[PM 1' {ha alibi!"- 7 .073!“ .n’ “a", ,. “mp I. . nu "‘7!" hauw‘ [ght K ’l'klE Ltler» Holt, '0 ‘3', . M ‘. be run 0' a; d .1?“Ib___'f m. wni Klan-Yo 'm arenas; nln v. . nl my "M'wï¬; . In THE ruff†runway OCM‘M hen.‘ â€1 “Iâ€. w I of thn an. LOWE] m Y‘lnh- of Ohio. (0“. mum! m. in me C“. :slu-d In 0“ .50!“ in. order made in mg 'N vs: nsemeu “- __.:‘,,A_:,____â€"-â€" __.._.â€"â€"â€"‘-' wt ni‘ 0F JUST“ nvmux. Ta 37. Ils’l‘.‘ TRUSTS- s’ Tm; 01:â€. Day of Maul 6'. In Mum». A80 .1: n... m.‘ Total-IO m m! lrmm uni 6“ ‘nl-\ n (v! vb." "I.“ numb. ll‘d 3:0: â€':: u hum by an: NH! lm prfl‘fl‘flm‘ r Ir.‘ a». M v . 1393- “mm. )1ch 0P0. [I if?! [991 £4.63 _, , I A Zen 5 '1 0!. are any n.1- . .u\ I4wv“ umm' g I M ay Bay/gram: W A. GOODWIN, Next the Post omoe. Headquarters {or Alabastine Sanitary W311 Colo“. Adamantine Floor Pa’nte, Curtain Poles and Spring Shades, Picture hummus etc. lax P .\;"..I: 5 mm re. s: 00 To 5 cont: A 30m. “-3. .. . -, A". ,, m! M2225 rue M $2.00 1'0 “Dd?" 179 Pl‘h 29. “393â€"51. LIMA“- qu ‘3, 1993 -â€"39 years and would bespeak for Ms successor, WM. G. WOODS, a continuation of their favors, assuring them that everything possible will be done by Mm to merit the same. in retiring from business desires to thank his numerous customers for the very generous sup- port they have given Mm during the past 20 years and would bespeak for Ms successor, be necessary To wind up my aï¬â€˜atrs it â€:1; “mm. that all accounts and notes shat mumâ€: an with to my successor, who ettle liabilities. ammbgrjjgen tkfgt jg? Gegts’ fumg‘ghï¬ngg of all â€mm m- ads; for Men’s, Youths’, Boys’ or Girls’Hat's in me or feat ; for Clothing of all kinds, Overalls, etc, you can save money by making your selections at Are MM and Uomplete with Novelties at Special Prices. Now is the time these Goods are required, and Warner 8: 0033 is the place to buy them. We have just made a large purchase of Noveltlés in Gentleman’s Neckwanr at less than 50 cents on the donor, and are otfering three special drives at 106-, 200. and 25c. 03Gb, worth just double. We show a. handsome range of Men’s Flannolette and Top Shirts, White Shirts. Linen and Celluloid Collars and Unï¬t, Handkerchiefs, etc. Prices away down. Grand values in Men’s Merino, Cashmere and Wool Socks. The best 25 cent Cashmere Sock ever shown. Full lines in Men's Cotton, Merino and Natural \Vool Underwear. Bracesâ€"the best values we have yet ot'lbrcd. TN HATS am COMPANY, \\'u 31â€! kcvp up our reputation for having the best and most reliable class of goods at. lowest prices. This season our stock is unusually artrzmiw and prices are right. Full range of sizes in Men’g, Boys, and Youths‘ Suits. Special Bargains in Men’s Pants. Men’s Odd coats and Vests, together with some extra bargains in Cotton. ade and Duck Over-ans, Smacks, J umpers. Jackets, etc, in all sia-x, colors, qualities and descriptions. CLOTHING W.» m showing the verv Newest and Nobbiest shapes produced in Straws. Felts. etc. Full ranges of sizes for Boys, Youth: and Men. Girls’ Sailor Hats just half price charged elsewhere. Boys’ and Mt-u‘x common Stmw Hats, and a snap in Men’s Black Straw Hats/flunk IU dozenâ€"regular price 50 cents, but they go at 25 cents me I x . IroLtME XXXIII, WHOLE NO. 1757. Aye Full and Complete with Novelties at Special Prices AALA~Afl-A_I,, ,, USINESS GHANGE. ,fï¬â€™ï¬nr “Sun BLOOD runnâ€" AA‘ __.. “i“...