“That the Act of the Manitoba. Leek islature abolishing Separate schools has been declared by the Judicial Com- mittee of the Privy Council to be with- in the authority or the said, Legisla- ‘an: the and 1m Waco has tux-the:- w;th§t the provisions of - ,,.A‘_L- -_ _ g .- â€We... ...._ _-_.--_ course the Government should had adopted. The Dominion Government should have known better than to have introduced such a bill at a. time when the whole country was excited. Very important amendments to the Sepa- rate school law of Ontario had been passed by the Ontario Legislature, with the unanimous voice or the House with good results, but it would not haVe been proper to have introduced such legislation. no matter how good it was. at a. time when pwions were up and the tempers of the people heat- ed. He concluded by moving this amendment: ‘That by the British North Amg’ica Act the matter of education (subject to certain provisions therein speciï¬ed) belongs to the Provincial Legislatures and not to the Dominion parliagnent: that; sum vuu 'â€" Slr Oliver Mownt was loudly cheered when he rose to reply. He said that all question as to the right of the Do- minion Parliament to deal with the question had been set aside by the second decision or the Privy Council. There was one aspect of the case that seemed to have been lost sight of. The people of Ontario. or at least the great Mority of them. were as much against Separate schools as were the people of Manitoba. but. notwithstand- ing this. they felt it their duty to faithfully carry out the constitutional bargain. which was incumbent upon. them. (Cheers) It would be an un- xortunete thing to have a. struggle be- tween the Dominion Parliament and the Legislature ct Manitoba. Coex-b cion would probably be resisted. but he wished to remark that it would be s. more important. a. more unfortun- ï¬e matter it the consciences or the snitobe. Catholics were coreced. He thought Remedial legislation by the Dominion Parliament should be a. last resort. The Dominion Government had been coercive 1n the matter from the very beginning. The course taken had been unstatesmanlike. He could ima- gine nothing that would be more in its errect llke treason. He read the promise of. the Manitoba. Government to redress any mass that might be established after e. thorough investi- gation. and stated that this was ‘thg -k AOI‘; gun: a. n..- -v..'_-_ come law it would be a. serious mat- ter for the growth and prosperity of Manitoba. The end would be that the minority would sufler. Other denomi- nations have rights, and We may have in that province 8. large number of sectarian schools. Would there not, too, be a repetition from some of the other provinces ? Supposing the Manitoba Government should refuse to put the machinery in force, what a. de- plorable state of. things would be brough about 2 Even Confederation it- self might be affected. It there was a grievance, and redress was necessary, that redress should come through the Provincial Parliament of Manitoba. If. after all proper means had been re- sorted to. the minority still had a grievance, he would be the ï¬rst to attempt a remedy. But until all such means had been exhausted. he was in favor of allowing Manitoba to man- age its own _educa.tional‘ affairs.L a... A _-_- The speaker proceeded to review briefly the steps leading up to fine pre- sent situation. He thought it was a very pertinent question. why this House should be anxious to defeat the bill. It was born in haste; it was an infringement on provincial rights. It was a. coercive measure. and every other means should be exhausted be- fore it was resorted to. If it did be- -_ - ___L Speaking to his motion. Mr. Craw- ford said that he fully recognized hxs position in assuming the responsibility of the motion. He did not. in making the motion. represent any party. But he felt he voiced the views of those who had elected him. He could go further, and claim to voice the views of the people of this province. He disclaimed any desire to make capital or to give oflence to any one; he was moved by an honest intention to get Item the House a. frank expression of disapproval of the Remedial legisla- ‘_‘-ow before Parliament. That leg- ' Amrrtraught with danger, ‘ 31'“ were likely to be :H..‘ ‘ e best interests of the Do- minion, and especially against the Province of Manitoba. The legal aspect he was prepared to leave to those who were versed in law. 7 A _ That this Leaiaiature cannot but 1001: 11mm the legislation which is has in: promoted at Ottawa as an attack upon the legislative rights or a sister provinoe. and as a measure fraught with gran danger to the peace and prosperity of Conredemtion. and con‘ eequently We hope. even yet. that the Dominion Government will decide to abandon the course it is at present “flowing. and laws to Manitoba to manage her own educational affairs in the way that seems best to the peo- Dig of that myince. That we â€ï¬re! the IQ Isimmn now being col-mm and by t g Dominic)“ Government now: as the. Rgmcdm 13!". the obim e: which 3- to abomn the Nation!) “am of Manitoba and venom the 0! dual ayatem In its 91296.7 uquvqmbjx. That the people of this provincé. be- lieving in the ï¬rinci le of provincial rights. reJolce t at t 9 Judicial Com- mittee of the Privy Council of Great Britain declared that the Leniamture of the Province 9: Manitoba. actéd wlthln their Judicial rights ln abolish- ing the dual system or schools. and aluminium a pin lg National system of education in lpu (beret)! in the nglmeot Manitoba. , , _ 7, Mr. Crawford then moved his long- looked-for anti-Remedial resolution. “gyms In these words: That thé "iIeg‘xa‘ia'Me Assembly of the Province or ontarlo reel deep 1n- terest In an that concerns the Well be- ing of every part 0: the Dominion of Canada. , rat“ to “m Std“. lowed mm m hflckolaat «to an m and cam: Oanadaaudv '3? Toronto March 5.