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Canadian Post (Lindsay, ONT), 23 Mar 1894, p. 1

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non “Am G V 3‘ ‘ 0‘". FM! 1!. on» u mmer E57- rely upon 1* DZODBV. tOC no, VOCAL WING. menaration for new} 715128 d 5, Coal and see ck and V81 hu's tomooo 'l; uC‘. hie}?- M U SIG 1 comb, 11 have I) wait. on :1 the 'NOTICE __TO__ ERR LIGEHSEES. SAGE SA LE ition tor rchnsers are to obtain vesting orders wn cxpvnso. Parcels i and 2am under ylring .«J arch 15c. i895. The purchaser: we usual pri-iloges of plowing etc. rest 0! prone-n}. year and full possession it. March 159.: The other conditions we pounding conditions of tho Courc :- poring-Mara lllld conditions of solo can n uppiicntion to H. J. McLaughlin. noon! a: Jackson or flu h O'Lo 1, Lindsay. rr John H in. Q. .: this 23th day or Febmory. 1894. :uoonur. whatnot-w V ' . . nun. W In“! t: m I“. 18919-994. Flush “an. uvv .. acres: about 3 who; From Lindsay. Ar mi class farm The Fitzgerald Farm. The North half of Lot 2 in the 10th Conn Emily : 100 Icreu ; 3 fair form. The Andrew Wilson Farm. Lot 11. and South ho]! of not 12. 6810011. Emu .â€"300 acres; good form; good building Foxyportlculus to my of the noon only H. M ULLIGAN. anoox. II a J. H. SOOTHEBAN. - unu Lind”. Much ht. ISLâ€"m {arch 15th. 1594.â€")0|-3. x. 3.â€"â€"nbnu: 25 acre: of tha south n of Lot no 22. in the 1121: Con- ” rcnmon occupied by Thomas the decrased In his life-time All 13 d under cnltiwtion. and there are this p opcny a. frame hou e and and it is vcrv conveniently situated e Village of l-‘cnelon Falls. I:-Tcn per cent. of the purchase bu paid on the day of sale and the .thin one month thereafter. without |dors will not be bound to supply any is or abutment or copicsthereof. or lences of title than those In their pos- l‘hczc will be a reserved bid (or each ESE FOR SALE IN THE AGE OF OAKWOOD.â€"Tne under- 3 for sale than desirable property in or Oakwood now occupied by him- :Ina or a Road frame house with stone m necessary outbuildings. There is I: n 115:! of land attached, on which orchard commenced to bear. Good I herd and eon, on the got. Terms lib- --mvinnl A a an H GUM OVA . vu u... I . a... _ - , 7 who: particulars apply toTHOMAS or to the owner. JOHN SHERIDAN ?.0. Oakwood. Sent. 4. IKE-”441. with the Inspector on or before rtgnqcs which will be produced at sale uttered for 5114: by Public Auction at the Dunc. In the Tova.“ many. on t 12 o’clock. noon. the following pertics in parcels. 1 â€"-'x no West am of (act Num- 0, an the 5th Concession or the 1 Pension. 100 acres more or less. ed and under cultivation. Soil. m. There are erected on this par- mme barn. a frame stable and a. log 9 property is situate 2 miles from tatiou on the Victoria. Railway. I. 2 â€" - no aouta Em: quad-toe ct , In the 4'): Co canton of Fonelon. mm: or less. This parcel is situate road and a short distance 50th of the soil :5 similar and there are no ‘irst Day of APRIL. JOHN SHORT. :0- saw such values. joined the ranks of em aking in Our mg Shoes. Low price .'s have all the style beauty of higher ble FARM PROPERTY filling in and going nearly as_fas§. We L'Cl nun ....â€"-.. -.. r... - on by Mr. Mnrks, and haslaid inasuppiy ce. which he will deliver in either small Rifles at reasonable rates. Residence p, Lindsay-st. south. JOHN W. REY 5.â€"0rders left at Tilr. CASADLLV P031 'Ve prompt attention. Lindsay, March d on application to CHISHOLM a: CHISHOLM, Vendoxs’ Solicitots, Port Hope. LY MULLIGAX. Millbmok. â€"1M-4. Township of Mariposa, e County of Victoria. A d vertisem en ts; â€"I.\' THEâ€"- Districts for East West Victoria. more or less Isituatcd abou’ 4 miles from Woodville. Lindsay and 1; miles from Grass Hill 3d roads. The soil is a good clay loam: tare cleared. The land is level and is ell with pump and creek port 0! the year. gu ctmsh‘. of: flame house on stone :24, IE storiea high, with frame kitchen 14. 1 awry high, also a good (rune barn conditions: One-tenth of the purchase I paid down. Further particulars and ll be made known at. time of sale, or may 'le Farm Property ! ICE! 103143! a the afternoon, the following freehold be North Halt ofLot N9. 14. in the 14th the sand Township 0: Mariposa, contain- '88 . first Day of May .L SALE :e of 3 Judgment of the High Court given in an action re Johnston. ohnston. there will be offered for C AUCTION. with the approba- al Master at. Unnsay, at his my, Am; 7th, 1894 SPRING Court House, Lindsay, T0?! SISSON DA 17, March 24th, no we lead in Style Low Prices for :t goods. Come with '0 wdo ton 31830.n- hqg pg‘rch‘a‘ed the ice business for- , IA:.‘ :_ _ -unâ€"l‘v and Shoes â€"â€"UI-- a Tavern License. which is to 28013.5 3:5 190;.