en- the “P ion Lnt tell :SS bu: made the down trip in good time, and as: Iisli‘unrcon train was but a helt~hour late. 0.: the min line the service was in bad shape. The freight mac he: been almost a: a. standstill for some days owing to the the: that the engines and crews are needed tor the snow-plows. The country reeds are in a irightiui state. The stage to Bobcaygeon missed one trip each way this weekâ€"the ï¬rst time eueh a thing happened for many years. '1‘ the driver said he he to be able to through, but expeo the trip would this about eight hours instead of. three. A pal-1% of commercial. travellers. Wills Mr. .8. Hamilton 0! Pttuhm'qm- ed to drive over to Bobcag‘geon from Ben- eion Falls, 5 distance twelve mils. Attergettingover m-ï¬ourth ot the db- tence. shelter had to in farm house seven] dug, up could. noth me -nA‘L, - _ -â€" The 3!: 8m. All day last Friday snow fall without my Intermission, and the railways were .8813 badly blocked. The chooonk train did 399 reagh {he epd o! tip line nn_tll_ 8 :.m., Mechanic-3’ Tools, Carriage Hardware, .\'ewumrkct Horse Clippers, Curry Combs and Horse Brushes, Fence Wire. Cement. McLennan 8100. MCLEMN 1 BUIlDEES’flHASDWARE, Hut Gunmainu gust. 3"“"‘ “DJ! “was". WU IN I“ ,shertromfenelonrmaormauy. '11 :10 V 2. menu. audwno. 03:! rd Iron momma. TOWN AND COUNTY. LINDSAY FRIDAY. FEB. 21. 16. _ _ __.,p.___.__ Y_._.â€".-_._~.- vvauia m m weijg‘o DASHES HERE AND THERE. Humane Moon-u At Barman 13303., Jewellm. Foot of Kent-at" Luannâ€"91. SPECIAL LOW PRICES- , 3.; inch Hemp Carpet, three patterns, regular 20c, now 14c :36 inch Hemp Carpet, heavy, regular 18c, now . 1259 :H inch Hemp Carpet, regular 15c, now - 11c Fancy Patterns in Hemp, regular 20c, now - 14c El Hemp Stair Carpet, regular 18c,now - . 13c ' Very Fine Tapestry, beautiful designs, regular 60c, now 45c Ii] 'Vury Fine Tapestry, regular 50c, now - - - 40c LEN NAN CD. 'etexb :10 Bus. Collegg WAN TED Cut and Wire Rails, Plain and Tar Paper, Locks, Knobs and Hinges, Paints, Oils and Varnishes. Johnston’s “Mixed Paints.†Piain and Fancy Window Glass. 311.21.91an .5: Ga; Yard wide Grey Cotton equal to To for - - . Yard wide Grey Cotton equal to So for - - - 'l‘willed Sheeting 36 inches wide, regulaf 12in, now - Double-fold Twilled Sheeting, regular 25c, now - Circular Pillow Cotton. 46 inches wide, regular 22c, now 1‘5, W. KENNEDY 81 00. 38 inch all Linen Diced Taming, regular 35c, now - 25c :30 inch Turkey Damask, pure Linen, regular 600, now 45c Balance of our stock of Table Linens reduced fully 20 per cent. Business College, Peterbcrongh, Ont. All Linen Huckaback Towels, regular 20c, now - 2 for 250 All Linen Damask Towels, regular 150 to 25¢, now 3 for 250 All Linen Towels, various nukes, reg 10c to 20¢, now 4 for 25¢ Fine Linen Towels, regular 20c to 25¢, now '- 2 for 25¢ Cotton Towels, regular 5c, now - - . 2 fax 5° ('ottcn Towels, large size, regular 10¢ each, now - 2 for 100 Cotton Towels, large size, regular So each, now - 5c each mans. halvidn n1 Instructs“: Pï¬ï¬ï¬‚ï¬ $918353, Ti} KNOW mics Are Succaszml in of obtaining athowugh Busi‘ slurthand Education REMNANTS AT HALF PRICE. anus and Ends must Disappear. _1 FEBRUARY? CLEARING-S- :- eat results in an departme ts on hams. :Kendance at presen‘. made up of m holding: a First-class Certiï¬cate education has been neglected. n thorouvvnncss in every line of »f taking a cmrsc in Bock- keen- :nmamhzo. c: wme us for English Portland COTTONS and SHEETINGS. Souti CLEARING-S. Lth Side of Kent-st. gl‘l-‘EJEIEJEIEE’EWE TABLE LINEN. H. W. Kennedz a: Go- 7/////////////////////////////////////////¢ CARPETS. TOW ELS. «M»- Italians for some time, did not anticipate any danger, but when they came to a piece of swamp Marks attempted an assault. The girl fought desperately to save her hzner, and succeeded in beatin