The market report in s cc py or the now 09., (Nebrsske) Sm, forwarded us by Mr M. F. Harrington, formerlv of Llndsay, reads aetollows: Potatoet’, 20.: per bush; butter, fancy. 80 per 117.; eggs. fresh. 100; onions. 253 per bush; hay. baled. $2 50 per ton, loose, $2; bnn, 503 per 100 lbs ; shorts, 60.; chopped feed, 60;; corn, ear, 12.;xper bushel; hogs. $3 per 100 lbs.; tau cows. $2 to $2 50, steers, $3 to $3 50; sheep. 32.25;):ides. 3; per 1b.; oats. 76 to 83 per bushel; wheat, 56c: rye, 18 ; barley 110 per 50 lbs. : shelled corn, new, 63 per 80 lbs. 501113;:th corn. “Saved My Life†Death Charmed Away Under the Spol of Dr. Agnew‘s Cure tor the Heart- More Wonderful Than 3 Fairy Tale 137 the Sp‘orzior Mrs case. or A VETERAN'S STORY. “Several years ago, while in Fort Snelling. Minn., I caught a severe cold, attended with a. terrible cough, that allowed me no rest day or night. The doctors after exhaust- ing their remedies, pronounced my case hopeless, say. ing they could do no more for me. At this time a bottle of ï¬t @auaaian £11m. Where disease has effected the heart the remedy to be applied must be speedy in its effects, or all may be lost. Mrs. Baadhonse, of Willscrofr, 01:11., says: “Cold sweat would stand out in grea beads upon on f , because of the intense sun'ering from heart disease. I often felt that the death stru is was at hand. No medic'nes gave me e1 until I used Dr. Agnew's Cure for the eart. In thirty minutes the severe pain was removed, and after taking‘gttie more than one bottle the trouble vanished. I know nothing of it to-day." Sold by A. Elsinbotham. â€"Her chestnut hair. in massive waves, Is hanging o’er her ears, And in her lg. deep. dreamy eyes A distant look appears. Her features are Madonna like, But oh. I grieve to say, Th_at you'd be disenchanted if A A L_._-‘.-J gâ€"n- â€(I 15an W musc- vuw _-â€"-______ While this change may on the face of it seem to beer more heavily on the poor men than on the rich, the expediency of alter- ation from a government revenue stand- point Is easily recognized. Haretofuro the commission on post ofï¬ce than been 23.; on name over 85 and up to $10. 63.; over 10 and up to 20 and up to 40,2Cc. ; out n npto ),3'Jc.;over nngiupto After April let the tariff on post ofï¬ce order: up to 8'2 50 will be 3:.; on orders over 8250 end up to 85, 4a.; over$53nd n9 to 810,63. ; over 10 end up to 330.100.; over $20 and up to .1204 ova-$303M up to 340. 153.; over and upto 850, 20:. ‘ over 850 end up to :24“; ova-$60M n to $70, :.; over $10 and up to 3.; our end up to $00, 36).; our 890 nnd up to 10). 40 1. Thornton on orders psynble In the united on end in foreign cannula end the 8:! hpmlouetendutheynro. mm Fa: the “he of oompnrlson companie- ere ep- ch shytheexpreu ‘mufollon; endnnder.50.;over nndnpto lo. ;om$lOendnpto .10).;om udnptosaoladnm oendnptosw‘sgu;ove:$40endnp Report n-om the Government Phys! cinn. Port of Quebec “1 have used 'Pheno Bunnm’ or ‘Quick- cure’ in n euppureting wound following a eevere bite of neat; nfter the usunl reme- diee eeemed inefl’ectnel, this prepentinn cleened up the wound end healed it After the second epplicntion ; ite eï¬'ect was most utiefnctory; it he: else proved a velunble remedy for removing pnin, and destroying the Cocci that ceuee boile end carbuncler. heeling in come cues more quickly than if the microbe. had been cut out; as is now recognized to be proper treatment inetend of poulticing. etc. This remedy hes a grand future before it. cm; rest Ofï¬ce Department has "30.0 a. Re arrangement of Rates- Poetmnster-general Mnlook has re- manged the tariff of commissions payable on post omce money orders. The changes are designed to meet the campatition of the express companies, which have been effectively caterinz to the public as money- sending mediums. For some time met the post omce department has been get- ting all the smell orders and the express companies all the larger ones, and with a View of altering this state of things the on small orders is to be increased nn_d_ti_1_nt on larger ones decreased. _‘_-__- n...“ An 9h: 'II‘A [If it V I did, and soon after 1 was greatly relieved. and in a short time was completely cured. I have novt-rlmd much of a. cough since that Limo. and I ï¬rmly believe Ayor‘s (‘horry Pcctoml saved my Iifo."-â€"\\'. I. WARD, S Quimby .-\'v., Lowell, 2.13.35. Cherry Pectorafl .â€"a__#._v AYERS PILL; cm Indigestion and Beadach: J. H. ï¬gcuï¬, .\ .13., M.R.C.S., THE MONEY gnnER PLAN. 4M AWFUL HEART DISEASE. Highest Aâ€"wards at World's Fair. That “hair was brushed away. Our Farmers Ahead Yet. ’. FRIDAY. MARCH, 26, 1897 AYERS 13m Killer. E CherryI’ectoralwgs 2W‘sent‘. to me by 9. .J' friend who urgod ' me to take it. whim AYER’S of the Hglt WWW WEST Suffer. Disastrously From Spring Floods. WEALTHY PEOPLE LOST HBAVILY And the Poor Lon m-nnndredl of Ina or lowlands Flooded opposite Hemphu, Teamâ€"lows. Nehru“. Michigan and â€Inns“. All Troubled by the “Men. Memphis, Tenn, March 20.