Suit ' of ' ears ANGLIN‘ ’ ’l'o'onm. their em 2 l". " era coins-to the ill be run over! '18 on...†menu 7‘ nd APRIL Pro are free. .7 . _ '2 them: ’v- enamored}! 3" .' :1.) «viii. ord'w. a: “.7 socu‘lw crmsttun \- m b. gh: care than“ ’___._____.__.______â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" Bf voun scoop scan I f “1°†at": â€5;... load Puriï¬er cud Nerve o c. . .5 Wflfgzï¬d Vitality. Cures Constipation. Dyspep- * pm!!!†Stomach- Bmousnces. Liver Complaint. Nervous Debillty. Loco c! Appetite. diseases arising trom Impurc Blood Put up in large quart .â€"_b-‘ and He‘thBown Constitution. price. .30 cents. ~â€" le’ME XXXIII. WHOLE NO. 1758. Warner 3: Com any. I “3.5. that WARNER 4% 00. have an immense stock of Men’s mm: amproof Coats, Mackintosh lb Bons’ best goods bought ' a dead bargain and being offered at about onechalf their value. EN’S BLACK RUBBER COATS, all sizes. We are sole $3.5 .3 Lindsay for the sale of The Canadian Oiled Clothing Co’s. Goods, and carry a full stock of Ole-cl Goats, Jackets, Gaps and Rugs, ~. 55,. fling for heavy, hard out-door work. Every workingman and farmer 3;; by» an outï¬t. If you have not seen these goods ask for them. Grand at of ["lIBRELLAS, all makes and qualities, from 40 cents to $3.50 Ladies’ Waterproof Capes and Circulars in 10 different guaranteed. the Lowest. .-.. anti prices-qualities s WHEN THE SUN SHINES ally prepared with an immense stock of STRAW HATS in pawl-st and nicest shapes. J UBT OPENEDâ€"2 Special ines of Girls’ Sailor flats at half price. LOT 1.â€"500 Girls’ '3: Ha. a: 13 cents each; cheap at 300. LOT 2â€"500 Girls’ Sailor Hats at cm A‘ul'hi cheap at 40c. These are bargains which are selling rapidly. care E-lfl â€l" \ GLOVES and HOSIERY sizior. r... offer still better values than ever before. All prices in Stainless Mt Black Cotton Hose ft!“ Children, Misses and Ladies. Child- n’c 11 use, Deuble Heels and Toes, Spliced Ankles and Double Knees, at .9: uglier houses ask for single goods. Ask for them. An immense in all qualities and sizes, prices fully 15 to 20 1.... than elsewhere. We buy these goods direct from the manufac- ryrs. .u.. >roï¬t for our customers by so doing. Our assortment of loves and JI’ittS in Silk, Lisle. Taffeta and Kid was never so @ mm attractive. Everything new and fashionable is represented in our ‘ ' '. Guaranteed Lower than any house x. and our prices are . ix:- similar goods. Do not think of buying these lines without 5...: wing the special Prices we are quoting on Gloves and Hosiery. lllllEll COMPANY, The Great Bankrupt Stool: Men. LINDSAY. El «3.- oz‘ Cashmere Hose 7 «121- one 1 76 and 78 KENT-5'13: 17. BERâ€"w. Llndssy. .V . r E. Woods. BUSENESS BHANGE. f E- WOODS, in retiring from business desires to thank his numerous customers for the very generous sup- port they have given him during the past 20 ‘. yours and would bespeak for his successor, WM. G. WOODS, a continuation of their favors, assuring them that everything possible will. be done by him to merit the same. ‘ To wind up my a/fairs it will be necessary if: at all accounts and notes shall be paid far th- who will settle all to my successor, E. WOODS. with liabilities. Alley,1893 has.