the fellow c6 bulla then came up an took Mark’s place in the cutter. and after driving a short distance he also attempted an assault. Again the oer girl was compelled to exert heriast- ailing strength to heat oil? her brutal and powerful assail- ant. When almost exhausted she observed they were nearing a ne hber‘s heure, and she leaped from the on ter andranalong the road towards the “here. Just then Gal came up, having discovered that the Italians had lied to him, and he drove the or girl home, where she relat- ed her 11 experience. Halt an hour later the new 3 came alongandattem t- ed to enter the house, but were met 9a; Mr.Peei with aheavyolub inhishand an warned to go, whereupon Marks seized an axe in?! threatï¬ngd him. Peeittggglied tor w e was mush one of the I in the house, whooalled nema- Atumpt I Oflmo. On Tuesday a pair of tough-looking Italian nevviee named John Sella and Wm. Marks were brought before Judge Dean charged with having attempted to criminally assault a youuz girl named Clare Peel in Cardiff township Halibur- ton county. on Jan. 29th lest. fFrom the evidence given it appears that the two Italians were members of a gen employ- ed on tho I. B. 0. R. R., an with a number of others lived in e of the house occupied by the girl’s other. On the date mentioned she had driven to Bancroft with a. young man named Samuel Gel to take a music lesson, and on the way home. at about 11 o‘clock et night. they were not b the prisoners near Leefleld P. 0.. n at half-a-mile from Peel's; they told Gal that his brother had been badly injured that afternoon on the railway and had been taken to the est office, and Gal left at once to see his bro er. Marks en ins he would drive the horse 9090‘ - I†Peel. hams how- the A. Gold 8289. Daringlest Sunday and Monday we had a slight experience of a North-west cold snap, and the fact has been made pain- fully evident that the Nor’westerner who declares 40° below is not unpleasant must be a feel. The wind veered to the north Saturday evening after it ceased snowing, and yesterday was biting cold, but last night cspped the climax. a. number of thermometers regestering from 35 to 40° below zero. People were almost frozen in their beds in the poorer quarters of the town, and a great deal or suffering re- sulted. The nmege done in the way of bursting waternipes, em, will also foot up to a. considerable amount. At Sadler, Dnndas 8c Co.'e mill the engine raises and boiler feed pomp were injured, an the re pairs occupied the entire morning. The pipes belonging to the hot-water system in the gen] also froze up yesterday, the re- sult being that the inmates nut in a very miserable day. At Orlllie the mercury in- dicated 40‘ below zero: at Helihurton, 41°; Kinmount, 42°; Kirkfleld, 26°; Coboeonk, ‘ 00 u u Cheap, Instant. Plomvt. A marvel of cheapaess, emaacy, and promptizu-jc is contained in a bottle of that ramsns reméy, Putman‘s Painless C 21-22 Extractor. It; goes right to the root of the trouble, theta acts quickly but so pzinleasiy that: nothing 13 known of its rperation uqcil the cam is shelled. Be- uare of substitute oflered for Putnam's Painiess Cdm Exfrnctorâ€"axfa, sure, and painless. Sold at druggiste. manor-13! Cards. Some handsome lines or memorial cards now is stack at reasonable prices to: one and two dozen lots. Can and examine or write 2' : :amples to this amoe. on: be obtained at any hour, day 61‘ night, a." Enemx Co. s.â€"88-tf. UV. -; CLOTHING. II 10¢ 6%c 1mm mmmmmmm â€"Mr. Harold Richardson. oi the Demin- ion bank ma. promised acme day: ago to referee the hockey match between the matgh wae to hue taken place on Tueedei night. but the ' Kin too train became eteiied in a drift, an the Limeetone City Em" mtmmmmm ““ ‘ 31.." our yes y noon Richardson was notiï¬ed toheenhandat 8 p.m.. and as there was no certaintiothat the train would leave here on time cidedtocoverthe 30 milee between here and Peterbcro with a teen and light ent- ter. Hetookamanrremthelivetyalcng to help him tunneljhe enowdriite. 