honor} lie-exclaimed ‘to continue the ex- premier's plans for the settlement of the Irish question.†With reference to the house of lords the premier eeid: "He had himself studied the question. end ï¬rhepe ~Vr bed used even stronger lnguege { . Gladstone had maize use of. What the house of lords and to understood wee thet with them the task of revision weedelleete end thnt revision was dangerous. With the democratic sufl‘rege the ooungzanow enjoyed e chambereonetltuted _ the house of lorde wuen‘nomely. .3‘3 leaders. ll»! ‘ ‘londey last, Lord Rose- berry. the --~- \ premier. enlogized Mr. Gladstone and .mid that the new cabinet would adopt, hi~ platform in its entirety. “The party was bound by every tie at The Ottawa Free Press: “There is in- struction in the ï¬nancial statements of the several provinces of the Dominion. Que- bec has adebt of $23,000 000; New Bruns wick, 82.000 000; Manitoba $2 209 000; N ova. Scotia. $1 764 00 I; British Columbia, 8620.- 000 Ontario has a s has of assets amounting to $6,135 480. an a cool million lving at her can So wry hand has guard- ed Ontario - reasnre. No wonder the mouths of [he yersons and Matters water when they h- of the opportunites for plunder ton . _in Ontario would open up to their I Ul lawn. ulnIA .u .vâ€"â€"â€" (-7_v ,____- ago. He warns 1356':- organrizatious to ï¬ght strenuoml y against RP. A.principles. Dissensions have arisen between the high ofï¬cials of the P. P. A. and the unanimity of the order is threatened in several ways The latest condemnation of its aims and objects comes from Eugene V. Debs president of the American Rail- way Union who claims that the American branch of the order was instituted to dis- organize labor unions. at ameeting of rail- road magnates and other lame employers of labor. held in _.\'_ew York some years Cable despamhes continue to predict the speedy retirement of Mr. Gladstone. The latest rumor is that Earl Spencer will assume the premiership and the active duties of leader in the house of commons, while the ' grand old man" will remain a member of the cabinet. It looks as if the opposition were trï¬ing to force him to retire by spreading t e meanest of insinua- tions as to his mental condition‘ but he is too old acampaigner to pay much attention to such tactics. Fifty Ontario county councils nominated a pupil each lzu-it year for free tuition at the Ontario agricultural college Last year 2‘0 young men attended, 207 being natives of the province. The practical and scien- tiï¬c training these youths receive must exercise a. great influence on agriculture, and the Mowat go~ernmcnt deserves the support of all farmers for the good work it is doing in paving the way for a chance from the growing of wheat and barley alone. Manitoba's new homestead exemption law looks well after the settler. It protects from seizure a. quarter section of land, buildings, seed for 80 acres. furniture. pro- visions books, bedding etc , to the value of $1,500. Many Ontario farmers whose resources have dwindled away owing to the insidious and depressing operations of the N. t’ would_like very much to be the other day of having murdered Dr. Cronin, whose tragic taking 011‘ a. couple of years ago because of a. suspicion that he was selling secrets to the English govern- ment. did asrmucl} to adyergiseï¬hicagogs similarly protected. Last year Canada had to seek foreign markets for over $125,000.000 worth of her product»; while the imports amounted to $129,074,265 thus leaving a. balance of trade against the Dominion of $23 276 011. In the olden days. according to the tory argu- ment. an advarse balance of trade meant. commercial depression, but itrpleases them ,A__4L .L- C oughlin, the Chicago