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Canadian Post (Lindsay, ONT), 29 May 1891, p. 8

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WE lawnmow- 25c. Silk Ties and 65c. Felt Hat knocks them 3!! crazy Everybody a wearing themâ€"50m pond my Toilet soap- compoegd of purest material. is mild. heallng and softening. Dencatelr perfumed- Pm“- 134 King-at. weeâ€"trieronto. may be consulted at flue Oriental hotel. Peterboro. on June 13th. 11. It. Cluthe’e reputation as a mechanical genius. tor overcoming all cues of detox-mines. such on club teemspiuel curvature, paralysis. bowlego. etc. is well known throughout the Dominion of Canada. Anybody ruptured will hear and see something which they never dreamed could beuone. A revolution in moses is im- nonding. Come and seaâ€"514. local-Kiliaby 85 Kennedy. nurses Wanted-S. Cotton. County Council-T. Matchett. Just Iho Thingâ€"G. W. Curtis. 'Windsor Hotelâ€"T. J. Overend. Do You Wear Bootsâ€"Hem 8:06. A Slander vantedâ€"G. W. Curtis. Live Fowl Wantedâ€"C. E. Grantham. Woollen Mills~Horne Scn. Maxipoaa. House and Lot for Saleâ€"Mrs. Burriban. Rent Estate, Insurance, occ.â€"-J. G. Eyrer' _ “A H, n--- The Mystery Soived. It sneltber open back ortront. It is made by girls end women and worn by men and boys ally. It is sold the some as a. cool: by chest measure, that is 36. 39. 42 inch, the neck band bungeelt‘odj notable end having no buttons. It will t Any sue collar, 1: is a white dress known as Measles-’5 improved pazent. Meseer’s eat night robe has neither buttons or bum es. and la sized 36. 39. 42. «heat measure. Those gumente are acknowledged to be the most wonderful. tactical. and comfortable in- vention of the n e'eenth century. They are not sale by all fires-class dealers ln shins. You can get one an approval. Gwe 13 a nun-5+2. Emmett-Whit}! um. mug-u, .. a...“ _.. V_- -_ the handsome read more. Lady Bell. by that noted horse Belmont Star. This colt. in color and markings. possesses e striking resemblance to its sire. and, Judging from his blood-lines. we let that he will have any amount of 'fio” in in when he reaches maturity ...... Mr. ch hes also a. number of colts on his term by Mucxle Wilkes. out of dams owned by leading home- men throughout the district travelled lest sea- con. and that are min being returned to hlm. They are of good size and smooth confer-mutton. Indore well worthy of e careful inspection by breeders in quest of speed. Stock Notes. â€"Mr. Burt Mean] of Yelverton is now the 1‘99! possessor a large and handsome trotting. bred colt some tea days 02d. This youngster is bred in the “purple." being sired by his popular Empletgnianr sirezndnokle Wilkes. no out of ___ __..... 11.3: “A“ fit! thnf Localâ€"J. Noelsndfl- IMP-Robert Brynns. Incaâ€"Sans of Enzlsnd. Wantedâ€"Chane Broa- 00- Men Wantedâ€"Brown Bros. vuu v~ vâ€"â€" ___,, m Window and Door Screensâ€"J. G. Edwards. Buds” Property tar Saleâ€"Wm. McDonnell. Situations Vacs mâ€"A G. Scott. Cannington. â€"We direct attention of atockmen to the 15de in onother column heeded “A Slander Retuted." Itnppeere that a rumor has been circulated to l the efleot that the stallion Just the Thing was ‘ not a truism-ea horse. Mr. Curtis was. how. ever. equal to the emergency. and at once set shout to eflwctunily stamp entail ouch melteloue rumours. With this end in view the mutter wae referred to Mr Henry w ede. secretary of the Canton Clydesdale Assoc'ntion. and who, as an authority on matters upper-minim: to the re- tion of Clyde-doles. stands preeminent in a. The answer received is entirely antin- hctory. and knocks the “creators" outin the very that round. 