rad at els. 031’. 1 sum new: I mm um 33: ma non . Irma. "wyCornssveJ’ Pumaâ€"5H: Ill mama-tho winking!!!“ 026 um M } 1N,PIANO, PIANO TUNING. |§E ï¬ï¬1§70ot 51851;â€.- mamasotanaizesand be seen on application. Cmmnx Goods. li'rucnv bu jut received 0 lane '3 0! Cunning Goods. Cull and Inspect. 'mom opposite the non-on home. M. n. hum-5+2. V. -â€"-vâ€" - V “ms for the Beaver Line of ships plying between Montreal and Liverpool. Cheap rates of passage; M 1%?t133‘u‘799333r BYTE. Toronto and lo“ for tho: on! an. wool. .39. a. Ryouon og Torppao gm b0_ u m ~I huh-o on Untold". Mi} Gitâ€"h; ï¬lo? 063'- â€, ban. on Ind mâ€"u-a. ‘ .11.}: am man: In than“! “M 3"“. Indiana on not Inn for tho flaw. nonmod Moduli. Mood". ‘lg. Thom cam of OM II II prong: E 5112 lEanahiau fast; "maraa'oma; 51375.? urea- uotgo‘mud WI.- †u u. ‘DP-C. L Connor 0! Toronto was In town to: Mal due this week. ‘l‘ Ind Mrs. Toner of Newcastle upon: the "h mm with friends. ‘hm Jackson spent the Queen's birth- â€"hh Bowman friends. ‘h mm o: the collegiate mama pun-ed hm" Toronto with Mendo- ‘m-Cow of Toronto ha been the guess of 53.1mm.“ for Iowa don put. “'o PM Wow no Mr. A. Grout o: Tor- .“qu Wm home (or the hands". 41m Comm new ad Mr. Fred. c. m" nu. ma u Suva-ton. Inï¬ll Bruce. ‘I’J- 3- an zoom book-keeper o: b"ht-1mm. or. Eo.'o°mm. mu: the am with UV. If: Roma]. 3525- H. Gm: ha been oflorod god but mums SUPPUES: msflgs, KALSQMINE, COLORS . - AND OILS, - - DRYERS and VARNISHES. and Shards 154.11 Kinds of Wee†Wire, Largest Stock at I!“ “We Shier or Sundorlnd was in town mo H110 Mill Saw, punt [It IIL'IIT QT ~Dr-Wooaotmrkno1d 1m in town rm W 88nd at I ' Peterboro’ a spï¬imwmm fl 5152.35fle'521ï¬5,‘ 3"} W Business College nun-m A000 “mm W "T 'Tâ€"OI'OIâ€" â€"_|5.7'l§irnt7 Sin, 7 7' EM" in town with NI mu. It. K 8- Pena HE‘S! .8- 39!!!" 96.4,!!- W UhDSAY, FRIDAY. MAY 29, 1891. Wï¬state, Insurance Maï¬aâ€"a 'nT-‘m‘ " iï¬'ï¬a‘aï¬ifl; inmmé’momguunn mu bull- ï¬gdmpommgnum. m a; g... LOWEST PRICES. LOCKS, TOWN AND COUNTY. KNo WLSON BROS. 'soum SIDE or KENT-87. EWLSON BROS. _TARRED and PLAIN PAPER. GLASS and PUTTY, KS. KNOBS and HINGES. 7, mâ€"fl- M 21816: .j'voom. MUSIC and Eta-bore Business 70011055 wmmn snout. Impala Crenm'Tu-ter Bekinz Powder ii mire mdreliebie. itiemnde otbeetmetnlCreun gimnd English Soda. All grocers unit.â€" â€"The sum of 818-nrinciaelly in onesâ€"loot Monday morning on Kent-33.. between [Andrey endWimem-ete. The ï¬nder will be suitably regarded on returning it to THE Pos'r printing â€"The boiler for Ca t. Crandell’s new steamer 2%“... mu 32m uwmï¬w “5:" . e on e wmbetheonetormeriy in use on the old str. " Commodore." â€"See posters for particulars of the St: John’s Sabbath school (Dunstord) excursion and picnic to Crowle s island on Saturday. June 13th. by str. Alice- el and barge. To leave many at 7.30 3.111. sharp. â€"'l‘he collegiate institute base hall club suc- ceeded in carrying oi! ï¬rst prize in the tourne- ment held at Cannin Queen's birthday. and their treasury exhi ts a 815 bulge in conce- quenoe. Success to the hon. . - . -â€",,,_ b .131.