eat-detective and member of the Clan na-Gael, was acquitted now to go bac very opposite. in Sun. uuA «ya uuuv- . vv nv-vv v___..,1 was accomnlished by "tile holding of the \Vorld 3 fair. Eerieutenant-Governor Royal. of the North west territories. has been receiving considerable free advertising lately owing to his having issued a pamphlet favoring Canadian independence, for reasons too numerous to mention one being the alleged unfair treatment of minorities. LINDSAY, FRIDAY. MARCH 16, 14. The Dominion parliament opened at Ottawa. yesterday. The session promises to be very important. DON’T Fï¬ï¬‚GET PORTER’S __.'WHE.\' YOU WANTâ€" Wall Paper. At a nmnmz of the and all points in the Eastern States and Provinces. Through Imps-as Tums. with Pullman sad Wagner Cm. Oponm over the 8mm. DETROIT, CHICAGO, CINCINNATI, 8T.LOUIS, DENVER, ST. PAUL, WINNIPEG. Elle 6:111:11“qu “£951; Remember our Big Valuesm 5 cent Papers. Pronto:- and Chapa- nun not you. DON'I.‘ ulssrsnma 1'1 And all points South, “‘05:. Southwest. North. Northwest, and the PACIFIC STATES also to MONTREAL 0114 WA, QUEBEC, BOSTON, POE TL .1 N1), 81’. JOHN, HALIFAX, NE WYORK, PHILADELPHIA, F. C. .E AYLOR, Agent. Express once, Lindsay Liangjrigv. 8th. 1893.â€"60 THE DOUBLE TRACK HIGHWAY EDI T ORIA. L NO TES. leEE-BKâ€"{Hittéï¬d‘ preach the F. 0. T8? 101'- z. 5. Porter. ish liberal En???†55m} thnt the waterworks. whloh ooet no more then forty thousand donors. ere worth slxty thonnnd. u) The ï¬rst retson le beoenee there he lew- eule. To this lell oulynny thot there eheuld he no such e low-suit : that it the meet elemen- tu'y rulee oi prudence had been followed there ehould be none. Do the olnime o! the Gen-do we end the Bank oi Hemiloon cover the whole or the works. the old portion on well an the new? I teke it than they (10. became the old works were bended over to the canteen. Mr. John Kenna-d7 eeye the worn ere worth 8 x3: thous- and donors. and Lho‘ they ore max-cussed tor ‘he full velue. viz. 860090. Where ie the ground for the lew- .nltl The mortgagees own the wear-works euro enough. It is idle to tnlk eh ut snooze or dehenturee of the companyâ€" tney ere worth nothing. 0n hle own ground; there in nothing to recover. I oenoot think of mythlng to be gained by this much Inlked of new“: except. perhnpe, to cover up eomebody'e mlsn en. (2) It we don’t buy et $80,000. an Mr. K.. none other compeny will buy. Buy tram whom. pm 2 From the mm of oonree. Why should the monk-trees sell et All it the investment in no good? Inenrenoe Cole ere looking for just such lnvesunente. But Mr. J. your correspondent. I up positively thut all these points should hue been cleerly luld oown st the public meeting or the citizens. lnstoed ot the conclusions naked 1 t by the Rentlemen calling the meetingâ€"hence my humble protest_ which is not I Iueer ucr Intended for one- }: the cost of the Intel-works Is not 3 very impomm point to be considered in mung en esthnste. I do not know whet is: But Mr. Kennedy ss- Ratepayer Does not annex. but Wants Light. [To the Edltor ct Tm: POST-l Dun MR. WILSON,â€"l nouoe In your Issue of yesterday Mr. John Kennedy's letter. I am sorry that he considers any portion of my pre- vious letter as an intended sneer at the board of trade; I be: toaseure hlmthat no sneer was Intended. In going ova-fully all the pros and cons oft/16 situation. as Mr. Kennedy tereely puts lt. did the town council and the board or trade try to ascertain the actual value of the w terworksl It so. they must have obtained a statement from the Waterworks Co.