- Duane a: Playoffs Bros Carpets and Curtalns. There’s many reasons why you should come here for House- Complete assortment of Carpets, Curtains, Floor Coverings, etc, at close prices, is a strong one, but we do better “than that-«we buy from the manufacturer and furnishings. save you the proï¬t ma â€"BRUSSEL8, â€"ARM|N8TERS, â€"Moqusrrss. â€"-TAPESTRIES. â€"UNIONS, â€"-HEMPS, â€"OIL OLOTHS, â€"-OHINA MATTINGS -TAPESTRY CURTAINS. -â€"LINOLEUM8, â€"LAOE CURTAINS, â€"OHENILLE OURTA 200 Pieces Tapestry Carpet, English make, new patterns, we always sold this line at 45c, for early buyers, price, 250 Yards of Union Carpet, in new patterns, 36 inches wide, heavy weight, we’ve sold Carpet at 35c no better for early buyers, price. sass-esaase assess an... .a. 50 Pieces of Extra Tapestry Carpet. bought at the lowest price, the patterns are new, the quality good, price per yard.....- . Union Floor Rugs, with border around, reversible pat- terns, size 3x3% yds.. the price is Floor Oil Cloths, from 18 inches to 4 yards wide, best makes known now in stock, per yard to.... G. A. Little. ~ -â€"-â€"â€"â€".â€"-â€"â€"__.. l @Igg ton mm- Handsomclv bound with portraits of authors and other numerous illustrations. Per volume. 400. I oavusosos manners. mrariox or casts: caowx or WILD ouv‘m, ran muses or ran noose or DAVID, counts to cans-r THE THRONE or cases. BBOOK‘S ADDRESSES. TEE PATHWAY OF SAFETY. EASTER OARD8.-A new line just received. latest cox-tint. Prices, Sc. 10c. 150. 20c and 36¢ each Call and see them, 600. A. Little’ Book and Stationery Stomp t 06cc. PP P0. ADIAN , ACIF C _Y. ‘ SETTLERS’ ONE-WAY EXCURSIONS. 'To Manitoba and Canadian Northwest. will leave Toronto every TUESDAY dur- ing March and April. Passengers travelling \VITHOUT LIVE STUCK should take train leaving Toronto a: 3.15 p m, WITH LIVE ‘ Passengers travelling STUCK should take train leaving Tor onto at 9 p. m Colonist >leepers will be attached to each train. Seagull particulars and copy of “Settlers Guxae apply to any Can. Pac. agent, or to C. E. MCPHERSON. A. G. P. A. 1 King St. Eat, Toronto. T. C MATCHETT, LOCAL AGENT 63 Kent-sh. mum. ' CAN _-., 3501121113777" 3 g: a! Hill Saw. South Side cszut-st. Melennaill 80. H U lLDE RS HA RDWA‘I- PRISM BRAND" Ready lined Paints. ALL “NI†0’ HflUffllfl. W Ill‘lw.‘ K UNUKIN‘I‘ Al.Alletmp:_ Mbldi'l‘tmn' â€NAURU. l‘l‘tll‘fl. VARBIIHICU. “INHML . NKW'f‘uN t Alll‘lï¬â€˜l‘s‘ ('uLulu, lltlltnr; Cl.ll‘l'l’.ltb. Cl ltltl’ Hollis AND BRUSHES, FENCE wild: nub CUTTING PHI". stltr LADDERS, CARPET WHIP. _â€" Emilll a Belgian Portland lament Glazed 80m Pipe. MlllEllllAll 00. Human, can. an m. m 'oyment of Dr. Harri do by the Wholesale house. CURTAINS. 100 Pairs of White and Cream Lace Curtains, 2% yards 256 long, regular 50c line, per pair ...................... 30 Pairs of White and Cream Nottingham Lace Curtains. 3 and 3; yards long with taped edge and border, for. . . 30 Pairs of White and Cream Nottingham Lace Cu talus, 3:} yards long, 48 inches wide, very special, at. ...... 500 Window Blinds. in Cream, Green and Fawn shades, 81 00 81 50 lit regular 500 blinds, for ............................ 100 Curtain Poles, in Oak or Walnut, wooden ends and rings 20c and pins. regular 350, all’ complete for... . . . 250 500 $5.00 “if†m? $1.00 if BB. 0. lEASTER TERM 1 Of the Peter-borough Business Col- lege begins APRIL 4th. New Stu- dents are urged to commence w r): on that date. There‘s a practical boned: in so doing. PRINGLE McGREA. 4“ lWN AND CUUN'l‘Y DASHES HERE AND THERE MAN ITOBA BXCURSIIIN S Every Tuesday in March and April. Tickets purchased from the Agent oftheC. P. RinLindsayarogood to start from any station on Midland DlVlBlon G. T. Btâ€"T. C. MATCHET'). Agent, C.P.B., 60 Karim, Linoleumâ€"9w Broke Ills Collar Bone. Alderman Crundell has been missed off Kent-st. for a. few days. and his friends will regret. to learn that, owing to an accident, it may be some time before he will be able to‘ mingle with them as of yore. While returning home on Saturday evening about 5.30 he slipped on ,the icy sidewalk near Dr.