-88. U -On mumâ€"st" near Kent. shove A. Campbell's Flour and Feed Store- Genuine ulna roomazwm alter rooms to am: dealt-Ne tenmt. or would tea: to n sociots‘. A, ply to D. RAY; CO. Nov. 28:11. 1893--86- I! posed of scum-halt lot 5 and north-west gnu-zei- lo: 4, in the 3rd concession, E'don; peony all clear; nut-aim soil and in a goon state of cultivation; fair buildings, wlth atone sublime under bun. This form adjoins the village of Lorneviiln. within two mileaut Wood- ville. ADpiy to DONALD McINTYRE. Lorne- vme P. 0. March 7th. 189%. 100 8 i oflere for sale the went but of lo: No. 1. 1n the tenth canoeeeion or Eidon. 100 eeree.980t which are cleared. There 19 on the term a azwxn log house and frame barn. and bowed log enable. 1: is situated 5 miles from Wood- ville. 1;. miles from Hartley, and I} from Green mu station. on the G.T.R. For terms 59131: to the owner on the prnmlm. or by 1am: to Hung! pg}_om§:.DE 5'le MACKIN. Eldon, I. YORKSHIRE acumen 7 SERVICEâ€"The property 0! ~y M, \" MICHAEL BROWN, Lot 15. " gaff: jg” Con. 3. Ops. Romanâ€"Prince Robin. l-‘urrowed Sept. 5th. 1803, bred by J. E. Brethour. Burtord. Ont. 2nd owner. Wm Corneil, Lindmy, Ont.; sire Maid’s Diamond 5th, 860; darn Princess Robln 4th. 1394. by Robin Hood. 603; Prin cess of Kirton, 712; by Kirton Dandy, 2nd (imp), 325; Princess, 4522; by Holywell. A. 1",, (mp ), 39: Countess. 9: by Holywell Victor. (imp). 1, (517): Holywell Victoress. (imp). 1. (720); by Holywel! Duke, (327); Blemish 3rd. (340); by Snub. (141); Blemish 2nd. (94); by Holywell Jimmy, (329); En. by Samson 6th. 123. TERMS â€"0ne dollar. crab, time of service. Lindsay, March 15th. 1894.â€"-!01-3pd. ARM. FOR. SALEâ€"The subscriber oflera for 3319 the we_g_t_hdt of lo: No. l: 13 Ian , A,_A Dec. 8th 1w.-32 tf. rITEE SINGER SEWING MACHINE ‘ sun at the Head. At the World's Fair in Chicago the Singer Manufacturing Company received being the hi best number of awards obtained by any exhi itar. and more than double the number recenjqd by all the ptner sewing d- ‘ 7, I have had placed in my hands a number of desirable houses in town to rem. or sell. and also the tollowing farms placed in my hands for sale. Aichoice farm in Feneion of 150 acres. clay loam. situated conviently and very desirable. I have also a number of farm, which I have for sale or rem. in the foliowmc townships: Manvcrs. Ops. Fenclon and Eldon. Those desiring to either rent or purchase will find it to their interest. to consult me. C.‘ 0311“!ch A very choice farm of 230 acres. situated within two miles of Kirkfleld ; the soil is clay loam and the build. iugs Also 150 acres of clay loam located within ashort. distance of the Franklin G. '1‘. R. station ; wood build dings. V i The undersigned otter.- tnrsals his CHEESE FACTORY a: DOWNEYVILLE, Ont. Said factory is situated in one of the boat farming sections in Victoria. County, eight miles “on: Lindsay. Factory and apparatus are in first- olu- repair. ans-put has been within the last mes years as high as thirtysix ions in a sea- son. No opposition. Lax-ire territory to work upon. A grand chance to: a men wanting to Bran business for himself. , - â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" n. Aunt)“ .; corn-nu In the matter of the Guardianship of Eulalie Charlotte IViclcless. Edna Elimbcth Wlddess, and Ethel Isa- bella Widdcss, infant children of Robert .Wicltlcss. Application will be made by the above-named inmnte to the Surrogate Court of the County of Victoria, before the Judge in Chambers. at the Court House. in Lindsey. after the expire- tion or twenty days from the first publication hereof, for an order appointing their father. Iobert Widdeea. of the said Town of Lindsay, guardian of the said infants. Eulolie Charlotte Widoee, Edna. Elizabeth Widdeee,end Ethel Isabella. W’iddeee. Dated 3: Lindsay this 8th day or March. A. i). 1591. EULALIE CHARLOTTE Wmm-zss. EDNA ELIZABETH prnnss, ETHEL ISABELLA Wlnm-zss. by R. J. McLAUGHLIN. 1mg their Solicitor. In the mailer of the NAPANEE PAPER CO 31151 N 1’. NOTICE is hereby given that the Neomee Paper Company. cs'rying on business It Naps- nee Mine. Feneicn Falls. and other pieces. as manufacturers of pulp and paper. have made an assignment under ii. 8. O. (1887) Chapter 124. and Amending Acts. of all their estate. credits and efl'eetr, to Marshall C. Bogart. ot the Town of Nepeneo. in the County or Lennox and Ad- dinxton. agents for the Reneml truth or their creditors. and I have been duly appointed Aeslgnee and. Trustee. of the said estate by the said. creditors. Creditors are requested to file their eleims with the said Trustee with the moon and pu- gicgaierstihereoi required by the