“ \rwl‘, 2m», 1501â€"53. Headquarters for Alabastine Sanitary Wall Colon. Adcmcnfluc Floor Palate, 4' ‘ m Poles and Spring , - Shad es, Plcfurc Framlnu. etc. .Undsay March 29. 1893â€"51. ' . " ' M188 Mitchefl. ’ -. f MI 8 s ‘ MITCHELL: GRAND SUMMERp-MILLINERY OPENING. w d m aawmwoï¬. ‘7‘ He d all mock loco“ nos cud Incl. c, “amusinsrim‘i’sui’s museum) me. pass stylccln - WALKING. trauma and z VENING canon-gs. his run: mom! mmmï¬mmmmmumcwmm ccourcdc ‘ 33cm ova: wan" t: 06¢ dry M store. m m}, "a to LMW'I "it? "mar. May 17. 1893-58. .m Mitchell wi= 1 v.» ~.~/ r... stone." ctc.. whl qusllty, .. . . none or flooded. Got the bee: cud you hove tho choc;- Iu Men's Furnishings we show _c SEE THE YEDDO EAT. Now Is the time to h cud remodelled for uex cocoon. We keep our shop employed the year round. THUS. ARMSTRONG, Undecy. May 17. 1892.â€" _______________â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" HOUSE TO RENT.â€"On Russell street TEE. Uneasy, GENERAL SERVANT WANTED.â€" to MRS. G. H. WI Lindsay. April 27th, 1893. IMPORTANT ' @lye @uhubiun wool. LINDSAY, ONT. FRIDAY, MAY 19, 1893. Fwwegthar Go, Johnston $18501 mu†6 a’ t THE IRISH HUME RULE BILL. Henry Glucoonlng. noun-n; Ill-c. G. M. ‘aua 1311 05 . ._ J. Power. It. Barman-won. ls. Mono can nthoIcctoflcolth ï¬J-wudioozcomww?m ding IILSII um - m . m â€I'm-m mm min-m- â€ne‘mwwm a?» will. ... mbmu. m (tantrum. raw Ilnccc. nounox Mu Illâ€"Ii: the honccof com ' ' DOWNEYVILLE amps. y TOWN maï¬a“. mono Monday SI: J. Bluudcll MlDle(e01- - concave) ukod obc prlmc mlnlctcr Am'wmiï¬"ï¬zl? {ï¬Jm c WHEN IT RAINS Fllmllllco. Mcnunoturlnl rustic". Leadigg Hatters ............ MEN’S FURNISHERS AT N0. .96 Kent-st, Lindsay, maze c lone cud complete dhplcy of mu cnd Caps and Men's rural-blocs. ember. we handle the ucnulnc produotlonc Rem lu STIFF cud SOFT FELT HATS ct Uncoln. Bennett. Christy. Cookccy. Woodrow. "ch; ch Is 01131010113 boo cud will out-woo: all the caper lmlcc- thccc woods wIth whlch the market In cat. We make c spcclclty of SILK HATS- manage m .i-qm-tmonts we always distance all competitors. Our sales gmnggguammta m 3:; m Gloves and H939 have always been large. This season we are ins. gamma, .‘imnmn‘ï¬â€™m. 1:11»; merino. c-chmorc cud. Wool books. run line. In Mcn'c Cotton. Mom “a Nam-l Wool Underpinning. Large sizes In all lines. Men’s Bracesâ€"tho boot vcluc over Gcntc‘ Kld Gloves In Ask to see our Collars and Cuffs. Ask to see Iour-In-Bcnd. The Elcgcnt, Too Court. The Weaning Derby and the St. Bmthu. Bow Ticsâ€"c Iutl range. see our styles. r Bows, stock. the newest Braids In stock. etc-a low crown cud a. wide brim are the load- shown. Colored.Blcck and White. Null“ Shlrtc with scorched Men's Surfs. c full range. etc. Men's and Boyc' Elastic Bolts In Mcu'c Straw Hctcâ€"c larger-once. All Boilers predomin- Ins fccturcc. ’ vs your Furs repaired We are DU.