guanoâ€"4633:: I â€vs-235.8. #r' T unmu'gal Tapioca-Bil 19.33333}! ~ difl’erenees Sir John may long be ~- tothe country. It adds: “Without tctully sick Sir John avoids attend- Ihasltziugs oi the house. During last . « the pulsations oi the heart ceased for 'v moments and he came near having a .l M. which frightened him consider- . Hshas warned his friends that he -' -' indie suddenly. He is at present settling his private afl‘airs.†m TARTE accusarroxs. It Tarts and his supporters appear to Marlene for the tray. The power “bring the investigation now rests, ‘ - .with the chief person accused. ' '1 the production of the documents ‘ Ihepublie works department, very done in the way of preparing mommy, as it is impossible to tell ‘ links in the chain will be established Mental? evidence and what con- must be made by oral testimony. Ilah.__l . ,lawn ITAIIS. SALEJ *RONTO. rILLML'N I ‘ Flhg Wild 0 2r harvest. g. t i r' ‘wm LIL.â€" IS IT? BOILER PURGER prvz‘ue: nthesyxtlm. 1:53.. “In†LARD O Engine ', for $3: apestï¬ m 801 E must be made by oral testimony. “lemme today Mr. Edgar complained the documents ordered Friday were mfortheoming, and asked that they N1! produced. Sir Hector Langevin that the order did not reach his cat until Saturday, which means look it twenty-four hours to be a few hundred yards, and he further that the search required “a?! laborious one. He assured the that every eflort was being made to them-1y production of all the docu- baeringgpon th_e__oharges._ In__the 4â€"- I.,, it PLOW. ONT. mans ILL m ABSENT. 0!!!!“ to illness the two leaders, Sh- W would and Mr. Lander, were Mm the house last week. Monday Wm†resumed attendance. The 11-11 _.I--L mam THE CAPITAL. m'el‘o concilieted others would grammetun enquiry. “a" stronble over the McGroevy h d givenrleetoeneeeenlttromnn- â€Motion. The monument to the Mn“ nubile works, known es the block. bee been a. vet: costly NM . and immense enme hove way into the pockete ot the HIM,†in the shape of extras. Mr. "-111 voeeeto look into this matter. N “who upon full detoile of the Do!- “the. contnctore being laid beta-e “meth’ with the account of all language mane-um sad ifï¬ï¬anahiau 13051.; name Mr. Tine will mm himself of “method of obtaining information. ‘Mm to ask on the floor of parlia- I‘ What sums of money have been paid ‘lLukln, Connolly Co. on account uf‘mflmz dock at Esqulxnnlt: from 1884 39. Inclngige, _nnd it the harbor wâ€"v ,7 been! his iron will. which declines to object to who: is regarded by some no indication of temporary bodily week- : an: by others as a much more serious I. The conservative members confess I feeling of _reliet at the prepier’e Ayet’s Sarsanarilla, m J. c. Ayer 00., Lowell, Mass. m .1: dz bottles. 85- Wortissam WAY. my 29, m1. mm, which, they say. is much he:- zhnthey hed been led to expect. Be- flquestion there has been a decided mwhxeh the presence of Sir John in â€me has alone been able to allay... .. 3mg hopes ghag hotwlthegandlhg â€me â€m fvbecam-gm e digesï¬ml 1833 un on. ;’§â€Â§?1§t the sense of smell and â€gt-emwasbadly d.eranged fwas , when a. (ï¬end urged W Ayet’s Samparills, and re- †to £330 â€persons whom it had cured , “Inâ€"x Afmr taking half a dnzen fg‘mh. Alter gun halt a. dozen W99 of this medium, am convinced name only cutaway of man this Wakease is throng: the 00d." 43,8195 H. Maloney, 3 River at..