1133 found the reads in a frightful attimee it eeemed impoeeibie to proceed further, but they pewered to thin- teen npute, men and hence that- cash]: exhagetedopagtival. Mr. 7 - In 1883 b a halt-breed prospector who we the one his neme; he took out .1, In a short time. N on apritg when he re- turned to the dlgglndgtzoiuty of the £01- lowod hlo_ troll on up oleune. AI much as $4,000 was taken out at one mine. the Doro. motley. and the avenue wee $3,500 a any: In three eon um mine ylolded 859.1 750. Since on it Is "unant- ed that gold to the nine of 012,0(0,C00 has been taken out of the mtoue chime along the creeks mentioned. ‘old 'mlnliag' 'a'xsmaa.‘“waua'po.‘ seu' ‘ x'hany curious (cultures the orb 343 journal, unlike the Pekin sheet, on be road wloh ease, as the mlolu and mm. are typa-wgittqn. no. splays-flying. nym- r' hon having yet ennui the ii in 33132? I hand-press end a one o! â€â€5803: ehcet of the unique pnhliontion is taken up with a map showing the location or the various mining oleime on Finlay nnd_Wi1d Horn oxeeke. , the former we; duoomed â€"The moon lntereetln newspaper we have seen since we hand ed a copy of the Pekln (Chine) Gazette, u The Pmpeetor, leaned at Fort Steele, on the Room» tiger, Y‘alp 0013.9, tugs-«Mu or e _ â€"The many handsome cups won by Lindsay cnrlsri in foreign matches are now on exhibition in the window of Dan- das Flavelle Bros. new store, and make ebrave showing. There can be seen the Montreal cup, won in 1883; the Lindsay Citizane’ cup, presented to the curlers by the a?†le upon their return from Mon ‘ tre ; tgree governor-general‘s cups, won ‘ at Ottawa. at dlï¬'erent times: the grand International trophy. won at Winnipeg in 1891 ; the grand challenge trophy, won at Winnipegln 1892 ; the Peterboro cup, 1896; the Dry en Tankard, won at Oshawa last week. A glance at the above trophies recalls many pleasant memories of hard fought battles on the ice to some of our old curlers. â€"The bachelors of Peterboro gave a ball last Thursday night to which a number of Lindsay people were invited, but owing to the storm they were unable to attend. It was a very swell affair, and all the ar- rangements were perfect. The supper. which was most recherche, was 51: 3: led by Mr. Her Webb. of Toronto. t was served a la use from butl'ets in the din- ; leg room, and consisted of oyster patties, turkey aepic, galentine of boned turkey champa smart wine and macedoine of fruit 3 ' es decorated ham, chicken and lobster s , eharlotte rusee, fancy mix- ed oakee, claret on and lemonade. Ice cream and lemon e were served at a re- freshment bufl‘et during the evening. The tables in the dining room were amnmd for groups of tour. six and eight. and were prettlly decorated with flowering plants and emllax. -The mediate has her domain but Priest- ley’g black dress fabrics have made the moaist’e work a pleasure. They drape so gracefully. they 11: so easily, they wear so well. And their new “Baden." beets even Priestley’e record. This is the newest black dress fabric about which theledies are Inn of pmine. It comes in black only. and it is ï¬ner, and has a more exquisite glow. a greater width and weight, than the Henriettee. The ‘ Eudcrs" is now the prime favorite. Wrapped on “The Var- nished Board" and the name, Priestly, on every ï¬ve yards. â€"The other evening a citizen who was wending his way homewardcaime upon a sad sight. In. the middle or the roadway stood a. horse and outer. and at not sight, seeing no driver, be supposed a runaway ha occurred, but. on approach- ing 0105â€: he saw the body of a men hair buried in the deep snow. Afcer some