â€"'1‘he aor- row, the desolation, the dismalness 01 the flood cannot be realized or describ- ed. Only those who have experienced the hcrrors of escaping with their lives can understand the situation. Some have lost their lives. The wealthy have been heavily dam- aged, and the poor have lost their all. and to-day they shiver for want of sufï¬cient clothing and shelter, and feel strongly the pangs of hunger. They are huddiegi together in tempor- ..... 1A."! iuv: “It uuuun-u UVD‘VII ary places or safety andyéréâ€"pbvided with little. it any, food. The lowlands oppqslte Mergyhis are u..IA The lowlands opposite Memphis are inundated for 40 miles out. The little towns or Ashport and Gold Dust. Tenn. are up to the windows in water and the houses in the low places are up to the eaves. On the opposite side or the river the towns are in equally as bad condition except Osceola. The low islands are also flooded. and many of the inhabitants have lost even“ thing they possessed. From above Ashport to below Plum Point, which ls over 100 miles, is a. low levee. which has always been amply protected; now it ls mostly under water. It is impos- sible to estimate the loss to property. So far the loss of life reported is plac- ed at ï¬fty. AL _ anâ€"anfl lo“ a Is Sum-ring. Sioux City. Ia..'March 20.-â€"The flood is receding here to-day and at all points above. The Big Sioux is on the warpath and has every town and farm in its' valley under water. It rose 20 feet in 36 hours and is still coming up. The Milwaukee road has suffered in- calculable damage to its line between here and Harwarden. The Missouri River broke up here last night. but is bringing down quantities of wreckage from its tributaries. There is hardly a bridge left across any stream in this section. In Sioux City are many destitute families who have been driv- en from their homes by the flood. Farmers in outlying districts, who were forced to abandon their homes are also drifting in. Last night no pro- vision had been made to care for them by the city and considerable suffering resulted. They will be cared for after tcâ€"day. Reports of damage by floods came in tonight from towns all over the terri- tory about Sioux City. The Big and Little Sioux. Vermilion, Jim Rock and Elkhorn Rivers are a. few among the more important streams which are causing trouxble. Bridges are nearly all - AL_ _..u..nuAa our] causmg truwuxc. unluawâ€"a ...-- _.-.._,_ , gone on many of the railroads, and farm land is under water. St. Louis, March 20.â€"The warning sent out by the Government Signal Ser- vic-e yesterday that the Mississippi River and all its tributaries would con- tlnue to rise has been fulï¬lled to the letter. Communication with the flooded seclon has become difficult, but des- patches received from widely separated points show that all have suffered alike. It is estimated that a. section of country with an area equal to that or the State of Missouri is now under water and that the worst is not over. Advices from Cairo, Paducah, Memphis and Helena. show that the region be- ginning north ot New Madrid, Mo.. west to and including the valleys of the St. Francis, the White and the Arkansas Rivers, in Arkansas, east in Kentucky and Tennessee. off the val- leys or the Tennessee. the Cache, the Obdon and the Yazoo Rivers. and south to the Red River, are under wa- ter. The intervening ranges of hills and' high ground are the only places of refuge. The despatches received here tell but one storyâ€"lives lost, stock drowned and a. country desolated. At Cairo. 1115., today the river reached 50.9 feet. and rising slowly, which is but one foot off the high record of 1883. All the country south of there to Mem- phis is submerged. ._._â€"â€"- Sheboygan, Mich.. March 20.â€"Por~ tions of this city are flooded to a depth of two feet. Five vessels tied up at winter moorings have broken loose. The schooner Moore crashed into the Eighth-street bridge. and then passed outward toward the lake. The other boats followed the Moore. wrecking themselves as well as the docks and other vessels tied at‘the docks. Great ‘ ‘*--'- JAâ€"A ’T‘hrno VPSSQIS Sheboygan, M tions of this city of two feet. Fl winter moorings boats Iouuucu gm. “Wâ€, themselves as well as the docks and other vessels tied at‘ the docks. Great damage has been done. Three vessels are now out in the lake at the mercy of the sea, and two tugs are trying to get out to them. â€"..â€" Flood n! Shoboygnn. All llave Snfl'cred. In] Out 11: Nebraska. [arch 20.