ‘I‘nll'V Em. (”flan-over not-thud m Yurkmu. Lindny. I” my to MC. Nqufl "ma. Eaton. ‘6. “of: lure mount. NM Mod toms PLTMOIOUOI. on I. Numb: 0k: Mt... Linda-y. II. fur-1W. muudlou- Iowlon Mn 4.. Mad um mail-u Quad-17‘“ ma duh t “and. Liquor- Maw Mid nth-nave hound; a. MuLAOGflLIN, Dental Surgeon, LINDSAY HOUSE, J. NEELANDS, Bank. limoyu'rm u, Wlmun 4.. ma. Block. Keno-d; 0! money In Ion to sun hon-om 1'. KTBWAR‘I"

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