,n JElQ mt Jill it; [1“ I . Eli . _, ’ l hill (ll l W b ' 2%%W%W%%t%%%%% W s sass - ’ 96/); iii PAGES _ XXIV. WHOLE N O. 2009 ' ESTABLISHED 1854. J. Sutclz'fle 8: Sons. i. l VKENT STREET, LINDSAY "g THIS STORE IS $3M-..†ill I loquent of Spring It’s full of the vigor of the new Season. More than ever on the alert to meet your expec- tations with .pring Dress Stuffs ew Blouse Silks rumb’s Best English Prints TeW MillinePy adies’ White Wear able Linens, Sheetings, Cottons ace Curtains, Carpets, Window Shades len’s New Spring Hats, Shirts, Ties ads and Boys’ Clothing LINDSAY. ONT. FRIDAY. MARCH 11. 1898. Will lilE llEl “To Buyr or Not to Buy†is now the Question. THE TUWN OFFIGIALS STILL SAFE Coun. Burrows’ By-Law Thrown Out Monday Night. THE PURCHASE OF THE WATER- WORKS TO BE CONSIDERED. Communications and Reporteâ€" Mayor Taylor’s Ruling Upheld by Bourlnot â€"'1‘he Street Lighting Contract and Other Matters. The town fathers not last Monday in regular monthly session. The mem- bers present at 7.45, when business was taken up, were: Mayor Taylor, Reeve Brady, Dep.-reeves \V'ilsocn and Smyth, and Couns. Horn, Mallon, Baldwin, Crandell, Gillogly and O'Neill. The minutes of last meeting were read by Clerk Knowlsoin, and were duly confirmed. , , Communications. From St. Joseph's hospital, Peter- boro, relative to the condition of Miss Brooks and Jehn Mich‘on, under treat- ment at the expense of the municipal- ityâ€"Received and fyled. , From W. H. Jackson, E. Cullen and F. M. Britton. protesting against be- ing assessed for poll tax.â€"Finance.com- mittee. From A. C. Babcock, relative to his 1897 taxesâ€"Finance committee. From Doherty Sc 00;, organ manu- faclurcrs, informed Dep.-reeve Wilson that the company has no present in- tention of moving, but would like an offer for future considerationâ€"Town property committee. . From W. G. McKendrick, of the War- ren Sharff Pt.ving 00., giving informa- tion regarding the company's work in Brockville, and stating that council- lors who had supported the introduc- tion of improved walks had all been returned by acclamation.â€"Board of works. ~ From W. H. Croker, architect, of Orillia, offering to submit plans for new fire hall, and to superintend its construction, it desiredâ€"Town prop- erty committee. . From Geo. \Vhite Frazer, of Toron- to, with reference to town lighting system, and offering his services as an expert cngineer.â€"Reccived and Iyled. . . From Chief Bell, soliciting the cusâ€" tomary grant for spring uniforms for , himself and assistant.â€"Police commit- iee‘. conï¬dent you will appreciate our determine-t before you the highest qualities most moderate prices. pie. 3 ’3 £J\»~'.JV "m: .. 1.; to «a _‘.\. seeeeexxooxeexee .eiiniirrrnsnns ' J. J. Wetherzzp. Pianos, flrgans and Sewing Machines, 01“ THE BEST MAKES. As I have no expenses of travelling agents or rent of store, I can sell lower than ever. Ofï¬ce at I my house, corner of Sussex and Peel-sts, I A GOOD BICYCLE FOR SALECHEAP. J. J. WETEERUP, Box 415, Lindsay- P. S. -I also sell the Kowl Washer. J. F. 8: J. P. Comings, Oakwocd. , 0,000.00 ......... I 5 PER CENTi NJ Commissions. Expenses very Low. "MS or REPAYMENT SUIT BORROWERS. J, F, J. P. BUNNINGS. AGENTS, OAKWOODi _\_ Armstrong Bros. ssmsmnn a spasms ’ Hats BrimfuJ of "Style.\ ‘\-'ll.‘li.'b‘h’M‘h-‘lii'b-‘lr'bl'b‘WNJ‘ ._ Every Hat in the Store, no matter how little the Dace. bears the unmistakeable impress of correct stylï¬ -_ :3 lie newest hat shapes and colors of the best makers, .ai.nfully reproduced in other hats costing less. V‘s Black and Colored Fedoras. .75c, $1, $i.50 and $2 “in 5 Hard Hats, Black and Colors. .$i.50, $2 and $2.50 z~53 Black Derby Hats are as goodas offered in other stores for-â€... ...... .. .....$2 and $2.50 ‘ 3 “3‘5. Same styles as ï¬nest $3 Hats offered anywhere. are shown in Black and Brown in American styles. 