N MICRO SAFEIY a FUJI The Largest Country Weekly THEPOSTI VOLUME XXXIII. WHOLE NO. 1851 IN ITS FOBTETH YEAR. Dundee Fla velle Bros. â€"__â€""â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"_l I l l / / _â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" UP 700.475. l MWWN With the coming of Spring the store takes on a New Everything BRIGHT and FRESH inside : Sales-- Dress. peOple quick, alert, active; New Goods that were cleared before stock-taking. . . . FWMWWW THIS VVEEK WE ARE SHOWING: NEW VBIIIIIHS, [3833, [all 6911318, BlllKlflS, Sllllfls, lillllllS, lllllSS lillflllS, lleleines, PIIIIIS, llllflKS, [Ill IllllSllllS, In Sills, telnets, Linens anti sneetines. WWWW REASONS MULTIPLY why the trend of trade is our way. Honesty in the goodsâ€"in the advertisementsâ€"in every nook and corner of this establishment. DUNDAS FLAVELLE BROS. Horn Bros. H ORSE/WE/V Be merciful to your intelligent fleet-footed friend and protect him from the severe climate. J .Ick Frost c2 nnot make him shiver if well clothed in one of our Heavy all Wool Blankets. We have ï¬nished this week 200 yards of GRAY, RED, BLUE and PIN K CHECK. CI lors warranted, guaranteed all long Silky Wool, which is bound to war, tricc reduced to $1.10 and $1.00 per yard tloIIl-lo L H, ur If“). per 1h. l’l:tit; Grey, ‘IUC. per II). We {suturing limbo Lin}: ft :l' troll. are mnnu ' LINDSAY- ONT.- FRIDAY MARCH 1. 1895 crowd shelves _ unnaton a: Sisson. G EAP we“ QIEBiHOESI- w._â€". “.7 .. . MEN‘S FINE JERSEY, 81 751 ualltv for - 8 1.25 MEN’S RED WOOL Lib ED ATERPROOF. 1st qualit . sizes 6 and 7 - 90 MEN 8 W00 LINED WATERPROOF AMI-21H. CAN sizes 6 and 7 - - - - 65 MEN S I-‘EL'I‘ OVERSIIOES. all ï¬les - 75 BOYS' and YOUTHS' WOOL LINED WATER PROOF FELT, American or Canadian, . 50 65, 76 LADIES' FINE JERSEY LACED BLACK WOOL LINED WATERPROOF. sllc 3, - I 00 LADIER' FINE JERSEY BUTTON BLACK WOOL LINED WATERPROOF, all lilacs - l ‘26 A .... -...., __. These are all about 50c. a. pair less than regular price. HORN 3303-: JOHNSTON ti SISSflll LINDSAY WOMEN MILL8. Rs. Never buy a J its Blanket for a Horse Cover. they will never wear and are hard, cold and comfortloss. , Township of Mormonâ€"d. . . ... .v‘_,______._______â€"â€" Instinct Statement of Receipts and Payments __.0b‘__.__ J. F. CUNNINGS, ESQ... TREASURER. â€"â€"Ol“ TUEâ€" Mnnieipality of the Township of MARIPOSI FOR A- I)- 1894:- 01:. 1394. CR. Total paid for lndigents- .............. S 434 31 Total paid for Roads...... .. .. 1.342 70 Total paid for Sularics........ ..... . 995 75 Total paid for Printing .............. 133 59 Total paid for County Rate, 1893.... 5 668 00 Total paid for County Rate, 1894.... 3.600 00 Total School Debentures ............ 631 40 Total Statute Labor commutation.... 44 25 Total Election Expenses............ 101 35 Total Heating. ............ 3 85 Total Board of Health.... .. 63 05 Total Public Schools"... ... 8,068 30 Total Drainage ..................... 372 09 Total Miscellaneous..,.. . . . . .. _ .. .. . 154 21 $21,662. 65 8,847 60 825.510 25 " Ir.!,tr:.-.- from '.l~t audit .............. 3 H3 5‘3 I: t'l'iil'ULljl". loUS.......... ll 3):) 0'7 I: Nwrth â€qu .............. 5871 00 ll Snu'h Half .............. 7.700 00 tmu of Statute: Labor ...... II 25 )l.\\.'I.".ZLL:l'.:lIl\................... 5151 Balance in hand...-.... ............ 3:75.510 5 I GOOSE LAKE DRAINâ€"BYLAWS No. [225 AND Jlu l. ' '1‘.) balance on hand lust audit ............... -. liccwpts ............... 78 39 Psvments_ S .60l Bulance on hai.d.... ..... 3639. GRANTS DRAIN.â€"BY-LAW No. 240. Pavmcnts...... ............... .... . ...... 25 52 Balance on hand .......................... 3 501 01 $526 58 ’1' rulaucc on ii: iii last audit, ............ 3 406 27 30 36 lieu-tint“ ...... .. ...... CAMPBELL'S DRAINâ€"BY-LAW No. ‘21. 8 33 92 lint-2pm...- ... 