he West- Lindsay {OA’Lh' “at 50.: count! ‘oles {Md minia- ctive :91:th! of stock. ('1‘ put; and i. “use. _If a counties w- 3001 5811th 23% BE L]\D“.-\Y. mDAX.fl.A “nun in Java 0... - .-.._â€"-_- -ï¬iy :._â€". LINDSAY A. A SUMMER RIOORT NOW that our Band of M hp! me into anew hole of life. sod our town council ls reduced to good working condition. we my w {or the hurty (so-operation 0! than two bodies for on development 0! Lindsay. warm. No Mbt tho: will [In their but coup'ulontiou to scouring further industries. to promote oooooo- txou with the can, to alocttlr light and power scum. and othor mt- wnt of oqual imrmm to our tutu-o. unduly must advance or the Hohhot- “recur-J -â€"~ mg towns will soon ouutrlp her la the l race, nmlabe will be "a book number." ‘ The greatest question. who-e solu- ‘ tron is at all feasible at mount. is that oi plating Lind-1y rightly boloro the proper public on a summer resort centre. We are the point of ocean {ran the cities to one o.‘ the finest inlnnd chain of waterways in the world. An Amerlom capitalist would simply hug humelf it he could transplant our Trent River, any from Lake Boskung to Peter-born. to the date of New York. It would be worth millions to him; it is worth practically nothing to us. Where he would put his tourists and summer- boardero by the thousands, we put them down one by one. Why is this 1 Two reasons stand out plainlJ,-ignora.neo and lack of enter- prise. Even the citizens of Lindsay, With this Insignificant chain of lakes, and river: at their doc“. know com.- paratively nothir‘ 0! their paibili- tic. Moot of us have been to Fenc- lon Folio. StummuJ’olnt. Bobccyaeon and Jacob's Island; “when and. to gma Cartc The Weekly Post. 43905 JWmun? Juan.†nun. .6... . r lad uMnnMAvflm W¢h10{H 00a. « {I ... E flouwmwumenM) 9.. 1 on... hurl“... éa Omwumfl 80am“ ha 69.50 ME :mmow ___â€"°-~ , Canarjian and American tourists. 1311013511115 0: dollars every 5669:! could be left in our pockets, it the thing is rightly handled. Let the board of trade and the town council appoint a. jo'nt committee of citizens tolook the whole matter over and report at the earliest possible moment. Time is prec'ous an! if we want any of this summ:»:’s tnd: We 51131111! 111976qu- 35‘- Why not instruct the committeevto Nport on the bestmeanso'f getting 5000 summer tourists on our back 13min the summer of 1899? ‘. We throw out the above hintsme 13' to start the ball rolling and fixthe Pub“c attention. In subsequentiasues we x-urpos‘ referring to this matter at greater length andyith more pointed- ness. Th2 peopled Lindsay have been negl cting their grand opportunities and seifishly reserving for their own use gifts of nature which should be â€"0““ open to thousands of tourists from the neighbormg republic. The! are willing to pay the price if we un- dertake to supply conveniences. the frat-i cf the any. get: you get Carter‘s, \sk for Carter’s. mist and demand A Treat for our Play-WYS' ' We «r: p‘e:z|:d to be able to anndunce that a decided treat is in storewfot play-going people, who have been ex- isting on a. meagre bill of (are this winter in a theatrical sense, and m at last to have a. snrfeit of goo} mm‘ Mr. A. B. Benson, represent-inc the {dznnie Lewis Operatic RWY“??? Mznnie Lewis Operatic Bxuavw Conway, was in town want 39‘ arranged with Manamr Burke for the ï¬ppeamnoe of Mia Lewis and. her. com: pany of 40 artists at the Academy ‘3 Wedngsday even‘ng next. Insulate; When the comic W “King Slim ydl be; presented 'with a. weal? 01 Pany of 40 artists at the Academy 0 Wedmsday evenLng next. Namath.