- 50‘ View â€" ‘‘‘‘ ." o ' ' ' ' ‘7 I med mans \‘rcnedles, :3 ï¬ï¬‚emeq b a numbed p d235, but recex no beneï¬t I go take 4yer’s 53:38pm; A “nannies of thxs mediczqe cured me of. “Y troublesome 00111th and com- “1?me restored my health."â€"JesaeM. Holman’s Mxlls, N. 0. A er’s Sampum: was reo- “W536 ti me for mmlwasgln- â€:3 to doubt in 013133 . Ham; 5% meme, “mm ha: 0 ' 33 W0 ï¬t. 1.3“? Memo emaciated from loss was. That the effort told upon him minced by the Interim: steps with a he let: the chamber when the house and by the additional pallor of his uThquepler give 39-51:! gather “'3 Monday that-noon. They “h"‘ned umdltnm (#823,690, II! t†' MW! expendituu of “7% the tom out!» to: which hi“unkem- Wmmooo, “ohm of Quebec owe the govern- â€1] money on _aeconnt of integreet. Htory was afloat today that Mr. F"! had left the city and would ‘1! than out 0; public lilo to ovoid the "anon. It. was also stated that Mr. Wad uttered in consideration of Mr. “J’s withdrawal to cease prosecut- Thia was no doubt given the to by ltGreavy'e temporary absence from known: entirely contrary to Ms 811310123. It is extremely unlikely " may be contradicted, because Mr. PM no longer the power to wish- ; The charges having been made m be on inveqtlgatjon,_ond it ")9 blooddisease. Untflthepoisonil :xpelled from the system, theme“; be no cure {0, this loathsome and was my Therefore, the only W treatment is a thorough course wssmadlhâ€"thobmdan :oodp mï¬ers. Thesooneryonbegin ;delayisdan8°¥°u3- “Imuoubledwithmiorm f oâ€"hail gunman MA- is, says we “I may, ugh-1y well, but in the several little mhemdo he showed signs of mg. Hedoesnot also his yolce wave a whisper, and oven all-mild " ‘â€" 'rvvuâ€"nv-n-vuu' “I. l'hriho lowest tenders were mm 3! Droprwwr UI uuv auâ€"uvnâ€" .. v v has been compelled owing togrestly in creasing business to make a new addition to his already eommodious tacsory. He has also added a lot of new machinery. particularly two new looms. and is now prepared to turn out all kinds oi full width blankets as well as allkinda or checked flmnele. Mr. McKay turned out an anemone amount of work last season and as he is known in and near for giving the best of satisfaction we have no doubt but the present season’s work will be W than ever. Mum Wmen Scamsâ€"Mr. wnliam McRae, our popular and live agent, has pieced in iron: of his residence a splendid narrator market scales. This will be a 'great beneï¬t to the farming columnar“; should MLMVO been out oi rep-um some time. Swan-r Gama-On Saturday a couple at!!!“ of boys raked up the rubbish on our and carted isaway, and' by "sum "15‘ appearance at this beautiful male "mlyimnroved. Thaw, Innovationâ€"Hr W . monasteendsanedupandui‘srisushi wnuu uuuuu. nun- _ __‘-‘ the 24th for the Sabbath echeol aéhoxm. A NEW BELLâ€"The Methodists are few [re The ladies have collected $40 to pay on it. We thank the ladies for the energetic my in which they heve forked to collect the _ A_n__j_ A. ADI-AI- 1n Wuluu vac; u-vv -- v-_-_ money, and also the friends of other denominations for their kindness in con- tribntinz to the organ fund. Cuxsn-MmmG.â€"The ennnel cheese meeting will be held in the cheese factory, Klrkflold, on greening, the 29d day of Jun , .___._-_p n'h‘. Alrxuvlu, on 45m." , __ ___ as 2 0.111., to elect ofï¬cers and Made: osmi- business. All patrons; as requested to attend. A Tnmvme Ixnusmr.â€"Mr. J no. McKsy. prong-tow: of the Kukfleld woollen name, ‘11-: ._.l_.â€" ‘A “Lil. 