I191. th 9 here ’ood :h at the urn. ‘ the A: try rht mt]! hat. them in “nation. pp gthatwonldleadtoidm A Dead Infant Found. . Camgm’Apx-il 23. â€"The body of a male mint man found a few days ago in the month of a. creak running into the Grand ï¬ve: on Mr. D. A. Fmdenburgh’s farm in thq township of South Cayuga about six mum from this village. It was wan-- “boom-sebagging and perfecfly cop: vv’ Wed from view. The body muons“ ‘0 Cayuga on Saturday waning, when l coroner’s inquest was held before Dr. Thwpson. The decision was that the chil‘lhatlemmeto itsdeathbysome P5?“ Enfrpersons unknown. No‘markmfl Mr. Gully Made "a I ecldodly Fsvonble Impreuion on the House. London, April 23.â€"In the House of Commons yesterday Speaker Gully made an excellent impression: He hates ï¬ne Was. a stately manner and a. good Voice. He has. however, asgooddealto learn in regard to his new position. as W eVidenced by his tripping up at the Veryzoutset. When Home Semtary A3- gulth moved the second reading of the s‘. We: The election of ofï¬cers resulted as fol- lows: Hon. preSident, Lord Aberdeen; president, Major Cosby; vice-presidents, Ontario, Kerwin 11mm and W. 0. Little, Ottawa; New Brunswick, Geo. W. Jones, St. John; British Columbia, ’1‘. C. S. s‘f‘mdelï¬, Vancouver; Manitoba, H. T. Wilson, Winnipeg. Secretary-treasurer, 3- E Hall; assistant secretary,H. F. Pet- man; auditor, Dyce Saunders. of the Canadian Cricket Association was held list; night at the Walker House, Major Cosby, president, in the chair. Secretary Hall presented his annual re- port, and said there was a. marked im- provement in the game during the year. The hammers report was satisfactory. Under the‘heading of general business, Mr. Kerwin Martin gave it as his opinion that it was a mistake to play matches With foreign teams so late in the year § Annual Meeting or the Canadian Associa- tion Held In Toronto. Toronto, April 23â€"The annqal _meet1ng Tamworth Badly Scorched. Tamworth, 0nt., April 23.â€"Ea.rly Sat uniny morning this village was visited by a disastrous conflagration which started in Murphy’s hotel through a de- tective flue. The flames quickly spread to other adjoining buildings and in a short time the block was completely de- stroyed. The following were burned: John Floyd, jeweler, $1,200, insurance 8700; William Garrett, 8300, no insur- ance; James Aylesworth, $3.500, insur- ance, 81.800; Elias McKim, hotel, $2,000, insurance, 3500; John Murphy, 8700, in- surance $300; Heurv Douglas, loss $800; George S. Finch, $800, no insurance; G. G. Coxall, $4,600, insurance $7,100; Chas. Shields, $7,500, insurance 84,000; town hall, 8800, insurance, 8500; Jacob Monck, 8300, William Clancy. 8800, par- tially wvered by insurance; Douglas House, $4,000, insurance, $1.500: Robert Caswell, loss $1,000; Edward Dawson,‘ 81,200, partially covered : George Kenr ncdy, $00, insurance $350; Amos Friz- zell, $1,200, insured for $400. The once of the Bowmnnv'illo Statesman Completely Destroyed Last Night. Bowmanville, April 23â€"The ofï¬ce of the Canadian Statesman wan completely de- stroyed by ï¬re last night. M. A. James, the proprietor, and his assistant editor. left the ofï¬ce together about 6.30 o’clock and within ten minutes the ï¬re broke out and before the ï¬re brigade began to play on the building that part of the buildin‘ ed as a composing room. busi- 3955321: t titorial ofï¬ce, was a mascot mes. The newspaper and jabbing plant is almost totally destroyed, but the con- tent; or the press room are not very gn‘aily damaged. There were two com- plete newspaper plants in the building Mr. James having purchased the plant of the Sun, published by the late W. R. i Climle. Nothing. whatever, was saved " tom the ofï¬ce and many valuable books, I with all the ï¬les of the Statesman for; over sixteen years were lost. The insur- ‘ ancc was only $3.000, which is equally hold by the Northern and Western. :Thc building beloan to the Simpson Nate and the damage will be covered. ' Mr. James' loss will be very heavy in addition to the inconvenience he will experience. To~day is publishing day a and the matter for this week’s issue was I mostly in type. No one can give any explanation how the ï¬re originated. [ LINDSAY, FRIDAY, APRIL 26.1895. 