-The Conservatives admitted through their leader, Mr. Marter. last evening, practically that they had made tools of themselves in touching the Manitoba. school question in the Local Legislature. He said. whatever glory would be gained by the discussion and vote would go to the Liberals. The Joke of the occasion was that Mr. Crawford voted with the Government and against his own mo- Olnn B. J. UATOEETT, Agent moan-hip Ticket. to 311 points in Europa by ï¬rst-clan: B 8. lines. [and - I'll-:1 Munâ€"LIP. Crawford'- leuluuo- Due-nod .1- the noun ~Tho homer: Anondment Wu carded by a Majority of Mâ€" Mr. Diane!“- Admission. IITO THE ONTARIO lEfllSlATllflE The Attempt to Throw Ottawa Troubles Elfâ€"Gawain yogi SIR OLIVER ON TOP. The Old Reliable Route. '. numr. MTrï¬E “I. ma lulu!- to Librarian Preston, Mr. Matheson asked Sir Oliver it he was aware Mr. Preston occupied a. dual position as alderman for Toronto and librarian. and it he would give his consent to this state of affairs. Sir Oliver answered that he saw no reason why a civic servant should not be elected by the people to serve them in case his civic duties did not inter- fere with his duties as a servant of the Government. as was the case with we}? elected vim; mummy after a. hard ï¬ght. He will‘ take the sect Mon- qay gvenlqg at the regular muting or Coiling-wood, March 6.-â€"The bye-elec- tion for the vacant seat on the Council took place in the First Ward to-day. T'hreocandidatesâ€"Mesars. Geo. Mober- Lv. whose resignation mused the vac. ancy; Min-Dan Wilson and Mr. S. L. Smithâ€"we're in the ï¬eld. \Mr. Wilson ' The 'bahnce of the afternoon was given up to considering the estimates. Upoinwthe jtem 3! 83890. the salary paid -1- 1'- A‘â€" -___ meemuéuth: 'I-‘Iï¬iug'lâ€"B'. Kt {fem} be- tween Gait and Copetown.- Another was passed giving the Pémbroke Southern Railway the right to change its proposed routg. »_ __ , u. .. nu ---. unr' yang y-.. These bills passed the omnrndttee. giving the Grand Valley Railway Co. power to alter its proposed route from Berlin to Brantgorg. so_ that .11: m‘ay tnorougniy (BEGUM. . The story goes that Mr. Haycock did not get a. chance this year to re- tuse his railway passes. Last year he returned the passes that had been sent by the G.T.R. and the C.P.R.. and then brought in a. bill to prohibit all members receiving passes. This year Mr. Hayooclt rceived no passes. although the other Patron members received theirs as usual. It is said Mr. Haycook was very anrry when he found he had not been Riven the op- portunity o! refusing the pass. He vowed he would get even. and yester- day mde the first step in that direc- tion. He was present at the meeting or the Railway Committee yesterday and preposed to add a clause to all railway charters. compelling the roads to carry all members of the Legisla- ture free» while in the discharge 0 their duty. The Patron leader could and no one. even in his own party. to second his resolution. and the matter was allowed to drop. much to his dis- gust. One of the members or the com- mittee was eard to remark after the meeting. ' en Hayooclt gets a pass again, he will keep his mouth shut and themes _in_hls pocket": . I. c aur-w~...., ‘1- r....__~ The bm was then read a. second- time and sent on to the Municipal Commit- tee. where lts various claums will be thoroughly discuseeq. A . --, vv-__-__1. an .11: ‘I‘w' v.. Mr. Howland said he had received a. large number of petitions from Boards of Trade and labor organizations. pro- testing against the bill. He advised the Government to carefully consider the advisability? or paging it“, “4†v_-v._. _- .._--_--_ Mr .Crawtord opposed the buL He feared mad results from a. two years’ term of office. He thought before the Government passed the bill it should obtain an expression of opinion upon it from the cities it would affect. He said the bill vested too great power in theiMaxoru __ _ . , . ,,,-_._ :1 Hon. Mr. Dryden moved the second reading of his bill to improve the Ag- riculture and Arts Act. The bill pro- vides that district societies of Toron- tO. Ottawa. London, Hamilton and Kingston may receive the Government grant. It also makes provision for the equitable division or the grant between the Township and Horticultural so- cieties in each district, the basis be- ing the number or paid-up members or the previous year. The bill passed its second reading . Hon. Mr. Hardy moved the second reading of his