'I‘I KIRKFIELJ). [Wazoo of Tm: Pos'r.) LAcomcs.â€"ancrs are looking for rain. ...... Tho crops are looking very well con- sidering the dry weather. Plenumâ€"Tho lodleo’ old of the Push}- torion chprcl} ago a successful picnic on L _ LI. -ALA‘I -AI‘AI-m house In In. nun-n. unu- -â€"â€"- ,, W engines, one 20 and the other of 30 h. g. The mpentere will be at work next wee . hieh will and it is hoped that the mill. w employ eight or ten men. will be in opera- tion by the end of August. The company have bought all McArthur 8: Martin’s pine and cedar, between 3,000 and 4000 pieces, boomed in the big boy. McDougsll Brandon’s mill will take the place of Mr.J. Ellie' . they having p from him the lease of the site and such puts oi the machinery as were but little injured by the ï¬re. The engine is now at Mr. Robsgn s stand that their new m will be much the same as the one about to be built by the Pulp Mill Octâ€"[Gazette “nun-w -- ____ -- cesefnl masiosl initmment' rectory.- [Gazettm - A Boon FOR m Pumaâ€"The Pulp Mill Co. are making preperstions for the imme- dxste erection of s ssw snd shingle mill, and MoDougell Btsndon will probably not be is: behind them with mother. The flrstisto stand I. few rods south or the In muss-5 yasu v .1 _ and organ factory, which. he said, would employ at least one hundred hands. He expressed his willingness to give $10,000 for the stone building, the old sawmill, part of the water power, the ve and Msryhorough lodge, and as y were oflerediorthat sum a good while ago to Messrs. Sandforddc Walsh he can probably getthemif hedoes not change his mind and the executors do not raise the price. He left after a very brief stay, with the avowed intention of returning in a few days to see whether any of our moneyed men would take stock in the factory and what terms he could make with the cor- poration, but he has not yet returned. He did not profess to have a very large espi- tal, but he is able to buy the property and puts his money into it. There can he no doubt about his faith in the projech in- wumeâ€"vâ€" _. ,7-' _ meeting is to be held inthiseity, beginning May 21st. with headquarters at the Wil- lard. This meeting is called in obedience tothewisheeoithelargennmber o! heirs of the Robert Edwards estate livingo in the different states, and in accordance reso- lutions passed at meetings held in Indian- apolis and Rankin-Lâ€. . . .Mr. A. Edwards oi Meninmeomin oi NILE. R. Edwards, eating at Louisville on â€"On Friday otlast week a Mr. Andrews from Detroit was at the Falls looking at the Smith property with the View of pur- chasing part oi_ it and establishing a piano Ll-|. I... .mul mar-IA “Iv yous-a râ€"-â€" vvvâ€"r. 7~ ~ 77 7 , , per pound live weight. The best of the lot wee e pure white helierthree yeers old bought or Mr. Wm. Suggit. She weighed over 1,500 lbs and brought 876. Mr. Cop forwerded e oorloen neerly every w during the winter, end will buy even more largely during the summer end tell. He buys lembs, sheep end hogs es well es nettle, end pays eqnelly setieteotory prices to: ell 0! them. Tm: Enwnns Esnmâ€"The following persmlgh releting to the eetete of which Mr. E. Edwerdsotthisvillogeis oneot the heirs is from the Louisville Courier- Jonrnel oi the 24th nit.: "Judge 0. M. Matthews of Neweestlewes in the city lest night, end when seen by a reporter seid: An early settlement of the Edwerde estete, I think,ie_insight.