'J'or Cosby; eiï¬fessed a. wish to retire. was induced to remain for a third Ila} Eauaaiau £11m er. If the English teams would no sooner than that they shoud not nycd. After discussion Secretary was instructed to write to Phila- ia expressing these views. onnection with the proposed. visit English eleven this summer, Seo- Huil said he had received a com- stion from Captain McApino ex- ng adesire to includeï¬'l‘oronto in his sconamsmmnmku 501:8â€. CRICKETERS IN CONCLAVE. in w: « :ANADIAN POST. nourishes. I! does more for weak Babies and Growing Children than any other kind of nourishment. It strengthens Weak Mothers M" re~ stores health to all suï¬erinj' ‘rom Emaciation and Genera! Deoility. For Coughs. Colds. Sore Throat. Bron- chitis, Weak Lungs. Consumption. Blood Diseases and Lowe! Flesh. the bill be m :ed by themed: bill} in the usual dumb shbw way, y using and lifting his hat, the omitted to put the A _questlon For 20 Years thnsOï¬ a: WILSON. Pam-metâ€; WILSON. F. W, “’me HE NEW SPEAKER. EWSPAPER BURN ED OUT. Pu bushers’ Notige. A Rise in Waco; E mulsion SmWLJHIMQQ ADVIRTJS‘N'S B «rm a per line (solid type) nonpariel, ï¬rst ve pent} egch puhpeqnm insertion. mica: in Ice-l o-Jumns. 10¢. per line ï¬rst each aubsm'uentimerdon. . {eased advertisaments. such .3 stayed rs mntod, {arms {or Isle (of six or eight. x {or thrée or {our insert'lom; If msié :es an addition] pmwrtionau charge a maia'tw ï¬amï¬ q; mahimwmhwl mom is This isom st «ailments E 18‘ endorsement pas ‘W Wm“ it gives. Inn: to merchants for bus-inept advertise- ;ear or {or a. shun-er time. Rates made M?†until 7 he was ‘80. The Dudley police say they have received no statement or a case against mymannamedBellAnd living in th neighborhood. No minister named Ball is known there. At Black Heath. - M, in Shflordnhine, there Jonathan 30†Who 13.9103“: London. April Baâ€"Inquiry has been made at Black Heath, Dudley, .10: 5 Rev. John Bell of the Established Chm-ch. He is said to have betrayed and sent to Ammmmuymmo died at: lying-in-hospltal in Detroit two months , .‘ #1,_n Eev.'Wm. PeSse, pastorot the St. Clair Congregational church in tint city, for two months last winter. He left St. Chair for England January 1._ Detroit, April 23.â€"Three of the suspec- ted murderers of Emily Hall, of Birming- ham, Eng, are in jail and the whole de- tective force of Detroit is searching for further evidence. The police have re- vealed the name of their informant. She was in the house at the time Miss Hall arrived from England and her name is Jennie Wilson. She claims to have been present at the time Miss Hall died aftcr the operation. Information from Eng- land is to the effect that there is no Rev. J. Bell in or near Birmingham. A de- spatch from St. Clair,Mich., yesterday an- nounces that Rev. Jonathan Bell, of Eng- land, was a guest of his hrother-in-law. An Ugly Runaway. London, Ont, Apirl 23â€"011 Dundas street east yesterday afternoon the mail collector’s horse, driven by Earley Sig- gins, ran away. Young Siggins’ father seeing his son in peril followed the run- away, and made up with it at Maitland street. At this point the infuriated ani- mal turned suddenly north, and inan instant the rig, boy and horse were all in a jumble. The youth was taken to a surgery for treatment. The Suspected Murderers In Detroit of the English Girl. Thirteen Skeletons, Quebec, April BILâ€"A marble tablet with inscriptions has been placed over the spot where thirteen skeletons of soldiers who fought under General Montgomery, were found on Citadel hill last fall. The soldiers were killed in the assault on Quebec of 3151; Dec., 1775. The tablet was donated by American children living in this city. Birmingham, Ala.,April 23.