- 2mm. Gents’ Furnishings and Eat and Can Departments 37“"? d.‘ M i m mg 'luslit . gnwuï¬btomwh. yBlllg‘ggefl- on.00!!! “gag-he £313. Nervous Down Ida-var “m Dov ‘ldlsqmmsln gum “A v: . .n' L/onsmutlon P: Imp ’ a. have; wee- 00mm. . t up in mg: quart The Great Bankrupt Stock Men. desires to thank her many patrons and the ladies of the town and country generally for calling upon her in such Fashionable Mil/inerg é? Dress Costumes Room- ovor Warnu’. Dry Goods non. :01: to A. nannbothmn’a Draw ~ mom. I‘lNllinm‘u (my! Mantle! Making: taint Nowlï¬vn m Sty/link. Illiuhï¬qry. ï¬'l8’1’0’â€(lb’e designs in Ladlen’ (â€ostumes. Adamantine Floor Paints Curtain Poles and Spring Shams, Picture mexn;. to. MISS MITC IN GREAT PROFUSION AT Warner dz C'om Quay, W. A. Goodwin. Miss Mnchell. numbers upon her opening; déys. E. Woods. OOIDS, i. WOODS, LINDSAY. @3113 @ummum Mmmmmm own-0W†‘ ‘ 1'. a. ï¬rearm wmmwwlm Tapnqup-mmMnntntnng EVERY WEDNESDAY EVERY FRIDAY For 3mm: Column Woman“. Brogan, autumn: in the To Bloom 19.. to to Battle without chase. Cm on- wm lave Toronto st 11.30p. m. EVERY FRIDAY HEAVY AND SHELF HARDWARE J. G. EDWARDS 8: 60., hols patent Lever Expnndor. ononted Instantly; all me atandnrdn no amonthe tumult; steel. unusually Nah; the blades are all reveralble: handles nfljn-tabie. and In inc: the whole tool la n modclot ctr-numb. durability. convenience and etflolonoy. For «In by -8 mammmm This machine hoes. plows. cultivates. opens 3nd covers better, eagle. and at: times tuner than the hand hoe 1n garden and markht garden work. amen! onions. root crops and mum nurses! stock. etc. COMBINED Horse Hoe and Cultivator gggacuan Pacific Razlwgl Combined Hand Drill. Wheel Hoe, Rake, Cuftivator, Plow. J. J. WETHERUP, Lindsay‘ Sign of the Anvil. â€Mug. May 11.;‘593â€"83. a PAhTI-ES PEGPLEE Q POPULAR PIANOS and ORGANS Guard mumooAgent, B_ank_or and Broker. J. H. SoorHERAN, Special privilm of ro-poymont on “night low: ofl'ercd to lumen and other: desirous or changing their mot-mam. and having their in- terest reduced to the very lowest rate. The out is small compared to the â€vial! exacted. REAL] ESTATE bouaht and. sold on Commission. or my term not acceding twelve month. Out: Advanood on [armory we 8010!. M Paid to:- nomine- Ind miniature- PLANET JR.†MONEY TO LOAN I have recently had a ooneidmblo though limited. sum or money placed with me for inning on fume at 5} per â€"cent. Patties wishing to burrow on tho-e term: should not deity to nuke application. Large amounts of funds at slightly higher rues, according to security. In most cosee solicitor workie done in my omee. insuring speed and model-no ex- 91 Kent S'ireeiz. magi]. October 18th. 1892.48 1". OTELTO RENTâ€"EBB DOMINION HOTEL. corner 0: Whilst!) And Peel-om. Lindon. This hotel hu olwan been tomod with a liberal patronaae. ond 1 good mu who will attend to buuom coo nuke money. Ammo abobllnc and ohodtx'l'om â€bard. Ax- fslga to 5!] .18. SOO‘IHERAN. Lindaâ€. my 9th. hounéhold remed ï¬known. For 6310 onlv PHILIP MORG .Drugglas. Kant-at. Ll VV SPRINGS UNEMENT h a am can 3"? MIN F94 mvh‘yfll - Tâ€. b!" It Lowest Rates on Mortgage Security. 