11:311- nnd honest competition “with truthful criticism will do much to improve our equine stock. but such contemptihle tactics no the shove ehonld be within the reach of the hr and the Doreen-tors thereof mede to ”serve mfln anwmon. . "The genial “Tim” states A. _ .I.“ L... -“‘A 9.... cl...- LINDSAY, FRIDAY, MAY 29. 1891. ou.n....-_,., __~ __ you and the nick: uid stones. â€"Mr. Nathan Day of leon. who has u- nkind such commendabio enterprise to intro- mg high-elm Percheron: into this disk! “secured “other acquisition to his wing diner His latest mmroia the sturdy Clydes- dflolazwdmn. [m5] 3. 0.8.8.. (15990418. p..- 336 only arrived mt week horn Top-Gal- «I-J__A 01-... l- IAâ€"mg ohu‘cnndn E. mummw an‘unu w"; cu...“ -â€"4- .-_v_ .7 __ but mm . ln'oolorsbecutifnl out brown. with m; tad “of feet. noworful well formed m V w, ad towed by mold ww-dbbmfidqfl: We Licenses. J. Bm'n ox. (of the firm 0: Button 8:08., Jewelers. undaBS )v Issue:- of Marriage Licenses for the County or View-4L“. the d' . R EA D on the mpg: Surprise Soap can be used on anythmg; everywhere; Takes out the dirt; makes “ the wash ” sweet. clean, WM”; leaves the hands soft and smooth ;W'th°"t boiling or scalding- 01¢ ‘WASB DAY. 517sz JO TTINGS. Bur on EARTH. SOAP. “Surprisen‘ ’ a". T8210 0 m1“ Clnthe. l and return, $23 ma return $30 )' and Wasfi ~Britmn Bros. i'his Week. 2.933%: SANTAL-MIDY :gm'ggfig mmmmmoqm 91° groom“ hmmmnm 1th mmMMQ-m .whohuex- mmmmmumum m in intro- w this district Mums: of an)! Clydes- nm a. (1 s. .mgtlxoea'lm mm “the cum 1m nuance-on mun-turtl- Tonur ooltownodbtmfiecrm “Wan-loo- or the «ii-5°13 mum“: “WWWMchw MW the residence of the bride's tuber . E. Inland. by Rev. Anderson. St. Peter’s . J-W.MoKenzie.B.A.. v.P.A.Mohood.K. Angolan. Ont. toMIuEmms J. mamâ€"m wwxuw up“..- -_ __ _-, _ _ Ma 10:11. 1891. William Meaghan youngest son of m. Manhol- otOns. urea 24 yous- “Her-ere heelth toall that we love. Here's health to all that love 118. Here's health to all those that love them. That love those that love them That love us." Do you notice whata large circle'thia with for health includes? and will you notice the refer- ence in not to the mine cup. but to a standard medicine, the "Golden Medical Dwavery.’ that can bring health to the large number at Manda we each love. _ True. it is not a “beverage." and does not inebnate. but is a health-giving medi- cine, a blood purifier, liver invigorator and iget:- eral tonicâ€"a remedy for Bluoueneae. Ind gee- tion and Stomach troubles; It cures Coneumn- tion. in its early stages. Scrotula. Bronchitis. and throat diseases. __â€"_ (Continued from first page.) death of the Lord Jesus Christ. The life of the God man was a ertect model of a pure man- hood. He tumisged not on! the example but the grace by which they mig t form their con- duct in accordance with it. To be Christ like was to be in the hest sense a mangand to be a. true man was to fit for citizenship in that world in which they were. and in that to which they hope to come. He wished them all pros- perity as men. aud as an order. and prayed that they might ever be known as the best men in the best country in the world. GOD IN THE VICTORIAN AGE. Sign 01 Mill Saw, 8th Side Kent-st. AND 3231' GRADES 0F BLACKSMIT HS’ COAL. Delivered at Lowest Prices. SGRANTON GOAL McLENNAN 85 CO. A FARM PROPERTY â€"0n Weanomy. the 24m7ug_91_ Juno. next. "9: 2 o'cloox. ,-,~---.- Anvvu. I“: mm, at the ELDON HOUSE. WuODViLLE.’ we will offer for sale one or the boot iarma in Ontario, being tha property 0: the late James McPherson; being composed of Lot 4. Con. 4. Township of Eldon. containing 200 acres. with a new frame barn 50x70. with stone foundation; good log barn; trame driving shes; large trama swelling honor; good orchard: Well watered with never tailing optima; lé miles from horne- vilie.... at the some time will no ofle.ea tor anion VALUABLE 2 ACRE LOT. with large dwelling house and stable, in the VILLAGE OF MANILLA...HPurohnser will have privi- lege of tall ploughing. and will go: possession lot at March. Immediate Mon given to village property. The highest bid not neces- sarily accepted. For turmer‘garticularu. a my to!) McCltIMMON. LORNE “.13, 0:8! ‘01; MciN'l‘YBL‘. MUUNT FUREST. Arohioaid finial-L6 Antiwar. Woooviilo, May ll, nude”. Apr}: 8. 1890.48. Wholesale and Retail Agents New A d vegtjgemen ts. 6731710}: SALE OF? VALUABLE We: an. a: ¢. a; HDB'RHIIOI. amnnmmcmmu EtcLennan 0'0. mm mm m 011â€"161: on SMELL. CHAPOTEAUT’S FOR THE CELEBRATE!) #695:qu swim. on Tuesday. , 7L -_ _.__Ma¢- an“ ind: ' 335.0- W’ 'In‘ Ett'ammpodnvqm ‘Jamie Allan,’ ‘Lord Dement,’ ‘Glear Grit Jr.,’ JAMIE ALLAN no ' pent! 01m m. Aron. m “mm 00., Ont. Wfllme allmited number of more. terms sen-on of 1891. u (allows : WEDNESDAY. leave his own sable It Argyle, and proceed to Bob Williamson’s. n: noon; thence to Hector Campbell: hotel. for night. THURSDAY. proceed to ' for noon : thence to Glenn: for night. FRIDAY. proceed to Horne}. for noon. thence to Archie Shaw's. 4th con. Eldon. tar WU. SATURDAY. proceed way of Lorneville and Amie to hie own stab 0. lot is. con. 3. The above route will be continued during the season. Woes permitting. DESCRIPTION. JAMIE ALLAN is a deppled bay With three white ieet and the nest lore toot white. He stands 17 head! end is exceeding: kind natured horse. He poaeuei excellent bone ing very fist and cleen and splendid muscle, With an exceedingly good constitution. He has all the good mints which n Clvdesdele Stallion ought to have, (or he is the fac-simtlc oi the Chem- pion Stallion 0! Scotland. and when over there we: bred to 12 of the very finest registered mares in the country. which conclusively proves that :3 I. two-yen old he wuconaidered first-cuss. end ending at the head of his breed. Fooled in 1888, he is e finely pro- portioned horse for his age, being a most wonderfully comp-ct and well put together horse ; end inst yeer he succeeded in putting 11 cut the 12 uni-es bred to him in foal. which nukes him 1 very sure horse. PEDIGBII. JAIIE ALLAN (7847). Vol. XIL. imported in 1890- bred by Juno: Anna Clavens, Dundonnld. Amine. «led in my. 1888. and bv Skelmorlie (4027). Vol. VII.; 0. sire. Top Gaunt (1850). Vol. IV.. 3rd sire. Dunloy (222) Vol. I; 4th Biro, Conqueror (199) Vol. â€": 5th sire. Lochlergus Chunpion (449) Vol. I; 6th sire, Salmon'l Chunplon (737) Vol. I: 7th euro rumor (284) Vol. I; 8th sire Ghncer (838) Vol. I: 901 sire. Young Chmpionys'n Vol. â€"; 10th sire, Bloomfield Champion (95) 01. 1; 11th sire. Glmeer II (337) Vol. I: 12th sire. Ghncer I (336) Vol. I ; 13th sire. Thompson's Back Home (335). Dam. Bell of Clavens (8019) Vol. XII. by Young Conqgerqr (961;) Vol 1; 5‘, site, Conqueror (196mg mu. n...- mu. l’nflm n VVM‘uv-v- .