Th bk To The Weekly Post. The exported the United. States and Great. Britain. are in the ratio of about. 8 to 7 in. the farmer's favor. As the ratio of minimum is about 2' to 1, it. is plain that the per capita. production of the British Isles is still by far the greatest. . - : Sir Charla admitted in the house on Monday that the conservatives, if they came into power, would not change the present tariff. And yet how they fought it, tooth and nail. The Chicago packers have confessed before the arm commmslon that the "canned. roast beet†furnished to the «mm- m Cuba. was in reality meat boiled down in the proaess 0: max.- ‘mg beat extract, from which all nutri- xnent. had been pressed out. It. is prob- able that the Spaniards did not knlx as many American soldiers as fell victim to the pomd meats furnish:- od by the patriotic provision men. It is suggested that Great. Britain exchange the Leeward Islands for a. strip on tha Alaskan coast. As the islands wish to: join the United. States, and the Alaskan coast towns wish to com into Canada, a deal might. be ar- {the preaent Czar is one of the best of the cure since czars began. At least we cling to our belief in his ex- cellent intent.ons. Bis reign has, how- ever, been the worst reign for a. long time. He himself believes in religzous liberty, and, at the instance of his wife, proclaimed as much. The per- secutions of the Stundists were, how- ever. for a long time. if they are no: new. worno than ever. The slaughter ot" the Armenians received Russia’s complete backing. {the Doukhobors, who had endured. a. bitter tyranny, have been forced. to flee. And. now the 023: has. under thecontrol at his own tyrants», broken faith with Finland. and wiped out the liberties which the good Czar Alexander guaranteed to the Finns. Incapa'ole goodness is often more criminal in its results than moral mediocrity coupled with ability. w-v___7 to Washington a sanewhat luriu story at Canadian aggressw: along the Manta-Yukon border, alleging that our otï¬CialA are collecting duty Ear within U. S. territory. Secretary Hay aims not accept his version as gospel, howâ€" ever, and. advises that “unless it should distinctly appear that the provxsional understanding of January and Febru- ary, 1878, has been disregarded by the British agents in the Stikine Valey, this government should noL make comâ€" plaints or inquiry 01 the Canadian gov- ernment in reapect of the statements." Meantime, Sir Julian l’aunceiorte has suggested that a temporary line he run by the two governments to serve till a. settlement is reached, and his pro- Death," "Cromwell and his Court," and others of equal interest. It will be found. splendid material for an even- ing’s quiet. readxng. J. P.‘ RYLEY, â€",'I.he article on Resurrection which (Ibo Living Age for March 15; reprints from the Contemporary Review is a. thoughtful and noble study of the ovoiution of religion which Is pecul- iarly appropriate to the closing days of Lent. St: George Mlvart's ‘djsfug- Mr.Ed. Heintzmen, 208 Monroe: ‘.Ave., Kabobs, N. J., edvieee 311 men who ere week end who desire I. speedy end perfect cure to write 53 Dr. Gustav ll m moon-NO prion “din abort nouns; Yon out put than up an ï¬rst soft in aim of The New Psycho‘qg'y which is the leading article in The Living Age fcu' March 25th, aims to show that there in nothing in.the new. psychology which is MWer than Aristot‘e. Roaerc de la Sizetanne’s essay on Caricature which Thc Living Age has translated from the Revue des Deux Mondes is an extrema- ly brilliant. _and exhaustive survey of LL- 1. -3 __- fltï¬bodwua Ava. Detroit, Mich â€"An illustrated article in the April McClum’s will record the experiences of Cleveland Misti; thanriter. and 'W; D. Stevens, the artist, in runs on locomotives, and in mail cars, at ninety miles in hour and upwards. In the same number Captain Baden-Powell, of the English arms, will describe his Imarkable “war kite3’â€"a kit_e_th3t EEAâ€"mm" Capta' fl i; Hahn n will con- clude his valuable series of articles on “The War on the Senrnnd Its wagons; w‘iï¬i 'B'LJeFQIaéiiï¬g especially of “the guard set over Cervera and. the watch kept. on; Gym.