EMILY. [Correspondence of The Post] Scnoor. Rnroar._â€"For the month oi February in e. a. No. 3, Emily. The nrnea d pupils given in order of merit: Fourth clans-Pu Harrington. Katie McMullen, Lily Ashmore. Hugh Elliot, Garner Ken- nedy, Celia Callahan, Alex. Elliot. John Bowman. Senior third-James Moore, ‘Bert Killaby, st‘d Kennedy, Willis Ag};- one. iiteri Ashmoré. Bert Courtney. Jgnior thirdâ€"John Klllebv. Elnor Killaby. Lowery Kennedy; Amy Kennedy, Joseph - .- n L__ Tl-nln Val’v. [Ogrreooondgnée or The Post! SCHOOL REPORT or S. S. No. S, Penelon. â€"-'1‘ne following _am_ the_ numea the ï¬rst , ‘L_ __._._n. A. [Cmrgwndencé 621% Post.) NAL.â€" Miss Bose Cuddanae left last week for Kansas City ...... Miss M. “W?!†I"?! A13 spending a raw weeks 'wâ€"iihhï¬lstiveghére. IF-Lllu luuuwua'; an... my _.._-- ton: pnplxa in each class for the month 0! Faunaâ€. Fourth class- Ssmuel S wanton, John Windrim. Carry Hora, May Irvine. third classâ€"Wallace Swmton, Angus 611113, Ads Daniela, Minnie Hora. Second elm-Rufus Isaac. Priscula. Isaac. Part second-John Perduo. Senior tiresâ€"John Swanwn. Junigâ€"j‘x-ea Hora. 77â€"- . __ L--_LA- @112 QEauahiau 39w. Punis't, Stigma, BEST, tilla- Be sure .you get Ayer’s and no “her, and’ take it till the poisonous aid is thoroughly czpefled 1mm the mtpm. We challenge attention tom m no Alum. Ammor in, Limc‘ Phcs r" -' a LINDSAY, FRIDAY, MARCH 4, Lower: ncu-e~-a- â€"â€"-. ..___-,,, _ 3mm: Alfred Callahan, Lime Kelly. Swami class-Gertie Iteton, Ed. Kelly, mm Wm. Pan cluesâ€"Alice Tum-s- ston, PM: Kelly, Bert Handforth. J 03:: R. HAY, tucker. testimony :â€" “About two years ago, after suffering tor nearly two years irom rheumatic 1:, being ame to quk only mth great ‘ mzort, and hanng tri various ' luding mineral waters, remedies, 1_nc- 'imout rehef, I saw by an adv-erase- ment in a Chicago paper that emanhad been relieved of this distressing com- plaint, after long: suiIcring, by mking myer’s Sarsaparina. I then decided to make a trial of this medicine, and took it regalarly for eight months, and am pleased to state that it has effected 8 I have since had nome- oomplete cure: . mm o! the u:sem=e.â€â€"Mrs. 3'31 3398 ‘ ‘ ‘VAâ€" Ar _ [Correspondence of The Poet] SCHOOL Kremlinâ€"Marks obtained by pupils of union 3. a. No. 11, Fenelon. Vern- lnm ond Somerviile: Fourth claas- l Jennie Raid, 2 Grace Fell, 3 Linda Graham. 4 Hand Bmaon. Third classâ€" Annie Poul- non. Senior secondâ€"1 Ada Patton. 2 Mary Con! ,3 Mabel Whitby. 4 Ida Roberts and Lmn Whitby, 5 Katie Hughes. Part 2-0430 Poison. Junior ï¬rstâ€"Mattie Tip- piing, Arty Tippiing. The following do- we mention for good conduct: Fourth elmâ€"Jennie Reid. Third class â€"Annie ronlsou. Secoad cIass-Mary Conner. Put 2-0;» Ponlaon. R. WILLIAMS, teacher. WEST MARIPOSA. [Cot-remondenoeot THE Post.) Scaoon Moanâ€"The tonowinsz la the standxnz 0! pupils In S. S. 1‘0. 3, Black's. upon, for the months or January end February. Msflmum number of merke in each cues 7oo.â€"Fur.n clueâ€"Baeulee Bowen. 417. Senmr fourthâ€"E 15 Black, 449; Line Brooks. 27 . J unlor tounhâ€" Ham Jewell, 438; Maggie Cory, 408; Willie Dam. 37:2; Tnom~s Cory, 239; Edit]: Wright, 176; Annie Baashnw. 118: Charles ï¬gures, 86. Third clueâ€"Sarah E. Black, ;John Cory. 463: J amen Mclndoo, 440; Fred Black. a2; John F". 267; George DWI]; John bpence, 136; L:zzle Burs- hnw, 96. Second cleanâ€"Fred Cole. 45‘; Florence Klnnee. 378; Andrew Grant, 360; Berta Brooke, 311; George Conelend. 