77 64 UJJHCL‘ d..c Treasurer ............ ... S 7 3125 29 SHORTS DRAIN.-â€"BY~LA\V :No. 410. -;- E~:.‘..tn:o In land lost audit ............ Paymexm........ ...... ......... 3 1,084 79 1,100 75 82.18554 Payments .................... ...... .. 'I‘. Halzulce on hand lust audit ........... S 1.322 93 _ Btlance ou‘hand ....................... ilecclpt~_.,, .... 362 61 3 2.185 54 We. the Auditors of the Munici ity of the Township of Marlposa for A. D. 1894 here sh enclosed to be a correct. statement of InlAssets and Liabilities of the said Township, us pe'r mam; and papers, for the year ending 31st Dcc., 1894. Oakwood, 2nd Feb., 1895.-51-1. loo-00. .......... cs0. mucus. .1. B. wntnos, i‘w‘m- The Post. â€"â€" ~_â€"_ FINE JOB PRINTING’ Is a Specialty at THE POST. Brt tronuï¬â€™ros. Watc h Re pal m n g When done right is done cheapest, even if it costs more than to do it improperly. But it doesn't cost more in the long run, really not so much. It is cheaper to pay 8100 once than 75 cents twice, to say nothing of the satisfaction of carry- ing a reliakle time-piece instead of a dummy. In fact the cost of watch repair~ ing, like that of any other service or commodity, is largely governed by its quality. It often happens that incompetent artisans try to conceal poor work behind high prices, but eventually the quality of the work, be It good or bad, proclaims itself. We are prepared to do good watch work. No shop in Canada is better equipped for this purpose than ours. It means a large out- lay for ï¬ne tools and appliances. It means care, study and long practical experience, and a deter- mination to make quality the ï¬rst consideration. These we have. That these things are appreciated by people who want value for their money is proved by the scope of our business. In addition to our customers who live in this vicinity there is a. considerable number who send us work from long distal cos, even as far off as the Rockies. Why do they send to us past all intervening towns and cities? Be- cause it pays them to do so. We want your work. WE WANT YOUR WORK if your are not already a customer. Try us next time you need any- thing In our line. Send by mail or parcel post if you are too far away to come yourself. BRITTON BROS, LINDSAY. Grand Trunk Railway. 2 THROUGH TOURIST CARS A WEEK Leave Toronto for Califorma‘ without change. Tuesdays and Fridays. form mmmmuscum ...mwoOO II. I. unicorn, Ticket Agent, one. sxrnms 0m Lunar, m E The time to get your printing ismw,“ now, the place is THE POST Job Department. Will our friends every- where remember that we print posi- tively everything, from a book down to the smallest card? Either call in or write for prices and samples. Elli: Canadian gust. "MINI“. ° mm QEWm. rw. m VICTORIA COUNTYCHEESE â€"#â€" FORMATION OF A LINDSAY BOARD D3010†UPON. lcmtsum “-5. m: m- ica loot um blacuss tbs Dropouts-u -8anbuncu County cuocacmsu will Btu-rd Tm Out-put 80cc. Pcr some week past attempts have been made by the Lindsay board of trade to ring about a mcctlng of the cheese- mcn cf VIctorIa and adjoining territory f)! thc purpose I f considering the advisa- blIIty of establishing a lccsl chcssc board. The lmpasrable stats of the roads, owing to the recent fiscs storm', newssitatcd two adjournments, but last week King Winter moderated his wrath somewhat, and on Saturday morning a well-attended meeting was held In the councII chamber, which was presided over by Mr. Duncan Ray, rrcsldcnt of the board of trade. Among those present wt rs :â€"Mcssrs. John Campbell, John Cruess, Taylor Par- I kin, Thomas Rlbertson. E. C. Glcndennlr 3, Dennis Scullr, J. D. Graham, Dar. Sin- clair, Scth Armitage, J. D. Hutton, Capt. Hunter, 0. S. Kcvl'. Wm. Ssndfon', Wm. Thurston, Wm; Flavellr', John D. Fls~ voile, Leary, urowr. White and a num- ber ti others. Mr. RAY, after calling