“ weelglyhopen-eir â€agrarian given :7 e bend ev . pronoun or musical excellence go rendered. â€"TheC.L.A.ot Lindsey intend to hove en exonrnion to Port Perry on Thur-day, June 11. This should be vexy attractive and popular. â€"Bnokinghun's Dye to: the whiskers in the beat; handleat. surest. surest. cleanest. most economical and satisfactory dye ever invented. It is the gentlemen’s favorite. Theme! Hell'sHeirRenewerpromotee the growth of the heir. end restores its netunl oolorendpeenty. trees the scalp 0! dnndmfl. â€"We direct attention to the edvt. ot Horn a: Sens. Mex-loose woollen mills. in other oolumne. The ï¬rm hove 3 solid reputation for the excel- lent qusllty of their mnuteotuee end for hon- est deelina. They ere in e position to give set. lsfeotory hernias to customers. benedicu' A very mama: evening wee event, ndmeny were shown-n: wiehee voicedtorthe tntuxe happineu of the young couple. â€"Hnnmnnn Radclifle of Totonto. who oili- oieteci st the execution of Knne. the wire mur- derer. nt Belleviile on Thursday morning lest. stooped over in Linden: the some evening wetting for s height to convey him heck to the city. In conversation he ssid he considered his last job e euoceeetni hit or work; end incident- sli: mentioned that he looked torwsrd to Inst- ouï¬ls surneoee tor Luceqne. the Sherbrooke d murderer, with keen alienation. â€"Leet Saturdsy's inst-hot wee s lute one in t of nttendnnoo of sellers. but the towns- people were not so numetous nnd in eonee- quenoe much or the groduce hed to be token to the stores. The tron 1e lies in the (not thst citi- zene have not yet mode it e rule to sttend reto- thev do so the ins:- Xsrly on market do": until “EVER†MW M‘Shwd â€a.“ â€a: o n 's ex II o oen of one o_t {heï¬ne‘e‘tLuricultum districts in On- .L- _“-I- -h-Ohn 99ml- 0! one In Ina lulu-- a... .y-..â€"_ _._.-- rule. It not. with the people whotï¬'otâ€"triio man be command or not. 3nd mo sooner the! romaine the mung boycot- (or the town. , 4-.--.. AL“- tenor, And all iipuluw45-l. onâ€"Mr. W.B. Foemnhero: m nobmnnoe WW eon-wed by ï¬re in the out wad. Mr. Mo Aux-shad 00m There wm95wrdsotwood1nJ‘eo's woodpuo. â€"Tburedey oveolnc lent shout twen 4m members or the Catholic mom non vetted upon 11:. John O'Rlelly. an esteemed fellow-member. nthleholne in the out wad, end presented bun with n hendeome wicker chair. easel end dressing-cm. in recognition of hnhemg tlyjolnedthernnkeotthe ,,_ _u_---_. ‘--_l-- â€"-- gagâ€"e .Wâ€" -â€" vâ€"-___,, «Mondey night ehont twelve o’clock three nuns men from Menvere. who heddri ven into n the morning to ettend one of the excur- eicne. cterted for home. When opnoeite Mr. M. Deene’e reddenoe on Mn deer-ct. the electric lichu were exti ehed. end in the derhneee tho hnm mindII with e stone heep. n the hone "hm?! end mm in. one whom hed hle eho n1 er hedly injured end weeother- wise eev Alentern wee procured from Mr. Jo n mitohineon end rennin were nude eniiiciens to enehie the ant to proceed- The hone weehed 17 on: hr ern etonee. -At nn early hour Beturdey morning lent. the humonn.w. qr. 19.3mm. ownedhy an. Hennnh Treory, «mien-oer. iue. end on which Mr. A ox. Burke in tho tend-n2 ceu hi. on in eamc unexplein nedmennei' the {in so index-eMu not iire to the herneend ont- build on the edJoiningtex-m. owned by Mr. I! and rented . J â€"Vietorie county council will meet on Tue- dny. June 9th. -See McPrnnm‘s All-Wool Double-Fold Dreee Geode ct leeâ€"50. â€"Reguler monthly meeting of the bond of education Tuesday evening. â€"'1‘he G.T.R. in rebuilding and extending their dock at the lower lending. â€"An interesting letter tram "Benet" crowd- ed ont. Will appear next week. â€"New endAJ. second-hand Bicycles ot Joe. Riggs. Prices reasonable. collation-49. Iv new» m-vvv v.