80. First; â€unmanagPolmer Jewell, Dick ,- _-A. A n-nnn nttnn- m 01 hue mow“- _, Dodge, 110 West 125:1: st., New York. taken ill with L 2 One year ago I was - ‘__._ â€"l.onM!ltiSm. bemg con. . “One year ago 1 wag) mcu_â€" inflammatory rlzeumatxsm, bemv con- hS ieame ~ï¬ned to my house six mont _ . out of the sickness very much debxh- ' ystem rated. with no appetite, and my 5 I commenced gliQOrdered in every way. 93mg Ayer’s Sarsaparilla and began to gmsxove at once, gaining 1n stren h an soon recovering my usual he». th. too much in praise of this L. A. mcdit-in .â€â€"] . v u I cannot say yell-known IA- Muir’s sagggparilla. ONTARIU CHUNTY. A Go _ Jumcux. E8303 â€"John Doty act, ang him with seducing Minn “amt. Cnolinr Dnnon, 3 female under image of dxwen. Ha Inn duly Irrnlgn. ad, pleaded not. guilty, and the Whitby angina-us proceeded with the preliminary investigation, site: which the prisoner was committed for trial a the Ontario as. But in writing on: the commit.- nan: thy 3‘33!â€er n-ed those words: “For this offence of which you stand con- victed," instant! of “for this nuance you ï¬nd committed,†and the concluding words won: on to us] that John Doty's My should beaten to the: 001110 jail and kept slum until libernted by one an!†at luv. Trm- the nimpla was by misuse of a. ward tunic-d law 3 convic- the uni: for tn lndeflnivo’ n-flod. Mr. f‘. J. 7 a an L1... hob- Mn.- mh’ Dr. J. C. A?" EIPOWDERJ ;, ï¬uhna, N. H- ; aix homes- $5. CAMERON PQIN_ T. MILLINGTON._ NEWSLETTERS a UV: 9. Several here are sick with A. E. SmmEéLSI, tescher. WARE!) BY er 8: 00., Lowell, Mass. mm»... 5:». Worth 35 a bottle. FENELON. a Sui-ac». Avemé atten- F. E. Bantams, teacher. I:jmy militant- Po wde; Twin Jenn oat-u, H n a.-- .._,.V, White. Senior thirdâ€"1 Scum Ashton. 2 E1510 Slater. 3 Annie Barker. Junior third â€"1 Ads White and Maths. Tlmma (equal). 2 511.: Dixon, 3 May Dixon. Second class -â€"1 VeleAanton. 2 231103. Show, 3 Minnie 1' tr-..l.r 'l‘lmmn. guunu ......n - â€"7 c begâ€"l Thom F021;!- 81'! order of merit: -Fomh claee seniorâ€"Maud Helms, Lavina Brady, Maud Pattie, Thee. Canine, Wm. Bradia Fourth elaeeï¬'unlor â€"'rreeae Malone, ary Pattie. artha MeAllleter. Third clueâ€"Ida Clarke, Katie Pattie, Eddie Malone, Angie Clarke Daniel Cnrrlne, Frank Malone. Allie J’ackeon. Second classâ€"Geo. Clarke, Hattie Pattie, Allen Corrine, Pat Murphy, J as. J ackeon. Joe. Murphy. Part secondâ€"Hermon Nug- Da e Day, Wesley Wager, M ‘ ' Mark Eva Gillie, Wilfrid Pariah. Malieea , Willie Moore, Laurie Willock, Clara Robe. Senior secondâ€"James Barron, Richie Day, Sarah Marahaii, Davie Woreley, Davie Palmer. John and Willie Cresaweli (equal). Rose Day. Senior part secondâ€"Beatrice Wilson, Ackie Parrish, Roy Gillie, Jennie Powles. Ellie Leveiey, Lloyd Hamilton, Wilfrid Glaspeil. Susie Miller, Ethel Marshall, John Woreley, Noble Pen-in, John Mark. Junior part secondâ€"Lida Minthorn. Fred Jeifrey. Lila Rutherford. First classâ€"Albert Wilson, Ida Hall Edgar Sims. .__â€".â€"â€"_ POWLES’ COMERâ€"FENELON. ICorresnondence of The PoetJ SALE or THOROUGHBRED STOCK.â€"Mr. John Quilieje sale of thorough-bred cattle A .n.. 2...: Cum): far-mints U 7’ guy A; v \-..-_.. _,, [Cm-reenonaenoo of The Penn Scnoon mom 0: S. S. No. 4, Fenelon. â€"Smnd1ng according to mom. Promoted to junior thyâ€"Scott Sims. Joueph Hill, ‘ , «7---- munâ€"I. Muir, 5A“ UL" lflUlwvus-s ..-.