the meeting to zrlcr, said he was greatly pleased to see so many present after two futile attempts to hold a mcctingâ€"the third time proved the charm, Indeed. The object of the board of trsdc In calling them cogctbtr was to consider the establishment of a county cheese board. and thus cnablc cbcesemen to gar. a better tries for their ; roducts and at the sums time out down the expense r f selling. Dairying Is now the branch of the furmcrs business that psys best, hence every effort should be made to build Is up to the highest pcInt. It Is causc for trntlflcatlon that Canc- dlan chscsc holds such a hIgb place In England, and if the quality be malntalncd the demand will grow greater yearly. With regard to buttrr. England Imports ycr rly 160,00l.0<20 pounds ; ont-dfth of that Immense quantlty comes from Ans ralln some 16.000 miles distant, and only (It'- twentlctn fromCsuadF. though onl 3,0(0 mIIcs distant. 0f coerce Aus’ral has an advantage from the fact that the seasons are dlmrsnt. their summrr being our wlntc r. StII'. our buttu- trade Is capablc of great development. and should z). placed on u par vs nth Illc cbccsc lndus~ r,l Nr. J. E SOOTIIBRAIV. srcrctary, rcad lcttcrs from Mos-r . J. U. \Vzrrrlngtor. of Ilcllsvlllv‘. and Cook. of Montrcs'. saying that In the event of a cheese board bcIug cstnbllshcd In Llndeay they would doubt- less strings to have buyers present. 1n: Instructions. Mr. J. I). li‘mvuun was then asked to give hls oplnlon on thc formation of a board. but he dccllucdto speak at any length. It had been sold that hls firm would like to ace the bowl sstabllshcd ' because they would have the odvacta cvsr outsldc buyers. Th: rc was no Iru wbstcvu r In the statementâ€"he would still contlnuc to attend the Pcterboro bow. and the cstabllshmcnt of a Lludsxy boars would slmply mean another day lost. Kc would not lbs to soc the Uneasy board left In tbs hands ofa few mcuâ€"ls would simply mean that very soon It would have to brsak up. In the past It was not rly always the rule that the Pctcrbcro buyers wcrc sblc to supplv tbclr wants without fallln back upon Victoria county shear. and c result was that bs(FIavcllo) was one of only two or three bu who would bId on the output of tb section. By having a board hers othrr buyers whose wants was not supplied would flock to Lindsay. Mr. Joan GRUB! saId he would llkc to scc a Victoria county board sstabllshcd. He had been Informed by Mr. William rlsvellc that Victoria county chccsc was not known In England at allâ€"It went under the name cf Pctsrbcro chcccc. That was not rightâ€"tho chccss made in Victoria county was fully equal to the Petsrbt ro artlclr, and should be re - seated by Itself on the Ecgllsh mar ct. By having a board cstabllsbcd In Lindsay this state of afralrs would be rcmcdlct‘. and checscmcn would also savc money and time by being able to drive to town. Mr. Smronn enquired If a county bourdhad not met in Lindsay somcyccrs IRO- Mr. W. Fuvmu said yr, but at that time the make If cheese In the dIstrEct 323d. Insumclcnt to Inducs buyers to at- Mr. J. D. hum: explained that the ‘ reason buyers like the Petcrbcro boar-I Is becausc they can vlslt factories advanta- geously ; In a radius of seven or eight mIlcs thcycan buy as muchaslsmadcln the whole county of Vista rla. It was saldslso tbattbtrs wasan advantage In heightâ€"Mr. Cluxtor, one of tbs Pctcr- boro buycrr, claims that he pays no freight on boxes. Tbs railway mcu deny this, but as than are two lInss of rsllway there may be a little cutting of rates. There Is no dllfcrcncc In favor of Peter- boro In the regular schedule of c . Mr. Summon sald bs would to see tbsboardcstabllsbcdcnasatlsfnctory basis,butbcfcarsdthcywould not get the buyers to attend ; In that event, bow- cver, us Mr. Flavcllc had pointed cu‘, they would only bavc to JoIn In with Pcoerbcro again. Mr. W. Fuvm pointed out that a board had recsntl been formed at Nansncr, whcrc y somc or chscscs arc boarded every two weeks. thought that In the season close upon 1,000 boxissto bcsold fm-t nlgbtl In Lindsay, and The cbcsur factory should and also the ncrtb country bowler. Mr. Tnvnon Pm, of favored the formatlcn of a local board and sold his factcry would sell Mr. Rooms, of South V has been on the Pctcrbcro Eboardwcwculdbs own I l l I @he detections littlest. TERMS: CHRISTIAN EN DEAVORERS HOLD 4 H08? 