â€"The general thaw week has started the ice in and Elkhorn Rivers, and 3‘ their banks have been with floods. but only two of nm a, have been seriously 20.â€"The warnjng EL «"1. a we? E11: GAME WARDEN’S FINDING. Report Presented by the Inspector for the Eastern District. The game warden for the eastern dis. triot, Mr. H. K. Smith presented the fol- Ioglng rgportrto the Ontario government: LA L-_-_ -l - .hmletlnn m' iUNIus IK yvav In! a -_-_-__ 813,â€"1 have the honor cf ubmittlng my annual report as warden o! the enstern district, and send heréwith tabulated statements showing the number and re- sults of the prosecutions which I have instituted for violations of the game lawn during the ye‘nr‘1896. In addition to these , ____L-â€" -l .-l..1. An ha. uur‘ru; qu JV“. I have attendafvavrz'nxr-aierâ€"o'f‘irlm on be- half of the deputy wardens. the results of watch will appear gn their returns. A- .L- 1-... unfl'h'nl’ WINS: Wu: nywvu .â€" The amendment to the law requiring deer hunters to take out licznses has met with general approval. but it is conceded that the hora nde settlers in the deer country should be relieved from the Day- ment of the fee oi! two dollars, or a nomiâ€" nal one substituted therefor. The prohibition of killing in the water h is not, I regret to say, received the same urqnaiiiled approval, and suggestions have been made to me by spartsmen in the diï¬â€™erent localities with a view to con- promise, which I will have the honrr (f laying before you at the meeting of the commission. I; is. however, a matter cf congratulation than the wh :iesale destrno tion 02 deer has been greatly checked by the restrictive measures above mentioned, and I believe the public have now tome to the conclusion that the number kUied during the years 1891 and 1895 was largely in excess Li what it should have been, hav- ing in view the perpetuation of the sport of deerihunting in this province. - A- ___II.â€" “ma UL urcx Haul-nab ...... r The law with respect to smaller game seems to be q lite eaiisfaetory with but few exc: ptionr, or e (I which is the allow- ing of ducks to be pursued in open water ; and another in the closing or the season for hares or rabbits on the 15 h (f Decem- ber. and I have been repeatedly asked to draw your attention to these, with a view of having recommended to the commission the advisabiiltz Lg complying duck shoot- - - â€"l§I-ln - um Guinean-v; ~. --â€"., ere to erect their blinds, e:c.. within a reasonable distance from shore and rush- beds, and of extending open eeaeon for hares to the 15th, or as least: the lat of February, and, it need be. torthie purpose. to so divide the province into dietxiote. that the law could be applied or eoepended as the case might be, aoooxding to circum- stances. -â€".J __-V V ,, For Rheumatism, Pnin in the Book, Side- or Chest, spread "Quickenre" on linen, or cotton, u for Burns, nnd cover with cotton betting, or even ptper, over which put 3 bondage to keep ell in plnce end protect the clothing. Mnny phyeiciene will not prelcribe or allow me of ordinu‘y platen, A 2‘ 1)-“- 3-....- mmmmmmm ,.----V,, no no meny of them contnin Belladonna and Aconite, end sometimes tbele drnge may be absorbed by the syntax: and come serioue diutnrbencel. Planter. made of “Quickenre†hue been recommended, to being entirely free from mything which could possibly injure even 3 child, end no plneter removes pain so quickly. , A ~ â€" __I.. r'-â€""- - ~ ~ - - In severe cases, doctors tell you to apply hot applicntione also, over the “Quickcurd†plaster, covering the buck, cheat. and neck well; flannel clothe wrung out: of hot. Inter will not. injure “Quickenn.†but. aid its effect. déati'uction. If there were any chance of a change of government at Ottawa any time within the next ten years there would not be such a willingness on the part of leading members of the opposition to quit Ottawa and pitch their tents in the local opposi- tions in the province. Ottawa Free Press : The Mail and Empire says, apparently in a grumbling and vcensorioua spirit, that “Mr. Tarte wants to put up abuilding in Ottawa at the coat of a quarter of a million for the purpoae of storing records.†Under all the circumstances the country will ap- prove the expenditure of double that amount for so important a purpose. It Ipeaka ill for the toriea during their long reign of misrule that the public records were allowed to go in daily peril of That Wisconsin Eclectic Medical Asso- ciation that has been turning out doctors by the hundred no a coat of $35 spiece, has been dissolved. Rutlnnd, the head fakir, was arrested in Chicago for using the mails for frnudulent purposes, thus precipitating the trouble. Thus ends an- ‘ ' " , ' J__-.