â€"Rabbi H. M. Bain, of Vicksburg, Miss., 'who is well-known throughout the United States committed suicide in the Florence hotel yesterday by taking morphine. He came here Friday morning from Vicksburg and delivered a sermon at the Temple Emanuel that night. He was an applicant for the position of Rabbi of that congrec gation, but was not given the place, and it is supposed that the rash act was on ac- count of this disappointment. Mrs. Thomas'Littlehales will leave for England two weeks from to-day. and will return about the end of August with her talented daughter. Mr. Bruce Leitch,who has spent the fall and winter at the Littlehales’ homestead, will accompany her. The examinations cover paper work on the various branches of musical theory, harmony, em, and also in performance of music on the instrumentjby the candi- date. The examiners were Dr. Hubert Parry, Dr. Bridge, Dr. Franklin Taylor, Prof. Ernest Pauer, Prof. Villiers Stanford, ; Senor Arbos, Mr. Willy Hess, Mr. W. E. l Whitehouse, Mr. Ege rton and others. . l The wedding of Hon. George Nathaniel Curzon, MR, and Miss Mary Leiter was celebrated at St. John’ sEpiscopal Church. Washington, yesterday, in the presence of a distinguished assemblage of Cabinet oï¬cers, diplomats, governors and bishops. {Mn Curzon was Under Secretary for India lunder the Salisbury Ministry, and is the successor to his father’s title of Lord Scarsdale, while Miss Leiter is a typical l American girl of great wealth. The . bride. in white satin and rare white lace, 3 and carrying a cluster of white orchids, ’ was on the arm of her father. The : bridesmaids, Misses Nanie and Daisy | Leiter, sisters of the bride, wore pink‘ I tulle gowns with large pink mull hats, 1 and carried large bouquets of pink roses. ' The groom's presents to the bridesmaids : were diamond pins. The bridal presents were numerous and exceptionally elegantr that of Mrs. Cleveland beinga large silver' . .loving cup. I Miss Lillian Littlehnles of Hamilton Wins ' High Honors in England. l Hamilton, April mâ€"The annual ex- aminations of the Royal College of Music were held at Kensington, Eng. ., on the ' lst and 2nd inst. Nearly 150 candidates ' were examined, out oï¬which 74 passed. I Miss Lillian Littlehales, of this city, was amongst the successful candidates, re-' ceiving the degree of “Associate of the Royal College of Music.†i Rev. Archibald Famr,'_D. D., canon of Westminster, has been appointed Dean of Canterbury. The Right HomArthur Wellesley Peel, ex-speaker of the British House of Com- mons, has been elevated to the peerage with the title of visccunn. A plot has been discovered to dethrone the King of Corea in favor of his nephew. M. Felix Fauro, President of France, will shortly visit the Queen at Windsor. BRITISH AND FOREIGN. Cholera has broken out at Mecca. The life of the Prince of Wales ls said to be insured for $16,250,000. George W. Rock; Bufl'alo ‘agent of the National and Canadian Express com- panies, is dead. The First National Bank of Williman- tic, Conn. has been closed by the bank examiner and there is consternation 1n the town. The bank had a capital of 8100,- 000 and a surplus of $25 000. Frank J. Mavene was 'drawn ion a circular saw in a mill at Saginaw yester: day and cut to pieces. UNITED STATES. Oil dropped 15 cents a barrel at Pittsburg yesterday. 7 Mrs. 1“ezr'nell’s condition remains un- changed and her mind is still a blank. An infant daughter of Moses $1}.me section man of the G. '1‘. R. at Prairie siding, was accidently burned to death on Saturday. - ELM: S. Pelican ins arrived at Halifax from Bermuda. to ï¬t out for the New- fogndland ï¬shery promotional-vice. The Hamilton; Grimsby and Beamsvm " 0 Electric railway carried 69,000 passengers the? ï¬r_stsix_ xpontpg after it wag opgned. Prominent cattlemen from Eastern Canada are purchasing cattle at Winnipeg tor_sp1pgnent to England. Onlyelghsomokshotahavo Io tar w: oeptod to: the Buoy team, while two have declined. a The Brian! hotel, at Nicola Lake. 3.0.. has been destroyed by ï¬re, with the 10m ' or two livu 5 Mtg. Human. an old madam 01136119- vllle" died in the hospital on Saturday. {The steamer Armenia has begun m- m!