8 UPCEBBFUL CUR VINTJOR. Isms-luv.- mâ€" the Various m octets-s lost In “Inlayâ€"A Lugs AW and â€mill Moms“. The ï¬fth annual ccuvcutlcu of the flotation cud Vista rla C(uuty Union (I Christian Eu- Moths hoflnd felt (leaves was bcld In the Csmbrldns-sr. Wlst church on Thursday and Fri. tbc day. Feb. 21st andï¬ud. Tbs atom which It was all classed as Peterson obsess. That should be changedâ€"be felt that V Ic tor-Is county could turn out as good an article as Is made In Canada. and the purchasing public should be madc awarc of tabs fact. Mr. Drums Scour said the Victoria salesmen wcrc marcd v fairly In Peter- boro ' It was but natural cy would wuut to sell the Pctcrboro cbccsc first. and the VIctcrIa artlclc thus took stccnd place. One drawback to the hormatiou of a local board was tbc dIstarcc buyers would have to l rsvcl to Inspect the cheese at the differ- ent factories ; on the other band expanses would be dc.rcascdâ€"Instcad of to. he thought cvcry salesman would be content to take 82 and vIsIt thclr country town. where they could transect other ouslnpss during their vIsIt. He thought Mr. I‘ln- vclls was one of the fairest buyers he had ever mct' outside men would cull the cheese and raise ail kinds of objections If the market price had fdisu a urine. but Mr. Flavslls never did thatâ€"be took over y cheese that wns at all salsablr. Mr. E sown, of Reaboro fac . thought the proposal to establish a local and was a timely oneâ€"tbs cantlty of cheese now manufactured In t 0 county warranted such a stcp be taken, and the saving In expense to each tcry would be consider- able. As for Mr. Flavcllc. bc had never found him selfishâ€"even when there was no other bidder be always gave the h b- cst pricc f r VIctcrIs cheese. and heal as that. he was the fairest Inspector he ever met wlth. , Mr. ercsnm briefly ex his ap- proval of the pro sod board, and said that If cstabIIs his factory would sell in Lindsay. Mr. Gnanaxjcf Fcuslor. tendered his support and assistance: be thought we should stand by our own county when- ever pcrslblc. Mr. Wnrrn. of Msnills, said his section would bavc been better rcprcscntcd but for the bud roads. Some of the pstrocs of his factory Ind met and discussed the matter. andhad come to the conclusion tbatltwould bc agood thing to bavca board cstabllshcd In Lindsay. It had been suggrstcd that thc board meeting nbould be held a few days later than Pctrrborr‘. so that thc salesmcn might gain an Inca If the ruling xrlccs tbtrr. Mr. J. D. Pnnvanur sald tbs suggestion was a good one. Iic thought there was an pupsn day following the Peter-bore mcct- g. Mr. Camus srqu'rd If sultnblc soccm. :nodatlou could as prtcarcd In Lindsay or board purposes. Mr. Bur “Id bscould promise the use of the courcll chamber or town hall frcc of cost. Thsy would and the cont at will- Ing to do cvtrythlng to secure convcn~ lanes and comfort to those attendlnr. Mr. Ray agsln rvf- rrad to the Imports: 0-.