[at to ac- v3.1.9. Lted it! when Mam on that than a )6 ever might“ Jdodto otyocr A limited amount 0: W W m on mortgtge at lowut total. Noun db- counted- 3, gen: for the Imperlsï¬bifo Assur- ncc Co-pally of m do for the Union Assurance Society of Lon- . .n,“\ .nd th. â€gm My. 2‘ “he umuunï¬;;;): and the Sc.“ En h axon End National Fire Insurance mmy'JOHN KENNEDY, _- , ,L -A__‘ A‘ milieu wanna: TEACHERS AND STUDENTS â€3 Easter Holidays mm mm ï¬ckm u Batmn luuouun Cand- m; 0! loans“, 3nd Single mat-Chas hrs and Ono-1mm to mantras! madame» mun. rm loaned to Destlnuton. trom union- was of loaned to Quebec. Loris tad New Brunswick sod Nrn South. Going Inch 17th to April 13:, indusiv‘. mumirg up to and including Apn! 10111. 1899. ï¬ckw, nu- Ind :11 intonation from Agent: 0 fan-sad Trunk Mn: System. GEO. WILDER. A. K. PA‘I‘ON. C. P. 8:1.A. 005m at. SISSON ’ CO, For the Home. The Hatter. 3“}? FELT HM [vi 1 (Ii-polo 0! in“ Six Dozen o! my best. line 3: Single tint-Oh. rm Going Imam» April 3rd, icc‘udvo. MOVI- ing up to nnd helm-1n: April 4th, 1899, Between-n muons in Canal: Pun Hum-r sud Detroit, lich.,nd 1'0 but not F301. Boldu, Black pluck. Suspend†Bridge and Nazar- (0n snrmderol comma-'0 signed by prindpnl) . - m_ A- -._. __.l nun-51"“ WM Uu auuwnuv- v. ‘w- nâ€".â€" _ ‘ .__i , ,_ V Single Pix-st Glass Faro and DIP-‘1‘! my...“ nuuomln CMI m; of 10mm}. For the Carriage, Cart or Wagon For the Bicycle. You can at. nlmoot in put 0f “7 Bicycle frogm as, Tim, .1113, SP°kaï¬ Enamel. Saddles, Bells, Cement 5:; tube, Cycle 0115c. bottle, Double 1'3 Tires. A few 5% $450 ptir. Out Cleve; land Bicycle Livery†will lave I gt“. mhny new Cleveland wheels in it thu sessou. yl W E SELL ,1 "Emma†and "Welland Val " I BIO YCLES. In looking over our stock we have laid out a number of broken lots and sizes in Men’s, Women’s and Children’s Fine Goods -â€"just right for spring wear. These will be sold cheap, and you should see them at once. Ihtplmuewlhowshminw ‘Id a"Wac-willintorestymu. J. G. EDWARDS 60. _.__-â€"-â€"â€"-â€"â€"vâ€"â€"-â€" {spam mug} Varnish Stains and Pmt, for renewing the ï¬nish on furniture. lnperiel Gold Enamel. can: be washed with soap ad mcer; Bath Enema]. Shemun W11 liams' special Floor Pnint, Alnhutinou Keisomino, Whiting, Bmhee of d1 kinda,Cu-pet Felt, Oilcloth Binding, Curum Poses end Trimmings, Slade, Cnrpen and Picture Hardware. Uphol- scary Herdwu‘e, Extended Clothe in imiption leather. Mon, Jem’ Dome Lead and Black Diunond Stove Polish, Le Page’s Liquid Glue in well tine ready for use, Wellington Knife Polish. 5» 0a.. 1899- First. we keep nest-1y everythmg ‘90 mnke them; then there no Glad P833 to brighten up the sppumoo. BOB“!!! Top Dressing for t!†T090. 011 “Id Grease for the Axles, Plilltl sad 08 risge Hardwue. Nockyoko 3nd Winï¬e- tree Irena, Cleviles, etc. Th0 "gala price 0' thin I!» in ny “HOW“! non “ me ecu-My in $11.30; J. 9. Edward: 4* 0'0; Nut t2 Porter's Bookstore. To introduce my hobby lines of up to-duo 7“?“ FELT HATS $1.75. Hardware lemhants. L9,! ‘0‘ 4-02 mount 0! M. lowat Elana“ Adm Block. Kant-t M. G. DIGKSON. XXIV. WHOLE N0 2064 gunman» nu. k of Cash to Loan ï¬t tutu. Noto- dil- PM. mu 1'0â€" ° Stylish Millinery‘. Correct Dress Fabrics Spring Jackets and Ladies’ Tailor-Made Suits Covert. Suitinga, in every now conor. "aw Pirle Suitiogs. in all the newest. colon, 601: Block Vigonia Suitingo“ ; ............ 65c Victoris Wanted Suitingr, in 311 the 'no' mixtures, 75c, $1.00ond .. . . . . . . :Ql.25 22-inch Blouu sin“. in wipe, «roll, or brocode eiiEcu. Very Ipeciol ........ 