†TAKING GHANGES. Governor Bud)“. 0: Ala-3k“, Newspapers and magazines. Harper’s Magazine for April is rich I special articles including “Aspects of tha ’hxsmâ€"ryâ€" and mathols of car- will probably be accepted EDIT ORML} NOTES. J- P. 13.7121: A CARD. has sent. cuss e regulations and procedure of that House The resolutions, 1! pasued, swouldonLYbeflerpt thpL-lbâ€" â€"â€"v â€"â€" , v people. Let peoplepmnounoeonthe anestionatthepous. Thiswuineoeen! withpopnlnrnndxepreeentntive govern- ment. He said he wasnot to aytbatsomemeuure of refminne- gndtothenominatiomo! Senntorlmy not be advantageously adopted. and favâ€" ored Senstoriel districts, and oppoeed centralisation Hewouldtnkethepowc dappoinmenttromthe Mini-tryottbe damï¬eomnmentedontheadnnmd aneleotive Senate, which shouldbenn independent body,andnever max-vote oonjointly with the House of Commons. Hen ofanage-limitfor misno- tion. nderanelectivesystemtheoonn- trywouldnotapproveoi'Senm being appointed for life. He prefer-ma a term don Kr. Gereodlen moved that the fol- lewing words be added to Mr. Whitney’s amendment: “This Home W my change in theoonetitutmnoftheSenste by which the equilibrium between thememl prov- inces at the Dominion, an established by the British North America Act, my be disturbed.†. Mr. Golqunhoun (West Hamilton) leo- dspmflncuovohanaein tho constitu- tionotthoupchhsmbu-whhh mg: disturb the oqumbrinm m Dominionsndtho provinces m at Connie-sum. Comparing tho'm division. The same Vote rave-sod pm- ourod the passage of the resolution ma thoadopflonofthe motion woman maddreabspopned and recanted!» Mr.0ulonllenresnmedtho demon the AWE Senate reform resolution member for bat Hamil- tonoonhondedthatajointseasion otthe SenateandOommons woulddesmytho individuality of the two Houses. AI in thedlegeddeodlockinleglshflonbytho wtbndthoSmlnhedenhdech auteofmhagevermmgn- reaching. mannahouldbewall Wanda" noelementof uncertainty about“. It should be endorsed by thowmotfln £10???me "deEonnotng the hound- ingofomanbemnse he hadohangodhh political bath. He challenged mono to provoaookodneasln Mr. Tartalnrespeos to eithertbe Yukon or Dmmmond Goun- Mr.Ga-nhm aid emphatically:“lam infamottho abolition of the Senate puresnddmnle.†Thenreusonsforaboli- flonm Wanâ€"mm $110 8638â€â€œ out otharmony with the loghhflye thatthoeewho sonshtthem oftho Yukon bill were bprglm_ Ha defended clan of the Senate the Bowen would save $800,009 {yearn _ Mr. Powell (Ottawa) gave men sup- port to Mr. Cormllen’s amendment. He malntflnedthatforuhelnscmyeautho Senate had done great service to the country. The Premier would be a very havemmdmifhedamdtobmh Senatordormin mommt sessions; Ottawa. Itwasnot by my ct histollom that ho wonlg dopey: t-hâ€"mwn out 158 binsâ€"65 Government hills. 85pnblloand58 private mm, in- paruzan leaning: lowed his leads loyally but not mflely. Heahouldglwanindependentvote, and in favor or! the resolution. The Sonata no Op’odflu sub- !» menuâ€"n- no“ at “Ia-II: to In. Winn-7‘. Apulnoat. no, Propu- Ono Which Oppose. n Chung. in II. mathsâ€"Tho Ipouhu nu. on headâ€. A DEBATE THAT WILL EDUCATE. pen Lucas, “wouldbeequallygladtoseethe draft of the Attorney- Genet-31': resolutions.