- of havlng Vlctorla count cbccsc known and recognised as such th In Csnada and In England “there's a good deal In a name." said hr. Everything In tt not be netbfsctory the III-st scasor. ut there was no good rcssou why a \"t‘wrln county board sht uld not hcoouic M as the Pctcrb: r.) board, whlcu ls ml: to be the best In Canada Us felt confident that In a very few yeah the output In this din- trlct would nor-case b 5U prr cont. Mr. ltuuxnruun'. n err-lug to tinI butt r trade wetb England. sold I: had (I- messed because of the development of tbs cbccse Industry. It used to be that O:tnbcr cbccsc commanded tbc blunt-t the September article had won rat p If tbc farmers would adopt the p Ior. new lacs. Ian of there Is buslncss Ilc: rssslcnt Glcuarm. vice-product of the Czunty UnIou. wbowas to tabs charge cf the Thursday afternoon session. In bIs ab- scucc Mr. H. S P r:cr. cutof tbs Cambrldgc-st. Mstbcdlst soclcty. cock cbargcof the prayer strvlcc andopcnlng exercises. TKI OPWG A01)“ The address of the afternoon was given by RM. J. W. Tottcn, Lindsay on "the Deepening of the s new Llfc.†Mr. Tottcn Mood his on the 37th cbnptcr of Ezskla‘. He emphasized the fact that It Is In quallty and not quantity that the strength of a society IIcs. Suc- ccss depends very much on spiritual life. Anotbtr pqut was that spiritual life comes from God tbro b His rcvcalcd will and xrcssncs (f the sly spirit. Proper environments-prayer. bIblc study, various means of grace car-nest workâ€"us all essential to the (level patent and deepen- Ing of the spirituallifc. At the close of his address Mr. Tottcn conducted a short testimony meeting along the lines o n which hc had been speaking. Mr. rdy, president, then appointed his usual committees and the meeting cloud wltb sIngIng and prayer. IVENING SESSION. On Thursday evening the caustic bc gun with a so scrvlcc under the Iron- tlcn of Mr. . E. Coombr. Mr. A. E Bur-(Iv gave his address as president of the Dales giving a few statistics show- Ing not onl tbc Frowtb cf the soclsty In our mldst t al ovu- the world. There us now about 37,000 societies, with 2 000,» 000 mcmb: rs enrolled. Hc spokc If the amount 0 Imacblncry now at wrrk In t! s church. and Impressed the fact of the nose of trusting, not to the machinery fer sur- ccsv, but to tbc power of the holy spirit. Fulthfulness to the ledge Is one essen- tial to success, ft r It, :- ths backbone rfthe soclcty. He said, also, let there be no frlczlnn between tbs Sunday school and the Christlnn Endeavor rocIety-tbey art sepmtc ovgsnintlons, nelthtr doing the I otbsr's work. The business of the Sun- day school Is to teach, that of thc C E. society Is to lrsln and put Into pr: ctlcc the othvr ngancl of the church. Owing to the s R". Dr. Gslbrslth, of Toronto, who was to have given an ad- drrs', was not able to be present, and the emblem called on Revs S. J. Sb: ray and R Johnston to speak fora few mln- ubcs. Mr. Sherry s kc about thc Inter. dcnomlnatlonal sp rIt er-tlng between the young people of the different chu; choc as a result of the C. E. movement. Mr. Johnston spoke of the danger of formallty and the necessl‘y cf deep and :- rnest experience «I the power of Grd. The meeting closed with ringing and prayer. rm: nun†ll‘IRhlh‘u Mien-rim. On l’rlds mcrnlrg over one hundred young pcop I- attended I he sunrl‘c BF," mcctlrg In the Y.M.C.A. rooms. r. .l L Allin hook slums of this vcrv bclpfu; mcctlng. At 930 the for-snoon pension opsncd wltb dovo'lcml excyclm conduct- cd by Mr. I" A Robinson. \'.M CA. are ntsry, sf’cr Ililcb ll:v. Dr. Galbraltb. «who arrIrr-d In town vtry lute on the previous evrnlnu). gavc a most excellent mud Ins Iilng address on ‘Good (‘It 2m sh'p " wo csaenflull of gwod vlt'mmh p -r.