50c Foncy Skirt Linings, the fineot. good. md most complete assortment of potter"; black groundgrich colored stripes in blue, mouve, green. coriu, apeciol ........ 15c Lodieo’ Plumb. 23~inch, silk And wool mixture, stool rod, notnnl wood crook hondleo, conga - A and horn, very Augean-‘1 Figured Black sud Colored Dress Goods in new designs, slso 60 pieces plain shsdss in pure wool in .1! the new colorings, 36 to 40 inches wide, worth 350 to 40c, .11 All- 3 Pspers Inga size Pins for 6-inch HM. ï¬n: peg dozen. Heavy Cotton Shining- Heu'y Plsid Gingham 6 dozen Steel Hui: Pins Ltdiel' ï¬dkfl. ,"2 for. 2.; LtdiOS' noun, a nu ............. Lndiu’ Blnck Cotton Hose ........... 5c Spocisl White Pique for Skirts ........ lgc ............ c Irigh Homespun forSkiru . G’ bun (with dndo)....9c ‘ 35c 3:115:05; :Iowel‘ Belts .............. we Hits. 3110 And Derby Btu, real Rug-inn leather west bmdl, pm silk bind colors buck. Mir bro'n, Cub. and pull. prices 500, 750. $1.00 up to ..... $2.75 We no role quit. for the oolehnted Bu ringm Monlyubohadfromm. 8t... _______________W “Openings†of New Goods and Latest Novelties continue with increasing matchless displays in a?! the departments. The handiwork of our expert Milliners is ï¬nding its way among the ladies of taste and reï¬nement. The chic and dainty conceits. tl‘e original and elegant conceptions, surpass every- thing of the kind we have ever yet displayed. Buying and selling as we do make our prices so reasonable and moderate as’ to be within reach of all, while there is variety enough to satisfy every fancy. You cannot afford to wait longer, Choose before the best things are picked Over. THE Yes, everyone correct. You could count on your ï¬ngers of one hand the last season's styles in this Dress Goods Stock, and they are all marked at bargain prices. The New Fabrics are Specially attractive and are moderately priced, as usual. Perfect ï¬ning Jackets and Suits 3 article, usually; not so in this store. garment pedect in Style also. Easter is always an important occasion, for young men, because new articles of dress must be provided for that day. The possibilities for doing so never were so iavorable as now at this store. The newest styles in Fedoraeand Stiff Hats, Neckwear, Gloves, Shirts, etc. Bigger Sinck than .............. . .. . . . .254: I, in every how color. ..50c in all the newest. colon, 60c Snitimn. . : ............ 65c A130 carry in stock the followihg prion. 350. 50c, 75c. $1.00. 9-50 $250 npto.....84.50 prica J- S utcllflgéï¬gl-E: â€1.18200 M. J. Carter. Has Been. Ouf daily Boy’u Two-piece Suits. short punt, brown sud grey tweed. good lulinn linings, well tnilorod. This line would be cheap At. 82.03 Our Ipecinl price in ........... 1.81 45 33 inch ml Scotch Chunbnyn in weolox-n of blue, pink. buck. heï¬ouope.wnrnnud fut colon, ’npeï¬nl ...... . .......... 15c BoyI’ Short Psnu ................ 26¢ BoyI’ White Shirts ................ 24¢ Meu’ a White ShirtI ......... .. . . .2‘6 Men’ I Culored Shir: I calls: on ...... £50 All Linen To-teII ................. 5c HIndzomI H: mp Curpeta ........... ICC Man’ I Envy Canon SockI ..... . . . â€5c Mon’ I T'eod Puts (Ipocid) ...... .756 Mon’ I CIpo WIterp'roof Conn“ â€.9 95 32 inch thne’ ettI ...... .56 Mind: Pink or Blue. Twill Fland- LADIES' WHITE UEDBRWELB. otte- ......................... . 