an 2N1 :iv bk 1’0 President Fiavelle po’nted out that a arge deputat‘on of lumbermen was heat to visit Ottawa to interview: the rovernment rehtive to their interests nd that the matters referred to in the uetition would be then discussed, with them. Mr. Graham said the members were 0*. swayed by political considerations f any kind, but. considered that it rould be entirely in tha interest of he who‘s Domnidn to maï¬a the duï¬y qnal td that imposed against our mill- m Oneresultwouldbethatmflls mid be started at mt Perm m heathen to supply the North-Wed What. : ‘ _ 77--v Irv--VJ. Moved by Mr. Mchughlin, seconded by Mr. R. Kennedy. that the memorial be executed and forwardedâ€"Carried. The Duty on Lumber and Ties. The next document read was a. peti- tion to the Governor~General-in Council praying that the duty on dress- ed and undressed lumber and railway ties shipped into Canada from the States be mxde equal. to that charged- by the American government on 59mi- lar products shipped from Canada. Fig- Jres were given. showing the rapid growth of the American shipments, to 'he detriment ‘of Ontario mill-owners 1nd those dependent upon the lumber ndustry for a living. The petition set 'orth that the Canadian demand form terse lumber could “be supplied from 1‘ )ntario' but for the Advantage afforded. Smerican dealers in the mm: of a. low luty.and that Canadian railways. heav- ly subsidized by the governments and nunicioalities, import white oak ties, vhile Canadian hemlock is allowed to at for want of a market. President Havensâ€"“I can gee no ob- jection to the ton-d adoyting the mem- orial, as hoth governments have been acting to some extent on the principle of reciprocal duties, which I consider a frieze po‘.icy." Mr. McLaughlinâ€"“Nova Scotia 4:0)! (ours as far as Montreal in small gum- tities. There. may be various interests toconsider, but certainly the reduct'oa of_t.he duty would beneï¬t Ontario." President FlaveJ-leâ€"“It isourduty to consider Ontario interests, and cer- tainly a reciprozal duty would benefit oar manufacturers greatly. Nova Sco- tia coal does not cama- far west owing to cost a? carriage, and the high duty almost prohibits the importation at American soft 001].†MI. Wm. Flavelkâ€"“fs the agitation for a reduction of duty general, or is the Lind51y bond of trade the first :to take action f’ M'r. Massey Bikerâ€""It is general; the Rathbun Co. are asking leading boards to take it up. and the R’chelieu . Ontario Navigation Co. is also in- terested.†_ . Mh'. Grahamâ€"“If there are reasons why the memor'al should not be for- warded now is th: in) to have them amassed}? ‘ been prepared in accordance with a previous reso'ut'o; o' the board. The minutes of last regular and spec- ial meetings were read by the secretary and were duly confirmed. _ ’5‘ Buffet of Finance. From Mr. Gi 8. Hopkins, reiative to rent unpaid by 01d boxrd of trade and offering to accept $25 in szttlcment thereof.â€"Referred to president. vice- president and secretary. ' l The Duty on'SoIt Coal. A memorial to his Excelleney the Sovernor-Gemral-Ln-Council praying that the Canadian duty of 53c pen ton on American soft cod be reduced to 15¢ per ton to correspond with the duty collected by the United States on coil ‘ entering that country from Canada, was next read by tbs secretary, having i H. J'. Lytle, J. H. Rmthemn, qut. Ken- nedy, John Hora. J. Mugwool, A. J. Kerr. H. O’Neill. Jas Graham, G. H. M. Baker,.I. En:s.'J. R. O‘Neili, Thos. Brady, John Carew. A. Prlmsznu. A. D. Mallon and J. C. Harstone. The Improvem‘n z of the River Channel ‘ Again Discussedâ€"A Well Attended and Intel-â€ting Sssslon. A general my tzng o' the. LGdsay board of trade was held. in the council chamber on Thursjay evening. Presi- dent J. D. Flavelle occupied th.1 chair, and among the members and others present were Messrs. R J. McLaughlin. REG'PROOAL DUTIES ON GOAL, LUMBER AND T.ES RECOMMENDED. [133 LleAY, FRIDAY, APRIL 14 18994 No. l and No, 2 sold. in Lindsay by 33. Gregory, drugglst. ' LUMM'". “56.6"â€. m.