\ “I‘ruc Patriotism" and "True Cl: tunny." Trus strlofIt-m Implles no. or ly a facile of oynlty. but. a dra're to Irttnotc the st Inrtrcsts t i' our oounlr". livery tins patriot Is an Industrloun mom. II.) should be proud to work. In fact should consider It a burden to bcidle. Asctbcr clcmcnt In tbc character (I Ihr rue patriot Is the ctfczt to coononilzn all the â€sources of bIs country. When wr look at the liquor. cobalt-a and ibowln gum bIIls of our country. wc are struc wltb their mawultudc. In It an wondcr cold It ralslug their calves In winter they could not be I miracle If It wire otherwise I A establish mamcrlcs and dcvslcp the but- tcr Industry also. Mr. Rava‘wvbat do yo government's plan of buying tbs . rumor-y butter and building up a market for It I†Mr. Roommate-"It Is a good Idsr." a van rs raxm. Moved by Mr. Scour. seconded by Mr. Sunroun. that ths meeting conaldcrs It c b. t I M . advisable In shc Interests of me choose 33inch ‘. ’3“??? “ factories of Victoria count and adjoin- Ing territory to establish a the {own of LIndsay.â€"Cair.cu unauI- mous 3'. Mr. Lunar, resuming the discusslor. said no fault could be found with the u tblnk cg m. of Ms country and cflts laws. III-us patrot will also tskc an active Incsrsst In tbs educational advantage- 11c sh: uld use the ballot box as a trust from heaven. and blot out the law that ncognlzc- the sale of strong drink. whlch Is the ruin of our countr . No truc citizen can Intcr- fcrs with t s prospsrlty of our country by his w'ckcducss. f‘r cvcry truc cltlscn "nghteousncss ’I‘hc pm dry (I a (pastry depends on the rtcagn tics of the â€so “I“ In dI'lne wr r1. After this most address a paper on “Work among Boy." was rcsd bv Mr. Alex. Horns. and a short and proï¬tablc dII cusslon followed The open parliament be on the old boardâ€"the only trouble conducted by Mr. c. K. (‘unoun on at. h been thenmnotenonab cheese then the prayer meeting alone sufficient to made In tbc county to ensure Its success. Mr. C. S. KIVIL. formerly of the Down- cvallo factory, but now running near Peter-born. said that when her-c be bad bccn strongly In favor of a local board. There was now tufliclcnt cheese made In this locality to start a ï¬rst-class boardâ€"better than either Csmpbcllford. NspauccorGauau us. and he could see no reason why Lin y should not In a vsryfcwycarsbavcssgcod a board as Pstcrboro. Mr. Guzmmnro so the forma- tion ofalocal boardwth a mat clIcItcd a use. EvcnIf the loo badto a little Isssfcs-tbclrcbscsc foratlmchc would counsel the patrons bostlckcothcboardaudlbcywculdsoon bavc buyers In plcuty. No doubt Pcscr- bosowouldpsvvcbostflcatflrst.butlftbc Victoria factories turucdoutgcod cbcssc mï¬uï¬wmmm to . . . mutton-M5 the alluslcntbat hIsIIrm wo vsa mcncpol oftbsllndssybnardaaldtbst wbcn r'. Cluxccr, Fltzgsuuld and W tomochssrbcsmbadaosrcccscd- cd crowdlngcustbcothcr buyss-sbs tbcugbttbcsccculdbcllttlcdangcrcfbls urmdclngsobcrr. (nudism) MIKPOITANTIO‘I'IOR. loved Mr. Cairns, seconded Grabsm,bt.’bat tbs following tic bsand'arcb s mcu °ruby ppcIn a factor! to methods of work, bible stu y make and keep the sockty vigorous!" stlons us , etc.. that mlght with profit be followed In many societch The morning session closed wltb pram. ‘ FRIDAY AFTERNOON snssrox. Prcsldcnt E. A. Hardy took charge of the afternoon mcctln . After the opening exercises Mr. Gcc. nï¬llapr. of Kingston, gave a blbls radio on ' The Truc S lrlt cf Prayer." Iic saI the prayer of tb ti."l:.°"°°“°...°t.“:: "u step “a t ps'cva yer Islam; Why of heart. m m)!- tunlty. dc tcucss, perseverance. all are to on cr; abiding In Christ necessary scttlss all dIfIIc tIcs In regard toany m of ocular: about which we use In The report of tbs combating commlttcc was now read and adopted. Following this was a svmpoalum on “The Young Man and the Church." Mr. F. L. Rabin- son and Mr. E Wbltc discussed the qucstlon. "Doss bs attend Church I' show- Ing that aftcr cauful luvcsugatlcn tbs startllu fact Is tbst out of bctwccu 800 and l. mcu In Undo-y only about 2I5 d the Protestant churches. It was shown thatlutbccouu matters is and M a“: m dealt $3; arbor r. the subject. "If not, Why not I' Ssvcrsl masonswcns vcu. somcdcalln wlthtbc churches. owing that oft-t mcs tbs psoplc ans not diligent enough In maklng tbs acqualntancc cf strum and tbs W... " "°‘ “““n‘lbml‘h‘mԠas young man w s n chgcb. al this Is seldom a fact; and otbcn wItb tbsdz‘ung man himself. Ks Is canine“. 