trouble the man was aroused, but was so intoxicated that he oouid not climb into the cutter from which he had fallen, ho: was helped in by the good Samaritan, who also drove him to his home. â€"The etsrme e! the past week rendered necessary the noetpenement at the special eflort tor the removal or the debt on the Victoria Road church. Ray. J. W. Totten was to have conducted the services on Sabbath and assist on Monday. Instead of Rev. J. W. Shire preaching as was expect- ed, Rev. J. Webster, 0! Cobden, in the Montreal conference. preached at both ser- vices. Mr. Webster, who woe once an inhabitant of Maripoea, was visiting his home and kindly consented to preach. rendered a piano solo, and Master ’1‘. Brown a Marionette 9010. which were very highly appre iated. The aztendanoewas (air considering the cold Weather. â€"The Kinder-span. held in St. Paul's school last Mcnday evening by the scholars was every way a success. each one m- dcring his or be: part. in a. we. that evin‘ced‘cnc fa} tramgag. Migg lngl_e â€"Townspeopie who have had «onion to drive into the country during the past tow days, report some very unpleasant experi- ences owing to the tremendous drifts, and all without: exception mathematiza the snake fences, which cause them. They ssy that where a section of wire fencing is found the snow is level and a road is soon broken. were Maura. Jock Smelly, W. Samson, and Joe Reid. 0: Emily. The animals were shipped by traln. â€"A youo mukmsn, who Is well-known In the eon ward. narrowly escaped a dis- ester on Monday evenln Whlle deliver- ing a. mart: ot lactesl an d at a. house near the G. .R. etaï¬lon his horse took trl t and headed for home no the top of in speed, but lucklly the cutter did not upset. -Mr. Ted Csvanmh. cf Pom-born. m in town last. Thursday and hired ï¬ve teams for the lumber camps as Tron: Crook. Muskeg. Amgngthguuwhuogtgmtod â€"A well-known iivorymon any: people people driving‘into :11: country in the pres- ant condition of the mods lhonld roman their horseo’ hind shoes, as the on!- mols are liable to out thomsolves bod]: while floundering about in the drifts. â€"A follow nomad Norton honing from ontml, wu badly Injured In on or Howry Sono' ohantloa north 0! Hon- burton loot week. and I: now lying at Kol- [ott’s hotel with little hope: 0! recovery. -Wa nover said that av nut-elm farmer in the county used id English Condition Powder, bah win: we can prove in than every hrmor who min-nub almond chum! at tumâ€"101. â€"Thoa.30dge.thamn who made the ï¬rst shipment or choose tram Cumin. died in Chicago last Tums night. He was then a member of the 01 mm of Hope Hodge, o! Hsmucon, Ont. â€"We wâ€"anttehe praisedtn’rthe aunt: of our Jersey Cream Baking Powder, end every day we hear some kind Individual speaking well of Ila-101. â€" Quite a number of Cembrey people left for Toronto on Wednesday on the mixed train, taking advantage of the cheap rates secured by the. Lindsey Curling Club. â€"She doesn’t want the newest Ind And for is has no place, For the latest wrinkle She foam upon her bee. â€"-".l'is new the anteater elm-ta to and ‘ -mQ1W.m!‘.1‘PP 79‘? heepe. . - J um m ’ â€"Dr. Nealmds, dentist. has great sno- oeaa In treating Aching teeth without extractingâ€"9141'. But she should a!“ but fn mind To look baton aha â€"'1‘hat valentine. 