__ ___ , John Cnliis's sole of thorough-bred csttle wss largely attended. Stock fsnclezs from Port Hope. Millbrook, Little Britsiu. Oskwoed and other pieces were present. The stock was good though no tsncy prices were paid for such quality of stock, cows selling for about $80, heifers sud young bulls about 8.:0. For the horses there were no buyers. One registered more four yesrs old now, Wes sold two years ago for 8180. Only $116 was offered st the sole. There is the N. P. for you. Intenseâ€"Mrs. M. J. Msrshsll is not im- proving as much as her many friends would wish. We hope the spring weather may cause her health to improve. Quite a low of our citizens have been isld up with Lsâ€"grlppe sud bsd colds; no total results from grip yet. SIGNS or SPRING.â€"A limited number of crows sud spring birds hue been seen, we are glsd to see the little sougsters. UDNE Y. ICorreevondence o! The Pom Tm AND Cowmanâ€"There will be held, D. V.. in the Methodist church here a tea and concert which, no doubt, will exceed all others held heretofore. The best talent in the district is engaged. Don't miss a golden opportunity. We are going, are you; NEW HALL-The brethren of L. 0. L. 1024 intend to erect a. hell second to none in the province. '1:he elte faces Church-st. u L- ALA .4"--- “an. us WU yes; I wvvv _ and wlll be a credft'tc the village. Con- tractors. keep your eyes open. as this is 'a. ï¬rst-class chance to increase your wealth. For particulars apply to Mr. Luke Noble of this vlllsge.___ n- 1-! 1? l!.___l- _-A UL III-IL: run-“c. PERSONALâ€"Miss M. E. V. Punk and Mr. John Purvls of Back have been the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Doble at this place durlng the p33: week....Mies Titï¬n of Reach 15.919 gn‘esjggg era. Wesley Moore. 7; __.___-.1 -15.... lewuu u, vuv D-‘u ___‘ o . . . Mr. Rlchard 'fi'ï¬in hula keturied after vlaixlng the for south. looking halo and hearty. The 89th 3511999 with Dick. OMEMEE. , ‘ iCorresmndenoe ot T216 Pom SunnEN Dunn-It ls with deep regret we announce the very sudden death of Meeker A. W. Nugenn. age 15 years, eon at Mr. H. Nngent of our village. He went to bad on Sgturdgy nl hr. in apparently 2--.! -5 m :03le Dan Uu tau-usual _-,...- __ , , v _ good health and was dead at 10 o’clock Sunday mornlng. Maorsm'rn’s Conanâ€"We expect some ‘ trouble in the shape of a mauletrate’s court this week, being about the only result of the big blow-out for Falrbalrn, Hughes a: Go. Rncovsmrze.â€"â€"Mr. I. W. Wllson is able to be around again after an illness of sixteen weeks from inflammatory rheuma- tism. So also is Mr. Wm. Redmond, who has been home from Cleveland. 0., for some time sick. Both have been under the care of Dr. C. E. Cochrene. GOING TO Mmrronzn-A number of our young men are getting ready to move to Manitoba next week and more to follow later on. New HOTEL. Mr. S. English In getting ready to put up a new hotel and expects to commence work as soon as the ground is in shape for it. Tm: Lam J amns BELâ€"Th6 Examiner recoxde with great regret the death of Mr. J amen Beet, which took place suddenly at hie residence, 501 Water-at... on Sunday morninz. Mr. Beat has been ill-health for about six weeks. For the past toztnight he had been conï¬ned to hie room enfl‘ering from something like la grippo. with which heart aï¬â€˜eotion became complicated. 0n the 19:1: he had a severe attack of apaem ot the heart. which was _repeated on Monday AL IAI. Ll- -Lâ€".I-I-n mnunru, "an.“ "-9 --'â€".. . lost, from the effects of which his physician ind considerable difï¬cuily in factoring him. Last week he seemed to be better. ad on Sand-y morning was thomht so much bone; that high-ugor-in-ismwho had 77-; A- -A 5‘ .lnn-nh “CH wum uu -u â€"--_- _--V __ __ been with him, ventured to go to church. Mrs. Beat menged Mr. Best’s bedtor the day end_ made him as comfortable u poe- n 4 .......2 -..