33‘? Hats not surpassed by any $350 creations any-V where, are shown in our stylish Dcrbys. hildren‘s Headwear a Specialty, Toms. Varsitys, etc. ‘ RMSTRON G BROS†Hatters and Furriers, Lindsay. \ N \ x. . praying tee. From Jas. Keitli, secretary of the ‘ South Victoria Agricultural Society, : asking council to vote the usualguar- aniec fund of 5200 to aid the Lindsay , Central fair.-Finance committee. From T. H. Shepherd, mayor, of Orillia, asking: council to endorse a memorial to the Dominion government for the speedy completion of the Trent Valley canal to Simcoe.â€"Laid on table.- From Clerk Knowlson, with refer- ence to the insurance on the town hall and fire. hall.-â€"-prn property commit- tee. From A. P. Devlin and other resi- dents of the south ward, asking that a drain be constructed along Durham and St. Lawrence-sts,. to the river.â€" Board of works. From Chief Bell, reporting $8 col- ;' lected in fines in Februaryâ€"Police 1 committee. , From C. Callaghan. market clerk, reporting the collection of $28.30 in weighing fees, and $28.83 in tolls dur- ing February.-â€"Fyled. From D. Eagleson, stating that he had audited the treasurer’s accounts for January and February, and had found the same correct.â€"Fy1ed. From the board of health, asking council to place 325 to the credit of the board for the payment of small accountsâ€"Finance committee. . Report of the Town Property Committee. Coun, Crandell, chairman, present- ed a brief report dealing with anum- ber of accounts, which were passed on to the finance committeeâ€"Adopted. Board of Works Committee. Reeve, Brady, chairman, read the report, which recomfliended that the town solicitor be asked to frame aby- law regulating cellar gratings and trapâ€"doors, and that n'o grant be made for the repair of the eastern boun- dary road, as asked by the township of Ops. Reeve Brady also gave a state- ment of the expenditure in his departâ€" ment since Jan. lst, which amounted to $319.28. a _ Coun. Burrows said the amount paid for shovelling snoiw out of the gutters was pretty large. He believed in providing poor men with work, how- ever, and thought the committee should begin crushing stone for the streets as soon as possible. The report was adopted. Report of the Police and Lighting Committee. Coun. Horn, chairman, the following report : port of the chief of police we: examined and introduced ommittoe for payment subject to the deduction of lcrl hto re rtcd out. 9311.53. comiinittoegzcommoudl the council to author- ize tle choirmnn of police and lighting committee to have the â€not over-cor brand all the polel owned by thotowmnloc to kccouccordofthopoi-puxclnmd d where located. . m'l‘lio matter of street lighting no discussed and pricecfrom various com cc for machinery cou- porcd. The porchuo of t waterworks plant, to be owned and operated by the town in connection with tricli ht loutwuu‘oc disco-ed nuclec g p nuddl,occcnddly Coun. Inl- be requested toccuslderibc at committee of citi- rcc mmendcd to at once p date with regard tocimof patch-co min plnntl in the event of a favorable ":2“ the committee the council me then hovel option of submitting the war the 'chue of the waterworks to 3 vote of the poop o.- led. The report was adopted after abrief Finance Committee. t of the .Repor , chairman. read Dep.â€"reeve Smyth. the following report: had rind mrecol‘ millionth-plo- “mid-rogwmudwum 0n amammmmwm â€ounce-con cocoa-...... . â€It! l*.c§ooouaunuoolo- Lake l 220 WEBee-ur.rcpnirlngflcnlnfln....... ..... 850 A Hirinbothun, medicine forte-1m .. Ill Outer. Nuke ofordrc hail... J Box-ll, cundricl...’