- to do such work ct once. pared Ready Money for Raw Furs. Managing Partner. 58. New Advertisements. MCDONNELL COUL- A 1 to muss. pp ’ u93.â€"57-tt. May 8th. Good wages to competent person. Apply LSON. care 0! Tan Posr. AUCTION SALE â€"ouâ€" Hunselull Furnimra -â€"AND- REAL ESTATE. .â€".â€"-â€"â€"â€"I ‘ d b MISS E. WHITE to offer for strnc e V I PUBLIC AUCTION at the proDr s, cmin solo by Cambridge street. two doors north of Deer-scars. on TUESDAY, MAY 23rd, h t loulu valuable Household Furniture, '1' c 01 8 : Efleots and Dw PABLOB. 1 Plush and Walnut Parlor Sultc. 60 Yards Brussels Carper. Pairs Cur-talus, Bllndc and Poles. Oll Paintings. Banging Lump. Melodeon. thluct. . Wclnut. Centre Table. DmN G 30 DH. Sideboard. Extension Table. Dining Choke. Carpet. . Pictures. Economic Blluds. Carmina. Cool Stove. 1103080- Honulnfl lull-“D- Table. 2 Chairs. onclcxh and Carpet. BID 300! N0. 1. Bedroom Suits. Springs. Mattress. 1 j ‘ Ocrpct. Toilet so". Plctufcc. Um I l 1 l talc: and Blinds. BID BOOM no. 2. Bed Room Sect. Spams cud. Mutual. Crockery. Cutlery and Sllvcr- An elegant range of J. D. King Co’s. flue Oxford Shoe:,‘. turn soles, diamond tip, C. 54 and D94, widths at $1.50, $2.00 and $2.40. The handsomest and best wearing goods in Canada. LADIES .â€" Wc hove ï¬ns Colt run solo ammo cud taco Boots ct $1.85 cud 81.40. worth W1. Button and Loco Boots. Occn undecmmon Bcncc Too.“ 81.35 wot-E “.75. m.- Wc hcvc cu excellent Bollowl‘l'alm Plow Bonito: 81.. J. D. Kurds Groom Boots for tubâ€"colldlccthcr. lvcrypclnumpcd. Our motto ls good. colld. houcct goods cc cbccp on other- cell thoddt. Come with the [not mcjorIIy. Johnston Sisson, m Mall!!!- 330! 81033. n: door ccct Dclv House. Lind-y. All?“ 19. 1893p“. Button Bros. WHEN BUYING WATCHES two considerations deserve at- tention, viz: Price and qual- ity. When buying, PRICE is. perhaps, uppermost in your mind. After you’ve bought you lose sight of price and thought. â€We can and will give you advantages in both. The care and attention we give to the subject and our practical experience enables us to do so. Not only In Watches do we excel, but to the ï¬t- tlnz of spectacles pro- perly to the moat dlï¬lâ€" cult concoct eye trouble when glasses are useful. BRITTUN BRUTHEBS. Foot of Kent-st, Lindsay. many. Mc-v 3. ismâ€"as. Canadian Paciï¬c Railway QUALITY becomes the chief been mm musâ€"L suonr moxâ€" ooarmrcrnoxs mp uncomâ€" sluu. man no A can stun? The city tcthcrc ccccmblcd Moodcy evoc- Inacocmculnthc council chcmbcr. cod buslnccc wcc tckcn up within c fcw mln' utccof the mood tlmc. ch rctcpcycrc wacpcucnhuwadhcdgoncfocmchct tho cccclon would be cn uninteresting one. The mlnulcc o! the lcct rcgulcr mocking were not! by the clerk cod on motlon they were conï¬rmed. common-nous. From John Kennedy. town wctcrwcckc dIrcctor.coclocIn¢c bdcfnpmucc cckcd tor byoouucIl. Tbccolylccm o! publicizi- cccoct rclccod to the revenue dcflvcd from wow-takers by the compcuy. which wcc put down ct $1.200.