†He said he was prepared to consider a. wen-digested manure of Sen- ate reform. but he could not support the AWGQQ’QW .. . The Ontario Legislature no Do- olam by 11 Mum-my. Mr. Foy (South Toronto) said that was neither the time nor place to deal with the constitution of the Senate. Members had no mandate from their oonstlfments on this question. All expressions were but individual opinion. The Ontario Legislaturehadnommerlght todlqcuss thismbjectthgn had the Senatetodis, FOR SENATE. REFORM. Son“ Baton Dob.“ The leader of the Opposition entered a strong protest against the non-return of the omclnl notiï¬cation of the election of Mr. Moneeith or South Perth. The At- torney-General said he had telegraphed, but had had no reply. Hon. 311‘. GM said he had heard the returning once:- was ill. Mr. Whitney held this whatever the cause a wrong had been done the member for South Perth. yesterday, and it begins to look although the work may be brought to a close by the evening of the 30th, pmrogution tak- lng place on the following Seturdny or Monday. If the House is to ï¬nish on the date named, however. there will need to be an unremitting attention to busineu md no loss of time. The Premier 13‘ night gave notice of the Govennnent'a intention to hold Saturday sittings, and its deï¬ne for precaienoe for Ministerial legislation: beginning on Monday. n‘AA_-_I - After a very animated discussion, 001. Mathemn obtained an orda- of the House for a return of cormspondenoo with regard to a pamphlet on Algomn, on account of which $400 Was paid to C. N. Smith, the publisher of a Snnlt Ste. Marie nevu- "S123 Russell (East Hastings) moved thasecond reading of his hilltodlow municipalities to adopt pmporflonal repcwlï¬nï¬ion. .. A. A A LL14 A--- -1 hir. Whitney said that at this stage of the session very little time could be given to the consideration of the bill. He was doubtful if it would have the facili- ting and clarifying virtue- the hon. member claimed for it. It was one at those mnciiul ideas about voting which commended themselves to a certain type of minds, but which might not have much pmcticu beneï¬t. Such an import- unt‘cmm‘ge :1:th not to be made untilafterfulldisoussion, whichatthisperiodot the session was not feasible. The Attorney General aid that the proposed method of voting might suit certain classes of electors; bathe was not sure it would be the best to; legisla- tivn _ -In saying this he was notmiï¬ 3981013033- 3° W“ uvv “PWâ€"O -v- _.7,, afraid, however, that it would not work effectively in Dominion or provincial elections, for not one-half of the election would have ability to uncles-mud it. It would work also in a. sectional my. Take the question of Single Tax as an example. If the advocates of thispropoal were strong enough they might and their represenmtifl to council, or even that Ham !!!m m was was. of other ques- dons; which had their strong supporien. such as the irregularities of assessment. In fact, every man with a hobby might beable to secure namtunderthissyaâ€" ten). It was an interesting academic question, but would not be understood by the people at large. -- a ,,,,,J 4â€": At- ‘iï¬Ã©'ï¬Ã©'ï¬'s‘ihen discharged and the bill withdrawn. pm“: to appoint another W11 50 do. not do n. Mr. Richardson's bill to prevent camp- ing on highway: or unendoood 13nd, sad to empower county commas to make arrests without a. warrant, ms read a swond time. Imp-‘- v._-~. Mr. Hill’s bill to oompelthaused fenders on electric cars. and keeping cracks flush with highways. 13"“ in second reading. myv.