‘ Shier-’6 drug store and fell heavily, breaking his collar bone. He was also severely bruised along the hip, and being well up in years he was very weak Sunday as a result of the combin- ed injuries and the accompanying shark. His many friends will hope for his speedy recovery. Improvements in 0rd: r. Carpenters are now busily at work transforming the interior of Camp- licll'sgrOCery store. The improvements planned comprise a new floor, new counters, new shelving and ceiling, painting and papering throughout, and also provide for a neat private office, with cashier's department in front The work will â€be dope as speedily as possible. and in the meantime cus- tomers will be served as promptly as over. When the improvements are nonplelod Mr. Campbell will have a bright. morlorn store, and will be but-- tor equipped than (War to cater to his large and constantly inert-using ‘nrmy of- put tons. A Plus-ant Gathering , Tho Cumbl'itlgt‘ml. Mhthodiul rho'r new entertained lust \vm-k by Dr. and Mm Herrimnn in. their wank-non, Cambridge-at. There were present Mr. and Mrs. Morris. Mr. Stutchbury. of Toronto. and about thirty members of lip tho'r. A molt enim'able evnnmg was amt. Mr Stutchbury new three very pleasing songs. which were rect- reolntcd. . Misses Carnal and 3513:; also a two delightful num- iers. ' to of mm was moved by iu- lil‘lllvc‘isk on behalf of the choir. murmur. and Mara Eerrlmau for h ltali . and for the their ad aogd pliant even . made a short speech h«lat-k of ti: ghoiym .am 0!! ' "â€"t‘tcremoveto . made a v0?! n‘lhcsensmodabove adllbleto An Object Lesson. â€"Four C.P.R. cars passed through Lindsay last week on their way cast. They bore the significant label “Filled with buggies from tho . Tn'lhope Carriage Works, Orillia, go- ‘ing to the Eastern Provinces." Just replace crime. with the name Lindsay and think what the change would mean for the towns And all that is need- ed is a little enterprise on the part of a few of our leading citizens. 'fwas All lll.Wlnd- The Windstorm of Sunday did not manifest its full force in town. In the country for a time it attained damage in several localities. the north wards who was notified yes- day that a barn on the farm owned by him in Fonelon township, about five miles from town. had been badly dam- aged. Carpenter Nail Gray, of the east. ward. had raised the building on blocks a few days before to permit of a stone foundath being placed un- derneath, and the wind forced one corâ€" ner off the supports, straining the buildim badly and breaking some of the timbers. M'r. Albert Hardy is ten- ant. The Public Library Opened. The Public (Free) Library is atlast. an accomplished fact, and its promoters 3 _ . - tcntion to my claim. at Porter's Bookstore. Kent-at... Hudsay. In New Premises. A. Robinson, barber. has remot'ed ! from the shop in the Royal hotel block to the stand two doors east of the Simpâ€" sonihousc, where he will be pleased to .' meet former customers. and receive the week: patronage of new ones. Satisfaction guaranteedâ€"wt â€"_- Church Notes. i â€"Servioe will be held in the Cum- m'elwilida 881°, andcawd Wu bridge-st. Methodist church Good Fri- Amons l day the sufferers was Mr. Wes. Greer, of l l l l l l l I feel repaid for their efforts in. bring- ; ing it to pass At 7o’cfock March 23rd a large number had gathered to get some of the new bmks. it possible, but ' to gut books of some kind, anyway, and the librarian, Miss Rousin, kept busy for a couple of hours in satisfying the various demands upon her stores. Owing to the completeness of the arrangements. however, very little confusion arose. except in fill- ing out. some of the call-slips for books, but this will disappear in a short time as the public become accustomed to the new order of things. The Library will be open every evening from 7to 9 o’clock, and Tuesday. Thursday and on Saturday afternoons from 3 to 5 o'clock. Any person resident in the county of Vietdria may become amom- bor on filling out the application blank for that person and having it endors- ed by n rntepnysr. The fee for u borrowur’s ticket is five