â€"Becclvcd cud tylod. From Alex. Promo. csklna for ocrbcln ctr-act Improvementu-Retcrrcd to cure» cud brIdsc committee. From Choc. Bcrtlctt, ccklng for permu- clcn to mclutcln c clcu bur-house within the munlclpcllvv.â€"Lcl on mbl . From Inccc Rec cod others. cckInc for improvements on the south clue of Bond- :i-Rclcmd to cadet cud brldpc commu- rmmcs nurour. Conn. Blur), chclrmcn of the ï¬nance committee. presented tbc report. which to pcvmcnt o! cwountc mm- 21; clcotbct the grant or 8150 the Control chcrlty committee bc mode. The commltccc wcc or opinion thct Mrs. McGIllIvr-cy’c rcqucct {or rcmuncrc- ctcn for nursing cu Invclld should not be commlncd. cc the Control cbcrlty com- mittee should dccl wIth the mctccr. The report clco referred to the foot tho! the ourchccc of the town bocplml arouudc hcd bceu completed on very cdvcmcacouc comic; cud ï¬nally Dr. Slmpcou wcc allow- odcrcmlcclouof $3upoo hlclncomc tcx the ucucl dcclcrctlou. wm. us: UVBY uousco. Moved by Mr. WK. seconded by Mr. Kramer. thct. the chclrmcn or the ï¬re coo wccc: commutes bc cod Ic hcccby cuthot- Izod this council to mckc crummcom wIth cccrc. Foo cud Clcndcncn to hcvc c mom of horccc In rccdmccc trom 6 o'clock. p to 8 o'clock next morning; o'clock Scturdcy cvcnlng untll slab: o'clock the (allowing Mondcy mornIuc; cud thct chic rccolutlou be referred to the committee on the cod wokenâ€"CW. A noummxxc MATTER. On motion Mr. D. Duuooo wcc hccrd rclctlvc to boulevcrolng the street oppocltc hlc terrace. He had moved his cldcwclk eunuch-coded wIth last year's couucll. cud hc cckcd thct the other rchdcutc bc Induced to do likewise; clco thctc qucutfty of drcfn tile be furnished him. Coon. Toucnnusx hold tbct the cIdc- wclk wcc now too for out. The couucll should give no mob the prlelccc of mov- Owlnato tho Iccc In quoctIon hcvlng been 9 hcdclcccds movod ccvcrcl scold rod on dork mu. Ccuu. MALLOX pItched Into the chclrmcu of the streets cud brldgcc committee (Coup. Coon. Toucununn unnocccccry dclcyâ€"thcrc wcc no pink to be hcd to go on with the rcpclrc. Mcyor RAY stood up {or Chclrmcn Touchburu cud the committee. cud cold Coup. Mollon must know thct work bod been dclcycd only by tho lctc openlnn of cprlnz-nct c dcy'c tlmc bod been wcc by the committee. Anna oovnnxmxxr-un. Rocvc KYLIE moved. seconded by Cour. Coup. Johnston home (or the cgcd. cud soc who: on ps would be necccscry to obtain c photo 0! government cld.-Ccvrlcd. Coon. HELD enquired of the mover cud seconds: If they hcd obtained my post he lnformctlon rclcuvc to wbct would be re- quIcltc Io entitle them to govt romeo: old. He won conï¬dent tho: c now bulldlng cud other chooses would be eccentlcl. Reeve KYLIE sold his mctlou wcs dc~ clzncd simply to anther such luformctlon cc Coun. Bond clludcd to. noncx or normal. Coon. Bun gcvc notice that he would ct next mocllnz Introduce a by-lcw to mend by-lcw No._397, for the prevention of vlcc. snow woux cousc-rmo. On motion of Dcp.