0: on approved Index-nod Notes. OR SALE. â€"â€" Cot at Sturgeon Pointy J. H. 8001‘ AN. Lind“: “119.133.4574. WHY WILL YOU DIEâ€"When HOT A k spgma's uxnumr n n me can N OTES DISCOUNTED YO-UR GARDEN. MORTGAGES CHANGED! New A d vertiaamen ts. Importers nnd Dealers in J. 0. Ed wards. _J. J'. Wetherug J. H. Sootheran. m on. 3.. min. â€"on WAY- ALLALL a. mommy“. LINDSAY, ONT., FRIDAY MAY 12, 1893. STURGEON POINT. FINE PROPERTY FOR SALE. Two or Three Choice Lots a'iiï¬i’i' 3mm; need reï¬lling. mum. the noun. w!!! “and to this tux-Jon.“ Prtou right have adu- u n__.._‘n_ __- ._ n. PLANTS AND OUT FLOWERS. .1 App!) to IRS. ll. MCDONNELL GOUL- TER. Madm- Any 8th. tanâ€"57a. UMMMA noun ml. awn. guru 10. Isaâ€"u. Not only In Watches do we excel. but in the a:- un: of. â€muscles pro- perly to the moat dim- cnlt mono! eye trouble when slums m metal. BRITTUN BHUTHERS. HANGING BASKETS WHEN BUYING WATCHES 'ENERAL SERVANT WANTED. New Advertisaman ta. OUSE T0 RENTâ€"On Ruuoll street. some: ' '1.“3.'1')T""mna' -:“o"m"' “"3..." ‘ To". 8125-0011 lumber. Imam-mam ' Our mottoucood. Minna-tuned.“ chap an own:- an shoddy. Com m tho cm: majority. JOhflSIM 3133011. Wa have one but turn Iolo 9am and has 5093 at 31.95pd sygwtgh :2. W LADIES.â€" An elegant range of J, D, King Co’s. ï¬ne Ozford Shoes, turn soles, diamond tip, C. )4 and D%, widths at $I.50, $2.00 and $2.40. The handsomest and bat wearing goods in Canada. Foot of Kent-8t, Lindsay. An?“ 19. 1893 -â€"5L Aothhmoonozthoymm Johnston 6: Susan. two considerations deserve nt- teution, viz: Price and qual- ity. When buying, PRICE is, perhaps, uppermost in your mind. After you’ve bought you lose sight of price and QCALITY becomes the chief thought. We can and will gi\e you advantages m both. The care and attention we‘ give to the subject and our practical experience enables us to do so. m xomm no: â€oil. 1.: door out Du! Hana. 14ndâ€. Button Bros. "mm†... '- gm‘.‘ .::: “mm": . w 10 " "ma m: ’3'“ s . Io Baum-Kn. Radium-Em! hon m be. an M m to m Cum Ur.-Bouo alt-aha b an 9!"!!! “ON-Ind "I'm 1!! Mnmuoxuuâ€"Wm. Spence. 3 young Jamar living nlone on the 0mm llno, took hlo out girl so Lindsey loot Mood-y, not the knot tied. nnd commenced hon-e- hoeplng on hle own (um um I: he. The neighbor boye mug the “cute with n unborn mmMmuL.....Thm on. tumor: um wo has n young and. re :iding among at, One: on it nothinn and happen- ed). but um vlllngo m know. has no egalinOourlounphoolorm ‘ m Ewanâ€"There in e ne- '0‘ imminent here between n Jewnnd Connie ‘ nodler. For short we will all them “Moon" end "Barney." The in». w lam-wind trodewben Mono- bynomo mun- dleoovoned ho land not complied yin)!“ by by 139m OM This Goon StamAnxul‘no council In comply- !Ilz with the by-law bad have M an 8 n. nldowslk mm: or use mw houlud tthudbmn mg. Iona-0d tho homo recently occupied by . G. Bentâ€, and Ian token mention at It ...... John Murphy. outlon agent. now outdo. In the buck cottons recently oeguploé by Cont. EL‘OI. _- - 7 7 lanai Bursa-7333:“ Thornton ha and hid nae km to Wm. Baton. nd ho'ygiyulgglly you: rouge Lay» [1119‘s anxxion John Bonneéizonnm. leave: “all weok for 3 low monthn' vmtloo. winch he will spend In Wuhlnflon unitary 3nd Msnltgbu. ()Mlx MEE. Camden“ d Tax Poem! Bonnxsa.