writs. . A New Industry offers. A special meeting of council Wm! hold lust Friday to consult with Mr. R M‘. Deal. of Toronto, relative to the ca- tiibliahment of It lurgc- lunnery in Lindsay. Mayor Walters and Aldermen Lennon. lngle. Horn and Soother“. and among the citizens who eucrlflcotl an evenl for the town's gcol were Messrs. . A. l'atltlon. C. D. Barr. Rt Kyllc. J. l). Flavellc. Thee. Brady. J. Carew. Jae. Graham. F. C. Tay or. Rlchard Syl- vester. Robt. Kennedy. J. (3. Edwards. Dr. Meal late. A. D. Mellon. L. New- ton. Dr. salads. John Here. M’r. Deal outlined the encour mast. he th htbesbouldrecelve neaaehe : ,decl dl to locals in Lindsay. and after m; departure the terms were discuss- ! at! .t, considerable 123th. many of lag rt. Illu- lmythemeetlngcametoa as to the inducements it would be poss- , I ofng a completes comprlr I! ‘ tors. m M- 33, “a gin-re m vomit. and ink†I "u‘ b Tm â€autism-endorsed committee. and aspect their acceptance. want, or modificatim to a ’wtm tobeheldat alater The members present. were. was , morning, commencing at ll o'cfmk. On Easter Sunday a sunrise prayerâ€" meeting will be held in the schml-rmm. After the morning service a reception of members into the church will be held. In the evening aaong service will be held. . l . . Card of Thanks. To the officers and members of Lind- say, Home Circle No. 34: Gentlemenâ€"l thank you for a. cheque for $2,000. bo- ing. the amount of the Beneficiary Cer- tificate held by my late huband. Thom- as Mnkins, in your order, and I ex- tend my deepest gratitude to the su- preme officers for their prompt at- . JANET MAKINS. Lindsay. March 20th. 1%.-.“ To Aid Poor School Sections Itisroportedthatnon. G. W. Ross minister of education. intends to in- troduce a. bill at the present. session to enable two or three poor and apaoely settled school sections to nmalgannte for the purpose of getting acentral building. Power will be given the trua- tecs to pay for the transportation of pupils from a. distant purl of tho soo- tions to the school. A similar lawis in: force in the States and works well. At some sect'ons a stable is built and a horse kept in it for transportation pur . The act, if passed. will be of great benefit to a number ofmc- trons in Haliburton county. There are schools in the back country with six and eight pupils in attendance. The schoo‘s are generally dclapidutod l ' buildings and by an amalgamation 3! “council-and three sections it comfortable building could be crunched and two brucberl em- ployed. â€in...“ But Scouts Absolutely necessary- We cannot too strongly nor too often urge the supreme importance of plant- ing seed- that are perfectly pure and flush. Seeds that are offered at. cheap prices are almost invariably of doubt- ful orlgln and uncertain ago. sure to cause the plantar disappolnlm-mt and loss. the thoughtful planter'a only sunty ll. in buylug seeds sent out by a conscientious and trustworthy home. have (and , * THE'WEEKLY vos'r, LINDSAY. ONTARIO. mourn, 1399 means was seen Patrol-cases 7 mm reasons; “cam - .. __ mmmwmamw womumuVuanaW List or 17m- Bars and lat-owners -Au ice-making plant is being- in- stalled in The Matthews Co. Pork pack- 4 l . mg establishment in Petcrboro. â€"Sousa'e famous band will begin a Canadian hour next. month. It's not likely that Linrbay will be visited. â€"Drover chllhargey shipped acar of Monday to Geo. Matthews Co., Peter ro. and andtbord cattle to‘l‘oâ€" rcuto market. â€"We are having typical March weather at present. Winter is dying hard. and many hope that the hour of dissolution is near at hand. -Dr. Neelantk has great success in crowning broken teeth, Extracts teethï¬thout pain by gas and vitalised air. ice near y opposite Simpson -â€"If you like a cup of good tea. try our new Pekoe and Japan; their fla- vour will delight you. Coffees are fine; in fact. everything in our. line is first- ' clam, Our prices will please you best. of any. Oak Front Grooery.