1W Cuu’ 900 yard Spool- (.11 ooh"). . . .36 LINDSAY are 3 rare 3. Every LINDSAY. ON'P. FRIDAY. MARCH 31. {699 flllIPllI Will BE llflllfllEfl THE RATHBUN 008 MILL WILL HUM THIS auscm LOUDER THAN EVER. The Now luck“ or! sad Impmvmenu will. at as Canada“! Expand. Doubt. an output. :- lyory Donut- mnn: or the null - Iowan 85 and 100 Hand- wm b0 Imployod on. Boston. ' Away up north in the forests of Hui- burton county a. large number of men in the employ of the Rsthbnn Co. have been busily mod since last fall-- in all kinds of weather and under all aorta of conditid‘JSâ€"cnttinc logs and. drawing them to the water's edge to await the eomim of the turbulent apring flood which will beer the (or- est weelth on its mat-lo“ been through creek- und um, end winding river channels, over Mk! (all: and down artiï¬cial slides, {all 50 miles till Sturgeon )eke is reached. when they will beeornlled by river. men and hand- edomtoapnflins-tenntug to be towed deoorously to the mill. their bet- tered md worn oppenrenee alone in- dicating to the experienced eye the dia- tnnoe they heve travelled. Wâ€"iuk Che Cut will In Increased. - Mr. G. H. M. .B‘hr, 100d manger ‘ for tho Bsthbnn 00.. ha planned to who the 109 out of the My mill. 2 a. record-brother. sud to nought: hip rim secured the MIN“. 0! the inn to incur A large omdlturo for now mo ‘0 execute I one {Or I new 100 homo your honor crdond from the' Pom-on Worn. Toronto. and menu the foundation! {or 5 m twin "to ropofwdwmtmw no: new cirouhr mw am an (mm. f u» wholes of which will u MM! by i m Wm mmmm . Co. I Iorlmo. .‘l‘ho pm: bollar I no horsepower. and M" In future to and oulunlnty m oug;ply again ‘0 “aim? chair": a I'M nu ~ to INOM 9532?! and mm»:- wm Mm ho M In mm»! 0! than other dopufl- ‘ mm of ma mlIlâ€"h hot. wharanr MIHUMMI wood on it around connin- Mt with Not my will not he mud in mm a. the drama mun. Mutant-rod Prod-mu Tho nook â€Madurai It tho mm co run- lunar. khaki. ml. blfl'al boa ma. broom knu- In the rough. lath. nub mm? mm. pout rad it. in canal-Ml] ox- poud cut. with a. awaited power and 1mm W ascribed shove. you'- on â€"lur3‘ u it ‘ vat-will be duo-t lad din-lag1 tho Momma mu. Mr Mr i“ has the imm- comp slush have been delivering 1m continuously. mdthmbulrendyummly on mwmmmmmu until the nqrthorn logs arrive. the qtozk ed down 1rd upper W (blah. hu- ipg been taken out tor the firm by Jobboxs. no that it the Haliburton. lags mdelayud forsweekor sobemd the usual time work at the mill wxll not behindomd. ' 0ne for the C. P I. i Just before the sailing o! the Can:- dian Pacific's magnificent steamsh’p‘ Empress oi China, from Eons Kong on her last eastbound trip. it wnz visited by their Royal Highneases' Prince and Princes; Henry of Prussia. who were shown through the vessel and thor- oughly inspected i'. The_ greatest in- terest was manifested in the workings of the Empress. the Prince beiru an adm'ral game into tunnels and other ont-ofâ€"the-Wuy places that the ordin- ary vi'sitor-does not think of exploring. After 3 thorough inspectzon Prince Henry conVeyn-l to Captain ArehEbold. and Mr. Tiliett. the mxrlne superin- I tendcnt. h’s feelings of gratifimtiou‘ , at what he had seen. and stated thit I the Empress far exceeded. both inside and. out. any ship in the merchant me- ‘ rino service he had our visi . The royal pair were handsomely entertain- ed by the ofï¬cers and on their de- parture expressed the great pleasure their vis‘t had given then. Prince Henry is a brother of the Igmperor At. present it B‘W {Baker‘s intention to heap the lumber mill run- ning any sud. night for at least three moï¬ths. About _.65 hanq§_ arol empfoq- ed