___ mknun mnll‘. he charter and m Chicago. bun Luann IV. --____~e precipitating the trouble. Thus ends other infant industry, There must: snmething radically wrong with the s‘ laws wh en a concegn can‘get a Wiscor 7,,L _ £â€" Eden. m aim, coma . tongue, sick headache, In- somnia. etc. Hood's rm: I s cure consupmon ad 311 It: results, may and thoroughly. 250. All draw-u. hunted by C. 1. Hood 3 00.. Lowell, Hus. monummmwtmnoommmm causes 1tu m: the sick-nus 1n the world. 1 retains the digested food too long In the bowel md produces billousness, torpld liver. mas _ - gen-trot- th-e KEEBï¬Eï¬ioflci 7 if E I dongerous disease because it not only poison; ï¬ne blood but cause: heaviness, , , A A J .n__‘o_ .L- :_o-‘\--‘ ‘I‘L-n yvnovu- “. â€"- â€" -v- -___,- op reselon.and dullsthe intellect. Then fol ow chronic headache. loss of appe- ute. slow digestion, nervousness, bad breath. dingy. complexion and low spirits. It Will eventually bring on liver and kidney disease in some incur- able form. But sufl'erern from this dreaded malady are speedily Warner’s SAFE Cute and Warner‘s SAFE Pills. Lending phyuici-nn the world over, have Icknowledged this fact. and thouunda of eople through- out the land hnvc teati ed :0 it. SAFE ACure put}! ,‘ top to backaches. k1 u; I awn-«nu; .. --__, v , nen a concern can get a Wisconsin and under 1t conduct such a fraud mu my 1:» Hood;a um when state YUUNGXNDHKWSOME I; the Bride of‘ Mr. Justice Taschoreau. THE GRUUM 60 AND THE BRIDE 18 h hall-I ur- “untrue-mutu- tie Steam-up Wâ€"ll’.‘ lento-8'- E 30â€" Fro- Ienaventure -‘I'Ie Canals kmd to Open Earlyâ€"mun Set". Ottawa, March 22.â€"(Speciai.)-â€"To- day there was furnished to the gov Sins of the Capital oae of the greatest social sensations whim they have had for many a long day. The social Ill.- ‘tus oi the contracting parties was 1 enough to cause a nutter in Ottawa's Belgravia, but addiï¬onal interest is given to it on acount of the difference in their ages. The groom is no less prominent a citizen than Judge Tas- chcreau or the Supreme Court of Can- ada. llis bride is Miss Marie Louise Panet, the handsome 18-year‘01d daughter of Mrs. Charles Panet o! Daiy-avenue. Judge Tasehereau has Just turned 60 years, but is still vigor ous. The marriage was celebrated by Rev. Father Valiqueue .pnrish priea or the Sacred Heart Church. After the ceremony Judge and Mme. Tas- chereau left the city on their welding tour. Judge Taschereau returned from India. only last week. and has still at: weeks' leave or absence unexpired ber 20;? returning to his duties on the Su- pre‘me Court bench. Although the Ministers are reticent on the point, there is iitle doubt mm the Government having entered into a provisional agreement with Mr. W. Peterson of Newcastle-on Tyne, Eng- land, by which an opportunity is given to the ï¬rm represented by this gentle- man to organize 3. (ast Atlantic steam- ship service. it is clakned the service will be quite equal to that for which the late Government were prepared to close with the Ailans last year. The reason the Allans have been dumped was because Peterson 8:. Co. are 9““ pared to take a less subsidy than was agreed upon with the Canadian ï¬rm. The contract can be only a pro' visional one. as the atom of Parlia- ment is necessary, and no doubt de- pends also on the exact nature of the arrangements which the British Gov- exnmt'nt may be willing to make, The steamships. it is said. are stipulated to be highest claw, ca‘nbie or steam- ing at least twenty krots on an ocean voyage and twenty-two on the trial trip. The line will give. with the tin- est of passenger accommodation. very large cargo capacity for both refriger- ated and ordinary freight. The idea of the promoters. who are understood to command both experience and capl- ml. is to make the line equal to any. thing on the Atlantic. Andrew A. Allan at the Allan Llne was in the city today in connection with the above report. Mr. Peterson is not connected with the Allan Com- pany in any way. and there will probably be keen disappointment felt by the Allans. At the Department of Railways and Canals it is said all 0': canals wlll be ready for operation as soon as the ice breaks up. and the Welland is likely to be one or the very ï¬rst opened. Ves» sels will be passing through from Lake Erie to Lake Ontario by the middle of next month. On Lake Huron and Lake Superior the ice may take longer to break up. There is every indication that the year's business on the lakes will be rotitable. Thomas S. Higgin ._ Crown timber agent of British Columbia. has re- signed. Some time ago a commission was appointed to enquire into the :10 fairs of Mr. Higginson’s ofï¬ce. but the commission has not yet reported. Er. Higginson was appointed in 1884. Hi: salary was $1800. lee Ialnwmr larder“ lou- â€hum And New III on: lulu Oil. Kansas City. 110.. Match 22.