--.m hl- .m... I “Ml-w u._â€" -- u y v _~-7 _ sible. Mr. Best turned over on his side so it to go to sleep. and suddenly Mrs. Best noticed his livid hoe end peculiar breech-. inn. She st once applied reewrsclves. end s messenger wen sent {or s doctor, but before he arrived death he'd done its work. The deceseed gentleman, who was of Eng- lish descent, wee born in Emily township on the homestead term. where his only brother Willism still resides. In his young- er dsys he wee in the employ of Messrs. Nicholle a; Hall. entering it s: 18 yesrs of one end lesving ln'1856 to see of business on his own account in the boi ding now occupied by Mr. W. E. Wrigheon. From this he removed to s shop nesr the Gongh Bros. now are. sad from here removed to the site of his present business. He wee married to Mien Crawford 0! Sum N. Y.. snd ot‘tbe four children born to this 111 .rrisge, one son, Jones, is now living. MnBestwss oneot our oideetbneincss NORTH 9133. PETERBORO: ’E‘. 330m. T103132 daze)â€; dressmaking rooms, and now to crown s11 Mr. Willie lnglend hss ope ed tonsorinl n perlors end work is being done in en srtletio wsy in that line elso. ' mm Wanâ€"Some burglar entered the stsbles of W. H. Lsnchlin of this town toting therefrom e horse ooller end e mi: oi enroinzles. thee riskinn their persons! liberty if found out, besides the burden of o my ooneoienee. HALâ€"M11513}!!! Bernnrd is in Peterboro attending the innernl of er nephew. the letermesBeet........ iss Bells Hoax. Toronto. is visiting hero end shying st Mr. W. Bean’s. Eymmâ€"W e have hed severelmer rieges here recently. emonn others Mr. Luther Lownsbrongh to Mine Bey oi ‘Fenelon; Mr. Fred Fleur, to Miss Ide Thorndike. of th: Salem baseball club was held in the Orange hall on Friday evening, 26th inst. To say that it was a snecsss is putting it very mildly. The meeting opened about 8 o’clock. Mr. Pnrvls, the genial storekeeper ot Creeewell, was appointed chairman, and ï¬lled that taxing position with great credit to himself and general satisfaction. Mr. Teskey of Cannington opened with an instrumental, which was well received, and was (allowed by Arch. D. Delve. Then followed 9 selection tram the Sonya orches- ,, _ L. 11â€" run-.9"- nf Iouowau D “(Wynn-s â€vs- -..v _-_, ._ tra, a welLsnng song by Mr. Valentyne of Cannington, and an exceedingly well ren- dered recitation by Mr. D. McMillan of Sonya. Mr. Fred War: of Sonys also sang a piece with gnod effect. Then the sale or baskets began, and a nicer. prettier display has seldom been seen. Mr. P. Conquer- good acted as auctioneer. The baskets sold - - L . n.-- -n 1...! n-IIAknn of the very high. After all had partaxen on. we contents the program was again continu- ed. The orchestra again gave a selection, and was followed with a recitation by Mr. Arch. McMillan of this place, who fairly “brought down the house" with his humor- ous piece. Miss P. Melanie and Mlse Amy also rendered instrumentals in a very successful manner. John Wood at Zlon also gave asong and was encorad. Miss Morris sang a selection and showed a ï¬ne voice. Mr. Arch. McMillan gave a coup]; to the program. The proceeds amounted to about $60. This is the ï¬rst social got up by a baseball club in these outs and re- flects credit on the boys. We hope they will be as successful in deieatina all op- ponents this summer. PULPIT Normâ€"The Rev. Mr. Ash will preach in this church next Sabbath. Col- lection in aid of Albert college. Bellevilie. ‘Dnvw , 03min: comma“ ~ «REESE _'i'he Post.) Foor ALLâ€"Tho item in your last issue respecting