†Wben the comfc ma, “Kim 3’m mu be presented with awealth of beautiful costumes and novel‘ 8W3 â€modes. The many 816 84" pre- nnt in Tpledo. ORG, and‘wil} egter Canada on Tuesday for a 11th *0 fill week stand. .3? At 0th“ and Montreal. ’, MM Will Play New Yuri ate-t9- ; at» here was not plannnd. sndif 'Q‘E-J'tt-ï¬â€˜ '3’?“ good-luck which'wa W 9" mum will fully was. . r Ito 9090‘ a?! Pil! SKY. FRIDAY. MARCH 31371390 :u Smafl Dose- Sman Price. itt‘c Liver Pills. @335 W‘ by Hon. 9. w. _ ' Ron In his Report. ‘The last- mport or the Minister of Education makes the following refer- ence to school libraries: It is to be regretted that so few pub- lic school boards have availed them- selves of the provisions oi the ham to ' secure school libraries. In rural school . sections, especially, there is a lament- able want of suitable reading matter . for both children and parents. In urban municipalities, where public lib- raries have been established, this want may nqt :he felt so set aust as in country districts. It too often hap- pens, moreover. that the books select- ed for public libraries are. better adapt-; ed to the method adults. than to the ’ children of our public schools. If _any pawns in the community deserve first. consideration in this matter, they are undoutedLv the children of our achoals. It must not be assumed that when trustees have pgovided feaghens, they have done all that. should be. done in promoti the intellectual and metal growth {ho pupils. {In solect a tow booksfrcmmolocal lihnryior the use of th: sclnol children is not enough. Even this in not done for many schools. .What is really needed is a library in every public school, whorepup‘lla my have Wanna be the beagworks of literatum’ in the} Englid! language.“ ‘ In thecaqaothigi: schools and Col- legiate Institutes, the most commend- able efforts have been made by many trustee hearth to. provide the students With the bat facilities for supplemen- tary reading. The results are most datinfactory. and already very great progress has been made in the culti- inc along the pupils of such eohwis. In many tweets, books {or supplemen- tary reading afford the very beet op- portunities for directing the attention of pupils to the choicest works in lit- emtune. With the vent number of book» nvailnble,much discrimination is needed if the attention of children in to be wirly dirertNi, and. so, in most: of our high when a and Coiiecinte Insti- tutes. a. course 0.“ remiingboie recur mended {or the poplin of different ï¬rm A ceze‘ogne at lain prepared for thin Furpoee be! proud of much ice It the eeleetion of soluble eerv wrh in literature. For those who never go baud the high schools the taste has been no coltinted tint in- ferior verb in literetore will be evolded. Indeed. it nut not be far- cotten that and of the chief aim of e pupil'o training should be to incul- eete ouch habits u will lend to indul- trim and discriminating sending in alter life. 71! the trounce gtemb run] A_-L â€"-n- â€in: In“ .. v-v â€"-_7-,,, Ichool would expand. «on .6 «ch your upon supplemenmry reading. a valu- able library would be uncured. in a very short time. which would pr0ve of incul- wlth literature. and. whose taste for good reading has been neglected. Of the people are afflicted with some form of humor, und this causes a vuriety of diseases. The reason why Hood’s Sursapurilla cures when all other: (all is found in the fact that it effectually expel: the humor. Som- fnla. salt rhenm, boils and all erup- tions are permanently cured by this :13}th 130"“ ““1 ‘1 hulth. Buy to W“- 1,46 mu. none! back Sold by A. Eicinhotham. gmt medicine. Would quickly leave you, and Dr. King's New Life Pill: Pout-n Expects Amman It is evident that "Billy" Ponton ro- liu on Lba jury at his coming trial to acquit him. on the chérge of robbing the weight that ha acquittal will carry with the courts in his civil action for 050,000 agaimt the Bank for alleged. In!