bill respecting City Councils. It provides that aldermen shall retain office 101- tw0 years; that in cities of 100,000 population and over a. Board of Control, consisting or the Mayor. and three alder-men. shall have power to prepare estimates, award contracts. inspect works and appoint officers or the corporation. The bill also provides that the Court or Revl- sion in cities or 30,000 shall consist of three members, one to be appointed by the City Council, and one by the Board of Trade. and the third shall be the ofl‘lcial arbitrator or_sherii'£:“ -- What 1“â€le mum: um uuu- o! the Provincial autumn Venerclny. Toronto. Mam tâ€"There was not much talking done at the Local Legu- lature yesterday.but considerable solid work was transacted. A number or important public bills were advanced a. stage and estimates were passed for a. large amount. The most important measure or the session, Mr. Hardy's bill respecting City Counctls, passed its second reading and will be thrash- ed o‘ut thoroughly 1n committee next wee . ulul lCï¬-u-uuynvpl .u _-,,. Messrs. Howiand, ï¬ttnéy and Gm man also apoke,and Sir Oliver‘s amend- ment was carried on the following di- Vision: Yeas-33". Baxter. Bennett. Biggu'. Blemrd, Bronson. Burt. Campben. Cor- penter. Chapple Charlton (3191an Conmee. (Ira! bane. Davin. Dicken- non. Drvdon vanturel. F‘ll‘WeH. For- gumn. Flelé. Flatt. Gorrow. German. Gibson (Hamilton). Gibson Huron). Harcourt. Hardy. Itorty. a cook. Hobbs nought-tn McKay (£1er . Mo- Kay Mam-Ia). McLean wash. Mo- I’herson. Middleton floore Mowot. Mutrlé. O'Keote. flan-do. Richardson. Robertson. Rnbmnrd. Btntton. Tower. Tm“. Wenâ€"51. Naysâ€"Benny (Leeds). Brown flunk. Carnegie. Gavan. Crawford. Currie. Dyneï¬. Fania. Omar. Gurd. Ina-sonar. Rowland. Kama. Kidd. Lanflord. u:- tlr‘. McCallum. MoDonald. Mouton. MuNaugï¬ton. M9216â€. Martians). 1:!“- ...A an. I #Hl'QVflwcau‘vu. mvuvvu. .V.7 .7 , wood. Mar-tar. Matheaon. Meaoham. Preston. Held (Addingwn). Reid (Dur- ham). Ryemn. St. John. Shore. Tuck- er, Whitney. Willoughby.f-3?. ' \oll-‘uuln-nn. .- “That it is in the common interest that it should not be dealt with hast- ily and that hasty action by the Do- minion Pamiiament is. in the Judgment of this House, fraught with great dan- ger to the best interests of the Do- minion as a whole, including the inter- ests of the Roman Catholic minority for whose beneï¬t the proposed reme- dial legisietion‘ is geflgngd.†,,- â€A dealt with by the Federal Government or Legislature than the matter of Sep- arate schools during a period or ex- citement upon _the_ pubject; v- -u--..-_.. _â€"_ -'.__.-V.~e “That in view or these statemento this House is or opinion that any pro- posal of remedial legislation by the Dominion should not be entertained until after the request of the Manl- toba Legislature for a. thorough in- vestigation on the part of the Domin-i ion or all the facts is acted upon and all reasonable and proper enorts for conciliation have been made and have failed; L- â€â€˜0 “That it will be catromeiy untortur ate it the mom for the aiiecd grievance in Manitoba is to be accou- iuhod by the action 0: the Dominion iiament instead o: the Manitoba Legislature; that in the ï¬lament c. this House remedial luis tion by the Dominion is only to be thousht‘ot. l at aii. as a last mm; that the Leg- iuinture of Manitoba has protested azuinst the hasty action which is pro- puucd by the Dminion Government. hue asked tor a thorough investigation by Dominion authority c! all the not! bcarina'. or believed to bear. on the subject hetero any action is taken. and ham dociared that ’in amendi the law from time to time and in in- istering the system it is their earnest desire to remedy every wen-rounded gamma and to remove any appear- ance of inequality or injustice which may be brOught to notice: and has stated that 'with a View or doing so the Government and the Legislatur- will always be ready to consider any complaint that may be made in a spirit of fairness and conciliation': . _ ,Aâ€" en: in Mon to eauoanon- m mnner Which matlmteo. (In tho mange of the Judgment) s legiti- mate mad at complaint 'whlch should be removed by supplemental or other ptovulm m7 would remove "Thu while prob“! the nut mo- Jcrtty of the people 0 Ontario do not “war Sepante schools. yet they in !JWI rmognlsed_thc putting iii; 3: “an3 effect by’Proflnohl leglanuon and otherwhe to the pro- vlflonn 1n the communal: on an lub- TUE ONTARIO LEGISLATURE. tobepaldbytheaaalgneewithlnn months after the assignment and every six months thereafter. An act to secure the mentor vvuu any. v- _ manner. Any person violating the pro- visions of this Act shaJl be linhle to a. penalty not exceeding 8200 for each ottenoe. such penalty to be recover- able in any court of competent Jutla- dictlon by any person who my sue therefor, and shall, in addition. at the discretion of the judge presiding at the trial of such action. be liable to for» teiture of his once. An Act as to certain proceeding: under the Act respecting assignment- end preferences by insolvent persons. the Attorney-General; makes prbvision for ï¬ling assignments in the dish-ion o: Algome, Muskoka. Rainy River. Thunder BaY. Manitoulin 3nd Nipis- aing. Therlnrges’t dividend poplhle in An Act to amend the Election Act. Mr. Gnmey: provides that no sheriff. county crown attorney. clerk of the peace, registrar of deeds. clerk or the Surrogate Court. clerk or the Division Court. ball“! of the Division Court. license inspector, re- gistrar. clerk. or other ofï¬cer attach- ed to the Superior Court. no permanent oflicial employed in any at the depnrt- ments of the Govern'ment of Ontario. or any prison. not-plan. asylum or In- stitution ot the Government of Ontnrio shall actively engage in my contested election to the Lewuve Assembly. ,upumncununncmuv hymen-inc “a. n in election or by collecting funds for the conduct. 