ï¬nd"£33't'lbé mill when it. is operated on the day schedule. and this you there will be between 85 and 100 Enumeration. Advertising Pointers» â€"'1:be greatest lesson the advertieor has to learn is to know what pub- lications to keep out of. -A good picture talks German. Fili- pino. French or Peta onian just as well as it does Engl' . and tells a. story that is undersz by young and old quicker than any amount 0. cold at what he had seen the Empress tar ore: and. out. any ship in ‘ rino service he had < royul pair were hand ed by the officers 1 .n Haw Lindsay Benefits max-1y classical Wt 1nd Niagara. Falls Col- ps, who is 00'. in tho whoa. will be greatly ‘ mas Mitchell's dress goods depart- ment attracted much attention. md her Jtocka of ready-undo mantles. capes. .blonoes. and dress trimmings. has been well ulected. ! .Thumdny «claim. Fridny and Sgt- I urday the show-room was well crowd- . ed with ladle. and gontlpmsn. inspgct- AB DISPLAYID AT THE VARIOUS M LLINERY OPENINGS. mu luchdl's 39m Inna." Open: A: the season- coum and go the fair managers a! u» various mlllinery de- partments become more ambitious to nuke lhzir diaphy the best from every point ofviewmnd they are sided this inason bythe lim‘tlcsabmuu or the - gnu II:L‘,L,II n magniï¬cence and beauty which has been seldom equalled and never sur- paused. A very cunning device traw- nblq to the clever and srtiotic manage- ment. of Hides Junieeon and. Rain. and existent... has hem Wrought. into play and the results must be gratifying to those interested. t Vikiâ€"{(67th moan or Miss Mifchell. over) Millie's store will prove this. One will ï¬nd her sprincropening nogglglofor ing the pretty hats and bonnet: that we diaphyod.‘ In hats the latest pattern. were shown. One "13' nt- trnctod much attention was a lnrge whim tulleâ€"rather poke Lonm-t style. flowing mmys dropping 10 back. large renown: oi tnllo in front. Lie 0’. tulle Ihlrrod, nnd rough; 9£_u_x_lle_ at back. A very dainty and atylhh little bonnet in made of black net. with spouted crown. «he of buck ntrnw. trimmd with name chittou. as uin ornament: and double viola“. buck utiu Hen edged with mauve chiffon. An ex- ceeduuly pretty child'n but of logth trimmed with pun-3mm satin film, «yed with butter": ml draw tr'nr Inns. ribbon plea around «town, a In mum at rlhhoa u nidr damn. cream ppm†tram «mu-o cl ro- man». also Mir-owl much nth-anon. The prov-mug caters am- mm». NW NW. 3mm. all panda ot ml. mm the damp nun» try to the nap-pink Mid In am. «or: mm In and. with flow . n3 trust, I“ conduction. ho endured a be diluted!“ Sow-ml your are!» pain worn. and I ad; to no to 1 ment, who-n serious in“ hunt skill of row. Th" ‘1 of nuts. uml rhimton 3m: ' â€" on in profuu‘ou. Mule. ownâ€. no . Mano! Utah H winchâ€"MI go no IMIM up than!“ in. ' In um: Invtm any wlm bun not VUM bar uh" mm to all and Input on of u» nest oomph“ um Ml diaphr- nho had av" 0mm . 1 MM tab 1 and» at If u» Gianni ' It b our ; mm a mum Im.’ 811mm. Mrtldo brim with ll 0 w". o! M790 and Duudu mum. Btu. luminary room- aro ulow with bounty und light «human. The room are mud and (tripod about win: chtl- to“. plsidod silk-I. «candies. Ind thin Intern]. a! line bum-e 5nd bright. oo'ou. tho "mu in prohuion. on .Wodnaday and Thursday Int. the arm'- opoulnc (hp. It is n beam 0! novelties. plain and dotted mlinel. (Iowan In most natur- al colon. and nine old color duct- with olnhornte foliage. into which the wailing color when» is introduced. hlu nre of two distinct varietiesâ€" tho very