â€"There ere coneidereble preperetione going on with e view to building new hon-u, receiving old can, eic..ihie spring. The brick work on the 81ch residence is ebonc completed. eiter which the meeene will continue the good work e: the new poet cmee building. . . .J. ‘1‘. Pei-ecu ie building e tine reeidence on George-en. which wilt. when com pieced. be en omemeni to diet pm at the viliexe....'rhe tower on Curie: church in being emerged with e view to piecing e bell there in the nee: future. eddreee, end eleo led nu excellent emu- In eeverel eelecuone. wnlch reeelveo much epnlenee. Mr. Boyle ot Cennlnmn eleo geve e epeech whleh wee well peepeted end wee delivered with much eerneetneu. end wee enjoyed bv ell. There were never el eoloe.eee..whlch helped to mete up one of the meet pleeeenc evening entertelnmenu ever given In Sandal-lend. Weaneedey evening, 20:13 ammo. The ohelr wee taken by our eneemed citizen end brcther, Nell Mchedden, who direct ed the prom-m ln s very plenum manor. Tye Rev. l§1r._ Deng-y _RIVO en excellent 1'6. 0. Eâ€"Ono of the moat “maul Open wanna. ever given In this village by go I. 0. _O. B. an. held In the town Inn on Panoxkfl3Mr. Comic Gbrdon bu left (or some put at the nonhuman he Intends working to: the summer months a hand CoscsnT.â€"The Oddlellows or this place holds coucrrt last week In the town hell. which proved s success. Mr. Hoyle of Csnmnmen wss present and gsvs 3 very interesting sddress or. the principles of the order. which em some at our merried wo- men thinkinn, end no since trying to In- duge their husPendAe to join. _ 7 HARD u‘ Wong‘s-air. Ji-xï¬nu Doblo in van busy .3 present rewiring hll store, which Is occngled 131 315?. B. 5;. John. lOouunondenee of Ta: Poor.) Rncovxmso.â€"We on pleased to he" the: Mr. Anderson In oomlna «round satin. Be hoe be: u undu- the ekmul treetment o! Dr. J ordlne. Accmmr.â€"Mr. Freak Renaldo hep- penoa with whet might have been notion: oocMent whue nnloodlna e bone: of been. no dipped end the hex-rel rolled on him. ‘ FARM Rheumâ€"Mr. Wm. Young he. looeed the old Patten homecteod for o term of years. We wish him succeee In his un- dertnkink. Goon Bvsmnas â€"Mr. R. Roam lo 4 doing-nouns umuummm‘ planing um. Go ohood, th. LnAva.â€"We notice the: during the I out tow week» quite e few of our mr nex hue taken their depenuu rot Toronto, ond If many more no our young men will be dinooneo'nta. . . .Mlee Osborn. our popu- lor dreee and mantle maker. who hoe been here for the peel: few yous. intends mov- tng to Peterboro. where she wm open out In the some onelneee. She carries the boot wtghee of zhgivmuxe wlth her. Boos: ï¬gmentâ€"Joseph Edwudoâ€"w bu HARTLEY. [Compendence or Tux: Pas-n] Flsnmo.