-euch a statement as the one your correspondent quot- ed from in a previous number of THE POST. They must at the very outeet have come across the two items of the eltea ct the pump-house and stand-plus. claltnlnc an expendlture or over 32.000. when the actual cost cannot have been over two hundred dollars. The preclse ï¬gures can be easily aeoertalned at the registry oflloe. In the (ace ct thle. was it prudent to take the 6â€"9.;Jzigxiéés tor the mu m. J. Kennedy due: not deny the accuracy 0! tbs ï¬gqrea :glven by William Ewart, the new leader of the house or wmmomxpressed similar views. Mr. Chamberlain has been letting a. few words drop relative to a possible return of the unionists p9 tile liberal fold. but ~â€"--â€" _..I.. hi" mgv The Brazilian trouble is believed to be nearing its end. with President Peixoto as the winner. The government vessels had been concentrating at Rio since the middle of last week. and on Sunday the insurgents were given 48 hours’ notice to surrender or be blown to smithereens. An offer nzade by admiral de Gama, the leader of the insurgents, was rejected by Peixoto, and on Tuesday at noon the government fleet entered the harbor without opposition Admiral Mello. the leader of the insur gents. is absent on his flag-ship. the Aquidaban. and it is rumored that he was seriously wounded by a fragment of shell during an engagement with the forts some weeks ago ...... On Wednesday De Gama capitulated. An English gentleman who has travelled extensively in Canada, in a letter published in Blackwood's Magazine. refers to the many evidences of depres sion noticed by him, and the possible remedy. We make the following pertinent extract:â€" The Lindsay Woterworn [To the Editoz of TH: P0512] 513,â€"! was disappoinwd at not seeing a oom- mnnioetion from Mr. Been or Mr. A. H. in, last week, giving us the value of the old works. Mr. Bean says twenty-rive yen- is the usual life time at such works. Our old works are over twenty years old. Whot are they worth 2 They know so much about the nine of the new works, surely they can tell when the old works are worth. Don't Ihirk iiiâ€"Yours truly. G. H. Hormxs. "than. too. there has been long and continuous emigratlon from the sgricultunl districts, ï¬rst to the manufacturing centres. second to the North-west territories. and third. no doubt. to the United States. The protective tariï¬ has conduced to this emigre.- tion, as also has the system of public education, which teaches the sons 01 farmers things quite alien to the plow The consequence is that, passing nlong the line of trafï¬c which skim the shores of Lake Ontario and forms the southern boundary of the province of that name. one posses through a number of moribund little towns and villages, the skeletons of their former selves, and standing warn- ings ngainst the evils of protection and centralization. What will resuscitate them, it anything. it. is hard to me unlumuw w u..- .nvï¬ V adherence to the honge rule bill may irighben them away 323m. Walt. W1“ resusumw vuuua, u. an, an...“ .. .. ....._ -- say. Here and there, of course, is s thriving excep- tion, where water-power or some other natural advant- age exists; but. for the most part the Canadian village is asleep. and will probably remain asleep. until free trade and scientiï¬c tanning are resorted to in order to wake is.