guy and bright. sad the hund- «no mourning ones. Amongst the brightest oofora cyrnno leads. and put- ple in all its shades vies for (avor. One hat that ass-um very much notice and . VII of eyruno strum. with high†ï¬ning crown and bank of beautifully harmonizing shades of pur- ple and cynwhued ‘chifl’ons. support- ed. by hunched clusters l?! crughed ros- All the co‘orod hats are hmvily trim- mod with masses of mlineu. silks. flowers and foliage. one shade of color- ing being mad for each hat. Another black picture hat of sequins and fancy straw, with tan crown. trim- med with heavy ostrich lips and soft My! dotted black nnl'me, was en- vied b1 many. _ a "0' the aama co 0, with 3110'. h-r clus- ter ofszmilnr roses under the rim. . 'l'bo Panama Sailors are also trim- med with ribbons, wings and folinge. :‘Iho plain Sailor is always lashionmble for morning and outing wear. Some of the load“ one. are the Robson and tho Dixie. Tho Tremont and. the Neilaon walking huts. trimmed with plaid scar! laid in plain folds, slavery pfgtty- . . . .. ,“__-|‘ A- Just mword about the mantle dc- parunent The null chiffon capes match the hate. being frillod and ne- qninod. and the spring reefers are ex- “dth and trim. blur. and greens be’ng newer sheds. The opening certainly proved one of the wt eventful the firm have held. fll‘he goods were never equalled for beauty. and Miss McGrory. and her capnbEe std! ol “shunts deserve all the prn‘m they received. couture a For: score l mded Lust Thur-nay. Frisky lad Saturday. Ono swanw does not. make stunner. nor the ï¬rst mPIIinery opening usher in spring. but both are entitled: to be ng'rdaig. significant indications. The credit of the (int millinory opening be- longs to Sutclifto Sons. and. thither {ha lad'eg flotboi Thursdny sftarcoon and exam a; night In. even grub" UN WCI“ “â€"â€" â€"~..._ glam at tbs beautifully dreqod west window prepared the expectant and critical v’sieors {or the charming ex- hibit upstairs in charge of Miss Clarke. who was complimented on all sides on the oxou’siu taste displayed 31 her the exqu’siw millimr‘! 3- 3- Allan 0°" 97'9“»?- 2 â€"-"Easter in 111: Church." _uppropn- .‘l'ho m'llinery department of Messrs. “315' 09903 â€16 Apnl Ladxes' Horne R. 3 Allan 00 under Ur urt’stic Journal. There are several very m- " ‘ ‘ temsting Easter articles. A notable, (onto 6’ M93! Thonpmn. was visited 51min! feature recounts the eccentric by hundreds of 115th on Wednesday and dazzling career of "The Magnifiâ€" and on Thursday the cruqh was un- centlï¬ndgfm “11mg? moat fungus W“ . ‘onms ’e socia ea r o‘.’ r 5'. an anoL or “'20:: inn; ’ . “ rob a portrays “The Life of a JapanesoG.irL d’“_ m o ant). 3 d°°°. rat.on 5° eme Th0 fiction embraces the opening chap- boms unmlly effective and well am tars or a mw serial. A College Court,» . riod out. and called. forth admiring re» amp," the conclusion of “In: Jamieâ€" Iaayks from! every visitor. The _ex- sons in the Country.†and “The Girl hunts held In past years by. the ï¬rm on the Boston Express." John Kogd- skelch.“ he had left an impression on tha_ uï¬nds rick Bangs contributes a of ladies that Allan, 5: 06- umlilqery Boom‘ng 0" Acre Hill." which ia~ Wad ll 3th and Dewayne extremely humorous. The departments 1n the season's styles. and that Idea devoted exclusively toiem’nEne readers m been mageï¬fullyfgrenctaw'ailï¬ am very interesting. _ ‘ preunt ' p at e pat "1 â€"Ant.hony Hope's new romance. @and bonnet: shown are vastly becom- which be but just numbed is called I W ‘0 m?" “M and “3 9‘" NY.