0: such election or in any other -n-u__ AL- -â€". An Act to‘further amend the Act ro- spectlng sheriffs. Mr. legar; provides that uherml’ omens situate in cities shall close at 1 o'clock in the after- noon during the months or July tad August. instead or 4_ demo}: An Act respecting the assessment of the real property of Incorporated com- panion. Mr. Garm; provides that com- anlel may furnish the clerk with a let or shareholder. ahowlng the name- and share: held by each and requeet the assessor to place the name. at shareholders on the â€seamen: roll as Joint ownere_ot_the company. na vu v".-. â€"- â€". An Act to amend the Municipal Act, Mr. Gnrrow; to enable municipalities by by-iaw to provide means for u- certaining and determining what real property tronts or abuts upon or ex- tends to within six feet or the street upon which local improvements are constructed, and providel that the county Judge on appeal. to him nhnll not so extend this by-inw. All“) but: AAvug‘. a ........ , An Act to amend the Registry Act, Mr. O'Keete; provides that where the omce of a registrar la situate In any city having a population of 30,000 or over. the office hours on Saturday shall be from 10 in the torenoon till 1 o'clock in the afternoon. instead of from 10 to 4, as on other days. , . ALA s..._l-lâ€"-I Ln. the! Hon. Mr. Hardy said there was no objection to bringing down the papers asked for. since they would prove that sqmeone had been imposing upon Mr. Matheson and that he had believed a child's story. (Laughter.) As a matter of fact. others had the same right as those persons referred to. who had the same right to out upon 40 miles only. Mr. Haycock moved for an order of the House for a return showing the cost of the machinery. the cost of re- pairing and maintaining the same in order. and the cost or raw material used in connection with the manufac- ture of binder twine in the Central Prison. giving the aggregate amounts for each year from the beginning of said industry, to date: the amounts annually paid as commissions for the sale of the product: the cost of pack- ages, freight, salaries of extra ofï¬cials and all other expenditures incurred in copnectionwith or_occasioned by the I ,_._.1 _---Iâ€"oa UHI'IIQ’H uul uur -(uâ€".‘ "v...“ ,, ,7 Mr. Hardy adviled that the hill should no on to the oommittee for full diaounulon. It phoned the neeonci roudine. Mr. Mntheaon moved for on order or the House for n return of «0 ties of all oereementa entered into be ween the Government and Helelwood a Who- len. and the Government and G. 1‘. Cleaner. Jamel Wholen and others. respecting the cotton and pulp wood. or other timber. in the territory north of Lake Superior tocether with copie- ot‘ all correspondence in connection with the name. He told he had been informed that the perlonl referred to had ‘a monopoly under in contract with the Government. He had been informed they had the sole rizt to out pqlp tinglger on 800,000 item. 7,.I~_ _AIJ ‘LA..- â€"-- Inn THE CANADIAN roar, moan. 0N1. FRIDAY. run'rrvu l|| nu.’ Mr. MMhaanE-‘i‘ni'd' Wé'Yï¬otIxht that If tho vmvmomn of ma hm mum ho cnrrtodmug thp maul} Koala p3 log}; ll Bwvuu uluc. Mr. Stratton moved the third read- ing of his bill to amend the Aneu- ment Act. He sold that in cities and towns at certain periods certain undo were sold for taxes. In many instances these inndu were laid without the owner knowing anything of the trans- 'mction. Pensions holding mortgngeo upon such hands were niao In many cases ignorant of the fact that the taxes had not been paid. The bill provided that the County 'i‘ronnuror should have the now" to notify such persons by tolilï¬eh‘d iettor berm-o the sale or the lands. The count Would not nxnvcdin (my cane}! gent}: L. uh.-. w I“ Btu jaw-vs sâ€"uv .â€"-â€"â€" -..- upon the dollar. In many municipali- ties a. much greater rate than this was at present current. He quoted from a Judgment of Mr. Justice Harri- son. showing that this was dangerous to the interest of property owners. He wished by the passage or this bill to compel municipalities wishing to tax over two cents to come to the Legisla- ture for that power. I! there were no good reasons for such a course the request might not be granted. Hon. Mr. Hardy favored allowing the second reading. He said he enter- tained some doubt as to the power of the Legislautre to pass such a bill. but this could be thoroughly investi- gated when the bill went before the proper committee. The bill was a second time. . .. ALIâ€"J _-_.!, EPWEUI'I ‘1“...le unuâ€" v _--V Mr. Stratton. when the Home mot. moved the second mdint 0! his bill to amend the Municipcl Act. He aid the tendency of municipalities of into years had been to incrue taxation. which had the enact of deprecintinz the value of pmperty. Under the old law municipalities were not allowed to tax at q spate; rate than two cent: 7 ~~â€" _.._h.