†The trial of William Walter McWherrell and John Walker. for the brutal murder of the aged couple, James and Eliza Williams. near Port Credit, in December last, opened at Brampton on Wednesday last True bills were brought in against each of the prisoners, who pleaded not guilty. The Wilson tariff bill has been so altered and amended in the senate that the original framers would hardly recognize it. Many of the items on the free list have been re- moved, and higher duties imposed in other cases. It seems that the democratic majority in the senate is only three. and several of the southern democrats have taken advantage of this to insist upon higher duties being imposed upon sugar. iron. and other commodities as the price of their support. President Cleveland has notes yet expressed his views upon the situation. The French treaty, engineered by Lord High Commissioner Tapper, reduces the duty on wines by 30 per cent.. on castile soap by one-halt. and on plums. prunes and nuts by onethird. Calculating on the basis of 1893 imports of these commodities. Canada’s revenue loss will be $206 980; the revenue loss to France. on the basis of 1892 imports, as given by Finance Minister Foster. was $53 900. This means that A‘Ufl nnn A; _._--.-_ A uupun Lo, no ,5. v v- Foster. was 853 000. This means that Canada is to sacriï¬ce $153,000 to recoup a French 1033 of one third the amount It is no wonder Sir John Thompson hesitated about endorsing such a treaty. Lindsay. COWMUNICA TIONS. March 14th. 1894. lows-coca. minimum Send 25'8“th Soap wrappers (mm bearingthewordn“WhYDOG‘w°m 100* OIaSoonarm.mmoInverBr°- ML- wonworthtrunlnzo muumw‘: wmmmm “mu“ thematmdwmougm lamb! undinthomu WWW.“ Luv ‘uvv‘v â€"vv'â€"â€"â€"vrr _-,, 7,, 110‘an in 1890-91 8586 $6: In 1891-5318807,- 989; In 12-93. $672 757; Ind did no! return . donu- or I: to the mnnlcluuuu. In this province. aha been “on, we return to a» municipal“ than! one-hm o! the Ion! unonnt noolud." by-lew hes been epproved of by the electors. Only in 318 out of 808 municipelities heve the councils peesed by-lews increeeinz the duties. end in only six them of Ihrouahout the province were the toes inereesed beyond this limit oi 3200. These six were Broekville, Port Hope. Bowmenville. Chethern. Suunury end Rot Portege. We heve in ell 808 uunielpelities in the province. In 528 or them there in not e single shop license. end in 185 0! them. neeriy one-ioulth of the whole number, there is no license grentcd of say and whetever. Since September. 1890, locel option by-iews heve been eerried in 28 mucicipelities end deteeted in 12. In 15 municipeiities where these by-lewe were esrried they were eiterwerds eet eeiae by the courts. At present loeei option preveue in only 12 municipeiitiee, In which former. iy 28 licenses were issued. In the province of Quebec the receipts from licensee ere very much lemer. more then twice ee much in feet, then they ere in Onterio. {the Quebec government received from -u- A. -u...‘ Mn, 1. IMI A.) com 1859. $297,353; in 1800. 8294.968; in 1891. 82SiL-187un 1892 sm 977:1n 1893. 8287.649. It will be remembered thnt mnnioipel councils mey by by-lnwe, end without asking the neeent of the electors. require 3 let-get duty to he mid for tsvern and shop licensee, end retain for their own me the revenue thus derived. Tney cennot. how- ever. exect n duty which. ndded to the Itetutory duty. will exceed $200. union the , J _n Lâ€" -L- Al-‘;._- urn-Mp hum. III-hold «name-u. Penal: than an that sum when they don't gï¬â€˜tigvpmdlug which cause. the nu hyd- ,,-,-.. .- -lhâ€"r. nlol nn'm taking place yearly in the number or licensee granted, or of the large proportion of licence fees returned to municipalities: "We received from liquor licensee in 1893, $249,517, being $2401eee than our receipte of last year. In 1889 there were ieeued 3.560 liceneee; in 1890, 3,523;in 1891. 