†between Beuovme and Bay 0.1x; Donald Had we“ Glam: but a» “fled from the 1m Battalion. WMRW " “13‘6“th WM WW“ W Newlk‘xtundhnd was havc mm a St. John‘s rum Ottawa. THREE OF THEM JAILED- mm m MW» m “to! ... .. . “K‘mx. CLEVER CANADIAN GIRL» A Rabbi Suicides. NEWS UN ENE? FERN Hditax, April Bilâ€"Colin Mala-ac, the newly elected representative for Antigon- 13h, onhismyto Ottav‘n, arrived here last evening. ‘ At the various towns on route here he warmly reoeivqind at 'rruro he waspmemedwithagdmhendod one by the Libenh “Womanâ€. Iatniahuhonbankwmndmd him; reception and dim u the Quail An All: god Shortage. ‘ Windsor, Apr]! 23.â€"There is alleged to be a. deï¬cit in the accounts 01 Claw Malloux, tax-Murat of Tflbnry North. The amount alleged to be missing In nu name wu‘aoo money. Orangeville, April zaâ€"The inquest held here vesterday on the body of the man found on the railway track neu- hero resultoc in the ï¬nding that he was a vag- rant recently released from ~jail here. F‘s name was Joe Rooney andhedlod _.-..m epfleptlc ï¬ts, which he was subject They Rescue Two Young Men from Brown- ing in Hamilton Buy. Hamilton, April 23.â€"Two young men named English and Sevier had a narrow escape from drowning Sunday afternoon. and had it not been to: the prompt action of two young ladies , one at least, would soon have gone under. They were in a sail boat ofl Holy Sepulchre wharf when a squall struck them and both were thrown into the water. Their cries at- tracted the attention of Misses Delorme, who had gone over to the cemetery. They got a row boat and put to the rescue, running a good deal of risk in doing so on account of the high wind and rough water. They managed, however, to take the young men of! and lend them safely. I ACue ofShocklng Brutality Brought to Light in Toronto. Toronto, April 23.â€"Little fourteen- year-old Charlie Glover was admitted to St. Michael’s Hospital about Christmas time, on the order of Dr. Gregg, who attended him on Ontario street. The ladhadbeen clubbed and abused until his right hip bone was actually rotting sway, trom the bruising he had received. The man who enticed him away has been recognized by the detectives as the notorious Peter McDiarmid, who is want- ed for the murder of Jonetable Steadmnn at Moncton two years ago, for which “Buck" Whealen was hanged at Dorches- ter. The country round Toronto is being carefully scoured in search of McDinrmid His adopted father’s sister, Miss Sarah Glover, has arrived here and identiï¬ed him. His father was Capt. Russell, of St. John,N.B. The doctors at the hospital say there is no hope for the boy, who is slowly but. surely sinking Dr. Dwyer, house surgeon, became sus- picious. and, by careful questioning, found out enough so that he oommunlo cated with Mr. Wm. Glover, of Campbell- ton, N.B., whence the lad says he was enticed on June 6th last. His treatment by the man who brought him away has been very brutal. He had been starved and abused, and made to beg to support hispersecutor. _ H __‘ _ _ ‘ 7 An Inmate of a Massachusetts Reforma- tory Worth Millions of Dollars , Boston, April 23.â€"An evening paper ' says: “According to reliable information ’ 5 Frank Howard Poor, formerly of Bayer- . hill, and now an inmate of the Massa- chusetts Reformatory at Concord, is many times a millionaire, having recent- ly bcun left an estate which is worth $15,000,000. Some months ago Poor be- came disheartened and committed the ’ crime of forgery, for which he was sent- enced to the roiormatory for one year. The vast wealth that has come into his , possession comes to him through the will , of Millionaire Howard of Nevada, the 4 young man having been named after that i gentleman. Other parties in Sacramento and Oakland, 031., and Carson City, ‘ Nev., are said to be-bonofltted by the will. Poor is24 years of age and has always been considered a bright young man. His asociations of late years have not been of the best and to that fact is attrib- , uted his downfall. ; Oscar Wilde's Cue. London, April 23.