-- _ â€"_ Mr. Lays secured the second radius of his bill requiring in case of mnnloipl and school elections, a. declaration of the property qualiï¬cation of the candidate to 3 made before 5 o'clock on nomination y. Mr. Lumeden’s b111, regulating trad- ing stamp companies. and imposing a yearly tax in proportion to population. was read a. second time. 3m- Withdrawn. Mr. Richardson’s hill _to anodtho all)»: WWW. The-obnhmnadnmmfl pausdbyth. mm:h conï¬rm: hwotthomwndm: respecting otown «Duh-n3†ingthevflhgo d Hm:m mg the London Young Hal'l m High SchoolsAot; Mr.Idtflo'l,to ' t the growth and cultivation of hr- berry shrub; Mr. Hill’s, to mend the Public Schools Act; Mr. Wax-dairy, to Public Schools Act; Mr. Wordell’s, to amend the Ontario Elections Act in re- spect to recounts; Mr. Fox's, respecting police magistrates’ salaries; Mr. McKay’s, respecting ditches and watercourses. ---.u ,,,; A large? number of bills were advanced asuxgeorrmdathu-dflme. The remlutions . g brewer-mm distiller-s were 4n need at the night session, when Mr. Harcourt moved their adoption. -. c .I n I; __,_ AL- Mr. 'Whitney replied that it was the intention of the Opposition to move a six months’ hoist. After a consultation with the Provincial Treasurer it had been arranged that the motion to adopt the resolutions should be carried on a divi. sion, on the understandlng that when the House go mo committee after the wound reading of the bill, the resolutions Ihonld be debited. v.1u, m1. "mo- v, -'___â€"_.._ in a position to know that the return from South Perth was now on its way. Mnnardynldhemlveryghdtoheu- The South Perth Return. As the House was about to adjourn at 9.15, Mr. Whitney mwkgi 1;th he_was Hintonburg, a suburb of Ottawa. is petitigning, tbmï¬gh’ Mr. -anaden. against Sunday curs going through the V muse. A bfllwasinmduoed by Hon. Mr Rossyeaau'dayto Manitouhnintou pmvidorgl jqd! district. Â¥,,,,,I_, ,- 'rheroua'dmsem the number a: licensesilsuedsmSgeason forthecaptnm of inWhhdsaMMem The numbumbeunrednaodtmm“ toss. The Government will make a mileage taxonexpm companieï¬ w of. The License Revenue Bu]. AIIIIBLY 801'... Assnxanr xorxs. Second Bonding; 23.â€"Verv “than“ make an one: to my mix-lute ’oompmyforluplmt “Minoa- themmnnotamthepholhould be ï¬xed by artimmn. Mr. Gonna mtedthatasthelawmmupxuapt, o’clock. Mr. Patton) moved torso orda- d the House for 3 atom giving full harm tion nopeetim bonuses and exemption to manufacturing the yes: 1870. Them-darn. gutted. 1‘. love-«Bille- Tho Home went into committee. Mr. Smmmtheohoir, on Ron. Ir. W’tbm to supplanent the me- In oomnittee Mr. minutiae ominionoztheohmeinthemnefln whiohuepedinhetweeetheioenl our . whuothq operate. Bohjeetedtotheflovanmem pnttingint a revenue bills eflectingthmentnotinrm Such companie- ought topey their an: tothe muniipolitiee what they open†andnottohoOn Government. - Onediviaonllr. 'emolonflee thoomisdonoftheelooeewuloowu votatots. ,- pro ’mustbe indnu'iee madly i-the defeated mndidatn. eachmnnioiptlityinthepovinee einoe‘ ‘ ' pedal-ring position in this bill is that promote signed by four persons, Cl' by Titled Readings. pony; mpecting Smith's a: Southern Railway Company; to con- ; validate the floating debt of the town of anpton; respecting the city of King- ston and the Dominion Cotton am- y- respecting the town d Own- geon Point; . (Hon. Mr. Boss): to Wm Hospital of Tomato; respecting the town of Dnndu; m the :rultoee oi' the Osgoode Buriol Ground; mpecting the town of Cobain-g; respect- ing the village of Winchater; nepeedng the village of Exeter. At the eyening oeuion the House went ln‘l, Thacwumylltflodhmdonon