01 's word. and ssrvlcss; no other: spsnds tbs gunday morning In rice and min the- dl manicâ€. Dr. Wrong! gnu“ 7... In nadblng ' “I: m young men and tbst mat work Is urns-carp A chat. sarcsu discussion [in A. 1’ â€MM“ . ac dot: parllsmscs cu "'I'bs and _trslulugcf your: scwbasmsasual “Muzzle- brought out many he'pful en ti teen '5? h I it! 23 CONSULT, the Label on paper and If It does not read “Jan. you are In our debt. ’95. $1.00 PER YEAR PAYABLE ns anvuul. Christian Endeavour-s In mlsslcur. Rev. Dr. SmItb, cf Port Hope. followed with an Inspiring addrcss on “The CbrIstian Endeavor-stand his Blblv.†He took forthcbasls obesncmarks.Ecckiel. He showed that just as the vision which Ezekiel had Inspired him, so should the marvellous revelation of God's love through Christ In ins Hls follcvcm to- day. and this stlon is given In the tibia. AsEnskIclwastccattbcRoILso amwccomakctbcbiblcour own food on It, IIvc cult. Agulr, as Eccklclwcw and sat down b the brook Cbcbar with tits: gallant: c capitgiltyhln codes that!†a c sympatb zs ‘ cm an p them, so let us look about us and In a outamoug “.mdtbcslgtcf their nccd w s‘lr us I: so nativity. Take to them the love c God as we and It In His nsvcalcd wordâ€"tho blblr. Meeting closed with sIngIng and prayer AN INTERESTING CLOSING WON. The Frlday cvculng mcctIug-tbc clos suslcn of the conventionâ€"was open with a song service, after which Rev. J. W. Tomb, tbs ncva-clccbcd president, was called to the platform and made a few remarks. Bcv. A. P. Mo DIarmId tbcn dcllvcrcd an address be “Mucus." This Is the great commission of the church. and must be vlc wed In the m ht“: that In whilgb Chglstmvlcwv u- to apprcc tc t c port» once of It. When we view the worlds from tbs pinnacle (f the tsmplc we must not scc grandeur, but degradation and. sIn. There was one mount of vision; another was Calvary. It was there Christ gave His life for tbc world, and hers let us gIvc. following Hls cxamplc and. carrying out EI- command. It was shown that wltbin loo years nearly all doors to bcathcn countries have been opcncd to rscclvc the gospel. Think of this! nine- tcen-twcntlcths of all money contributed Is spent at home. and yet 100,000 die every day, the majority of whom have not heard of the love of God. Tbc facIIIH tics for misslon work now are such that. It should be the supreme work of the church to send the gospel to tbchcathcr- Such sublime cpportunitlcs given us Irmg tremendous responsibilities. What Christ did He calls upon His church to do for thc salvation of the lostâ€"give our lives, wlth the assurance that He will use them. The world needs the consecrated talents. energy and love of youth, and aha“, we no: give them for the service cl. 0 ‘. The consecratlon service was led by Mr. Geo. Mills, jn. of Kingstonâ€"s flt closing to such an lmprcsslve service. A number took part In this along the lines of consecration. praise and the thoughts tiny were chng to carry home to their: societies. The meeting closed with singing "(rod‘ be with you till we meet again." and the benediction by Rev. R. J obuston, Lindsay. TH! OFFICERS ELECTED. The following ofï¬cers were cltcted for the ensuing ycnr:~ri’rcsldcnt, Roy. J. W Tattoo. Lindsay: vice-president, Ber. Jal' Pruner, Fenclon Fall»; secretary, Miss It" Duncan, Lindsay; assistant scmtary' Miss L. Houghton. L'ndsa}; treasurer’ Mr. Alex. Home. Lindsay; editor, Mr. H. S. Porter. Llndss.) ' junlor superintendent, Rev. B chnton, I'tle Britalnzdircct-ors, Miss M. Graham, Kinmount, Miss Bins. Bcatty. Omcmcc. Miss L. Gilchrist, Woodvlllr. CONVENTION Horns. â€"Thcrc were irl del ates from outslds- soclstlcs who mgleterc , which, consider- Ing the stats