|MIC_ may now lull Wm [Imam-M 0‘ Conn-nu Inn-A bop-um- “ muons-no Auk-“W Mon-A III! to mum Toronto. m 1.â€"~Buclncu u nun- nm: at- the Lao“ Willi“. then doâ€. The Public Accounts Commu- te. nu so: down would work. no .u lumcucn 1n the noun u rwluly ud- vnnoanx. A lot o: import-m buunou wu punhcd mwuuh yuan-dun The Public Accounts Commune haw. or- dorcd Mr. H. Kazakh. Bullcvmu. a. gun. Inspector. to now:- before them L‘ucadcy next; duo the production at tho lraVeliuI_ expense- accounts or ï¬r. NoioiwCehTril Prisca. um I sppptozjg cal-19th sad (annual-mu. â€"L-_ . ,- LIA-Inn m Mr. Strntton’s BIII Wu Road a Second Time. INfTHEILTOfCXLfHUUS'E} Vllll PROTECT PIMITY INDIE†umumwuumlun lowm ONasoMzrchâ€"Compreueddru spowerizudlnphcedueamlnthm departments at the Pullman PM Omar-muguduaere-um Eventu- nflsfledtheomdnhthn mwmmymenewtomewmbe mmnortlymtuthenutshmd memwmne chuazeuxual- cal. and mus-kn c revolution in the mnutucturlng system of the ow Palm plant. With the air system 1: bannedthattheweedotthem- mummybesMetmetm WM.MQBM "I“ vuluw I-'-‘.‘" -‘v ' â€" Laterâ€"The nun. of the men whose children were burned to do“): on 8“- umy morning :- wmmn muscle!!- The eldeet chad. e gm. W ° W ot use. the next we: 4 end the 3’00"“ at 'Il between 1 end 2 VOID old. I... Iain" mm nu: sad bulged rapidly. ){9 manna: â€"-_._.- 153' {EB-‘i-oot" "EIFI'E'Be'th-o' a; door we. opened. When the neltthfl 0“" they could hear the children m’i‘nh‘e' but could not get near them. younger: one wu burnedLgoJe. 9:12. Terrible Ante Neu- re-emlehele on Delaneyâ€"Evidently the Rut-It or Younnten Hen-z “'loh I‘ll-r. Penetanzuiehcne. March 7.â€"A fate! “’9 ‘00]! pleae thll morning on the Opposite elde ot the bay here. in which three children were burned to deeth. The tether hed gone uny to work. end the mother locked the three chud- ren In the house end went 0!! to her mother’- on name emnd. end It 1. NDDOIed that the children must heve been Nevin-with the stove and set ï¬re to the house. An Indian. who wu ï¬rst to see the emoke tuning from the home. run to it. and and!" the 609:- locked. wheeze to brag: 1; 33: (1) College and Government bulld- ings, 831,235.53. (2) Farmâ€"(a) Farm pro- per. $2977.70; (b) experimental plots and teedlng. 86111.96; (c) dairy depart- mentâ€"experimental dairy. dalry school and traveling dairy. $9518.17; (d) poul- try departmentâ€"wages; stock. etc.. 81054.34. (3) Horticultural departmentâ€" garden. greenhouses, orchards. lawn. arboretum. etc-, 84609.37. (4) Mechanical departmentâ€"construction of bulldlngs, repairs. etc., $1406.65. Total, $56,913.72. Unexpended balances on the year's op- erations in all departments. $6222.28. The amount paid by the college to stu- dents for work In the outside depart- ments in 1895 was 83821.89. This was done by crediting on board bills the sums allowed to students from week to week by the foremen under whom they worked. Reports are given on all the branches 0t tï¬e work. M Wu! kph-anon The number of students at the col- lege in 1895 wag 250â€"150 in the general course and 100 in the dairy school. or those la the general course. exactly 80 per centâ€"nearly all farmers' sonoâ€" werc from the Province of Ontario. Six of the 100 dairy students were non-rea- identsâ€"rour tram Quebec and the east- ern provinces. one from the United States and one from Wales. 0! thl's number. 45 were free students. A Kingston delegation yesterdsy ssh- ed the Minister or Agriculture to also over the Dsiry School in connection with the Kingston School of Action]- ture and Mines. snd run it as s Gov- ernment institution on the lines upon which the Dairy School at Btrathroy is conducted. The total net expenditure on all thsa depargmgnta tor_18§5 was as rouovgq : Yesterday utemoon Hon. .1. II. 611:â€" son brought down the report of the Ontario Agricultural College and Ex- peflmental rFu-m. to the following nutloo : For the am oaonoo. a one 0 not Ion can 830 um! no: more than “0; for the nooond of- fence. o ï¬ne at not Ion than 850 ond not won than 8100. or. In canon. so dayl In Jon: for the third or any aub- quuent oat-nee. Imprisonment for 8 period not exceeding II: moon“. All bake ahopo ahail be constructed. an to lightin‘. heating. ventilation and drainage. in such a manner as not to be detrimental to the health of any pcraon working therein. and ahall be kept at all time. in clean and unit“? condition. so an to aecure tho protec- tion and preocrvation of all food pro- ducta then-or in a wholesome condi- tion. Wuhroomu. cloacta and other oonveniencu an to ho provided. on- tirolf "pal-ate from any direct con- nect on with the ohopa. aloe-ping pima. entirely pop-rate from tho ahopa. an ciao to bo pmvidod; aiao propu- lira "calm. No employer nhall mum of permit any employ. to w more than 0 hour. a WNK. oncopt y the por- miniun ot the lnapoctor. All ina - in appointed under the Ontario ao- tur an Act are appointed inapocton under thin Act. Any omployor wnn vio- iatoo any aoction or tho Act or who rotun- an innpoctor admittance or who notiootn to comply will: any mutu- montn pt__tno_ inapootplj. aha_ll ho liable 6mm '18 IN 0234er '11:. t6ï¬o§171§vï¬ a. summit: of the Hon. Mr. Dryden'n bill with reference to lake chop-z Mr. H. K. Smith. gune inspector Believille. he. been summoned beta the Public Accounts Committee on Tuesday. The committee um decided to hove detailed statement; produced 0! the following eccountl : For trove!