... ...... ...... , window shade.... . OI $8888 if W Kennedy LizhtJlontoud PowerCc........... .. Ball Telephone (be! of a ct rendered) .. .. Geo Winn-"...... ...... RBrynnc. .............. Aim-both- ............. ...... l l i. ILNewion. caiscmiuing. ctc.......... ...... G A Little ...... . .. .. . Alex Flohor...... .. S: Joseph'- hotltnl. Sun Eu F Kn w ...... ... The report was adopted..." The Home for the Aged. On motion Mr. Thos. Connolly was1 granted permiSsion to address the coun- cil. He explained that he was one of the committee appointed to urge the council to purchase the building now used as a Home for the Aged, as it would be a good inVestment. The rent now being paid represented the interest on a sum of 83,500, leaving 85 per year to pay fire insurance. while the building and the lot adjoining could be purchased for 82,000. Certain repairs were necessary, but the board of management had 8327 in the treas- ury. and that sum would place the building in first-class condition. Coun. Burrows --“Tho purchase was approved of last year, and had the money been available the deal would have been gone through." Dep.-reeve Smyth said the matter had been discussed for the past three years, but each council had disapproved of the scheme. He was not in favor of the council purchasing the buildingâ€" the Home eing incorporated, the man- agers were in a position to buy the building if they thought the price was reasonable. In his opinion the time was not far distant when the council would have to revert to the old method of distributing charity. Reeve Brady, seconded by Coun. Wilson. moved that the finance coni- lmittee be requested to consider the l advisability of effectimr the purchase ‘ and report to the council. l on ..... .h Ho‘oâ€"i‘lOO-lm cocoon-Io 83%888R882 Coun. Crandell urged the immediate purchase of the building as a money- saving scheme. Reeve Brady said he was in favor 0f buying the building but it would be’ivell to refer the matt'cr to the fin- ance committee in order that the opin- ion of the people might be obtained. Dep.-reeve \Vilson counselled caution â€"sevcral large schemes were brim: considered and it would not do to ins ‘creasc the town debt. . Coun. Crandell.â€"“Dcp.-reevc Wilson ignores the fact that we would save money and decrease the debt by pur- chasing the Home." Depxreeve Smyth said he felt obliged l to support Dep.-rceve “'ilsunâ€"llle l council should let the Home lmani of, . management purchase the building I Reeve Brady's motion td‘ri-fer the imatier to the finance committee “as then adopted. Notices of Motion. Coun. Crandell gave notice that lnext meeting he would in'roduce l by-law to amend the butchers' by-law. , Coun. Burrows gave notice of hisin- lt‘nllOll in move for the repeal of the by-law granting exemption to manu- facturers. Coun. Horn will at next meeting iii- iroducc a by-law to regulate division and line fences. l Coun. Mallon gave novice that a by- ! law to appoint a street . versi or would I be introduced by him at next xiii-cling. The Byâ€"law was Thrown Out. Coun. Burrows said he wis pin-pared l to introduce his by-lziw dealing with J town officials, but Sc-Vi‘l‘al councillors i being absent he would prefer in llUltl it over, so that the stand talccn by every member might be recorded. Couns. Crandell and Mallon thought :Ulï¬ by~law should be introduced at i once. Coun. Burrowsâ€"“Well, the by-law I provides for certain changcs involving l a saVing of 3230 in salaries, andevery member should be given an opportunii v to state his views." . Coun. Mallon suggested that l by-law be giVen a first reading. I at fl the, Coun. Burrowsâ€"“There's just one Objection to that courseâ€"if mem- bers came here with their minds made up to oppose the by-law they may vole against it and give it the six momhs’ hoist." The preamble of the by-law was then read, and Coun. Burrows' suspicions as to its fate were verified. as it was thrown out by a. vote of 6 to -i where- upon the mover murmured “I knew how it looked; Mr. Maypr." i Kentâ€"st. Sewerage.- Dep.-reeve Smyth explained that an unexpected delay had occurred in the preparation .of the by-law‘, but that it would be introduced at next meet- ing. May Have a New Fire Hall. Moved by Coun. Crandell, seconded by Dep.