'mld blunt: and snow. "I"!!! grieve us soon to note, Because poor Cupid In. to 30 Without an overcoat. CANADIAN POST, LINDSAY, ONTARIO, FRIDAY. FEBRUARY 21, 1896. at Ponrln’s Boohm Kant-sh. Indianâ€"l4. -*l â€"On Thu-ads last. an the Cabana Pout Chief Run in mad :5 do“ as dumb "grunt med William Burlington. of Dublin, Ireland. who “I asking an tape-i nun bout: to home to: money. I: append from the admission. at the - our that ho had been doing-aunt, sl- um in other towns, sud bun mu melted b3 the clarity dispensing public The rennet-Mr. Birold Richerdeonâ€"wu nlIo severely aitioixed. end mound of throwing up his hot whenever Peta-hora mode I deeene that-under the chem- etnooee, returned the News. "the only wonderwutheooorewunot 131 to 1 in- stead cf 18 to l." The Eunice: hite back uiollowe: In would hove been bed we on the 153:." of the loot! piper. to “new! the vie iron: Kluge but this nttook o: the K eon News Jueury no in laying the n more a unlike net of you Idiom never ohued the hoe- ni ty of the Pentium hooheyieu. Young Rayner wu the only member of the team who coupes-lied hinueit u e gen- tlemen. The New: pmiuo than the Peta-heron would be well meted If they wentto Kinseton. The Eng went in: you to Kingâ€!!! Ind 3h mun. ehemeelvee meet knowledge w ohm the! theytnoeed their mm». with has oold hoopitemy. -'1‘ho Kingston New: mm. to last a dcun accusations of unfairness In emc- quenoo of the mount detest er the Vice“!- hockey tom of tint clty by the Pour- bms. n my: the gum was 915de on n mm boxer Ismk.-ndth°m99hwl_1!o T'im“ to pliy on I hlmu'd’ reformâ€"Mr {I Rhiannon 252%? ii :3- .dmam :29 on pace an w preven e indiscriminate disposal of it. â€"The Peterboro Examiner, in ite com- mente on the recent Peterham-Kingaton hockey match, saye: Mr. Richardeon. an a referee, was most impartial. a! there were times when the visitors have been held down even more closely to the rules regulating ‘nongh play." At the conclusion oi the match. when the «am took exception to some of the rulings on oireide play. Mr. Richardson made the statement that a more strict referee would immediate] have mind Wilson, Metalte and Mmgy oi! the ice during almoat every game for their ran neu. Mr. Richardson was late in arr ving, and hie debut on the ice was rather amazing. He was greeted with a cheer. but almost in- media loet hie feet on the glare ice, and eat amidst ehonte o! laughter. panned in peculiar] amped bonus. which are manuhoturod the purpose, 3nd om hereodlly obmued. The custom uncut: drugglsts of supplying catholic acid in un- limited quantities to any pox-sou who apply for It was nix-ongly denounced. and In flow 91 the dangerous pump of tho 13A; 1111113) meant“: :1 the protveigeiel board 0 e t 1‘. sea y preeen e from the committee on foods and m re the dangers and results of urbane eeid poisoning. He suggested tint physician prescribing the drug clinch it to be dis- paneed upsetting-lg seeped bottles, thick â€"Some time ago the wife of. Mr. John Reid, :f Galway, lost her reason, and about ivgdwmka a tï¬ne wan committed taut!“ say ga , e necessary papers as made out by Magistrate F. Tran. o! Klu- mount, tn the absence of Reeve Manafleld. It new tune out that the poor woman should have been taken to Peta-Doro. Gal- wa being a portion ot that count . Mr. Ra d was In town last Satuxday an was In- formed of the dimoulty, but naturally enough took the view that he waa not to blame. ghimmï¬â€™mu" adspzed. ind 16 a meet; 3 with a. large anleowingtotho low price charged. known aux-spur remixing gnbrzhnnd by niénné of it a neat and atron pit on: be placed on any material In 5 av seconds. no aowlng beln necessary. For ladles' angst-cl It In nsvl-ï¬nllI-‘v wall dnn‘gfl nnfl I. Inn-f. â€"Mr. S. Perdn, In addition to handling Pen-In's Plne Tar Cordial and other reme- dies of well-known repute that. are com- ponnded by himself, has added another essential household gent to 11!; an. I: la Suï¬-pa 3:761:39. nix-{Toma cum lb. 1'56 business transacted was not or public In:- pox-tame. Friday evening. When opened tho only numbers present were Mr. D. Ray. president, Mr. J. E. Knight, Mr. Thou. Connolly and M59. Tag, but; jam: _on clot “3113de Fr! y gvenlng. Cannon ’ and Mn. Trev bit later on gm. eldgn, Am; whims, 1gp. â€"Gu-dener3 who have young trees on their grounds might protect