â€"wtf. â€"T.be cardera and spinners of the Auburn Woollen Mills, l’eterboro. went out on strike Friday night because the management refused to pay for time lost while the machinery was blocked with’ ice. â€"Bobcaygeon Presbyterian have separated from tho Pcterboro Presby- that used to bind Petorboro with the north country are being mvered. â€"We direct attention to the udvt. of tho Peterboro Business College in an- other column. The training given in the various branches is very thorough and the success of the graduates in obtaining pa'tions emphasizes the gmd work done by the teachers --Mr. G. H. William. harncsamak- or. Beaverton, scoot Mrs. J. W. Wil- linnmou, of the town. has bought! out Mr. Chas. Wiliton's harness business in Cannington. and will take charge. of it. himself. leaving the Beaverlon busi- m in charge of a foreman. â€"M.r. A Robinson. tonsorial artist. who for the past five years. has been. doing bniness in the Royal hotel block. has removed to the stand two dams east oftbe Smpson house, and in fixing up a neat and tasty parlor for the con- vesiicncc of his many customers. â€"Parties desiring an investment for sums of 8100 and upwards, that will be the very best class of security and give no trouble in collection of interest, can- not dobettcr than invest in Land Mort- gage Debentures as offered by tho Vic- toria Loan 8'. Savings 00. See :id. in another column.w3. ~Another shipment comprising five carloads of agricultural implements was made last week by Sylvester Bros. to their North-west agent. Every whine has been sold in advance. and orders for many others are being sent in almost daily. The firm find it al- most impossible to ken-p up with t delusnd. - â€"A new steam laundry will be start- ed within a few days in the premises two doors east. of Hanson. house. by Hours. Joe. Carro and Chas. Wal- ton's two well-known and pqmlnr young men. They have purchased a complete steam plant of the latest and but design Iran. Mbasra Myers Ema, Toronto and of a competent manager. , â€"The body of the late Thu Brown. killed at Farnhum. Qua. on Monday morning. reached hem on March 23rd on the 9 o'clock train. Six members of the Farmhnm branch of the Brother- hood of Railway Trainmen accompanâ€" - ta. n.4,. -a maniacs up “or the funeral, which took place on Friday at 2.30 from. the residence. of Mr. Weldon Brown, east ward, to Blv- erside cemetery. â€"E incur Harry lliimm'ond, of the pump use. says the water in the Scqu is much too cool as yet for promiscuous bathing to become popu- lar. He went acrcm the river on Mon- day after u can of milk, and he's not quite certain not whether he was swamped by the extra quantity of wat- etr he was carrying or by the bot‘om dropping out of the boot. Anyway he lost a new tin can and had to swim to shore. -â€"'I'.be formation of the Burleigh Falls Power Co. to supply cheap light and power to Petrsrboro, Lindsay and intervening points. has stiriod the l‘oterboro Light and Power Co. to ac; tion They say that when their new power house is canplstcd they Will, be able to supva Lindsay with light and power at more udmntageous rates thin the Burleigh Phlls Co. can offer. as the distance is shorter. The 'l‘imeasnys that negotiations have been in pro- gress with the manager of the Lind- say Light Beat. and Power Co. and that there isevery probability ofa deal being made that; will result in the clasâ€" ing of the Lintbay station. the company taking power transmitted from Peter- boro All of which is very interest- “THE BUSY STORE AT THE BUS tery and cast. in their lot with Lind- I say Presbytery. One by one the ties ! have sfcumd thn services l Myiocauuinshesouanar-c After carefully exammi' ' ‘ng a number of sites both above and below the locks, Mrs. Rider a Kitchener. who ar- rived in town on Honday, came, to the! conclusion Wednesday that Mr. J. if, . Knowlson‘a prqiorty on the west side I Argyle, was m town Tuesday. of the river above the railway bridge was the most advantageous for their Jntsassstng to Post More. â€"Mayor Walters was in Mindcn last l Tuesday. ' â€"â€"M.Js. Beacham, of Cambray, called on Lindsay friends Monday. -Mrn. D. Morrison and daughter, of â€"hlr. John J. Lundy. of l’etsrboro. was in town