of the roads. was very cucouraglng. -â€"Tbc secretary's report showed a marked Incrcasc In the work during the year. In the county there Ire about 42 societies. only :5 of which have been nun-ted. nhnwmg an so I've mcmbcrshic of 1.0.0 and an int-wobble membership of 5:16. The lookout for the comlng year Is a bright one. â€"_ TEE LIBERAL CONVENTION‘ A T CUBOCONK. North Vm on. lunors cns rt let “up, Our. It. J. lcbauuhliu. with the Nomi- nation for the Bones of Commute. Tr-c no) .mrncd convention of the llbcrslr of N mu \' c min was held at Cobcconk on Friday lit-z. Although the roads were ulnibst In [ins-VIII: anl the trains were blocked, and It was sbsclutcly In pssslbl: for not a few of the distant dclcgatcs tc be titer-pt, yet. In wilteof all. some three hunch-d p; p s were p-cscnt, about one. hundred and sixty bt‘ll g delegate-r. The veteran stldcnt. Mr. Dickson. was In the cum. and at once caUcd the convention to business. The followlrg nominations were made :-J amcs Dickson. R. J. McLaughlin, J. A. Ellis, John Austin. A C. Graham, Henry Austin , Samuel Swanton. Ed. L rlc. A number of nominees resigned, an when the ballot was taken a considerable mujorlty of the couvcntlou was found In favor of Mr. R. J. MchghlIr. who was tendered the unanimous nomination by the pncsldcut. M‘. McLaughlin, In addresslng the convention, stated that hIs own personal feelings Inclined bIm towurds the quiet. of private lIfc but that he did not want to snirk any duty that might be cast upon Hm. and the wry the nomination had been urged upon hlm wlthout any solici- tation led him to accept It as a duty. Some m at say that he was an outsider- but be ad lived In the riding from his babybood to manhood. and nothing had been added to stature since. He oculu clalm nothing from the outside CZUptlflg experience. and that be trusted woul not hurt him. Since he left the rid he had only Ilvcd s few miles outside, w lob the ncccssltlcs of his business requlrcd; but his business. tis pro -rty, was chiefly In North Victor-In, an his heart had always bccu them. and In all campaigns be left the south to others and had fought with his friends In the north. Mr. McLa blIn expmsscd a general adhesion to t c platform of the libel-oi party, but said that In some respects he went farther than the liberal party, and In these matters he wished to bavc face so p9 and a full Indrpsndcucc. “Fu- Instaucc." be said. "I am In favor of the doctrine of the pstrons In regard to the senate. I believe In the entire abolition of that body, which Is a grunt source of cxpccsc and which does no good; and much more should be done along the same lines In the abolition of many useâ€" less and expensive apartments. omocs, etc.†Mr. McLsughIIn spoke at some Icn h on the qccstlous of tarln'rcform. pol tlcal corruption. and the urgent ncccsslty of an boncst sud business-like administrctiou of tbcsfl'alrsofthc country. In to the Trent Valley canal, Mr. his ughlln sold that although Mr. Hughes appcan to claim all the cucdltcff ths Jcct, that the report of the com, committing the government to Its construction was In the hands of the. minister before Mr. Hughes cvcr sat In psruamcut. and that the Intent advoâ€" cacy cf tbs scbcmc by r. Barron, who pressed the matter cf tbs construction of thc canal ontbcmlnlstryatalltimcsand scsscns. “in mason andoutof scascn.†had been largely Instrumental In committing tbs country ï¬nally to tbs project. That during the tines years In which Mn. Hughes had bccn In parliament there was a complete cessation of the work untfl tbc vrrycvccfanclccticr,whcnltls bought on fcrtbcusucl purposes. The Tron Vallrycanalcugbttcbcpsocscdnd with as an crdlusry public wotk,cnd used to float barges Issued of clrctlcus. and should be out so Lskc Ontario acucr. Mr. sungbunwoundn by cutbcllbssulssvsrywbcuccu‘imco