said nets. on or e are a First Day of May, Next. ENE Uulfluuia u". flimsy-n- Aieo. his CHEESE FACTORY at SCOTCH LINE, Varuiam. Victoria. County. This factory is situated on the main road. running from Lind- say to Bobceyqeon. fifteen miles from former and eight miles from letter niece. in a. fine fuming section. Out-put, from twenty to twenty» five tons vex- seeeon. Buildings in repair; apparatus good; will dispose of said properties at reasonable figures. For further informetion call upon or eddreee. JOSEPH LUCAS. anneyviue. Out» at C. F. KEVILL, Duneford. Ont â€"85 NOTICE TO CRE DITORS. AND NOTICE is further given that after the said first 635 of May. 1594. the said Trustee will proceed to distribute the aeaete of the said debtors among the parties entitled thereto, bev- iag record only to thecloime of which notice shall then have been given, and that he will not be liable for the assets. or any part thereof. so distributed to any person or persons of whose claims he 513311 not the? haye had notice. -M. “BEBE BERKpZi'oeffliabh 7m, 1894. M. o. BGGAET; â€"lGO-1. Aas'gnce and Truerea. occupied by a ood tenant: will be sold subject to his lease. wh ch has about three years to run from 11-: December negct. Good sheds. first-elm stabling. everything In good order. The Patrick Connor’s Farm. Valuable PROPERTIES Brick: east side of Lindsay-st" Lindsay. Has been within the last year remodelled. refitted and qnlpyged; supplrxggidby the town water; A _..xn L- _-I.n -.‘\_:_-- East half Lot 23 in the 7th Con of Ops 100 acres: abouc 3 miles from Lindsay. A first- clase farm The Fitzgerald Farm. The North hall of Lot 2 in the 10th Con. of Emily: 100 acres ; a fair (cm. The Andrew Wllson Farm. Lot 11. and South but 0! not 12. «been. of Emmaâ€"800 acres: good hm; good buildings. For pmlculun to any of the shove up!!! to FOR. SALE On Easv Terms. 10043. Lindsay. Feb. 22nd. lSO4.â€"-QS. uuw--- -v--.. _ machine companies. The Singer manufacturing Ccmpany. ARM FOR‘ SALEâ€"1:50 a_cres,>_com: New A dvgrtzsamants. .ESIRA BLE DWELmlgé 1031;er 54 FIRST ”AWARDS. JOHN BORE. General Agent. OFFICE.â€"No'. ”Kent-st" Lindsavzâ€"QO. The Bannan Hotel. {REESE FACTORIES FOR SALE.â€" 'O'I‘ICE. OTICE. H 0 R OUGE-BRED yonxsmnz BOAR F03 @m @mmbimm 1mm. THE. MONITOR We wish to call the attention of the farmers of Victoria and neighboring counties to our New Monitor Seeder. This is a. combined machine, with many valuable patented improvements. We can guarantee it superior to any- thing now in the mgket‘ Our Spring Tooth Cultivator is a new implement that we would special- ly request intending purchasers to in- spect before placing orders elsewhere. V 7-, â€"v_- _- _ __- . known that commenting here on Its good qualities is, we feel, quite unneoes \Ve will continue to manufacture a. full line of Farm Machinery and. Imp}ement;, any of which we guaran- tee to be equal to, if not superior to, anything ever ofi'ered in the market. Farmers will do well to examine our goods for themselves before taking the statements of agents or combinations, whose interest is not identi 3.1 with ours, nor yet with the farming com- munity. The combination we want to make is with the farmers of Ontario, and to those agents who say we are to be out of existence in a year or two, we say our existence depends not on them. With a. continuation of the patronage so liberally bestowed on us in the past by the farmers of Ontario, we will - n best implements in Your hands at the lowest prices, besides giving you home manufactured goods, which in itself is a decided advantage, for in case of accidentsgepairs can always be obtained without delay. .I continue, even to the dissatisfaction of some big concerns, to place the very Sylvesteerstgflu. â€"WILL SELLâ€"â€" Round Trip Tickets to Genera Public 3: Capital Paid up, - $1,500,000 Surplus, - - $1,400,000 LIIN 138A? AGENCY SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. Interest allowed at highest currem rates. No uo‘loe of withdrawal required. ROBERT ROSE. Good going 0. m. trains Much 22nd. and :11 tnlm March 23rd and 24th. returning until March 27th. 1894. To Tucker- and student- Fun-013:- l‘u‘o and One-unfit. Good going from Much 16th to 22nd. inclusive ; returning until April 2nd. 1394, on surrender of the ._S'_yI Yea tor EASTER HOLIDAYS 7:an going from Much 16th to returning until April 2nd. 1894, on Standsrd Form of Certificate. Canadian Pacific Hafiz a); T. 0. MA TGHETT, Agent. S. 0. Brown Leghorns’ Eggs For HATOHING From First Prize Stock at Hope , Hamutm'Bow- Port manvme, and wherever ea:- muted. SINGLE first-class FARE Lindsay. Fob. lat. 189|.-95. 0. 1’. 