them against the ranges of mice by tramp down the snow round about them. undreds 0! trees are girdled every year when the snow is deep, which, with a. little woxk in this way, might be and. â€"A meet or the Children's All! SJ. clety was be! In tho 931mm ohemhgr lag: ï¬iyiegï¬ i0 Inuit (round and tonnd .5. other whose nun: was Rye. They round him in a bottle. ~37 a strenge coincidence. says the Washington Pom, three men met in the house restaurant the other (In whose games were Wheat, Oates 323 _ Barley. â€"Norton. the noor fellow injured in Long’s comp, shove Eniibnrton the other day. and whose critical condition we: acted in Monday's daily. died next even- ing shortly otter the atrial oi the train at Helibarton. An inquest me hold Wod- needny for the purpcso oi determining if there had been contributory negligence on the put of the Howl-y arm. â€"The Chou-515301031 resumed sputum m Thuxsny with. good attendance considering the weather. Seven! new mombonwmpruont. Tomorrow (l'hm day) the attonduoo would be good. u the music for tho Mu concern will uko anthmtlmotowork up. 3.3" v7 'lugoly‘" " Minded; A pu-bi managing pooplo lovodro out from Lindsay, anal-upon otlmogood “mound moot hupiaoblo treatment. otMr. Goo. Dinner, Reibiro, Tieitinyn h. under the smpgou o; the Figs-m at 3:: â€"Sannl 02th. Iced Worm Home.“ nnd the melon, Mu. annex-an. monthuioklmnpmnc. III- and. hubnythnbth nulvotho but“ nursing nnd mod! mentionin Mun- fortunate condition. ’ -â€"Mr. Chan D5715, 3n old resident!!! Lindsay. died st Band: on desy. It themidonoeothUnonflx-John Duh. Ha 1am Armor, twosomndm (laugh tax- to mourn his low. on 3 drive. No. wishing†manna-um Inns. and the mo oarlngtohndh out. he npllod:“ S: non-y old ma." “It’s lent!" ' men was. -â€"Mr. Goo. Matthews hu punks-ad the Pen-1n home-tad, uljolnlng Mr. B. S. Pox-huh property. for the sum of $2,“). rhenmusmao had during "I3 but tint-hows- “this†“chug: orattendtoherhouuhold nus. 8"!- thin [magmblamu’iom butane ar- glmathshrmmmddtop 8 South American Rheumatic Care. bottle cured my daughter within ton: da. :31! I “be ’much monarch V138 athiéoommondaflon." pSoldbyl- '8‘! â€"Tho basket loolgl hold niche mum Hr. N.n Martina. St. John, N. 8.: “My, daughter, Mrs. Gregory, In: 1nd rhenmpdsmaohagdgflpq 13m hang)“:- A fun!!! 3mm Sel- m: “am Kï¬Ã©ï¬ fable} W "mu “Wm†â€"Mr.J.A. Dachau. ct Don-on. who Mcmdmummouho mmmm.wumlm P thaw-hp. out non-ulna thalamus-9t “MW!- â€"Mu. Gourm- Iunv. at loam: Ml. Lu Momma!!!" You-kc! ; â€A. .M .debowN. . 1t; MnRA. «Nun-ad; tux-.m- u gammmoaols Wm. maï¬a.“ ur. . . chumps: mum, withurJJ. .mwud. â€"Mr. G. H. M. m. load to: gun Byhbnn _ Co.._ _ W_m lot the mnlvuury' mica hi the Can mt. HOMO church Scu- m’ jï¬wmmMum by m 9009100.» the m at their cornu- â€murmur. â€"Mlu L. mm. wlzou {than name! can Tnudcymu Mammary lnNcw York.wh¢i|;m She will stundthonmlutyopulngu u; Tmhonwmm. â€"Ln-. 0. BIganw 1er Ln- Chlcag: Inst Thu-Id†In boon noflflnd of the (lunch of III- brother. oeI Bunion In um city. Tho deco-nod mnn non nun V» In bul- nnu In WhItby. w In mused n eon» â€money. “â€"Mr. T. w. Blah. †‘4': N‘ohol‘ nonBrook.dul¢nEhuduodnnnd tooth Tax-anemwulntowni‘nudny. ru- nml'adom 3mm mum-mum .0041.“th InnInCnnndnmnk- Ingnlpoclnltyd hunchetbnnlncu. ammonia-my. A: undheludunul good work. to rel-u. one at which retar- w the I: do men: o! I won-known Pout-baa exciton (lulu. madam â€"Â¥r.ankShmon.nonot 1!er L. Sm, liquor new kt: town-crud†:0:le tanks-mutton sound“: by u: nonhuman-thou. ma? 8; Pa “an?“ 3...... :53. or o r. en u- town. but now of New Ymd Pom- borc,_ md_ will _no doubt vim Lindsay â€"Mr. Fred Woes. non ct Mr. W. A. Wane. horn buyer. 