â€"Grcnter euoceee men ever he ettended our hoye who here once more teken their ennuel trip totheBeevetton wetere. in the purenlt ol thie eceminaly greet. renumeretive lndnetry. . alumnaâ€"Now ee the weether hee net in ï¬ne our iermere ere busy getting in the eprlng work; not e momenta loet by the induetrlone kernel. PERSONALâ€"Mr. John Spence or thin place. who hen been for acme time ontolog- ed in the grocery hueineee c! C. M. Web , Toronto. he recently enaeged with Mur- chleon a: Gilchrlet. generel merchente of Gleam. Cannon Nomeâ€"The uerement or the Lord’e Supper wee die need here on Seh beth lent. the eervice in: ebly conduct- ed by Rev.Mr.Mervln,peetor oi the church. ‘ A Goon Sunâ€"We ere pleeeed to etete ‘ thet we hove here omeuized eeoclety c! Chrietein Endeevor. We hope the young people or thle community will teue deep interact in thie grend end noble work. beet-inn in mind the: eucceee in on! due to eech end every one coneclentioue y doing hie or her duty. Remember your rewerd ie cure end doth forever endure. Hold up the good motto'Tor Curl-c end the church.†Impreee upon your minds the greet velue of your eervioe end the amt reoponeibllity meeting on eech or no towerd our fellow- Inen. Let eech o! no then grew at our present 0 portunlty thet we any in future veer- loo heck with hleeeing upon the ï¬rst step: of thin glorious ceuee. lode: r hunc- Mover. ï¬e mmvm mun-wool. mzwAmâ€" 0 would two-Wily mmnmdaomnwwmmm armuummuu tom-tuna. Ifmunodhtomdmhnt untangle.†dummuboxhomnnotm “WTIIILA “gag.“ ou?6's£lfln n our vm.“ :- m. flu 0W autumnal la Manama-taunt); 1. Ban . 86 In WM..." .3: “m " no u. Evan-Tho lumen In this vicinity m mm M owing work, the 1m nun luvlna thrown them behind. ‘ Woount anus. â€"Mr. John Mex-7. woman-9L9! Kirkpdd wppuon amp. hu 1 LOCAL NEWS-LETTERS 6. 3. Wm. 3511: Maui“ gust. flmm ° m -_v _ "â€"vâ€"vâ€" â€"â€"â€". @536“, I539" W. Ind ll 2; SUNDKRLA ND. KIRKI'IILD. may h}: Poem] F. W Wm. Wendi M Number 0! the Youth'l Con- .15. pubis. 3mm Mn awry uyunmlloon lung 3 worthy mmbuflonwthColnnbhnn-r \uuldu M M thovofldhnmnuu. In mm m â€pub, no lo. tin-ammonium 1am Maud to Wic View: only». u~ ‘ quad buildup crutch lute up the "White City) ‘lthna Mummmmhg‘nphahun colon. Macaulay xPncnnd‘ Imam-ask: Hm.unduhlzhlym It may trial-“tho WNW-I’d: Alla. i z Import and laugh". -A Double hum of and"; {or Mny in the ï¬rst at I. out. at ontolo- upon the 1mm of mo Ammo-n oqulno world, under the min 0! ‘Vumm 0! lb. Mun: Tuck: 3...;qu lull we Mutation: album-h the truck. whlch will be {allot-«d by com- ?!“ mm of tho ' King! of the Truck" And Tumou- Pmn.‘ by the nuns mum: In meccedinc luau o! 'Ouunx.†had combined will [om “no-t mutual“ hlflnrv of the development of um. pumly Man mutton. the Idea 11th tau-non hone ~11» I“! W Name (or [Av own. with III lawn mount 0! the rot-unn- o! Plump- Brook- Oo am Univ-rim]. both an n student tnd NW- W. 11.. pp: 1: by Dr.M¢nndor ‘ KM the well-known Guam-Idea dwlna, no I. Indy And thy mum vmh sketches by Louis A. glam. ad from buoy-1pm ukon apochny {or Igloo-t Oolh r contribute: 5 ï¬ne poem. °‘ lot an inflow: mum. ' A wry macaw § E. 3 § 5' E g f E S u . mmuahh . Moth-rm «may-M'nubotonfl MVWMWM In†tho lo. ad ï¬lled the mlcen with war Ind minus. TM came punte- tlam won "on clan. Thu mm†an M08}.- nnd destitute. mount. ~Mlchul D-vm. utl-Psmoluu mem- be: {or North-out Cork. bu applied for the Chum hundreds. This mount the "amnion of his nut in pulmnent. Mthonah the mktupucy not wow- u man It: montho' gnca utter he ha been docluod . Nahum. Mr. Dum proton nation a once. Mr. Dwm’u hunch! tumbles m «and by the no». unaud- nnt upon the North Month election contest. -‘1'ho mu brim the down of . hum- an. which â€not the New Bdrmâ€. Tho wholo utuomout u the port of Sun!