8. OYI'IOE. 91 mar. Lindsggy. March 14th: 1894. DOMINION BANK. Our Light Steel Binder is so well PBIGE OUT 10 $l PER SEWING ndnav. LINDSA 17, ONT. Dommlon Bank. J. W. 31-1 tton. Immm- J. W. BENTON, â€"FORâ€" . 1891.â€" Aunt IILSOI salmon. - PfiBPMfl'ORS. 6.8. Wmsox. 1" w. Wmao min: @auadian Ens-"t. 5) ""lâ€"l3 -- v7, , non,"the chunber‘beinu crowded with ute- pnyera eh em sedan The nttendnnee Mona-y evening lent m even boner thin importnnt net on the pregame. Business wen “ken up at 7 45, the may or end :11 the member: being In their places. The minutes 0! the but regular and ac- journed meeting were rend and on motion RxGULAn alumna â€" COMMUNICATIONSâ€" A nY-LAW n-ns'rABusame meAaDs owns A snconn Immuneâ€"1'33 901.ch Appom'rmms AGAIR snswxDâ€"rax WAmwonxs DEPUTATION. A: I citizen aptly nmukod. “Mayor A: s “$.8sz“, remand, “Mayor Hm) Wuhan and the new council m phyla; to up biggest house: or the un- 77~is .1 _I‘L _-h‘ war confirmed. oomimcunoxs. Ftom he. Bell, of the fire brigade. uk- ing $50 extra remunentlon tcr eleeplng In the are hell e: night.â€"Re2errcd to the end water commune. From M. J. Mulvihul, epplylng tor the poaluon o! chief of policeâ€"Referred to the police committee. Fram Mrs. S. Johnston. with reference to the remlsalon of her axesâ€"B sternd to the flange commgggee. _ a. mu--- n0 Tun “WU. Emu: the bond of hotlth. enclosing the report or the upset! commune ”pointed to examine anon, am" In economies: with use local wu:¢rnupply.â€"B=xon.o to mu. co com misuse, - ,_L __A. --,-‘-L-‘ h- In“ uuuuw wanna-m Fcom Monro. Wilson 8: Wilson. of THE POST. to error In tender to: town printing. â€"Retenod_r.o prlnung qualms. 7 -- â€" __-I3An0- -Mlunm w yamâ€".3 w__.----- from J. Tnompeon and other reeldente o! the out. ward. eating to: crowing- on King end St. Pentiumâ€"Referred to once: And bridge committee. Exam me Cantu! enemy committee. encloekxz statement 0! etc grantee. 3nd ”Mug Another sum of Simâ€"Lam on wmmliw‘l The onullon' report was pr-oented by Mason. Damon und Emleson. 1:. was an exhaustive and comprehensive monument. 0! mo towna’ finsnolol sanding. and con- ulned some ensemble blots. -Rctexrod to the finance committee. THE! COMB DBXBBLING IN. The lollowlng “count: were read and referred to the finance commllue lo: cox.- SndlgrDundgnk 00....... ..... ......” Goo. A. Little ..... .................. BallTelophonoCo .......................... A, nggt:.:..: ....... ................ A CHANGE 01' QUARTEBS. Mayor WAL'rxns aid in would be neoco- suy tor the council no nos. 3 moxion order- ing the turnout of Gaome Mun Iron: Hull's one to the P¢wrboro hoapiui. A town oflicisl hod been obuued um unrem- enod because he remonuenwd inguinal. the trootmon: nocordod the old mus. mom or m FINANCE 005!me Conn. S'rAPLxs, cbninmn, mod 3 brief report, xecommending mu 5:!) be gunman Mrs. Cote [0! core or dipbtnain puiunz; thus no action be token wish rcierenco to Mrs. Edney'u application for domoaee by are none : on! mm the choimsn be authorized to interwar tho difiaren: nouk' mun-garb with a view to securing lower rows for town budnoas ...... The report woo Mop:- ad other seven! members had oxarmed tho: the present bank occoxnmodnuomwu .nmcltntly nastloton. , REPORT or THE TOWN PROPERTY comm'r- 'l‘b'ls'. W.'A'.'§ébdwin.... ............. Depamvo CRANDELL. chairman, pro seated 3 upon swung nu: the committee Ind exunmod plugs aupmlned by the Aâ€"‘-_- 4‘ sh... LII“ uA-uuuvu -_â€"_ __ -__ town engineer for the cal-moment of the merket and building I new lock-up. end edvleed the: the engineer be unmet-Izod to cell to: tender: to be opened Menu 2951: ; eleo thet the met-he: clerk be empowered lo gag-gs en eeelennt when necouery es the rete 01 50¢ per halt-day.) I Lâ€" fi-nâ€" mu 5.09 v- I-rvw rv- â€"â€"-- â€"â€", - Conn. a“? BS, seconded by Conn CHALLORAN. moved an emendment to suite out. we cleuee renting to Mute: Clerk Callaghan'e “Meant. whereupon Dem-teen Cnndell coneenned :0 let u go by me board. The report wee then edopt- On motion of Dom-room Guzman. nec- onaea by Conn. Rogmsou, . by-luw to rape“ the by-lnv promomng blmudo in howls. wu introduced um read 5 first in“ v. Conn. STAPLES. seconded by Den-mu Joana’rox, Introduced for first reading n by-low no smend By-lnw No. 689, remun- mg outer-nuud hack-driven. ..... 4.-.: 5- n“... AHA wwn- â€"â€"â€" __-_ __-, Conn. STAPLES, oocandod by Caun. Toucanmuw. moved the consider-don of a by-lsw to Amend By-..w No 701. 