foot ball matches between the publication must have known better; and therefore cannot be considered anything Magili of the collegiate resulted in two goals to one in favor of Lindsay, with an undecided goal claimed by Ops. This the refereewaeunable to decide at the time owing to lack of information. For the time it was settled by hie promising to "look it up" in the rules and report, which report has not yet been received. If he turns to law 4, chap. . association toot ball rules, the only rule bearing on the} point,_he may plainly 8:0 that the disputed point is a goal for Ops, thus making the first match a tie. In the return match, played in town and refereed by S. C.Brass, ODS. the visitors scored a goal in thirty minutes. The remaining hour. however“ failed to gire anything more than an exhi- bition oi very ï¬ne playing on both sides. When time was called the referee decided the match in favor of Ops by 1 to 0. From } this it may be teen that the “hayseeds' are one goal ahead. and any person who, in the face of these facts, would report as he reported. is utterly regardless of truth, void of manliness. and possesses not even the least trace of respect for himself or the team he represents. By giving this space R in your next issue you will oblige the players of e. a. No. 4,who ask only fair play and true reports. A. M. IRWIN. BOBCA Y GEON. [Correspondence oi The Post] A Wanan.â€"Some personâ€"possibly thoughtlessly has cut down a tree on the Pigeon lake shore, near the sawdust road. It should not be forgotten that there is a standing ofl‘er of reward for information that will lead to the conviction of any per- son guilty of wanton trespass on the is- land. The little trees are no use to any one, and it is only wantonnsss to destroy the bush that is one or the chief beauties of the village. Resume 1N Weenâ€"Since the thaw beâ€" gan last week. those who had agreed to supply wood to different parties in the vil- lage made up their minds that they would have to push things it their contracts were to be tilled with sleighlnn. Hence a. num- ber oi teams loaded with wocd could be seen on their way to the wood-yards beiore the WHDWIw w wan-av " _ --___ themselves. us they were all nelahbon. end to settle it in the court would only tend to creste herd feelings that might harm the pesos of the community for some ‘ time to come. To the credit ct the disput- ing parties they settled it smong them- selves on the hssls the: each concerned wsstopsysnequslehereofthv cos they returned to thek homes hsppier sud wiser men. being henefltted by good sdvles. A Centâ€"Since the election is over sud M2. mum is once more In Ottsws to look she: the Interest 0! South Vlctofls, DUNSEOBD. [Wot «malt-l By.â€" a Wound-U. 3;" DB Buys-Vina". -_., -â€" After all had pan-ugh? of. the OPS STATIQN. OAK WOOL). '36113éé.’13euevme. RED ROVER. no 1. and .bouc’m many. in {not 3311:“ talk about it ,1me now. Hun; shall we uceonn: to: an. aim! In it at; out yoflihj 01919“ no walnut! until 0 A _ _____4; -. (IDOL-A. md our wmuu; “â€"vâ€" _., - whole thins! is mused o: Otto's. sad the the rod in bank built and is no 10:: or o lhlng or doubt, but at not! 0: do ey tool someway or other am. it is only - myth! Old Time will mower. FENELON mug. , “v-4.--â€" A BULL m a Smon.