13!: has Mood†to: Auburn. N. Y.. when he haputomusltuulon. â€"Mr J. A. Bucknen Ian )ub Mond- far Dominnccampnlod by nu: Edit Knowlnon. who will nub mama. Mn. Bun-knell. u: exhaled visit. â€"Mr. P. J. Clan nu! unity and Mr. Dan. Foley. left Thursday to: Ponchoâ€. when Mr. 01m hm land the Quen’o Mucu- MG. 1'. R. sultan. tor-m â€"The mass Murphv. who hue been guests a! the Muse. O'thllonn since the C. M. B. A. canon-f, 1: ts for their home at Woodstock last Monday. -Mus Ida Wen-y left (or Fenian Full lssc 55m. when the hu second a situation so swoop-wha- In the omen at J. W. flown Sm. â€"Mr. David Walker, 0! Opt. 1m on grands: week otn ‘23:?“ trip it; groan a was an n opening e pro- mom 1353mm. --Mrs. Chester. otCun Millard. paced thrqugh town had: on contend the funeral of be: than the Clan. Duh. It Brunch. â€"Mn. Badge of Port '. who has been vmuog air. and Mn. '5. PM. [do for homo last Tuesday mm by we: Catï¬sh. to's mostpop um’ ministers. lectured It Pension Eula lat heads, no . luau “dunes. m " his béeh 'vumng Maid. in M-m'rcu. Ea lets tar his western ham â€"Â¥r. Wm. was». returned lat Tun- day-taranmmmdnn'tonrï¬um ens-acme: to: phonoguph enm- men . 7an MoGnl. qtpelorghe. )lugl- -Y!'-1"_ߤ_o 33“.â€. 0‘ mum's: h! apoxic’SitiFd’qi’lé’iéiidIfliMr.’ J61. 82151 bin. at mum oboe, use valued town. ~30 or Enos. 0! 0mm ls Moody m rm blood on Wm commenced about ten day: use In toot. -Mrs. Smnel W 11 left In Fddaytor s couple at month.’ visit with her son, D:. Mathew. ct Vuooum. 8.0. â€"m:- Noam-y. hold annou- for Dan- du a: Flown. Bum. late last Monday tor ltxlerbomo In Paris, Dunno spud he: no: on. -Mlss Sadie Hutu-wad Brantley. Ont. "rived In town In: ad- to vldl mu Mm Gun. many-3;. a slum tit Emmi-eon, “maid nix-cinch 1m ï¬endâ€: tomwvuutm. â€"Mr. J. F. Canning. otOskwood. M Mr. W. H. nchsuguun. o! the an. Vin-ac. want I!†Sunday In town. 4“! AKA“. Adkins- 01-3"!“ 3.13% â€"Mlul. Walnut u at W «3mm “other m:- M O â€"umccmr.mu In. G. H. M. “.mmomm My mama: magmas. dew “Hm†°' “:2 am." 18 0 I I many maï¬a.†â€"Mlu Emu Brooke. a! Port Huron. XML. to via! Im- htothu. Mr. Wm. Brooks. 01 fl. â€"â€"Chlet Bolt was In Tomato In: F “handing the meeting or the prom eon-tubular: â€mention. -¥fl.- I5.- 12L. sewn. we 9m- “1?: R.- In ;â€"MlllÂ¥llld 1%!!!†lg.“ . . m D° mm " “" â€"Mr.W.Bh£r, otmamotBhlr Soap. merchant mm. but min bloom. râ€"The Rev. C.A0. Johnston. age of Togo-- ‘ â€"muBm.otPow-boro.llflm mmamnmuunhrmtou- â€"X£uUnlo Irvin. Cf PC" Parry. ll mmumrmxu.wmu. .Mr. Bart O’Bthnhuhkunpulflon mus. J.Lahum.1hmm‘- .m.G.EDutnoll.moftholï¬-n- obol’nflnbuk.'ull mum- .11“ Wn. mamas-.2 othbumnfuyglnton on Tang. â€"Hr. P. amu- olhrutm‘l"! hp mumbldmm. mm â€"Mr.E. WWJIL. «Dun-Mm htownlutlondnyon when. â€"Mr.l.A.BopunI,genu-nlmnt. «Emmmlnwnannondu. .Bpaiuiug.§a :3 38.. 1.83395. 23:13-38:33: .122 «sill-{B clan-355:3 géizglgofl Ina-£5! iii-31.5.3885. agaiiiglflé m«mnmm ‘ unresolved“ the can at In Post. Emuâ€""mmdfl mam. udednd. g. mm day. wlth tm In Imam. -80.â€. L. 3. Buy 3nd J. Bum left hummus-Galena. -Mr. 8.8mm wfllm hlu funny tomwmcmmum. , â€"Mn. £11.5haonlcttlm Friday cun- loa mmwpmuhmw. â€"Mn.N.MmInD.ot tho noun: wad. WMwukwml Manda In an city. â€"Hr.Mvu-d can. «South 09:. In “WWI-banana Kan: and m durlu oompcnfl' n3 I50!“ parted. In almanac put. at a slabs. Hr. LI- mm'andduuvummpufluhrly on m'hmhohuhbou‘duum- :17. Ill: Inocu- an). obstruction. to animals [Katha nlhlou had new cam h. M m "can with wash the IBM. blond by an Bum-“mm. landed Wand de.mm1diu a maul-moot We“: to the" who no not manly cones-nod shout the mud of {he mu. mum: WWI- A mm mm m‘mumnspmzchucn Tue:- dnylut night "was†much luau-had It bean known haw exaeuanfly the want): of “00:36:11.dede bogus bola-a the Mg. Mr. Menor- no 'Iunchmnmrlnplyog thg l‘t‘wlb'†nI-v rn-va-"vâ€" vvvvucvvv .v.