†arrest. and. with this (act in mud I’onton last week applied for tha pa"- ponemmt of his suit. The applicaton was granted. The Bank has made up- plication to have the order sat aside and. the action tried at the, coming Puauo SCHOOL LIBRARIES. wins A Narrow Escape. Thankful words written by Mrs. Ada E. Hart. of Gretna. S.D., “Wu taken with a bad 001d which settled on my lungs: cough set in and ï¬nally termin- ated in Consumption. Four Doctor: gave me up, myim I could live but a short time. I gave myself up to my Saviour, determined if I could not stay with my friends on earth. Iwould meet my absent ones above. My has. band was advised to get Dr. Kings New Discovery for Cmsnmption, Colds and Coughs. 1 gave it a trial. took in all eight [gottlea It has cured me, and uuu. M!- "v inbodnm, 50c and “$1. Continued. or price refunded. paper auven hoe.“ .0 .._e New .. all proportion to the s‘gns so freely used some years ago. -â€"Somet'm?s you hear a merchant say thzt he has 5“}?le h's advertzs'ng b60308} h‘s rivals have stopped, and he doesn’t propor: to incur an unneces- sary expense whm ha. has no compe- titors to contend w Lh. He seems to forget that he. would have the: ï¬eld to h'mself if he continued. Again, other men don’t start until they have live opposition, being then placed on equal footing with the newcomer, whereas had the man. on the ground advertised when he should. there might noti have been opposition to cape with. A great many people go int: ‘adverâ€" tisim with ideas. Some thunk that all that is_neoessury to gro- dnce results is to insert an adverts: That Throbbing Headache Ath rtisiug Pointers. Ninety Per Cent. vwâ€" . thin “£33; a. I Item-.1 Vigilance u the Price or Good :8 rcuson why Mme. urea when a}! ' A correspondent of the Belleville 0n- “ fact “1;: W i tario suggests his ideas of street min- :m'l'l mi:- ; tennnee, which may afford .omo hints cured by mig‘ toour local alder-men u foilovn ;â€" f .(1) Let the street surveyor go round -â€"-- and see what is needed. flannel" I (2) I! a mud or Water hole exist in _ 't ; a dreet, or deep wagon ruu. fill thene ° ’9“, ‘ 1°“ ; places with small enuhed «no. and to Pills. M' then follow uggvifle Hu- wbr . . yuvvodm ‘oymone nundeu'tkeep ' k “d Nervous round the any and nu up the» - | laws which the ruin shun to Advantage so pure blood . . . - l keepmg thoeentre a. httle lumber then build up your“I I .1. r. :0 nu. nIIMA‘L . 7 4_‘___ m.-. 1'! hbi. cured. _.__...â€"â€"â€"7 i SHORT BUT PITHY g Miss Lunacy writes: “I have been a . great sufferer from Fennale Weakness ; and Headache. I sutbmd all the tor- itnmetundant upon these dweaees, ; and could. uetno relief. though I tried 1 many diflu‘entykinm ,ot remedies. Some l time ago I began using-Budd’s Kidney g Pills, and um complete cure began at lthe some time. I am now strong and Ewell in every way, thanks to Dodd’a ; Kidney Pills.†-. 5 Weak. pale, nervous woman. whose lives are a continual round of suffer- ing. need look no further for a. cure. I! ; they will nae Dodd'e Kidney Pills, they I are sure to complete restoration to vic- ; arou- heelgh. I â€"“‘ . II.-- AL‘ v ww- uwuw. . Dodd'e Kidney Pills strengthen the . Kidneys and the Urinary Organs. and . bring hesith. strength and vntnlity to lweek, defective argue. No Kidney ! Disease can exist when Dodd’s Kidney Pill. are need. 1 Dodd'n Kidney Pills are sold by all ; drugsieta at {my cents a. box. nix homes .8250 or canton receipt of rice by i The Dodd'e Medicine 00.. Llrn ted, To- Is Miss Linsey‘s Endorsation of Dodd’s Kidney Pills. They Cured her of Fonda and 3mm. wnon 0‘ om.