32:) Int- lna munitions: omcoro ..... Conn. bwolu explunod slut he only desired mo mu. tending of the two lut-mendonod mm urea. n the annex: the dull with n ulred tux-me: can-[don on. . $1” oouncll then won Into mum at the whplo. Conn. K9199, 1n the cant. I‘_ “A ”III lâ€"AI-O, flu 0o BUD W uwv. â€"â€". ___-__._ The first chute ot By-law No. 704 (rel-t- ing to bunuda) us: than read, what-upon Caun. BLAm ran. in hi. also. um M the following proton cn behalf 0! an tem- pounce alumna?! the Iowa :â€" 77#L-_‘ -1 _I.I.L mom be mace-Ia?! to my mum: in opposition to I mounts mm in be tho W o! rescinding I lay-law which bu pundit-oi! noboinmmmo! than” at the tannin reducing the nu. of liquor. I no no: {MLK more no mm m in moon-cu who will not Mimi: am no in Ill nu concoction win the liquor calls um am. not may but» who would not mu m in can. it they could no the w. mkiurehmuubiuwmm u no u H :2; ai§a§s at nano- u:- only canon II the no.» Was a. 3m. Now. ”mu iui no! reuniting announce with noun. Mb new uion wait. not. some mun. Tu m‘k'eomjon E; if: i EEAL MATTERS. LINDSAY F0 in COUNCIL. THE’Posz-s COUPON. SEVERAL IMPORTANT BYLAWS. MARCH 23 1894. (0.5 I. unl- ’vu no..." hot: «super. you m sorry that the youth 0: cu- mu have not spam more tune In woman! no - buvroom. with :11 m d ding Influenoo I, 5 um rum than. ad more money in the u: I 6090;113:va {u} grog-[N31303: gestalt mutualsottumtun you but Miami: momma otmhoul- to: Aumlhsvolouyuurononwby the 4-! smuqulanm um I: bu mmmotueocmrvmh {tough-ted. thuotmvonunawhuhu proved to be a decay to lure you: mu: into the hm. There 1.0911900 {any} um you Lu'umoo A ._ -u- .l‘ no unworthy eoooeeeore of the council of hot you; I do not believe that the peiuy revmne derived tron: Lhieeonroe will heve eny weight with ”mend it it doee. well. 1 cu: only oom- we sheen-nor eoy men who vote- tot the motion winning Nerd-meme in connection with the heroine the wrecker- who in times penheveeekeoepoeiuonon eroekr ooeei end a: meene at tel-o eixnele hove lured veeeeie to deeuneuon. Le; no remember the: we one at the hen element at the town ere upon in end I.» no nit onneivee like venenz men." Meyer Aunts moved. eeoondeo by Dan-reeve Gunman. the: che lloenee too be $30 for the em teble end 320 for the oexc. Thie wee not end eerried. Cneirmen Ku‘eby ennonnoinz the: he wiehed hie Voted recorded [or omierde. The next end leet clenee provided the: no one under 21 yeere at one eheli be euowed to piey or loner in hinterd rocme. end the: upon two conviction. (or intrac- tion or we naolecione of the by-iew the proprietor shell he debuted horn receiving a "come for th: mm of fly:- were, ,~,A_j .. _-_‘ You mu not admit the elude!“ nonunion “myth“ but we: u l'wu .v- vâ€" .v... Den-teen Cmnm oflered to move thst the see of players be reduced so 18 yesn. end snotnet councillor suggested 19 so I Mr comp ‘omise. Conn. Suns: ukod D:p.-reeve CRAN- mu. n he and no: (“mod the by-hw 1 He and mode the one limit. 21 yen-s. but now when he tow he hsd the strength or the council he wished to‘lowet it to 18. A 7 A_‘ A _IAL‘â€"6 "III-even. Iâ€"v‘ -â€"-v v- -vv, Couu. Kma did not thluk there on any good mean for the exteuelouâ€"it wee not. the poor people who were holding heck gel: uxee, but those who wcxe weu eble DO!- Reeve Km eeld It wee not reeeooeble to suppose that. the rich people would hold back when they knew they would hove to on 3 per cent. eddluonel through no dolu 2. Conn. Ammasox am not think I: Mr thel emzeue null 1n encore ehould only my the some reruns-go on those who heudedln their tune e couple 0! month- :l‘ne motion wee edopced. A SNAP m cnnm. Conn. 1‘00anva moved. ucouded by Conn, Kxnumr. 1.th the chm-men or the etruote enu bungee committee be empow- ered to purchase 5.000 (c. of cede: from the Vscwis Lynne: Ca. 3: 1%: perfect, leee Conn. STAPLES moved. seconded by Den.- reeva Cuunm. mu the time to: the collection or continuum taxes 00 encoded to April 16w. 8. F. Java“ to be collector without lyre-m ot_ulory. . -tI‘Iâ€" AL-â€"‘ -_- Wufluu w w Too clause wu pat-1nd curt-ha rwmlont the propouod recocuon being msde. IS THE RICE MAN TB! OFFKRDEB? discount. - L'IKI 630. HAW! CARI. Mono It Reeve Kvux. wounded by Conn. errn. um the mayor and town noun“: see “to: tho remove! at George Moreno the heeplhl. and ptocuro neces- eu'y clothingâ€"0mm. rowx rmxrme‘ Moved by Conn. quocu’. hounded by Don-teen Cancun!“ the: the ehelrmsn or the pruning committee call for tender town printing, mum to be mind nnttl Sam-d” non, 24th menâ€"Corned. 'rnx 1.