â€"In the Central Crim- inal Court. Old Bailey, yesterday. the recorder advised the jury to return a true bill against Oscar Wilde and Alfred Tay- lo:.. Until the decision of the jury is en- nouneed the date of the trial will not be ï¬xed. He has one sister, Miss Kitty Poor. who is now living at Lynn, this state. His parents are dead. The fortune which has been left him is well invested in gold mines, real estate mortages, eta, yield- ing enormous yearly revenue. Poor will not be released from the reformatory until January, 1896, unless his friends secure a. pardon for him. g The doctor remonstrated, pleaded, beg- ged and ï¬nally the alleged detective agreed .’ to accept $1.000, and this, partly in ' cheques,|notes and cash, was given him '5 and he departed, taking with him the smuggled opiuim Then the doctor. who apparently was much perturbed, told ‘ Teeter that‘the latter would have to stand ' his share of the loss and Teeter. it is laid, gave a note for 8525. Nothing further ' was done until recently, when aman | named Robertson sued Teeter for the I face of that promissory note, and then an ! investigation brought out the fact that the alleged detective who got 81,000 and i all the opium was not a detective, but an - accomplice o! the physician, who was I brought on to swindle Teeter out of all ! part in the crooked transaction. It also ' showed that Robertson is related to the [ physician’sjvife and that the physician‘ i never had an account in the bank on ‘ which he had drawn the cheek. THE OANADIANPOB‘I‘ , My. 03m. 33311313. APE LOO. 159; Buffalo, April nâ€"n is noted that amongst the cases to he tried at the Springanisesin Simcoeisonetoxecom onapxomiuory note made by Henry 3'. Tee , a Waterford. Ont, hotelheeper for themmotm Thenoteis said to he the result or an nnlawtul bargain and therefore invalid. According to last evening’s Times in October, 18%. a well- . known Buflalo physician and his brother went to -Teeter’s hotel and arranged for l the purchase of a large quantity of opium l in Toronto, which Teeter was to bring to Buflalo on November 4th. On that day Teeter, it is alleged reached the Contin- ‘ ental hotel in this .city with the opium and met the doctor and his brother. One, half the opium was at once handed to the doctor and Teeter was to convey the 1161- , anoe to the doctor’s house at eight o’clock that evening, which he did. While sit- ting in the doctor’s ofl‘ice a mnflied up ’ and mysterious looking :stranger forcedl hisjway into the room. “Well, ‘I’ve gotI you, have I?†said he gruï¬y. “I'm a detective, and I’ve shadowed you all the way from Toronto. I knew you were : handling this stufl, and now I want both of you to come with me. †l E i i A NnWluul 8mm “In" ï¬lm." a mum“ Turn- up In a. Iam' of: 8mm Doomâ€"A Pn- m Now 1mm In 0. Out. 7-? MRTEETER’S'I‘ROUBLES SHADOWED FROM TORONTO. 111'. mcmu nonorea. M at Aim MINI“! 0N“ um um». TWO BRAVE GIRLS. CLUBBED THE BOY. PUOR IS RICH. passed wef'e the relievingâ€"that Children' I 3l_)_ay be more generally chainedâ€"that teachcrs‘ meetings be held for player end the study (1 the lesson, and tint oengre getions be urged to make sdtqaete provi- sion for the running expenses oi their §sbbe‘h school- so as to set free the con tributions of the children for missionary work? A mes‘qterisl Sabbath school eon vention was â€ranged to he held at Cun- brsy on Tuesday, the 25th June next. The report on systematic henefloenee, is the absence of Rev. 8. Carrie, was presented by Rev. Mr. Bathm,end adopted. Vault congregations mre duly reported; Rev. M. McKinnon gave an exhaustive oddes- cn the home mission work at the posh,- tu'y, cf which he in 0mm", urging lpeeiel eoneetioms‘M'.mMI in yiew-ot the resent-deï¬cit in the tend. The mile. of Kirkiield mm ered to chenge thesib d theitdntoh. It is gratifying tint s not ehuohisine'ouee at motion there. sndelsoet Benin Fm. lee-re. Bethune and D. Osman“ appointed the W of m’ ten st next “get ï¬ned I- thee.- Inittee cam "and Overtime. ‘lhe nit be It- it. is ill be at to Y» fleet.