- wloh m chutes-ted sud hat of New Medan“ m onbmnraod. At [chm “Ir Ibrllt'flhed 10.09!) (on- of nickel o-e â€"Saveul boy: while playlnz along the rim In Trenton Tum†were startled by ulna the dad body or a mun lying In four foot 0! inter. The mun w“ pulh-a out o! the water. and was round to b; Abnbun Mon. sued 44, a msmnd man. ad the “the: 0! ï¬x children. Tao 1r: glue coon All" be was rowing on “It var. â€"'.l'ho Bank at Vioborh. at MalbouruI, All!" limited In. Iu-panded. According to the blues shoot or hit Dvcember deposit- umonntod to over £7 000.000 The mum is of m Importance. The bmk had new Web». and Its Landon an :e m 3: 28 Clenonu lune. E C. Thn mm act-(bed no In! of the but In £20000) The Rub a.- m “out double that tad remove: to Toronto at annnul con- tact!“ an“. A Knox colleen student. 1 mum at Penn, Mr. E. Schoo.snve an Instruct!" lecture on Sstudu evenlnsz And on Sunduy preached h. the Pushy tuba church to u Inge conl' action. who were many inure-wad 1n the dboonne and “luau-sunn- aha". â€"vâ€"v-.I-' u..-- u u-vuaw. lull Inï¬ll- Rev. Mr. Lewis of Brechin gave an Ihle a: haunting sermon. Mr. Lewis is 3 ï¬ne plcin speaker. making his points clw. The occuion was the more inter-mung us Itll in all probability the in: time Mr. Bum will he with non a similar occuion, I. lie expects to l"! by for | year any way, -_ _..- .v _ yum-cw nu: puucuuluu. ._, ..... We extend I hearty Welcome. more eepecleuy a Dr. Jefl'en In removing to [And-u tram no. CAmx SnxpPEuâ€"Mr. Thou. Bowen. nook deeler. empped recently the large»: number 0! In and. the! ever let: “1':- m for neutral. These were 143 heed In the 10‘. QUABTIRLY vaxcns.~A large number eltonded the quanerly services In the gougmthrm 9n Subbzth. 7m Inst. wicuw-Dr. Mchuahton of Comwnll [glut-97:9 gt}, unq nuance ht} profession. OAK W001). on of The Post.) Pm“. â€"Mr. John Butler. Trinity ecu-no uudent. 1. home for vacuum. Inning noted I uoduablo ubmiuatknl. and in taking up tau Inbjecta an the Inau- tnu in Lind-u In the Immune ...... Mn. John Barnard 1| “clung 3: Panama. . .. Mn. Brown. Pomboro. la viamnq u Mr . Butler's. (her mama). ...... Mr. Edwin H_9_nuy. Bream, has removed to thin: Math. Dom. Senior third-Loam Fawn-on. Edith Erlee. Ema Geld-ell. Junior turdâ€"Alice Celd well. Geo. Hoovet. Mamie Thou-bum. S-oond clueâ€"Lee Klan. 218:3!“ IA“! Kit}? gamma?“ teeond ounce. ex. or urn. “y Bees-on. Junie: para eeeoodâ€" Welter Moeee. ReeeO'nen. Winnie King. Senior urnâ€"c. Oliver. Mud Damn. Norman Moe-e. Junior nyeLâ€" goes. Caldwell. C. -A- to merit. Sonia _f5ï¬EE-dJ;LI-Sn? vii}: K'nnon. Annie Mono. Rnbv King. J unto: worthâ€"Adding Boggy. Bopgc_McI_.esn, Ilg-oln- TIAâ€"-â€" Scaoox. Rayon. â€"1‘ho following are the une- o! the pupil. who hue obmnod humble standing in their clue tor the month of Avril. tinge! “pied gccordilpu s- â€"-_‘L a ______ _- __.. _.â€"m lu‘i anger And mad. Mm .- com- o .- poulble. Envr ANIMAL-0n Int Mmduy D. B. Carnot! laid . thm-yur-old Durham bad to M813 Bron. um wolahrd 2,000 lb... for which the buyer and cm. This In the but» "ohm" or flash thlt ever w» mud on tho 0mm coda. RUNAWAY.