“ {T onrr‘ru Hora-rum lulu. gll. nze no 0- er,†all Mixtures. pills and (Man: are dmgemus. Price. No. I. 81 box. No. :. 10 degrees stronger." per box. 0. 1 or 3. nailed on receipt of price and m Imam “Imps Thu Coo! Company Wmdoor Out. 089;} 5nd 2 gagd gngrecognmndedgy Ill tilâ€"poiuhh M35195 1:: Calida. Fume" end othon ehould be wise in their genention end con-alt me before they make contact: for meterieleâ€"I em poei- tive I out owe them money on almost everything in my line. [Chancel farm-h ed prompfly. J. P. RYLEY, macadxocmm Winter in dad, and I an dive to the {set tint. building will be brink this spring. Time- u’o good sad the much of prooperity bu but. Logan. The Weekly Post. 8AVE YOUR 8K"! 901'“; use, w A... u.â€" m . The mn'T-a' 31>?an in" 7 enm- Arm-the m (by me opium mom-continued. be m {matron pdnsnd terrlbbitching,and km“: W “red,'ithtchn.mtho bay-kin. mammwxcmmet- , J-.. __A an} '11. 7.77:}; WW 7 - I! Ma“ "' and to s. cm testimonial. I bow 0° Cancun, 0mm Bur. I!!! 9mm Xyi:':atwuonemuofbleodhzlomwhkh extent 1 33mm,“ "Woman. mm:;..1dropo¢. mannednglwmbeyond deoorlpncmandhehdwbekopcmom :sndldmrytmngforhbnudflbe- u- -MA-“A- .n‘ THOUGHT BABY’S EAR Cook's Cotton Root 0013mm Is successfully used monthly' 0.000 Lures .suetenocunl. on: at HY 80830 M TBHDE WOULD one? on I. P. RJLBJL Victoria Planing [Ill Knowing to his own sorrow that so many poor sufferers are being impos- ed upon by unscrupulous quacks, Mr. Graham considers it his duty to give his fellow-men the benefit of bisexperience and assist them to cure by informipg anyone who will write td him m strict confidence whens to be cured. No at- tention can be given to thosa writing out of we «annuity but: any one. who really needs acuro is advised to ad- dreasy Mr. Graham up above ; . Honest Adv lee Free to Men. I110 Post is requested to publish the following: All men who are nervous and debilitated or who are suffering from any of. the various troubles re- ‘sulting from overwork, excess or youthful errors, are aware that _most medical firms advertising to cure these conditions cannot be relied upon. Mr. Graham, a resident of London, 0nt., living at 437 l/2 Richmond-st, was for a long time a sufferer from above troubles and after trying vain many advert sad remedies, electric belts, etc», became almost entlrely discouraged and hopeless. Finally he confided' in an old_ Clergymzm who directed him to' an em- inent and reliable physician, through whose skillful treatment a speedy and perfect cure we; abtained. ’ . It'st be best medicine money can buy for all diseases caused by impure and impoverished blood. You should begin taking toâ€"day. ,- It gives the blood richness and vitality. ï¬tting it to nourish and. strengthen the nerves, muscles and all the great organs of the 190dy_._ It‘ cures all spring humurs and banishes that tried feeling._ In' like manner Hood’s Sarsaparilla expels from the blood impurities that have been deposited during the sea- son when there has been but little perspiration and perhaps constant con- ï¬nement in impure and vitiatedv air. H is a boon to tried mothers, house- keepers. teachers nnd others who spend their tixne indoors? _ April Showers Wash away the filth and waste that have accumulated during the winter. Bob. Independent: Th2 Lindsay board of trade are taking an active. interest in petit?oning the Domin'on govern- ment for a grant to clean, deepen and widen the river in the town. Mayor Walters is of the opin‘on. that the Bob- caygeon lock should be rebuilt and the dams here made tight. There certain- ly is a leakage through the works here and when the parties interested move to have the works here attended to they should move not merely to have them t 3,th but ra .sed at least another foot..'1'h:s would back the water up the Scugog. do no harm and greatly im- prove the navigation. Red llot From the Gun. Was the ball that hit G. B. Stead- man, of Newark, Mich. in the Civil War. It caused horrible Ulcers that no treatment helped ,for 20 years. Then Buckleu's Amiga. Salve cured him. Cures Cuts, Bruises. Burns, Bails, Fel- ons, Corns, Skin Eruptions. Best Pile cure on earth. 