“ of Presbytery. The Presbytery of Lindsay met at Bea rates, and within Knox church, on Tues- day. April 16 h, ll mm. Rev.hi. McKiuncn, B.A., of Pension Fails, occupied the chair as moderator pro tempt re. The following members were present. namely, Ministers ‘ â€"Messrs. M. McKinnor, P. A. McLeod, D. D. McDonald, and M. N. B:thune; and elders, J. C. Gilchrist, J. Campbei‘, R Morrison, and R. Irwin. The Rev. Dr. Watson. cf St. Andrew’s church, being ‘ present, was invitedto sit and deliberate as acorrespcnding member of thr court. After the usual reading if minutes the clerk presented a draft minute pr- pzred‘ by Rev. J. M. Cameron. convener cf the! wmmittee appointed fer that purpose.reia- tive to the death of the late Alexander Leash. member of this court, at the time i i ofhisdecease, as Chewsâ€""The presby- tery desire to put on record its deep co;- sciousness t f the great loss it has sustained I in the removal to his reward, aftrr a very; brief illness, of one if its members, the late Alexander Leash. of Wick. known in ' the neighborhood for, nearly half a century. His integrity,his probity, and his Excellent; judgment placed him high in public esti- f :nation as a man, and great def rence was always shown to his opinion in all matters. . of general interest in the oommunity.As an ofï¬ce-bearer. holdingfcr 37 years the position cf elder, treasurer, and superin- tendeut cf Sabbath school. and also repre sentative elder in the courts of the church, he was faithful, devoted, exemplary, and withai so modest and retiring that it took .time and intimate acquaintanceship to. i understand his worth. As a chrisfian his P i 4 1 1 1 I l piety was deer, ser p. ‘,ural and experimen- I tai. Having a wonderful familiarity with thewordoiGad, itis no wonder that he I as a prince had power with God in prayer â€"that “be c: mmanded his family and his household after him that they should keep the way 1 f theiLord todo justice and judg- . ment," and that the savor rf his godly i life told upon the whole section ( f country where he was so well known. His excel- i 1 lent partner in life, in every way “a true I yok' fallow," passed away also a few hours after her husband, and amidst the tears and sorrowsofavastgathuingcf friends theywerelaidside by side inthe same ' grave to await the resurrection cf the Just. From this severe double lesson comes to g us allthe solemn warning, “Be ye there- _ fore also ready, icr in such an hour as ye think not the Son ct Man cometh' This minute wcs approved and ordered to be engrossed in the records of the preabytery audacopytobesenttothe family of de- ceased. Rev. D. D. McDonald presented the report on Sabbath schools. There has been a deplorable falling of during the year in the number cf children attending the Sabbath schools, and committing Scripture pauses and the catechism to memory. _Among the recommendatian 18’!“ Euros“! oer ' In a recent tour through Vermont a New†England Homestead correspondent discdvered that the progress and inde- pendénce of her farmers were plainly shown through large districts where every cow had been deprived of her horns.- â€This old cow,†said a large dairyman, “would formerly stand at the watering trough and beat away ev- eryoow that attempted to drink even after she had got all that she could dis- pose of. If driven away. she would re- sume her dog in themanger position. Seldom ,more than one or two would drink at the same time, and the result was peculiarly trying and uncomforta- ble during severe weather and cold storms. Now that the horns have all dropped 03 every cow that is thirsty ï¬nds her place at the trough immediate- ly on coming out of the stable. A dozen will drink at the same time regardless of caste orsocial rank. Andseethis shed-â€"1ive or six cows lying down to- gether as peaceable as sheep. One year ago the shed was hardly large enough for two. †BLEAoLumbyhryGu-h The biennixil convention of the Amer: ican 'Pomological society in California was‘svery sue: cssful afl'nlr. Thesooiety re-eleot‘ei the old 1559; (@9633. £600.0th Seashore gunners hold tht the wild goose can count two, but