†“The Countess Emilia.†and has been ï¬lm} :11 °‘" . rewfm‘k‘mh°"'gf' pumhaoed by the India! Home JournsL . I" ' mm“! a ’0“ 3m. t t in which periodical it wzu immediately " @l“°mt.t°.°‘h°r" but I 9“ t ex- begin. (the story In about a beautiful 9.1““ mt 'E. " " ‘t ““3†em 9"†Countess. She quarnoled with her hus- W 9°31"! . M! ‘1†3°" “m “9‘1 hand. and they have decided to live {anore- ‘n trunnnnc “m“ “’9 5"" in seclusion In aeparaio wings of we "I 1““ minim 9“ W59" “0 «cut This they do until Captain Mi. “t I: â€tut Illustration 0‘ I“ m "ho m†. member 0‘ the a“ h â€V m and'ultn; Mb†“‘41. 1984â€â€œ!th opens a. 6611'. abb in nilï¬ner‘ than an!“ M in “30"! which are "W to him the the pretty Furor- 9*“ W b! nudtheaxideonmï¬th HmeW°Wt beautifuloocapantatandinzinu uâ€"mu. - â€at; no my in 13:; mm mhjnta Mace-Baton bong unwily effective and well car- ried out. and calied forth admiring re» math from every visitor. The ex- hibit: held in past years by the firm had left an impression on the minds of ladies that Allen 5; Co‘s miliinery npueented u chic and becoming in the season's styles. and that idea mrkei in our reporter's hearing, “thex'o'e a something about them thnt in different to others. but I enn't ex- phin what it in â€"- it make: 'em pret- tier anywny." All the new colors and fancie- in trimming enact- ere givâ€" ‘en full prominence. end nowhere- an India get a better illutntion at .u that in new. novel, and ultra; M. 0 ,1-.. ALAâ€".I 2.. SH ION'S FA SCIES WI o! m to Wynn. -Tho Linda-y. Halibut-ton nud HM.- uwa Railway has been. aided to the ex- tent of 08.0“) per mile a tar :5 «Whitney. When that point but boon what! a further (run. will be made. among n-. mum’s withdnwu. Mr. s. For. M.l’.P.. writs mat this statement is incorrectâ€"that a. vote was taken and the bill detected on a division. to Buliburwo on Hominy. when: de~ mad. had resided for the last twenty years in a typical hunter's «bin on the-hotedalittlohke. Home» very M111 hunter and trapper, and spent most 01 his time in. the wont. During the deer-hunting season he re- ceived high maturation. 1nd during the tenure of the Euliah und. Co. he tctod as wood-anger It a salary of $4 per day. “'11“: away on one of hil low tapping expeditions about ten yum ago he visited Juan: Bay. sub- cistivc ontin‘y on yam (hut. fell to h‘; trusty rifle. He was a mad iron conduction. and (ales of the exposure ho endured u a matter of cbo'cc wou'd be dbcredlwd by th: average render. Sow-ml year. ago he couplanwl o.’ s pron pain in his side, which grow m. and lust chmr ha was advisâ€" Od’ to no to Toronto hasnitsl for trut- ment. when it mm found more wm- a serious internal “lawn. which the hot skill of 1M physiohou lulled to row. Thu deco-nu! wu only 48’s". or nae. umI Iron. a vita :mcl ulna rhihmm wouly provided tor. It b our palatal duty um wont to pump» the dumb at one of u»- 014- at and no“ Mainly mud mount- 4 this Matty Kn th- oornoa 0! AIM. Kar.d|otflo.86.ml.olchotownâ€" ship a! 1406th IN ad "eat occur» 1.11.01: WWI. Hum}! 22nd. utur c 1min. Ulna- trou the effect: at m 0! “Int d which he was gran um yam ace» For EVBkN-‘m NM 3"? w Fl ahvv ,wâ€"â€" v.7 ,, to his man. Duri the whole course a! his “In.