-reeve Smyth, that the mayor be instructed to invite Architect Croker. of Orillia, to visit Lindsay and confer with the council on the subject of plans for a new fire hali,â€"Carried. A York-st. Nuisance. . Moved by Coun. Burrows. seconded by Coun. Malian, that the mayor and chairman of the board of works be instructed to ascertain the facts con- cerning an alleged obstruction of York-st. south, and if necessary to take action to have same removed at ence.â€"Carried. Purchase of the Waterworks. Coun. Burrows read a motion (hav- ing Coun. Mallon's name attached as seconder) which nl'med a committee of citizens to act with the lighting com- mittee when considering the purchase of the waterwor. ks. Coun. Malianâ€"“I never seconded that motionâ€"l don't know anything about it." Mayor Taylorâ€"“In that case there is’ nothing before the chair." . Coun. Burrowsâ€"“The motion is all right. Mr. Mayorâ€"Coun. Mallon has merely forgotten; and I am sure he will not deny his signature." . ‘ The motion was then posed to the cast warder, who imcted it minute- ly and finally acknowledged that the flourish was his. adding “I'll take my oath that I never saw the motion as read." I Coun. Burrows explained that the motion had been prepared for the Feb- ruary meeting of council. but he had not found time to present it. Coun. Mellonâ€"“Well, I won’t sup- port it nowâ€"I withdraw my name." Moved by Coun. Manon, seconded. by Dep.-recve Wilson, that the following be a committee to not in conjunction with the police and lighting commit- tee when considering the advisability of purchasing the waterworks: Meson. ‘ J. D. Flavelle. R. Kennedy. John Kon- nedy. J. Cnrcw, B. Kylie, C. .. and James Graham. favor of purchasing the works if they could be secured at a fair price. . Dep.-reeve Smythâ€"“The feeling is the other wayâ€"nine out of ten are opposed to the purchase," . The motion was carried, I The Usual Grant. Moved by Coun. Baldwin, seconded by Coun. Malian, that the usual guarg antee fund of 8:100 be voted to the South Victoria agricultural societyâ€"Carried. To Help the Poor Man. Moved by Coun. Burrows, seconded by Coun. Baldwin, that the time for the collection of outstanding 1897 taxes be extended to the 4th day of April.â€" Cnrried. . In connection with the above Dr. Burrows produced the tax-slip used by Ottawa council, which provides for the collection of the taxes in four instalo merits the last of which is payable in September of the following year. What About the Band Stand? Moved by Coun. Burrows, seconded by Coun. Crandell, that the town pro- perty committee be authorized to have the watering cart and the grader paintedâ€"Curried. Getting Down to Business. Moved by Coun. O'Neill, seconded by Dep.â€"rcevc \Vilson, that the mayor be authorized to advertise for tenders for street lightingâ€"Carried. . 1 Mayor Taylor's Sound Ruling. l Coun. Burrows said that a previous meeting he questioned the mayor's, ruling on a certain point, and in or-l der to satisfy buns" .Lf he had wrillcn : to Mr. Bourinot. the great ""r'l liamentary authority, explaining lheg case. He had. the reply in his poss‘ es-g siom and as he had been honest in[ objecting to the mayor's ruling hot felt that it was incumbent upon liiml to read )Ir. Bouriuoi's opinion, even, though it was somewhat unfavorablcl to his own contention. Coun. Bur-T rows then read the letter, llll‘ gist of which was that the mayor's ruling was “strict but correct." , i Get to \Vork, Good People. l Mchd by Coun. Crandcll, seconded} by Den-Teri? Smytb, lll'll Chief Bell: be instructed to enforce the Elyâ€"law rc- l guliiting the numbering of liouses.â€", Cu l‘ ric d. l [A Supply of \\'ood. i Moved by Coun. Craudell. seconded. by Coun. Mullen, that the mark-~14 tlcrk be instructed to purchase 20 cords of mixed wood for use in the lawn liall, ‘ fire hall and Home for the Aged, and , that the town clerk advertise for ten-g dcrs for 100 cords of mixed wood. to ll‘ delivered at the market and lb" lomc not later than lst Uctulx-r‘ next. _ The motion amused considc-rabli- dis- cussion, Dcp.