- were Without 33005 Beam wnon me 3“" Dead'n Kidney P1113. Quebec, P.Q., 5hr. 25â€"A very short, very pithy and weighty statement in given for publication by Miss Lizzie Linaoy, of this city. This statemt, made and signed in the presence of wit- nesses, carries a message of hope and Wurmmnt to theyabt majority at women, for nine of every ten women are sufferers from one or other of the long train otilla known popuurly as Female Troubles. ï¬lls than. tolthem all. without excep- tion. Min Linsoy’a statement groves that there in, in Dodd’s Kidney Plus. a. pgsitive and permanent cure for the man... nmt mb lino of all its pleas- South Americanâ€"inhalant.“ cue Inverted Dunno end Our-d Bun Outright. Robert E. Gib-on. merchant. Hun- broke. says that ten years ago be contacted rheumatism in a very ee- vene type. tattered untold miseryâ€"re- sorted w fly buster: end other no- were treatmmb with no mung good or relief. When hope of recovery was well nigh gone he was induced to try South American Rheumatic Cum. The first duo gave him instant re- lief. halt a botte outed h‘un out» A - “IA. :â€" bk- ronto‘ lid. halt a bottle cum nun. wr mght. His own. womb won: “It is the but rheumtt'. round! on wrlh. Sold by\ A. H'ginbohhm and P. Inn-gun. and. Item Pilot. Mr. R. Montague; at Dgnviue, on, "Wu troubled with Itching‘lr‘ilea for 3 ï¬ve years. and was very bully ulcerat- ed, they were very painful. so much so, that I could not sleep. I tried :1- mcst every medicine known when I was recommended to use Dr. Chase's Oint- ment. I purchased a box and from the first application got relief. Have used , two boxes and am now completely cur- } Name. of banning. cured or me.- 2 l l‘l w -' "G- â€"v 77 V get proper attention the season round. instead of lett'uw one street run down th‘; year and another the next. The attention 0! rue street would be di- vided with the «you II A____ (5) The continual one 01 small storm and roller will give us goo! roads. sod IIVG 83,000. which can be put to bother advantage. But bear in mind the stale cut and ratio: mut be continually a: the We. (G) Let the kw be strict in. regard to page: tlgat is 11":an 99.010 streets. ’_'-_ There's a 3001 deal 0! cannon sense in them Ingenious. thougo it need. \ery little wiedan to see that the prop- er way is to build street:l properly in. the ï¬rst place. and then exercise un- tlring vigilance in keeping them in good condition. The first little break in a roadway. it not properly repaired, will. in a short time, if neglected, de- velop into a deep rat, and a series (1 them neglected will soon result in the ruin of the street. Make right and keep right is, in a word. the‘eecret of good stregg. , 3,... .. “SUFFIRINO UNTOLD MISIRY" The Church Criticlsod. The workingmcn and the church have been recently exchanging corn- pliments in London, Out. A worker writes that he thinks part 9! the churches are getting too grand for plain people. Et- eays: “The result of mostly churches is that some 0! them. have togo into at} sorts onamuao- ment-fakes in their services and meet- tings to draw the people and their ..---. .n m- __.-‘l::m-~ “lnnlr constant appeals of give! givez'wmle, on the other hand, '11 whal they have -- -- ,r:-:... -06-.. V‘-Vâ€" _.__ V to pay for, you see their affairs often put into the hunk of men who are notoriously skin-[links in the conduct of their private businesses and aJ-tirs.†Waxing Warmer. the artisan corres- pondent says: "The fact. is. a chris- tian congregation was never intended tq be run on Jew principles." 