- inc expenses, Mr. Noxom 8:00; Inspector Chaotic. 8183.28; Inspector Gumbel-loin. Govern but. uteri-inc to the Cit! ot Humiiton are before the Prim Bili- Commit ynterdu morulnf. The creditor: ot the 'i‘.. H. t B. Roi - wly uh tht the bonus voted to tint f0“ y‘the City at Hamilton be paid into But 0: Buniiton in trust tor them. The dmount o! the bonus “I 8225.000. The creditor- at. duo. for I lien on the road. noyor Tuckett sud Aid. Coiquhoun wu among those who addressed the committee on the mot- ter. No decision In: arrived at. The bill extending the time for calgpietint the smeltmg'works m An Am to mend tho Anon-mum Act. Ir. lutrlo; to move doubt. u to the lhblllty o! prlvuo lunnuo ny- luau. [old cur. mltltutlonl. Ute... (or thom tmblo. tau. sad to max. An Act to unload the Munlotpll Act. Mr. lacuna; provide. that when n dtloluuur bu boon 0104 by n per-on olootod u mombvr o! the council. can. man be u new election III-tend or the next I: but cundtdnto mun; tho pm. or the llclnlmlnt. THREE CHILDREN BURNED- mnu-uai- Waits. 'I'Io Acne-Inn! Conan. ‘I‘o leg-Into I... at... ll...“- Dnlry School. I... Il-INOI lam be considered. beau-e then there was no Judicial decision-ad the utterance: or Mnnitohe. otter the Judgment were very modernte. There wee nothing to show that Monitohe. it emu-cached. would not hove agreed to negotiations. Instead of doing .0 the Government penned the Remedial order whicn or- dered the restoration of the mtntee of 1871 exactly. without any record to the emciency or the schools or say not- ten of detnii o! the schools there!!! eutehiiehed. lenitohe, no interpreted the order. and ite drastic terxno pre- cluded the chence of mutation or oonpmue. The whole dinedtr tho Government now tonnd ital! in 3 Wu . I ' â€Q!" h ‘ â€ï¬ftmuz.o%.."‘%’n {nu-5‘43 W nothing to inflate that thev would not mtlntfln It. The mad when on- “on: to 18“ by Hannah, should not WHICH Vluvnv .- â€" -.. _..e. , the Judicial 'onnmittee. was purely formal and wan contained in all the orders in council. and that the allega~ tion of Iome thnt it would he treason if the Government did not carry out the order was hmleu. Bir CharleI Tupper had based his argument on the idea that the minority had privileges prior to the union. but the Barrett case hui decided that the minority had no right- prior to the union. but got whatever right. they had through the ochool law: of 1371. The question was: Could a change never be made with reepeet to the rights granted since union ? Hunt the act of 1371 be binding forever T The efleot o! the judgment of the Privy Council no that a case arooe which gave the Do- minion Jurisdiction to hear and deter- mine the appeal of the minoritv. and the tint duty therefore of the Govern- ment true to get complete intomation on the subject. Therefore. in pursuing the present course the Government war not carrying out the constitution. Had they considered whether it wa- right or fair. or good for the country to carryoutthernessure? It. as the Gov- ernment had claimed." must set me- chanically. then the bill should have been couched In tertne of a Remedial order. But this had not been done. Ititvasoneotoiookettheeimuni- stenceeottheeueinrruning the hiiLwhywasitnoteowhenthene. medial order ves paced 7 And thin wa- theiitnnortane point in» (WWI-In. uuuv-u., he-“ , _ unution on the bonrd the result would be. serious to them. The Home took receu nt 6 o'clock. Mr. uni-tin continued the school de- bate utter recess. He aid the portion of the Imperial Order in Council which order! ostion in ncco_r§ln.nce with ,.A.__ Dy we man W: M. .-v_,, r, _ mm; but, no tar u text-book- deu- tnz with moral; were concerned. and not absolute tuthoflty. but the choice was tree. This eatlrely destroyed the Government's acumen! um It the Protestant mjnoï¬ty Jot: their repne A..- n-..lg nun-IA u- .--â€" “-vâ€"' , Hr. Mania (Winnipeg), author of the Msnltobs school laws. opt-trad by scor- ing Mr. Moncriefl, who, he said, while now talking of Justice to Catholics. supported Mr. Gurd, the P.P.A- condi- date in Lombton in the last vaincinl election. Proceeding. he asserted thnt Instruction. but that won not n nutter of very greet importance. It all the text-books of the schools were chosen by the pong-d the case would be impovb -__ -- oA'o,|u\Alo- dul- wuw v. “I“ ._.â€"-'-.