8.414; in 1892, 3,369; in 1893, 3.195; a falling of in four years of 365 licences. In 1875 there wee granted one lioenee to eech 275 of our population. In 1893 we granted one licence to each 633 or our population. According to the latent returne there ie one licence to every 150 of the population 0! the etete o! New York. one to every 216 in Illinois, one to every 248 in Ohio, one to every 294 in Indiana. and one to every 300 in Michi- gan. With this eteady and rapid reduction in the number of lioeneee, with hotele poeeeaeing much better accommodations than formerly, with a complete eeperation oi groceriee tram liquor ehope, with ealee to minore prohibited. with numerone other restrictions, each of them making tor eobriety. we can. I think. reeeonably claim that our licence lewe have brought about a marked and bueineee-like abate- ment of the evils of the liquor trafï¬c. The province received for ite own nee ae revenue from liceneee (I am epeakinc oi the calendar year) In 18239. 8302 734: in 1890. $312 007; In 1891. $298 184; in 1892. 3294358; in 1893. 8291.516; and gave back to the munlcspgepyge in the “‘91 ‘yenenre. viz. in _ AA- A a- Iul‘ neu- iuuu yuan-nu. .. -__~__ V , rune on the “to“! no vlbnte. Did Antone even-kg?! o! the like in eonneeuen with water mn- Tha number of consumers um net heme-Io e: the me Mr Kennedy expects. and I know the: l: he hlm-elf had a water eerfloe m m- house he would lave to turn the wueroflueoon u the punang‘bezlnto work. toeeeepethe none:- In Add to this the fact that the present ï¬ltering capacity is totally inadequate to supply the pumps with ï¬ltered water. and would aim to be doubled. at an additional cost say $1,000, and the ratepayers may et some idea of the expense to the town at so works at bear in mind as the works grow older the resistance to the continuous {funding spoken or by Mr. Hopkins will be ss yearly. and already this year has been largely in excess of Mr. Kennedy's estimate. Now. I ask Mr. Kennedy. in all seriousness, it it would not he better to let who may own and operate the works. be it the Canada Life or a private company. the town insisting that the exact terms or the contract and the requirements of. the law be carried out? I have no faith in pure drinkable water being secured iron: this an. A -1..- n..-â€" Mn‘n-Mnn will unmaâ€" RepairsWHU Cost. 01 renewing ï¬lters monthly, ulna UAW-away uâ€"w- -v-_., -- 7 source. The time may comeâ€"Icon will come- when it will be a question only of hinting wells. hnving a reservoir and eepmte pumping plant for domestic nee. The more imnortant. then. to secure the present works at a (air valuetion. my $35,000, and use them for iire purposel. In this way a sewing on purchase of 01.350 on tort-going ï¬gures would be secured. 1! addition- el ï¬lters he added to those already in use. it they are cleansed and renewed regulerly. the cost or putting in would increase the expense account. and the increased number of takers. they would not be yery manyâ€"en offset. There is a widespread pretudiee ageinet drinking this dirty. polluted water. which. I take it. will be hard to remove.-chra. etc.. P. Pmm BURROWS. Lindsey. March 12th. 189i: It. Iowst’o Lioenoe System. We take the following exit-oz from the budget speech of Pxovinclel (Presenter Harcourt, dolivond on Tneedoy week. It will interest many at om readers who moy not be fully aware or the diminution Ll“: iuunuuu; u. u-“Iw- -_---_.- Mr. ennedy’a showing. any advantage than may be over the present terms by pnrehue by the town in scented by increase or private consumers, and Just in propoxuon to their number is that prom. Should the town purchase the works 3: 060.- 000 I take it the renal: would b: :5 (allows: - Interest on $60,000...." ...... $3,000 00 Fucl.......-.. ............ 1,200 00 1,200 00 Salaries..._...... ..........._.. AAAM Received from GWTRR “ pmate consumers. Town's hydrant rentd.... .... .. quwuuu. LUUIIIV. â€"- . _ .._ 7-, ‘ _ views 3nd automatic â€"1 mun En my. mum many. Much 10th. 1894: [to the Edna-o! m Poe-r.) SIRâ€"“John Kennedy.