1n Memorials. The hockey toll of membership ,Waa called the other day But Donaldson was absentâ€" «n‘s soul had passed away; ;A strong and rugged. player. Full of principle and vim, Then is it any wonder H‘s comrades all miss him? He played defenceâ€"God knows it. But not alone on ice; His power was used in this 1'06?†:With pgck. as well as vice. So won :1“! 13° PPï¬mi†“mt. God in Bisown time, Said. “Donaldson. your place is 1: Upon the forward line.†It grime: us much to Lose. him. But time can ne’er era-o ‘ .The memories 'of this noble lad, an; ever smiling boo. - ' The stick‘znd skates ho lelt behind Still Mneupdntho 1:13.. . And seem may nth “Be M'fo’r tho pull. . » MAKING GOOD ROADS. {Sift EVER at all Hockey Notes n: lilacsâ€"Her Our. Io Stated 0-138 (Corn-panda!!! to The Post.) Ir. Jan. Bic! atruok_ luck the other dayâ€"a mm Klondike. Hotter in- doad, than a Klondtb. {or give up a country that “on With milk and how, any day. in pryforenoo to horrid ooulleaa d. A neighbor went over one wnmg to MT. Blok’p as he wanted to get a load ofdry pine (or light- wmi. uni Ir. {Biok had a_q>lcndid old (117* stub that he was Willing to shape. 60 they went out to cut down this old stub, and it was a wollopor. 36 inches across the stump. clear at bark. In falling. the tree landed on a dump about thirty feet {nom‘ the butt, and bein- hollow at that pant. smashed to pieces. They noticed there was cornu- thim peculiar about the smash, and going to inqnot. to their surprise found that the hollow contained a great bwhive. in u very demoralizcd condition of mush. Had they known it was there they would have fallen the tree more carefully. and could have got the hive without breaking it, but u it was, they got over thirty-pounds of nice honey, It wag _a.la‘rgc‘ swarm_of QEE â€the; would run; have mm a patent wooden pail. The people who talk about go‘muo the Arctic for gold don‘t know what is the matter with than. Them in no country on the (ace of Mouth to b: compared with th‘a Ontario of ours. w v-"â€" M. A. Bred'm, our worthy council- lor, is more than amending himself in the way of raising a. barn. He is put- three barns all into one. It will be 60x80. stone foundatfon. and hip- rouf. Ibo ground flour will be all di- vided of! into stalls. etc" an anion- tlï¬o principleq by IT. Peter Grunt. of Bobcaygcon. and when finished will be equal to any in the! pminoe.-ln- mm; VIC’IOIIA ROAD. (Correspondence to The Post) Hardly a. day pens .by but we get an account of m of our neighbors iesving for the West. ,We regret to state diet our town has given up {our of its best young fellows. namely. Ira. Baden. Henry Boden. Hero'd steter and William Armour. Ir. Armour anew. position u clerk in one 1‘ our rel stores here. during which time made a great many friends and mu: considered s buinsss Insn. .‘l‘he Sons «1' 'ernpetenoe at this place gen sn "At Bum" lsot week. es en entertainment {or thus of the mem- ber. end their rm who expect to go. to the North-Went. A veg pleu- snt time was spent. between t nud sixty guests being pment. any thank: to the lsdien who provided the «he. pie and coltee. ‘Weu are pleamdxo learn thst Mr. W. Tree and family hsve returned to re- side once more In our midst. Wemnve ever :1 welconm for old friend. . 'vv- - 'Vv-vv “headlined“ the nmnlhonr every Wedneldny evening. Heather- ere requested to try and he punctual. Inst week the bare spots nude us think our nieiching me goi . but now we are complain“: oi thong-inn. The storm of Sundny night is termed the wont this winter. The mil from Cnmville. which is due here nt 3.15 ha: not at this time of writing (which in 8 o'clock) arrived 'yet. and in not ex- pected. although the payar nude it. my through end arrived here at 6 run. when it was thought a snow- plow would be neeeeenry to open the road for the 1‘8““! tynin. - fl'bom is a. ".1713 that man proposes andGoddiopaan. Suchwasnottho cub with Ilaâ€"we had proposed to so fora “It with‘twoymnxhakl. and while nlk‘lng With them we would he my“. them home. Just then along 0 H...