25cts. a. box. Cure guaranteed, Sold by A. Higinbotham. l President Flavello expressed his pieasure at the large attendance. and i r-o‘nted out that if the citizens wished to make the board a. power for good they must attend the session regularly. S'noe the board was inauguratedâ€"but possibly not entirely through their effortsâ€"scum! new industries had been secured for the town, and the prospect for others were goad. All members of the general board wen:- in- vited to attend the meetings of the council of the Loud. and he hoped they would do so inlanqmnnhem. We--- The board'Th‘en adjourned. Secretary Soothpranâ€"“We are. wait- ing for a copy of the engineers‘ re- commendations; that may give us we want." M’r. Baker suggested that a plan of the channel from the town wharf to the Parkin mill. showing t1)? measure- ments. widths and improvements pro- jected. would be very usaful†Mrr. Carewâ€"“I haVe been thinking for several years of constructing a whart along the front of my property. but have delayed becausa I was told there was dredging to be done. There will certainly be trouble th‘s summer. as the capacity of my mill has been doubl- ed and will use up 800 or 400 logs per President Elavelle said the council and the board were doing everything possible to secure prompt act‘on. and he was pleased to note that the discus- sions on the subject had been very fully reported in the papers. He did not know how Mr. Cerew would get along th a summer as he has enormous- ly0mg increased the capacity of his mill and would require more room for logs. As to the visit of the Dominion engineers last fall he was surprised that they had not called upon the managers of any of the local industries to get their views as to the accommodation requir- ed. President Flavelle said he regretted that the committee appointed to con- 5'. der Mr Kylie’ s suggestion concerning a. carriage factory was not yet in a :i’mston to report progress Scugos Improvements Mr. Mame}; Baker said he was IIw no that action was about to' be taken rel- ative to the improvement of the river channel, but as it was a. very impor- tant matter he would like to know if anything could be done to expedinte action. “The letter was {yled {or future ret- enema. The adup t' on of the petition was then mo.ed byp Mr. R. Kennedy: seconded by Mr. J. Carew, and the motion carr: ed. unanimously. Prospective Ne ow Industries Secretary Sootheran read :1 letter from Mr. R A. Turner, manufacturers’ agent Toronto. acknowledging the re- ceipt of a. letter relative to n. proposed furniture factory to be established by an English firm. a member of which would visit Lindsay during the sum- To Improve Navigation. tion that raising the duty would in- crease the price of lumber somewhat in the North-West, we know that On- tario is the milch cow for the Dominion and has to furnish most of the money. hence any law that hampers one of our leading industries reduces our ability to pay. I don't ~l)el.ieve in the Ameri- cans being allowed to dump their cheap lumber into the North-West while our mill-men are prohibited from shipping s‘m‘lar grades to the States." on all classes, theowing to thehwer Canadian duty the American mill-men ï¬nd a. profitable market for poor grades m the North- Wat and the Maritime pyjpviiwes. ‘____ _ _ _ _ â€Mrr’. m ‘Kennedyâ€"“We have looked into this question very'cTowly. While there any ht} _som-e_ _foro_e _'m. the ppjgc- MI. Baker explained tint the British Columbia mm; could “sup ly the No'r‘th- Weat market with the ' tter grades cheaper than Ontario deelers-oould, but they have little inferior stuff. The Ontario mill-men, ship their better grades to the United States, but cannot sendrpoor gradeq pwinq to the_32_duty This is Good Advice â€"The residence of Mr. Thos. Shier, of Fenelon, was again the scene of a very