-, ' Proceeding. Mr. Moncrieit said he Ind mixing he would like Mr. Laur- ier to but. and as Mr. Laurier wu not in the House. he would like some Libero! who ind nothing to do to co and bring him in. (Laughton) He con- cluded by mmuncing he would vote Hr. Lluricr’s amendment and in furor of the bill. If voting ID was to err.then he would hove erred in favor or the constitution, would hlVe erred in favor of the _Prote_stant minority in ’- AI, A.._ _-n_-_ -ug. â€"--- Quebec. 0 well u the Catholic minor- ity in Manitoba would have erred on the side 0! pans and harmony. would hu'e erred on lines calculated to bind together the provinces of this mt British colony. 7- -At, v: l.’ a 00!. O'Brienâ€"What then would be- come of the mlppmx In 0_nt_arlo'.' ,4.A L- 8r. lowfloflâ€"\'«ou he: I do. All nu ma of practical vuluo in both pro- vlnca luv. been u-uuLu-d nines the union. Any 1c: rem-Min: Hm..- rights would be tau-n Vin-I or the Quebec Cure. and so Uncbcc could take Legal: 7 away an the rights or the Quebec nun- crux. __-_.I‘ I.‘ Col. O'Brbnâ€"Would you Mac the than at the Panama: minor-Ry tn“ Quotas? It. Honcflerr~unrybody known than. Col. O'W'X‘he hon. gentleman does not kn9xtas‘m-. - - A Ir. Montanaâ€"Won. than. it the Pro- mum. at ooh-o mm a. rived of “In. In won d not up mrt t o apps! any mum unite for u lot? fr. ammo-Thu u not tho am. It I . Ir. nonunionâ€"Ya. It u. Col. O'Bflonâ€"Wlll the hon. gentle- man at! In what the mm or en um mung†Halogen-f! _ “k _ «teem s tellowâ€"oitiun eimnlr beenuee his religion. conviction were not the some so his own. (lieu. hen.) Dr. Bvroule yesterdny hsd said he won on- wne the moon he opposed this bill. It that was t resson why. then he pitied the doctor's intelligence. His mind hnd evidently not thoroughly gmped tli'e position of nitnirs. This wu not I. question or Separate Schoolsâ€"it wse the redressing o! the grievances o! the Cuholic minoflty of mnitohn. Dr. Bproule was following the lend at ur. Mocmhy. That gentleman had led the House utrsy betore. sad it he wu not watched he would do so ngsln. (Hen. heu'.) He believed Hr. McCor- thy we. responsible lsrgeiy tor the pre- sent ngitntion; seemingl he held a brief to keep ngitntion ei ve. The To- ronto World now supported thst gen- tlemen. but only s tew months ago that r designsxed Mr. HoCnrthy u I str e-mshrr. Dir. Somerviiieâ€"When ms the†Mr. loncrieKâ€"Xn October. 1893. hit. hurler In moving the six months' hoist hsd stolen Mr. IoCsrthy‘s thun- der. Evidently Mr. Lsurier wanted to ride into power on the naligioun preju- dices or the peepie. Continuing, Mr. noncrieit proceeded to review the legal "poets of the nchooi quention. it the minority in Mnnitohn hsppenod to be Pluto-tent. would Dr. lprouie. who lui night oppoeed interference, hsve token the mad he did? Dr. llprouieâ€" Yen. Ir. Noncrleflâ€"it the minority wss Prat-sum would you not nupport the bill? Dr. iiprouioâ€"i any emphsticniiy, l wouldrnot. ,, A___ > .- _ __ "m. noncmaâ€"A mm'daiii be mad who ounot no they no exactly an III!“ , , _ _ 7 _ _ -; TIIE Illl l8 "INSTITUTIONAL Remodla'l Order Ought Not to Have Boon luuod. mgr, MARCH 13. 1896 MR. â€RRRRIR SPEAKS. R 11m? The protect known on the uiteble Beneï¬t Association will not o my business thin year. So strong ha been the opposition encountered by the pm- moten in the Bulking Committee the: this morning the bill tot incorporation we. witbduwn by Hr. Chnpmen of Minneapolis. heed pusher or the enter- The Mutation from Kinnton end Otto“ m tainted upon Senntor Delju'dine on Tueedny have to thank the Minister for promptly acceding to their neat to:- the establishment o! n. clean 01 inntruction for in- fantry omoene et Kingston. 'rwo chose. 0! this din-note:- ere to formed. one at Kingston on lunch 17, end one at Enamel. commencing this “week; The coin-In, at instruction will 8’ Mo. The uooud ciuue enable. tour Judge. 0! the Supreme Court to heu- o one by the consent or the putiea. The ween: quorum I! betcha neuocuahoheudinave. heme. mier uoo introduced s biu mun; the revision or the nature. which on- trust the Oonrnon-Geneni-in-Councit to â€point than commi-ionen to con- ooiidote and min the mm m since the in: cancellation and mi:- ion in 188. In the Same this uttemoon Sir nuc- kenuo Bowel! nltaoduoed a. bill to mend the Act reluctant the Supreme AM Exchequer Court. The um emu-e given the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court the ml. 0! Clue: Juana of AC:- Pl‘Cvxsnuua . --»-..,--__ , shsll not officially form part or nation- sl education. but nothing in this act shall prevent those legally controlling school buildings nnd whines from granting the use thereof {or relig- ious purposes am conclusion of edu- cational exercises o! the dsy.