†in you tune or Inch 90:. in his simple, quiet way. doe! his um cum on the Work: purchase. an! by m or introductionmomo shun-MA tannins. Ho less man $40,000. "Anti-Elan Tu†dena- contradiction of his flawâ€"name: Mr. Kennedy, Mr. Ray no: Mr. Hopkins «mm: 1:. If these ï¬gures as correct: why didnot Mr. Kennedy 1: ï¬rst advocate a. comm the town to issue debenture. and save 830 NO? _. “um that. according to him and Mr. Ray. ï¬mealn spool-1 prominence the personnel of thosewhoadvuedtheoonnoflnmtoontoflntol contact with the woterworka company to construct the works. and now to purchase. He favors oommluloners. It is, I think. pretty well established tho: the worn cums-ll! con contradiction at his ï¬guresâ€"neither liar. Kennedy, Mr. Ray nor Mr. Hopkins attempts it. 1! these ï¬gures are correct why didnot Mr. Kennedy at iirst advocate a commimion. the town to issue debentures and save 830 NO? â€"a saving that. according to him and Mr. Ray. would go a long way towards putting in a system at seweraae. If Mr. Kennedy had no conï¬dence in a commission then. why should be new? It be comd not save the town then is it very likely he will do so now? He says. "it is no matter. in the town's interests. what the cost oi contraction." This. on its face. is simply ridiculous and does not reflect credit on Mr. Kennedy as a financial authority. I agree With him that the correct way to estimate the value is to capitalize at. a fair rate or interest the revenue derivable. but materially difl’er from him in that. while 1 would calculate the possible advantages, I I said allow liberally for necessary and nni'orseen expenses. Mr. Kennedy. like Mr. Hopkins, calculates upon a large increase cl! prince takers. Do they not know that the present takers subscribed think- ing the water pure and wholesome? Now. however. that it_hae been condemned by expert testimony as “dirty" and “poliu;ed.†where is the pgobebility of material increase 1" Yet. on A __ -A_-_-.~.. oh... Loss to town “5. say...... 81,000 00 810 00 3 250 00 45,000 00 .____--' 7, , lcenseo in 1893. :3 our receipts ’e were Issued n 1891. 8.414; In lung of in tour 875 there wee ch 275 of our .ted one licence ‘13. According Is one license tn 0! the cute 216 in Illinois. no to every 294 1300 In Michi- zmd reduction , with hotels commodeuone etc unereelon Dâ€. with Ill“ uh numerous them mung :k. meouehly heve hrouaho see-like ehete- » Iretflc. The on use es n meeting at 302 734: in 1890. 1892. 3294.758; I heck to the note. '11.. in .968; In 1891. 1893 8287 619. Butchers choice. cwt. . 2 90 cc 3 oo Butchen' picked. owl†. 3 25 to 3 50 Butch s medium so coed. owt. . 2 25 to 2 50 Balls end-ounh cows. cwt. . .. 2 00 to 2 75 Scores and light hogs. cwt.. .. 4 25 no I 50 Saws. per com-.. ...... ........ 4 00 30 4 25 Heavy tel hoes. cw: .......... 4 25 to 4 40 Long leen hours. per cwt ...... c 50 to 5 00 StiRfl end rough hm cwt..1 00 to 2 50 Butchere' sheen. eech .......... 3 50 to 4 oo Lenahs. per heed .............. 3 75 no 4 25 Choice veel celves. ceoh†.. 6 50 to 8 00 Medium celvee. per heed" 4 50 co 6 on Commoncnlveeperheed ...... 2 00 to I 00 Tmutohmen‘ Inlet. Wheat. whi.e. per bush........ “.0 on I) 82 Wheat. red. per hush .............. 0 oo 0 61 Wheat. spring. per bush" . .. 0 00 0 co Wheat. goose. bush...... m... 0 co 0 68 Barley. path 0 no 0 £8 Oats. perhushu 0 41 0 41; Peas. per bush 0 62 0 88 Hey. . .. 9 00 10 50 Clover" . 7 (I) 8 on Strew sheer†. 7 00 8 (I! Stmw.looee ..... . ............ 600 600 Eggs. now laid. pardon ........ 0 15 o 17 humor. lb rolle .................... 0 :0 0 28 Tabs. deity............ ...... 18 0 20 Tubs. store .................. .0 15 o 17 Turkeys. per lb....... ...... ........ o 09 0 10 Geese... . ............... ......... 