interesting and pretty wedding on the evening of the 5th imzt. A goodly number of friends of the young people were gathered to witness the marriage of ‘Mï¬ss Clara Shier to Mr. Thee. Burke, of the township of Ops, son of Mr. Richard Dex-lie. At the time appointed the bridegroom, with his ‘groomsman, took their places in the parlor, and wh lo the weddi march was being played by Mrs. Snowden, the bride, escorted by her father, and tol~ lowed by Miss Darke, as bridesmaid. took their places beside the waiting gentlemen. ‘ In a few moments the oer- emony, conducted by Rev. 1). Snowden. was over, and many and hearty- were the kind wishes expressed for the new- -lyâ€"wedded couple. The bride was beau- ~tiIullydremed1ng,m'th trimmings of white silk, flowers and. bridal veil.1 The bridesmaid was similarly attired. and looked very charming. YA. boun- tiful supper was partaken of; and 3 very pleasant evening was spent. The {presents were varied and useful. The bedtwishes of the wholeeomm 'tyare with the newly-married eon who will reside at short distance from Ifld‘ 1 “I“ v \.),(. have agreed upon the following â€10.1w“. 1116 ICUUULJIU I5 IIULIL kw winter rate of 15 cents to the last summer’s rate of 121-2 cents. Mide land elet’ator, No. 2. which has been closed for repairs for six weeks. is again open. - -â€"A number of brakesmen are being given a. chance these days to get a. little needed experience in prepara- tion for the spring rush of business. â€"The Grand Trunk freight agents rat‘s for carrying 'cratt exceeding a length of 20 feet: Eran Toronto or Hamilton to Mbnford, Pemtang. Midland. Coto- Bracebri . Lindfluy. Halibnrbon, Bat- erboro, afield. Port Dover. Port Rowan, and fintermediate points 81 each; all stations from Huntsville to Trout Creek, 81.59 each.‘ If canvas punts and boats do not exceed 20 feet they will be carried at first-class rates I on all freight trains. . I â€"â€"‘~_' u- Inn-u. â€emu“ tau“ 1' an baushene. and have now been trans- ferred to Penetanguiahene. â€"Supt. Min end other division officials arrived in town on April 6th from Allandnle in their special car, and spent the night at the Benson house. Their visit was in connection with further improVements to be made in the yards here in the nennIuture. â€"-A new locomotive for the 0. 9,. B. hasjust left the locomotive works at Kingston. It is constructed on a new model, and in the first at the kind. to be constructed here. It has eight driv- ing wheels. four on either side. The front end of the boiler rests on a pony truck having only two. instead of four. wheels. The cylinders are odd- lookim admire. one small and the [other large. Steam in first used in the one cylinder. and then passes over into the other. thus helm need twice before exhausted through the smoke-stack. Y. I. A. Hedi-I- A meeting at the Young Men's As- socintion d . Pnnl'e church we. held on Tueedny week at the home 01 Mr. Grace. Russell-st" with u very good at- tendance. The meeting opened with scripture reading end prayer by the president. after which the reports at the various committee: were read end other general bulineu attended to. I‘ve new members were added to the roll. During the last your fourteen mem- bers have been enrolled. which show: thegoodpr reubeingmde bythe mutton. bible clue is to be com- memeprohnhlyintwoweehorso. and to meet at 9.45 Snndey morning; ; The execution will meet next month ‘ etthehonnothlsr.ll~.ï¬. Si-on. Re-i huhments were then served and n pleasant hour spent in games. etc. land eleVator, No. 2. which has been ‘cloeed for repairs for six weeks. is again open. - -â€"A number of brakesmen are being given a. chance these days to get a little needed experience in prepara- tion for the spring rush of business. â€"The Grand Trunk freight agents have agreed upon the following rates for carrying craft exceeding a length of. 20 feet: From Toronto or Hamilton to Mieaford, Pemtang. Midland. Coto- Bracehri . Lindfluy. Halibnrhon, Bat- erboro, aï¬eld. Port Dover, Port Rowan, and intermediate. points 81 each; all stations from Huntsville to â€"Supt. Min end other division officials arrived in town on April 6th from Allandnle in their special car, and spent the night at the Benson house. Their visit was in connectioa with further improVemente to be made in the yards here in the neanfuture. â€"-A new locomotive for the 0. 