‘ " The meeting or the Runway Commit- tee this morning wss chsmterized by r some discussion ws ordered to be reported. The object o! the bill is to extend "1° time for constructing the road. The next meas- ure considered was s. scheme for open- ing up nsvicstion from Winnipeg to Hudson’s Bay (by s series of annals snd utilising the Hudson River. Mr. Mex-tin strons‘ly the propoaal. During the course of the discussion Mr. m mm owed nuun s. "1m." â€â€˜6 had to spolocise. llr. Max-tin had to take back nn imputstion against him thsthemmskincthe uestion undone,“ _ A ° "°' ugly-I w . It in aid to be the Intention of the Government to (rent 8:00.000 tower“ the Improvement. of the St Andrew Rep! near the City of Wlnntm the ems'aum or wind: mu be left in the head. or an; my. _ Runedinl debue to-dnyâ€"Mr. Moncrieft trmn Lunbton end Mr. Mel-tin from Winnipeg. Frown the â€endpoint of the Government. Mr. Mona‘iei’f made an excellent speech. Xr. Mei-tin was an emphatic u of yore. and with great Vito:- pressed the point that the bill was: unoonutitutionni and ultra, vireo. On the neoon retains at the bill Major Hughe- l move {or the repenl of section 93 o! the B.N.A. Act. and section 2:! of the Manitoba. Act. end to substitute therefor the following : "In end to:- the Dominion there shall be one system of mtionni education. em- bracing (1) the intellectual branches. including mathematics. history. geog- raphy. English and other lnnguages. literature. the cm and nclencee; (2) the principles of morality, liticnl and sanitnry science. But in and for each province the Legislative e in" in relation my exclusively mnk bject to the following to the snme, an - ‘ Religious instruction that the Wotan here will ooncludc its businsss within two weeks." The Osbinot in in session sil tore- noon. sad non. at the Ministers were solo to stteod the meetinfu of the dir- fentnt committees. it I said they I'fl‘o considering the sdvissbility of sending for Premier Gmnwsy and sons other members of his Cabinet, so u to hove s. conference rent-din: the Wis! Bill. This view ha.- been strongly immuod upon the Govern- ment by Sir Donsld Smith. _ . A hill were withdrawn they would be re- al?! to do juatloe in the prem a. Government wae responsible for the entlne trouble. having tried to use the dilution for political purpoeee. Mr. Lauder had taken the otateamanehlp stand and would. If he got into power, be able to nettle the question with- out any ooemlve lawn. (Hear, hear.) He concluded by declaring that when Ilr. Laurie:- beanie Premier. which he aoon would. there would be no more heard of Remedial bills. but the Renae would {We to the business of the country the attention which it deserv- ed. but of which it had been gettlnt no little thla Ieeilion. Mr. Daly moved the adjournment of the debate. The llouee adjourned at 10.00 pm. Ottawa. March ¢-â€"(8peclal.)â€"Acaln the talk at compromise we. rife round the lohhlee to-day; min report wan cunent that Mr. ilrmnwey will be here eoon. From all that your corm- poodent can learn. it eeeme likely that the dlvleiun on the around Main: of the Item-rdlal Bill will not take place until the wool: after next. if then. lly that time the Manitoba Lori-lumen will haVe concluded in labore. and Mr. Cinema) will he the to leaw Winni- m. It the Remedial Bill rem-Wee in eeoond nadina'. then it ie more than ‘ likely that ur. Onenway will come to Ottawa and talk comproinleo. The foregoing etatetnent ie continued by a private telegram received twin “3'3." 1*; ._.a.l-|. __..- . W ‘3' 1:“.38111733: WEI-c1; iii-V: “ The myroulou amuln hero um Pramlcr Grammy gt}! go go Ottuva.‘ but he -. ‘_ ___ -“AMA to! an we provlnoo M can . m Rpm-dbl Or- ut the luv in this tad. therefore. Pullunem h-a fl-dicuon only when the luv ind been carried out and o curry out me Governorâ€"Gem-rul. IIA _.-- I- favor of In ‘nvflt‘c‘t!0n. ‘ umuvw. Una-'9‘ We! thefoworn! Sueâ€: Nd â€om": whldl fill" at. uâ€" «ab. than "“‘M'M' "d“ . In“ ï¬ll-u outta-nub...â€- lo"!!- I“ M " "x:- " “W °" (to tour a I â€- 0. , Saturday, Mar. zxst, n1mu:-w. Huang R. J. m Iowan Bill. 0 Wk. n. But, D. D Wt. Samuel Ame. R. SALEâ€"Tho following valuabll maul-M. halibut x. o. In the]! 00.. old» WIN.) (.1 00: h the canny of \b morn 5- un Aland. Bry on km," N m 0. no tau-cloud um! under culuuuon d the tollovlm: Imam-monk an on Um prvmidi on. III-o bun with ma hum-em. 3': x m I“: In: 42’de Imam. ghoul. 18:22: â€no [wall I“, bultdlm m In a cunt! nu. of lovuir. Mm 01" home-ma coal banding Iota In the m d cu. m a nu mu hum u. . tumm- F! mm mm!"- mco THOMAS msxom. Hui-v. In! luau w -103 w. ‘ OBTGAGI SALE Valuable Farm Proper“ Yiï¬lfllia Luau Minus 0" m and Iâ€: - Jon! IAGWOO’ mam: - w. 3.10““! L"? â€I‘M!†â€â€0110“ :.flohughllu, [chug ornal 15:03:»: on at w man-u. mega. mum". Kennedy, Davis Son. wanna. sinuous. urn. my. srurr. L!!! and woo» 8M Mice. Milton's Block. Lin!†All Kinds Of LUMBER. utkn‘ Rum-4cm ovary fund-y In lurch-n Act of who hr pauuhld ' anï¬mzlu-r mum c. P. It. orncl. u an mum CA N A DIA N NORTH-WEST. HAVE BEEN T. C. MAIGHHT. - - AM. SETIlEfl’S PHEIBHI BETH REDUCED 407a The belt School at C'nmum may 0! out continua". u n uk- aw mailman mum-t.- “hum fl. lay hum: a ldn-uudufloa, \‘uu any a W- Elwyn: Ova ml Basin“; CE New Advarttwemenff; SUITS that Suit. GEITBM. BUSINESS COLLEGE 1‘0on to. Ont. Kennedy. Dawad‘: Son. 1:: m Ionian“ "cu in. and by “W“ m m Awl! '0 - rm nawoon. " "'“L‘ How TO SECURE -â€"-rucu m him-m mmâ€" 1!! (I18 at Merchant Tailor; Iâ€"Wll“ W "ï¬ll, 0Fâ€" jaw 1!» Vendor 1““ a Lia/141 SHAW u’ boa y/grou. iuvrfn I t mum. "00 ELLIOTT, Um. “W0! in. :hliu WP: mm ‘lb on Imam STATE KENT .9 on, 00.. “HI “MG. :99. MEDICINES Every Ar‘ At last it see it at Auk or w E; 2 ti: a me I RED T. 0. MA SEITLEH CANADI BSTRACT RE " â€a O 0RD. BOO CLO WEE priceml â€b. No. 8