- wu the: 1: wuet Impoieï¬leio ieve en . goals the wane! hot-nee. levers! heed mule. undenumberot sheep. hedto be let: no their fete. 'l‘hehlou 1e 3 lovers “:1: gain end tune I 31M! 0 neighbour-,w a sure «mom: It m e ““9de 7â€" -_ nu..- ._..-. Duh-Iain- vvu .- Vvuwâ€" ._- _V_ waf‘tï¬lvi' wu Appoglï¬l’d'tb I“ _ ,__-_-I I.“ “Kuwunn W110 m 07.0“ nv .- _ 7-..-.-v, manor. Some and 1m lament. W to Mr. Lang who Intel premoved non ha Emily. â€a intended com back My 1 the mu 0! his goods, also went up In mks. â€"Mr. John autumn "M“ on the ma coo. otEm .mot with av mun may us. noun a u: nan-u! aroun- aumuwom . s com- !oon! a sad built mum-undue nun-l hum sure: Granny. Thedentlst who advertises geld. gauze either don’thowwhatmmleorebehelehumbnc- lnghlepem MnNeelende wmmmw in the hands otthemeyor to: distribution amongthepeoruthlo dentist will We: a rubber plum with cold gauze alone end i: the rubbe: in connect with root at the mouth. . Neelende uses the bee: and purest rubber, consequently his Mean 9:“ â€mm 3 mus-am gamma“:- um gauze ve e pletee. When deelre it he llnee hle note of teemwtheither unmlnnm or gold (OILâ€"552. Wane-sham: Omwhao body nrrlvodon mmmm We, took place onSundunMnoonntzaoo'docktost. unnumwhere the munitions for the wateredted.ud tromthenoo to mac: co. “ï¬lings 60.85%; 33. a? 354mm. Eï¬maï¬a maï¬aâ€"3w"! on“: 062 gun-oh a. hon-Hun 5 505 E Mdmnmurm, Thur-in: 3mm- Mainlammnd- "nun. Returning. lam M st 7m. Wmmmwmmmnow- 108081. Finnâ€; ohm.m-pdo-55-L reedsensnl mkmï¬ A291! to â€"Cen end eee MCPEADEN'S unborn-50. â€"'rown council meeting next Monday em~ ~mmm nmmmmnm‘u 0|!qu 00-50%wa Thelma-dot WWW.“ at Mr: mama'sâ€"m 51%me u ManAnlx'sâ€"eo. LIESâ€"553.736 8:. Push church(W. A.) will hold 3 sale 0: aux-ans sud pianos-cs on Tuesday next. 2nd Juneau school room. Doors om Romans.“ trom7mt09m. â€"Wc nudes-sand Rev. Dr. Williams. the mod pastor of thoOsxn st. Msthcdlst church. hm rcceivedsu In! on to tskc the saturate of the Mount Force: church. sud thus a nu muted the cull subject to the sauna- in! committee. Dr. Williams will. home. spend ss loan than us possible of the summer hulk!" st Samp- Pclnt. Bv his mum _ __‘ “A‘s Isl-nu- damn-m. gait-icy u 6::ay'Pciit. 8mg] canonical 1: 5nd cum 'ï¬'ï¬m: hu won gin! uni cuccrn of the community .- won a 0 his contention. sud his «cum will b. “1M matted. no district mum clued on record their high sputum-tic: or Dr. William's Ionic. in I racinuon prim-d iii pcctlicr com». A ..4AL _nn“ Ill WU www- 'Vâ€"vâ€" â€"' _-_v, ,,_ was s stood opportunity for a. toe: cue. no accordingly released his 0 on: end summon- ed him to oopeor octor P. omen-y Tue-63y for maul: end inter! with o town onion! in the performance of h duty. Mr. 01‘s? impaled one of shoe 82.50 costs. with on - oco wunlgf the: my future case 0! a dinner neturo we 4 be severely dealt with. Charon Noun. -Scrvlceo 1n the Queen-cc. Methodist church next Sunday conducted by the pastor. Subject. "The old. flu: not! the old volley." 