“ his I rings were borne with tho smug-L tortitudo 1nd mic- nation and he Md peacefully away toeajoy the nmrd of I. well-upon 1nd mom]. lib. 36 m born in internm- ahin. Scotland. in 1812. In 1816 his punts and holly emigrawd to this ooun . outline on lot 86. m com. Lorine when the deoomd resided gm .1 . (hwlnllford. Angus and Edward. in Toronto, Alexander. in inaw. Mich, Alex. J. ' ‘W..gndmams. resid- 1. .._LI ing on W The danghl L: are In J. D. WM. Winnip._‘;i In. Wins. of Campbelltord; Mrs. H. Kennedy. at HcCrimmon; Mm RAJ McDonald. of St. Tolesphore; and Mrs. ! l l Fs'Deptato. of this place. The funeral took place on Friday morning to St. Man's cathedral. and. was one of the largest we have eeen. upwards of one hundred «triage: joining the the pro- , ceasion, a fact which indicates the high ' esteem and ml: in which the de-l ceased gentleman was held by all . elm-ennui steeds- Allhcughaetaunch _' conservative. he never allovfed political . IWLII“, W I'MDV-v .. ,7 - tenuous with myone. and as a rosuit be numbered among his best {fiends than who were amazed to him politic- ally. The sum: generous large-heart- ed disposition characterized hm rel’gi- on: sentiments. A sofemn requiem high man was celebrated; The pall- bearers “fete Cosmos Kerr, his broth- Newspapers nd Handles. ' â€"'Iwentyoflve years ago, "1'0 adver- tgso or not (0 advartiso'; was a practic- al question. I: than: days men some- â€"8cribner’s Magazine [or April is a. special Easter number. with a. special coored «net. It contains a poem'for Gooi Faday. am Easter ponn, andsev- oral EM: swries. A tenure is the Inst serml story in an American Magn- zme by Quallcrâ€"Couch. with the poet- ic title. "The p‘hxp of Stars," II is a. tale full of delightful Lanny end ex- qu'site wnt‘mg. the scene veins lud on the {bluish roast. “A Winter Journeylo the K:oadike"£s full of char- acter studies and gives “varnished. in- Iormatéon relame to attain-s in that lar-otf land. .The arm departments are full of interesting nutter. â€"“Eut>er in the Church," appropri- ately opens the April Ladies' Home Journal. Ihere are several very in- ‘-_...:.... numr nrticlbs. A notable um tomato-um. 0“ .w. m» a» tomb: 091k}. 0‘ HE VISITED JAMES’ BAY m m. we came. I whom. places 1‘ IN T"! LIO'SLATURE OBWUARY. allow!!! “0““ d :50 J. Karlâ€. author {non his ï¬ersonal TERMS. $1.00 ,PEB. I . MANILLA. (Correspondence to The Post.) | Ir. C. Butt, of Ora-swell. occupied ! the pulpit in the Methodist church Sull- day evening lot. at“: for his subject Mitt. 27. ‘22. â€What all L do, than. hm: Jam, which! a. ajled (mm; r' Aâ€" i It. W. i’hilpn bu the misfortune to {all one day but weak. braid: his 11.. ‘bnu w. are ï¬lm! «I m him. 19 (ot- around In . Q Hr. can†Ben is onus“; 30 m TEN PAGES LOBNEVILLE. (Bermuda-co to The Post» Dr. 0. m. dentbt. of Bav- om. will be at IcKinnoa‘s hotel m- ainly on the first three Friday: in April. in nieces-ion. {m 9 mm. to I pm, Come earlyâ€"wt. OWE. (Oorrapomoe to flu Post) .Wo will have a M o' viators here dari. flue Mr holidays, and may Will‘hbmm'thocheap [am to and visit friends elsewhere. Balfour 3n. went to Munitdn a: My. Ind John Johnston 3nd Row“ Laidley went the prevzou LUCA L NEWS‘LET’I‘ERS Hun-rs. Nichols Kennedy are 3dr Lung their planning and ohinlc nil! into tint-elm shape for al! kinda d ‘hoon In Toronto It". IM‘ two much mutton In. Tucker’u moth". who and t n'ofortuu to (all. bunting ‘hor flail: It. Jamil lo hum for a mi ot an dog from Olunmont. l IV. D. ma :3th u» R. 0. ‘l'. I. «0th to Imam luc wuk. If. Mob Edward: was down to 'm on tho unis. jury. In . EdwogdlLof may. to vidt- {no Mr Moodâ€"3y concert in tho Methodist church promises to sunset qqite team!» _. _ -.. . 