â€"Bee Rainwater, a. farmer living at Orrlck. Bay County. on Saturdsy evenmg murdered his wise. his mother-Imuw. Muhwnlum Artman. Ethel Gentry. his step-daughter. and John Thu-nan. a step-Dragnet. and then blew on: at: . Jealousy 3nd 3 bone: any-u.- ,v - wv-ev F. X. Lemieux. M. L. A. for Bonn.- venture, is in town. He says some of the Catholic clergymen. while in the pulpit. took an active md very violent part against Mr. Guite, but there were some very noticeable ex- ceptions. Rev. Father 'l‘hivierge, our- ate of Bonaventure. who in one of tho most prominent ciergymen or the county. although _a .Liberal. never said AL.-_AL -_‘I Wulny. wee-v.9" â€"- â€"â€"--___, ,, a. word about politics in church, and never tried to influence the members of his flock in favor of either party. Just on account of his being a Lib- eral. he has been subject to any amount of humiliation. and has been deprived of most of his privileges as a curate. His case will certainly be brought before the delegate of the Pope now on his way to Canada. The new rule gotzming depart- mental hours went in.o el'tect tc-day. Civil servants had to the the mark at 9 this morning and held the fort until 6 o‘clock. The. writ for Colchesier. N. S., has been issued. Nomination takes place on the 13th and eledlon on April 20. su- c. H. Tupper tax left for 'l‘ruro to take a hand in the ï¬ght. The Judge of the Exchequer Court to day gave judgment. dismissing the motion on behalf of the defendants in the case of the Queen v. Finlayson Grant. to add Henry Corby of Belie- viile as the third party in an action. In the Queen v. St. Louis. Mr. Emard moved {or an order for dis- traction ot defenï¬ant's solicitors' costs. The motion was opposed by J. '1‘. Ritchie for St. Louis. The order {y'as' granted. Steamer Flush-r1 From onterdn- Tested by the Allanlle Waves. Boston. March 20.â€"The steamer Finsbury, which arrived at this port to-day from Rotterdam. had a severe experience. She left, the latter port Feb. 20 in ballast. 0n the ï¬rst day out from port her steering gear gave way, and the vessel had to put into Plymouth for repairs. Leaving Ply- mouth tour da 3 later. she encountered‘ heavy miles an tearful seas. The steer’ in}: gear broke again. and the vessel wai- lowed for sixteen hours in the trough ot the sea. The ballast tank worked loose and flooded the hold with water. and the pumps were rendered useless by sand, which also tilled the engine tunnel and the bilges. and there was eight teet of water in the hold. During this trouble the wind was blowing Wlih hurricane force. 0n the 12th the steamer got amongâ€. large number of icebergs. and her 1'] plates on both sides were stove. III the 17th the steeriaf gear gave way aad‘the feed and e rculatin pump broke.‘ and the vessel again wai owed in the. trough of the sen. rollin in 1 terrible. manner before repairs coal be made. Slit z . , “d L_eoI.â€"~I mnfllflnn flprn'.‘ st. Louis. March 20.â€"'I'ho Dementie at, convention in Masonic Hull Wu the scum of a tree-torn" tight to-dny in which oven :00 men IAmmo! ated. hm! which resulted In two 0: c: ls being sent to Police Heulauarten and three wagon loads of po lice given an o rtunlly to ply their club: on. the heads 0 innocent and guilty gun Fm" â€Â£35? Erma"â€" “ s m n y to condition. 7 ’ ' members of the crew were Injured. Seven] 11.4 .v A?» win: ova mucus». I VERY BA BL! 13.! TTERLD. Free~for-AII l‘lghl. FRIDAY MARCH 26, 1897. been on for some (in. (in. 411.90 In: been attend sin-old by on. of the lumber glyph 3nd in In to M nah .. - --_ n..|- _m hrlna In ‘1 A root. as 'Bluck .- You an," "One of my childm upmnod but nnklo. which beams much swollen and dboolorod. Son. ‘Qoickcm’m spam! on boon. and upplied ; the pin celled u. once, the swell- ing wu gone the next. (by, And on the (earth duy the wdkod to school an anal." c “I! Too Much of 3 Good Thing. A â€Devil“ muting Instance o! the ulna of In: Emma Post a u: udnr W!“ U, â€"-- 'wv m-†. _ _ the Victoria n .ur milk. when he cent In the toflowin menus. by we one: "For sl nuke tbnti out at tho paper-tho pines ll dive with boyl nnd young men." The expinnniion 0! an show in tin: Mr. Martin inn-(ted n three line local in Tn: Post on Taudny Int 3 strong boyco lam the baking businou. sad it bwpsnod tumour-min nut day by minute. The tun]: m n mvd ct npniicnntr. Mr. Hutin being pemnnily inuniewod by over 20. while the mace:- bung. Mr. Siner. :1 mo kept bury 4 , A.-- ‘A.--\ -mlr-w- user. Mr. aunts. w..- ..--v turning any prxptcthe dough A Remedy Which ulnsununeoul and Permanent in 384:: _, A Century Readout. Crippled {or three Yen-e. Becomes Strong u u: Athlete. No subtle or mundane lone could be more mlncnlun In Its effects men la South Anette†Cars In ell one! cl rheu- mulur. June: A Anderson. 