“?an max spur: up. On motion. Mr. Albert J oven woe bend on behsl! of himself end other livery men of the town. He naked (or a reduction of the itvery lleenae u preoen: cheated. on the around :3» 1n the enigma-Le um they alteedy paid over $395 knee upon the nav- en! atoning end ouuu. ,__- ,__1_l_-3 ok-b th- “.l VIVID." uâ€" Msyor WALTERS explelned the: the mum vex ulteady 1n the hmde o! 5 com- mittee. who would ceremliy can-Ice: the repreecntaucne mede. ton rm: rows POOR. 0a mntlon 0! Cone. Kim-a, wounded by Reeve KYLIE. the cuetomm great of $150 wee made to the Central chem, cam- Conn. STAPLES enid be under-toad that a. special committee had been appointed to ptocz-ed to Toronto in enpport ot the weterworkaâ€"wee he to undeutand tbet it had been done without teterence’ to the council! Mayor WALTERS pointed out that there had been no time to bring the matter belore the foil council. A meeting had been held Saturday evening end the depntet'on ”pointed. es the majority o! the memoeta would have to tench the city Monday evening. 3!! P88 CEET. OR BETTIE. Moved by R=eve Kvus. seconded by Conn. Emu. that tag inVe-tmrntl mode .n 1893 out at theainxinz fund beapproved. and that the meyot end'the tree-urn be enthorized to mete epch inrther invest- A ‘_l__LI- 7 On motion of Dcn-mvo Jonxs'rox. «ended by Conn. l‘otcanURN. n was decided the ummu- Mr. asunder dull be considered as "presenting tho north wad upon the bond at balm. Instead o! Moved by Conn. STAPLES. seconded by Conn. Bum. an: no depnhflon was upon me legislature to wnerworkn without the consent 9! the callus“. ,, j n _-- _, Ll.- math-m 0038889 U; mew vvunâ€"v-eu Conn. STAPLES, In dtt<n56 of his motion. we be reuea to eee why only those 1:: (ever or purchasing the water-worn were pleood on the depuzsuon. The matter bed been rushed through very heetuy end e meeting celled et :5 time when 1: man have been known the: some or the number- oonld noLetund. , ,I ,.__j A‘-‘ ‘LA nan--m- .116 south. Iv -._- _..7, hour. It would not heve eerlonely incon- venenced either Conn. Steplee or Conn. Keith to ettend (or e ehort time. There wee nothing whetever nnderhend or ehedy ebont the treneecuon ; the pnrcheee ot the waterworks hed been recommended by the conned end boerd ot trede In the beet lntereete o! the town; it membere of the council objected to peylng the eoete o! the depntetlon, ell right-the membere eonld nefithe ehot themeelvee. eye: Wen-urns eeld the depntetlon hed to be appointed nature the eonnell meeting In order thet they might be on head et the honee eerly Tneedey mornlnz. The council hed voted 9 to 3 ln tevor o1 buying the verb. end there wee no reeeon for object- lng to peylna the depntetlon'e eoete. All could not go. but It wee Inventive In the teeth lntereete thet tome ehenld he eerly Willa w â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" Been Karma explained the: the mm mm: Tax-onto 2nd only been received lute on Setnrdey. hence it wee impoulple mall the meeting 3: any other ,,-; __- L-_- ---lAâ€"-l- damn. BELONGS TO THE NORTH WARD 80W. 133! 3811733 T0 18: CHARGE 203 to make inéh tanker Invest- “ may be doomed “viable.â€" wao PAYS 'rnl: lxpzxsnst numbers 14.nuloaue m ”n a! men .‘ l7.RQqunon.m 3000"“ 18. Dun ...... am It '3. m, 01.1mm"... In other so. Clublwlnalnl mam .. I! Conn. R m I. Th!" 3' Inmnméhmzl KIRKFIELD. [8m to Tu: Pom! Mrnunxmr AND Dues “maâ€"Tho Mina Shula of an. plus data to Informant-dies am my luvs opened 3 winner: sud 6mm human lama village and no prepared to do tumour». and “yum wot: on shortest nozlm- [801-3. Mumcuun linemen-We en en the eve o! A new tendon tor teen of Some:- vllle. The move. Mr. John Howie. wee uneeeted end 3 nonhuman took place lee: Wedneedey. which malted in Mr. Bode helm: exeln 3 candidate, end Mr. Wang. his pooomt, :- the name gentleman the: econ-ted the office an. the Jenner, mnnlelpel election. The poll wm be on Wedneedey. 213:. Low WAm â€"1‘he river 1. low for thin tlmeot yen end there wlll have to he he", nine. elee the drlvlng l t loge out 01 the creche will be expenelve. wa BLLCXSMITB â€"W. '1'. Merrie”. e former bucnmnh. bee returned from Penneylvenle. where he hee been working tar the peel three yous. um has rented the bluknmuh ehop owned b7 the late Robert Comnnhern. fie commenced work Mun- uy morning. Burmma Nousâ€"Mr. N. Gnhnm in buudmg - home In his put 0990:!” Mr. Wm. Snddla'n random ...... Mt. (160. Whiting 1- mo banana a. bake shop; ha ha t1. tum. up. A PRACTICAL FABMEKâ€"Mr. H. Cohan, trounce: o! Guwny. nu returned home utter nylon s course in the Guelph anneal- Edi-31 “lied; SALEMâ€"MANPOSA. [consummate ot Tin: Poem! Accmxnr.â€"Wnue the “'01:!” nun m aolng south on Stun-day night. 1: men with u: sodtLgns‘lgotwumtpo 6.1:. mm 51h. A L- 4----- WUDO, .uu o-r- uâ€"v -r-'â€"n 7-7,, , tutu wee brought to a sudden ntnndewl. After nbout two honn' deny 3 bolt wee Inneried 1n the Int-inn. end the tuln wee eble to continue In journey. Pnsoxwâ€"Mn. Gco. Windum he: me to Buddow tonal: relatives. am. End returned with her ...... Mlse Jenny Lnnney he: returned home me: a month's Dolmen with Manda nt the trout. . . .Mhe Mabel Mel-k. of Zion. spent a tow any. Inn week gm: M}:- Aon Breed ...... Int. LOCAL N EWS-LETTERS Wild! .u wuvu- wavv -â€" â€". - _ _, , canoes-ion. The “Imag- r" ant holds one o! the springs In the ham wheel ct the ongmo broke, snd_ let Lye gprlng_§gop, sad the ,7 -L-_A-.AII Hugh McDougud went to Manson: on tho 12m tut....Mx. Locheu Psuernon loam tor DAkotu this week ...... Mr. D. McMillan amended the West Viacom mnm' convention n Woodvule on Inland-bpqd I985! the rzmtnder of the week es nu home-.1 :‘r-gvm Baumâ€"Toe Rev. Mr. Egbenon. 