9,. B. hasjust left the locomotive works at Kingston. It is constructed on a new model, and in the first of the kind. to be constructed here. It has eight driv- ing wheels. four on either side. The front end of the boiler rests on a pony truck having only two, instead of four, wheels. ,The cylinders are odd- Trout Creek. 31.50 each.‘ If canvas.109kinx limits. onesmll and the -â€"A number of brakesmen are being given a. chance these days to get a. little needed experience in prepara- tion for the spring rush of business. Railway Notes â€",The Grand Trunk railway is mak- ing a. reduction in the flour and grain rates from Toronto to Montreal. and from points on the main line of the Midland. The reduction is from the winter rate of 15 cents to the last summer’s rate of 121-2 cents. Mide land elemtor, No. 2. which has been closed for repairs for six weeks. is again open. A Missionary Event. The centenary. or hundreth anni- versary. of the Church Missionary So- ciety is being celebrated this week. Just one hundred years ago, on April 12th. 1799, a society was formed in LondOn, England, in connection with the Church of England to promote more activity by prayer and work the fulfilment of the Master’s command to preach his gospel to every creature. Now, the little seed has become a. great tree, and the So- ciety has more than a. thousand Euro- pean m'Ssionaries, with over 5,000 na- tive teachers, clergy and catechiats. The income last year was about a million and a half dollars. Some seven thou- sand adults were baptized (about 20 every day) besides many children. Meetings will be held in St. Paul’s schoolhouse on Wednesday, next. April 12th. at 4 and 8 p m.. when Mr. R. Mnconachie. of Burnt River. and Rev. 1‘. B Smith. of St. Peter’s church. To- ronto. will tell of semen! the wonderful things that God hath wrought by means of the C. ML S. All interested in missionary work are invited. pâ€"ers. arid â€"a|so ï¬robably a few binds mam-g woven, cm. In addltion w the usual tannery staff. Lindsay’s New Industry. Uxbridge Journal: Mr. Robert Beall has bee). considering sites in Uxbridge and Lindmy for a large tannery and leather mnutactory. and it is reported. that he has decided in favor of Lindsay on an inducement of tax exempt: on 1 for ten years. coupled with the natural adVantage of ch aper i uilding material and tanbark. It will be a matter of sincere regret to this town it the re- port be true, A few gentlemen in town have been doing what they could to encourage Mr. Beall to locate here. The second tnnnery would not compete ‘ with the present one any more than if ‘ located at Lindsay. .We believe it is Bean's intent. on to have a. large waxehouse beside the tannery and to wire 11‘: Madam! business at the one place. This would mean an extra staff of. _clerks_ :1an- The Spring months Are most likely to find your blood impure and lacking in the red corpu- cles which enable it to carry nourish- ment to the nerves and other organs. Therefore you feel weak, tired and listless and are troubled with spring humors. Relief is given by Hood's Sor- aaparilla which purifies. enriches and vitalizestheblood. . Intel! Notes bProminent among our soprano sofoists we mantion the name- of Miss Gertrude Foe. The very excellent ren- dition of the solo “Christ. is All." last Sunday at Queen-st. Methodist church was alike creditable to Mr. J’. Parnell Morris. as trainer, and Mum Fee as soloist. The wedding dojeuner. which follow- ed the ceremony. was giVen by Mr. and Mrs. W. T. C. Boyd at the mi- m of Mr. H. J. Wickham, Avenue It was the man-mt Mr. A. J. Belcher, C. 8.. to ‘ Kate Boyd. daughter of the late Median Boyd. 0! Bobcnygeon. Rev. H. Symon“. M.A.. of St. Luke‘s church, ofliciated. mist- ed by Rav. A; J. Brougham. The bride who was charmingly attired. was at- tended as bridesmaid by Miss Donnell. of Bobcaygeon. Mr. J. H. Burnham, of town. was grgognsman. _ . "TIE.