â€"Mr. Geo. Watson of Season Blend arrived at the Falls on Wednesday evening and left next morning 1 for a farm he owns near Bettie's station in l Somarville. In hie elelgh was a thorough- 1 bred Durham bull, which, though only; two rem old and by no means (at, weighed 1,320 pounds. As the animal had been two days on the road before he arrived here he had apparently become reconciled to sleigh-riding. which must have been rather weariaome for he had to stand all the time. as there waen't room to lie down. A BAD FALLâ€"A week ago yesterday evening Mr. W. '1‘. Junkin of this village walked through the trap door at the back of his drug etore into the cellar below, but iortunately was not much injured. Hie chin. which struck against something before he reached the cellar floor. was elightly out and three of hie teeth were driven into 1115 â€DRUG. but neither of the hurts was notions and he wee all right in three or tour dare. Mr. Jae. Jackson met with a precisely eimilar accident eome months ago, but did not get of as easily as Mr. Junkln, as he wae laid up tor some time with a sprained ankle. Tm: Bannoan Bataanâ€"Mr. Ferguson. road master, and two other employees or the G. '1‘. B. were here laet week “seeing about" the new railroad bridge aorose the Fenelon river, and from what we can learn. it is probable that the bridge will be built somewhere below the falle, pxohably near Powle'a landing, which will do away with the neeeaslty at a swing. and that the station will he moved to this side of ‘ the river. ‘ Tm: New Munâ€"Mr. John Thomson eome abort time ago took the contract for putting the machinery into the new saw- --- --n l-‘.â€" a mm." d:- halnw putting uuu mun-um, n... mill on Mr. John A. Ellis’e elte below the Pulp Mill Co.'e lime kiln, end ie push- ing the work with so much vigor the: the mill is expected to be in operation by the let 0! April. Mr. Ellie teile us that the machinery is ell neg end 0! the very been -â€"vâ€"â€"â€"__' 7 description. L [Gm-no. The grippe, with all its terrors, is making sad havoc in our midst. This evil. which visited us near] two ears ago. is with us now in a more threaded form. In some res- pects our peo le understand the trouble- some malad tter now than when it ï¬rst appeared. t is acknowledged by all that prompt action is necessary. so that primary symptoms may be checked. Bronchial affections, cough and sore throat are generally faremnners and leaders of a severe attack of grippe. and should be carefully and intelligently attended to. some may term sllg on the bronchial tubes. irritation of the tonsils and throat. that fltful cough. are sure indications that the enemy grippe has begun to effect an entrance. At this particular time simple yet effective mea- sures are of vast importanceiin order that sures an: un woo» lluyv- ....._--, _ -_ . , the great nervous system be enabled to sustain its vital energy and power. It 18 conceded by those competent to judge. that Harvard Bronchial Syrup should be used without delay. whenever the throat and bronchial tubes are in any degree threatened. and. When the ï¬rst symptoms of cough and irritation are felt. The great remedy gives almost Instant teller. and fox-tides every week part. As an cvnucuw v. aw Fwyâ€"-7, , we may say that the manufacturers are unable at present to fully supply the demand which has arisen since the advent of the grippe. It is supple in its com- positionjree from every mJurious narcotic. and so extremely reliable that every man. woman and ch ld can use it with the greatest safety. and receive almost instant results. See that you procure a bottle without delay. Us vâ€" u-.â€". .v.