--_ ire, Ronhowah’irovJoclE 696){ gm site. Lofty, nun Lofty I, (4393 mg a , Farmer's ancy (M); gaggs‘ire, y 9,3113: Ghncor. (153); gm sire. roomfleld Champion (95); W sire. oer II (337): W tire. 01mm (836); W sire, Glmcer, 31in Thompson's Block Horse. ( ). Gnno Dim brought. from Compbolltown by the [no George Smith, hurieston, Dundomld; sire Rob Roy (714), Vol. I. For further particulm see Stud Book. - v- -... ---V r Tinaâ€"To insure a. tool only $10, treble strictly in February, 1892. Single loan 35. cash at time or service or will be regarded as on in- surerl mere. Pol-ties disposing of their msr's before collecting time must. pay to: insurance unlessthey can prove to my motion tm themuessreuotln tool. Alleooldentsetrlsk bf owner. ,HE (No. 1096. 7 C. H. B. of mud). The prom of m mo, Argyle, out. Will sand for I limited number of mue- lor the In- am: of 1891. u (allows: MONDAY. my 4. will luv. Ml on cable I»: nghugn. 94195-934 WW or non-gun. to macs-ma (or am; tunes :0 mum (or the nuns. TUESDAY. will proceed :0 Sam”. (at noon: than“ to‘ tame Brush. when no will "mm (or m min. mmmw. will Ducted to hatch mum's Hotel. mm, to: noon. “d to- lnun {or the night. ~. “memh' LORD WéDERWENT THUBSDAY. he wm pm to Bout- ley’e new. Gmbrey. where he will re- main m the wt. FRIDAY. um W to m Banker's Hotel. Woocvme. for none; thence by my u! Lmfllete In.“ Bea-nob. Lot 13. Don. 8. Arch. M the um SATURDAY. rm proceed by m e! weevil!» m Weeaune. to lie mate in mm when he will remain“: lance morning. The cave route will be central“ Cu» 1;; the eeleon, health and W per- 9386801310! m "DIOR“. LORD DERWENT 1096. ha :pludld du-k bu with Mick pomu- not» white nhhn. Studs! 16 £335" ”a“... 2%. $3... “‘"" 506%“ u: an lit um uotting;h s k_lnd_ horn-ad “by? ”by farm" tip-7»?! at“ he in In «it?! into fill moi I owner. wxu. WY. Argyle. May an. 1891.â€"5+tf. FRANK BASSANO, - ARGYLL'. ONT. E IMPORTED YORKSHIRE COACH HORSE (7847) 8.3. 3.. [1835]_ 0. O. 8. 3., -'_,__._'_,_, nudging (or 'iioon’; ETHEBUP. Bananaâ€"413219. u Arnie. Bell, Km and Berlin A child can purchase as cheaply as a In. HO PIANOS and ORGANS. motion nmu; ho - which fetch the hlghut - _..._. _. _..l_. --- 0% "not A] In “W Luv-luv “mun-nu". wâ€"_ _ : am prize, a he mad-Entho’he-d of the many eelobntod ch- of coach box-Ia. LORD Dam-1; 1992'. v3: bred by me outlaw ,A._ -1 31.4-- u.ln‘_ wall ”Alli" m‘n my..- ed breeder Hr. Wflvinzton. o! Byton.lflton. end inconsidmdonoielugesnmo! money, beamethepto wotwmhmnock. «Rockw- mfilfley. oonide. He was then imported by Wither; of London. Out. Who considered him meanest mdbeutbredhonehe had ever {upon-fled. sued by Gazer-1117. m Milan bone. which never took mythlng hue a first prize. end {mu-buy transmitted to his colt hh'own splendid qulliflel. LORD DEBWENT‘S dun by My 670- ad dmbyBflnhntwl;8:ddunby Fellx1060; «Lam by Commodom 704. For mu pedigree eee Vol. 2, page 41 of the Yorkshire Catch Hone Stud Book. mâ€"romsmuzooouy. tobo pdd m of Febxuuy, 1892., Single lap. 88.00. cub named-onion. unoccuhdownthnmmwmbe oduormmryluummmuthetuntoo. waded-mat bontumodrqzuhr tome homorghezwmbeghugodthoumeuu m . ,- ,- u.-x_ ____.A_ n..___. with ted. hm. was at their m More toning time must pey mu Immune. whether they are in too] or not. All Incident; 1! risk 01 omen. Hues insured loeing their colt- shell hsve the eer- vlw w Illv vâ€"Anvu “v- _.._7 him. Mel pm two «Biennium the wove hone. or putting one or more unre- to Lord Donut me! one or more mm to ‘mear om Jr.." my blooé stallion. eon knock $1 per head ofl' the iuunnce. Absolutely no second price. Moe wishing to lower these terms an use their more! elsewhere. GLEAR GRIT, JR., veoéeufioue. 