-Jlln Mocmery'l ï¬ne any WMMIWI] on Wodnudny and u a. 3:31} I- now In “so one o! Veal-tun Amtâ€"Than. 8. had tho mm â€In†M: Wilmer on a. ï¬ght hm mutilated In u cutting whim 2a Wage-Aug; Dr._Bmd_d quantum! mo M war at u an: acid." W%h;m:hc. Gum Baden. a Want,“ . . . Ana-mow“ Ned'- od am am he had notwnhsurtonu chdoot ad un- m followed in a few hours uowor man that he had ex- . “Minute mu: wu engaged Mina flu than by Accident com. of man tel}, crushing Mm banana than. TM mm was (and, 5 mid.“ hen. EVENTS OF THE WEEK. PBTIKBUBO. mum-3.1.. Born. at rare-h. 1- a x 3‘32}? Eâ€:!.‘i‘*3.~-.-_HP' C1"? [OI FINGERBOARD We. of Tat Pom-.1 " n'.-..Ul'o LII", '- m; 3 ï¬lms VIII: has um _-â€"v i ‘lu-m wuwvu. V. A. H. Foams, butcher. CVul-u. Wyn plea-nag pang 9; lug-1m EMA-NEW- -138. 3.3.4 2.3.40 .52.... - 58.- bind... 69888.28. 330.95 .3535“. {55:85.8 Elk-flan all. 8856 38818.! “Wastes-«Maï¬gbauaï¬ag Elnaâ€"£531.85! 3533 3593!â€" : AIS-83533051: :83 88583 £353.38“ agaanitgaï¬ooï¬ga 388-3883 .3330 95 «oiâ€"U864 m dug-33h; Â¥ lug order; “d :11 thou who no law In an work of “names 9nd at axiom 1 to: the distraction of the liquor Mo II. Invited to join at In ordar that More any non the cane of drink my not be known Sn our m: Dominion at cm All than who need or tequila my Inform- uou In ntmncotothoordetotnonl Twain! 0! Tempounoo cu: not!" the am Manhattan the BenNeme QMJbLg‘fuonm. a on J. Pym. m a! Conn Had-.7. I†4th. 1'03 Eli-36' me m 159* their full cisim st desth. Thus. its men- her be insured (or two thoussnd doilsrs. he will receive esehyesr oihisorhsrtotsl dissbility two hundred snd any dollsn. Tbs! smonnt wiii be void for four yesrs. sud ildesth occurs st my time during the font yesrs the full two thouesod is psid to the heirs or nisuves oi the deeessed mem- bers. thereby ehowing how very much better it is thsn msny other societies based on the sssessment system. Another-very greet sdvsntsae is, the risks It esrries sre sii of s superior cisss, for being sli temp- srsooe men sud women the drsth rsts is not nesrly so high es in msny other hsnsilc societies; esch one hss their owneisssot lives so any sad no other. We We claim thst it is the best sad siso the ohesp- sst to insure your lives its. sad I hope“! seeitmshsthessmeminmndssy ss it hss done in slmost every other pises where it hos; brsneh ingood work; eoemopoliten in its views and mare-wire in in work. It. provides ï¬ve dollar- 0 week in one o: eickneee, fltzy doll-u tor funerel expeneee. end 3 deem beneï¬t 0! iron: ï¬ve hundred doilere up to three thoneend, beeidee which it her 0 tots! «nobility fund entirely can: end lep- erete from the deech beneï¬t. whereby in members receive one-fourth of their deem beneï¬t eleim ennnelly for tour you it they {$931930 long cquuLamgu. and open for my ens! every one. no mother whet his or he: creed or sect. for religion: doctrine is not to: object. It is not. properly speaking. A secret society, to! no one to bound by my oath only me o! ebsunence (tom ell end every kind of drink. In mend emblem 1. Rainbow and Truth. end It works for the good of mkgnd nepelfelly._ In fact}: I: entirely ' The Ram l'empnn or rompeneee. [1'0 me Eiitor of The Post] Dun