Monday on business. -lf.r. J. Thompson. of lngoldsby,was purpose, and they at once purchased a- guest at the Duly housel lately. a plot of four and oneâ€"halt" acres in «tent. , These who know, the locality will ad- mit. that the site chosen is superior to those offered below the locks, as there is a natural depression in the shore line forming a pond which at. slight. expense can be made to hold an ample supply of legs without in any way on- croaching on the steamboit channelâ€" a very important. feature, in view of the constant complaints by boatmcn during the season of navigation. The construction of a switch through the mm's premises will also be an easy matter, according to the opinion of Headmaster Cheer. of Orillia, who came to town Wednesday to examme the, ground. . Mr. Rider, jr., took measurements for the factory buildings Wednesday af- ter the site had been secured, and pro- per working plans will be drafted as soon as possible and placed in the hands of a contractor. Naturally Mr. A. D. Manon is a happy man now. that the industry for which he has made sacrifices both of time and money is next thing to an accomplished fact. His friends urge that the town should reimburse him for at least his actual outlay in travelling WIâ€. . Local Brevittca -â€"-.A gang of man went. north Tuesr dny to repair dams and slides. â€"-Bolletille has purchased its water- works system at tho: valuatozs figure- $179,644.78- â€"The Sadler, Dundash‘t Flavolle Mill- ing Co. are retiring from the wood busi- ness and have not contracted for a supply for next season. â€"T.be Lindsay Light, Boat. . Power Co. is purchasing a considerable num- ber of cedar poles, having planned! im- provements in the street service. â€"Since Monday morning Market Clerk Callaghan has weighed 154 hogs, 45 head of cattle and a number ofshecp and lambs, for shipment. â€"Mlmrs. \Vceicy Moore, of Ups. and J. Brandon. Fonelon Falls, each ship- peds carioadofhmsto thcho Mat- thews Co, Pcterboro on “'ednesday. -T.bel sale of the elects of the Grand Central hotel, Peterboro, on March 4th, realized only 51,100, and a law suit is likely to result, the «‘ontenton being that the goods were sacrificed bar that Monday next is a. bank holi- day. and will he observed as such by the staffs of Lindsay‘s financial insti- tutions. â€"Thc license commissioners for East and West Victoria met the other day l at Inspector Sport’s office. The form- er elected Mir. “'m. \Vafflc, Coboconk. .as their chairman, and the latter zip- 'pointod Mr. \Vm. Nesdler. i -The Hon. William llnrty. Commis- lsioner of Public Works for Ontario, .und his son. Dr. Jack Barty, are 3 arranging to spend :oma time in Europe i no: y at, inc'urimg an oxb-nded visit. 3 to t ’aris Bxpodtiou. ‘ â€"Mr. C. Munro, who is here buying Tpotatoea. turnips, etc, for Toronto 3 parties. has already shipped three car- i loads. On Tuaday he paid as high as 56¢ per bushel for potatoes, but the ' prices dropped next day. l â€"Tho ice on the. river 18 now unsafe for driving. Last Tuesday Messrs. Nicholle, Kent and Connors started for Bobcaygeou with lO'ldS of flour, chop, etc. from the S. Di F. Bros mills, but were obliged to turn back. â€"The Talent \Vorkcrs of St. An- drew’s church regret that owmg to illness Rev. Dr. R. N. Grant cannot lecture under that auspices on April 4th. as announced. Dr. Grant is oblig- ed. to give up all work for a time. â€"M1's. Thus. Sheriff left on Wed- nesday for Hamilton to spend Easter holidays with friends. She will be M- canpanied by her daughter. Agnes. who will attend the business college there, of which her cousin is principal. Mrs. Sheriff will return to Linthay before leaving for her home in Kansas. â€"-Millunsn Bodge's team ran away last “'odnesday while the driver was delivering to a north ward customer. The animals “god leisurely until they reached Kent-st, where an unsuccess- ful attempt to catch them increased their alarm. and they headed up Lind- say-st. for their stable at a clipping gait. â€"Fnrmors and others should remcm- . . -M.r. D. J. Bertie. of Minden, was in town Wednesday