-rocve Cuunm. seconded by Couu. Kxucnr. the time for the collection of the unpsld boxes of 1892 wcc ï¬nally extended to the 5th J one. TEE TROUBLEOME DOG TAX. HEAD cold thct c number of rou- pcycrs had spoken to hlm of thclr dicoctlc- fcctlou with the manner In which the dog by-lcw was enforced. They hcd polo cheerfully. but cppcrcncly there were mcny who had not done co. It was wrong to tckc money from come under the by-lcw who were willing to pay and not enforce the regal-dons upon soother portion who were unwilling. . RAY cold It could not be token cv- doz hcd not been pcld for boccucc he did not wear c me. There might be good ccucc for complclat. how- ever. cut! the cbolrmcu of the pollcc com- mittee (Coup. Mcllon) should occur him- self. TO BUILD A sum srmn. Moved by‘Deu-rccvc Cuxbnncecoodcd by Coup. Klmnr, whorccc It colon thought cdvlccblc to build a bccd cum: on the make: square. thlccounoll recon- moud thcz the mct or be referred to lhc committee for on only Mcyor concluclvc that c hsmcutly. cad polled (or the you cud ucyc to bc token. Mcycr Boy cud CoumBu cnc voted ncy with hIln. ’ TAX mucus. M58. P. chctt. collector. cckcd that to the amount. of $34 10 be remitted chcc cuumber of dccmlnz ponies: who wcrc not In c pocItIon to poxâ€"Beloved to the 3 side“. CumbndBllndc. . - 893003104 â€"Lï¬vc-yccrolddcughbcrofflcctocht- i Ems“- m.1ons,eon.9. Down township, cu- tlccdhccclctc .wholctwcyocrc old. to c i mm. occluded plcccrcnd percucdcd hcctolcybcr 1 Toilet 3°“ hoodoncb‘ock. whcuchclmmodlcbclycuc 1 Iron “1- _ A -‘ . offchcï¬rctthcccnwofhctbcbyclcccr'c _ mom. 1'08 - mined. mmmmmm 1 Ocokm ' ccvcccdï¬cscrc wcccburlcd Inthcpound. ‘ - - ' uccry chh marrow“ Creamy cud “he: , , ‘ .mWBW'Mm. m wnonggnocmcw. mmnyg-‘g‘ . “W'- In Mll.nwm"m.. bwdwcttufrmémmd mmâ€... p... ‘ 831:“ “up.“ .uocc. cccc. A mmï¬v'm ' - ' ' ‘ w povcb w III-Mt'mbofl'cnbym it†macaw“ ‘“ .mu..u .m a “gm-acwcmc Mulch-vb is m:~Mâ€' 1", .i I mfg“ I. z m . u... “cabana-Wm. = surï¬ng-~- ‘. . ..3"'§":"i"" . .5 _ - .93.“.....“.m““'"‘ , - ‘ anti-mi, ' ï¬aum . a coca-chmcc-lch mamas“; - uncommon-cu. hflfl'hww whcthcr tho vcluc of the poetcmcc property In Irclcud. which the ImpcrIcl government proposed to afvc free to the new Irish movccomcnt. mounted to £4 000,000. Mr. Glcdctooc rcpllcd thct hc concldcrcd the cctImcbc c fcbulouc out. but that Irclcnd would cccclvc the pccboï¬lcc property tree of cuy chum. (Hour. hour.) mcoc mum mm homo rulc bIll In committee Tuccdcy. provided whereby the vcgcrl :‘x’ccutlvc councll chould be mm wcc rejected by c vow 303 to 247. «9 it. i TERMS Mr. C. J. Dcrllog. Q. 0.. member for Dcptford, cckcd whether there wcc any truth In the report thct come Irlchmcn on board c vccccl ccllcd the Hun! Klzk at New York on Mn, 11. holctcd a. fl is of the Bepubllc ct Irclcbd. which flog wcc cclutcd by German cod Amcrlccu vcccclc. SI: Ecwcrd Grey replied that the povert- mcot hcd no Norman or such on Incl- dcut hchuu occumï¬. Mr. Dannaâ€"Will the lorclzu (ï¬lcc re- qucct Inlormctlon ccnccmm i 2 SI: Edwcrd Grey-No doubtcroporth- comlng