0 £6 0 07 Chickens. per pair. .. . .. 0 35 0 55 Ducks ............. â€075 085 Dressed home. per own†. .... 5 7 8 10 Potatoes. perhaa............ 045 050 Beef.forc................_.. .. 5 00 5 50 Bect.hind.. ..... .....100 one Mntton..... mm... s 00 7 00 Itemb...u...... ...................... 1 on 7 75 [ch....... ..... 7(1) 900 400 00 $1,040 00 86,100 00 A moo: were held over. Alvaâ€"Good ones eon wail: poor and com- mon are not wanted. Too many or bod and“, Omar. Ahnnch of good caves. averaging 100 lbs. brooch: $6.50 each. Prioes nosed down to 32 per head. much Cows and Swingersâ€"Only A row ofl’er- ed. and the market was nominoi u quoted. Good one: no wanted. Milohoowemerheod. ...... ... sasootossooo Swingers. forward. “oh...â€" .. 30 00 to 40 oo Commonoowe.eooh.... .. 2500to 2300 Butchers ohoioo. owt ........ .. 2 90 to 3 oo Butchen' picked. ow: .......... 3 25 to 3 50 Batch 9 medium to good. 01".. 2 25 to 2 50 Bull: ond-ouah oowu. owl.... 2 00 to 2 75 Stores and nah! hose. owt.. .. 4 25 no i 50 Saws. not own.... ........ i 00 to 4 25 Heavy tolhoae.owt........ .. ‘25†440 Long lean hogs. per ow: ...... i 50 to 5 00 Stun and rough hog-e. out... 2 00 to 2 50 Butchere' ehoeo. ouch .......... 3 50 to 4 00 Lambs. per hood .............. 3 75 no 4 25 Choiooveoioalveo. eooh.. .. .. 050w 800 Medium caves. per heod.. ... 4 50 to 6 on Common ouvomperheod ...... 2 00 m i 00 Toronto Mon‘ Ill-hot. Wheot. white. per hueh........ ..80 on I) 82 Wheat. red. per hush .............. 0 oo 0 51 Wheanepringmerhush" .. 000 000 Wheat. goose. bush...... ...... 0 (I) 0 68 Barloymorh ............. 000 on gunperhueh ...... ..... .......... 29‘ 0.4L; Mitten. close. Only a low lots were taken nor the Montreal market. Recde to-day were 31 car. loads, which included 506 hogs. about 200 lambs and sheep and the usual quota otuiveec Re- ceipts tor the week ended Saturday. March 10. were z-Cattle. L461; lambs and sheep. 621; hogs. 3.481: welgh tees, $60.51. Though buyers were in fair attendance they would not buy. Butcher-3' Cattle. â€" Oii'erlngszwere far too heavy for the state of the market. Prices ruled very low. and many droverc related to cell at all end some diepoeed of their oii'crlngs at a sacriï¬ce. Numbers of cattle were leitin the pens at the close. Buying for Montreal was moderate and the prices realized were poor. Generally the range for all cattle was from 250 to age per lb. the latter tor choice. Higher than that was paid tor one extra line picked let for Montreal. The market in over-stocked and drovere and farmers will consider their beau beetlntereets it they will not ship in any more etufl for three weeks. Mild weather and de- pressing influences have done their work. Poor or commm cattle could not be sold at all Tuesday. One drover was holding a carch ct good cattle tor 2lc per lh. but he could not get it. Anmher man was offered 20 per lb for two good heifers which a chart time ago would have sold eeeily tor 3c per lb. Though mice are practically no criterion or the real state or the market, here are a few picked up :â€"0ne ear- load cattle. 1,0001he average, 2580 per lb; 13 cattle. about 1.600 lbs average. 30 per lb: 10 extra choice cattle. beat on the merket. 1.146 lbs average, 310 er lb; 1 hull. l 310 lbs weight. ï¬e nun. mm 5 back on the deal: 22 cattle. 900 vanï¬vp v‘v u. u: ' ~ ~â€"~-- â€" vâ€"v -v- ,,_, _ V per lb. and 550 back on the deal: 22 cutie. 900 lbs avenue. 82 75 per cw: All come hmdled were sold an ruinou. 