-.. ,_V fully. A oleu conscience sad-out! balm will lighten our gloomy reflections. Ham: u the We“ binning-02.183003 Gold‘an Medics! Discovery them medicine. It menu the Dream on and act-ohm due-en. Ind onto. comnmv on. or Luna-contain. it than in she. I: u the king at Mariam-tun um blood-planners. an a powertul we. building up the demand patent to Meet balm. Cumin no Was 1. Genet-Any the bigger g'mg'l W! the 1mm. HBBE AIVD 1’ 3.8133. A howling swellâ€"An rmud tooth. w-muu tho flour-slut. An amlaor counts hh Rold- Nth: 5nd day. So]. count the minutes! told In the anâ€; X! ant-dim. my hdr “mummy. Andluow I'm mmolduthe: mu. Whén we upwmh‘tho m and yellow lost. of. curds". wom prone to W hick mt» - 7,7,, , k _-I-s _n- munâ€"minus“: mum ud unmotthonklnwbicnm monotone: :qllot flaw dig-cowsrunpwt tron the m An Agent of Saint! for the Bonn! uau RAJ-1%"- xne of news. “d 1‘“ MK. ins-Aw awrâ€" {no of mum and mum w.-- _-. 4 SH “1 can highly recommen existence; it [on G. N. Trim GRIPPE! 6w RHEu_MA'rIsu.â€"§%2 ,4;... _.an. vhmml “1'de mantel with mammalian! Could notmd: m bedmmmahoobuml. In themerninxlwdked without pun:l _______â€"â€"â€"- MI. JAMES BONL 158 Yonge St». Tomnm '-~m-- “3L JusobsOil hmoonumodym: relie- ERRORS OF YOUNG . OLO {:33 «Mon Mung wanting pupa- In the WM“? ho mailman. mu: shone! be thou It. WeeuM 00 a : 81.50 six months. Adam M 00. {’0'an $1 Bio-4m. New Yon-I. §iï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬i gunman Laocoon 7 pants was . more be] than is " man who ' fects of ease, exce overwo ; Laocoon in , ._ “i the coils of 1-" the fatal ser- 7 pcnts was not more helpless than is the " man whopines V under the ef- fects of dis- ease, excesses, "" overwork, worry, etc. Rouse yourself. Take‘ heart of hope again and BE A MAN ! We have cured thousands, who allow us to refer to them. WE CAN CUBE you by use of our exclusive methods and appliances. Simple, unfailing treatment at home for Lost or Failing Manhood, General or Nervous Debili , Weaknesses of Body and Mind, fleets of Errors or Excesses in Old or Young. Robust, Noble MANEOOD fully Restored. Improvement seen the ï¬rst day. How to enlarge and strengthen. WEAK, UNDEVELOPED ORGANs AND PARTS or BODY. Men testify from 50 States and Foreign Countries. Write them. Book, explanation and proofs mailed (sealed) free. Address ERIE MEDICAL 09.,“ promo: In I“ â€MU“ nun. "v- _- , V ma treatment of Communion. 1n Bronchlda. Coughs. Pdna la the Cheat. Sore Throws sud Adthms SOLD Ill PHIALS OF 100 IORRHUOL PEARLS. EACH OF WHICH IS EQUAL To A TEASPOOI WI. OF OIL 35901: “If. s n a Vunonno. P 01 ALL QBUGGISTS tn Camds. PRICE $1. , - -- _ _- “Au-vog-AI ms CURATIVVE ACTIVE Pamcxnns FXTRACTED Fggtcgpmglyea OII.‘ Ul Auu unyvu INA-v .â€" '____, Wholenk of LYM AN. sonsaco. MONTREAL Erie Mm 556751613: In: sum. CHAPOTEAUT’S n6 v- “4.. BUFFALO, N.Y. 3 mm W' "‘ We hue pleasure in acknowledging magpymeqt in tall of our claims against the Ron; '3 resnlï¬ngn-omtherooonc mmpolnemee. Wewensomewmtamn Companyhupmdourddmsbemmtheexplnï¬mot ' burnt bgthe onof almtcmonthe llthSqt. ustaed an now I luvs 3 engine for the amount of n W. MONTGOMERY E of obtaining what is new and fashionable in Millinery, Shapes, and Trimming efl'ects just now, at most reason- able prices. Circumstances compel me to try and reduce my stock materially during the next three weeks, and I have made a substantial reduction all round. My ydwelllnggd cantons were can chequeoet. for the ll amount of my chum. .M â€" 'Brltfln. In 90. 133-43- m4 sun. Maven. Oct. 6th. 1391' many. Feta-um 10- 1891â€"87; wasâ€. Oct. 8. ESLâ€"74. FIRE JOB PRINTING . See our great drives in FELT 32918 to Clear , mama and MANTLE 1414:1111; t!» â€fail bl_ast MILLIFERY in Great Variety a' See our 30 CENT TEA. It is 0» great favor. â€"â€"â€"â€"Iâ€"“qâ€"â€˜ï¬ 7horoughbred and Farm Stock Insured at very Low Rates. um. In.