not three. Ao- oordingly it is cnstomtry in preparing to shoot wild‘ geeee from nblind or some ietaehed ribbon of marsh 10:- three men to row over to the stator: together and for two of them to return to the mntn land. The geese, heme unable to oonnt above two, believe whm they see the two men returning; that no enemy has been left open the marsh and approach the spot without fear. Itis mortal that it two men go out and or: ‘3 one returns the mesa will carefully awid the region 0. . c blind. in! m m H Mm am In it}? on oespm" ‘W “W -¢‘\‘._ 5%; m "Tmmyâ€"i Steamboat, Railroad, Electric and Hill supplies. JAS. SMITH GO, LINDSAY, - ONTARIO. ud- u mu w-h Con-«t. OrrAWA, April ï¬â€"m diurnal: In the I Stop; T022201): a?“ I «soot Mr. G. H. Kent, otthh city. Iwhom rm from Bdght'u discus by! P0121115 In: 81 the no otDJdd'IKIdncy Pm- hu been uoexhendnlyohmldnd. npmhhn‘Mmm Wyn-E been 3 very moot one. The mun“: omOuuno what law... Lind-y. thebodymdemluu handyman! DJHIchC $.81 d:- the tearfulcoavuhlmmdoomooi J M. B. McLAUt quent lnaanslblllty thou-£6133 yum tho . m 214.. Mm». 3mg, formula: 02 mmudersmtboIEgï¬-lï¬wg,;mw‘mw nltotthomud caution-0t: undue-mulling“ â€a“ albumen m .11de this unibh‘ P DIV‘LLH EB disease and It unumnyndnlmbyA cmn Eve. mummy Mmr‘ml :11 who have been approached on the “my“ “MILOOLOOooovcrIn nhjoctthst the can VII “We in". loam In It. chm†1th duo naturally '_'â€"â€"â€"'â€"'"â€"3' mm um beowzlhhmtwcdhulth } dflmvgfs‘gk town shonmfloned umedy. on.†W. M u. mm Unlvnumy 56m: (In Du:- hoe, hands. nose. am. leaving the skin c3eur. whine cad healthy. It: mm: heal- lngmdountlvepom are noose-ad by no other nmody. Ask your dxumls f :- SWAuu's Om. Lyman. Son. 00., Manned. Whom Agents. non-numb“ ‘uloundodhlfllndm wawnma. M no out IRMMWh [nah ‘80. a Can .u skin but“.-. Simply apply “SWAm'S 0mm.“ No Intent! medicine nqulnd. Cum com. omens. Itch. :11 eruption. on the TM VIII. I. m. Thme I: nohck «too-culled cum to: the common ancient known as corn. The We. sums}. and when! kit-g dams have been ransacked for cures. It is 3 “mph mutt-r to remove earns with- out pain. {‘1- I! ycu wm pa to any Crzggist or medlclne dealer and bry a bottle ct Pumun's Painless Corn Emacs- sad 3pm: I: a dine at! the thing I. do". Gsb “Putmm's,†And no ether. hooomlng van m. Swu'xl'a Ona- mseou the Itching 3nd Who‘ll donation, undln most use. runavu the human. Atdngghtgor by mun. fat 50 m Dr. Swan: Son. Philadelphia Lynn. Sons 00.. Mutual. Wholeule A8033!- New Adnrmemen ta. m: m: mm Smaâ€"thtnn; been. Itching sud “bananas“ nlght: mushy m.nnnowedeooontmnem GENERAL AGENTS. muntbotlmotoboxhdolw "Alta-mottlmk m-n’“ at mm-qumnflflmt‘" am me.“ â€many “chimed one who“ appomehdbeen mtmd 5! the no ottyer’l Smpu-nh. m. My] mum sharpen. the (WOW and} Debt ll an dovfl‘u deputy Fiï¬-Mn me. Pbe 6:535: 0083va “Alma-om glybrnthuuhdoml Math. Nilâ€"ï¬lm“ mm'mkhnmmcum mumsmummm mummmmwm mmmmmpummx WILL 6533. YOU “hon nap-A... Jae. sztb a= Co 8383 AND I" Do 1 mum:- 01-351; warm!» um: an 4th 4m. can Damon. M D ‘ur «QMâ€"C mm a. â€3" )um .um â€mad-cs Wm: TEE KENT CASE. 3A8. iï¬ifli'W‘OOT “MITH a. 00.. Toronto. 918132735. 0.11.858. much 3133131333. mm m. Ito. man! I“ WI run. .‘ Zimbay Qfla: W: Black. Ken-5L ’ We “mm on nu! ma. ï¬n! Imam. I gamma-nun...“ mutual. haw-adamant, Iowan nu- «hum. Wodomludou mam-nounâ€. any am not Mn: mm month: megawatt-rumm- I... â€Mint-m. lll M MONEY TO LOAN 5 1'0 6 PER CENT. "Inn's m m m S E 5v It i F anus. 0mm ud y. u. hm modding“ “3 LJ 113. m WM“. 5 a g E E i 5? 2% i HONEY TO LOAN mmm. onionâ€"la Mole. not mad... run. a.. um. Jun. tau-mu. . omrowm. J- 3mm“ m! town: om um anumu-unm. About-m Mo numerous-ammun- I J.‘ Bnnoi, Q. Câ€"l ERRIN'S T01 ’ “0me -1‘ g Perth'- ‘ was â€â€0333me O 1 AP. .DEVLIN. ‘ cmn E'c. Om Al O... 9â€"“ II-A_.. l'l “ï¬lament-routine; "Torn-o! ONEY LENT M w. Sunlgm has It lam cgnn‘ntanb; Tom at an. norm DISCOUNTED 5 008.! JACKSON (Scoot-alto I- .. .A “UPS"?! ‘ â€CEWP‘TL.‘ M R J. a M. B. Mammalian, o m Etc. Wu Block. loam. Lind-mm. Ammonium-1w!