ccbccmlna the mottcr. cud It I. undocInblc to cImolctc coy nmomucu In round to In. (Lumbar) Tho dcoccc on th- Irlco home rule blll wcc thou rccumco. cod the cmcoomcnt cloud by Vlctoc Ccvcndlch (cooccrvcuvr), wcc shot tho blll chould cpccl wltb wbIch the hub lent-locum chould dccl. the lczlclcturc to be be kept ctrlctly wItth the limits c Talc cmooo mom provldoo token up. I, the cubjrcbc pchï¬cd. Prlmc Mlnlcccr Glcdctouc chd thct It would be cbcusd to RIvc the new pcrllc- men! only cubjccm hccc cud thereupon thch It could cccldc. kccplug bcck others. Tho Inch leglclcturc cup liberty to dccl with IrIch cflclrc. (Cheers) no no hove full The CcvndI-h cmcndmcnt was rejected by c votcol 275mm Most o! the oven- duos-lbs Ins wccpcccod on tslvlcl motlouc cocmcnd the home rule bill. In cod dlvldlca .â€" Lonnox. Mcy 16. â€" The house of com- cd tho concldcrctlou of the Mt. Brodcclck moved to cmcud the cccoud olcoccof thcbomcrulcbulcocctc empower the crown. In rccpou cdccccc by the Impcrlcl pctllcmcm. to diminish cud tech-cm tho powcrc granted to the hub pcrlIcmcnt. cocoon Mo. Glcdcumc opposed the cmcodmcut. he denounced the cccumpdou that the lush were up cvcrvbody clcc wccwoctbvof conï¬dence. Bo cold tact jun cc the coco of the Brltlch lcglclclurc shroud worthy of conï¬dence whllc wcrc cubjcct to mmlnt h the Inca-voodoo of the crown. so cool of the blob lchclctul-c would be cub- Jcct to rcctrclnt on tho lbcclvcnuoo of tho vlccroy. Mr. Bclfcur cdmlttod til“ the Irish lesb- lcturc mlahb to c ccrtcln extent bccou- orollod through the vIccroy. but there wcc nothing mcut to Interfere wlth the cedar: of the Irish cxccutIvc. Mcchlncry ought to be In the blll whlch cucblcd pcrlIc- cc of thc tour-clued. Bclfour lib. ï¬nd mlmtï¬ cloned until c In tho bill. The monument Mr. Glcdcbouc dccllueu to cares to on adjournment of the house over Derby dcy. In order to oncblc the members to wltuocc the cod of thlc month. grcct me, which will mks plccc ct the SI: Booty J cmcc moved the cmeudmcnt tbct the supremo power of the Impcrlcl pullcmcnt rcmcln undlmlnlchcd by an! provlco of the home rule blll. ' Tho cmcndmcnc wcc discussed ct some length cftcr Mr. Glcdctonc hcd spoken cucluct It. cgrccd to ocean: the cmcoomcnt on condi- tlon thcc Itc plccc In the bIll be dcccrmlnod by the Rovcrumcut. Eventually Mr. Gladstone Mr. BAHOOI' congrctulcccd the cavern- mcut upon hcvlng thus cloccd c lonu and useless dlzcucclon. The cmcndmwt was then approved. LOCAL NEWS-LETTERS SON YA. [Correspondence ct ran Pos'rJ Coxcxn'r AND BASKET SOCIALâ€"On cc- coqu of they“ woctbct Ihc Souyc brood bond have decided to tpooc thclr bukct soclcl cud cocoon unnl occdcy. May com. A splen- dld “monu- bolus propcrcd. I‘dlcc. bring your bcckclc. Bonn Cancunâ€"Owlnu to unforcrcn clrcumcmuccc the bond concert announced to behold ob wednrcdcy cvoulnu. 17.h Ich. hcs boob pcctpoucd until Mcy 26cc. (next FrICcy cvcolns). whoa cu attrcctlvo manure will be presented. â€"â€".â€"â€"-â€" RO YAL OAKâ€"MARIPOSA. «mo-pom of The POI-I IMPMVBMENTs.