0! Cslmrr. N. W. 1;. an lb}: «fen or clam sure #nn. -1. -_â€".Hn-n L‘. "0 av. DI" huâ€"-- ----_ on) he became x Iii cat! with rhenmnus'n. end to: than your: i: mule him e crippic. no thus he hed no use n click to not ebout. In his on weak: “ I undated untold mimy end though wanted I) the but physicinuu In the canny.“ lepentn term in the hoeplul. recovery seemed no hopeleu u ever. A friend recommended South American Rheumnuc Cure. I: sue help immediuely. end utter the second bottle I threw any my click. Today I um nu strong nu nu ethleae." Pric: 75 cents. Sold by A. Blulnbathem. K'piing'e “Seven Sue." A lint edition oi 220?.0 nnd o eeoond editicn ci 10000 ore ethted. end 3 thud cdltion oi 5.000 in may. Theoo flannel nppiy only to the English edition. A! thou ecu:- nra inn oi British heroism. pine nd ngbiiqa «polity. iteir wide oirv uiuion in A _‘._.|... I an! enhhnn'n lulu“ “dun-1' .-.â€" us .. -- - - u: Index .1 to thousa- Lard summy'. want motion In (only policy I. «up: nble to the utlon. â€"In the Dutch Bonkmn. Bum Manl- nun'u "Tent- 01 Kean " open- In u plumbing mum. - .n. LI‘_ _ _-_ â€"Gllbert Puke! III pablleblnu e new story. celled “The Pomp o! the Lawn- Ienee." The title weak! Indie no I French- Cenedlen story. â€"Amoe 8. WW. at the Golden Rule. author d Foam Jennle. le montage “on of Me on in the greetEndeevor min. It In samewhet emuuleh In style. bat le lemma: nevertheleu, and work- onn eome good Idea In civic responsibili- flee. â€"M¢thnen 8; Co. fly lint "the book mean yhle}: In just eterhubgefepto- quvu "an". n. Jâ€"-â€"_--_ __._ , _ um: um and o oao. Thou no tow novelists of go nutorteoond ml: who hove not published 3 book. end an. ha been ommmontly sou-how†(or the node: end tho bookseller.“ â€"'1'wo Intercom works no bolas honed by Mothuem, lounstlrg espoclolly In view of o Empun crlolo say do}. when England will ho onlled noon to p‘oy o are“ put. Col Cooper Klan. In “The Story at tho Bdtlsh Agog." tuna It .Il-____A luv-u v--,-_ _ , yâ€"UI vv- , Story at the British Anni." time It deecrlbing the mm of t a diluent armies tint have been formed in CH)“. Britelr. end how hon the only end tend.) levies the pteeent unending my «new be. Twiipekpnitonm.‘ 6.1!?“an etc. a . L- _L-I- Lwllw ulna-v...â€" Iâ€. e v vâ€"â€" -7“, - . ore historically treated. e116 Ibo whole work ehonld prove e very [nun-um: volume. "A Short Blot (f the Brltbh Nevy." In two volumev, b1 . Kenn-yam! prove 1 ï¬ne oompenlon work to Col ng'l 'volumo A nun who in Inï¬eld? hon the evil elect: of constipauon oeu't (eel like watt. and cum even enjoy his Idem hours. 1):. Pieree'n New! Pellet.- ue a use. swift. are. and permanent cute tot consti (ion. They In an . I -coeted :1 es. One lmle "Pei et" I a [tune ve. and two a and «Mic. The, new? cd . Oilï¬eld 0%!!! to 3: 3- n (genie n smu- though. d the «Med proï¬t. forâ€"{603 ha the ic coped to mini. late and tnnsfom 5: into nonrigin . m'iv. flying blood and benlthy thine. ï¬t given appetite. digestion ud Iouud Ilee , and builds up solid museum stunt cad vial nerve-energy. KIL'rhotapooa. "drama I Blair Co.. Pen“. '53-: “I had been‘troubt with extreme vouitl in unmet m. u. 3" m" fl'ï¬gf' : non-ch J'nui'fl I on O ' 5:53.: a: can mica-33;. bugwiugoqehga. Ion-ll lllll ‘ mun ncdidmbutwilhoutded. thud: dead-pentatonfkm'ucouen ladies! Motown-ad! timid III trial. laud-Minna loin-ad Main hacoulynmwndIGmcuyMQI havens lucid-5:6 coon-.6 unanimity m-«rlduuu and don't lhlukllceduny The only true natural relief must be as searching and fundamental as the trouble it aims toovemtne. It is the thorough deep. searching character of Dr. Pierce'e Golden Medical Discovery. which causes the mar- velous eflicacy in all bilioua and digestive diï¬eultiea. It create: that healthful vitality of the eutirefgtilgeative and nutritive organ- iat'n which ucea both the natutal desire for food at: the magic capacityto mimi. When the appetite fails there is no use in trying to tempt the palate with delicate food. No matter how good and well-cooked and "appetizing" the food may be. it cannot give any nourishment unless the stomach is able to digest it. Nature indicates the state of the constitution by the loss of appetite. This is an unfailing indicator. It shows that somethi is fundamentally wrong with the nutrittve functions: â€"A lady and May uh. Bu! mm. In new" or Ms. Tho'ood bolas pm. She and 0. She has gone whu'e the fuel II “I“. msme m LUMBER «MP8- TERRORS OF RHEUMATISM. signed, Bun Inna. Book Cut. Prohohly no I no noon: book of cqusllod Budâ€!!! fliIXET-W Quebec. “â€1. {5% E ‘I'In â€Tho council 0! on wan-4| Id gnu-ell on . III. a h'.