-reeve Smyth takingahc . ground that the council had no right to purchase wood for next year's coun- ‘ cil. and in any event the cstimaiu-s: should first be submitted. OlQicr councillors thought a sufficient sup-l ply could be pi'zciircd on the lllll‘ki‘l. and tliil it would b: lull‘c vconnmi- cal to buy hard and soft wand iii sep- arate lots. Recvc Brady limped lll'li‘ in any ct‘ent the market square would . not be made a. piling ground. Finally ' it was decided to buy only 20 cords for I present consumption. A Chance for Electricians. Moved by Coun. Million. 51*(‘Ol’lds'd by Doppler-v..- \Vilson, that the chairman of the town properly cnmniilicc lw iii~lrucicd to ("Ill fur applications from compcu-iit parlies to keep the fire alarm sysicm in ord:r for balaiiccvf 1993‘.â€"â€"(‘urricd. The (‘nnal Memorial. On motion the memorial forwarded by Orillia council. praying for the completion of the Trent Valley canal to Lake Siiiicoc, was read a first llnlf‘ in council and a scrond time in com- mittee of the whole. ' (‘ouncil then adjourned. # WAR DECLARED. Everything is in a flullcr of excilw‘ menl. As we go to press there rip-I pears to b) no doubt that war is wag- ; ing all along the line, and the ques-: tion most interesting with Uncle Sam just now is how is it going to effect him. He is scouring all Europe to: strengthen his position, but for once, he has been caught napping -â€",Gough was too quick for him, and in one swoop '- captured the entire Army and havy,| at 53c. on the'dollar. It was a master stroke, and took energy and pluck,l)ut I then the wonderful cheap man has got I lots of that, and stayiig powers. too, but it requires no staying power to clean out the superb stock of the gr'ent l Army and Navy Clothing Co., ltd., l‘oâ€" ronto‘, at such prices. “It. beats allâ€"- did you see that Boy's Suit for 81.47. 1 worth three t imes the money." is heard on every side. It's great, and great is Gough. but greater still are. the plums . to be had during the sale of the Army . and Navy Bankrupt Stock. now roar- ing at the Wonderful Cheap Mans Store, corner Kent and William-sts.,l Lindsay. See his sweeping half-sheet advertisement in this issue. :â€"_'_____â€"_?_'.â€"â€"â€" Railway Notes â€"Men are at work putting in new switches in the yard here. â€"Brakesman H. Shoniker is still, in Toronto hospital, but is now making rapid progress towards recovery. . â€"Mr. P. Brophy, who met with an accident at Pcterboro a few weeks ago ' while acting as brakesman on the Belleville way-freight, hopes to resume work on Monday. 1 â€"The C.P.R. will doubleâ€"track its. road between Toronto and Mpntreal,l the increase in traffic having rendered the work necessary. [ â€"Truffic Manager Harris. of the] I.C.R., has reduced the rates from Montreal to Sherbrooke, St. Hyacinthe and Levis. to meet C.P.R. competi-l tion. and the latter and is complain- ing. Cut rates seem to have benefittcd both the Grand Trunk and C. P. R.‘ railways. The traffic earnings of the 1 Canadian Pacific for the week ending 1 28th inst. shows tho'lu'ge mom-co of 871,000 rod with the cormpond- | ing week 0 133%]. The Grand Trunksl increase in 84 , . ' . --John J. Scully, of the Masterm- ohunic'e office, gougintwuncgou, hats e we owe - been pmohd . d the Ontario Pacific. Junction, will a. ' ‘ \\'. quml TEN PAGES! -' I \ o TERMS. . $1.00 PER YEAR COMING TO LINDSAY- â€".