- and Mrs. Belcher will reside in Toronto. Peterboro Review. Wednesday: An interesting wedding ceremony was sol- emnized in St. Stephen’s church. To- ronto, th‘J afternoon, one in which the greatest interest. will be manifested. as the contracting parties are members offpromingpt tamil§ee or this districs. - ‘14 A Mr. A. J. BOIChor sud Kin Kat. Boyd only three boxes. and is now welland strong in every respect. numb Danton: may by ". Window HID.“ ' ‘ Quebec; Apr. lo.â€"Alth‘uu¢h Quebec is called “the Gibnltar “America,“ and well denarm the name, it in by no means impregnabio against the assaults of Kidney Disease: For- tunately the inhabitants have an ally in Dodd's Kidney Pills that succeeds in driving the enemy out, every time it gains anontry. _- v c n ‘1 _£ \vï¬ Some time ago Mr. John Ball, of No. 57 Little Champlain-eh, was attacked by Lumbago. He suffered for two years without getting relief from any of the medicines he used. Then he tried Dodd’s Kidney Pil_l§ and_!.he firs§ A QUEBEC CONTEST Wedding Bells. INTERESTING WEDDING. Being under the mistaken belief that they hue Consumption. mics mtimeo obtain treatment (or the mts. In skilled M for the other. t E E E me haw g5 'ntn E E E Use Dodd'l Wm able". Mhny a. man has been killed by fear. Many a man has fretted himself to death. Many a mu has gone to hir grave, supposedly a. victim of Consumpo tion. whose complaint was neither more not log than 10.769099“- ' been such a elm singi- larity to certain form of Dump-Ia. 3 3 30:9.â€" 3 3.300 93.30 u 338 analogs-Boo 32:03 3:39 Sing 53 605 05d†90! Frequently Deceive the Doctors by their Slmilarjty. â€"Foreman Carpenter Cairns, of this division. and his force of workmen. hue been kept busy all winter repairing stations at Drillia. Midland and Wau- baushene. and have now been trans- femed to Penetanguiahene. -Burnt River Vstation, south of Kin- mount has become a very important shipping point. and a freight shed is tobe erected there. The material went out]: last week. â€"Sir Chas. Rivers-Wilson, president 0'! the Grand Trunk System, will arrive in Canada shortly to make his annual inaction (our over lhs var'ous ï¬nes. A Very Good Showing. The following very satisfactory state- ment was submitted by the church- wardens at St. Paul's vestry meeting On Monday and week: Receiptsls98: Ordinary. $2 .27; special. 81440.19; total $4,636.46. Expenditure. Ordin- ary. 82629.53; special. 81,361.53; total 83,991.06. leaving a balance of 845.40. Contributions to non-parachial objects amounted to $342.90. The [Toning debt has been nearly extinguished and the mortgage reduced by 8200. power. Th'e'y're wonderful E'bï¬fdâ€"jï¬ up the health. Only 25¢ per box. Sol by A. Higinhothun. Working Night and no y. The busiest and mightiest little thing that ever m m is Dr. King's New Lilo Pills. Every pill is a sugar-coda- od globulo of health. that chancel weakness into strength, listlennna- into craggy: bninftag Vinto mental "'1 “ESTER MYLE ‘ main Another D. D- Rev. J. MD. Duncan. 8A.. of Wood- ville. has just been added to the list of Doctors of Divinity. having been honored with this degree at Knox Co!- legvo last nEght. Knox honored herself at the some time. for Mr. Duncan is known to all the younger graduates of Toronto University as one of her but eons during the put ï¬fteen years. lieu-nus- Card I. a Day. South American Rheumatic Cure. for Rheumatbm and Neuralgia. radi- cally cure. in 1 to 3 (kya. Its action upon the system is remarkable and mysterious. It removes at once the cause. and the disease immediately dil- appear; The first dose gmtly bene- ï¬u. 75mm. Sold by A. H‘ginbot- ham and P. Morgan -A basket ball mtch will take place shortly between L.C.I. and. Y. M. C. A. â€"‘l‘he men's meeting