7“ 81'. Baum, district insuranqe agent, has been here with the local scent, Ir. J. D. Thorn . andmoooededinwrit- i up come good business. Let everyone come on April 6th and he“ Promâ€"nor Orr’s lecture, contain- ing valuable knowledge. on spraying. sure and not. who: spraying {ran this: out in order to. save my. in‘ may places. - .Wm. Crowley. Downeyville, attic buyer. gagged 93ml: here this. wait. quAnLI 715;) "Aug; hi; room {of Valium ug- Boll Gaucho! am In Quinton- I...â€" u- w..â€".â€"- w... â€III. 600 GM hu moved into tho hon. lately occupied by Ir. A. A. â€Mn. Ir. chant, has jngt received . hfgel stat Jm w'rhoI’o-tl.) our w"- â€"777 7 , Hint it the “Fliers in this vicinâ€" ity who dhmtoaell sold lhemlnct men {they any prices are too Your hbopthun f! ï¬onhstweekonaooountoftholig mu», u.- Ju-v .m.vvâ€" .â€" ._-_- fl , 7 of grin and summer 3001:. sad is villi. to display them to any perm vhmldlikotauothegoodl. Who- youimpocttbenyou will uyhil pray-Jam right. He aloo pays tbs NMWMW- AL'_ _2-:_ ,__,_._. Hr. Slapks‘ sawm'll is running at full speed, and the inmate who In†lumber at the mill are busily ens-pd drawing it home while the sleighin‘ “$375.1:er in dais neigh- bathed! are making prepu’ations (or ant-risking: - - . p___ ‘mzas Reid, at Bealoro spent mt weekthoguetofhercousin. Xian vir-Pethick and hardly have moved to Mr. McCrorie'c house. which i; sit- uated at the 6.13.3. crgsigg: V The Wiit'ev brothers captured a to: last My alter having a. hard clan-a. An tam Adam by 80'. lb. x-lbom. Returned W m. Western Chine Although the weather was unfavor- able Tuesday evening a, goodly number found their way to Cambridge-ct. neth- odist church to hear the address. under the auSpIoas of fhe Ladies 311m wiety. of Rev. Dr. Kilborn. of War tern. China m‘ssions in connection with the Methodist church of Canada. who. with his wife. ie on furlough for a. short time. His wife was announced malsotobepreeem’. togivev unad- dren. tut was unable to come. no rev. gentlemn possesses a splendid physique. the one thing necessary to a. m‘asionnry in order to be. able moope with the difficulties 0! a (ore-Ian laud. climatic and otherwise. He is n fluent speaker. having the ability to vividly portray the customs of the Chinese and the dangers encountered by the for- eigners. as the missionaries are calm 1 He fully corroborated the general ‘ idea that for a m'asionary to be cuc- oessful in China he must have_a good knowledge of medicine. He clnune the of the Chinese being practically aver» thrown by the Iact that the missionary doctorehavehealedthebozlsandd-Ie them 3001 instead ol harm. The grant- at hindrance to the christien aeti- gion securing a footho'd in that land :- nvu'nflul worship. ch“. mm. B is ancestral worship. this. however. I being gradually broken down. In connection with the recent riots in Chintu. the province of their: pnâ€" gent owl-Attica. the rev. gentleman aid 8 Chinese inch was thorough m. their gion securing a. women m u... ..... “JV W - _"â€" .. W, m many curios brought by k. D! Kilborn from China. including «5‘; dicks. incense. writing paper. pips, . . . . rds. l item eagerly bought. ‘3‘. B. '. the evonim‘ â€"'1'he following curli anal Inn played Hondgy night: W. mm 15. J [Knowboulflz J' G MW 1". JKoid: lit-TA “was M it; "Ki-BB, Ricard: {or a m are ghost impassable-â€" W. B. IMleg Took" My. Dubr in removed to Linda. IN WESTERN CHINA. Guru" Notes. In (on 6-17! LS of the Chinese and mutated by the tor- su’onaries are called. bonted the award L'ASionary to be sno- Le must have a 800‘ icine. He claims the of goal has been occ- rh the means of (I? Ih ucll't