â€"Mr. Hugh McDoncl bulbs to buidc ï¬nc born. May cuocccc pro clcccd cu such cum-prides em tor Improve- mcut. . Cannon hornâ€"We crc coxlouc to boot of further cccpc beInc token towards the open- Imr or our cplcudld new church ct Scuyc. Supine-Although tho bcckwcrd cor-log bu dclcycd cecolbzthsprocpccu ct c aoodcrcp in tmstocucu crc rcvorcblo. Ron’s â€"Iu spite of the recent. nice the random Io c vcry fcIr ooodldou. They no ccpcclclly good bcgwccc bccc cod Sous. â€"â€"*â€"â€" IRAA K LIN. [Waco or Tut Pct-ml Snuousu In. â€" Mr. Babb. Groudy. the van. nolc pact mower o! Omcmcc. lccc week wcc vlclclna his cum. Mrc. N oblo. of this oclgbborbood, whollcc on the point of dccth. Noble Inc been ill for tome monlhc pcct cod uulll lotoly her ncavcry wcc hoped for. but the loam- port or lost. wcck cbc commenced clnklng ropldly. sad the cod Ic lookod for by hot mony fclcnds. Bcoovxarsc.â€"Ml_c1 lelvlc Button. we pro plccccd to note.“ rcccvulng trom her noon: Illnccc cud wIll coon be no.0 to n- onu her pom school mctco. ' SAD anmâ€"Thlc community wcc chock- od on Mondcy by the noon of the cu..dcn Henry Hat of flu. IOCuIIy work In. hooclt mm o! ctrlck Mad. cod cbc bccccvc: family have thc cympccby of tho some community. foul bccldont occurred In SLLckc‘c church dudog tbc cclcbrcvlou of mccc loci Soodcy. Pm of c plccbcr cf purlc culllug ornament. wclghlog pcrhcpc one hubdrcd oouodc, bo- ccmc dcccchcd cod fell corrlï¬c ouch. cpllntrrlug pow. cud ccrIk- In: ccvorcl o! the cabal-«gulch wIth the fclllog tmcotc. Mlchcol Dotson cud Mr. John Goo-cub, were ccrloucly Injured. The former rc- oclvcd chroc deep cuts on the hood cod tho [otter cover-cl scvcro bruises. open: the put Witter In Mlcblccn. has rc- Iorosd looking hole and becrty. hind wub seeding o wing to we: wcctbct. ....'I.‘bc prospects for mccdowc cvc excel- lcnx....0wlca co the lclonccc otcbccccsoo more no ccwlngdbu: ahocc enough for own ooocum or c 1 etc wIll be cc:- and :3.qu mayo 9 choose factory will open on under the mcucacmcnt of Mr. A. Bccvlc of Pampers. Mr. Bccvlc hcc provcn himself on export In tho chcccc bunluccn. cod coder blc cbic dlrccmchlp we may expect c vocy cucccccful anon. you on having on much wet in Llodccy II we on In Umomce. ccpcclclly cIocc cbcncw hotel cnd the rclny weather crc blcct. Formcncrcvcrygloomyovccthuc M things Into prlccc. ï¬res. cnccofhlab as likely we hcvc proud tndlcctloo I do not know how long on! mochcn good rcputctlou will lcct. when ccu ï¬nd tune born to tom c loans of Focccccrc for Incur coco ccudldctcc. Forcccccc are well pcld. bobcat-cocoa?! claim the ubllc. If they ï¬ll the position In which thch they on public wIll bc mocc bcncï¬ttod. ccpcclclly tho ccodldctcc who no golng up thou If they open: thclr tImcInccccbllch- Iug Forcctry. Now. .803 but I cm arcctly Interested In the nocult o! mZJnly cxchnctIoo cod would like to can the cccchcrc tclcuu Into tbcfr puollc cod no: bemmlm tor mombcrc fer the Foresters. you tor your cpccc. I cm, your-a, rcllcf cnd tho necccccry wind cc â€of: I bond blowing hcc been secured. ho populcr bcndmccrcr. B. Pollard. hcc been caused. wa Putnam“. â€" Mr. McDouacfl. _ pol oc mr'm'mc ML, “not hccbccncomgcdccbtluclpclofcurcchool PSI-2W8. Fill In Will] an“... MM"? name-tumours cud hcccblmmccucclccvcn- whcrc. soc-ms lot 1.00. 