on Sand-yuan- noon was well attended: The 29cm- tary took charge and woke from the words. “ Plea for thy \Lile." , n1 Fridey'a tune o the Evening Post them oppeered an item"utnting that Whether poyle. or l‘eterbomhme, had pended through Lindsay on his way east. So our reporter Was informed by a railway man, but the festive sport must have slipped off alter the train left the etation. because Chief Bell re- ccgnized him on Saturday about 2.80 in front of the Veitch house. It was not an ordinary everyday nod-end-pus- on recognit‘on. either. because it so happened that the Chief was extremely anxzoue to meet Dayle owing to the receipt of a card from the po‘Jce of Little Falls, N.Y., offering a. rewurd of g .100 'or his apprehension. and it is are to any that the joywu Very one-aided. Doyle was promptly arrested. and the Chief's summary action attracted the attention of n greet crowd of specta- tore. DYSPEPSIA AND GflNSUMP’IIflN. HE IS "WANTED†AT L'TTLI FALLS. N. V. Railway Notes. nouns uyspepsm Tablets cum Dya. pep-in in theonly ntionnl vmyâ€" by 1min W3: says. The! who the cm y cur-imam Comti - tion um mmlyb Y DI! liver in_th_o_l:ou¢hly hunky tion. 11m. and not Qmsumption. d'a Dyspepsu Tablets euro 1301351 in the OBLY ntionsl my removing the «up. They mi: 99" wk“ 1:! owns tho Conn ten the patient will â€"rooover pet-tact health. strength and vigor. in n tow weeks. for in nine out of every ten usagdflï¬akinq.thodinuuianm. mug-gamed dues». Thus they at. Mme, for a. dim tint dogs not “flint themrami which medicine-m @1103“.th theyukenomodi- can for Dupepm. which they In", The latest. ‘5th uni but ooum A- (A‘I-AA 0‘ One abort puff of the breath'through the Blower. supplied with each bottle of Dr. Aguew’s Catarrlnl Powder. diffuses this powder over the surface . of the nasal pounce. Painless and de- lightful to use. It relieves instantly. and permanently cures Cnturrh. Hay Fever. Colds, Headache. Sore Throat. Tonsilitis and Deï¬nes. Sold by A. I Engnbothun and P. Morgan. The New Steel Bridge Town Commissioner Pilkie visited Longford on April 5th and wooeeded in securing the quantity of stone re- quired for the two courses to be added totha piemo! Lindsay-st. bridge The Hamilton Bridge Co. has notified the council that the delivery 0! the super- structure will be delayed for a few days owing to a car 0! steel huving one astray while en route from the arnegie Works. gt Pitteburg emu-h Believed In 10 to 00 [imam 1w}. 1i: JInï¬chb‘tL'tié bumâ€" {or up; Chicago 8; G-mnd Trunk. E. It. which stated that the Churchill hotel in Al- 'puua. Mich“ where he mpuyilg Wu burned on Friday at midnight, and that he and other guests Ind narrow en- capes and had lost everything. A Lind.’ sun In Duster. A5 wage was received on Sutur- day by T. C. Hatchet; yam his brOIhcr. HE HAD TO FLIT IN A HURRY. .mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmammmmmw @ x .9 ,' e§§§§ PR WILLIAMs’ PINK Plusrmfl ..- _ Image Licenses. at Porter's Bookstore. UneVVll-LIHI'IO I mm "-1.0“ Noother These Pills do no} P“" e and medicine in the WeaKen IiKe other me wines. world has They muKe rieh red blood, offered such build up lhe nerves, and undoubted . . roof of merit. easily hred People cheerfu'; I(What achve and sit-orig. Dr. Williams†Pinkcoloredpillsinglaajcnmrinuylouefmalnm Pink Pins thudonotbatthefnllme“Dr.WilWPinkPilhf0the havedonefor People. ue um Dr. Willinm'. others they will Themaiumpntupinmwithmppermiand Soldbynildeuleuordirectfromthebr.Wininm'MedicineCo. “Int-H". new .0 (A MM - Inn- 1- .3- h..- ln C. an do for you, if ‘ given a fair trial: ggckvine.Ont.usocenuaboxoraixboxecfor$ag Kent-IL. Lind-3y. 14, 1899 BBY 900118 DEPAITIEN’I‘ ‘ um: um Manley. of Lindsay. is via- iting the my†Staunton'o. Stewart- “......Miaa Annie KoCnrty and Miss M. Eau‘hm have returnoi from a. pleas- nnt visa: in Lindny. â€"II Than. Stewart. who with C03. Daron rune-rated the Lindsay board of education at the tensions of the Provincial Trustee.