‘_"----‘ M“ c but. lam†102.11...“ .3...' â€r!- . 01 '°' at am...“ °' W all a! m an M b w bicycle on Mun. Its an: gravid“ ta- dvlnx "am the “right at the rmd' “mun“: 1. Mon motzhoMoanInAeltom WUM‘Il-upl bun mull-Han.“ Mludm"h Sauna-dour» “ Stink-elm, I; bogebzu-coddnulomdplotion: To Reply to of: Repeated Questione It any be well :3 some. Scottie Emulalm not: M e food a well as a medicine, bulld- lnz Up the muted tlunee Md Retains pet-lean heath “at wasting fever. Luzmtl no the Inland ActPro- poood by Ir. J. R. Gannon. 1.2.2.. Ir. Stanton. M. P. P.. In. [subdued two um um- to mend tho Municipal Act Immanuel-abet m who no the i-Ta'bï¬fï¬a'uiio he an..." " Primoflndlorlhebeamot'dolluh w (or gogp-un-hlnxmcompeud («yearly by CIDIdIIII Ma: S an: "I Ind Inca maul tram Runmulc PAM tor months. M let's Camponnd Iron Pm. cured no." The but of Ayer'a Butt V230:- lc u reï¬ned sud (hunts fluid. which does not sell or bmm nnald by expo-axe to the alt. and which II n pen-tact I subtltu'e (or the 0!] “mind by nutuu In youth sud hum: u n n choc. lstty an nmdnoe. My Nelkhbor Told at. About Eood'e Senna-rule nd advised me to try ltâ€"Thle II the klnd d edvertlelng which glue Hood'e Susanna-Ills the Ingest enlee ln the world. Frlend tells friend that Hood'e Smnpnrllla cunt; tbnt It ulvee strengthheelth. vltellty end vigor. nnd whole neighborhoodl use It .3 A fun. lly medicine. IN THE INTEREST OF BIOYOLING It Through the Kidneye- Like e Weil- Punned Sanitary vam They keep the Human Heath! - Inm- euinc cry from Quebec. The kidmyu have wry emprlueeiy been deocflbed u the unitary ISS’JOIII at the human badr Let them income in- optniive Ind 41 f u viii quickly follow. end unit-I the obstruction. no renown dull will be the unit. Mr. D. J. Locke. oi Shot-brooks. P. Q.. 5:18an for yew from compliewed kidney trouble. and went over 81m in cfl'om to «cure relief. - - ,--_n _-_-C __Lll L- In“ “nth Luau-logo Klan? Carr. 11‘: Calcium, 1. that (our but u compiouly cured him. 3nd to-d‘y be Is In the enjoyment cf «and balm. In tho moat dune-clog e um um moody nlm relic! in at: how. Sold by A. autumn. An upon (an Gun B-TI-ln bu boon outflow In gnaw-hing and rue-decking 0)“ bd- ln be and I‘ll-Mk. 8km WI sad two In: alum: cabochon an 01-1“! to mm the mm on the laconic nod 11de.“ About. mung 03M». Oder your «ulna and. M Tu POST. Alum new tot-lot «m mowed. no Uvu vnw .â€" z-.'_-_ .. _VV , bl; no roll“ nun ‘untll he med South Luau-lug Kidney at. H' a gunman .,-,._ ___.A L... THE DOOR TO GOOD HEALTH Wâ€"V ' estiomClcerï¬d- nessaxdgsfgconmlns neiflu' __- - _-_\rM-a MenwWM‘m' Â¥ 10-4-.I- MNKRCOTIC. met cow or wanna. roe Similg Signature of 748112733. J;391 591:9; ALSIKE, RED CLOVER and TIMOTHY SEED. The Very Best LAWN SEED â€"always on hand.â€" 08 a torn. JAMES KEITH. wnmnsr. an Highest Market Prices Paid for W: is put up in one-also bottles only. It It not sold in bulk. Don‘t gnaw uyouo to no]! you tanking also on the plan or promise that. it 1| “jut u good" and “will mm our: pu- pae." “â€800 tint you get O-A-S-‘I-O-B-I-A. FAC-SlMlLE Q â€"Mr. S. Nu]. d Nucln Pals. farmer]: n oondccwr on the London division (1 the G. ‘1‘. 8.. ha teen appoinud randmnstcr (i ' tEoPotuboro dlvlslon. vice Mr. auxin», i dismissed the other day. c â€"A [onion ha been nude to pulli- ' men: tho construction at the Fort Prim i ch and Paciï¬c Rainy line. It will mm from Fort Fun!- to Wabim,.ssins ‘ through Burt Bay Ind Saw u Ltd 3 other vdnnhlo minim: writer-in. - Sid Admit. the C. P. R. human.» in- Jund st Panmool in» week. bud his injured um unnamed M: the Nicholli hupiul. Potatoâ€, a few an inter. Bin MI'VOII mum proud tumble to with. and up chock. dad he di_o_d 39m. I39“! -_- ho he- "Who ‘IIUIV .n' M uuv, 0! egg: to eaten-n points et the Brae“ time. Another m o! revenue. and 3'; amend one. u the Inge ehlpmentsg mm- the en helng modem CM“ 1‘ to the Unwed S'etee. These come mosL F from Peru end neighborhood. and are healer then won em before known: Annex-Kenyan“ ere toting ell the Guns â€"1'hmnzh freight tunic on the Grand Trunk bee been very dull letely. but local tune I- picking up. The Grand Trunk elevntere over the entire nyetem are 11116 with when. he: the owners will no: move It. end en the wheet movement term no InconeXdemhle partial: or the Grand Trnnk'e through tunic thls Is one (i tte elm] zen-one for the present dullnest‘: he new elevehoret Parana. which the Greed Trunk 1e erecting. will be compâ€?ed In the entree of n week or t:n days. '1 ne gnome ct apples by thlc Grend Trulnlk ve been excepting! heavy t 15 eeeeon. hat this n e {cures cf tref- no Ihst will step In ehont another week. There ere nleo heavy §hlpmentf “ï¬lm!“ an m put-cine. end Autumn: Sn gunmen: Jones. 