1y low tetee. Deelere end drawers onto that. ï¬gures are more than 3 cent per lb lower than they were u this time he: your. Hogs-Trade was demon-onset]. Tho too More paid won $1.75 not own. for Iona loan bozo. Weighed oi! onto Fat [102! brown: Still not own: now: and slowly at 40 per lb; heavy m hoes. 40 not lb. Stores are 5.133 oluooa as in: bogs. All lots sold are mixed. sags no not no: wanted. and sell for So to 2§o w lb. Lambs and Sheepâ€"V017 tow uttered. nor were they wanted. Nothing went over 4c per lb. A bunch of choice lambs. averaging 95 lbs. sold to; in per lb. Thy-none mm from 3§ to lo. -_‘- u._â€"-- -â€" worst which has «ken piece e: the western came yude for some time. There was very little buying oileny kind.,end evmihinzwu away 011'. Hogs took en exceptions! drop. end :10: of cattle were left on the marketuthe .-, ‘L‘ Mum‘u-fl It is the perfection of the well matured plant properly cured by expert growers. Mild flavored, bright and of match- less quality; Mastiff Plug Cut pleases the most fastidious. J. 3. PAGE. romp? mfg-all Vs. Omen 0; Ta}: CANADIAN Poem} LINDSAY. 9m. 1894. Toronto Live Stock Hollow. Thn market of Tueedsy gut was one cube . AA_ ._‘_A_ mad-u m m loom mt. LINDSAY, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, MARCH 16 1894. TRY J-B-Pï¬ï¬‚ its branches. Our Stock 'of Dress Goods cannot be surpassed, either for beauty mic ...°. onmflch. Bram Newton, end In lowness of price. . Idea the rut of I which are the best manufactured. We give you double the quantity of any hougtuJ-«Q in town to select from, and as we had ï¬rst choice, we naturally are showing mi"? 3'5}: . m Bnn‘ Incest patterns. am an. 1...“. “A Takes your choice of any of our . DRESS GOODS. “.m'aï¬u. rLrindny. Much 16th. 1894. -101.- Pym/26% DELAI/VES Leaders of MEN’S FURNISHINGS AND CLOTHING in “Kant-u. and lama York-u. Spun Kzllon. M. J. Cau- tor. achm flu 9):ng wmdow. Ind Mrs. r on nooddon “in to win: was me matter. \I he opened the door and aw thc dark muzzle: u! unha- vlï¬h u: inch oi her (see she um: um clad lad upsuirs m Young Bnnduu m bk mm down street, and [mains W Wu. he ï¬red a shot through the PM NTS W. m “M with (right the awaken Int-m.th bnppened to be imide. cm â€or in; window was next wrecked. md Btu attuned his ï¬xation to the S; ndimw stat â€I of the Mill Saw, South Side Kent ï¬lls STAINS VARNISH with M M and run wards the Sslvuuon In“ III spponnnoe and the sight. o! r... m: 1 wild commotion unong .dien. Ii. won just. coming torth (or then-d on and. Brandon hero sumndemd his revd Hem 1nd pointed out to him where In“ mun rm: 0! the weapon, ulcer which he an†the lock-up. when we plucky conq ‘ .0 la! gm tnr bu ini'lredlilnb. Non MeLENNAN named his “Mention to me S3 ndimw stat Batu-M on. 3nd while he Wu: trying Lu Me a pm 3M windows he wu accomcd by Consl Fvioon, who†â€rival on the scene Wu Viewed 1 by sh immense crowd mum It s m Brandon men nised hi: revolvers d and dot. u. Nevinon, who was on the a bib rout. and one of the bullets pl 50* 8 My put 0! the right leg, show on. m wounded consume pluckIIy hold Mullah“! Brandon to am, bu audible-o. Family-even! citizens Ippn: m..â€" wâ€"- -7 mow-n. Wflwmm' 1'" gun-twatâ€- A. BLANCHAEI [BLENNAN 1 I aim, - 'men tad "In†5 a... who pursued their 00‘ __ .-, ._ b...“- If mm mm at random mm mm alwrnoon but the umnf'y I‘qu'I \" MM!†thrown inn) :1 fc '11! of e: “Mal-ï¬es o! untoward cvcuh. human .mof Constable Net'ihun and the urn Ewell-known young nun. a h'sxdutx'. uf the u to We“, urohmu to Tm Pu-r, n ha? 3nd School or Shorthuxd ‘ 0WD TR UNK RAIL WA 1.0m 1‘30 rum. m AMI". APR w Accountant 0! 0m Hardware, 00a! and Iron b. Feb 22nd. 1994.â€" st Pos‘rna's Bookstore. Kant-on. Madamâ€"u. HcLenngaLétrQQ: Port Hope v Bag. 00. Varnish, 1 WA 1 t e L Dry Colors†Pr 0 o I P: Whiting, J somz'ne. Gr. Mg Ca! ors, G leaz‘ande-a Artist's Br! es and C01 Brushes. J1 ston's M Pain ts, . Pure Lml 01‘], Tut-pod Briers. Oil Finish. Stains. Varnis