‘ Association in To- ronto. was elected a. member of the executive committee for 1899-1900. â€"Onemeo Mirror: Kins Alberta. Hamlin. at Linthay. is visiting nt the helm of her nnnt. Han T. Henderson. Stum-d....ll:r. Bayard Mulligan. of -â€"M'5s McMillan. of the only hmzv tal. Montreal. arrived last 31011.14. having been hastily summoned by an unfortunate accident that hotel! hm brother Saturdny night. â€"Nr. J. COIN“, B.A., of the Linda} Collegiate staff. was elected Vicv-pr ident of the Clauicnl section of :‘zw Ontario Educational Associntion vii ih -Mr. J. L. Allin. who has been .4: Gravenhnrst Sanitorinm lot the pic six weeks, writes It. Howard Port-2* that ho insteadily minim his hmfth. and says that judicious food and pm" x- 0! ï¬sh air are i ' nts which h My into tho WI. «155)th in that intitntion to overconm dxsm w Mr. Anon" many lrinnds in townnnw. â€"Pc1erl;om Examiner, Thursday: Mics Ell: 'Lwamley. of Lindsay. is via- iting the muse: Saunton'a. Shaw-an- “......Mha Annie McCu'ty and Miss M. Hall‘lnn have returnoi from a plea;- ant visit in Liuduy. â€"Port Hope Guide. Friday: Mr. Wm. Quinn, the gentleman in charge of the Telephone Central home. has brought his family to town. They are domiciled in the Luge brick houson the east side or ï¬ngernail-It. â€"Mutcrs H1117 and George ers. of Peterboro, m at Mr. R. B. - on, superintendent of the hunt Valley Canal. have been visiting their young friend. Master Clam Sootheran {or a few «in. ‘ w ilk-nu .- WV ('1'. . â€"Mr. J. G. Bloom, 0! (oboconk. was â€".llr. J. G. Moore. otCobosonk. w.“ m town Saturday. . _ . i in town on Saturday. . â€"m. Duncan Molding, \\ oodvule, I -m, w, n_ Moore. of 0mm. a“. in Mï¬ï¬tnrdly. ed on Lind-y Irina on Shut-day: â€"Mr. T. Bowen. cattle dander, of Oak- â€"3‘?- W- 3- V8009 has returned from w: u! m in ‘ 1 Suturday. Wm Easter holidays at Millbrook. I â€"Mr. Gillie-.teachorat Hindemwho â€"Mz;. S Hill, of Bow,mnvilie the [had been spending his nation with f 12:43; OWL is in w“) [or [frauds In town. went north Saturday. â€"Mr H. Beg: formerly compos tor ! -Express Homer Mollish. nowon at the Warder office, left [or Toron- on the Toronto North Bay run. posed to on Monday through our Snturdny to Hnliburton to 81-21:“ fL. TAmhambault left last W San with : - o y or oronto, where she will _u. mt: “2.9:â€? . . minis infature. 32 inche- wide, a spam A mm '2 ind an extra. he", culled Finneletce at :- mhwmm...‘ Ime- we want 1 mthanyothenoflered 1t 6 to : oerm â€106803th .43ho 5:: than. I Var-lug. tub being done 11: Pnnts 9" this store i: the most mpuant; the stock. we bug- on the m {trouble terms * ninth:- . . Personals The besf Tonicoâ€"o- the bed 1, of a†5"""g medicines. for "fr' I'Y man, woman or child 15 A72, Soï¬e 'SeoPle have Pimples, 1:} a "ï¬le ¢c3ema,or irritation -" of The skin; others {tel easily fir“! and have a [Door appetite. : A Eli; is needed. 7 In the s ringï¬me the blood needs a fen {on . Th "The Chang e of the year Pro- if: ducts In every one, wheth ther :7} ,_1 cmsclous of If or (124-, some yr; healing of The blood . £1 1.. ll SPRING MEDICINE. 00m extn Envy, ï¬ne smoot h " .iltgenuinebugdn at 5 CENTS A :5 Boar: -lln. Gross has gone to Torunzn to spend a. few dun. â€".Ilr. J. G. Moore. of Cobozonk. wm i in town on Saturday. . â€"ll"js T. McDomld returned 10 mntoon Monday tomnmehor st in at Loretta Abbey. utter apendin week's pleasant holidnys st horn». â€"Pro(. Fwd Sunk. Ion-onto (in;- nrsity. returnod to the city last Munâ€" day. after m : week’s holidays gt hone. -â€"'l'he muses Sylvester left Manda for the city. Mala Aida will take u her studies at Loretta Abbey this tern â€"M‘Tas Rankin returned to Mattuwa. last Monday,“ a week's pleasant visit with CoL and Mrs. Deacon. â€"Mr. John McDonald proprietor of the Brock house Sundorhud. was in town hat Monday on business. " â€"Mr. W. H. Moore. of 0mm. callâ€" ed on Lind-y Irina on Shut-day: â€"llr. W. H. Vance has returned from W“! Easter holidays at Millbrook. â€"Mr. 8.. Best. formerly compositor at the_Warder office. left [or Toron- WI] U