3. Paul. a $1.00 PER YEAR. to the flootwlth c Two gentlemen, Mr. RRIUBEED.â€"Mr. James Gmov. wbohcc Plasmaâ€"Former. sn- consldcrcb‘y be- Cuxssx Romanâ€"Tho Damyvlllc Mondcy nexl __._.â€"â€" UMEMEE. [Correspondence of TB! Poss-.1 Dun cubâ€"l hove coco w I! Infill! cud no wonder. for coking concldcndou. poor crops. bod Invcctuntlon cod monoclo- cnd public ccbool. our mnc to be rcthcr hub. 0! ounce clwcyc In the poo: boon justly of our huzh school. but from pcccout coccnvccthctowuformcm- Accrulcorgcnlccl'lof to bc workIng colcly to: the good cudtoc tho publIc hcvc plcccd chcm tho pcId, I cm conï¬dent latex-uh. let- me ccy. I on no t cud never took c poucy In my use. throwmgcll their time cud the ccclc In the Interest of Thanking A RESIDENT or 0m â€"_°â€"â€" CANNIJVGTON. Correspondence of Tax Poem Bunâ€"Our bond hos cgom bobbed up serenely; the cluccuc hcvc ocmc to that! here. duuec to commence cbout the lot September. He comes to as well recommended. HYPRO'HBM. â€" Prat. J cc. Hodgccu of Toronto will alvc one of his «torment: here on tho cvculag of Mcy 24:11. under the cucplccc ot the Clt.z 113' band. This outcrcdnmcnt ls highly spoken of by the pm. 2418 Cmumvrrox.â€" Luge pocccrc no out onnouuclng c big time here 24 2h Mcy. The bone nclug will no doubt Le one of the mcny cltrcctlooc or the dcy. lecrcl prlzcc wlll bc nlvcu for nthlctlc sports, 006. A LONG 1?er Nun Suntanâ€"A new Industry has opened our to our town the put week. which has provcu c couvculcuoc to our cltlzcnr. Our ludlug box-box. Mr. Plphcr. hos opened out c repair shop In the root or his bulldlng for the rcpclxlng of Iowa mowers. umbrella. etc. More power to your elbow, Tonga. Hn’s ALL RIGHT.- Teller Food of tho Standard book In unucuclly wcll gucrdod bchlnd the screens this wcck;ln cddldou to tho ucucl locdcd bull-dog he hccchcud- comc lcrgc moatlï¬â€˜, blg enough clmoct to swollow Intruders cllvc. Tunoamo.â€" We hcvc thct Mcthlccon McLeod. mocchcnc tollorc. ore doing I ï¬ne trade. cc they both bod largo cxpcrlcncc Io Cmcdlcn Ind Amer-Icon clues. Mr. Msthlccou. cutter. uses the hon Amcrlccn cutting cycbcm. They no propucd to turn out Ramona for style cud ï¬t ooucl to coy city work.â€" 53-1. GLENARM. [Oorrccoonncbcc or Tun Poer Esmnuxm.-â€"A grcnd Ounce cué Wont cud lecture wIll be given In tho Presbytsrlcn church. Gloucrm.ou chnccdcy cvculna. Mcy 24th. undo: the cuspIccc of 1.0.1.. No. 935. Glenlfln. Addresses will be dollvcccd by the tollo-vlna rev. gcuucmco and logged: - G. W. Mcrvln. Doc croup. Mr. cud Mn. Ncholcoo ho felt cympclhy of the cutlrc community In theft hour of sorrow cud bcrccvcmcnt. more 0090c clcllycctblclsthc cccoudoocofrhotr who one from the ccmcdlcccccdumcbcpcct tow mcnlhc.