0! Lime Brim. punched en excellent, eer- mon to thin church Int Sshbeth on the "Re" end “base" of Inc....Nex: Sande! the Rev. Mr. Power will preach an Enter autumn-0n Wednesday. 14:11 last... a the :eeldenoe o! the bride's petenu. Creumll. by the Rev. Mr. Dewey. mm M. A. Poem to Mr. J :3. Bundle, 0! Pine Due. We wuh then en unbroken period 0! happlnue and joy. Ran Bovnn. Wilhum “Iâ€" â€"v v. â€"_ '7‘.-- REGOVERIAG.â€"Mel;.l'l. John and David mu no this to be than! mun anu- a wry never; Intact}! typhoiq tuft. ,._Ll__ _--Lâ€" LA YTON. ' [Correspondence 0! Tax Pas-Ll Mn. Dunnb‘uccussroLâ€"Onr new miller. Mr. Duet. In the Punish mill, in cows I rushing buolneu, um the tuner: m “flamed way the work done. ‘14-__ 1...â€" -..4I n--hl Iv -vv-'â€" .. _ w19:30:11“. PAnifJ-Q'rhd slashing puny 1nd locm. under the auspices of the Methodist Sabbath 9911201. wggch csme ofl' e tevv ween ego en the residence of Mr. Nlchclee Hench. wee e decided eucceee in every perticnler. despite the untevoreble condition 0! tte weether. The car-iiel welcome eech end every one received from Mr. end Mn. Honck. end the willing heed Mr. Jorden Honck gave in looking eleer the comfort 0! the aneete end horeee. mede every one feel et home. Alter ell bed perseten ot the enmpeuoun repeat provided by the ledlee for the occeuon. en excellent progremme wee rendered by outelde end home select. Mice Shaver end Mie- Kenny “eve sever-:1 eonge in line ,_ -A._..__‘ ‘- â€"â€"_ â€"-__, "7, voice end exoreeeion. The recitettonn given by Mr. Shever end Miee Heyce were well up to the front tor emetenre. Mine 13. Cuminheel, our popnler mneic teecner. delighted the endience by be: fine incarn- mentel pieces. The Bennie children eleo geve eeverel pieces in their ueuel lively Ityle end pieeeent menner. while Rev. Mr. Kenny wee on hend with e good reedina. But the moat enjoyeble pm o! the evening for the young people. at leeet. wee the pleye end genes. Alter thenking Mr. end Mn. Hench for their kindnou end heapitelity. the petty mode their way home over the white end drifted enow. teeiina pieseed with their evening'e entexteinment end eleigh ride. W at m Pan-l Baa SAwm_o.-_-Monday In: P_. Oi'Dondd K Wfinm....§...uu szgcn‘rm ’ We! ’, 0 A ll”. 5. Diuocuo...... RW’SQEELG Mr. Kt”. by hymen»! rim to Mr. Gabon Wilson. oldest non of Gum Wilton. c! this plue. on rm: last. a m nddonoo o! the bride'- labor. by the Rev. John Em. Tb. young couple Iona: Honda. 120: mu. '1? the C. P. R... to: their how. 3: Oxbow. . W. '12. who" Hr. Wilson ha been ton tow you-a out-bulb- tar nbono. rum mu? hund- wub M tho 0) l“ humankind“! 6th. Thu but «noon?- unn. buttons that bud to non annual-n. noun- IIH-Vâ€" -'-' '" [In and“ It. m.- enamel “in! m LORNEVILLE. """"""" .TSE'TTW. Mom. 0- o... ..... 00.... 11mm. chfreynnu Bonn .. Mr. 8.D. Inna! mainland-aunt mobs-tn. 1g: ange- K99!- 599 it“? KINMOUNT. m at 1‘1! P0!!- TERMS;_$_1_ 90_ _PER YEAR. m3 DRUG 81033, Linda, DR- LLOYD‘E‘? KIDNEY Panga ....Mn. John Be», of Pomboro, :- M to: man! known!" Ell-TMB homo 021-th!”um Buns Somm.â€"‘rho museum Um Cum B'uoSoduydouva-od a mu- hmlul Tun-day waning. Cannon Namâ€"Tho Rev. an. McGui- Wompphden-mm n... v v ..V _ . l mum 1. math» Improved In unm- . Wehopotomnlmuonnd soon. SAG Am.â€"Onrenteru1¢lngeonune- . Ir. Wm. Steven. bu returned noun end In sealed down nt u. old fiend. mane-.2004 unlotonono: Invhvmaoeunweeuon. Wow; .Suwmwmencooedu hehudoneinph: nndwo .n welcome nun In our no: G nun slimâ€"We woulduke to «a n Mama: enduorekeeoer bozo. nl Macadam-formulae bonne- SABBL’I‘B Duncan-10x. â€"We learn an t nomeorthe boys from the north ”that Fob- both evening in one at our maple we. boiling only. It those born mould wuk no themed n short ounce we could and then: I more utmo- Egg: 3 399‘3’5 m BADDOW. [Mew at TnPos'rJ sznomâ€"Mr. end Mrs. Tnoe. Roblneon, o! Fonelon Fem. are visiting old Mend- um ecqnetnunou in thin loeeuty....McI. (Saw Suds-1m, of Craven, ll ll Mr. Geo. '3. Warm CE“G-.-m the bright. beenwnl. spring-Isle washer or the put two ween, we hne bed another late at winter. 0:: Sande, morning bu quire e thunder ewrm pegeedpvegwherg. “1:4- I.