â€". FRIDAY AND; SATURDAY, MARCH IBTH AND IQTH. An Ofllcial Florida. scum Fair Includ~ in: Bonner Kan nuns Alligator; in a Rolling Palace from the Land of Flowers. A marvellous revelation of atropi- cai luxury, 3 Florida state fair in a rolling palace from the land of flowers, gorgeous with golden decorationnand tropical scenery, filled with ntropical exhibit, imposing in multitudee,won- dcrful in realistics, marvellous in var: iety and splendid with a thousand tropical wonders, illustrating to tourâ€" isls, invalids and prospective settlers the advantages and resources of that surny land. Tropical fruits, Florida wines, exquisite perfumed fountains, waving palms, live alligators, etc» “Bear‘in mind the alligators are chainâ€" ed." \ ‘ This conservatory upon wheels,_ a tropical wonderful, was built of Florida woods at a total cost of $20,000. It is the most remarkable car on either continent; has been visited by more people than any car built in the hist- ory of railroading. People flock to ' it night and day, and papers have de- scribed it from ocean to ocean as the first of its kind the world has ever seen. Admission 10 cents : children, 11 and under, 5 centsâ€"to defray the incidentâ€" al expenses. fWunton S. Webb, director general of the Florida subâ€"tropical exposition Flora commission to Paris Exposition and the World's Colombian ExpOsition at Chicago, andpfficiiil pmmotor of Florida publicity, is director. This official State Fair “on wheels" will exhibit at the Grand Trunk R'y Station from 9 nan. to 9 p.m. # A DIVIDEND OF FIVE PER CENT. The Lindsay Curling Club a Prosperous Inltitulion, and is Earning Money for the Shareholders. The annual meeting of the Victoria Curling Club, of Lindsay, limited, was held at th‘ rink on Monday evening. the 71h March. There were present 31033115. J. I). Flin'clle, B. I“. Roesm‘. James Keith, G. If. llOpkins, G. H. Wilson. M. \\'. Kennedy, \Vcsicy Gro'cl‘, . Dr. Simpson, \\'m. Steers, J. C. liarâ€" slonc. J. W. Anderson, Wm. Dundaii. ll. Simpson, \V. A. \Vliitc, Thos. Dc 1, ll. Cullibci‘l. \\'. ll. Stevens. in the absence of the president. Mr James lit-ill) on motion look the chair, when the minuics of the last annual Him-ling \vcrc read and confirmed. The Mr. Hopkins, lllt‘ll bt‘C re 1 .1 i‘_\' , i read the annual report as follows: Tkr Fourfh Annual Mort of flu: Vic. (aria Curling Club of Lindsay, Limited: 1 Adtlniled statement of receipt- und expendi- iuru and of nut- und linbiliiice for the you 1:97. duly audited. i- liazcuulc Inncxcd, from which it «ll be rccn [fill the total Iinh‘lltu-I of the Club Ire $337.75. to mod uliicli weliove note: and cash $24 44 lou‘iii; the total llhbllil) t.) the public, $313 3: 1’. The toul capital stock of the Club ll! $3 009, divided into 33-) slum of $0 each. of which 29.3 that". amounting to $19.50, have been nubucribod l 1'! and .nid up, loosing a balance 01850 of neck still i undiupone-l of. A dividend of .’- Dcr cent, was declared and pond to the n'inrclioldcn durirg the your. 8. TM rink is natured for W500. During the your the rlnk caught tire from on Idjoiuinz buillmg and damaged the building to the extent of $.15. which amount in: promptly [and by the Western Aminr cc Co.,in Much the rink in incurred, and the rink has been Inin put in good condition. 4 The Lind-y Curling Club only paid us 3135 during theycnr This Urn-owing I.) large expenses : incurred in the Bonspicl and other mutton, uh oh will not occur o ii. There in no ion-on why about 32:5 thould not paid each year by way of rent. 6. “or director- hue declared the uuuul dividend of 6 per cent. for the younomountluz to £147.60 pov- uble on let lav next. but playing member: holding stock will be allowed name on account of their annual tool. We outline!» the cxpeuere for the your 1898-: folio-I: Tnxco. N7; interest on Icon, 3:]; dividend. £147.50; sundries ‘10; lot-IL 819510. 6. The rink in now comilctc end in iii-It clue-con- dition except that the zolvnnincd iron ndu Ihculd be pointed during the , which will cool about #30. Your directors would rec. mmend that the balance of the stock. .60, he dupond of and applied to thin par and reduce the debt, which would lone the total liability of tliecluo about 810 which maunt should be put in t c shape of. normal-It loan. as , now everything is completed this ll up ntly what will have to he anion is Jon-tho .mmm decide to (onto their dividends for a couple of you! and pay it to. Joni: D. Fuvum, 0. 