01 Landon. were in no] on Wednesday. The dlfl'mnt under 0 old. of the com- pany were celled end subjected to cross- exunloetlon. In I: numb the: the mm of one a; the Jocel maloyceenwgs y-w v- --v eamloetloo. In I: rumoud‘ thee the name or one o! the local on oycee we! wrongly placed on the M mobile he no nick. end another pony drew the pay to Me me. Th1- wu done withoac the “memenployee'e knowledge. It in also â€ported the: on lava-tutti": of the books bu been ordered. Everything on yet is ten: ehedy. â€"It ll understood um Sir Charles Rivera-Wilton. the president of the Grand Trunk Balm . '01 no: nuke his Usual t of humor. I: over the road this epxing. It hen the cum mama for the Grand Trunk proï¬cient to visit Canada in Mt! And so over the entire Gnnd Trunk â€lam. Ind Sir Charles Rivers-Wilson Inc. since he w“ “maimed president. Qwejwo gnu} grips. _ Thu y_e_u. however. A.. 33“! on “Tin 103E565}. ind Is \'260 preei‘ t of flu Ontarlo Western RIHI'Ohd. Inaâ€"v -wâ€"-â€" .-,-,,, __ 3"- Jmph Prick. vice-president of the commas. Wm mhe the trip In place of Sir Chu-lu Riven-W115â€. Mr. Price Is mutated In a number of “Hwy" entelj- MW flout. â€"It bu not cost the Grand Trunk lu- thll season to keep the tuck c1 snow on um did-Ion. WRAPPER THAT THE â€"Supoflnmdont Fitz‘ngh, of Toronto. u! Amhmt Sana-lament Jones. 0! D.c:: SEE and In. An old Port Hope SIGNATURE mry wasâ€. Ink Adol- : clan of i Scott’s Emulsion makes the blood richer and im- Provos the circulation. It increases the digestion and strengthens the nervous sys- ugm. In a word, it places the body in the best possible condition for preventing the s of Consumption from beginning orcontinuing their work. In that one sentence is the Whole secret. Book 1 covering the subject very thoroughly sent free for th asking. .___â€"â€"i THE CANADIAN POST every Frldty. The subscnpu mimosa any comm ' mfla should Ilwnv m. Pout Ofï¬ce 5nd E any! sic nod any ht “but your Wu I'hen‘ Barnum. â€"It in llwnyu More the M on your w: W uninwrrupwd nern an!“ or Ann-ms. 7 Al and your new Post. (mix a ’00! m; the mum: of W you live in uhuu‘d an. whoa Writing mum Ind your one 0!) our bun may amen no dike. Ten Conn pot line «and type) alert-Ion. 5c ouch sub: quent inner Ending notices in lvul c lum Insertion. 5c etch rubmwem Ins-e 8nd] condoned ndvcrtiuemonu cane. anchors wanted, urm- [or that! an: {or three or Inn m than eight linen tn uddm'oml pr w. leenl diacounu $0 merch‘n!» for buuknou w W“ by the yur or (or s shone: “ml. II and: known on uppliauon TScflLLï¬ï¬‚zâ€"w 7" msmgaugi 1N TITELOCAL 1w $5112 Ganndian Some an!“ " 'u an of Tr" fir-~50“ Publuheu’ No “09; ci.oo pan YEAR. ToromO. bills were scan a: BOWNL 15¢:ch Mr, Garrowâ€"‘l meat Act so as works “pun the moth. so far as peï¬onalty is a Mr. (inflowâ€"1 Courts Act by 1 motion for sum Division Cuun i: of 825 and up“ recovery onudd Invv»-, -,, After routine the House committee and adopted, \ amendments, Hon. John Dr to improve me Trades 1»is;r . ... __....-.nn.v 1' w -.._ When the bill respe of Ontario came up planted. in answer that in addition to the gamu- wan would be utilized for ï¬sh. A- A4- In a moment or forgmtun Meacbam remarked max I‘m' not enough game wank-us in (on County. a complaint hard cord With the Sturuotyp- d gric the OppOSition concerningv (h o! ofï¬cials." The bill was n pm slight amendments. JOINT STOCK COMPAX Ho . J. M. Gibson's bill v the Incorporation and rem joint stock companies by lend «me up {or a second reading. sou stated that the subject I! received much ut‘tenuon in u: ‘ A- m.) A? the MW†Ind Exprens a. M any be neat mum whenvflu ""1 reoelV'Eu nun.†u----.,, a! Parliament and some of ah of British legislation “42n- here. In its main femur-1: was a consolidation or vxxst but important ('hangos my.- the mode of Inz-orpumtinn. I requiring a nutim in 'l‘hn ( every instance, the hill only such notice it, after th.» ru-w petition, it appoarvd lo 1».- The powers conforrod lny ‘mr‘d were somewhat t'xtwndvd. a} necessary to tho uxvrcitp ..r 1 (erred by the chm-tor 1mm; to be granted. the Commune. Clause Act. would he rvxu 111% .nnd where there Were sw'd porntions in the futurv. mp of this bill must be mndc sp pliable or they would no! red. A number of suggosum: nude sirfce the bill was in n 01' which ought to be‘embod WILD-CAT SCHE mrts Act. by provm lotion for summary ‘ivision Cuurt in sun 3 $25 and upwards, ecovery on debt or After routine. the ‘ -‘m ADVERT! §I.\'G PAYABLE Is A Puerilo Criticis opposition. 3 Text Book» In the "I ï¬led 0-: uni-J'Ieuc | Public “hr-ne- 'Ihc Agrlcnltnnl [bu-nun. 0- 3121112)) 1§.â€"'T!;0 la in ll‘uduuud to a I a _\'2 . c your 11199" ‘ ad ionic: In; mun-ate- ‘l‘rxc luck-s II well“ I' concert WILSON \‘ same the e riticisms Emacs u publish W’po um. â€op-«n01 canon-01 ‘l‘hc om] ll