5W“ mun-en'- uvâ€" â€"â€"â€"'_. _--__-,_ vicinity. While engaged at the work he wee eoooeted by Mr. Edde Strum. who lives near by. uni whowu then inthe peaceful ooonpetion of cerdening. t new that a. portion of the drain rune through Sunnton'a demanqend thehotblood or his reoe boiled within him on he contempt-ted Hr. O'Neill! exam to irritate hie property muted, end godly it egrged 3nd overflowed. Oeeein hi- A_.__ 3-; u- con-“unn- w- hall nun“; â€"â€" _ v -vï¬ hbo: on the onion bed Mr. summon willed over to Mr. O'Neill and hit him land. The and- don blow «used the later to Inner. but be m on the point of placing another obetruotlon In the mckyhen ho gothgnaht himself man}: ,7A-_A__ ... A- - .‘n. A... ewâ€"â€"â€"_ '__._--‘ â€"'rhe Lind-e1 dim-lo: ef the Method!“ church held in “one! meeting In the Cun- Mdce-n. chunk. Linden. on the Nth eel am. Rev. W. Johnson. ohemnen of the Met In the chair. The meeting opened with the and devotion! extreme. an the minister!“ nem- bere of the diaries were recent. After the nu wee celled. on helm. v. n. Tm wee mama namemwho minted liege-JV†â€"Lu: evening (Thanh!) a tech! we held in the eunuch army hen-Ion. which was largely amended. Amusing! program floilowed the retreehmente. -We nndetetend the: the Btu-ion will oom- menoe double tripe on Fridny. June 5m. 80 hr busine- hu been very "8h: ow- thew instotheeoldwee . AdammdB-tetoldr in the matter. With a. little efl'ort 5 team can he formed at much be:- m- material than were the old-time champions. Sound the cousin, cell 3 meeting at Won'- otoitizenehnown to be interested. end Lind- eey'e_repntetien u e bell-mains people in ne- nose a cane between the "b " 0: Toronto. sad the "Athletes" 0! v. Con-lam an: have pnoflsed but um are: m- canon latter made a ma tgood showing. butthovultoraworetoo heavy or them. The mostoodwwnhmvorottho'l‘mm m ....m .m _ no anew-m- Tompefromthemotbndnel "Id â€10 mummzotmmmaammm mumgthdrweok-dnymmn objeotwnb morohantanndothmmhlt. and 1: vs: ecu-led out withlunhdchtmodi wfllthltthe â€when I. donated amt. lamenumberotdummk “mt-co 01010 chesprailwutuutom u m the ct Ind witness the noes It Wood Pfl'k- Y othmdeoldodhhvorot Paternal-0.: not the Governor-Geneal’am Gard: In the in the content: than the nth-action. Thug. whometerred 3 day upon mentorâ€"ma m were manyâ€"m their M6" him-add! . Thoma-«1mm momma um IN! '10 M m udsWth. go. mum mwmmmommw Vidal. Wimundertheamou otthelnsututohsvo of the niche“ M gator-ad Invebeen snowman-rhea 3.7.1". Wlim Alum nudism welcomed Rev-135M011!- mummmmy hall last Tuesday evening, tollmtathelocture «HEW "10 maumw*1‘h¢moflmm er'uloqunoannd power ontha mended bathlgh mew-m Ingram _I!r.KnIn huwanduu umudwmï¬mmvhgmm mmummuw “MMUMMWW- Madmen. A. W!- Rammed-st mmmnm Bron hymns-o at Mew-so. m mum roar; ‘ Y.I.O.A.m â€"'.l'ho bible dun ll being held wanna: â€and.