20d can, no Brian. TUESDAY. proceed to Oekwood for noon: thong-e to '1‘. Brnnker‘e Hotel. Woodviiie. tor WEDNESDAY. proceed to Lonc‘e Hotel. Inmeviue. for noon; thencetc Funk Benson‘s. lot 13. con. 3. Amie. tor night. THURSDAY. proceed to Smith's Hoteli Cu:- ningcon, for noon: thence to Comma-old Maine. for night. FRIDAY. proceed to Win. Beird'e. Pineaoh. tor-noon: thenceby wot Solenoid.» Green- belt. for night. SATURDAY. proceed to We HotelH PortPerryJox-noomthenceeohieownmbie.‘ ”mayhem hewiii rennin till the u- wmmm. Theebove route wilibe continued Wt them DECIIPHOI All) PIDIM CLEAR GRIT. JIL. is e brightbey.withuniiehr on tonne-d. Be mud- 15.3 and lovely compeaiy built. In bet he will beenhevetyeiceeni n. ‘11:» Grove. Beyflold. me am by on mu. m:- . m by roan: 30m. Groom. Argyle. my 14, 1890.â€"53. [lune-u nut-cu; uv-â€"- .._-_ â€"-"â€" .VV 71.8” Y“! - loot. 1111887110 took first prize, an two the Togonto Exhibldgn.r§pflj since then hu him: A _- ‘x- I...) .1 .L- ' oonotbe thoroughlytnoedvowmnozmw mm.“ “Lama“, m undoneotthobou munc- In tho Ibohovned. Shell-Inner been cal-odd»: nth tuulehmdnngeouldbomwmhulmmiuum orbotm.udnonnpmumbsb¢uormm mdmeM'uddgmdoucthdth M «then onlv: Glen- Gflt 859, the sin of Amber 2 25;. Flon F. 224â€"}. muonm 32% I. (pacer) 2.19}, Flot- omG (gum) 9 2‘; 2.18;.Douldlon . M 'n Gold Kin: 2395.12 Kitchen 3.32 . “new“ rmomunnnoo. PM Mac nae-before collecting “'0 “guy!" m union M “I no" to my mumatthemuummth tau. mmmumum Gait, 2 ”km 2A“, 3‘. Patrick 3 m. ‘0": 2 22°33“ GmJIt‘IMSoI-md 010$.th belonddmhlnm Alum" undead Mon. he maximum undtook out whamughonium. Thom wanmzw mount then: but WWW.“ who {onndfnmsmdnooumoomundln LEAR - - ‘ A _- ‘A_._AI- .dll m wank-buxom”!- A. mm - 1.: wk u” 19. Ianâ€"58. V [E THOROUGH-BRED TROT- TING STALLION J. WETHEIIUP, m " °°"‘ $1ng ‘mm ”film People are keen buyers nowadaysâ€"money is scarce, and the endeavor to make a. dollar spread itselfis excusable. We purposeto make it as easy for our-custarners as possible. TAKE TEAS for instanceâ€"We have several favorite brands on which _ we have been enabled to reduce the price, owing to judicious purchases of large quantifies. A considerable saving my be effected by trying these lines for the household. Many small lines of household wants will be found cheapeued in price. Quick sales permit us to shave the cost to the consumer. In tire CROCKER Y and GLASS WARE Linerâ€"Necessities in every household â€"perhaps the cut in prices will be the more noticeable. Tea and Dinner Sets have been marked below cost, as well as many lines of Glassware. Hanging and Stand Lamps have participated in the general cut, and are selling low. Take advantage of these chances, careful housewives. - â€" -â€" d A mil-f T Nov. 1” WM- “I.“ mm.luflh.m ALSIKE, RED GLOVER SPRATT KILLEN. NEIL M‘CPH The Pubho are cordially inwted to call and Inspeof our Stock 'of Staple and F one y Dry Goods, Mil/mar], Gents' F urnlshlngs, Ready-mode and Ordered Clothing, Carpets, Cur- tains, House Furnishings. Mil/Inery Is a Specialty wn‘h us. TIMOTHY SEEDS, To Show it to us before Selling It Will Pay Those Having TERMS - - - CASH." KEN 1' STREET, --AND-- Spratt d: KIHen. “132m: .91: N911 Hcfhaden. . LI N DEA Y. imâ€"chies in every household mble. Ta and Dinner Sets have pf Glassware. Hanging and said are selling low. Take advantage of cmnnn, TAMI-Y GROCE R. PM; gm», SPEJ mug-1950‘ WA M Wyn ‘We buy for Sp Goods for your ' salt your how of myiné not. with inner-ea: u Our MR. WA WAR We are Io. “lamâ€"w. tho MPAN, H unbound We have m PLAN OF mr or A Read stfmmZ‘ They a JAMO '. June TEA

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