8. Born: nu, Socrcurf. Chaimâ€, pro tem. Lind-y. in Feb. 1895 Financial Statement lot January to Slot Dccrmber, 1397 .- uczim. Bole†from 1596 ............. ...8 86 76 Bill: p-yohleâ€" Ontario Bank on uou........ 150 no G H. Replica. on note 75 M Lindmy Curling Club ............ 186 00 Western Amunuce Co., in full tin loo-......†............. 116 W Blilcvcc ivnhlcâ€" Roicl given for otock........ lid 0) Sundricc ...... ............ -.... .00 rhi'numi. Dividend No i paid on account" 13 Dividend KO. I paid on account. . r encount- W. A. White, contract... .. " fee mum in lo- J. Boxnl', acct. «combo. . Philip Lovey. levelling [wand ll. Robinson. forceflh ........ Bills puyublcb Kennedy. Davis t Son, noun Ontario Banknote tit) and int Material)? ........ ........ incur-Ice premium We certify that we have examined the above accounts and the tun-urea book: and voucher-I robflnxtcttcnmooudlodlhe come correct. Bd- occo in tron-unr- hands. “.46. I. W. Km, Giro. 4. Ln! Lindqy, 16th January, 1893. none. Guitarist and lot...... ...... 83,3.†(0 â€renewable-token tor stock. †00 Bounce in «mum‘s mm. } Audibon. 'i‘ momma. clho - “Intifada .............. 25 M hum" .. 8 Manual. ...... . 75 Div Nalunudd .. 7 Div.8o.!unpud 21 W 1b in. â€" wmmupflm... 2.95M mud-MW correct I. w. Runner, Ono. A. Lin-u, m. ldth xii-.1393. Moved by Mr. Reooor, seconded by Mr. Wilson, that the report be re- ceived and adoptedâ€"Carried. , The old (lineupâ€"Menu“. Wm. Noodlcr, . W. A. McLeanun and . . son. were then rte-elected for the en- suing year. _ _'_ Moved by Mr. Rector. seconded by Mr. Steers. that a vote of thanks be dared to the directors and secre- lam PLYABLI 1:: â€TM COMM UNI CATION S. â€"â€".â€"â€" The {For-onto and Hudsan Bay Railway. (Editor of The Post.) ' Dear Sinâ€"The City of Toronto hav- ing, by resolution of the mayor and aldermen in council assembled, ap- pointed a commission composed of his worship, the mayor, John Shaw, chairman. \V. R. Brock, esq., Robt. Davies, esq., J. Herbert. Mason, esq., and Hon. L. M. Jones, for the purpOse of obtaining till information regarding the country lying between the City of Toronto and James and Hudson Bay, and of the navigability and resources of James and Hudson Bays, with a View" to the further development and opening up of these districts, by means of additional rail, steamboat and other facilities, the Commission invite all companies, municipalities and individ- uals interested, to submit for its use such information as they may have re- garding the present and proposed ex- tended means of transport or concern- ing the agricultural, forest, mineral and other resources of any part of llle districts mentioned 10 “I T. JENN- INGS. C. E., acting secretary. Toronto, March 8th, 1895. _ Coming. Dr. Jebb. Eye Specialist, and invent- or of the famous Recherche Optomet- cr, the latest and most improved inâ€" strument .known to modern science for pOinting out every defect and disease of the eye and sight. Consul- tation and examination free. Wii: be at Morgan's Drug Store, March Will only. Board of Education. An adjourned meeting of the board of education was held Tuesday evening: The members present were Chulf‘m‘ill McNeillie and Messrs. Stewari, l-‘ia- vcllo, Deacon, Anderson, Staples. Ri- kie and Dr. Jeffers; absent. Messrs. ll. Kennedy, J. Kennedy, McLaugh- lin, Kylie and McWaih-rs. The re- porls of attendance were as follows: (‘ollvk'iult- Institute, for 196 on lull, average :iilendiince. 177. For public schools, 8.36. livvl‘rlg‘u :ii- lendance, 7:29. Fommunicalion~ \\".'l.' received from Miss D. Fanning, rw signing her position on the public school teaching staff, and from Heali~ mash-r Broderick. reporting the ans- \\':ilker, who .l“'.'l)l‘u.