-- pawnsâ€"iiiriquumnto' b3 pro-ac. w. â€" râ€"vvv - ”Pxnsouu'“ §AL. -Mr. LV‘WTiF’leldor hu rammed. dtcr spending tho wlnm In Muskokn ...... We 199m fish meet 15.3 one or our ounmoblo young man. Mr. Chum Sinker. is wont to leave this neighborhood. Chester will be mined in the choir ond also in the Young People'- C.E.oootoy,otwmchhowuo lending mannaâ€"We m pinned to use M!- Annto Bermu- amongst us sash. stou- s lengthy V1.16 smong York sud Toronto Wm...“ Min Susie Bade. mist tn the Momodiutchnxch, In 1:“.ch pines. mu- spending seven! weeks with mood- to Omomeo and Cromwell. Sonoox. Norm-Our school. and. tbs II progressing uvorsbly. mus Ken ha made mun, wsrm friends during M sojourn at over two seats has. 8 UN DER LAN D. [Corrapondenoe of Ta: P0312]~ Tan Tau'r or run Simon. â€"c adu- Unluc- w... â€"v._ -â€" on the Bell and the Peoole We Moan," u; due town hell here,on April 2nd. note: the anepxoee o! the logo! Orange lodge, ho. 673. to commence at 8 p. m. Don't I... no hoe: him. He will one preach In 'he can hell. morning end evening. on 8.1:.- dev. April In. Conrmxon.--The Sane of Temmnoe Dluelon. No. 330.‘ 1158;“: cojmo em 5 -_.l-l_- very extend". Interacting end excising competition. The ownin- were M!“ M. Bowel! and Mice Z. Switzer. The hot-l numter of nuts scored on Miss Bowen’s side vs: 764. end for Mien Swine!- aide, 727. The content was very close. Great and“ In due the cops-Ans for the Interest ammo-ad no for the {madly “rue whlch extend between them. Causes Norm.â€"Rev. J. W. Tattoo. o! Cwomgwn, will preach in the Method!“ church ,here 018nm! mat-ulna next. In ‘- -__n.. I- Willy-J nw-v vâ€" -râ€"__, 7‘, , .7 _ Much 25th....Thex-e mu he no mice In the Pmbytenon church to: the next two wet-kn. owing to the Interior of the church undergoing repel”. Funnels-5' lus'rxrurnâ€"A meeting 0! the North Ont-Ho Famere’ Institute we- held In the town hell here. on Thursday. M 15th. The president. Mr. Thou. Freaky. occupied the cheat. Mr. Baht. Sm noted I. ueetetery 1n the shame of G. B. Miller. The duet-noon set-ton meddle-o- ea by Mr. Joseph Yam, 0! Culeton Pm pdncipully on the subject at den-flog. by Mr. Henry Glenoenhlnp. of Mauls. who deut lugely on trot: growing Tho ope-ken were very pmueal In remake. We ere eony that more o! the , , _‘LA‘ Earning m Anvnmn. ierminx community wee not repreeenm. no they would heve received the; would heve guided them no to the best methode of echieving succe- in their proieeeion. The men who meheeeeuc- ceee of termini: to-dey, in going to exezeieee greet deel of thought end etudy. end must he e mono! intelligence. Some yeerl ego when wheet wee over e doliere b end e good crop wee elmoet e crrneinty, eimoet everybody could meke it any. but not no to-dey. We and the: it in Ilium toreeorttoothermeeno then whee: growing. Hence the reeeon for attending ouch meeting end obtaining iniormetion from men who ere experienced end heve mede mining e menu-r or etudy. We noticed come of our moot exteoeive term- ere were preeent. drinking in ell thet wee good. end when they could receive benefit, why cennot ell the iermers’i The evening Inc-lion wee eddreeeed by Monte. Joe. Yum, on. end J. J. Gould. of Uxhridu. end wee ieirly well ettended. magnetron-[To the edito- of Tax POSTJâ€"Hevlnz noticed in your tecood lee lane of news from your cor eeoonde t of Sunderlend. e eluht mieten e. i think to give en individuel the crdi-z which is due him. the etetement of that tune w .i have to be corrected with rater-not: to the improvement which wee mentioned nl regerde the bricking of e eerlein hooee in our villeae. of which credit hes b-eu conu- toned upon Mr. R. Dohle. I went the e of thin vicinity to nndeumnd the: the ehove mentioned gentlemen he! not yet eterted in the reel ett -te hueineel, end I think likely he wiu weiu tor e more fever- ehle opportunity; end further, I might eev. it your correepondent would like“? WIGK. [Budd cadence o! In Immune: g m ply-92¢ g ‘s .E' mum to on! alumâ€"Ed. Pom inn-mute In the mum unprovemonu mention , I. short ml: with J. D. B. will give him to ma untlunthe ma whol- mm the brlokunn cm put them there. tomâ€"Yours. I 11 ”WA”. In. -, , [1‘0th Educ-o! Ta: P0812.) "GAMBLmG ”â€"Sm.â€"ln our In! week's lune. .mong other Snnct :- acorn-pond- onmnhmspnurodunuucleon "gamb- " of which tho I'll m 'A! Oommwamuwthewon-tormedJodo a and mm Wm "' 1 my done In the crude“ mane: nod well- '1‘. mm»! " mm husk u colds. headache. “mm I! no (1“de 1111mm" ' ; 51-1: unong' York and Toronto 1....A1-o mu Sade Bade. crawl-t um Momodia: chuck, In her we flkor spending seven! weeks with 1 1n Omemoo nnd Cree-well. IOL Norm-Ont school. and. all moment 0! mm Snub Kerr, mg uvonbly. Min Ken um, um (11qu during if: CAMERA Y. We. at m Post.)

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