“- ammotmume-uuunm Hangman tan-u LVJ wan. 1m. “6., on. Odo-I mun-no Ulnar-d. bind-y. Damiano Balkans-Initiate. W www.m¢.lbd-y. J.‘ WALCâ€"fl 'l 8m. Salami-dc. WWW-y. mnloou. mama. m 0108! DWCE COIPANY. 1TH! LIVERPOOL AND LONDON 3 FIRE Air-D LIFE. IOB'I'GMIII morn. JOHN IN". DONALD I. ANDERSOX. "Ox-m: Ind Iva-Monti Bond-n... hum Born Bro Wooualuhud $50 Imamâ€. Allow- or him- pmu M balm. pl: MXo‘fu.W lag-u“ and“ ot 0mm.» Vow-lug Coneâ€. Mn!» Out-nu In nu o! n can.“ no". a m coma Kant nod clam. Enqu n u Velma Bot-l. Lind-v.8â€: an tau-sun VETERINARY SURGEON. v Own-0 Mom: .59 Onuflol_ Vagina-y A-um ahead wither with“ proflu. lod- uuolhul. Pour-Motmmapoucy bonds Formulas-apply“ g: n!.o-oou.3£§.~ gkouot-aoOouogM é hummer-«mama m 'U'l‘. (CLAUGHLIN McDIABMID, “and Lao “uï¬'iixonsm to? an boxél, m4 may-whom hymn-n â€avâ€"mu Aw... w. mun-mmâ€, m Ian-wood. 038.. Ann u:- m m .. 7' F. O’BOYLE, CLERK 01" m 0' 3's“... «wan-mom. Wi gmaum '3: 32' mg. 'och 19 mum on nonr- :m.°~v-‘:- 5?!!! .110 m. ,..... "W' r m mum of FOR a: mu LILLY"; “m1 WOMAN They mac no. in! vigor; tho walk nod run-don m‘ “Marduk. LILLY! NERVE PILLS vflqug you)â€; > _ m cm? AW WY. FOR maul-1%. gamut MANm‘“““°" M†ummmmummu mu. Shun-Murmanotuwmdm 3†mM- - A AAA .1 G Dom: Dovuuss, man or pAuunI noma- LILLY’S NERVE PILLS ARRON STEERS, (Solicitor-r for TIMBER FOR SALE. OMB -ptonlu?_p¢oqgm to tonne». magnumâ€"u Veterinary Surgeon and Dentist. m ¢ SMART. BABES- FARMS for SALE :3; P. mum: manna, soy- R. J. P. LEMON. Va ternary Surgeons. {no Aco- l,“ A†3!! 40'0â€" va’lfl â€Yin!" "A “no! ERRIN'S TOOTH â€"NEHVE KILLER wa.,...,._...._. .. ........sm.muo H: HOPKIFBLBMQo om, .30 Pen-hrs In; Store. mun- 1‘03 MAN AND woman. goney to Loan. stops Toothache instantly. â€"1oc. ATâ€" 0. i“.‘ name - '1 law ACWWN. Bumtan. Ito. W. F. BROAD. In!" mum. Farms for Rent. xvnnlnto on». H. BFJZIN. Amt (or Lind-y And “and: Co [00“ I 110K303. l'. O. TAYLO‘. n nau- m. an m_ nun. GOOD â€0! '1'. STEWART. TOWN “HERETO“ WIIISIC Ir. J. Parnell Morris, MUSIC- by oh“ JDDBBSS. 01K WOOD P. 0. III- M" b I†w ill m W'";lfl- , Gov-oval AM. In] IWVGEE on“ â€Us: MK. WY PETER BROWN. bug-ï¬bwuhhdâ€"udm A: um ml. the“. Am“: B It In â€"8. um l o. 31min mono-Em; one.“ m. Raul-n†un‘ond door m o! York-L OlloohoumOlolo.301m..l.80tos pm; sad 7 m 8 9.1 â€May, ApgljJQyâ€"“JJ. J 7 I. l 1.5. Age 1! In 2.†p.m. uni “F a 3 a 3 i 3 Ragga Wellington-3L. LINDSA 7. Pun to. when THIRTY m, m the Dominion MW an un Wall-0d Airbrushing. teeth“ In Bunk. runs Moo. Rm Kenton "6'"? lot 0 on. nquind. On our Kw u commas. oak-"bansiouosmno; "06pm. :mm â€1:4â€.qu DB D-GRABSI. PHYSICIAN, BUR» 680K210“ £10-. Wellingtonat um." - â€ply. I. m min: rum. amour: (80.300) twoMum lthlppuodwthonulhm Iona d a man my. when numbnoulluodnou mmw am. No hypodermlcnudhh nut!“ to mun can in in mi. nun: Inmuon 0! Dr. Beam. :4 line he Bruno. M. mm. lthmuhgnmzmdgmgm u_ .v_-uh mfw ' "QR-37.21133" 77-" man..." .......... Amman.“ woes-I. Kuhn-(Inuit alumnae“, hover "may-dz â€In. 4! mod: lor Mr of venous Without. pain or Injury. Batu“! munch: tooth Inn-nod It prion to uh every pm. All the llngrglugo- a! 99mm, ugh -- “IA Mmhn‘ “__‘, n3; gvngows, andmte of £17m . D113. A. TOTTEN, I nnmzs'r. OM M. l. momâ€"m Ll AS BOWES, )3. G 8 1211233031, OCULISI and A URIBI', A UCTIONEER. Residence. Bond-1., LINDSAY. «print-lo: door to aorta-ft 00'. Fr! 0-00. our. mom: McHUGH, A U0 TIONEER. Ohmmcoo'gm,u. cums: Imt‘l'l. Had-y. Inch. 1891-99. R._ 8998091. Bgyslqlgn, gum MONEY TO LOAN $375514» 51. .alecm ‘31»!ch 1853.5: Enactâ€".5 .3- 9.8305 .9323?! sin .53... ill Illa! g .I .6 5 6:8 '0'. H .IIIIII‘ p Illll‘ull. I I?! i MI! 1â€. land. Lou ad III-mo L Winn-“tor mu mun Cl. land fun-yer. m mm '10 wmuopuonu. M FRANK L. SOMERVILLE .0.†km: Ind.- R J EFF EBS, granite“: and Surveyors. B, WEIR, mark at tho Mul- own mu “(3.. Wellington: Had-y Bums.“ Cards. . WHITE. “Illa“. HOUII. .1. l. («an m . CHAMBEBSy OAKWOOD- VI‘K‘N mm, L. n. 3., D E N TI ST : cgyuu. 319.8,, and om amt?! 0-91.. mm» 9 WELLINGTON -ST. moron IO. ‘3. Phyucuu. Den t1: try. um pleas undue-M Mon Dental Surgeon: LINDQA} J. NEELANDS‘ mumum a. 41