on business. â€"M.'r. Ben Johnsbon. of Gmderham. was at the Duly house Wednesday. â€"Mossrs. Bobt. Adams and Geo. Han- dcrson, of Omemee were in town lately. â€"Mr. J. H. M“, hotellteope' .r, Minden’ was in town Wednesday on business. . -â€"M.'r. R. A. Adair. general inor- chant, Norlzmd. was in town lately on business. â€"Miss Neill returned humr- on Satâ€" urday last from a. month’s visit at Clif- ton Springs. N. Y -â€"Mrs. Sid Johnston. of Fenvi'ou Falls, passed through town to visit Whitby friends on Tuesday. â€"Mr. J. B. Helm. of the Midland Loan Go, Fort Heme, was l'. Toronto Monday on business. -‘ â€"MT. J. Comodine, tailor, wit, iaSl “'edncsday for Brockville, whore he has secured a situation. â€"Mt$ Jennie McPhail, of Sonya. is mending a few days with her cousin, Mrs. R. Campbell in town. . â€"Miss Annie Campbell. of Hartley. is spending a few days in town with her aunt, Mrs. John Campbell. -er. C. J. Pricey, president of the LB. 8:. O.B‘.B., was in town last Tues- day a guest at the Benson house. -Dr. Powers, of Port Hope. spent last Monday in town, the guest on his old friend. Dr. P. P. Burrows â€"Mr. John J. Colcombe, of Fenelon Falls, left Tuesday for Edmonton. to join his old friend. Mr. Jack Holtorf. â€"M_'r. J. A. Lang, of Toronto. is in town looking after the improvements being made in Mir. Camplr'll's prvm- ises â€"Miss A. Sylvester, who has been attending Havelgall Ladies College. Toronto, is at bane spending :i few $31 â€"Uflllla mutter: M18: Jennie Thompson. of Lindsay. visited Miss Marshall on Tuesday. on ho: “iv 'o Sudbury. -M.T. Robt. J. (‘airnduffl 5):: o.’ the venerable. clerk of Harm-y township, left lately for Bo'sewvain. )LLY1., 'o .'lk" up land. â€"MTs. Elwood Rogers and Mr» ('drl Reid. of Mariposs Station, -.-..;in,l cm Oakwood friends Wednesday hilt-tillâ€) (I: last week. â€"Mr. Geo. H. Warren, of Blurigm-i, was in town lately buying 'l tickvl to wa. Man. for which poinl he left on Tuesday. â€"Mr. George Wilson, sculoi- editor of the Port How Guide, and wife. spr‘nt Sunday in town, guests of Mr and Mrs G. H. Wilson. â€"Miss Chamberlain. of Toronto. whu taught. music and painting here some time ago. is at present the guest of Mr. and Mrs F. A. MCDlliTmld. â€"Mr. A. Ondordonk, the well-LnOwn railway contractor. who resides at Hamilton. Ont... has been seriously ill at the Manhattan Club, va York. ~Mr. \V. E. Swain, north ward, left. on Tuesday for Glasston. Dakota. where he will visit friends for a time and then take up land near Roland, Man. â€"Mr. Thu. Marshall, of Oriliiu. on- ginse: of the Esturion, passed through Monday to maygeon to fit up that staunch vessel for the opening of naviâ€" gation â€"Mr Jerry 'l‘vvomey, the popular pro- prietor of the Mansion house. Fenelon Falls. was in town Monday for a, few hours, having been summoned on the amino jury. â€"Our old and mtcemed friend. Mr. Thea Puley. of Oakwood. gave us a pleasant call Monday. He has been a subscriber and a staunch supporter of The Past for half a century. -M-r. Wm S. Dawson. of Baddow, was in town Monday on business. He came down from the north country on Saturday and went Sunday with his son. Mr. John Dowsw, who is working the Adam farm in North Ops. â€"Mr. J. W. Snddaby and family of seven passed through on Tuesday {ran Burnt River, on route. for Edmonton, where Mr. S. will take up land He took a car of stock and effects with him. â€"Riev, Prof. Wolverton left town on W'ednesday. for Brandon. Man. We own-stand he has purchased a valu- able improved farm from Ben. Cliffm'd Sf‘ton. and vnll establish his sax W“ Y CORNER †Men’s and Boys’ HEADWEAH For SPRING. Our stock of Men’s and Bi‘vs’ Hats for this Spring embraces celebrated makes of Leslie C" Gordon, Bennett Co, Wakeï¬eld 2 Barrington Sons. and shape in these celebrated English and American Felt Hats in stiff and soft shapes are colors are Black, and Fawn. Careful and Every new color here. Some of the Brown, Calip, Pearl § : stylish dressers will find it an easy matter to select any style and color in hats at this store. . R. ‘ ALLAN Idaâ€"BUY “formalisms, racism