‘ I oeme tothe ei _ A--- _-_.-_e- I-.. _ FENELON FALLS. . A BAD Femâ€"Pride: lest Mr. Joseph ‘Nevison’s fourth son Arthur, eged shout fiveyesrsJeiiirom thetopotthehsnister (down which he wss “tempting to slide) to the floor of the hell below, sn sustnin- ed rather serious injury,esthere wsss Reshbenesth his chin sud hisunderlip woe out completely through by one of the upper teeth, which wee knocked out, sud twoor three others wereloosened. Ashe wse not otherwise injured he wee soon st ploy sgsin. but will probebly keep on the bouisterâ€"for s time at lssst. LIVE S'rocx Suntan-0n Tuesdsy morning Mr. John Oopp sent two osrlosds of cattle, 43 heed, item the Fenelon Fells station to Montreei for shipment to theold country. They were nest-1y s11 urehssed in the townships oi Pension and erulnm. the price page heing from four to ï¬ve cents _._s_m. ML- L-_5 ‘3 5|.- 15. and aims 1- «is-@9911- Benetton $54110; 3nd P Sound Nu' gown, 06,060. In; Q1251!!! the ALI-n LOCAL NEWSLETTERS 000; Ktnénmn. â€gm Given Sound, coo; Pact Boat. 35. M875“; vol-ton, $54110; nnd hm Sound Nu Wt M Whom. hove". MN m m â€in“ true-ammonia“. rat to Inu- The! mmuuymupNMouflul torthooomlngflwdyou' nomad!!!“ mimdmmtln the calm no notnumorono. Amen Minimum-ed '0‘. at $150,130 for o revision of tho vom'um ond 8175.000 for the can-III. Tami-Also ovouoot $0.000 to M“? mmmumuotmm Afï¬liation win: the experimentol hm hackle! Onurloouu-yo on public works on tho‘ following: K188!†mvlnlz dock, “15â€Â» ow. mm W M m publlo mamas. 85.000; ‘ ‘ custom house, 86,â€); Toronto dun Iliad; 340,000; Wolkenoo pogt-omce. $8.0“); and qu building“ 81,â€. TM Ohm ggmugmslltflg: m "Lb“ QM: uï¬nuflhbtflw ‘ ifrst,andnotat all in the way that Mrs. Noah would have advised. But no matter withwhetcueend systemthcmoving tut kmplished, there is any: 0. Tower of w confusion before everythingis located indie new house. If left to Wmthe furniture family would never hove and stall. . , . ~'1‘hemiaelegend ooneerningaphnttht shriek: when torn from in native soil. My‘fhaï¬'étiï¬ fable chestofdnm dampipe shriek groan inner.- cudgot Whig when m from A An AL- A“ an... .. tion. He know: well that if he stays at home,he will be required to ride over to the other house on a. load of furniture; to carry the parlor lamp mother sent at Christmas; toholdthe‘mantel mirror in the vsn. He has his choice between doing that Ind nailingdownthe carpet. His wi'e, rolled up to resemble an Egyptian mummy, stands Mr. and Mrs. Larkspur are representa- tive of half the familiesin this city at'this seasonot the year, when the head of the household is in receipt of numerous tele’ grams calling him away on important busi- ness which demands__his immediate uten- “No. That’s only the girl falling down stairs. 'Shehassteppedon abal- or soap and likely as not spoiled it, but I expect she would leave it I said anything about it. Now. Mr. Larkspur, will you, or will you not, carry that cooking stove in and set it up?†â€";i’}atho:;' set it up for the boys,†ground Mr. Larkspur, but as his wife m not up in the classics, she dign’q catch on that time. 7 “A month or two. Cesar Augustus, it‘s enough to make Rome;hoyvl to hear you.†“Is‘ that an euthquakef’ inquired her husband as a. crash was heard that shooktho V‘rere can’t be found,†answers the wit. through a. mouthful of carpet-tacks, “but {on will ï¬nd Marcus Aurelius in the coal 011, for I put him there myself.