“ 1:“! “34‘3†-1; UCAL NEWS-LETTERS 3521 wt Cu}; at“ â€Jae.“ one at our rivals m u bomber Icon-idem it a clean dun without s razor. FENELON FALIA (Ourer to no Pct) For throo low mt month- the when of St. And I church hue been casting about (or 3 suitable pu- tor. and nits: luring given henna a: meal praniling you man. the call wan finally nnnnixnou y oxtendnd to 0 Ir. Martin. Everybody felt hap- py now that thin trouble-one question mauled. butalu! than mu a. slip ’twixtt the cup sad the lip, nnd the prospective pantpr did'nt com And thunotthowontofitJorthehnllm nova told. 1'1» rink 0! thin nun whom the pooploohua had in the mem- tim “and other stations. nndulr. lnrtin deï¬nitely‘docidod not to cm the m process of hiring n pmhenhuwbonllw over again. We any nothingof‘the {amenities to 7‘) AL- m the Preebytery to keep then {ran getting lot. as is whispered ground ao- cnrred last time through their not hav- ing had a campus with them. and no doubt had it not been for the the thoughtlulm of X‘r. J. Brandon's sending them 3 telegram they might. have permanently 10‘ their way. Mrs. Dr. Jeffers. of Lindsay. paid Feoelon Fells). visit. on nnmgayulhst _ .. “I_‘._‘_ __ of medial edemaâ€"and Apparatus Indoxsed by physicals will be sent ON TRIAL WITHOUT ADVANCE PAYMENT. lfnotallwedalmnemthematmexpeme. MEN WHO ARE WEAK. BROKEN DOWN. DIS- OOURAGED.men who suffer from the effects at dlsase. overb work. worry. from the follla at youth or excesses o! manhood. (allure of vital forces. unfltness (at marriageâ€"all such men should “come to the fountain head†lot a scientific method of marvelous pawettovltalize.develop.rest0nandastaln. On request we will mammwmmmmmhmwmwd envelope. (NoC.O.D.lmpodtbnorothetdeoeptlon)Addm KCOURSE of W marvel ‘l '. ONTARIO, M43011 31, 1899 and quiz-idea. She in emu and blue. She has tint life in not ml: livinu and he: tun er reflects the con itlou of 13:1; m root, mining wifeâ€"acct. db- tnchedhmbmd. “the has radian cheerful, good-Moved man he will sympathizeâ€"if he in mm. tired and lrrlttble himself, he will bnbly go of to the club or seek chew ere more con- m. .mmw" 5- A- LA _S£-A hum“ In.“ ‘Vurâ€"J- A sick woman is to be pitied because she is miunble and became the has not yet leaned tint Dr. Pieree’u anorite Pxe~ Icri vi“ make be! weâ€. "anqrite Preseripdoq" pl de~ {or the loot! Anxillu . In. B. B. Mitch no... In. 8. Inky ht vioe.. In. B W 2nd vice. m... in W: Duty mercury. and . J. F. Kort trawl". . {the Rev. E. Romano! 0mm. tho popuhr mum of tho Linda: dil- tnct. unwind Q‘s-Sow] unim- m service» how in the nothodiut church on tho 12th int. and our pet pl. responded wall to thin dent-Vina mthod of propmtiw the ttuth oldâ€"st nottlon of Victor-i; county. The rennin- mro brought to Pension Full. (or inter-rut beside the relics at his wit. who died _18 you! am. A titan - 3.; by mmiom of me}: and In of Dr. R. V. Pierce who is and m then. chief consult- ing hyniein to t e Inn- lids’ Hotel end Surgicd Insti- am. a 3:111 6110, N. Y. Since then it - ha been used by millions of women "It! has brouht health. happiness and contentment to no my hornet . _ - , ,IA- __-A_ u.