‘l ry, pension of young lil" been illllk'llillllg the cast ward schowi. Mr. Stewart presented the report of the finance committee, recommending payment of a number of accounts. and Mr. Anderson presented a i‘r-por'. from the managing committee, recomâ€" mending that Mr. JOS. Blaunder'slen- dcr be accepted, the price being $2.99 per Cord; alsy th'ii a grant of 825 be mad:- io lll‘ Collegiate library instead of $50, m4 formci‘ly. and that $2": ir- granted for the purchase of scientific :ipp'uiiius for the Insliiute :scii-nca d. - pririinviil. The purchase of a l_\'n-â€" writer was l-«fl over for furllivi‘ cinn- aidi-ralion. On motion )li'. lit-\Y-il- icrs' nam- was added to ill- managing (twiniltuc. and Miss Annie \Yaisoi. Was appointed to fill the vacancy cnuscd by the resignation of Miss 1)l'l.:l Fanning, licr i-niigcm-lnl ‘10 date from is! April uriiil llli‘ summer \‘rif‘d on, at inn. y-ui» of S300 pwr :iiiiium. board then adjourned. TI!" Local Brevttlen. PILLS are easy to take, (‘ure indigestion. HOOD’S easy to operate. biliousncss. 25c. â€"3\fr. Marks is preparing to buil-i on his newly-purchased 101, north the brand 'l‘i‘unk station. â€".\ debate will be licld in ill†moms of the ('.l...\. this Friday evening. A wry interesting subject has been 3!“ lectcd, and every member should make it a point to be present. â€"Tlio regulanmonthly meeting of the Children's Aid Society will be held Friday. All in the council chamber on lGih msL. commencing at «1 pm. interested are invited to attend. â€"Quite a number of our citizens went to Toronto on Tuesday via. Peter- boro. It may be news to some to learn that by taking the 6 am. train they will have 10 hours in the city, return- ing. the same evening on the 10 p.ln. train. - - â€"'l‘he local W. C. T. I'. will hold a memorial service for Miss \K'illard on Wednesday. 16th inst., in the Y.M.C.A. room, commencing at 3 p.m. Several members of the society will take part. in the service. A cordial invitation is given to all. â€"In the matter of titles (which by the way, are quite common now) it may not be generally known that the genial and enterprising manager of the Academy of Music was'edumted in the \Vorld's University, and obtain- ed. the degree of C.D.W.D. , â€"The flour department of the Sad- ler, Dundas 8:. Flavelle Co. mill is now in running order, the experts who were making changes in the machin- ery. having completed their labors on Monday. A superior article is now being turned out, justifying the large ' expense incurred. â€"The most. famous reader in tin» worldâ€"Miss Katherine E. Oliverâ€"i. to tour Ontario next month. lan Mr- Laren, S. R. Crockett and J. M. Barri.- say her ability as an interpreter of Scottish character is extraordinary. Lindsayiles are to favored by hear- ing her on Friday, April 15lh. â€"The present mild weather is ex- tremely pleasant, but is not good for business. Sleighing in town is a thing of the past. and in the country is only possible along the fences. “'9. were informed on Tuesday that the road south of the town is dotted with wood and cedar poles. thrown off by farmers to relieve their tired horses. hâ€"CitilenS who have never visited a lumber shanty can form a very fair idea of the appearance of the "dump" when drawing is finished by visiting the Rnthbun Co. piling ground at the lower wharf. During the winter far- mers and contractors have delivered more cedar than ever before, and 6,000 ties and ova 200,00!) feet of cedar are scattered over several acres of ground. â€"Prof. Saunders. director of the ,Ottawa Experimental farm, has is- eued his annual circular relative in the free distribution of grain samples. The varieties comprise wheat, barley. loath, Indian corn, field peas and po- l tutor-o, and three pounds of any one of the above, but of no more than one. will be forwarded free to each appli- cant. Letters should be addressedto the “Central Experimental Farm. Ottawa." . â€"Tho bucket occinl held by the CO. 0.1". lo‘ Tim-day was a rent. suc- Mr. WI:- Hewet- uia filled the