†“Woman,†retorts Mr. Larkspur distrac- tedly, “where are my household gods, my lures et penates?†“The liars are right here,†answers Mn. Larkspur cheerfully, “but the children an all the peanuts, poor things; they are nearly starved, but we’ll be settled in a month or two now.†. 7 “th it howl, Mr. Larkspur, I’d just as lief. But you know even Rome wasn't built in a. day.†“You don’t understand my explanation? Then I will give you an illustration. I kiss you thusâ€"this' as not audacityâ€"- And you kiss me back, and that’s recipro- city.†Shekixedhimback, andaflush asunder And soft as the sunset’s dying splendor Stole over her face as she giggled sweetly, “Tis a. system that takes my heart complete- “Wife,†says Mr. Larkspur, who is 3 teacher of the classics in a big seminary, “ do you 1919' where my Julius Caesar can be found?" herb his made my warm Matias, and vi has no doubt he will amend In his new Eonâ€"A let-3e number 0! our Beaver- ton boys were home from Toronto and points went for the 24th. Pmoxmâ€"Mr. D. J. McDoneld, late proprietor of the Ontario house, removed to Chemo: last week. where he has taken ghoqel. Mr: McDonald dying his gtey For the fostering of friendly trade relations A system of mutual interchanging Which Blaine bass. long time been unna- Los'r. â€"Wo understood tho: 3 number of nimble oracles were “minoplnood’ on the 240bbyporuootromn diam who were “oelobnting.†Assam â€"Rev. D. C. Johnstono of Knox church was absent at Woodfllle Monday nod Tuesday attending the meoungo! pmbytory. _ _ _ “Praytellme,†she aids: they stood to- gather By the garden 38% in the bright Spring weatherâ€" “Prsy tell me, and tell me without ver- hosity, What‘is meant by the system of recipro- teeehere nttended the North Onterio teeohere’ neeocintion et Uxhridge on Thundey end Fridey of hot week“. They eeemed well pleeeed with their reeeption in thnt thriving town. er 331.1351.“ 03?â€;an enin; ve to on ev lent to ettend the high clue entertninment given in the town hell. Comment is not neeeeeery. Sumee it to any thet everyone wee greetly heneiitted end inetrncted. We congratulate our Cenninnton iriende on the very exeelient teete they diepleyed on thieoeoeeion, and wenreenrethnteelong ne they keep up the etnndnrd ot their con- certs en they hnve this timeBeeverton will never foil to nttend end help them on. SAcmmr.;â€"i!ll'lh§° Wt inof the Lord’s supper penned Knox church on the ï¬rst Sebbeth in June. 14030831: is flourishing just now. The boys geem determined to keep up their city!†“Tis a. system arranged betwecn two na- town....Mr.Rod.L5¢udotColdwii1-m ink-tweak" â€Mr John Bruce, barrister, spent Sunday in town. Luann-The hotnro given in Alann- druhsuby Mr.meononlIonduevon- Inghntwugggatum ‘ _ puud onmost sum-tally. ‘- ~Pnsozun -Mr. J no. new or bronco “cumuluthekth ...... Whale gm .9! Feds-r my: Month! in BEAVERTON. (Germanium at m Pelt). Mnemâ€"Tho alum ï¬ves: on tho‘ 25th was very good And “'1an Losizi‘hyonng India lost. nbouttandanuxo. 1‘ my ï¬ve mbyupplylnctom. 01mm Immâ€"Hr. Route: Gounod! hu thoronanly renovated M. the hotel. From top to bottom It ho- boonnowly pops. odondpuntod,mdltu notably-mum: to the workmen, Menu. Fm a: Lur- oon or Woodvmo. ’3 ‘ A. ‘ and Putnam-M1. MN! Mum. Boynton mm!