mminlmclnsuotthohfll. Th1 An itomof 815,800 for WWII, after diacuuioflmn-icd: also â€88.506 in Wain and cbaitics; and n numba' d items for maintannco and ropin- of Gov- ernment ond dcpotmenhl buildings, nod for provincial inmutions. Tho influ- in- cluded $5,800 for man'- now recidcnco at. the Central Prion, Tomato, and n:- ting up the residence for school and hoop! ; 810( for n for tho museum at the Nomnl Tomato, and 87,500 for a sin for a boys' Mormo- tory at Oxford, the precen: building to bemoan on asynm for chronic and uniï¬ed no 't 9.80 'p-m-J In Suppl!- The Homo vent Into committal, Mr. Station tithe chair, on til mates. . harmless name. *mfrg"mn" d; in 3cm In “I. Vince. and that the rule: hid down Kim. Waist} ‘11 m ,_-I “#th Caledonls ’ Mr. Sta-anon has with“ Him hm, butwmbrlnxthemtterupldn next session. A deputation min 3 grunt tu- the Central Counties Bullwy wutad upon the Gammon: yous-dun JTho twenty-ninth ann'al report of the provincial inspector upon the mm 8 ready for distributing Numhu- «1 patients treated $1,888 an maul d 2.811 over any prom: year. Death 1,189. about ï¬ve pecan: ot the pawn heated. ‘ Total moipfls at Ontrlo agricultural societies last year were $11,990. Expend- iture. 8309.894. Assets reach 8150.167. last year 8172.850 was Avon In print Oakville Town Cound bu can: 810 a the Provincial Tmumtoyard tho G_or- numb: mu municipol (locations to ho with, and tho“ would btnpoflfloto and telephone companion , M In the we pooldon In record» municipal one-men: u on Febrmry l M This, the Toronto member- u'gud. would ho moat unjust to the city, all Mr. m moved to strike out the do chino. His don memorial college i London. The money he: been sent to he Lord Mayor of London. Many retail members were preeent before the municipal comnitteeyeetu'dn in connection with Mr. Gel-nun’e but: which proposes to aseeeethe ennunl ale- ct the merchant, insteeéoi the stock, as at pennant, so that the note money the merchantmekee the note he um Under the bill this szstemofantion would not he compuleoxr on the muni- cipalities, but would belei't tothc 0pm otthemionlcouncfls. Thu-e moon- eidemble discussion ox the bill, which eventually plused through the committee on a vote of 19 to 1. In the municipal comnittee theme was considerabl- diecumion on Mr. Oonmee'e bill. whbh potpou- that m ties whiei intend to go into the electric lighting holine- mm Mr. Pardee’s bill to amend we 14nd- lord and Tenant Act provides for arbitra- tion ho ï¬x oonpensation paid by lea-no for branch of conditions of Inâ€; his for relief again: forfeiture d can fa- breaoh of covenant not to assign or sub- let in any cnaowbere it. h foundthnt flu machinationnoinjnrynnd hump- pawn nnmtanuonmy ormndvertenfly orwhm-e the bench is nednclhloton us Mr. Germnn has introducednunto mandthoLtqnm-moensvotbym bans flde tum-11m and per-om lodg- placamnnflu 01th. requires Mm liquor enigma“ hound §§ 7:? E tbelrplanubelngmkenata byarbiwm ï¬ns-“9. . ,‘ .dn- this provision 50 extended to «lactic light companies. not to into-fete with existing emu-sou, but simply with the. contracts whichhavo come to an and. mar friends. we have phood in stock a quantity at the celebntod (711w Brand Vegetable mt Butte Punt, cutinlixehompponndrdh abattoir Ilium-Eco will be 150 per Wmuumusoom mmmmwmym mumbMMbmm tin-tout W. In! our“!- 8-3910. anagram-gm An anti-Sunday carpdflon In in from BUTTE! PAPER ASSEIDS‘. HOT“ .tim of our hr- ~ (uh... {raw is .884 . daugï¬ua up 839:. 3 .8838... 3a 8288 .8388... 3 3 831.0 9.3 98.3. Shani: :5 .8. 3%.!