Sm. -As a greet many of your reed- ere ere. I em ante, earnest end ems temperenee workers, we, the Royel Teln- pier-o! Temperance, wish I hearty co-oper e. “on In panning on the work of temperenee in our midst. end so mske known more widely the elm: and otj acts of our orasnlz‘ etion, to: Iem entry to soy met euree‘ any people In our town seem to home was Ides of 1:. work Altogether. Ice elm: no to help the weak. to "lee the knell. to provide (or the widow end orphan. end to bury the deed. It to e Intel-eel beneï¬t _eoc1exy. with the doors aged and needy once ahetue now the re- eipieute or public end prince chem! abould be comlurlebly hon-ed end placed 3: “$1.0 lie: to receive help from the public an The town hue, or in ebout to, purcbeee e benutitul plot of ground for public me. upon which a. soluble building or build- inue could be erected. end the piece bonu- tided by ehmboery. end cull lave quite e ‘ oleceot lend eveilnble for e kizchen gu- ‘ den, which could be made nvnileble for the remaining in out of the home; or for the preeent come of the bulldmge nlrendy own- ed by the town could be utilized, nud with the nid the: would bearnnced n ma deei more comfort could be given our increa- ing poor with lime “my “dim bur doc to the town. I throw out these hints to ace if our of 1 um i ormyni encnu $5.39., gcjgggulnte n x%m§ ï¬lm we his!“ home acumen: bonnfles:o In tho Editor of The Post I Sm.â€"-in looking over the 23rd onnnol . m of tho inoneotot oi public decides I noticed tho: theioeol governmenthoo duo ozood dool towords misting o lei-go numbor of housee of refuge throughout the provinoo. butthereisnotone donor m â€Lindsey. Toronto. at ooune. cameo in lumeuon'sshmond drowstothe tune dobont 8231110. not handing the genes-oi hunted; Onowo over $10,000; Dundoo noony sum-even Peterbmuah net- 31,200, oud the query is. why does Lindooy mointoin its home for the «rod end other chorities by local efl’ort olond I thank the town shouldtokepoopersoepstobeploood on tho beneï¬ciory list, end hove her ohm oi thedistribution or the surplus no it is being housed mood. The rovers ohowo thstOwenSoundhosjust boon oloced a: the list It oppooos Shot the governmsut gim obout seven cents o doy towoods the noin- iononoeoi our! individuol in the toena- nized relaxes. I see no rooson why than could not be some united notion oi the whole town sud hove ot loos: one common home for on our necdy ones. old ond young. When the Protestant Home. Pet. «been, woo impound on Johnny 41h. 1893. these were oizhueeu old people and one child; out! when inopooiod on the 20m Sep- cember aboro worn twenty-one old people residing thou-o. Thie home drowe nun: the aovernmont 8568 75 ion- 1893. The House of Ptovideuoo. Poterbooougb. when inspected ontbe 1451: of Jonusry. 1892. unnamed twenty-six old people ond one child; oud on the 202: Soptomoer hon in :esinonoo 21 odnlas not! two children. This tnotionfln drows for 1893 the mm of 8690 06. In View at thoso you _u soemg dooiane tho: on! Lindsay. Mu m: 1893 Ali-mm mawumm: Smâ€"Immstuhmmmm- mmmwomuuu mm “Width. Dommu um nmuMdcm to: on Mar labor-dun. “than mummuu "I7 um: mum-Yam truly. $1.00 PER YEAR. GOXI’UAHCAHOOM. i’ - WWW '1‘". cm. PEW'B >0 ‘L (4