- v iioEt‘I rIiierwan Iverâ€"“reply†the' n on 1ch which 'uerua down the Little menus-I qua-Hm ‘00 mII-lm 9.3 â€end ( 33b rm: Ind om thelrelldeetlhatpolnt. heehoweawuh I end the the Thee letie judge conï¬ne the juda M “J“ ‘ ““0303 'Inento Judge Dun In nll perticulue. dam eon: muting. PM "I The Judgment declded(l)thet Inlu dune 0‘ 81°50- Hr. 14' are excluded tron: the op eretlnn at the m’lmmmmfl BlverenndsmeenuAcr. Nfdthetno tone Mwheleheheelehoueduenleelen- unbeeeuected g5. ownenct cheee ï¬le eteelee d the nbeu-Ictieneto dense ; (2)thetthe provenente caveted nhrietlenlbthenunltunndeeeulummm oM’Lhoumu'y m 3“ mm eecceee with acme-amen. end Minion of whleh the nhele'neflee by the “quarantine" Indemniï¬ed]: Bun-human. Wan-dine“! m that pnrptee Io m “alumnae melmrwuetddlnemnnernoet mummy-lawman“ lnteeeetlnceventothceewho meet torthep oteweter wee 8.0m Woppuudebntweeugeqcuhem We once! Since this business started Ordered Clothing has always been a specialty, but there never m such e LARGE VARIETY of meteriels to select from, nor such Goon VALUE as we now oï¬â€˜er in Scotch Tweed Suite, Omaha Tweed suite, Serge Suits. hue Worsted Suits. Buck Wanted Suite. racy Worsted Puts, Wanted Pen", Denver and W Onreoete end l'rlexe mm._ The accortment of cloths is lergeend vu-ied enough to suit the moat perticulu' ; you run no risks in leaving us your elder, every garment been our gunmentee to be properly mule, well trimmed and ngood ï¬t. Highs! Market Price: paid (/1: J'mr round/or But- ter and Eggs, Cash or Trade. HOGG BROS. Oakwood. â€")lu.G.B.Wllnaln spending 5 low ORDERED CLOTHING. ALL WOOL CARPETS, 75c, to $1.00. UNION CARPETS. 350. to 506. TAPESTRY CARPETS, 306. to 600. HEMP CARPETS. 100. to 250. a yd. Linoleums, 6°C. to 75¢ Floor Oilcloths, 25c. u . Art Muslims, Lace Curtains, Curtam Poles. Roller Blinds, cw Wall Papers HOUSE FURiï¬iSHINGS. WARNER 00., Come and see what we . . . . Altai/e to afar ï¬rst. All winter goods are being greatly reduced in price to make room for our Spring Stock. Special cut prices in Dress Goods, Mantle and other cloths, Underwear of all kinds, Blankets, Clothing {and Furs. We are the bargain givers of the district. New Concludes, Gingham. Shirtings and Sheetings at old prices notwithstanding the advance at the mill. In our Fancy Goods Degartment we show a full range of newest makes in orsets. Over 1,000 pairs from 25c to $l.25. New Blouse Silks. New Veilings, New Frillings, New Beltings, New Ribbons, New Embroiden’esâ€" Specialâ€"a clearing lot of embroideries at I, 2, 3, 4 and 5c, worth three times amwut asked. Specialâ€"3 cases, 5,000 yards, Shaker Flannel bought way below value, new in stock at 7c and 8c per yard. Good value at too. We have extraordinary value to 05¢: in Factoryand White Cottons, including 3 bales, 5,coo yards, Factory Cotton Remnants, all qualities much below regular We are showing a magniï¬cent assortment '0! Newest desi in New Haï¬z?S Ptintsâ€"in Light, Dark and anciec, Turkey , Wrapper Patterns, etc. (tom 5c to 12%c Novelties in Fancy Shirtings. Novelties in Wrapper Materials. Novelties in Flannelettes, in Red and Black, mag: “(Wm Pinlg and White, Blue and Cases and Bales of New Spring Goods now daily arriving at Warner Co’s. LINDSAY AND WOODV ILLE. STILL THEY 60M E. â€"â€"0UB STOCK IS WELL ASSORTED 1Nâ€" Hog; Bros. Warner a Go. Haudsémc Good: at a'vcry low dull“ one to the 3nd both "’ i337: Era-nu ‘8: other to the left. m“. tux-01d). em but with†null Wh Aldon: In. mowdrm sad wanna d coin 2:91;“ "a; ‘ 53 $1333 3231:1541: ht sud - "a“, “a: ban mun â€mo-1mm Abntflpun. on WM Kt. Pant Son-oldest mJoooph. Iced shout 15, “Halo“ mm'mwmum. shout tho m In, cunt together neu- the â€thunder“. hon Ital-lane. and {weed lathepmuotnnm awaktolg much [opal-nae. to hugging my 10 mm. lob. mu and Dan. Judgment m deflvoud In the court of up»! but weak duals-lug the upped of Moan. Mos-om Boyd 8: 00. fun the Judmnt of his honor. Judge Dean. rotating their npplthuon tooofleot call. 5990 jam thch go gun dew! p59 Limo are