“ Ol tho Llnduy coueguto institute a the 24th at homo moon Mandi. the 25"! In I 31} Minna. All the W ,vo’tbei‘l' photograph: qn'tbe wall and tho RECIPROCITY. â€"Detroit Times. mach-a m “it JOHN noun nail at my wareroams in Adam’s Bloch. apposite Hurley 5 Brady's store. You wil ï¬nd itthe Bargains in Furniture Lindsay Chair Factory. Wednesday 3nd Edd†nominal. Thosbovo mmorhuboenwm thi- ranto until the magniï¬cent new war. “NORTH KING " in complete than In! sum. Fotlnfomnuou sddreu r. c. mums. Aunt. mm. c. H. NICHOLSON. 0.. r. GILBERSLEEVE. Gen.L-.ndP.Ast. 4% Mauser. mam Ont. Port Hope EU RYDICE wm leave Cohonrz duly. Sunday excepted urn-[VJ “7.9 sm.;PortHovont245L 111., on otG.T.R.y an!" humankind: and math. for ohm-mic. N. Y. lavas Chum N. Y.. it 11 Running. 9. muons»: Indus“ p.1n.‘ udSotnrduu EVERY!“ Rim,“ 33$“ gmwï¬-ggmsmï¬ wag pé’ianv â€W†, should his ï¬lm unlllll! an 91?deum BMwanoB weanâ€"In. Nouaodwnbmamnaonta cola... 3.8 gm} 0» 6100960. we. U05. 6†E E UN. ‘E «EWJW‘PDI» Te mporary Arrangement. many days the house and the people, domestic and p013, begin to draw together, and that magnetic power known, as the in- tellect of love makes a home out of what is only an ordinary house and everybody begins over again from the baby to the cat. Why do people move! Thereasonsareas varied as the movers. Ashamansubmergedina wreckageol moving and he will mumble, “ because I marool.†Inmany ceseeit is a choice between moving and house-cleaning, choos- ing the least of two evils. Sometimes it is easier to move than to pay rent, and itis the landlord then who beats the air. In these days of hygienic improvemente people are careful to look after sewerage and local- ities to shun the blue flag of diptheria and the red flag of scarlet fever. Moving should mean a better street, a. more reï¬ned neigh- borhood, a good school, and a healthy home site. If it does not include all them, take a homeopathic dose of good advice, “Don‘t.†â€"Detroir Free Pram m - GHEAPEST I’LAGE Ill TIN] ON AND AFTER MONDAY, IAY 4th, thingon thence of the earth flan a at whose folks have just moved. Naturally shethinksh'omtheoontusiontlutthe end otallthingsissthand. Bhewallnoverthe mirror-sand pictures that have always had sacredaaocishonslorherubeingboyond hem-reach, mdaeescdistcmedimage of herself, bristlingtoraï¬ght. Thanshedie- covers the cheat, and retires pmcipitwely into abarrel fllledwlth crockery. When sheisntlastatthenewhousasheretusesto be comforted. Dogs attach thegzselves to persons, bntmfovoplwen. Shoisua- other misï¬t in 913121in of misï¬ts, butane:- YOUNG WOIEII family reckoning is lead-penulled on the mldingvdoonuniflnwindowmm m1. BornJ'unelO,1889. Hurrah! Tom. Thirty-dzincbesmllJflytThu‘ istbomnrkotJim’s shovenheodontho rollby tbosido baud. Ah. well: nobody sawmotborkiutbatspotwbonsholott tho oldbouso,butsbodid.for Jim moved In: you-alongwayoflintoannnknon coun- try. 7m ONTARIO s'rmmsou Theroisn’tamondeaohtnorhm “llionw ! Mlouw I†IVew Advertisements.- 5qu etira satisfaction? The Steamer Jogm Eagle); YOU magmagmnr. for "Lents and Chlldren. mmwm.fllmm1.2 Shop and reddeonoz-W to 8:. W. Church. mmmw.mmwmmmm mo and.†Pump Futon. sud respect- mm solicit: 3 cannot the (row ummwm . put up In that notice hayputol’tho du- tflot. “damnation summed. REPAIRS In uyuundedto. Garden bin-.11 solid deHreodnpmot-sugdpn. V Model, Gene and Force Head Mp3, also Common and Cistem Pumps m 9! your bndneu' â€" 47-12. Oman: in Barton union-mum Boom. Had-.7. April: 1891. 21 mo man: the PEG!!! mm 000“? or narrow. con. Gun upltal among. This company does umonl Minimum“ ad I would loud: a rm mm 00. 