â€" 385.5 :2. donâ€".388 835 can .383 puny; spouting Smith's Ml: Bum: Southern Railway Company; m can- solidate the floating den at the m Brampton; respecting the city of King- ston and the Dominion Com 9. goon Point; â€spooï¬ng public schools (Hon. Mr. Boss); to W tho Western Hospml 0! Tomato; "spooï¬ng the town of Dnndu; respecting the :rumofthquoode Btu-Ill amend; "Mr. Wm. mum) m Mahala-poem cycle nth-NM“ path oommhdonen and] next canton. -_ _ . 1. .‘o m-_._._.L\ _.-.J 1"" wâ€"v-vw â€"- 7 -7 Mr. Wudell (X. Wentworsh) moved thonoondrudlncdhhbm ma Mammymtotnlims on wot-hur- fled on nude franchises mind by 1r!- vuo no“. Aft.- dlscusion, the HI! “I lost on division, v“ .____-, , Atthommgmthenm mmoommltaeeonmbms- “co-d tonal-:9. 65:; .35 1389...: 39:32 388- Sflloéuonna in. x \ \rIIDDIII PI A number of other unaware adv-neat! twanongtbemhdng Mr. Gibson's to mend the Registry Act; Hon. Hr. Hut-court’s bill respecting noon-ion duties; Hon. Mr. Rosa' bill to mend the Public Libraries Act: Hon. Mr. Garmw's respecting executions :91! shown. I, Ll“ A- __ _A - TheAttornErGt-nerd'nbm to amend mutual-WW â€599°“! "'1' In the committee of supply. toninthochdr, anumberof item-were named in connection with the Depart- ‘W men: of Agriculture. Tho committee role sad the Home ud- Lands in- with his madman: an and last 331109†:10an map Commissioned Crown topmoeed Mines Act, otthoxno .mmmmw m (TEE-lo. Hod-or; 31y a: Wm mum Company and In proposition to the Government and 1011ng pmâ€. W Mr. ’| MD on ‘ “guru veterinary surgeons a on cbrpon- 1 “on came up. and Hon. Mr. Dryden ul- visad this it be thmwn out beau-a it Would â€SE inconvenlonoe tax-men. It will ma Mondsy, and no wlll Mr. Russell's bill mam-ding the M Mr. Stutton's bill to youthful-abort forms 0! lenses, Mr. Brewer’- to with for security for coda 1n mucus in- jury on the public highway ugd Mr. Hodglns' to put a. lien onpsturlng tuck soutomhlethehrmc to own: pasture money. was ï¬lm out. Th! principlq of Mr. Fox'- bill in word to Thom of 111th 11mm mmleelwamiwdï¬s’ 1:95!†8.80" the Lex‘l Conant... MARCH 24. 1890 A8531! BLY NOTES. ï¬g 55; l§ 3g flgéijé s a: ggl§gggi 5,3: ï¬siï¬ k lg Quigg § 00 §3§§213 iii??? 32 M my “83312233 ï¬g?! Bï¬â€˜Ã©gQAE. E: giaï¬ 333“ 5.3“; HERE 3§%:§§: 15 you†of securing bl“ turmoeun OMsndthooommimtox-mfllyoon- macro-damn and upwind. It wumw in committee m» NM. a. John’s, for sealing Gibb-Wham concluded. SI: Jana'flmunho Premier the pouflal “Run“! thematic M WWI}? ___ March 87.â€"An villus-an a MWWWWWMW mm a“ m .wmm_ M continue 8“..- Thn Hooch went into may“ 03m G... W.- Ace. I“ Will I. Pro-lot. the II.“ Act. link S7.-â€"Tho Ho‘- .3 LINDSAY BICYCLE AND GENERAL REPAIR WORKS. musmusmm ngztmaoemmcymï¬ m Dynamos. Deon-k Mm I‘m macaw; Mich“ Pr! MMMW.Gu-, Ammwflhlunoho; “)1‘!‘ â€I! ooh! that h. WI. WEBSTER, MD TRUNK RAILWAY AND WIP AGENCY. 2-91-00!!! 14â€"3-4 19% VALUABLI PBOPIRTIE F03 .ALI. ~A In. M 11:50 In L..â€" INTRODUCTIOK PRICES m; a no. Hoaxâ€"6;; “'1‘- lnl'dnaluhrn. Inï¬n- mm“ a F 7 Tm: CRESCENT leads and Is 13" admonledgcd SUM“ d a other high-grade whccm The bag riders are ridingm JCS. R I 663 Murray 8: ALI. WIS. ERNIE“ Ill )STFRAGRANT. WREFRESHING AND ENDURINGOF ALL FERFUMES FOR THE mum's, TOILET on BmL .V'e offer 1 in etch eels. IC- is f done or us. UIIUU C.O D toad- dame: 3; â€is“ dual?" more ' EVERâ€"1K in. when. M Joiam ï¬cce cub. ï¬tted uh Duuiop Tin £35,“; ï¬'ued VII}! I. ‘ w. Tim 33-1 cud nth Burlington Tires $30.00- Ilea tad mane: and Itroon. and It in Prime. any â€1'. Wheels alighdy nscd. modern typet $8 To Ix‘monucn Mama-flounm' In. FLORIDA WATER - "-r a: List Free. Secnge Agency at once. T. W. BOYD SON. Nachos! EEIEIIL ELLE!!!» Lanman’s E tr. $.00 ,AAï¬A--A onto! Gui