__n_ â€afloat-awn 1:2" M no I no . At I tend shalt Dr. Heme“- morlte Preneï¬ption I . She had not weenie anyfor tgee niglrtn. Dela; tore that hm ï¬ve more bottle- Indwbel line but! mien the dxth bottle uhe no sound and well. We now have A ï¬ne boy at our home." The “ Favorite I‘reacflption " contain- no alcohol end no opium or other moth}. end is petfectly homin- in my candida of the system. â€ISâ€"Fauna nun who: undead an 91'“! 93‘3â€? i U†‘lm PI_â€"Ivâ€" v_ 7, Arthur :- no ether place was anu- wlc. took place in his premium Tua- dny evening last. 3nd thouch it was the {1M event of it; kind held here thbwinta‘itpmvudnoleunm Var! little Idvortilimt brought the lac: enthuim out in quito decent nunhon ad by 8.80 pm. aide.- won chm and play W. lulu. GnmmnndLEGuidul named m g- NO-i-oanoï¬ol Lb 13ml 9 aunties. such a tannins mow; player. won numbed :- follow; «all par to play four cunt: tott' number an! winmt: I."IKI I w. W Ivm... 1 D! vols-Io ï¬x “an. A I. 0014.}. 1 I Iowan 0 1,"! l 1 0mm! ‘ tumwthoirnmlhonuforw (â€an or. (a â€buyer .1†Mnnmx‘ofa urn. lt 3‘ felt by!!! Month“ ion is not brohon A_-__.A -_J -nmh it ‘byinom‘ overyot. . Stny Mn What is the matter with Mr. Wm. â€Arthur! It tutu Gn'uhl to stat things going. Northoy Bra. “my: plny to win. Much is on“: his man now. mam Shane in a oorker. U. Fbll in chuck (all 0! enthusiasm. That Ain't the mutation G. G. Tawn- ll†Roddy “knowod†he could do it. Who was it that brought his bard and checkers but didn‘t phy and didn‘t ggt any oysters either! R lath-2|". J, 1. Mn“, l I lupin. CUM."- luv-toil†97:! cm thig y_ yen: very plouult s? on Thun- by Mr. John PRICES LBW. “MENDELSS‘JHN†PIANIIS These Pianos have a rich, {u all who hear them, and are with Canadian market to-day. WRITE OF INFRINGEMENTa Artistic in HIGH-GRADE BIGYULES at 010.00 03611. . . I I IF m [i SPE§IE§ “1.8m unequalled in quality and their Fencings are the Best. BEWARE Have taken FIRST PLACE whereyer pxhibited. 110 Adelaide-st, W., Toronto. unausngo ONE-QUARTER might. intenet acme people, but they’re not in onr line. For the last twenty-ï¬ve years we have been before the pnhlieas Grocers and Croakery merchants, and if we one to judge by the generous patronage accorded to us we have every reaaon to believe that are have created a favorable in ' Our perfect knowledge of the markets, combined with the fact that we buy in large quantiï¬es for cash, enablea no to do as well, and in many cases better, for the public than our con- “. . . Our aim will he in the future, «in the pace, to 06¢: our euatomere atrictly reliable goods at. the loweat living prices and thereby retain the conï¬dence we have enjoyed. This is edecided boon to buyers in this line. We are expecting o eonï¬ignmtntof these goods every day. besides Mvirg pure Chine Cops and Seneca, the complete 8r“ "* the: cheer, utnctive chin: ï¬nish so seldom found on new .1 priced good- See this line; we consider it a plea? ‘° f show our guouu fancy Jainism brow m, largo silo, 300. Fancy Mounted To: Pots at Half Prim. “WEEKS-«Snead mm in [in From Prunes, Tapl'igsndl’mmmrllmyjtc. mw Hardware merchants sell these goods 0 and can supply you. If they fail you, write the manufacturers at Picton. Tao B. (hogan: Wue C'u. Cups and Saucers. . . Hendaluoh a. W. I. Get dwm. Sara :1 [flick a, lull and musical tone that appeals to without doubt the ï¬nest Piano in the m1: FOR CATALOGUE. The Miami Cycle and Mfg. (30.. Woofloryonnot only the most complete line of Bloyoles ever built. but the ONLY CORRECT†built Bloyoloon the Met today. We know this. WHYâ€"do we tall! so much about our Clank Hanger? DEMUSE â€"thc crank Hanger is the main part of a Bicycle. . Emile in 0mm. m ‘99 Male 13 made in 8 models undWfl'om $85to $90. Weukyontoeallandseethe Mole 3t GOODWIN'S. nextfgg Poultry Nettin gs Simpson Home. 11nd“!- W. E. GOODWIN “THE BEST 18 ERNEST.†W-v McMullen’s I! Lindsay.