0" CANADA om murmur- and owns-«Nutshel- danoel Into an! manna-bio Mon tron loubyflroor lightning-adhudcnoooror ll IDS“ PUMP VIIIBKS. dwdmmswmywmmcumhmm donut. mpdwummmubenludm low. WWW» The following correspondence ex- plains itself: nu Int lav. m1. THE LONDON MUTUAL You Pull the Cork “Harvard†Does the Rest. TOIIOAN “5% as. “It. mt. pygblo mly Apply If: once toâ€" DAVID J. ADAMS, m c axons. PORT PERRY, ONT $500,000.00 eta. Ida-nu. .ln ERRORS III YOUNG and UL]! lack" ofï¬Ã©inmmcinwv" .oured' "51' HAZELTON’S CHAS. H_ BEGG Wan 5in 1' J. E. HAZEL'I‘ON, Warm TommOnt. v. Avril m. Ian-4918. IISIIEPIIESEITITIDI CORRECTED. 0'. H Begg. ‘. Caz-neg JOHN EARSEAW, . H. BEG-G. maul-1.1m. r 7 .. r3â€.â€" A I. \ at}, a .33 .I4Ihoun-Onl .4 Mangold, Carrot, Turnip, Ole Timothy and all kinds of Garden and Field Seeds! ENGLAND and FRANCE Direct. GENERAL DIBILI‘I’Y, Quality is good and prices Ify Stock is now complete and quite fresh, having been as usual import- CONSUMPTION IMWWMNW C Also agent [or the celebrated 17x. BRIDGE PIANOb and ORGANS. gm}! su, ’thxgng alw’ no 0 oven, Rubber Balls and Lawn ‘ Tennis Sets. mmmuthmnm so 3 ma up. Newman-Bowman. DonWtox-zethevooanwmmu G. A. METHERELLflS N hm gamma-an - ï¬mmmmï¬â€˜ Ceiling Papers,Cornersand Decorations BRONCHITI S WALL PAPERS. â€My maimem-gg. G. A. HETHERELL’S M mum-a. Wand-000d hand-Manta WW Modular. m III-veslbtothomudlou (or Ileana gun. _Psgflalook_ig¢out_tor_m windowell 1'.- .I N D . A7. “MILAN 17th. 188.â€"l5. SPRING SSEDS. EDMUND GREGORY, Gamer Kent and Wflflam Sheets. Flax-Seed Emulsion 0'9: “all". And! 2. 131.47. VALUABLE SAW MILL and TI!- m Lam-s m3 SALEâ€"Thole VIII- maniaâ€"nib i mega» mm“ miroarABLg 33101: 3:31. "MUG. â€3.3â€â€ And “5mm. WILSON, 18 1'3! PLO: 1'0 GIT YOUR G'. A. MetheIeII. E. Gregory. flAXfSEED EMULSION COMPOUND BAKING [POWDER THE Cw K’S BEST FRIED- ‘B-OOIATION. 7 www.mutwudwmu muhmmovme-odandnoM tit-u “looted Thin «man In. boll muwmumymrnyga W,llumu Vnuw M Mun-ear: H 8 AN BEWS, m~nmmutmmmu mo TelephooeNo.†mum Womnummnuud and“! mmymuumum ï¬ " iii: All mummmm sanded“. Whalintorwhmhï¬t’snmw «1.8!: :Cornerot Willi-mum m ugh Dallcuplno'l. mummï¬llfl. UNION CREDIT PBOTECT10N WVâ€"WV ism 15:11.30“ one" "- JII 3.189Lâ€"351]. the- Ontario no.“ name. Go. Ofï¬ce: Three doors out at Post 011103. Honor! 5 Bioohupl “an. Wm 45094 Terms. them â€Am FOR SALE. 300000331) BRICK. ur taxmanâ€. Gamma; M was and good Meson hm“ BRIAN GUNIGAL EE OLD RELIABLE BRICK runâ€"Established 1870â€"! hsvem- “outï¬tting: amp ties return all per km. Forwcbym maroon-3nd nos-Mme:- OARBENTERS, BUILDERS, 56. momma. W. m mmmmunm mun- WIDDESS ARMSTRONG, GEORGE DOUGLASS, MINERAL WATER. MARI-co Liam tor the County m AuinMâ€"IC-lyr. 0‘ Aociimuiaiéd tuidi....,.. gm lawn: Canaan mm. mm mandpnumzmsulowu any othern- company. The settlement nth-o. Ann-communa- mm mmgumupgaumm O 5 mournmn. mmmmmu :tln'oflti mm». Mutton, Chronic mt. on Mgmtâ€"m , Won 0! themes-mill! â€unwell-noun!“ $30,000 m1 “Mantle-nuns.“ “ wmmwm 00.. m [88MB 0P “BRIAGE LIGEISBS. mmwmum “.mmw DUNN’S ,UNIGAL’S LIVERY Eudo Mineral Water. IOHARD BRANDON. I m 01 m. m SOLD BY ALL DEALERS. é: MIPDWTQN,’ A MY All)!“ MYNB Han-mags Licenses. J_-. L930Â¥2 Cowaox-Iynu of. â€EUDO†LE LIVERPOOL AND LONDOI AND GLOBE INSURANCE comm Glut-1...... ...... ..-..â€"- _.MM S. PORTER, FIRE AND LIFE. BARTHOLMEW all! ma â€Wham. mcellaneons. Amt gov-nu!†and “MID, Ins umce“ j\ WW V'i'