“ mâ€"u-tt. attr'fla-W 1333' â€"â€"'6€ï¬md and no: :- oonndltomnnot meal as. the roan 5:23: ï¬â€™ï¬e‘ï¬mnm {or uhé notional Mr. water. mauled by m. Robe: Thorn wu udtfletorndnlnhol-mnm launder on“ “locomlam mamstflrmaém 9.5% or or I vs Ruben choc-o lot 17. the due- ibaon. P. and conï¬rm- d not In MW‘ wWeIle G were 3“: 0" for Incl-men! on . Mod-mus van-mun waned can. Inn-u: , then WWI!“ __._. Brown moor “m a I . . and Robot: A 3nd court urn-macaw, nu. Wummmmuww. You uvolnthomhouMJMmotM You no momma manna-am you unkem- upped- were considered and disposed of:â€" mammamwmw dflnduoodtloo;1‘.8. William-mutual totWHlJnmsch autumnal“ and J. entry, was unused for manhood mire-coon o: n coma. “mumammuvou; Mr-_MVIIMIIJM ownetothlm _ _ â€" , 7A _-_ ___-A 1--“A-h‘nn u onccomum Oumoflmtmmwmm theoonndlohsmbmunoomotnvmfll the member- bdns mt- Th9 â€mm WWW“ gummwm mwm mm“, _ _'uâ€" _,_,, mm m. mane-trace- M n '1“ MoOoxxm's Mutant-53. (Arum) mmemmflfl m0! m1) mudmm At the Benton Home. Tr: lt- RSOmo mm It with s "m" In ih-sl-S mu N W .W down. 8‘ MCPEADIN'Bcâ€"m Mtv 21. Ema-51. We begin Beys’ Hobby sinner Snlts at 81.00; better sum at 81.25 and $1.50. Special Tweed Suits at 315. Special Pine Wanted Suits, 818 to 820. HILLINERY for the Thousand, at every price. A Magniï¬cent Stock to Choose from HOUSE FURNISHINGS. Note the Bargains we are Oï¬â€˜ering our Customers. This Week we want to Sell an Extra 200 Dresses. Why Do We Want You to Trade With Us? Let Us R6430†Togetéer. 031ԠFRIDAY, HAY 29, 1891. This is a big lot, but we have the Goods and we have the Prices to tempt. FRENCH OASEMERES--Extra Hes . 46 inches wide. black and colored. at 55c . g‘dinaryt £rice. 750. All-Wool SEE ES. double width. 300.. usual ce 45c. USTRES. colored. double width. 200.. regular price. 35c. P SuSo., 90. and 10o.. ted on cloths equal in weight to any 12%0. Print. Just arriving Cases of 8A IEENS to be sold at 12% . worth fully 25 per cent. more. LINEN GOODSâ€"such as Towels. Table Linens. Napkins. Eton direct from the Makers. Towels at 25c. and 300. per pair. equal to 350. and 40c. Goods. Table Linen at 35c. 40c. and 50o. yard. never equalled for quality. Napkins at 750. per doz.-. real good.Take vantageoftheseBargains. - - CABPB'I‘S. OIL CLOTIIS, CURTAINS, Etaâ€"Union Carpets, 350., upwards. Tapestry Carpets, 2513.; better quality, 851:. and 40c. Oil Cloths, 20c., 30c., 45c. and upwards Curtains begin at 50¢. per pair. All these Goods direct from the makers. 3mm we know that. buying our Goodsdireot h'omthenennfsetflrers, the ble forthem people who oometo us get their Goods as near ï¬rst cost as itis to be Bought. OURBUSINESS is to make your Outlay as smell“.i possible and to give you Reliable Goods. OUR m is toyo serve each ydaythe Greatest Number 01’ Customu-s, thereby Reducing our Daily Expenses ALWAYS IN THE W for_ Good_ _Thlngs-we get they. gnd_ we try honestly to let the Public know that via have the â€"Right Goods st Right Prices: Eiiiiâ€˜ï¬ 3%? gig £539“ â€33 giggigg mag??? ii§§a§ia DUI/0.48 FLAVELLE BHUTHERS. DUNDAS 81FLAYELLE BROS. allude and to Order. Bands; 4: Havana 8m. macadsmummmuprmthatmmtw mm lady. alumnae] bushes; m mmwuymnm “RID/CULUUSLY [DIV-PRICED? â€" W mystodcof â€" 4. Millinery and Trimming Effects, 5. Is thwrdict of every ladyoiaitor after em. M.MM R. D. Tbexton. In; 0831-1911. an IISS O’BRIEN, ‘M M‘.‘