“ mâ€"n . This expression has been used over and over again by thousands of people who have been fortunate enoughto tryour Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil. We admit that it is not good form to praise too loudly one’s own preparation. but the response made by each and every dnotvldual all over this county was one of such massive and over- whelming recognition, couched in such kind and pprobation. as enthusiastic terms of welcome anda to show us that our emulsion was not only appreciaâ€" ed but prized by every person who uses it. Our laboratory is in the back part of Htginbotham’s Druq Store. you}; on your Seeds and get your Farm Stock Insured at 5er 8. â€â€"87- Insurance apply and oontgnm were‘ hunt °n the ,. _‘_ - -.... This in‘ MISS O’BRIEN, Alwmmdmm PAYS MILLINERY m TEA. E. z. YOPOx-. ONTARIO "MEAL LIVE STOCK A nARGE EITOCK AWL: The Canadian Pest. 11188 O'Brien. mm; on the 28th Sept. Today. eight days after. I hhvo a in). This is promptamlssdstacmry. MATHEW WILSON. J. We therap- 5. 00111911. 31218451139.- From the best Makers. ‘ wholesale prices for the next 30 days, (to reduce stock.) S. COBNEIL, .Lng Britain. Insuranoo Company- ,. It is 0: great flwm'o Z'EBEX mm Brigg ' LOSSES- A‘ent. Ilium:- Q01, sud u-I'ï¬â€"u‘xl "i l m M [0 o?’ â€V . f' Clpful into 9 .I q“- Iithg pica u; mu“ 9 z-dcnn piece. Tr “ , .9“, with nun; S ‘35.. In! of the ï¬rm! u ’75? main-ward ! 1%; .3190“ (-y-L'Jcnt‘ ,; Inna-am of one 4,5." Lindsay, rayon: â€a 98.4 “ "Mi?†0! th @1wa (hon, M «Several yo: z-s awn I â€- Mess†mrs sai- l I \\ as The: (33-: :hcy umld (it vised 1' .11. as 3 I 3:! as Cherrv l‘u-uu‘l “Jedi" inc .‘wu ( l' _-.a nna‘ n \. hm K2." wondefl"‘- P": DY life. I ballawm awe» ans. was greatly n ““1 Kiwi]! up by my_ {THE WOMAN â€NY AND RARE AF , WOMEN | untold said u} h} ‘80 a†present d8)- 1‘...“ a Several yFaTS 32°. ‘ California. by “'1 severe a cold that .13 conï¬uedjfl m3" . The “um“: 's I. ï¬nd headed Lv a â€mbershlp of a I In A servax 1 a: .L .-. London, ..n i ;..- . t, she v. a ' Death was smf' ‘ I NY. “d my lungs‘ v to a bunny cundixic MW inmably rmznmu -yaï¬nn.â€-Jo 15' Chad Aw’s eh? bunt, type and n‘ “billing when t'm'c .mmpede in a 1m; " If the lpznt was mm “It“ (:ka or gnv. :1 “ rub with a w-wlu “5 â€min. ‘ If there i:- a grunt: tuck, break an tag-,2 with a bit 0{ )o-ik i ' of whit- ru-lmn ' fresh “nu-r 1hr: ’Qwsy the bath and r «Cater. If you have JVâ€; can ‘ik’! It out in u soluIL-Ilw you have dml â€roll you should an .d then with warm ; If the ink in on ! ï¬lter. 9» I! it is: fruit sum “pub with 3-..;zow a...» “a hang u. the sun fluidâ€"9' ' ‘ ’fldeun add. ' I avo‘ If it Eva. '"llM‘ 0‘ I ï¬nd hang in the cuu. ‘ l! tar has done ï¬riu of Luz-yummy" | Finger max-Ls 3-8:} .Mrwâ€"Hoxwhwtq DRSUM i ‘11-. 5 Anon duh-abh- w in a n at; ;( â€all! and u 55.. :- ‘ unr- um 5’ 1|. .- “ï¬x-.3! ouzx Mu :.. .0 Lem? t-. :. and. than. -5- y; “fluid: :7 2.. ' h3lflék$7ï¬nh '.' . 5 d Ian/tr. 5:»; a" dinolvod; I! M lighter. Learn a um I father in cyes an I uncle r’lxc lives i . Cambridge. Mass. is are the 1:01:11“ nf lightersâ€"M r>. ham Annie Besmzt, my: : I women's clubs on manicure not in her LII moon. in the pin users while gxnug I mu, All the same “in set. great mm» Cale on J “no that t! the? [of her cnmpium: L her friends. (in Alice Longfelh m ‘TJLQ' "u! Col! ,5 stages, can od'by the prom] Pectonl. E\‘ of that discus How to T ï¬nal!“ Cum Wu Happen“ Che: ry Ye to a.“ Medzl mom (I! glyfi rnrnm Lawn. red by Lil "it [1 I. )ruq